Russia arrests atheist for Pokemon in Orthodox church. Russia banned Jehovah's Witnesses. Mayo Clinic said 20% patients misdiagnosed. German psychiatry protestor Dorothea Buck’s 100th birthday. 2016 Supreme Court of Pakistan "ruled that schizophrenia does not fall within its legal definition of mental disorders. Not a permanent mental disorder. It is therefore a recoverable disease, which, in all the cases, does not fall within the definition of mental disorder." Microsoft Hiring Autistics "methodical & detail-oriented. No interview, instead engineers visit office few weeks to see projects & managers." "Employee Burnout Is a Problem with the Company, Not the Person" Harvard Business Review. "Antipsychotic medication & remission of psychotic symptoms 10 years after a first-episode psychosis." Schizophrenia Research 2016. Danish study said sober patients not on pills were higher functioning, less likely diabetic, more employed. Michigan Lawsuit Against Catholic School Who Rejected A Dylsexic. I support every religion's right to discriminate who is allowed to join their church. "God Save Ireland From … The Church" Miss Montana 2017 controversy for calling autistics psychopaths. Catholic Ancient Bishop Augustine called all Jews crazy. Mental illness is often a lie used on political, cultural & religious opponents. Uganda jails Stella Nyanzi, accuses her of mental illness for cursing poem about dictator. "Chronic loneliness can be the aftermath of early emotional neglect. Mothers can be oblivious to her child’s thoughts and feelings, and so out of touch with who he is, that she leaves the child feeling stranded emotionally and alone. Loneliness activates the fight-or-flight response, making people hypersensitive to threat and more likely to respond to others in a fearful or defensive manner." New York Times "How Many Pills Are Too Many?" "Antipsychotic Maintenance Treatment: Time to Rethink?" "People who consider themselves maddened by toxic families & injustice." SUNY Professor Thomas Szasz "Schizophrenia is a strategic label as "Jew" was in Nazi Germany. If you want to exclude people from the social order, you invent a justificatory rhetoric. Labelling a package "garbage", it means "take it away! That´s what the word "Jew" meant in Nazi Germany; it did not mean a person with a certain kind of religious belief. It meant vermin! Gas him! Schizophrenic, sociopathic personality, & many other psychiatric diagnostic terms mean exactly the same thing. They mean "Take him away! Get him out of my sight." "The New Physician" 1969 Food Freedom Laws Allow Small Farm Businesses In Colorado, Wyoming, & North Dakota. Programmers unhappy because "stuck while solving a problem, time pressure, bad code quality, lazy colleagues." New York Koran prison lawsuit 1961. "Pierce v. LaVallee & Sostre v. LaVallee federal judges ruled right to practice their Muslim religion in prison." Also 1964 Cooper v. Pate. Novartis Investigated For Bribery In Greece. Men "respond to stress by experiencing social withdrawal, aggressiveness, & depression." British Prince Harry "suffered panic & rage attacks" after Princess Diana died. He did talk therapy but was not tortured in jail like me. Dr. Gail Saltz Book "The Power of Different: Link Between Disorder & Genius." Indian Arunachalam Muruganantham called crazy & divorced for making cheap cotton tampons. Bollywood "Padman" movie. Canadian false arrested & malpracticed by psychiatrists for criticizing police. Court ruled "anger & defiance are characteristic of political dissent. As the history of authoritarian societies has taught us, confinement in a mental institution is a particularly insidious way of stifling dissent, directly & through intimidation." Providence, Rhode Island Community Safety Act. Regulates police searches & discrimination because of 4th & 14th Amendments. "When psychopathology severity has declined, use a lowest-dose strategy whenever possible." Cognitive Functioning After First-Episode of Psychosis: Six-Month Follow-Up Study. Schizophrenia Research Journal. California public schools open after 8:30 A.M. I was sleep deprived for a decade because of early school classes. "Psychiatric Times" April 2017 “Innovative Strategies for Addressing Substance Use Disorders: Classic Hallucinogens.” Dr. Bogenschutz endorsed regulated low dose LSD prescription. "Unforeseen Relationship Between Spirituality & Psychiatric Medication: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study" Lynne E. Vanderpot, John Swinton & Helen Bedford Vice TV "Weediquette" season 3, episode 2 medical marijuana for autism. Jerusalem "Shaare Zedek Medical Center 120 children & young adults, ages 5 to 29, who have mild to severe autism" Experiment of substituting weak medical marijuana oil instead of antipsychotics for autism. "Some no longer hurt themselves or throw tantrums. Some are more communicative. Others were able to return to classes after they had been suspended for behavioral problems." K9s From Carrie Charity Trains Emotional Support Therapy Dogs. Dr. Bronner's soap donated $5 million to FDA MDMA PTSD experiments. ACLU sued Louisiana rehab for greed, “People have been jailed & extorted after their release simply because they couldn’t pay a private business. That is not how our system of justice is supposed to work.” Google fired engineer for saying women born stupider than men. He is suing for discrimination of his conservative beliefs. Netflix “Atypical” Asperger's comedy. Finland KiVa Kiusaamista Vastaan school lessons against bullying. 70 Indian Children Died Because They Could Not Afford Hospital Oxygen. Federal prisons free tampons. Lorcaserin May Reduce Anti-Psychotic Weight Gain. British Colombia Centre for Disease Control endorsed legal opium farms to prevent 1,500 fentanyl overdoses per year. "Administration & Policy in Mental Health Services Research, found no significant difference in the treatment outcomes for patients who saw a therapist & those who followed a self-help book or online program." "William Aitcheson, a priest in the Catholic Diocese of Arlington, has past affiliation with Ku Klux Klan." New Jersey lawyer sued successfully $30,000 after false arrest for being silent to cops. India Supreme Court ruled gay privacy is constitutional right. New York 60 Schools Comfort Dogs For Autistics, etc Mutt-i-grees. "No Immunity For Cops Who False Arrested Man Recording Them For Obstruction Of Justice. § 1983 claim against the officers for retaliating against Minnesota man for exercising his First Amendment rights. Supreme Court cases make it clear the First Amendment protects verbal criticism directed at police." New Jersey law limits doctor's earnings from pill companies $10,000/year. Netflix Nurse "Ratched" takes place in 1947, "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest." International Society of Psychological & Social Approaches to Psychosis (ISPS) "psychosis needs to be understood as a response to life experiences." Female marijuana user "She & her brain carry on conversation. You talk to yourself. But when you’re high, you have to have someone to entertain you, even if it is just your own brain." Trinity College, Ireland "Diagnosis of schizophrenia is associated with a life-expectancy reduction of nearly 2 decades. Psychosis Spectrum Disorder exists along a continuum & in degrees. Japan renamed schizophrenia Integration Disorder. Those who have suffered 5 different types of trauma see odds of developing psychosis increase 50-fold." "Antipsychotic Use With & Without Comorbid Psychiatric Diagnosis Among 50,000 Adults with Intellectual Developmental Disabilities." Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. 10 Psychiatric Nurses Arrested For Cruelty To 60 Year Old Connecticut Prisoner. CBD as Adjunctive Therapy in Schizophrenia: A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial. "Department of Psychosis Studies, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology, Neuroscience, King's College London; Medical University of Gdansk, Poland; Dr. Carol Davila Central Military Emergency University Hospital, Bucharest, Romania." New Jersey Supreme Court "Free speech requires that we tolerate communications of which we strongly disapprove." Weed for Warriors Veterans Charity, "liberty of free-choice; to have control over what we put into our body for medicine.” India "2001 law on rehabilitating drug addicts." 20% India Congressmen Accused Of Violent Crimes Or Corruption. "Anyone who is experiencing something really new & disruptive to the culture, like Jesus or any kind of prophet, is at risk of being identified as ill. So there’s a danger that psychiatry will become a force used to suppress spiritual or cultural innovation." Ron Unger, LCSW Lawsuit: Seroquel Has Cardiac Risks In Combination With Other Pills. England Sending Alcoholics To Drunk Tanks. Bipolar "Moodiness and temper outbursts are fairly common traits during adolescence, since it’s a stressful phase due to social/relationship pressure, separation from parents, changing bodies, & worries about the future." Israel Minister of Health, Rabbi Yaakov Litzman, “Mental hospitals are shocking, I would close them. The hospitals are not even suitable for animal housing.” Catholic Bishops' Conference of Philippines criticized 20,000 drug executions. Dictator stole $50 million in 1990’s. Cornell University said cursing online caused by cranky mood. University of Pittsburgh Study "hitting children can lead to them to be more aggressive & to suffer depression & anxiety." Erie, Broome Counties Sue Heroin Pill Purdue, Teva, Janssen Pharmaceuticals “false perception of the safety & efficacy of opioids." Brain Research Bulletin "Cannabinoids may treat Depression-like behavior induced by Social Isolation Stress." NYPD female Muslim *** suing for 2017 discrimination. ACLU Ireland defending privacy laws. Texas NBC mothers smoking marijuana for depression. Psychology at Indiana State University comedy acting For autistics. Australian National University 5,000 gays & lesbians study "childhood trauma, rejection in social interactions, not having family or social support" caused depression & anxiety. Russian priest arrested for trying to poison Orthodox Pope. FDA Abilify May 2016 "Warning that compulsive urges to gamble, binge eat, shop, have *** reported with Abilify. Stopped when the medicine was discontinued or dose reduced." Europe FDA agreed 2012. 