--[[ Library Made for https://octohook.xyz/ Developed by liam#4567 Modified by tatar0071#0627 Ik this code is really shit in some places lol will rewrite again i was just using some rly old stuff that i was lazy to rewrite could've been a lot better and more optimized in some places and some things arent done as they should've been got lazy when trying to make disable all roblox input when ui is open sooo that will be added later =) ]] -- // Load local startupArgs = ({...})[1] or {} if getgenv().library ~= nil then getgenv().library:Unload(); end if not game:IsLoaded() then game.Loaded:Wait() end local function gs(a) return game:GetService(a) end -- // Variables local players, http, runservice, inputservice, tweenService, stats, actionservice = gs('Players'), gs('HttpService'), gs('RunService'), gs('UserInputService'), gs('TweenService'), gs('Stats'), gs('ContextActionService') local localplayer = players.LocalPlayer local setByConfig = false local floor, ceil, huge, pi, clamp = math.floor, math.ceil, math.huge, math.pi, math.clamp local c3new, fromrgb, fromhsv = Color3.new, Color3.fromRGB, Color3.fromHSV local next, newInstance, newUDim2, newVector2 = next, Instance.new, UDim2.new, Vector2.new local isexecutorclosure = isexecutorclosure or is_synapse_function or is_sirhurt_closure or iskrnlclosure; local executor = ( syn and 'syn' or getexecutorname and getexecutorname() or 'unknown' ) local library = { windows = {}; indicators = {}; flags = {}; options = {}; connections = {}; drawings = {}; instances = {}; utility = {}; notifications = {}; tweens = {}; theme = {}; zindexOrder = { ['indicator'] = 950; ['window'] = 1000; ['dropdown'] = 1200; ['colorpicker'] = 1100; ['watermark'] = 1300; ['notification'] = 1400; ['cursor'] = 1500; }, stats = { ['fps'] = 0; ['ping'] = 0; }; images = { ['gradientp90'] = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/portallol/luna/main/modules/gradient90.png'; ['gradientp45'] = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/portallol/luna/main/modules/gradient45.png'; ['colorhue'] = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/portallol/luna/main/modules/lgbtqshit.png'; ['colortrans'] = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/portallol/luna/main/modules/trans.png'; }; numberStrings = {['Zero'] = 0, ['One'] = 1, ['Two'] = 2, ['Three'] = 3, ['Four'] = 4, ['Five'] = 5, ['Six'] = 6, ['Seven'] = 7, ['Eight'] = 8, ['Nine'] = 9}; signal = loadstring(game:HttpGet('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Quenty/NevermoreEngine/main/src/signal/src/Shared/Signal.lua'))(); open = false; opening = false; hasInit = false; cheatname = startupArgs.cheatname or 'octohook'; gamename = startupArgs.gamename or 'universal'; fileext = startupArgs.fileext or '.txt'; } library.themes = { { name = 'Default', theme = { ['Accent'] = fromrgb(255,135,255); ['Background'] = fromrgb(18,18,18); ['Border'] = fromrgb(0,0,0); ['Border 1'] = fromrgb(60,60,60); ['Border 2'] = fromrgb(35,35,35); ['Border 3'] = fromrgb(10,10,10); ['Primary Text'] = fromrgb(235,235,235); ['Group Background'] = fromrgb(35,35,35); ['Selected Tab Background'] = fromrgb(35,35,35); ['Unselected Tab Background'] = fromrgb(18,18,18); ['Selected Tab Text'] = fromrgb(245,245,245); ['Unselected Tab Text'] = fromrgb(145,145,145); ['Section Background'] = fromrgb(18,18,18); ['Option Text 1'] = fromrgb(245,245,245); ['Option Text 2'] = fromrgb(195,195,195); ['Option Text 3'] = fromrgb(145,145,145); ['Option Border 1'] = fromrgb(50,50,50); ['Option Border 2'] = fromrgb(0,0,0); ['Option Background'] = fromrgb(35,35,35); ["Risky Text"] = fromrgb(175, 21, 21); ["Risky Text Enabled"] = fromrgb(255, 41, 41); } }, { name = 'Tokyo Night', theme = { ['Accent'] = fromrgb(103,89,179); ['Background'] = fromrgb(22,22,31); ['Border'] = fromrgb(0,0,0); ['Border 1'] = fromrgb(50,50,50); ['Border 2'] = fromrgb(24,25,37); ['Border 3'] = fromrgb(10,10,10); ['Primary Text'] = fromrgb(235,235,235); ['Group Background'] = fromrgb(24,25,37); ['Selected Tab Background'] = fromrgb(24,25,37); ['Unselected Tab Background'] = fromrgb(22,22,31); ['Selected Tab Text'] = fromrgb(245,245,245); ['Unselected Tab Text'] = fromrgb(145,145,145); ['Section Background'] = fromrgb(22,22,31); ['Option Text 1'] = fromrgb(245,245,245); ['Option Text 2'] = fromrgb(195,195,195); ['Option Text 3'] = fromrgb(145,145,145); ['Option Border 1'] = fromrgb(50,50,50); ['Option Border 2'] = fromrgb(0,0,0); ['Option Background'] = fromrgb(24,25,37); ["Risky Text"] = fromrgb(175, 21, 21); ["Risky Text Enabled"] = fromrgb(255, 41, 41); } }, { name = 'Nekocheat', theme = { ["Accent"] = fromrgb(226, 30, 112); ["Background"] = fromrgb(18,18,18); ["Border"] = fromrgb(0,0,0); ["Border 1"] = fromrgb(60,60,60); ["Border 2"] = fromrgb(18,18,18); ["Border 3"] = fromrgb(10,10,10); ["Primary Text"] = fromrgb(255,255,255); ["Group Background"] = fromrgb(18,18,18); ["Selected Tab Background"] = fromrgb(18,18,18); ["Unselected Tab Background"] = fromrgb(18,18,18); ["Selected Tab Text"] = fromrgb(245,245,245); ["Unselected Tab Text"] = fromrgb(145,145,145); ["Section Background"] = fromrgb(18,18,18); ["Option Text 1"] = fromrgb(255,255,255); ["Option Text 2"] = fromrgb(255,255,255); ["Option Text 3"] = fromrgb(255,255,255); ["Option Border 1"] = fromrgb(50,50,50); ["Option Border 2"] = fromrgb(0,0,0); ["Option Background"] = fromrgb(23,23,23); ["Risky Text"] = fromrgb(175, 21, 21); ["Risky Text Enabled"] = fromrgb(255, 41, 41); } }, { name = 'Nekocheat Blue', theme = { ["Accent"] = fromrgb(0, 247, 255); ["Background"] = fromrgb(18,18,18); ["Border"] = fromrgb(0,0,0); ["Border 1"] = fromrgb(60,60,60); ["Border 2"] = fromrgb(18,18,18); ["Border 3"] = fromrgb(10,10,10); ["Primary Text"] = fromrgb(255,255,255); ["Group Background"] = fromrgb(18,18,18); ["Selected Tab Background"] = fromrgb(18,18,18); ["Unselected Tab Background"] = fromrgb(18,18,18); ["Selected Tab Text"] = fromrgb(245,245,245); ["Unselected Tab Text"] = fromrgb(145,145,145); ["Section Background"] = fromrgb(18,18,18); ["Option Text 1"] = fromrgb(255,255,255); ["Option Text 2"] = fromrgb(255,255,255); ["Option Text 3"] = fromrgb(255,255,255); ["Option Border 1"] = fromrgb(50,50,50); ["Option Border 2"] = fromrgb(0,0,0); ["Option Background"] = fromrgb(23,23,23); ["Risky Text"] = fromrgb(175, 21, 21); ["Risky Text Enabled"] = fromrgb(255, 41, 41); } }, { name = 'Fatality', theme = { ['Accent'] = fromrgb(197,7,83); ['Background'] = fromrgb(25,19,53); ['Border'] = fromrgb(0,0,0); ['Border 1'] = fromrgb(60,53,93); ['Border 2'] = fromrgb(29,23,66); ['Border 3'] = fromrgb(10,10,10); ['Primary Text'] = fromrgb(235,235,235); ['Group Background'] = fromrgb(29,23,66); ['Selected Tab Background'] = fromrgb(29,23,66); ['Unselected Tab Background'] = fromrgb(25,19,53); ['Selected Tab Text'] = fromrgb(245,245,245); ['Unselected Tab Text'] = fromrgb(145,145,145); ['Section Background'] = fromrgb(25,19,53); ['Option Text 1'] = fromrgb(245,245,245); ['Option Text 2'] = fromrgb(195,195,195); ['Option Text 3'] = fromrgb(145,145,145); ['Option Border 1'] = fromrgb(60,53,93); ['Option Border 2'] = fromrgb(0,0,0); ['Option Background'] = fromrgb(29,23,66); ["Risky Text"] = fromrgb(175, 21, 21); ["Risky Text Enabled"] = fromrgb(255, 41, 41); } }, { name = 'Gamesense', theme = { ['Accent'] = fromrgb(147,184,26); ['Background'] = fromrgb(17,17,17); ['Border'] = fromrgb(0,0,0); ['Border 1'] = fromrgb(47,47,47); ['Border 2'] = fromrgb(17,17,17); ['Border 3'] = fromrgb(10,10,10); ['Primary Text'] = fromrgb(235,235,235); ['Group Background'] = fromrgb(17,17,17); ['Selected Tab Background'] = fromrgb(17,17,17); ['Unselected Tab Background'] = fromrgb(17,17,17); ['Selected Tab Text'] = fromrgb(245,245,245); ['Unselected Tab Text'] = fromrgb(145,145,145); ['Section Background'] = fromrgb(17,17,17); ['Option Text 1'] = fromrgb(245,245,245); ['Option Text 2'] = fromrgb(195,195,195); ['Option Text 3'] = fromrgb(145,145,145); ['Option Border 1'] = fromrgb(47,47,47); ['Option Border 2'] = fromrgb(0,0,0); ['Option Background'] = fromrgb(35,35,35); ["Risky Text"] = fromrgb(175, 21, 21); ["Risky Text Enabled"] = fromrgb(255, 41, 41); } }, { name = 'Twitch', theme = { ['Accent'] = fromrgb(169,112,255); ['Background'] = fromrgb(14,14,14); ['Border'] = fromrgb(0,0,0); ['Border 1'] = fromrgb(45,45,45); ['Border 2'] = fromrgb(31,31,35); ['Border 3'] = fromrgb(10,10,10); ['Primary Text'] = fromrgb(235,235,235); ['Group Background'] = fromrgb(31,31,35); ['Selected Tab Background'] = fromrgb(31,31,35); ['Unselected Tab Background'] = fromrgb(17,17,17); ['Selected Tab Text'] = fromrgb(225,225,225); ['Unselected Tab Text'] = fromrgb(160,170,175); ['Section Background'] = fromrgb(17,17,17); ['Option Text 1'] = fromrgb(245,245,245); ['Option Text 2'] = fromrgb(195,195,195); ['Option Text 3'] = fromrgb(145,145,145); ['Option Border 1'] = fromrgb(45,45,45); ['Option Border 2'] = fromrgb(0,0,0); ['Option Background'] = fromrgb(24,24,27); ["Risky Text"] = fromrgb(175, 21, 21); ["Risky Text Enabled"] = fromrgb(255, 41, 41); } } } local blacklistedKeys = { Enum.KeyCode.Unknown, Enum.KeyCode.W, Enum.KeyCode.A, Enum.KeyCode.S, Enum.KeyCode.D, Enum.KeyCode.Slash, Enum.KeyCode.Tab, Enum.KeyCode.Escape } local whitelistedBoxKeys = { Enum.KeyCode.Zero, Enum.KeyCode.One, Enum.KeyCode.Two, Enum.KeyCode.Three, Enum.KeyCode.Four, Enum.KeyCode.Five, Enum.KeyCode.Six, Enum.KeyCode.Seven, Enum.KeyCode.Eight, Enum.KeyCode.Nine } local keyNames = { [Enum.KeyCode.LeftControl] = 'LCTRL'; [Enum.KeyCode.RightControl] = 'RCTRL'; [Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift] = 'LSHIFT'; [Enum.KeyCode.RightShift] = 'RSHIFT'; [Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1] = 'MB1'; [Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2] = 'MB2'; [Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton3] = 'MB3'; } library.button1down = library.signal.new() library.button1up = library.signal.new() library.mousemove = library.signal.new() library.unloaded = library.signal.new(); local button1down, button1up, mousemove = library.button1down, library.button1up, library.mousemove local mb1down = false; local utility = library.utility do function utility:Connection(signal, func) local c = signal:Connect(func) table.insert(library.connections, c) return c end function utility:Instance(class, properties) local inst = newInstance(class) for prop, val in next, properties or {} do local s,e = pcall(function() inst[prop] = val end) if not s then printconsole(e, 255,0,0) end end return inst end function utility:HasProperty(obj, prop) return ({(pcall(function() local a = obj[prop] end))})[1] end function utility:ToRGB(c3) return c3.R*255,c3.G*255,c3.B*255 end function utility:AddRGB(a,b) local r1,g1,b1 = self:ToRGB(a); local r2,g2,b2 = self:ToRGB(b); return fromrgb(clamp(r1+r2,0,255),clamp(g1+g2,0,255),clamp(b1+b2,0,255)) end function utility:ConvertNumberRange(val,oldmin,oldmax,newmin,newmax) return (((val - oldmin) * (newmax - newmin)) / (oldmax - oldmin)) + newmin end function utility:UDim2ToVector2(udim2, vector2) local x,y x = udim2.X.Offset + self:ConvertNumberRange(udim2.X.Scale,0,1,0,vector2.X) y = udim2.Y.Offset + self:ConvertNumberRange(udim2.Y.Scale,0,1,0,vector2.Y) return newVector2(x,y) end function utility:Lerp(a,b,c) return a + (b-a) * c end function utility:Tween(obj, prop, val, time, direction, style) if self:HasProperty(obj, prop) then if library.tweens[obj] then if library.tweens[obj][prop] then library.tweens[obj][prop]:Cancel() end end local startVal = obj[prop]; local a = 0; local tween = { Completed = library.signal.new(); }; library.tweens[obj] = library.tweens[obj] or {}; library.tweens[obj][prop] = tween; tween.Connection = self:Connection(runservice.RenderStepped, function(dt) a = a + (dt / time); if a >= 1 or obj == nil then tween:Cancel(); end pcall(function() local progress = tweenService:GetValue(a, style or Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, direction or Enum.EasingDirection.In) local newVal if typeof(startVal) == 'number' then newVal = utility:Lerp(startVal, val, progress); else newVal = startVal:Lerp(val, progress); end obj[prop] = newVal; end) end) function tween:Cancel() tween.Connection:Disconnect(); tween.Completed:Fire(); table.clear(tween); library.tweens[obj][prop] = nil; end return tween; else printconsole('unable to tween: invalid property '..tostring(prop)..' for object '..tostring(obj), 255,0,0) end end function utility:DetectTableChange(indexcallback,newindexcallback) if indexcallback == nil then warn('DetectTableChange: Argument #1 (indexcallback) is nil, function may not work as expected.') elseif newindexcallback == nil then warn('DetectTableChange: Argument #2 (newindexcallback) is nil, function may not work as expected.') end local proxy = newproxy(true); local mt = getmetatable(proxy); mt.__index = indexcallback mt.__newindex = newindexcallback return proxy end function utility:MouseOver(obj) local mousePos = inputservice:GetMouseLocation(); local x1 = obj.Position.X local y1 = obj.Position.Y local x2 = x1 + obj.Size.X local y2 = y1 + obj.Size.Y return (mousePos.X >= x1 and mousePos.Y >= y1 and mousePos.X <= x2 and mousePos.Y <= y2) end function utility:GetHoverObject() local objects = {} for i,v in next, library.drawings do if v.Object.Visible and v.Class == 'Square' and self:MouseOver(v.Object) then table.insert(objects,v.Object) end end table.sort(objects,function(a,b) return a.ZIndex > b.ZIndex end) return objects[1] end function utility:Draw(class, properties) local blacklistedProperties = {'Object','Children','Class'} local drawing = { Object = Drawing.new(class); Children = {}; ThemeColor = ''; OutlineThemeColor = ''; ThemeColorOffset = 0; OutlineThemeColorOffset = 0; Parent = nil; Size = newUDim2(0,0,0,0); Position = newUDim2(0,0,0,0); AbsoluteSize = newVector2(0,0); AbsolutePosition = newVector2(0,0); Hover = false; Visible = true; MouseButton1Down = library.signal.new(); MouseButton2Down = library.signal.new(); MouseButton1Up = library.signal.new(); MouseButton2Up = library.signal.new(); MouseEnter = library.signal.new(); MouseLeave = library.signal.new(); Class = class; } function drawing:Update() -- if drawing.Parent then local parent = drawing.Parent ~= nil and library.drawings[drawing.Parent.Object] or nil local parentSize,parentPos,parentVis = workspace.CurrentCamera.ViewportSize, Vector2.new(0,0), true; if parent ~= nil then parentSize = (parent.Class == 'Square' or parent.Class == 'Image') and parent.Object.Size or parent.Class == 'Text' and parent.TextBounds or workspace.CurrentCamera.ViewportSize parentPos = parent.Object.Position parentVis = parent.Object.Visible end if drawing.Class == 'Square' or drawing.Class == 'Image' then drawing.Object.Size = typeof(drawing.Size) == 'Vector2' and drawing.Size or typeof(drawing.Size) == 'UDim2' and utility:UDim2ToVector2(drawing.Size,parentSize) end if drawing.Class == 'Square' or drawing.Class == 'Image' or drawing.Class == 'Circle' or drawing.Class == 'Text' then drawing.Object.Position = parentPos + (typeof(drawing.Position) == 'Vector2' and drawing.Position or utility:UDim2ToVector2(drawing.Position,parentSize)) end drawing.Object.Visible = (parentVis and drawing.Visible) and true or false -- end drawing:UpdateChildren() end function drawing:UpdateChildren() for i,v in next, drawing.Children do v:Update() end end function drawing:GetDescendants() local descendants = {}; local function a(t) for _,v in next, t.Children do table.insert(descendants, v); a(v) end end a(self) return descendants; end library.drawings[drawing.Object] = drawing -- this is really stupid lol local proxy = utility:DetectTableChange( function(obj,i) return drawing[i] == nil and drawing.Object[i] or drawing[i] end, function(obj,i,v) if not table.find(blacklistedProperties,i) then local lastval = drawing[i] if i == 'Size' and (class == 'Square' or class == 'Image') then drawing.Object.Size = utility:UDim2ToVector2(v,drawing.Parent == nil and workspace.CurrentCamera.ViewportSize or drawing.Parent.Object.Size); drawing.AbsoluteSize = drawing.Object.Size; elseif i == 'Position' and (class == 'Square' or class == 'Image' or class == 'Text') then drawing.Object.Position = utility:UDim2ToVector2(v,drawing.Parent == nil and newVector2(0,0) or drawing.Parent.Object.Position); drawing.AbsolutePosition = drawing.Object.Position; elseif i == 'Parent' then if drawing.Parent ~= nil then drawing.Parent.Children[drawing] = nil end if v ~= nil then table.insert(v.Children,drawing) end elseif i == 'Visible' then drawing.Visible = v elseif i == 'Font' and v == 2 and executor == 'ScriptWare' then v = 1 end pcall(function() drawing.Object[i] = v end) if drawing[i] ~= nil or i == 'Parent' then drawing[i] = v end if table.find({'Size','Position','Position','Visible','Parent'},i) then drawing:Update() end if table.find({'ThemeColor','OutlineThemeColor','ThemeColorOffset','OutlineThemeColorOffset'},i) and lastval ~= v then library.UpdateThemeColors() end end end) function drawing:Remove() for i,v in next, self.Children do v:Remove(); end if drawing.Parent then drawing.Parent.Children[drawing.Object] = nil; end library.drawings[drawing.Object] = nil; drawing.Object:Remove(); table.clear(drawing); end properties = typeof(properties) == 'table' and properties or {} if class == 'Square' and properties.Filled == nil then properties.Filled = true; end if properties.Visible == nil then properties.Visible = true; end for i,v in next, properties do proxy[i] = v end drawing:Update() return proxy end end library.utility = utility function library:Unload() library.unloaded:Fire(); for _,c in next, self.connections do c:Disconnect() end for obj in next, self.drawings do obj:Remove() end table.clear(self.drawings) getgenv().library = nil end function library:init() if self.hasInit then return end local tooltipObjects = {}; makefolder(self.cheatname) makefolder(self.cheatname..'/assets') makefolder(self.cheatname..'/'..self.gamename) makefolder(self.cheatname..'/'..self.gamename..'/configs'); function self:SetTheme(theme) for i,v in next, theme do self.theme[i] = v; end self.UpdateThemeColors(); end function self:GetConfig(name) if isfile(self.cheatname..'/'..self.gamename..'/configs/'..name..self.fileext) then return readfile(self.cheatname..'/'..self.gamename..'/configs/'..name..self.fileext); end end function self:LoadConfig(name) local cfg = self:GetConfig(name) if not cfg then self:SendNotification('Error loading config: Config does not exist. ('..tostring(name)..')', 5, c3new(1,0,0)); return end local s,e = pcall(function() setByConfig = true for flag,value in next, http:JSONDecode(cfg) do local option = library.options[flag] if option ~= nil then if option.class == 'toggle' then option:SetState(value == nil and false or (value == 1 and true or false)); elseif option.class == 'slider' then option:SetValue(value == nil and 0 or value) elseif option.class == 'bind' then option:SetBind(value == nil and 'none' or (utility:HasProperty(Enum.KeyCode, value) and Enum.KeyCode[value] or Enum.UserInputType[value])); elseif option.class == 'color' then option:SetColor(value == nil and c3new(1,1,1) or c3new(value[1], value[2], value[3])); option:SetTrans(value == nil and 1 or value[4]); elseif option.class == 'list' then option:Select(value == nil and '' or value); elseif option.class == 'box' then option:SetInput(value == nil and '' or value) end end end setByConfig = false end) if s then self:SendNotification('Successfully loaded config: '..name, 5, c3new(0,1,0)); else self:SendNotification('Error loading config: '..tostring(e)..'. ('..tostring(name)..')', 5, c3new(1,0,0)); end end function self:SaveConfig(name) if not self:GetConfig(name) then self:SendNotification('Error saving config: Config does not exist. ('..tostring(name)..')', 5, c3new(1,0,0)); return end local s,e = pcall(function() local cfg = {}; for flag,option in next, self.options do if option.class == 'toggle' then cfg[flag] = option.state and 1 or 0; elseif option.class == 'slider' then cfg[flag] = option.value; elseif option.class == 'bind' then cfg[flag] = option.bind.Name; elseif option.class == 'color' then cfg[flag] = { option.color.r, option.color.g, option.color.b, option.trans, } elseif option.class == 'list' then cfg[flag] = option.selected; elseif option.class == 'box' then cfg[flag] = option.input end end writefile(self.cheatname..'/'..self.gamename..'/configs/'..name..self.fileext, http:JSONEncode(cfg)); end) if s then self:SendNotification('Successfully saved config: '..name, 5, c3new(0,1,0)); else self:SendNotification('Error saving config: '..tostring(e)..'. ('..tostring(name)..')', 5, c3new(1,0,0)); end end for i,v in next, self.images do if not isfile(self.cheatname..'/assets/'..i..'.oh') then writefile(self.cheatname..'/assets/'..i..'.oh', game:HttpGet(v)) end self.images[i] = readfile(self.cheatname..'/assets/'..i..'