70 pounds fat gained by a woman. Journal Psychological Medicine "high dose of B vitamins reduced the symptoms of schizophrenia. B6, Inositol, B12." Spain Believes Integrating Small Political Parties & Muslims Into Mainstream Culture Helps Peace. In parliament, 5% of voters is enough to win 1 congressman. NHL minimum penalty for punching 5 minute time out. Small fights prevent big fights. Dallas Surgeon Life In Jail For Malpractice. India price caps for heart doctors because 700% overcharging. Only 1% Indian hospitals accredited. Kenya $6 billion/year corruption. Book "Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World" by Psychologist Adam Grant. Protesters Yelled At Cardboard Pictures of Congressmen When They Didn't Show Up. Trump Advisor Kellyanne Conway Said She Is Not Feminist Because That Is "Anti-Male." NYU Professor Mark Kleiman Said Legalize LSD & Psychedelic Mushrooms. Regulate for adult LSD prescribed & supervised by doctor, with antidote pill for bad trip. Washington State Republican Congressman Reichert False Arrested/Censored Protestors In Psych Ward. 1937 Jewish criminal Meyer Lansky asked by NY judge to punch Nazis. "Islam Without Extremes: A Muslim Case for Liberty" Book by Mustafa Akyol "Islam trade-friendly religion. Prophet Muhammad was a merchant." China Banned Electroshock For "Game Addicts." Cambodia Buddhist PTSD Therapy, 1 Week Traumatized Person Tells Their Life Story. Nobel Laureate Angus Deaton Criticizes 175,000 Deaths From Prescription Opiates. ACLU 2009 Brooklyn psych ward lawsuit "violated Due Process, Americans with Disabilities Act, Rehabilitation Act, NY Mental Hygiene Law, Public Health Law, NY Constitution." NYPD Lawsuit $75 Million False Arrests For Petty Non-Violent Crimes. Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals Fined $100 Million For Overcharging $35,000 For Dose of M.S. Medicine. "MDMA-Assisted Therapy as a Social Adaptability Catalyst for Autistic Adults" "Anxiety & depression are common in autistic adults." L.A. Alicia Danforth, Ph.D University of British Colombia 15% Less Domestic Violence From Prisoners Who Used Psychedelic Mushrooms. University Hospital for Psychiatry Zurich, Switzerland Psilocybin Mushrooms Via Serotonin Reduce Pain From Social Rejection Transparency International Said 85% Of Countries Corrupt Or Dictatorships. Ozzy Osbourne Does Not Believe In *** Addiction. British University of Nottingham THC-V (Cannabi-Varin) Non-Intoxicating Medicine For Diabetes. Marijuana Does Not Cause Anxiety Or Depression According To 3 Year Longitudinal Sweden & Colorado Studies. Freedom 5th, 9th Constitution Amendment. Adults make their own "medical decisions necessary to survive, avoid intolerable physical pain, preserve life. Right to refuse medical treatment, freedom of religion & individual autonomy." MIT Autism Emotion Detector App. Jim McMahon, former NFL Quarterback Super Bowl, “I went through a real bad depression, so it was just by the grace of God that I found cannabis,” Boo Williams, “depression & rage & all these things” before medical marijuana said former lineman Kyle Turley. India, "Maharashtra government has instituted a 9-member committee to draft legislation to end cut-practice (referral fees & bribes between doctors). Anti-kickback statute in the US includes fines of up to $25,000 per violation, felony conviction punishable by imprisonment up to 5 years.” Upcoding of diagnosis leads to unnecessary procedures, lost time, side effects because of greed & discrimination. Journal of Pharmacology & Therapeutics, "CBD is a potential antipsychotic for neurodegenerative disorders, neuroprotective antioxidant, anti-anxiety & analgesic. Promising research indicates CBD helpful in treating schizophrenia by impact on key (NMDA) receptor hypofunction. Researchers investigating use as antipsychotic drug & for clinical depression. CBD’s impact on sleep—it stops anxiety-induced [rapid eye movement] REM sleep suppression for PTSD.” Symptoms of Depression & Anxiety Can Be Confused With "thyroid disease, cancers of lung or pancreas, & cardiac conditions." "More than 30 cases of sending political foes to psychiatric hospitals since 2012." example of Russian Tatar politician Ilmi Umerov. Connecticut Cursing Supreme Court Case. Justice Andrew McDonald "Uttering a cruel or offensive word is not a crime. Unless it would tend to provoke a reasonable person to immediately retaliate with violence." Veteran Cartoon About PTSD "Discharged." Rhode Island Banned Homophobic Conversion Therapy. Institutional Racism In Mental Health Care? "Cause of Death" Movie About Pills. Indian Psychiatrist Arrested For Murder Of Patient At Uma Nalini Mary Clinic. Jim van Os, "We should abandon the term schizophrenia. He recently wrote an article in support of unitary model of psychosis spectrum disorder.” University of North Carolina 17 Colleges, New Free Speech State Law. Cannabis Culture Dr. Frank Said THC & CBD Effects CB1 Brain, Lungs, Kidneys, Liver (Without Toxicity) & CB2 Receptors Blood & Immune System. "Adenosine receptors release neurotransmitters dopamine & glutamate, which is why CBD may help treat schizophrenia & dementia. 5-Hydroxytryptamine receptor, subtype 1A (5HT1A) – serotonin. CBD functions as antidepressant & anxiolytic." National $2.5 Million For Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD). BBC: "National Health Service increasing alternatives to psychiatric hospital admissions. Extra $500 million for crisis resolution home treatment teams, as well as investment in community mental health services. 10% of England has mixed anxiety & depression." Central New Jersey Fined $3.25 Million For Trying To Ban Mosque. Upcoding is misdiagnosis based on greed. Kings College London "Sativex (THC CBD inhaler) was associated with a nominally significant improvement in hyperactivity/impulsivity and a cognitive measure of inhibition, and a trend towards improvement for ADHD inattention.” Toronto psych ward guilty of torture & violating fiduciary (loyalty) duty in 1983. Australia Illawarra Health & Medical Research Institute study "CBD could help curb certain symptoms of schizophrenia." Northwell Zucker psychiatrists sued for torturing woman during divorce. "Falsely arrested & imprisoned without probable cause, notice, warrant, charges, legal advice, or hearing." U.S. National Institute of Health. “Beneficial effects of CBD have been described for a wide range of psychiatric disorders, including anxiety, psychosis, & depression. CBD decreases the number of parvalbumin-positive GABA neurons in a pharmacological model of schizophrenia." "Cannabis had the potential to help me step back from the isolation I felt, reconnect with loved ones, & regain a sense of balance & well-being. It has had a profound impact on me physically, mentally and spiritually. Cannabis allows me to maintain presence in stressful moments." Chris Christie Passed Opiate Overdose Law To Allow Naloxone At Pharmacies Without Prescription. California San Quentin Prisoners Said Solitary Syndrome Inmates Are Talking To Themself Because They Have No TV Or Music. Isma'ilism Muslims in Iran, Pakistan, India, believe in religious hashish since year 800. Supreme Court Allows Offensive Trademark Names. "Diseases of Poverty kill 14 million people annually." They are all preventable with nutrition & basic medicine. Israel University of Haifa "Cannabinoids prevent the differential long-term effects of exposure to severe stress (PTSD) on hippocampal-and amygdala-dependent memory and plasticity." "The Red Pill" Documentary By Feminist Actress. Catholic Charities Fired Woman Social Worker For Supporting Abortion. CBD Reduces Anxiety & Addiction. British Journal of Pharmacology & U.S. National Institute of Health. “Evidence from animal studies on fear memory processing. CBD reduces learned fear relevant to phobias & PTSD. Reduces fear expression acutely, increases fear extinction. Emotional memory processing for anxiety." U of Birmingham, Nottingham & Brazil São Paulo, Federal University of Santa Catarina. Bruce Cannon Gibney “A Generation of Sociopaths: How Baby Boomers Betrayed America” Book. Pope endorsed exorcisms, Muslims also pray away djinn demons. "Protecting honor is widespread across cultures & religions. Advocacy Director of Human Rights Watch, “dowry deaths in India, crimes of passion in Latin America perceived as excusable or understandable.” Therapist Lisa Ferentz "Keep talking to yourself—it’s doing wonders for your brain. Self-talk—both verbal and mental—is important because the way we talk to ourselves attaches meaning to our experiences...Internal monologue can be critical or perfectionistic. We all know that bullying takes an emotional toll. Self-talk enables us to move beyond old wounds. It encourages us to engage in self-care and move away from drama. Much of the external world is beyond our control. Ultimately, we cannot change what other people think and feel—this is their choice." Japan 1 Million Anxious, Depressed Recluses. "Hikikomori culture-bound syndrome rather than psychiatric disorder.” "People who haven’t left their homes or interacted with others for at least 6 months." Indiana May Buy Telmate Tablets For Prisoners. 70 jails already. Wireless charging, classwork, self-help app, censored TV & music. Colombia University Student Sues For False Arrest, 1 Month Jail For Cursing. Malpractice caused "mental anguish, emotional distress, public humiliation, and dangerous conditions." NY Office of Mental Health 2010 Guidance Memo. “Agitation, in and of itself, not an emergency situation that warrants treatment over objection.” Syracuse Student Sues "misdiagnosed, improperly treated her, negligent harmful use of medication & failure to get informed consent." Sinus infection misdiagnosed as mental. University of California, Davis 160 Students Experiment Video Games For Depression. Johnson & Johnson $100,000 Executive Burnout Physiologist, Dietitian, & Coach, Narrative Therapy. Kentucky *** Sued For False Arrest, Malicious Prosecution. “CRAZY” documentary by Lise Zumwalt. Forced assault of poison pills in Wisconsin. MAMMAS Mothers Advocating Medical Marijuana For Autism. Legal on prescription for autism in 6 states to calm, improve cognition. Saudi Arabia Al Ha’ir Terrorism Rehab. "Queen-sized mattresses, minibars (not alcohol), indoor swimming pool, conjugal visits, arranged marriage, education, art therapy, job training. Incentivize through comfort & knowledge, asking the hard philosophical questions about religion. Address the underlying problems—illiteracy, poverty." Africans Killing Each Other For Being "Witches." Indiana & Florida Allow Emotional Support Dogs In Court. L.A. High Sobriety Rehab Allows Medical Marijuana For Alcoholics Or Junkies (Harm Reduction). Keith Humphreys, director mental health policy at Stanford psychiatry, 2003 paper on "Moderation Management." "Pope Paul IV in 1555 confined Italian Jews to a walled ghetto, deprived of property rights & forced to listen to Catholic sermons." South Korea Former President Woman & Samsung CEO's Son In Solitary Prison For Corruption Investigations. TV with 1 channel, $1.30 bean sprouts, kimchi, seaweed, cabbage stew. "Talk to your pets & plants? It’s a sign of your social intelligence." Ohio Voluntary Registry For Autistics & Communication Impairments To Prevent Police Misunderstandings. Russia Arrested 100 Gay People & Executed 3. "Antipsychotic Treatment: Experiences of Fully Recovered Service Users” Journal of Mental Health. "Authors seriously consider that long term use of antipsychotics may be detrimental. Present antipsychotic treatment as one of many tools supporting the person’s active recovery processes, rather than as the main passive, if not exclusive, way to recovery for schizophrenia. Psychosocial factors as central to recovery. Functional recovery beyond the acute phase primarily attributed to individual efforts & social influences." Open Dialogue, 388 program, Soteria, Diabasis therapy for "fear, anger, or despair, isolation, trauma, abuse, neglect." “Why Psychology Cannot Be An Empirical Science” Jan Smedslund. Israel University of Haifa "cannabinoids may be a promising pharmacological approach for the attenuation of reactivated emotional (PTSD) memories." "Choose Wisely" Campaign To Prevent Side Effects. Cannabis Non-Intoxicating Terpenes Linalool & Myrcene Safe Natural Sedative. England Trying Body Cameras For Psych Ward Guards. "CrazyWise" Documentary Native American Natural Approach To Mental Illness. Battlefield Foundation PTSD Veterans For Medical Marijuana. "Children’s psychiatric emergency room visits drop precipitously over the summer. Increase greatly during the school year." ABC TV "The Good Doctor" autistic savant doctor. FBI Investigating Psychiatric Prison UHS For Defrauding Medicare & Medicaid. Patients were not released until insurance stopped paying. Previous lawsuit against greedy UHS was $7 million. Dr. Peter Kinderman, Vice-President of British Psychological Society "emotional distress is not caused by mental illness. Social problems of unemployment, bullying, & abuse" are the cause. Gay & Lesbian Chinese People Forced Into Poisonous Conversion "Therapy." "We need a model of care which supports people who are distressed because of their social & life circumstances.” psychology professor Peter Kinderman. "Predicting controversies requires predicting what emotional reaction people will have to something." Asperger's former Google employee James Damore. "Some universities foster a toxic or less than accepting environment that is taking its toll on students. e.g., rigid rules, snap tests, ignoring of the impact that life circumstances inevitably have, a lack of openness to people who think or act differently." -Bonnie Burstow, PhD. Breggin, P. (1991) "Toxic Psychiatry" book. Lifton, R. (1986) "Nazi Doctors." Burstow, B. (2016) "Psychiatry and the Business of Madness." "Many corporate cultures are designed for neurotypical (not autistic) extroverts & not introverts." "My parents periodically had me involuntarily hospitalized every time we argued. They would call 911 even though no one was in physical danger. The anger I developed as a result of these traumatic events induced more psychiatric symptoms." "DSM became a sacred book (bible). Psychiatrists were now the authorities (priests) of a new religion that promises “symptom relief” (salvation) via miracle pills. Many are placebos, so any benefit is from faith." Dr. Lawrence Kelmenson. “Empirical support for antipsychotic effects of CBD & reduced side effects, high tolerability, superior cost-effectiveness.” Psychiatrist Dr. Grinspoon Has Marijuana Strain Named After Him. "Police violence victims’ probability of experiencing a psychotic symptom was 45% compared to 19% for non-victims." Ireland People Over Profit Politician Said Legal Recreational Marijuana 2020. "Peer support or learning to reconnect with people is vitally important in recovery." Nev Jones, "Less as biological phenomena, more as cultural. Psychosis is a breakdown in social connection." Concrn App San Francisco Alternative For Mental Health Crises. "Conflict resolution, de-escalation training, & compassionate response." Iran "Grand Ayatollah Rohani issued a formal legal ruling fatwa declaring magic mushroom psychedelics permissible for medicine & spiritual growth." “Bad behavior is rarely a sign of mental illness.” psychiatrist Dr. Allen Frances. "Hurtful comments, rude & insensitive jokes are in poor taste. But people should be free to be as offensive as they please, & allow adults—the market—to embrace or shun that type of behavior." "Anger Isn’t a Mental Illness. I’ll tell you his diagnosis—he’s an asshole.” Austria World War II Psychiatric Prison "800 children lacking hereditary worthiness & racial purity died, many of them killed by poisoning." Metacognitive Training (MCT) for delusions. Free British Legal Aide app for drug possession law. "PlateJoy nutrition plan designed to prevent diabetes covered by Blue Cross Blue Shield health insurance plans, plus employers Kroger, Dignity Health, & Express Scripts." Japan 38 Strict Industrial Hemp Farms For Shinto Religion. China Dictator Bans Bible & Koran Stores. "Venetoclax could replace chemotherapy for blood cancers." Documentary Mary Janes: Women of Weed Breaking The Grass Ceiling. Maryland banned homophobic conversion therapy. "Queen of England drinks cocktails all day & Prime Minister has brandy habit." 10 Indian "Untouchables" Killed By Police During Protest Against Caste System. Edovo prison iPads $9 million invested. "71% of New York physicians support legal medical cannabis." Catholic High School Student Won Science Fair "Daniel Baksh examined the effects of cannabinoids on squamous cell carcinoma, often spurred by excess UV exposure & tanning beds." FDA Approved IDx-DR App "can detect a form of diabetic eye disease by looking at photos of the retina." 100 Indonesians Die Every Month From Black Market Alcohol. "HP point-of-sale ElitePOS hardware with cannabis compliance software from Flowhub, that operates in 8 states." $11 Foria CBD tampon for PMS. Bangladesh & Philippines Biggest Drug Problem Is Amphetamine Pills From Burma. Trump Promised Not To Interfere With Legal Marijuana, Including Banking Instead of Cash. CBD Helps Fight Quagga & Zebra Mussels On Boats. Israel "Tikun Olam's Avidekel high-CBD strain, will be available in Pennsylvania vape oils, tinctures & topical formulations." Bernie Sanders "Opioid Crisis Accountability Act of 2018 would ban marketing that falsely suggests an opioid does not have addictive qualities or risks & would fine companies that are found liable for contributing to the epidemic $7.8 billion." "Milk Makeup Kush Mascara line produced with CBD." "Puerto Rico medical cannabis taxes $14 million per year." CNN Dr. Sanjay Gupta “Weed” TV series." Senator Chuck Schumer of New York "introduced a bill to remove marijuana from Controlled Substances Act." "China Communist Party bans its members from playing golf." Sufi Muslims believe dreams/nightmares are important. Israel Sold 5 Tonnes of Medical Cannabis Oil To Canada $230 Million & Germany. Sullivan University College of Pharmacy in Kentucky Hemp CBD Chemotherapy For Ovarian Cancer. Honu Xpress Cannabis Inhaler. Penn State College of Medicine "Doctors May Mistake Irritability as Bipolar Disorder in Youth." Cannabis Users Less Likely To Have Atrial Fibrillation. "In my career as a psychologist, I have talked with hundreds of people previously diagnosed by other professionals with oppositional defiant disorder, ADHD, anxiety disorder & other psychiatric illnesses. I am struck by how many of them are essentially anti-authoritarians." "UC San Diego $4.7 million donation to study CBD & autism." Drug war killed 2.5 million Hispanics since 2000. Dutch Criminal System Has 5 Levels of Responsibility. From mental illness/drug intoxication to full responsibility. Republican Congress Leader Paul Ryan "Luckily Boehner said he found something that helps him chill out. Something to do with grass." Zimbabwe $200,000 medical marijuana export license. Nancy Pelosi Marijuana & Yoga As Opioid Alternatives. Turkey Wants To Make Blasphemy of Islam Crime In Europe. I believe in free speech, including the right to criticize any religion. "Fox News Eric Bolling, whose son died of a drug overdose, says he’s hopeful cannabis can be alternative to opioids." Thai Cannabis Corporation licensed to farm & export 1% THC weak hemp. Mike Tyson Hemp, Lavender & Soy Farm In West Virginia. Israel "Soteria house, staffed by ordinary people, no immediate use of antipsychotics." "Susie Orbach argues that we should not turn to the DSM to understand ourselves, but instead to poets, artists, musicians, writers, & psychoanalytical theorists. She recommends Donald Winnicott, Alison Bechdel, Judith Lewis Herman, Frantz Fanon." 4,000 Prisoners Temporarily Released For Chinese New Year. "Mount Sinai protein that makes opioid painkillers effective at lower doses while also muting the addiction." "CO2 Supercritical CBD oil extractor manufactured by Vitalis." New Mexico Congress Endorsed Prescription Opiates For Junkies. "Australia’s political parties called for 10 days of paid leave for those dealing with abuse at home." Canada Evio Cosmetics CBD Cosmetics. Georgia Legalized Medical Marijuana 5% THC (Less Than Average 20%) & CBD For PTSD & Chronic Pain. Strict Arizona Republican Sheriff, “I wish there was something more we could do with the medical dispensaries to help our veterans & people who are sick. I still can’t understand why you can’t go to a pharmacy on a prescription and get this type of drug,” Joe Arpaio. "German Association for Psychiatry & Psychotherapy, Dr. Frank Schneider, apologized for Nazi Germany psychiatry’s leading role in the Holocaust. They lied to patients in their care & their families, arranged their deaths." British "surveyed 1,000 gamers, 55% said videogames help them unwind & relieve stress." "CNBC & MSNBC host Dylan Ratigan considering running for Congress in New York, legalizing marijuana." "Infection outbreaks at hospitals could be reduced by copper-coated uniforms." "CBD extracts may provide a potential treatment option for endometrial cancer, according to new Portuguese study published by Journal of Physiology & Biochemistry." British Virgin Islands Legalized Medical Marijuana. 