.oh'); end self.cursor1 = utility:Draw('Triangle', {Filled = true, Color = fromrgb(255,255,255), ZIndex = self.zindexOrder.cursor}); self.cursor2 = utility:Draw('Triangle', {Filled = true, Color = fromrgb(85,85,85), self.zindexOrder.cursor-1}); local function updateCursor() self.cursor1.Visible = self.open self.cursor2.Visible = self.open if self.cursor1.Visible then local pos = inputservice:GetMouseLocation(); self.cursor1.PointA = pos; self.cursor1.PointB = pos + newVector2(16,5); self.cursor1.PointC = pos + newVector2(5,16); self.cursor2.PointA = self.cursor1.PointA + newVector2(0, 0) self.cursor2.PointB = self.cursor1.PointB + newVector2(1, 1) self.cursor2.PointC = self.cursor1.PointC + newVector2(1, 1) end end local screenGui = Instance.new('ScreenGui'); if syn then syn.protect_gui(screenGui); end screenGui.Parent = game:GetService('CoreGui'); screenGui.Enabled = true; utility:Instance('ImageButton', { Parent = screenGui, Visible = true, Modal = true, Size = UDim2.new(1,0,1,0), ZIndex = 9999999999, Transparency = 1; }) utility:Connection(library.unloaded, function() screenGui:Destroy() end) utility:Connection(inputservice.InputBegan, function(input, gpe) if self.hasInit then if input.KeyCode == self.toggleKey and not library.opening and not gpe then self:SetOpen(not self.open) task.spawn(function() library.opening = true; task.wait(.15); library.opening = false; end) end if library.open then local hoverObj = utility:GetHoverObject(); local hoverObjData = library.drawings[hoverObj]; if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then mb1down = true; button1down:Fire() if hoverObj and hoverObjData then hoverObjData.MouseButton1Down:Fire(inputservice:GetMouseLocation()) end -- // Update Sliders Click if library.draggingSlider ~= nil then local rel = inputservice:GetMouseLocation() - library.draggingSlider.objects.background.Object.Position; local val = utility:ConvertNumberRange(rel.X, 0 , library.draggingSlider.objects.background.Object.Size.X, library.draggingSlider.min, library.draggingSlider.max); library.draggingSlider:SetValue(val) end elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2 then if hoverObj and hoverObjData then hoverObjData.MouseButton2Down:Fire(inputservice:GetMouseLocation()) end end end end end) utility:Connection(inputservice.InputEnded, function(input, gpe) if self.hasInit and library.open then local hoverObj = utility:GetHoverObject(); local hoverObjData = library.drawings[hoverObj]; if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then mb1down = false; button1up:Fire(); if hoverObj and hoverObjData then hoverObjData.MouseButton1Up:Fire(inputservice:GetMouseLocation()) end elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2 then if hoverObj and hoverObjData then hoverObjData.MouseButton2Up:Fire(inputservice:GetMouseLocation()) end end end end) utility:Connection(inputservice.InputChanged, function(input, gpe) if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then if library.open then mousemove:Fire(inputservice:GetMouseLocation()); updateCursor(); if library.CurrentTooltip ~= nil then local mousePos = inputservice:GetMouseLocation() tooltipObjects.background.Position = UDim2.new(0,mousePos.X + 15,0,mousePos.Y + 15) tooltipObjects.background.Size = UDim2.new(0,tooltipObjects.text.TextBounds.X + 6 + (library.CurrentTooltip.risky and 60 or 0),0,tooltipObjects.text.TextBounds.Y + 2) end local hoverObj = utility:GetHoverObject(); for _,v in next, library.drawings do local hover = hoverObj == v.Object; if hover and not v.Hover then v.Hover = true; v.MouseEnter:Fire(inputservice:GetMouseLocation()); elseif not hover and v.Hover then v.Hover = false; v.MouseLeave:Fire(inputservice:GetMouseLocation()); end end if mb1down then -- // Update Sliders Drag if library.draggingSlider ~= nil then local rel = inputservice:GetMouseLocation() - library.draggingSlider.objects.background.Object.Position; local val = utility:ConvertNumberRange(rel.X, 0 , library.draggingSlider.objects.background.Object.Size.X, library.draggingSlider.min, library.draggingSlider.max); library.draggingSlider:SetValue(val) end end end end end) function self:SetOpen(bool) self.open = bool; screenGui.Enabled = bool; if bool and library.flags.disablemenumovement then actionservice:BindAction( 'FreezeMovement', function() return Enum.ContextActionResult.Sink end, false, unpack(Enum.PlayerActions:GetEnumItems()) ) else actionservice:UnbindAction('FreezeMovement'); end updateCursor(); for _,window in next, self.windows do window:SetOpen(bool); end library.CurrentTooltip = nil; tooltipObjects.background.Visible = false end function self.UpdateThemeColors() for _,v in next, library.drawings do if v.ThemeColor and library.theme[v.ThemeColor] then v.Object.Color = utility:AddRGB(library.theme[v.ThemeColor],fromrgb(v.ThemeColorOffset,v.ThemeColorOffset,v.ThemeColorOffset)) end if v.ThemeColorOutline and library.theme[v.ThemeColorOutline] then v.Object.OutlineColor = utility:AddRGB(library.theme[v.ThemeColorOutline],fromrgb(v.OutlineThemeColorOffset,v.OutlineThemeColorOffset,v.OutlineThemeColorOffset)) end end end function self:SendNotification(message, time, color) time = time or 5 if typeof(message) ~= 'string' then return error(string.format('invalid message type, got %s, expected string', typeof(message))) elseif typeof(time) ~= 'number' then return error(string.format('invalid time type, got %s, expected number', typeof(time))) elseif color ~= nil and typeof(color) ~= 'Color3' then return error(string.format('invalid color type, got %s, expected color3', typeof(time))) end local notification = {}; self.notifications[notification] = true do local objs = notification; local z = self.zindexOrder.notification; notification.holder = utility:Draw('Square', { Position = newUDim2(0, 0, 0, 75); Transparency = 0; }) notification.background = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,0,1,0); Position = newUDim2(0, -500, 0, 0); Parent = notification.holder; ThemeColor = 'Background'; ZIndex = z; }) notification.border1 = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,2); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,-1); ThemeColor = 'Border 2'; Parent = notification.background; ZIndex = z-1; }) objs.border2 = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,2); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,-1); ThemeColor = 'Border 3'; Parent = objs.border1; ZIndex = z-2; }) notification.gradient = utility:Draw('Image', { Size = newUDim2(1,0,1,0); Data = self.images.gradientp90; Parent = notification.background; Transparency = .5; ZIndex = z+1; }) notification.accentBar = utility:Draw('Square',{ Size = newUDim2(0,5,1,4); Position = newUDim2(0,0,0,-2); Parent = notification.background; ThemeColor = color == nil and 'Accent' or ''; ZIndex = z+5; }) notification.text = utility:Draw('Text', { Position = newUDim2(0,13,0,2); ThemeColor = 'Primary Text'; Text = message; Outline = true; Font = 2; Size = 13; ZIndex = z+4; Parent = notification.background; }) if color then notification.accentBar.Color = color; end end function notification:Remove() library.notifications[notification] = nil; self.holder:Remove(); library:UpdateNotifications() end task.spawn(function() self:UpdateNotifications(); notification.background.Size = newUDim2(0, notification.text.TextBounds.X + 20, 0, 19) task.wait(); utility:Tween(notification.background, 'Position', newUDim2(0,0,0, 0), .1); task.wait(time); for i,v in next, notification do if typeof(v) ~= 'function' then utility:Tween(v, 'Transparency', 0, .15); end end utility:Connection(utility:Tween(notification.background, 'Position', newUDim2(0,-500,0, 0), .25).Completed, (function() notification:Remove(); end)) end) end function self:UpdateNotifications() local i = 0 for v in next, self.notifications do utility:Tween(v.holder, 'Position', newUDim2(0,0,0, 75 + (i * 30)), .15) i += 1 end end function self.NewIndicator(data) local indicator = { title = data.title or 'indicator', enabled = data.enabled or false, position = data.position or newUDim2(0,15,0,300), values = {}, objects = {valueObjects = {}}, spacing = ' ', }; table.insert(self.indicators, indicator) -- Create Objects -- do local z = self.zindexOrder.indicator; local objs = indicator.objects; objs.background = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(0, 200, 0, 16); Position = indicator.position; ThemeColor = 'Background'; ZIndex = z; }) objs.border1 = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,2); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,-1); ThemeColor = 'Border 2'; Parent = objs.background; ZIndex = z-1; }) objs.border2 = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,2); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,-1); ThemeColor = 'Border 3'; Parent = objs.border1; ZIndex = z-2; }) objs.topborder = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,0,0,1); ThemeColor = 'Accent'; Parent = objs.background; ZIndex = z+1; }) objs.textlabel = utility:Draw('Text', { Position = newUDim2(.5,0,0,1); ThemeColor = 'Primary Text'; Text = indicator.title; Size = 13; Font = 2; ZIndex = z+2; Center = true; Outline = true; Parent = objs.background; }); end -------------------- function indicator:Update() local xSize = 125 local yPos = 0 table.sort(self.values, function(a,b) return a.order < b.order; end) for _,v in next, self.values do v.objects.keyLabel.Text = tostring(v.key); v.objects.valueLabel.Text = tostring(v.value); v.objects.valueLabel.Position = newUDim2(1,-(v.objects.valueLabel.TextBounds.X + 3),0,0) v.objects.background.Position = newUDim2(0,0,1,3 + yPos) v.objects.background.Visible = v.enabled if v.enabled then yPos = yPos + 16 + 3 local x = (v.objects.keyLabel.TextBounds.X + 10 + v.objects.valueLabel.TextBounds.X) if x > xSize then xSize = x end end end self.objects.background.Size = newUDim2(0,xSize + 8,0,16) self.objects.background.Position = self.position end function indicator:AddValue(data) local value = { key = data.key or '', value = data.value or '', order = data.order or #self.values+1, enabled = data.enabled == nil and true or data.enabled, objects = {}, } table.insert(self.values, value); -- Create Objects -- do local z = library.zindexOrder.indicator; local objs = value.objects; objs.background = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1, 0, 0, 16); ThemeColor = 'Background'; ZIndex = z; Parent = indicator.objects.background; }) objs.border1 = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,2); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,-1); ThemeColor = 'Border 2'; Parent = objs.background; ZIndex = z-1; }) objs.border2 = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,2); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,-1); ThemeColor = 'Border 3'; Parent = objs.border1; ZIndex = z-2; }) objs.keyLabel = utility:Draw('Text', { Position = newUDim2(0,3,0,1); ThemeColor = 'Option Text 2'; Size = 13; Font = 2; ZIndex = z+2; Outline = true; Parent = objs.background; }); objs.valueLabel = utility:Draw('Text', { Position = newUDim2(0,0,0,1); ThemeColor = 'Option Text 2'; Size = 13; Font = 2; ZIndex = z+2; Outline = true; Parent = objs.background; }); end -------------------- function value:Remove() table.remove(indicator.values, table.find(indicator.values, value)) self.objects.background:Remove() table.clear(self) indicator:Update(); end function value:SetEnabled(bool) if typeof(bool) == 'boolean' then self.enabled = bool indicator:Update() end end function value:SetValue(str) if typeof(str) == 'string' then self.value = str indicator:Update() end end function value:SetKey(str) if typeof(str) == 'string' then self.key = str indicator:Update() end end self:Update() return value end function indicator:GetValue(idx) if typeof(idx) == 'number' then return self.values[idx] else for i,v in next, self.values do if v.key == idx then return v end end end end function indicator:SetEnabled(bool) if typeof(bool) == 'boolean' then self.enabled = bool; self.objects.background.Visible = bool; self:Update(); end end function indicator:SetPosition(udim2) if typeof(udim2) == 'UDim2' then self.position = udim2 self.objects.background.Position = udim2; end end for i,v in next, data.values or {} do indicator:AddValue({key = tostring(i), value = tostring(v)}) end indicator:SetEnabled(indicator.enabled); return indicator end function self.NewWindow(data) local window = { title = data.title or '', selectedTab = nil; tabs = {}, objects = {}, colorpicker = { objects = {}; color = c3new(1,0,0); trans = 0; }; dropdown = { objects = { values = {}; }; max = 5; } }; table.insert(library.windows, window); ----- Create Objects ---- do local size = data.size or newUDim2(0, 525, 0, 650); local position = data.position or newUDim2(0, 250, 0, 150); local objs = window.objects; local z = library.zindexOrder.window; objs.background = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = size; Position = position; ThemeColor = 'Background'; ZIndex = z; }) objs.innerBorder1 = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,2); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,-1); ThemeColor = 'Border 3'; ZIndex = z-1; Parent = objs.background; }) objs.innerBorder2 = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,2); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,-1); ThemeColor = 'Border 1'; ZIndex = z-2; Parent = objs.innerBorder1; }) objs.midBorder = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,10,1,25); Position = newUDim2(0,-5,0,-20); ThemeColor = 'Border 2'; ZIndex = z-3; Parent = objs.innerBorder2; }) objs.outerBorder1 = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,2); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,-1); ThemeColor = 'Border 1'; ZIndex = z-4; Parent = objs.midBorder; }) objs.outerBorder2 = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,2); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,-1); ThemeColor = 'Border 3'; ZIndex = z-5; Parent = objs.outerBorder1; }) objs.topBorder = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,0,0,1); ThemeColor = 'Accent'; ZIndex = z+1; Parent = objs.background; }) objs.title = utility:Draw('Text', { Position = newUDim2(0,7,0,2); ThemeColor = 'Primary Text'; Text = window.title; Font = 2; Size = 13; ZIndex = z+1; Outline = true; Parent = objs.midBorder; }) objs.groupBackground = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,-16,1,-(16+23)); Position = newUDim2(0,8,0,8+23); ThemeColor = 'Group Background'; ZIndex = z+5; Parent = objs.background; }) objs.groupInnerBorder = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,2); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,-1); ThemeColor = 'Border 1'; ZIndex = z+4; Parent = objs.groupBackground; }) objs.groupOuterBorder = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,2); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,-1); ThemeColor = 'Border 3'; ZIndex = z+3; Parent = objs.groupInnerBorder; }) objs.tabHolder = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,0,0,20); Position = newUDim2(0,0,0,-21); Parent = objs.groupBackground; Transparency = 0; ZIndex = z+1; }) objs.columnholder1 = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(.48, 0, .96, 0); Position = newUDim2(.01, 0, .02, 0); Transparency = 0; ZIndex = z+6; Parent = objs.groupBackground; }) objs.columnholder2 = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(.48, 0, .96, 0); Position = newUDim2(1 - (.48 + .01), 0, .02, 0); Transparency = 0; ZIndex = z+6; Parent = objs.groupBackground; }) objs.dragdetector = utility:Draw('Square',{ Size = newUDim2(1,0,1,0); Parent = objs.midBorder; Transparency = 0; ZIndex = z+2; }) local dragging, mouseStart, objStart; utility:Connection(objs.dragdetector.MouseButton1Down, function(pos) dragging = true; mouseStart = newUDim2(0, pos.X, 0, pos.Y); objStart = objs.background.Position; end) utility:Connection(button1up, function() dragging = false; end) utility:Connection(mousemove, function(pos) if dragging then if window.open then objs.background.Position = objStart + newUDim2(0, pos.X, 0, pos.Y) - mouseStart; else dragging = false end end end) end ------------------------- -- Create Color Picker -- do -- Objects do local objs = window.colorpicker.objects; local z = library.zindexOrder.colorpicker; objs.background = utility:Draw('Square', { Visible = false; Size = newUDim2(0,200,0,242); Position = newUDim2(1,-200,1,10); ThemeColor = 'Background'; ZIndex = z; Parent = window.objects.background; }) objs.border1 = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,2); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,-1); ThemeColor = 'Border'; ZIndex = z-1; Parent = objs.background; }) objs.border2 = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,2); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,-1); ThemeColor = 'Border 1'; ZIndex = z-2; Parent = objs.border1; }) objs.border3 = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,2); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,-1); ThemeColor = 'Border'; ZIndex = z-3; Parent = objs.border2; }) objs.statusText = utility:Draw('Text', { Position = newUDim2(0,5,0,4); Text = 'colorpicker_status_text'; ThemeColor = 'Option Text 1'; Size = 13; Font = 2; Outline = true; ZIndex = z+1; Parent = objs.background; }) objs.mainColor = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(0, 175, 0, 175); Position = newUDim2(0, 5, 0, 25); Color = c3new(1,0,0); ZIndex = z+2; Parent = objs.background; }) objs.sat1 = utility:Draw('Image', { Size = newUDim2(1,0,1,0); Data = syn.crypt.base64.decode"PNG  ��� IHDR�������E���gAMA�� a��� cHRM��z%��������u0��`��:��o_F���bKGD�̿��� pHYs�� �� ����tIME /2]��IDATx90E?!2f 'X `*y%dTwt=Gj,]?mm&0nb&Ym{M'_'iw{;,/ۣ<&$  B!B!@H@H $ $  B!B!�!@H $@H $  BB!�!@H $@H $   B!B!@H@H $ $  B!B!@H. BB!�!@H $@H $  BB!�!@H@H $ $  B!B!@H@H $ $  BB!�!@H $@H $  BB!�!@H $@H $ $  B!B!@H@H $ $  BB!�!@H $@H $  BB!�!@H $@H $ $  B!B!@H@H $ $  B!B!�!@H $@H $  BB!�!@H $@H $ $  B!B!@H@H $ $  B!B!�!@H $@H $  BB!�!@H $@H $   B!B!@H@H $ $  B!B!@H. BB!�!@H $@H $  BB!�!@H@H $ $  B!B!@H@H $ $  BB!�!@H $@H $  BB!�!@H $@H $ $7E3~���%tEXtdate:create�2021-07-12T18:47:50+00:00e3���%tEXtdate:modify�2021-07-12T18:47:50+00:008a����IENDB`"; ZIndex = z+3; Parent = objs.mainColor; }) objs.sat2 = utility:Draw('Image', { Size = newUDim2(1,0,1,0); Data = syn.crypt.base64.decode"PNG  ��� IHDR�������E���gAMA�� a��� cHRM��z%��������u0��`��:��o_F���bKGD�̿��� pHYs�� �� ����tIME / D{,��IDATx @EA7sm̔<7�0#'�C^(8�EC(`H`H8 P$0$pځ"N;@@@�C8�EECHHHH"! P$0$pځ"N;P$@i(((CCo$i(8@�C((H`HER$P$P$0$i8@@�EC(`HEE vH""!N;P$P$P$i8@@`{L vE  v"""!N;h/)"7ECHHH`H!!|~6"!P$0$0$0$g(8�EEyE2%pځ P$P$0$pUL  �(((P IiN;0$i   0$0$0$XP$0$pHH`H 0$hg(8\$SEo$0$iTC$pځ pځ"""8i((`HP$0$pHH`H 0$hg(8�ECCC*~6"""N;W$S8@�EECPɔ@ pځ"""�N;@ig(((`HEE vHH`H v"""!N;P$P$P$i(8@�C(HH`H   pځ"""N;P$P$@i8@@�ECHH`H    0$pځ"!N;0$0$F vHH""!G�EECv`H`H8@@�C((H`HE  v"!P$P$P$0$iN;@ P$0$y"M9|���%tEXtdate:create�2021-07-12T18:47:32+00:00ݕ+s���%tEXtdate:modify�2021-07-12T18:47:32+00:00ȓ����IENDB`"; ZIndex = z+4; Parent = objs.mainColor; }) objs.colorBorder = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,2); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,-1); ThemeColor = 'Border'; ZIndex = z+1; Parent = objs.mainColor; }) objs.mainDetector = utility:Draw('Square',{ Size = newUDim2(1,0,1,0); Transparency = 0; ZIndex = z+10; Parent = objs.mainColor; }) objs.hue = utility:Draw('Image', { Size = newUDim2(0,175,0,10); Position = newUDim2(0,5,0,205); Data = library.images.colorhue; ZIndex = z+2; Parent = objs.background; }) objs.hueBorder = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,2); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,-1); ThemeColor = 'Border'; ZIndex = z+1; Parent = objs.hue; }) objs.hueDetector = utility:Draw('Square',{ Size = newUDim2(1,0,1,0); Transparency = 0; ZIndex = z+10; Parent = objs.hue; }) objs.transColor = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(0,10,0,175); Position = newUDim2(0,185,0,25); Color = c3new(1,0,0); ZIndex = z+2; Parent = objs.background; }) objs.trans = utility:Draw('Image', { Size = newUDim2(1,0,1,0); Data = library.images.colortrans; ZIndex = z+3; Parent = objs.transColor; }) objs.transBorder = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,2); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,-1); ThemeColor = 'Border'; ZIndex = z+1; Parent = objs.transColor; }) objs.transDetector = utility:Draw('Square',{ Size = newUDim2(1,0,1,0); Transparency = 0; ZIndex = z+10; Parent = objs.transColor; }) objs.pointer = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(0,2,0,2); Position = newUDim2(0,0,0,0); Color = c3new(1,1,1); ZIndex = z+6; Parent = objs.mainColor; }) objs.pointerBorder = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,2); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,-1); Color = c3new(0,0,0); ZIndex = z+5; Parent = objs.pointer; }) objs.hueSlider = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(0,1,1,0); Color = c3new(1,1,1); ZIndex = z+4; Parent = objs.hue; }) objs.hueSliderBorder = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,2); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,-1); Color = c3new(0,0,0); ZIndex = z+3; Parent = objs.hueSlider; }) objs.transSlider = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,0,0,1); Color = c3new(1,1,1); ZIndex = z+5; Parent = objs.trans; }) objs.transSliderBorder = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,2); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,-1); Color = c3new(0,0,0); ZIndex = z+4; Parent = objs.transSlider; }) objs.rBackground = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(0, 60, 0, 15); Position = newUDim2(0, 5, 1, - 20); ThemeColor = 'Option Background'; Parent = objs.background; ZIndex = z+5; }) objs.rBorder = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,2); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,-1); Color = c3new(0,0,0); ZIndex = z+4; Parent = objs.rBackground; }) objs.rText = utility:Draw('Text', { Position = newUDim2(.5,0,0,0); Color = c3new(1,.1,.1); Text = 'R'; Size = 13; Font = 2; Outline = true; Center = true; ZIndex = z+6; Parent = objs.rBackground; }) objs.gBackground = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(0, 60, 0, 15); Position = newUDim2(0, 70, 1, - 20); ThemeColor = 'Option Background'; Parent = objs.background; ZIndex = z+5; }) objs.gBorder = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,2); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,-1); Color = c3new(0,0,0); ZIndex = z+4; Parent = objs.gBackground; }) objs.gText = utility:Draw('Text', { Position = newUDim2(.5,0,0,0); Color = c3new(.1,1,.1); Text = 'G'; Size = 13; Font = 2; Outline = true; Center = true; ZIndex = z+6; Parent = objs.gBackground; }) objs.bBackground = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(0, 60, 0, 15); Position = newUDim2(0, 135, 1, - 20); ThemeColor = 'Option Background'; Parent = objs.background; ZIndex = z+5; }) objs.bBorder = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,2); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,-1); Color = c3new(0,0,0); ZIndex = z+4; Parent = objs.bBackground; }) objs.bText = utility:Draw('Text', { Position = newUDim2(.5,0,0,0); Color = c3new(.1,.1,1); Text = 'B'; Size = 13; Font = 2; Outline = true; Center = true; ZIndex = z+6; Parent = objs.bBackground; }) local draggingHue, draggingSat, draggingTrans = false, false, false; local function updateSatVal(pos) if window.colorpicker.selected ~= nil then local hue, sat, val = window.colorpicker.selected.color:ToHSV() X = (objs.mainColor.Object.Position.X + objs.mainColor.Object.Size.X) - objs.mainColor.Object.Position.X Y = (objs.mainColor.Object.Position.Y + objs.mainColor.Object.Size.Y) - objs.mainColor.Object.Position.Y X = math.clamp((pos.X - objs.mainColor.Object.Position.X) / X, 0, 0.995) Y = math.clamp((pos.Y - objs.mainColor.Object.Position.Y) / Y, 0, 0.995) sat, val = 1 - X, 1 - Y; window.colorpicker.selected:SetColor(fromhsv(hue,sat,val)); window.colorpicker:Visualize(fromhsv(hue, sat, val), window.colorpicker.selected.trans); end end local function updateHue(pos) if window.colorpicker.selected ~= nil then local hue, sat, val = window.colorpicker.selected.color:ToHSV() X = (objs.hue.Object.Position.X + objs.hue.Object.Size.X) - objs.hue.Object.Position.X X = math.clamp((pos.X - objs.hue.Object.Position.X) / X, 0, 0.995) hue = 1 - X window.colorpicker.selected:SetColor(fromhsv(hue,sat,val)); window.colorpicker:Visualize(fromhsv(hue, sat, val), window.colorpicker.selected.trans); end end local function updateTrans(pos) if window.colorpicker.selected ~= nil then Y = (objs.trans.Object.Position.Y + objs.trans.Object.Size.Y) - objs.trans.Object.Position.Y Y = math.clamp((pos.Y - objs.transColor.Object.Position.Y) / Y, 0, 0.995) window.colorpicker.selected:SetTrans(Y); window.colorpicker:Visualize(window.colorpicker.selected.color, Y); end end utility:Connection(objs.mainDetector.MouseButton1Down, function(pos) draggingSat = true; updateSatVal(pos) end) utility:Connection(objs.hueDetector.MouseButton1Down, function(pos) draggingHue = true; updateHue(pos) end) utility:Connection(objs.transDetector.MouseButton1Down, function(pos) draggingTrans = true; updateTrans(pos) end) utility:Connection(mousemove, function(pos) if library.open then if draggingSat then updateSatVal(pos) elseif draggingHue then updateHue(pos) elseif draggingTrans then updateTrans(pos) end end end) utility:Connection(button1up, function() draggingSat = false; draggingHue = false; draggingTrans = false; end) end function window.colorpicker:Visualize(c3, a) if typeof(c3) ~= 'Color3' then return end if typeof(a) ~= 'number' then return end local h,s,v = c3:ToHSV(); h = h == 0 and 1 or h; self.color = c3; self.trans = a; self.objects.mainColor.Color = fromhsv(h,1,1); self.objects.transColor.Color = fromhsv(h,s,v); self.objects.hueSlider.Position = newUDim2(1 - h, 0,0,0); self.objects.transSlider.Position = newUDim2(0,0,a,0); self.objects.pointer.Position = newUDim2(1 - s, 0, 1 - v, 0); self.objects.statusText.Text = 'Editing : Unknown'; if self.selected ~= nil then local txt = 'Editing : Unknown'; if self.selected.text ~= nil and self.selected.text ~= '' then txt = tostring(self.selected.text) elseif self.selected.flag ~= nil and self.selected.flag ~= '' then txt = tostring(self.selected.flag) end self.objects.statusText.Text = tostring(txt); end end window.colorpicker:Visualize(window.colorpicker.color, window.colorpicker.trans) end ------------------------- ---- Create Dropdown ---- do -- Default Objects do local objs = window.dropdown.objects; local z = library.zindexOrder.dropdown; objs.background = utility:Draw('Square', { Visible = false; Size = newUDim2(1,-3,0,50); Position = newUDim2(0,3,1,0); ThemeColor = 'Background'; ZIndex = z; Parent = window.objects.background; }) objs.border1 = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,2); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,-1); ThemeColor = 'Border'; ZIndex = z-1; Parent = objs.background; }) objs.border2 = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,2); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,-1); ThemeColor = 'Border 1'; ZIndex = z-2; Parent = objs.border1; }) objs.border3 = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,2); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,-1); ThemeColor = 'Border'; ZIndex = z-3; Parent = objs.border2; }) end function window.dropdown:Refresh() if self.selected ~= nil then local list = self.selected for idx, value in next, list.values do local valueObject = self.objects.values[idx] if valueObject == nil then valueObject = {}; valueObject.background = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,-4,0,18); Color = Color3.new(.25,.25,.25); Transparency = 0; ZIndex = library.zindexOrder.dropdown+1; Parent = self.objects.background; }) valueObject.text = utility:Draw('Text', { Position = newUDim2(0,3,0,1); ThemeColor = 'Option Text 2'; Text = tostring(value); Size = 13; Font = 2; ZIndex = library.zindexOrder.dropdown+2; Parent = valueObject.background; }) valueObject.connection = utility:Connection(valueObject.background.MouseButton1Down, function() local currentList = self.selected if currentList then local val = currentList.values[idx] local currentSelected = currentList.selected; local newSelected = currentList.multi and {} or val; if currentList.multi then for i,v in next, currentSelected do if v == "none" then continue end newSelected[i] = v; end if table.find(newSelected, val) then table.remove(newSelected, table.find(newSelected, val)); else table.insert(newSelected, val) end end currentList:Select(newSelected); if not currentList.multi then currentList.open = false; currentList.objects.openText.Text = '+'; window.dropdown.selected = nil; window.dropdown.objects.background.Visible = false; end for idx, val in next, currentList.values do local valueObj = self.objects.values[idx] if valueObj then valueObj.background.Transparency = (typeof(newSelected) == 'table' and table.find(newSelected, val) or newSelected == val) and 1 or 0 end end end end) self.objects.values[idx] = valueObject end end for idx, val in next, list.values do local valueObj = self.objects.values[idx] if valueObj then valueObj.background.Transparency = (typeof(list.selected) == 'table' and table.find(list.selected, val) or list.selected == val) and 1 or 0 end end local y,padding = 2,2 for idx, obj in next, self.objects.values do local valueStr = list.values[idx] obj.background.Visible = valueStr ~= nil if valueStr ~= nil then obj.background.Position = newUDim2(0,2,0,y); obj.text.Text = valueStr; y = y + obj.background.Object.Size.Y + padding; end end self.objects.background.Size = newUDim2(1,-6,0,y); end end window.dropdown:Refresh(); end ------------------------- local function tooltip(option) utility:Connection(option.objects.holder.MouseEnter, function() tooltipObjects.background.Visible = (not (option.tooltip == '' or option.tooltip == nil)) and true or false; tooltipObjects.riskytext.Visible = option.risky; tooltipObjects.text.Position = option.risky and newUDim2(0,60,0,0) or newUDim2(0,3,0,0) tooltipObjects.text.Text = tostring(option.tooltip); library.CurrentTooltip = option; end) utility:Connection(option.objects.holder.MouseLeave, function() if library.CurrentTooltip == option then library.CurrentTooltip = nil; tooltipObjects.background.Visible = false end end) end local visValues = {}; function window:SetOpen(bool) if typeof(bool) == 'boolean' then self.open = bool; local objs = self.objects.background:GetDescendants() table.insert(objs, self.objects.background) task.spawn(function() if not bool then task.wait(.1); end self.objects.background.Visible = bool; end) for _,v in next, objs do if v.Object.Transparency ~= 0 then task.spawn(function() if bool then utility:Tween(v.Object, 'Transparency', visValues[v] or 1, .1); else visValues[v] = v.Object.Transparency; utility:Tween(v.Object, 'Transparency', .05, .1); end end) end end end end function window:AddTab(text, order) local tab = { text = text; order = order or #self.tabs+1; callback = function() end; objects = {}; sections = {}; } table.insert(self.tabs, tab); --- Create Objects --- do local objs = tab.objects; local z = library.zindexOrder.window + 5; objs.background = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(0,50,1,0); Parent = self.objects.tabHolder; ThemeColor = 'Unselected Tab Background'; ZIndex = z; }) objs.innerBorder = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,2); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,-1); ThemeColor = 'Border 1'; ZIndex = z-1; Parent = objs.background; }) objs.outerBorder = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,2); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,-1); ThemeColor = 'Border 3'; ZIndex = z-2; Parent = objs.innerBorder; }) objs.topBorder = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,0,0,1); ThemeColor = 'Unselected Tab Background'; ZIndex = z+1; Parent = objs.background; }) objs.text = utility:Draw('Text', { ThemeColor = 'Unselected Tab Text'; Text = text; Size = 13; Font = 2; ZIndex = z+1; Outline = true; Center = true; Parent = objs.background; }) utility:Connection(objs.background.MouseButton1Down, function() tab:Select(); end) end ---------------------- function tab:AddSection(text, side, order) local section = { text = tostring(text); side = side == nil and 1 or clamp(side,1,2); order = order or #self.sections+1; enabled = true; objects = {}; options = {}; }; table.insert(self.sections, section); --- Create Objects --- do local objs = section.objects; local z = library.zindexOrder.window+15; objs.background = utility:Draw('Square', { ThemeColor = 'Section Background'; ZIndex = z; Parent = window.objects['columnholder'..(section.side)]; }) objs.innerBorder = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,1); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,0); ThemeColor = 'Border 3'; ZIndex = z-1; Parent = objs.background; }) objs.outerBorder = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,1); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,0); ThemeColor = 'Border 1'; ZIndex = z-2; Parent = objs.innerBorder; }) objs.topBorder1 = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(.025,1,0,1); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,0); ThemeColor = 'Accent'; ZIndex = z+1; Parent = objs.background; }) objs.topBorder2 = utility:Draw('Square', { ThemeColor = 'Accent'; ZIndex = z+1; Parent = objs.background; }) objs.textlabel = utility:Draw('Text', { Position = newUDim2(.0425,0,0,-7); ThemeColor = 'Primary Text'; Size = 13; Font = 2; ZIndex = z+1; Parent = objs.background; }) objs.optionholder = utility:Draw('Square',{ Size = newUDim2(1-.03,0,1,-15); Position = newUDim2(.015,0,0,13); Transparency = 0; ZIndex = z+1; Parent = objs.background; }) end ---------------------- function section:SetText(text) self.text = tostring(text); self.objects.textlabel.Text = self.text; local x = self.objects.background.Object.Size.X - self.objects.textlabel.TextBounds.X - 13 self.objects.topBorder2.Size = newUDim2(0, x, 0, 1) self.objects.topBorder2.Position = newUDim2(1, 1 + -x, 0, 0) end function section:UpdateOptions() table.sort(self.options, function(a,b) return a.order < b.order end) local ySize, padding = 15, 0; for i,option in next, self.options do option.objects.holder.Visible = option.enabled if option.enabled then option.objects.holder.Position = newUDim2(0,0,0,ySize-15); ySize += option.objects.holder.Object.Size.Y + padding; end end self.objects.background.Size = newUDim2(1,0,0,ySize); end function