6 Maltese Companies Licensed To Farm Medical Marijuana $60 Million Invested. Israel Researchers “examined cannabinoids that prevent long-term depressive-like symptoms induced by exposure to the shock & situational reminders (SR) model of PTSD.” British Medical Marijuana Patient, "[Cannabis] is just a happy thing to consume. I was prescribed a load of different opioids & drugs that don’t make me happy. They make me very sad, they make me angry, they make me snap, and they make me not who I am." "South Dakota Supreme Court ruled that police need a warrant to obtain a urine sample." "Realize that overall evidence of harm from psychiatric drugs is infinitely greater than the evidence for good effects, as scientist Peter Gøtzsche has confirmed in Deadly Psychiatry & Organized Denial." Netflix Arabic TV show "Jinn." Some Muslims believe in exorcism, not psychiatry. Australia "Wesley Medical Research Institute announced trial involving cannabis & Tourette syndrome." Philippines Catholic Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle Wants To Stop Drug Executions. Connecticut governor said to FBI, "Stop screwing around with marijuana & focus on heroin." Canadian Tilray Exports Medical Cannabis To South Africa Pharmacies. "In Islamic jurisprudence, saffron is classed as one of the permissible “drugs that cause joy.” Trump, "The problem is you have a black market…& you have that problem with drugs. You make the drugs illegal & they come (buy).” Baton Rogue $100 Ticket For Half Ounce Of Marijuana. Savannah, Georgia $150 Fine For 1 Ounce. Jury Refuses To Convict Colorado Cannabis Church. Speech First "sues colleges for violating students' free speech rights." "Austrians can swear at politicians, court rules." "Martin Luther King, Jr. preached that he was proud to be psychologically maladjusted to racism, slavery, segregation, religious bigotry, & economic oppression." “What I’m feeling is real. They are pressuring me.” -Eric Maisel, PhD "Washington state banned gay conversion therapy." Russian lawyer, "Soviet procedure. Make accusations & then lock someone up in a psychiatric facility." Scotland Heriot-Watt University Alyx Robot Emotion Teacher For Autism. British Minister for Loneliness. Trauma Resiliency Model Therapy for PTSD. U.K. Wales Parliament Endorsed Medical Marijuana. Movie "Miseducation of Cameron Post." Lesbian is sent off to conversion therapy for “de-gaying. Adapted from Emily Danforth’s novel." "Canadian Aurora Cannabis Inc. supplying medical cannabis to Italy." "New York City Sues Over Opioid Crisis. Lawsuit aimed at corporate drug pushers seeks $500 million from Johnson & Johnson, Cephalon, Purdue Pharma, Teva, & Janssen." Strict Singapore National Research Foundation Synthetic Medical Cannabis. "Dutch mental health organisation GGZ found that between 60% to 80% of Muslims think mental health problems are caused by demons (exorcism of Djinn)" "Safe Streets & Second Chances” jail reductions for non-violent plan by billionaire Republican Koch family. Georgia Republican Senator Ligon's Free Speech For State Colleges Law "protection must also extend to speech which some may find unwelcome, disagreeable, or even deeply offensive." New York Times, "2 acres of industrial hemp stems & lime can build a house." Trump Right to Try law, “We also believe that patients with terminal conditions should have access to experimental treatments." ACLU Suing Indiana For False Arresting Man Who Gave Middle Finger. Virginia Unanimously Legalized Medical CBD & THC-Acid Oil. Ukraine Increasing Methadone To Discourage Injection. Antigua Decriminalized Half-Ounce Of Marijuana. A Colorado congressman owns 50,000 legal hemp plants. Oklahoma selected Complia app to provide medical cannabis legal compliance & licensing. Esther Blessing, psychiatry professor at N.Y.U., told New Yorker magazine that CBD “is unprecedented in the field of neuropsychiatry” because it appears to have the potential to treat a wide variety of disorders. "MDMA pill takes away the chance of having panic attacks,” said Colorado psychologist. The PTSD drug came on in waves, eliminating anxiety & inhibition. “You can focus on your traumatic experience without being in that fight or flight mode.” MDMA allows patients to look at trauma from a different perspective & work through it in a safe therapy place. Canada "Grass Fed" documentary about losing 50 pounds fat by eating medical marijuana for back pain. "My entrepreneurs are much more grounded when they're in a relationship. They take on this new energy. They're more focused." Mental illness is either a spiritual experience or result of trauma. Chances of recovery after a fairly short time are quite high when the community does not slander patients. Oklahoma Society of Addiction Medicine said they don’t “see marijuana as a gateway, nor anticipate a huge marijuana addiction problem with legalization.” 2017 retail sales for hemp $820 million. Harvard Said Legalizing All Drugs Would Boost US Economy $100 Billion. University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami Project to Cure Paralysis & Scythian Biosciences Corp working on concussion pill that combines CBD with NMDA amino acid anesthetic. Early results from experiments found it helped improve cognitive function in rats. British Compass Pathways expects mushroom psilocybin approved as a treatment for depression by 2027. Fordham University published study that examined the experiences of individuals who have received a psychiatric diagnosis that they felt to be inaccurate. Librede genetic modification of yeast to produce CBD acid from sugar. Prescription Nabilone THC & bright lights could help improve agitation from dementia, according to Alzheimer’s Association International Conference. Bernie Sanders No Money Bail Act would prohibit the federal government from using payment of money as a condition of pretrial release for criminal cases. "Aetna CEO Mark Bertolini contemplated suicide due to severe pain from spinal injury. Buddhist meditation saved his life." John Hopkins University "Psilocybin caused interpersonal closeness, gratitude, life meaning/purpose, forgiveness, death transcendence, daily spiritual experiences, religious faith & coping.” France "Alzheimer's village where patients will be given free rein without medication in a purpose-built medieval-style citadel designed to increase their freedom & reduce anxiety. Residents will be able to shop in a small supermarket, go to hairdressers, local brasserie, library, gym & a little farm." Samantha Bee "If you're worried about the death of civility, don't sweat it. Civility is just nice words. We should all worry a bit more about the niceness of our actions." "Georgia Cops False Arrested Elderly Woman for Mouthing Off to a Code Enforcement Officer." "Doctors in some of these cases said the incarcerated delays caused children to deteriorate emotionally & behaviorally. Some child-welfare advocates said the children slipped behind their peers in behavioral & social development, often dramatically. Lawyers say such stays deny them their right, guaranteed by state law, to live in the least restrictive setting." Jeff Ross, "If we start censoring ourselves, then I don’t want to be a comedian. The only reason I love being a comic is that I get to say what I want. Bad taste is not a crime." When discriminatory police false arrest "Violation of civil rights under color of law." Canadian Musician Suing Psychiatrist For Side Effects of Antipsychotic. "Involuntary movements, muscle stiffness, muscle pain, loss of dexterity. Which impedes his ability to play the piano that is a fundamental aspect of his life.” St. Louis, Missouri Decriminalized 3 Ounces of Marijuana. "LSD psychedelics & prescription Ketamine, encourage neurons to grow more branches & spines. It seems that these compounds work by activating mTOR – a key protein involved in cell growth." "30,000 murders in Mexico in 2017. Presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador wants to introduce a drug policy he nicknames hugs, not bullets (Abrazos, no balazos). He says that non-violent drug traffickers should be given amnesty." “Place to Worship Initiative aims to help FBI Civil Rights Division bring more cases against towns & others who use zoning laws to block churches, mosques or synagogues." "National Institute of Health found no association between cannabis use & suicidal behavior in men or women with psychiatric disorders.” "United Nations Drug Committee Declares Cannabis Effective, Relatively Safe Drug." Catholic priest said Bible filled with civil disobedience against Romans. "Minnesota ACLU said drugging people already in custody is a horrible abuse of power.” Texas Republican Party Endorsed Marijuana Decriminalization. Supreme Court "government cannot act in a manner that passes judgment upon or presupposes the illegitimacy of religious beliefs & practices." "European hemp CBD flowers $45/kilogram." Spain Freedom Leaf Hemp CBD Greenhouse $4.75 Million. "2019, with state of the art upgrades, 50,000 kilos of industrial hemp per year." Supreme Court Supports Florida Protestor False Arrested at City Council Meeting. Pfizer Most Disliked Pharmaceutical Company According To Survey of 2,600 People. On Videogames Supposedly Being Addictive, "If we start creating all of these ‘addictions’ that are mostly normal behaviors, it may distract resources away from those that we know cause human suffering.” "Pope urges press freedom. Cites case of jailed Reuters reporters in Burma." Texas Lawsuit Illegal Immigrant Children Were Forcibly Injected with Psychiatric Drugs. US Wasted $8 Billion on Failed Afghanistan Drug War, Opium Production Increased 164%. "White Ohio *** fired for illegally detaining black man dating his daughter with threat to make shit up." 6 Zambian protesters jailed for exposing $42 million corruption. FDA approved British GW Epidiolex (cannabidiol CBD) for epilepsy. Supreme Court justice Holmes, “if there is any principle of the Constitution that more imperatively calls for attachment than any other, it is the principle of free thought — not free thought for those who agree with us, but freedom for the thought that we hate” 1929. U.S. Supreme Court "doctors have free speech rights on medical cannabis." ACLU lawyer Mary Catherine Roper, "Criminalizing pure speech violates the First Amendment." Luxembourg legalized medical marijuana for chronic pain, cancer, multiple sclerosis. It will be imported from Canada as pills or oil. Dr. Szasz, "Mental illness is a metaphor for human problems in living expressed as ‘symptoms’ via somatic proto-language. There are no biological tests for mental illness; thus, mental illness is not disease in the literal sense. People should not be deprived of liberty. Szasz opposed all forms of involuntary treatment & the insanity defense. Sociologically, he saw psychiatry as a state-sanctioned mechanism of social control & threat to civil liberty." Switzerland legalized recreational marijuana in some cities & expanded medical marijuana to be reimbursed by insurance. "Dying to Survive" Chinese comedy about smuggling cancer drugs from India. New York sheriff's deputy arrested for not testing drugs found & making false claims that some legal drugs were illegal. He repeatedly pulled people over for traffic violations & charged them with drug possession when the drugs were either prescribed or over the counter medications. He is charged with perjury & filing a false police report. 30 of his drug cases dropped. CNN Obeidallah said “Some people want to impose Christian Sharia law in America. They want the Bible as the law of the land." Ricki Lake documentary "Weed the People" Rick Simpson oil for Cancer. "Before Americans turned to Buddhism for meditation, they treated it like a dangerous cult." "Pennsylvania proposed a bill that would fine parents up to $750 & make them attend parenting classes if their kids bully." American Journal of Psychiatry "Findings suggest that CBD has beneficial effects in patients with schizophrenia. CBD effects do not appear to depend on dopamine receptor antagonism." "Cannabinoid receptors provides a promising target for treatment of suicidal behavior, according to new study by Current Psychiatry Reports." "Cannabis Terpineol inhibits tumor growth; especially those combined with small cell lung carcinoma cells. It helps suppress the protein complex NF-kB signaling." “I believe that psychosis is a defense mechanism, a mode of survival when something in one’s life is simply intolerable. This more often than not stems from trauma." "Alzheimer’s patients in Puerto Rico can obtain Hyalolex for agitation, anxiety, sleep disorder, as well as caregiver distress." "Billionaire Apotex Pharma founder had agreed to work with CannTrust to produce a slow-release medical marijuana pill that would treat chronic pain, depression, PTSD & more." "Indians’ feelings towards those with mental illness. Disgust, annoyance, anger, fear." Book State of Madness: Psychiatry, Literature, Dissent After Stalin by Rebecca Reich. "Canadian Supreme Cannabis to invest $7.7 million in Medigrow Lesotho." "Hemp nuts are rich in gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) which may be effective in treating women with PMS." "Yale School of Medicine’s Department of Psychiatry Lucile Bruce, ‘Some of the things we think of as ‘mental health problems’ are actually poverty problems." Tyler, Texas Republican Politician Suggested Cannabis Oil Instead of $35,000 Pill. CBS "Bull" TV episode about CBD oil for Leukemia. Italy Supreme Court recognizes necessity defense for stealing eggplant "court’s ruling said the man was definitely acting to satisfy the hunger of his family & there are grounds for justification." “We are medicating our children with Ritalin from kindergarten on up and other medication that’s there,” Congressman King said, “When they’re going on that medication, they’re more dangerous than before when they started." "U.K. doctors are increasingly prescribing social interventions— community based solutions such as art classes, gardening clubs, walking groups— as an alternative to medical treatment." "Clinical Psychology Review investigates the effects of Mindfulness-Based Interventions (MBI) on psychiatric disorders. Results of the first comprehensive meta-analysis found consistent evidence that mindfulness is effective for depression." "Journal of Affective Disorders study conducted by Washington State University, who investigated the self-reported aftermath of patients’ medical marijuana use on depression, stress, & anxiety." Sci-fi Writer "Sam J. Miller on homeless people: There are a lot of messed-up narratives around homelessness—this idea that everyone is mentally ill, a substance abuser, shiftless & lazy. At the end of the day, all homeless are people who can’t afford to pay their rent, I am always stressing out about paying my rent." "University of California, Berkeley psychology professor Charlan Nemeth's book In Defense of Troublemakers: Power of Dissent in Life & Business, shows how everyone benefits when someone presents a thoughtful contrarian view." Iran "chief of Tehran's counter-narcotic police force, said that it was a waste of law enforcement’s time to prosecute & punish people for drug use." He views addiction to heroin as a medical problem. 220,000 American female prisoners. "Academics & the public have begun expressing concern that diagnostic categories like depression & anxiety are more often being used to label ordinary behaviors & characteristics deemed socially undesirable.” "People are often pathologized & shamed for feeling hopeless, hopelessness is a natural reaction to an oppressive political climate." Japan $2 billion company "In this business, Okanohara said, if you’re not doing something that seems crazy to some people, you’ll never do anything interesting.” John Oliver said rehab is a scam. "National Bureau of Economic Research found Republican judges on average give black Americans sentences that are 3 months longer than those given to white convicts." "South Africa has 200,000 traditional shaman healers & 25,000 medical doctors. Traditional herbal medicine (inyanga), divination (isangoma), faith healing (umprofiti)." Italy 1968 psychiatrist Franco Basaglia closed psych wards. Canada Chess For Life Program For Non-Violent Criminals. "1999 the Supreme Court ruled in Olmstead v. L.C. that Americans with Disabilities Act required public entities to provide people with disabilities appropriate community-based services, when those services can be accommodated." 200 wheelchair protestors at AARP headquarters in favor of Disability Integration Act. Comedian Judy Gold "You don't tell a comic what topics they can discuss on stage. I mean it's ridiculous.” "22% of veterans are currently using cannabis to treat a medical condition." United Nations "Alicia Barcena, head of Economic Commission for Latin America & Caribbean (ECLAC) I'm going to be very provocative. Who would drug legalization be good for? Latin America & the Caribbean, for God's sake. Because illegality is what's killing people. It's time to seriously consider legalizing drugs." "France Drug Trade Valued at $3 Billion, as Macron Admits Failure of Drug War to Stop Violence." Trump “We believe that patients with terminal conditions should have access to experimental treatment immediately that could potentially save their lives. People who are terminally ill should not have to go from country to country to seek a cure. I want to give them a chance right here at home." Medical marijuana is federally legal for terminal illness under Right To Try national law in all 50 states. Japan CBD Elixinol. "Chinese University Study: THC May Inhibit Growth of Endometrial Cancer." British Woman Hodgkin's Lymphoma In Remission From Rick Simpson Marijuana Oil. "I went on a very strict diet plan of juices, no dairy, no red meat, no sugar, no tea or coffee - basically just fish & green juices. I was fasting from 7 PM until noon the next day." "Lebanon American University will study medical marijuana." "Less-risky opioid, Buprenorphine skin patch or Lidocaine." NY attorney general investigating pharmacies & insurance for overcharging or not covering Butrans, compared to stronger opiates. G-TRUST (Guideline Trustworthiness, Relevance, Utility Scoring Tool) "Explaining away disorder: The influence of context on impressions of mental health symptoms. Clinical Psychological Science, 1–14." 5 Iceland Politicians Endorse Marijuana Stores. Mel Brooks "We have become stupidly politically correct, which is the death of comedy." Trump said washing his hands frequently "Could be a psychological problem." $10 marijuana tampon Foria Relief. Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan, "Long, long ago, marijuana was maybe present at those parties.” France Investigating Merck For Levothyrox Low Quality Formula "9,000 reported illnesses & side-effects, hair loss, cramps, weight gain, extreme fatigue, headaches, diarrhea, dizziness, heart palpitations." University of Maastricht "Childhood victimization trauma increases risk for psychotic experiences." "Psychiatric diagnosis is often a discursive fig leaf of underlying childhood trauma." Law Enforcement Mental Health & Wellness Act Would Allow Cops Medical Marijuana For PTSD. CNN investigated Nuedexta malpractice. University of Washington autism CBD experiment. Indian female CEO of Pepsi quit because "women pretend they can have it all (career & family)." Missouri prosecutor who refused to charge racist *** lost re-election. Cincinnati police officer investigated for excessive force after he used stun gun against 11-year-old girl who was shoplifting. Like of patterns, order may explain math skills & autism. Israel experiment in journal Neurology, 80% of autistic children improved behavior & anxiety with cannabidiol (CBD). Recent studies confirmed CBD helps important aspects of aversive memories in humans with PTSD. "The school had good test scores, but made him miserable. He was losing his love of learning. We chose options that fit him better, revived his joy in learning. All you can do is leave people free to make their own choices." "U.S. law makes clear that government cannot keep surveillance records on a person or group because of political views or the way they express their First Amendment rights." Brazil 64,000 drug war murders per year. British dentist jailed 3 days & fined $30,000 in Dubai for drinking glass of wine. Norway to give free prescription heroin to 400 junkies to prevent infection & overdoses. Health Canada approved clinical trials of CBD for anxiety in animals. Sweden 3 prisons that are farms. "I like the cows. They calm me down." University of New Mexico cannabis as treatment for schizophrenia, environmental, autoimmune, & neuroinflammatory causes. Musician John Legend criticized Louisiana courts as racist. Dr. Sandra Steingard clinical associate professor of psychiatry at University of Vermont College of Medicine did 5 year successful study of reduced antipsychotics. "Policing bad speech is sloppy, capricious & arbitrary." Missouri *** breaks black man’s jaw over loud music & threatened to crack it again over lawsuit for excessive force. NY legislator proposes law that false police reporting innocent minorities will be hate crime. Book "Resistance Matters: Antipsychiatry Activist Speaks Out" when being different & emotional should be seen as spiritual, rather than medical issues. "Life-altering. It’s a miracle.” — PTSD veteran Jonathan Lubecky. He took 125 mg pill of pure MDMA. Swedish company fined $4,300 for firing Muslim woman who didn't believe in shaking hands. Oregon woman suing psychiatrist & pharmacy for Cymbalta side effect of criminality. DEA growing 5,400 pounds of medical marijuana for experiments. "Antipsychotics can induce cardiometabolic abnormalities (obesity, hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia) with increased risk of cardiovascular disease & type 2 diabetes mellitus." Indonesia “Stigma attached to women using drugs, violence against women drug users is still happening, including by corrupt police.” Bazelon Center, Disability Rights DC at University Legal Services, National Center for Youth Law, law firm Schulte Roth & Zabel, class action complaint on behalf of hundreds of District of Columbia children who are unnecessarily institutionalized. Bill Maher, "Free speech for the speech you hate. That’s what free speech means. I don’t like Alex Jones, but Alex Jones gets to speak. Everybody gets to speak." India NewHempCo sent government proposal for affordable hemp nut nutrition for underprivileged. Rhode Island "Court cannot tell elected official, candidate, or member of public that he or she cannot be rude, insulting, or boorish." Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging,Vanderbilt University Medical Center "Marijuana doesn’t lead to deficits associated with schizophrenia." Journal of Mental Health, professor David Pilgrim questions the effectiveness & ethics of psychiatry. He suggests mental health care is neither effective, nor kindly, as it often relies on flawed research, ineffective treatments, system of involuntary detention that is a human rights violation. Documentary "Crime + Punishment" on crooked policing plaguing New York City. Cannabis may help reduce aggressive behavior experienced by some autism patients, according to Australian experiment published by journal Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience. 80 artists, including Chris Martin, Angelique Kidjo & Damon Albarn want Uganda political prisoner Bobi Wine freed. Paris deputy mayor endorsed 5 heroin & cocaine consumption supervised rooms. Iowa medical board sued to allow religious sacrament cannabis exemption for Rastafarians. “Wolves & Warriors” Animal Planet TV show about wolf therapy for PTSD. King's College CBD experiment reduced psychosis in striatum, medial temporal cortex & midbrain. Book "Trauma & Madness in Mental Health Services" by clinical psychologist Noël Hunter. North Carolina & Virginia provide alternative transport for people in crisis so they don’t have to be taken by police. That experience can be degrading or traumatic & pulls officers off their regular patrols. “When you handcuff individuals, it criminalizes mental health.” "We Have Turned Childhood Into a Mental Disorder (ADHD)." Massachussets disabled man with one leg sued government for false arrest, malicious prosecution, race discrimination, deprivation of constitutional rights, & violation of due process rights. According to National Institute of Mental Health: “No blood test or brain scan can diagnose bipolar.” Child psychiatrist Stuart L. Kaplan book "Your Child Does Not Have Bipolar Disorder: How Bad Science & Good Public Relations Created the Diagnosis." Brazil experiment on mice showed CBD administered during peri-adolescence prevents behavioral abnormalities of schizophrenia. Taiwan book by Tao Lin "Trip: Psychedelics, Alienation, & Change." ACLU lawsuit at immigration jail "one of the few things that might bring them some comfort or peace of mind: the ability to practice their faith. Victorville officials have refused to provide religious services or other opportunities for group worship & prayer. By policy, the men are not allowed to worship outside of their cells. Officials confiscated immigrants’ religious items, including religious clothing & holy books. For example, Sikh immigrants had their turbans taken. They have not been able to regain access to them or obtain replacements, even though wearing a turban is one of Sikhism’s most sacred religious practices. Another immigrant had his Bible seized & has been unable to procure a replacement. These violations of religious rights persist, even though the BOP & ICE own regulations recognize the right to engage in these religious practices. Let’s be clear: No one — not even those convicted of crimes — should be subject to these shocking conditions of confinement." Similar to me being denied a Koran twice in jail. Survey of knitters found wide range of perceived psychological benefits: relaxation; relief from stress; sense of accomplishment; connection to tradition; increased happiness; reduced anxiety. "Boston Legal" season 5 episode 2 William Shatner sues pharmaceutical company for false advertising. China psychiatrically poisoned protestor woman for criticizing dictator. Tim Allen, "I’ve been a comedian for 38 years. There are things you can’t say. There are things you shouldn’t say. Who makes up these rules? As a stand-up comic, it’s a dangerous position to be in." Jimmy Kimmel “Dr. Quinn Medicinal Marijuana Woman." *** 1 year jail & $600,000 fine for false police report, invasion of privacy against Orange County, California mayor who wanted to lower police pensions. 44 year old Lousiana man murdered by police for asking why he was being arrested. "Completely reasonable to receive a calm, detailed answer when you are asked why you are being arrested, rather than being executed in the street by enraged, screaming, out-of-control cops." "If the Jewish/Christian Bible Were Law, Would You Qualify for the Death Penalty? 36 different offenses in Bible for capital punishment." “Abilify has destroyed my life, my reputation, & the lives of those I love.” Bristol-Myers Squibb will settle 900 lawsuits. Los Angeles *** said about false police reports, “Let’s say somebody calls & you suspect it’s BS. Charge that person for the salary of every emergency responder who’s on the scene because of a lie.” 8th amendment to Constitution states, “Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel & unusual punishments inflicted.” 'If you keep working, you will die' London bankers in 20's & 30's having heart attacks from cardiac arrhythmia & myocarditis stress. THC breathalyzer test by Hound Labs. Randomized clinical trial in JAMA Psychiatry for reducing off-label overprescribing of Seroquel. Black Lives Matter protestors against racist cops, "We’re not violent, we’re not gonna give to them what they brought to our community. We’re not gonna hurt anyone but we are gonna make them uncomfortable, they should because someone innocent is dead.” University of York gave Prozac to birds & they became more aggressive. "Threats to sue an arresting officer or even to run against an incumbent unless he votes for a favored bill are legal. Such threats are constitutionally protected. Decision in NAACP v. Claiborne Hardware Co (1982) is instructive. Black citizens demanded public officials desegregate public schools & hire black policeman or the black community engages in boycotts of private businesses. Such speech is constitutionally protected." U.S. District Court ruled that New Orleans Parish Criminal District Courts were unconstitutionally jailing people for failure to pay court fines & fees without any sort of neutral forum or consideration of whether they had the ability to pay. Violated constitutional rights of defendants by arbitrarily setting high bail requirements without any consideration of whether they could pay them & without willingness to consider alternatives. University of Saskatchewan researching CBD for dementia mood symptoms like anxiety & aggressiveness. Psychiatrist Allen Frances, "Speculating on mental health of erratic public figures is confusing bad behavior with mental illness. That’s very insulting & stigmatizing." Non-Western doctors understand mental illness is suffering caused by social circumstances, poverty, or trauma, pain, exhaustion, & stress. Cannabis in Unani system of medicine practiced by Muslims in medieval India, as a possible cure for diseases of nervous system, anti-spasmodic & anti-convulsive. "Despair & social dysfunction are not biological diseases. Rather they are the result of class inequality & miserable labor conditions." Journal of Depression & Anxiety, "75% of students at U.S. colleges have battled significant stress, 1 in 5 consider suicide." "Fourth Amendment rights, that the false arrest of a California middle schooler cannot be justified as a scare tactic, lesson in maturity, or chastisement for perceived disrespect." European Union parliament formally condemned Hungary dictator for diminishing freedoms of expression, association, & religion. Google co-founder Sergey Brin, "I was asking if we could serve joints outside, but apparently these things take a little while to take effect.” Adaptogens are Asian medicinal mushrooms like shiitake, chaga, reishi & cordyceps with 1,000 active compounds. ACLU said half of 50,000 New York prisoners are non-violent. Ireland psychiatric nurse jailed 1 year for assault with syringe. Cargill $1.5 million lawsuit by Muslim workers in Colorado who were denied prayer breaks. Estée Lauder hemp oil cosmetic Origin "Hello, Calm" face mask at Sephora. Study demonstrated rapid & durable improvement in social anxiety symptoms in autistic adults following MDMA therapy. V.A. studying psychiatric service dogs since 2011. V.A. benefits program for veterinary insurance, "if research supports service dogs for PTSD, government will provide veterinary care for such dogs." "Death isn't inevitable from give-up-itis & can be reversed by physical activity or being able to see a situation is partially within their control." AFDI v. King County federal court ruled the exclusion of demeaning or disparaging material was unconstitutionally viewpoint-based (censorship violates 1st amendment free speech). Philadelphia 2 cops fired & arrested for felony tampering with records, misdemeanor false imprisonment, obstructing administration of law, official oppression for false arresting man accused of using drugs. "What if parents are a significant part of the problem? What if another child is? What if anger between parents is making your child anxious? What if, to make ends meet, you must stay so busy & unavailable that your child feels abandoned? Your child may not have the problem—your culture & society may have the problem." PTSD causes hypervigilance, anger, nightmares, depression, fear, aggression, irritability. Individuals with autism are much more exposed to bullying, ostracizing, & teasing. Israel Yom Chai partnership with Kaneh-B for clinical validation of cannabis ADHD medicine. Amadou & Reishi mushrooms may reduce viruses. Saving Sophie charity for optic pathway glioma THC & CBD Rick Simpson oil. Canadian woman with Multiple Sclerosis in wheelchair eats psilocybin mushrooms as painkiller, suing for legal prescription. Superior, Wisconsin $500 ticket for 25 grams marijuana. "If children dare to question authority, protest or refuse to conform, they risk being labelled & drugged." Marine Corps Gazette, "Innovative cognitive benefits gained through microdosing with psychedelics.” "Giving the finger is not a crime...all too familiar gesture protected by First Amendment. Fits of rudeness or lack of gratitude doesn't make them illegal or punishable grounds for seizure of motorist in violation of Fourth Amendment" Michigan Debra Lee Cruise-Gulyas v. Matthew Wayne Millard. All New York towns have local referendum ballot initiatives if 5% of voters sign petition. "Section 91 of State Town Law: Town board either repeals the resolution or holds public vote within no less than 60 nor more than 75 days." New York City symbolic referendums amend City Charter. N.Y. statewide law referendums happen through congress. 