section:SetEnabled(bool) if typeof(bool) == 'boolean' then section.enabled = bool; tab:UpdateSections(); end end ------- Options ------- -- // Toggle function section:AddToggle(data) local toggle = { class = 'toggle'; flag = data.flag; text = ''; tooltip = ''; order = #self.options+1; state = false; risky = false; callback = function() end; enabled = true; options = {}; objects = {}; }; local blacklist = {'objects'}; for i,v in next, data do if not table.find(blacklist, i) ~= toggle[i] ~= nil then toggle[i] = v end end table.insert(self.options, toggle) if toggle.flag then library.flags[toggle.flag] = toggle.state; library.options[toggle.flag] = toggle; end --- Create Objects --- do local objs = toggle.objects; local z = library.zindexOrder.window+25; objs.holder = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,0,0,17); Transparency = 0; ZIndex = z+5; Parent = section.objects.optionholder; }) objs.background = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(0,8,0,8); Position = newUDim2(0,2,0,4); ThemeColor = 'Option Background'; ZIndex = z+3; Parent = objs.holder; }) objs.gradient = utility:Draw('Image', { Size = newUDim2(1,0,1,0); Data = library.images.gradientp45; Transparency = .25; ZIndex = z+4; Parent = objs.background; }) objs.border1 = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,2); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,-1); ThemeColor = 'Option Border 1'; ZIndex = z+2; Parent = objs.background; }) objs.border2 = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,2); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,-1); ThemeColor = 'Option Border 2'; ZIndex = z+1; Parent = objs.border1; }) objs.text = utility:Draw('Text', { Position = newUDim2(0,19,0,1); ThemeColor = 'Option Text 3'; Size = 13; Font = 2; ZIndex = z+1; Outline = true; Parent = objs.holder; }) utility:Connection(objs.holder.MouseEnter, function() objs.border1.ThemeColor = 'Accent'; end) utility:Connection(objs.holder.MouseLeave, function() objs.border1.ThemeColor = toggle.state and 'Accent' or 'Option Border 1'; end) utility:Connection(objs.holder.MouseButton1Down, function() toggle:SetState(not toggle.state); end) end ---------------------- function toggle:SetState(bool, nocallback) if typeof(bool) == 'boolean' then self.state = bool; if self.flag then library.flags[self.flag] = bool; end self.objects.border1.ThemeColor = bool and 'Accent' or (self.objects.holder.Hover and 'Accent' or 'Option Border 1'); self.objects.text.ThemeColor = bool and (self.risky and 'Risky Text Enabled' or 'Option Text 1') or (self.risky and 'Risky Text' or 'Option Text 3'); self.objects.background.ThemeColor = bool and 'Accent' or 'Option Background'; self.objects.background.ThemeColorOffset = bool and -55 or 0 if not nocallback then self.callback(bool); end end end function toggle:SetText(str) if typeof(str) == 'string' then self.text = str; self.objects.text.Text = str; end end function toggle:UpdateOptions() table.sort(self.options, function(a,b) return a.order < b.order end) local x, y = 0, 0 for i,option in next, self.options do option.objects.holder.Visible = option.enabled if option.enabled then if option.class == 'color' or option.class == 'bind' then option.objects.holder.Position = newUDim2(1,-option.objects.holder.Object.Size.X-x,0,0); x = x + option.objects.holder.Object.Size.X; elseif option.class == 'slider' or option.class == 'list' then option.objects.holder.Position = newUDim2(0,0,1,-option.objects.holder.Object.Size.Y-y); y = y + option.objects.holder.Object.Size.Y; end end end self.objects.holder.Size = newUDim2(1,0,0,17 + y); section:UpdateOptions() end -- // Toggle Addons function toggle:AddColor(data) local color = { class = 'color'; flag = data.flag; text = ''; tooltip = ''; order = #self.options+1; callback = function() end; color = Color3.new(1,1,1); trans = 0; open = false; enabled = true; objects = {}; }; local blacklist = {'objects'}; for i,v in next, data do if not table.find(blacklist, i) and color[i] ~= nil then color[i] = v end end table.insert(self.options, color) if color.flag then library.flags[color.flag] = color.color; library.options[color.flag] = color; end --- Create Objects --- do local objs = color.objects; local z = library.zindexOrder.window+25; objs.holder = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(0,21,0,17); Transparency = 0; ZIndex = z+6; Parent = self.objects.holder; }) objs.background = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(0,15,0,8); Position = newUDim2(0,4,0,5); ZIndex = z+3; Parent = objs.holder; }) objs.gradient = utility:Draw('Image', { Size = newUDim2(1,0,1,0); Data = library.images.gradientp45; Transparency = .25; ZIndex = z+4; Parent = objs.background; }) objs.border1 = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,2); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,-1); ThemeColor = 'Option Border 1'; ZIndex = z+2; Parent = objs.background; }) objs.border2 = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,2); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,-1); ThemeColor = 'Option Border 2'; ZIndex = z+1; Parent = objs.border1; }) utility:Connection(objs.holder.MouseEnter, function() objs.border1.ThemeColor = 'Accent'; end) utility:Connection(objs.holder.MouseLeave, function() objs.border1.ThemeColor = color.state and 'Accent' or 'Option Border 1'; end) utility:Connection(objs.holder.MouseButton1Down, function() color:SetOpen(not color.open); end) end ---------------------- function color:SetColor(c3, nocallback) if typeof(c3) == 'Color3' then local h,s,v = c3:ToHSV(); c3 = fromhsv(h, clamp(s,.005,.995), clamp(v,.005,.995)) self.color = c3; self.objects.background.Color = c3; if not nocallback then self.callback(c3, self.trans); end if self.open then window.colorpicker:Visualize(self.color, self.trans); end if self.flag then library.flags[self.flag] = c3; end end end function color:SetTrans(trans, nocallback) if typeof(trans) == 'number' then self.trans = trans; if not nocallback then self.callback(self.color, trans); end if self.open then window.colorpicker:Visualize(self.color, self.trans); end end end function color:SetOpen(bool) if typeof(bool) == 'boolean' then self.open = bool if bool then if window.colorpicker.selected then window.colorpicker.selected.open = false; end window.colorpicker.selected = color window.colorpicker.objects.background.Parent = self.objects.background; window.colorpicker.objects.background.Visible = true; window.colorpicker:Visualize(color.color, color.trans) elseif window.colorpicker.selected == color then window.colorpicker.selected = nil; window.colorpicker.objects.background.Parent = window.objects.background; window.colorpicker.objects.background.Visible = false; end end end tooltip(color); color:SetColor(color.color, true); color:SetTrans(color.trans, true); self:UpdateOptions(); return color end function toggle:AddBind(data) local bind = { class = 'bind'; flag = data.flag; text = ''; tooltip = ''; bind = 'none'; mode = 'toggle'; order = #self.options+1; callback = function() end; keycallback = function() end; indicatorValue = library.keyIndicator:AddValue({value = 'value', key = 'key', enabled = false}); noindicator = false; invertindicator = false; state = false; nomouse = false; enabled = true; binding = false; objects = {}; }; local blacklist = {'objects'}; for i,v in next, data do if not table.find(blacklist, i) and bind[i] ~= nil then bind[i] = v end end table.insert(self.options, bind) if bind.flag then library.options[bind.flag] = bind; end if bind.bind == 'none' then bind.state = true if bind.flag then library.flags[bind.flag] = bind.state; end bind.callback(true) local display = bind.state; if bind.invertindicator then display = not bind.state; end bind.indicatorValue:SetEnabled(display and not bind.noindicator); bind.indicatorValue:SetKey((bind.text == nil or bind.text == '') and (bind.flag == nil and 'unknown' or bind.flag) or bind.text); -- this is so dumb bind.indicatorValue:SetValue('[Always]'); end --- Create Objects --- do local objs = bind.objects; local z = library.zindexOrder.window+25; objs.holder = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(0,0,0,17); Transparency = 0; ZIndex = z+6; Parent = self.objects.holder; }) objs.keyText = utility:Draw('Text', { ThemeColor = 'Option Text 3'; Size = 13; Font = 2; ZIndex = z+1; Parent = objs.holder; }) utility:Connection(objs.holder.MouseEnter, function() objs.keyText.ThemeColor = 'Accent'; end) utility:Connection(objs.holder.MouseLeave, function() objs.keyText.ThemeColor = bind.binding and 'Accent' or 'Option Text 3'; end) utility:Connection(objs.holder.MouseButton1Down, function() if not bind.binding then bind:SetKeyText('...'); bind.binding = true; end end) end ---------------------- local c function bind:SetBind(keybind) if c then c:Disconnect(); if bind.flag then library.flags[bind.flag] = false; end bind.callback(false); end local keyName = 'NONE' self.bind = (keybind and keybind) or keybind or self.bind if self.bind == Enum.KeyCode.Backspace then self.bind = 'none'; bind.state = true if bind.flag then library.flags[bind.flag] = bind.state; end self.callback(true) local display = bind.state; if bind.invertindicator then display = not bind.state; end bind.indicatorValue:SetEnabled(display and not bind.noindicator); else keyName = keyNames[keybind] or keybind.Name or keybind end if self.bind ~= 'none' then bind.state = false if bind.flag then library.flags[bind.flag] = bind.state; end self.callback(false) local display = bind.state; if bind.invertindicator then display = not bind.state; end bind.indicatorValue:SetEnabled(display and not bind.noindicator); end self.keycallback(self.bind); self:SetKeyText(keyName:upper()); self.indicatorValue:SetKey((self.text == nil or self.text == '') and (self.flag == nil and 'unknown' or self.flag) or self.text); -- this is so dumb self.indicatorValue:SetValue('['..keyName:upper()..']'); if self.bind == 'none' then self.indicatorValue:SetValue('[Always]'); end self.objects.keyText.ThemeColor = self.objects.holder.Hover and 'Accent' or 'Option Text 3'; end function bind:SetKeyText(str) str = tostring(str); self.objects.keyText.Text = '['..str..']'; self.objects.keyText.Position = newUDim2(0, 2, 0, 2); self.objects.holder.Size = newUDim2(0,self.objects.keyText.TextBounds.X+2,0,17) toggle:UpdateOptions(); end utility:Connection(inputservice.InputBegan, function(inp) if inputservice:GetFocusedTextBox() then return elseif bind.binding then local key = (table.find({Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1, Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2, Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton3}, inp.UserInputType) and not bind.nomouse) and inp.UserInputType bind:SetBind(key or (not table.find(blacklistedKeys, inp.KeyCode)) and inp.KeyCode) bind.binding = false elseif not bind.binding and self.bind == 'none' then bind.state = true library.flags[bind.flag] = bind.state local display = bind.state; if bind.invertindicator then display = not bind.state; end bind.indicatorValue:SetEnabled(display and not bind.noindicator) elseif (inp.KeyCode == bind.bind or inp.UserInputType == bind.bind) and not bind.binding then if bind.mode == 'toggle' then bind.state = not bind.state if bind.flag then library.flags[bind.flag] = bind.state; end bind.callback(bind.state) local display = bind.state; if bind.invertindicator then display = not bind.state; end bind.indicatorValue:SetEnabled(display and not bind.noindicator); elseif bind.mode == 'hold' then if bind.flag then library.flags[bind.flag] = true; end bind.indicatorValue:SetEnabled((not bind.invertindicator and true or false) and not bind.noindicator); c = utility:Connection(runservice.RenderStepped, function() if bind.callback then bind.callback(true); end end) end end end) utility:Connection(inputservice.InputEnded, function(inp) if bind.bind ~= 'none' then if inp.KeyCode == bind.bind or inp.UserInputType == bind.bind then if c then c:Disconnect(); if bind.flag then library.flags[bind.flag] = false; end if bind.callback then bind.callback(false); end bind.indicatorValue:SetEnabled(bind.invertindicator and true or false); end end end end) tooltip(bind); bind:SetBind(bind.bind); self:UpdateOptions(); return bind end function toggle:AddSlider(data) local slider = { class = 'slider'; flag = data.flag; suffix = ''; tooltip = ''; order = #self.options+1; value = 0; min = 0; max = 100; increment = 1; callback = function() end; enabled = true; dragging = false; focused = false; objects = {}; }; local blacklist = {'objects', 'dragging'}; for i,v in next, data do if not table.find(blacklist, i) and (slider[i] ~= nil and typeof(slider[i]) == typeof(v)) then slider[i] = v; end end table.insert(self.options, slider) if slider.flag then library.flags[slider.flag] = slider.value; library.options[slider.flag] = slider; end --- Create Objects --- do local objs = slider.objects; local z = library.zindexOrder.window+25; objs.holder = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,0,0,20); Transparency = 0; ZIndex = z+6; Parent = toggle.objects.holder; }) objs.background = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,-4,1,-8); Position = newUDim2(0,2,0,4); ThemeColor = 'Option Background'; ZIndex = z+2; Parent = objs.holder; }) objs.slider = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(0,0,1,0); ThemeColor = 'Accent'; ZIndex = z+3; Parent = objs.background; }) objs.border1 = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,2); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,-1); ThemeColor = 'Option Border 1'; ZIndex = z+1; Parent = objs.background; }) objs.border2 = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,2); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,-1); ThemeColor = 'Option Border 2'; ZIndex = z; Parent = objs.border1; }) objs.gradient = utility:Draw('Image', { Size = newUDim2(1,0,1,0); Data = library.images.gradientp90; Transparency = .65; ZIndex = z+4; Parent = objs.background; }) objs.text = utility:Draw('Text', { Position = newUDim2(.5,0,0,-1); ThemeColor = 'Option Text 3'; Size = 13; Font = 2; ZIndex = z+5; Outline = true; Center = true; Parent = objs.background; }) utility:Connection(objs.holder.MouseEnter, function() objs.border1.ThemeColor = 'Accent'; end) utility:Connection(objs.holder.MouseLeave, function() objs.border1.ThemeColor = slider.dragging and 'Accent' or 'Option Border 1'; end) local c; local inputNumber = ''; utility:Connection(slider.objects.holder.MouseButton1Down, function() if inputservice:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.LeftControl) then if slider.focused then slider.focused = false; c:Disconnect(); else objs.text.Text = tostring(slider.value)..tostring(slider.suffix)..'/'..tostring(slider.max)..tostring(slider.suffix)..' []'; slider.focused = true; inputNumber = ''; c = utility:Connection(inputservice.InputBegan, function(inp) if library.numberStrings[inp.KeyCode.Name] then local number = library.numberStrings[inp.KeyCode.Name]; inputNumber = inputNumber..tostring(number); objs.text.Text = string.format("%.14g", slider.value) .. tostring(slider.suffix) .. "/" .. slider.max .. tostring(slider.suffix) .. " [" .. inputNumber .. "]"; elseif inp.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Backspace then inputNumber = inputNumber:sub(1,-2); objs.text.Text = string.format("%.14g", slider.value)..tostring(slider.suffix)..'/'..slider.max..tostring(slider.suffix)..' ['..inputNumber..']'; elseif inp.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Return then slider:SetValue(tonumber(inputNumber)) slider.focused = false; c:Disconnect(); elseif inp.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Escape then slider:SetValue(slider.value, true) slider.focused = false; c:Disconnect(); end end) end else slider.dragging = true; library.draggingSlider = slider; end end) utility:Connection(button1up, function() objs.border1.ThemeColor = objs.holder.Hover and 'Accent' or 'Option Border 1'; slider.dragging = false; library.draggingSlider = nil; end) end ---------------------- function slider:SetValue(value, nocallback) if typeof(value) == 'number' then local newValue = clamp(self.increment * floor(value/self.increment), self.min, self.max); local size, pos = self.objects.slider.Size, self.objects.slider.Position; if self.min >= 0 then size = newUDim2((newValue - self.min) / (self.max - self.min), 0, 1, 0); else size = newUDim2(newValue / (self.max - self.min), 0, 1, 0); pos = newUDim2((0 - self.min) / (self.max - self.min), 0, 0, 0); end utility:Tween(self.objects.slider, 'Size', size, .05, Enum.EasingDirection.Out, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad); utility:Tween(self.objects.slider, 'Position', pos, .05, Enum.EasingDirection.Out, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad); self.value = newValue; library.flags[self.flag] = newValue; self.objects.text.Text = string.format("%.14g",newValue)..tostring(self.suffix)..'/'..self.max..tostring(self.suffix); self.objects.text.ThemeColor = (self.min < 0 and newValue == 0 or newValue == self.min) and (self.risky and 'Risky Text' or 'Option Text 3') or (self.risky and 'Risky Text Enabled' or 'Option Text 1'); if not nocallback then self.callback(newValue); end end end tooltip(slider); slider:SetValue(slider.value, true); self:UpdateOptions(); return slider end function toggle:AddList(data) local list = { class = 'list'; flag = data.flag; text = ''; selected = ''; tooltip = ''; order = #self.options+1; callback = function() end; enabled = true; multi = false; open = false; values = {}; objects = {}; } table.insert(self.options, list); local blacklist = {'objects'}; for i,v in next, data do if not table.find(blacklist, i) ~= list[i] ~= nil then list[i] = v end end if list.flag then library.flags[list.flag] = list.selected; library.options[list.flag] = list; end -- Create Objects -- do local objs = list.objects; local z = library.zindexOrder.window+25; objs.holder = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,0,0,22); Transparency = 0; ZIndex = z+6; Parent = toggle.objects.holder; }) objs.background = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,-4,1,-8); Position = newUDim2(0,2,0,4); ThemeColor = 'Option Background'; ZIndex = z+2; Parent = objs.holder; }) objs.border1 = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,2); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,-1); ThemeColor = 'Option Border 1'; ZIndex = z+1; Parent = objs.background; }) objs.border2 = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,2); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,-1); ThemeColor = 'Option Border 2'; ZIndex = z; Parent = objs.border1; }) objs.gradient = utility:Draw('Image', { Size = newUDim2(1,0,1,0); Data = library.images.gradientp90; Transparency = .65; ZIndex = z+4; Parent = objs.background; }) objs.inputText = utility:Draw('Text', { Position = newUDim2(0,4,0,0); ThemeColor = 'Option Text 2'; Text = 'none', Size = 13; Font = 2; ZIndex = z+5; Outline = true; Parent = objs.background; }) objs.openText = utility:Draw('Text', { Position = newUDim2(1,-10,0,0); ThemeColor = 'Option Text 3'; Text = '+'; Size = 13; Font = 2; ZIndex = z+5; Outline = true; Parent = objs.background; }) utility:Connection(objs.holder.MouseEnter, function() objs.border1.ThemeColor = 'Accent'; end) utility:Connection(objs.holder.MouseLeave, function() objs.border1.ThemeColor = 'Option Border 1'; end) utility:Connection(objs.holder.MouseButton1Down, function() if list.open then list.open = false; objs.openText.Text = '+'; if window.dropdown.selected == list then window.dropdown.selected = nil; window.dropdown.objects.background.Visible = false; end else if window.dropdown.selected ~= nil then window.dropdown.selected.open = false end list.open = true; objs.openText.Text = '-'; window.dropdown.selected = list; window.dropdown.objects.background.Visible = true; window.dropdown.objects.background.Parent = objs.holder; window.dropdown:Refresh(); end end) end -------------------- function list:Select(option, nocallback) option = typeof(option) == 'table' and (self.multi == true and option or (#option == 0 and nil or option[1])) or self.multi == true and {option} or option; if option ~= nil then self.selected = option; local text = typeof(option) == 'table' and (#option == 0 and "none" or table.concat(option, ', ')) or tostring(option); local label = self.objects.inputText label.Text = text; if label.TextBounds.X > self.objects.background.Object.Size.X - 10 then local split = text:split(''); for i = 1,#split do label.Text = table.concat(split, '', 1, i) if label.TextBounds.X > self.objects.background.Object.Size.X - 10 then label.Text = label.Text:sub(1,-6)..'