25 states have referendums. "What if mental diseases are mostly not brain disorders?"Behavioral & Brain Sciences. Cuba "Habeas Corpus requires state to justify a citizens' detention, right to know what information the government holds about them." FDA fast-track status to Nalmefene Hydrochloride injection for heroin overdose. New Mexico $50 ticket 1/2 ounce pot. Oakland, California 2020 referendum would Decriminalize Nature "magic mushrooms, cacti (mescaline), ibogaine (anti-addiction), hallucinatory ayahuasca." "Whether any particular person gets imprisoned depends on how liked or disliked. I suspect blacks will be imprisoned especially often." - Richard Stallman, co-founder free app charity Linux GNU. Greedy dialysis companies wasted $100 million campaigning against California referendum to limit profits to 15% more than cost of staff, medical supplies, facilities & information systems. Columbia University Department of Psychiatry & Columbia Care dispensary research grant to replace heroin with marijuana. Mexico Supreme Court legalized marijuana farming, "adults may decide their personal activities without interference from the state." Not Depressing News Ghana president candidate John Dumelo wants to legalize ganja. Kentucky sheriff paid $337,000 for painful unconstitutional handcuffing of elementary school students with disabilities. Harvard Medical School, Tufts, McLean Hospital study in journal PLoS One showed bipolar patients who regularly smoked marijuana had more stable moods, less anger. Washington psychiatrist Said Farzad death threatened an insurance company. Connecticut Democrat governor, "Help seniors age in place by expanding home community-based services. Pay for in-home primary care, home visits, home improvements like pull bars & ramps will prevent falls, allow safety & dignity. Make it easier for relatives to care for aging family members by establishing a responsibly financed paid family medical leave system." Iowa autism for medical marijuana. Israel Shaare Zedek Medical Center 60% success rate of CBD for autism. Missouri legalized 200 medical marijuana dispensaries for cancer, epilepsy, glaucoma, migraines, muscle spasms, debilitating psychiatric disorders, HIV, prescription medication addiction, any terminal illness. Dayton, Fremont, Norwood, Oregon, Windham, Ohio legalized marijuana possession. Brazil court allows cerebral palsy patient to grow medical marijuana for protection of life, dignity & health. Victoria, Australia court, "A mentally ill person does not lack capacity to give informed consent simply by making a decision that others consider to be unwise according to their individual values & situation.” Alabama Cullman & Morgan counties approved referendums to ban sheriffs from stealing funds designated for feeding prisoners. Nashville Amendment 1 community oversight board for police misconduct. Gabon ibogaine cures heroin & cocaine withdrawal in as little as 1 hour according to Dr. Kenneth Alper, psychiatry professor at New York University. "I have seen corruption, incompetence, bias, laziness, meanness of spirit, & plain ordinary stupidity." Egypt congressman John Talaat wants smoking hashish punished with 3 months rehab. Federal research on 110 cannabinoid vitamins, cannabigerol (CBG), cannabinol (CBN), cannabichromene (CBC), myrcene, ß-caryophyllene, limonene, a-terpineol, linalool, a-phellandrene, a-pinene, ß-pinene, terpinene & a-humulene. Fired Muslim awarded $3.2 million in discrimination suit against Loma Linda University Medical Center. New Hampshire constitution protects "Right to Live Free from Governmental Intrusion in Private or Personal Information." ACLU, "I was reported to police as agitated black male for simply walking to work." Quebec supreme court ruled that banning hijabs in court violates freedom of conscience & religion. Singapore jailed Indian protestor 2 weeks. "Right to peaceful protest is essential to democracy." Scottish doctors can prescribe nature. Mushroom Panaeolus produces natural serotonin & Psilocybin is similar to serotonin. Europe magic mushroom Inocybe Aeruginascens produces serotonin, psilocybin, baeocystin, aeruginascin. Calming, no bad trips. Rhode Island medical marijuana for autism. "55 Steps" movie on Apple iTunes & Amazon, true story of California woman's psychiatry lawsuit. South Dakota, Oklahoma, Wyoming, Kentucky jail the most women for drugs. 2/3 of female prisoners non-violent. Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry tested 300mg CBD for anxiety. Massachusetts referendum Question 1 limits the nurse to patient ratio. Ohio hospital worker religious discrimination complaint Equal Employment Opportunity Commission for not being allowed a beard. Rehab kickbacks 10 years in prison, $200,000 fine. Kenya Supreme Court 2015 women’s jail in hospital violated numerous human rights in constitution “cruel, inhuman & degrading. Government should protect all patients from arbitrary detention (for not paying bills) in health care facilities.” Russia legalized medical opium farms owned by dictatorship. 5 New York City probation commissioners say parole officials should stop testing for marijuana. Hatha yoga with physically sedating cannabis indica, slower style focuses on calming proper alignment of breath. "Dictators attempt to marginalize anti-authoritarians, who have been scorned, shunned, financially punished, psychopathologized, criminalized, assassinated." British Dr. Humphry Fortescue Osmond studied psychedelics in 1952 to cure mental illness. 1955 BBC filmed politician Christopher Mayhew trying 400 mg of anti-depressant mescaline cactus. Maryland $300 fine for 1 ounce pot. 1958 civil rights activist Clennon King Jr. attempted to enroll at all-white University of Mississippi, police false arrested him, jailed in mental hospital 12 days, declared competent when he promised to leave the state. Mike Tyson wants to make TV show "Rolling With The Punches" about marijuana. Connecticut & other states suing 16 generic pharmaceutical companies for price-fixing 300 drugs. Wisconsin supreme court said cops need warrant to search houses for marijuana. Saint Vincent & Grenadines legalized medical marijuana. New Zealand does not prosecute small drug possession for personal use where therapeutic approach would be more beneficial, or there is no public interest. "Torgerson, C. N., Love, H. A., & Vennum, A. (2018) Buffering effect of social belonging on negative association of childhood trauma with adult mental health." French Agency for Drug Safety said people with chronic pain, cancer, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis & in palliative care benefit from cannabis. Improvisational comedy theater training can reduce fear & anxiety among teens struggling with social interactions according to University of Michigan study. Virgin Islands medical marijuana for Alzheimer's, autism, etc. farmers must have lived there 5 years, 100 plants license $1,500. Senator Elizabeth Warren wants federal government to manufacture generic drugs. British psychiatric nurse jailed 9 months for assault, breaking nose of patient & perverting justice trying to cover it up. Ohio $80,000 to settle First Amendment lawsuit from man false arrested 3 days for laughing at cops. Egypt Dr. Rania Kassab Sweis, "Street children adopt survival practices that get interpreted by clinicians as risky, delinquent, if not threatening." Safety & Tolerability of GWP42006 (cannabidivarin CBDV) in Subjects with Drug Resistant Epilepsy & Autism Spectrum Disorders, University of Louisville Autism Center/Norton Children’s Hospital. Ayahuasca harmine causes insulin-producing pancreatic beta cells to replicate for diabetics. "Censorship causes individuals to feel aggrieved, right to free speech has been violated, thus they’ve been treated unjustly. Hence, it should be expected that silencing & stigmatizing hate group members will create grievances & thereby make violence more likely.” "Association of antipsychotics with risk of unexpected death among children & youths" JAMA Psychiatry. University of Leipzig Germany twice-daily 750mg CBD for schizophrenia. San Antonio, Texas cite & release program for possession of small marijuana to take a class, pay fine & community service. Federal judge, "Offensive emails are not criminal or tortious. Tolerating incivility is a price a nation pays for freedom. There is no clear line between incivility & effective advocacy. Protection of public discourse is the main object of First Amendment." Turkish word for hashish is esrar derman, meaning remedy & health. Luxembourg legalized recreational cannabis. Mississippi woman won lawsuit for 3 months jail without trial. "U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said prolonged detention was unjust & unfair, alien to our law, patently unfair in society where guilt is not presumed.” University of Bristol, "Trauma could cause psychotic experiences.” Satanic Temple freedom of religion monument in Illinois government buildings next to Christian nativity scene & Jewish menorah. Congo 99% pure CBD oil $102 per litre by Canada Instadose Pharma $75 million invested. Dr. Jeremy Dixon & Dr. Dirk Richter consider psychiatry to be opinions. Netflix sci-fi "Black Mirror Bandersnatch" said “a bit of madness is a necessary ingredient" for good videogames. Psychiatrist poisons programmer, reviewer says it feels “as if the creator simply gave up." Swedish muslim politician Leila Ali Elmi, "Criminality is due to poverty & social exclusion. We need more equality, laws against discrimination.” Israel MedC liquid marijuana treatment of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma skin cancer. 14th Amendment to United States Constitution: religious civil liberties, right to hold beliefs. "Religious discrimination occurs when denying equal protection of laws, status, equal treatment in administration of justice, opportunity for employment, education, housing, public services & facilities, public accommodation." NY Times response to Arizona ***, "Reign of terror was medieval in its brutality. Racial profiling, terrorizing gratuitous raids, he oversaw jail's mistreatment of inmates." New York constitution, "Free exercise & enjoyment of religious profession, worship, without discrimination or preference, shall forever be allowed in this state to all humankind; no person shall be rendered incompetent to be a witness on account of his or her opinions on matters of religious belief; but the liberty of conscience hereby secured shall not be so construed as to excuse acts of licentiousness, or justify practices inconsistent with the peace or safety of this state." "Take It From Someone Who Has Suffered Real Physical Abuse: Words Aren’t Violence.” Kentucky teacher charged with assault for dragging autistic child. His mother said, "He needed a break & they kept pushing him to do more." Australia Humane Clinic Psychosis 365 videos. "Prevalence rate & risk factors of victimization in adult patients with a psychotic disorder: systematic review meta-analysis." New York Mental Hygeine Law, "Rights (practice religion, talk to clergy) cannot be limited as punishment or for convenience of staff." Rhode Island 5 years jail for conspiracy to admit/certify as mentally ill people improperly. 2 years jail for Deprivation of rights of persons admitted to facilities, such as denying me a Koran. Big Pharma bribes doctors $20 billion each year, $6 billion on drug ads. New Hampshire "Positive impact when I look on security cameras, I see puppies running around. That lifts the staff” said Assistant Merrimack County Department of Corrections Superintendent. Kenya cops murdered 200 people last year. Turkey dictator issued permits for hemp (kenevir) farms, $500 million invested, export to Qatar, 10,000 jobs. China doctors met with Israel Therapix Biosciences about medical marijuana. CB2 Insights found mood conditions (depression, anxiety, PTSD) accounted for 35% of medical marijuana patients. Lown Institute, "As long as profit supplants healing, the promise of life, liberty, & happiness is out of reach for many Americans." "We give African-American men their first arrest, experience in jail through order-maintenance offenses that are not harmful, not culpable or morally wrong — the misdemeanor system criminalizes based on race," Alexandra Natapoff, law professor at UC Irvine book “Punishment Without Crime: How Our Massive Misdemeanor System Traps the Innocent & Makes America More Unequal.” Australia St. Vincent’s Hospital experimented with synthetic psilocybin to reduce anxiety of 30 dying patients. Missouri paid $36,000 for trying to censor drug arrest public records. Swiss psycho-geriatric mobile teams provide home treatment alternative to hospitalization. Israel Tikun Olam "Real Life Experience Of Medical Cannabis Treatment In Autism: Analysis Of Safety & Efficacy." Miami Baptist dishwasher awarded $500,000 for being fired because she could not work on church Sundays. ACLU, "Police often escape punishment when they abuse people they are supposed to protect. Lack of meaningful police accountability not only skirts justice, but people’s lives are in danger when officers who repeatedly harm civilians keep their jobs." University of Colorado, Denver anxiety study, "CBD appears to be better tolerated than routine psychiatric medications.” ACLU Texas lawsuit, "Prosecutors are accountable for wealth-based detention because he knew bail amounts were rubber-stamped without a hearing. Arrestee must have counsel if she cannot afford it. Constitutional right to lawyer whenever a judge is deciding whether to jail them." "Masculine traits such as aggression, competitiveness, risk taking, & protective vigilance can be positive," said Republican therapist. Iowa, Idaho, Illinois, New Mexico & Louisiana psychologists can prescribe poison after 2-year psychopharmacology course, clinical hours & exam. "Overachievers, between jobs or sold off their company - or just at meltdown point of complete work & personal life imbalance" take sabbaticals to reconnect with family. United Nations Dr. Pūras said coercion & human rights violations in psychiatry "incompatible with dignity, autonomy, Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities." Burnout recognized in 1974 by psychologist Herbert Freudenberger, "Physical or mental collapse caused by overwork or stress." Health Poverty Action charity endorsed legal opium farms for poor India & Brazil. USA Today, “Solitary confinement causes rage & frustration." "Hail Satan?" documentary about "anger at mixing of church & state in Florida with ironic humor & outrageous stunts." French president criticized Egypt for murdering & jailing 60,000 protestors. New Hampshire congresswoman Wendy Thomas, "Medical marijuana for people who have social anxiety that can’t leave their house, or students who cannot go to class.” British Lord Sugar calls for drugs to be legalised to lower crime 30%. Italy Dr. Liana Fattore said women experience pot 30% stronger than men because of estradiol hormone. Polish caregiver killed 6 elderly people in nursing home. Czech president investigated for kidnapping son to mental prison to stop him from testifying about fraud. Syracuse University social work professor Ellen deLara “Ability to trust others in adult friendships & intimate relationships was significantly affected by PTSD from bullying.” Athens supervised heroin consumption rooms. Macedonia medical marijuana farmed with Heliospectra Elixia LED lights & HelioCore app. "Tardive akathisia from antipsychotics, characterized by tension, panic, irritability & pain.” "Scrubs" medical marijuana chemotherapy episode censored by ABC. Legal cannabis strains will possess immunity to pathogens such as Botrytis cinerea grey mold. Medieval Muslim names for hashish: cheers, shrub of emotion & understanding, peace of mind, theriac (heal-all), one that softens the temperament. Pakistan saki-khaneh tea houses serve charas bhang. Durham Professor Julian Elliott, “We are turning everything into a mental health problem. Many children don’t have a mental disorder; it’s a question of conduct. 4-year-olds don’t do what they’re told." Senegal offers clean needles & methadone. Journal of Addiction, “Cannabis use in adolescence does not appear to lead to greater conduct problems." Dallas district attorney will not prosecute first marijuana possession. Rapper Meek Mill & Philadelphia 76ers owner Michael Rubin charity to free 1 million not-violent prisoners. French, "Mauvaise foi, anxiety, anguish, dread, apprehension, fear of pain, fear of death, absurdity of existence.” Hemp cannabisin F reduces inflammation & oxidative stress. $200/ounce Vegas Black Market Killer outdoor grown recreational pot. America arrests 10.5 million people per year, just 5% violent. Pennsylvania Medical Marijuana Advisory Board added anxiety & Tourette syndrome. Germany "How effective & safe is medical cannabis as a treatment of mental disorders? A systematic review." Decriminalize *** Work charity in New York & Texas will have referendums 2022. Orthodox Christian psychic healing from inner stillness, hesychia, ascetic discipline & contemplative prayer. DSM says articles of religious faith are not delusions. "Experiences on hospital wards, our worries that black patients were not only being misdiagnosed but were potentially being harmed by racist attitudes & behavior of the medical staff." L.A. Mitzva Herbal kosher medical CBD for autism. $130/fluid ounce Colorado CBD oil. Brazil committee endorsed decriminalizing 10 doses/grams of drug possession, same as Portugal. 30% of arrests are for drugs. $15/pound Indonesian kratom. Israel approved compassionate MDMA prescriptions for PTSD. Seventh Sense Botanical Therapy CBD cosmetics. Canada FSD Pharma buys hemp flower $90 per kilogram per 1% CBD extracted. Seinfeld writer, "Alt-right comedians see making liberals angry & uncomfortable as the ultimate form of humor." Florida's first autistic woman lawyer, "We hope for a better future for neurodiversity." Free "Weird City" episode 1 on YouTube, with Star Trek's LeVar Burton & talk therapy vending machine. Italy 500,000 Catholic exorcisms per year. Cyprus licensed 2 medical cannabis farms. Canada, "We are asking 25 milligrams of hemp CBD be classified as a food ingredient, 200 mg in natural health supplements & cosmetics." Hemp protein peptides contain amino acid arginine that reduce blood pressure. Vermont hemp farm license $50 half acre, $500 for 50 acres, $1,500 for more. Supreme Court said Indiana cannot seize drug offender's $42,000 Land Rover because excessive fine. "Man Competitive About How Depressed He Is. Upon hearing his friends describing their struggles with the mental illness, self-employed graphic designer became competitive about how depressed he is by rattling off a list of important life & career events the disorder has ruined for him or caused him to miss altogether. “Oh, you’ve been stuck in bed until noon? That sucks, I know, I’ve had trouble getting up for months. I’ll be in bed until 2 or even 3 p.m. sometimes. I’m envious, really, because I’ll be pretty much unable to leave my room for days on end. My whole family has it, so it’s likely genetic & not merely a chemical thing. My shitty home situation forced me to develop self-destructive coping mechanisms growing up. Chemicals work for some people, but not me. Your constant low-grade depression and dysthymia sounds great to me, especially in contrast to how my cycling thing makes it impossible to manage what with the panic attacks, which are especially troubling given my family’s history of bipolar disorder & stuff. You don’t struggle with anxiety, do you?” The Onion. Mothers of Murdered Sons & Daughters United billboard wants legal marijuana in Maryland, police to solve more than 25% of 350 annual murders. McMaster University "Half of Canada's prisoners were abused as children." St. Kitts doctors Continuous Medical Education hours on medical cannabis, ticket for 5 plants or 15 grams. British Columbia Centre on Substance Use endorsed legal heroin adult members-only stores, no fentanyl, harm reduction clean needles & Naloxone. "Supreme Court consistently classified emotionally distressing or outrageous speech as protected, especially on matters of political, religious or public concern." New York Senators Jessica Ramos, Julia Salazar, Brad Hoylman, Richard Gottfried & Decrim NY support decriminalizing prostitution. Muslim Advocates & Americans for Immigrant Justice suing Glades County Detention Center for discrimination against Islam, Religious Freedom Restoration Act, Religious Land Use & Institutionalized Persons Act, Florida Religious Freedom Restoration Act. University of Miami chaplain, "Reciting the word of God (Koran) is going to touch their heart & help them overcome their difficulties or whatever situation they’re in.” George Carlin "You're All Diseased" 1999, said he has "psychotic hatred" criticisms. Keeping All Students Safe Act would ban 125,000 students from being chemically or mechanically restrained & school personnel trained in crisis intervention. $200/pound THC & CBD from University of Berkeley Demetrix yeast synthesis. American Psychological Association requested FBI approve 25 marijuana (cannabigerol, cannabinol, cannabichromere, tetrahydrocannabivarin) cultivation licenses for experiments. "When anti-authoritarians determine an authority illegitimate, they resist—no matter whether it is their parent, teacher, or doctor. 7% of German physicians were Nazi SS. Career ambition trumps their moral apprehensions. Doctors do not worry enough about whether they are hurting patients.” Tribal Marijuana Sovereignty Act would protect Native American reservations who choose to legalize marijuana, Indian Health Services doctors could recommend cannabis. Whole Foods CEO said he will sell marijuana when Texas legalizes. Congo president, "Ordered conditional release of all detained for opinion offences - notably during protests," country of 80 million people. Trump about colleges, "If they want our dollars, they’ve got to allow people to speak.” NHL Alumni Association & Canada Canopy Growth CBD for concussions. Esketamine Spravato FDA approved antidepressant nose spray wholesales $590 to $885 per treatment session, first month 2 sessions a week $4,720 to $6,785. Ketamine blocks glutamate receptor in a few hours.