...'; break end end end if self.flag then library.flags[self.flag] = self.selected end if not nocallback then self.callback(self.selected); end end end function list:AddValue(value) table.insert(list.values, tostring(value)); if window.dropdown.selected == list then window.dropdown:Refresh() end end function list:RemoveValue(value) if table.find(list.values, value) then table.remove(list.values, table.find(list.values, value)); if window.dropdown.selected == list then window.dropdown:Refresh() end end end function list:ClearValues() table.clear(list.values); if window.dropdown.selected == list then window.dropdown:Refresh() end end tooltip(list); list:Select((data.value or data.selected) or (list.multi and 'none' or list.values[1]), true); self:UpdateOptions(); return list end tooltip(toggle); toggle:SetText(toggle.text); toggle:SetState(toggle.state, true); self:UpdateOptions(); return toggle end -- // Slider function section:AddSlider(data) local slider = { class = 'slider'; flag = data.flag; text = ''; tooltip = ''; suffix = ''; order = #self.options+1; value = 0; min = 0; max = 100; increment = 1; callback = function() end; enabled = true; dragging = false; focused = false; risky = false; objects = {}; }; local blacklist = {'objects', 'dragging'}; for i,v in next, data do if not table.find(blacklist, i) and (slider[i] ~= nil and typeof(slider[i]) == typeof(v)) then slider[i] = v; end end table.insert(self.options, slider) if slider.flag then library.flags[slider.flag] = slider.value; library.options[slider.flag] = slider; end --- Create Objects --- do local objs = slider.objects; local z = library.zindexOrder.window+25; objs.holder = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,0,0,32); Transparency = 0; ZIndex = z+4; Parent = section.objects.optionholder; }) objs.background = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,-4,0,11); Position = newUDim2(0,2,1,-14); ThemeColor = 'Option Background'; ZIndex = z+2; Parent = objs.holder; }) objs.slider = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(0,0,1,0); ThemeColor = 'Accent'; ZIndex = z+3; Parent = objs.background; }) objs.border1 = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,2); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,-1); ThemeColor = 'Option Border 1'; ZIndex = z+1; Parent = objs.background; }) objs.border2 = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,2); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,-1); ThemeColor = 'Option Border 2'; ZIndex = z; Parent = objs.border1; }) objs.gradient = utility:Draw('Image', { Size = newUDim2(1,0,1,0); Data = library.images.gradientp90; Transparency = .65; ZIndex = z+4; Parent = objs.background; }) objs.text = utility:Draw('Text', { Position = newUDim2(0,2,0,1); ThemeColor = 'Option Text 3'; Size = 13; Font = 2; ZIndex = z+1; Outline = true; Parent = objs.holder; }) objs.plusDetector = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(0,14,0,14); Position = newUDim2(1,-28,0,1); Transparency = 0; ZIndex = z+5; Parent = objs.holder; }) objs.minusDetector = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(0,14,0,14); Position = newUDim2(1,-14,0,1); Transparency = 0; ZIndex = z+5; Parent = objs.holder; }) objs.plusText = utility:Draw('Text', { Position = newUDim2(.5,0,0,-1); ThemeColor = 'Option Text 3'; Text = '+'; Size = 13; Font = 2; ZIndex = z+4; Center = true; Outline = true; Parent = objs.plusDetector; }) objs.minusText = utility:Draw('Text', { Position = newUDim2(.5,0,0,-1); ThemeColor = 'Option Text 3'; Text = '-'; Size = 13; Font = 2; ZIndex = z+4; Center = true; Outline = true; Parent = objs.minusDetector; }) utility:Connection(objs.holder.MouseEnter, function() objs.border1.ThemeColor = 'Accent'; end) utility:Connection(objs.holder.MouseLeave, function() objs.border1.ThemeColor = slider.dragging and 'Accent' or 'Option Border 1'; end) utility:Connection(slider.objects.plusDetector.MouseButton1Down,function() slider:SetValue(slider.value + (inputservice:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift) and 10 or slider.increment)) end) utility:Connection(slider.objects.minusDetector.MouseButton1Down,function() slider:SetValue(slider.value - (inputservice:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift) and 10 or slider.increment)) end) local c; local inputNumber = ''; utility:Connection(slider.objects.holder.MouseButton1Down, function() if inputservice:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.LeftControl) then if slider.focused then slider.focused = false; c:Disconnect(); else objs.text.Text = slider.text..': '..tostring(slider.value)..tostring(slider.suffix)..' []'; slider.focused = true; inputNumber = ''; c = utility:Connection(inputservice.InputBegan, function(inp) if library.numberStrings[inp.KeyCode.Name] then local number = library.numberStrings[inp.KeyCode.Name]; inputNumber = inputNumber..tostring(number); objs.text.Text = slider.text..': '..string.format("%.14g",slider.value)..tostring(slider.suffix)..' ['..inputNumber..']'; elseif inp.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Backspace then inputNumber = inputNumber:sub(1,-2); objs.text.Text = slider.text..': '..string.format("%.14g",slider.value)..tostring(slider.suffix)..' ['..inputNumber..']'; elseif inp.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Return then slider:SetValue(tonumber(inputNumber)) slider.focused = false; c:Disconnect(); elseif inp.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Escape then slider:SetValue(slider.value, true) slider.focused = false; c:Disconnect(); end end) end else slider.dragging = true; library.draggingSlider = slider; end end) utility:Connection(button1up, function() objs.border1.ThemeColor = objs.holder.Hover and 'Accent' or 'Option Border 1'; slider.dragging = false; library.draggingSlider = nil; end) end ---------------------- function slider:SetValue(value, nocallback) if typeof(value) == 'number' then local newValue = clamp(self.increment * floor(value/self.increment), self.min, self.max); local size, pos = self.objects.slider.Size, self.objects.slider.Position; if self.min >= 0 then size = newUDim2((newValue - self.min) / (self.max - self.min), 0, 1, 0); else size = newUDim2(newValue / (self.max - self.min), 0, 1, 0); pos = newUDim2((0 - self.min) / (self.max - self.min), 0, 0, 0); end utility:Tween(self.objects.slider, 'Size', size, .05, Enum.EasingDirection.Out, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad); utility:Tween(self.objects.slider, 'Position', pos, .05, Enum.EasingDirection.Out, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad); self.value = newValue; library.flags[self.flag] = newValue; self.objects.text.Text = slider.text..': '..string.format("%.14g",newValue)..tostring(self.suffix); self.objects.text.ThemeColor = (self.min < 0 and newValue == 0 or newValue == self.min) and (self.risky and 'Risky Text' or 'Option Text 3') or (self.risky and 'Risky Text Enabled' or 'Option Text 1'); if not nocallback then self.callback(newValue); end end end function slider:SetText(str) if typeof(str) == 'string' then self.text = str; self.objects.text.Text = str..': '..tostring(self.value)..tostring(self.suffix); end end tooltip(slider); slider:SetText(slider.text); slider:SetValue(slider.value, true); self:UpdateOptions(); return slider end -- // Button function section:AddButton(data) local button = { class = 'button'; flag = data.flag; text = ''; suffix = ''; tooltip = ''; order = #self.options+1; callback = function() end; confirm = false; enabled = true; risky = false; objects = {}; subbuttons = {}; }; local blacklist = {'objects'}; for i,v in next, data do if not table.find(blacklist, i) and button[i] ~= nil then button[i] = v; end end table.insert(self.options, button) if button.flag then library.options[button.flag] = button; end --- Create Objects --- do local objs = button.objects; local z = library.zindexOrder.window+25; objs.holder = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,0,0,22); Transparency = 0; ZIndex = z+4; Parent = section.objects.optionholder; }) objs.background = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,-4,0,14); Position = newUDim2(0,2,0,4); ThemeColor = 'Option Background'; ZIndex = z+2; Parent = objs.holder; }) objs.border1 = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,2); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,-1); ThemeColor = 'Option Border 1'; ZIndex = z+1; Parent = objs.background; }) objs.border2 = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,2); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,-1); ThemeColor = 'Option Border 2'; ZIndex = z; Parent = objs.border1; }) objs.gradient = utility:Draw('Image', { Size = newUDim2(1,0,1,0); Data = library.images.gradientp90; Transparency = .65; ZIndex = z+3; Parent = objs.background; }) objs.text = utility:Draw('Text', { Position = newUDim2(.5,0,0,0); ThemeColor = 'Option Text 3'; Size = 13; Font = 2; ZIndex = z+4; Outline = true; Center = true; Parent = objs.background; }) utility:Connection(objs.holder.MouseEnter, function() objs.border1.ThemeColor = 'Accent'; end) utility:Connection(objs.holder.MouseLeave, function() objs.border1.ThemeColor = 'Option Border 1'; objs.text.ThemeColor = self.risky and 'Risky Text' or 'Option Text 3'; objs.background.ThemeColor = 'Option Background'; objs.background.ThemeColorOffset = 0; end) utility:Connection(objs.holder.MouseButton1Up, function() objs.text.ThemeColor = self.risky and 'Risky Text' or 'Option Text 3'; objs.background.ThemeColor = 'Option Background'; objs.background.ThemeColorOffset = 0; end) local clicked, counting = false, false utility:Connection(objs.holder.MouseButton1Down, function() objs.text.ThemeColor = self.risky and 'Risky Text Enabled' or 'Option Text 2'; objs.background.ThemeColor = 'Accent'; objs.background.ThemeColorOffset = -95; task.spawn(function() -- this is ugly and i do not care :) if button.confirm then if clicked then clicked = false counting = false objs.text.Text = button.text button.callback() else clicked = true counting = true for i = 3,1,-1 do if not counting then break end objs.text.Text = 'Confirm '..button.text..'? '..tostring(i) wait(1) end clicked = false counting = false objs.text.Text = button.text end else button.callback() end end) end) end ---------------------- function button:AddButton(data) local button = { class = 'button'; flag = data.flag; text = ''; suffix = ''; tooltip = ''; order = #self.subbuttons+1; callback = function() end; confirm = false; enabled = true; objects = {}; }; local blacklist = {'objects'}; for i,v in next, data do if not table.find(blacklist, i) and button[i] ~= nil then button[i] = v; end end table.insert(self.subbuttons, button) if button.flag then library.options[button.flag] = button; end --- Create Objects --- do local objs = button.objects; local z = library.zindexOrder.window+25; objs.holder = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,0,1,0); Transparency = 0; ZIndex = z+5; Parent = self.objects.holder; }) objs.background = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,-4,1,-8); Position = newUDim2(0,2,0,4); ThemeColor = 'Option Background'; ZIndex = z+2; Parent = objs.holder; }) objs.border1 = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,2); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,-1); ThemeColor = 'Option Border 1'; ZIndex = z+1; Parent = objs.background; }) objs.border2 = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,2); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,-1); ThemeColor = 'Option Border 2'; ZIndex = z; Parent = objs.border1; }) objs.gradient = utility:Draw('Image', { Size = newUDim2(1,0,1,0); Data = library.images.gradientp90; Transparency = .65; ZIndex = z+3; Parent = objs.background; }) objs.text = utility:Draw('Text', { Position = newUDim2(.5,0,0,0); ThemeColor = 'Option Text 3'; Size = 13; Font = 2; ZIndex = z+4; Outline = true; Center = true; Parent = objs.background; }) utility:Connection(objs.holder.MouseEnter, function() objs.border1.ThemeColor = 'Accent'; end) utility:Connection(objs.holder.MouseLeave, function() objs.border1.ThemeColor = 'Option Border 1'; objs.text.ThemeColor = self.risky and 'Risky Text' or 'Option Text 3'; objs.background.ThemeColor = 'Option Background'; objs.background.ThemeColorOffset = 0; end) utility:Connection(objs.holder.MouseButton1Up, function() objs.text.ThemeColor = self.risky and 'Risky Text' or 'Option Text 3'; objs.background.ThemeColor = 'Option Background'; objs.background.ThemeColorOffset = 0; end) local clicked, counting = false, false utility:Connection(objs.holder.MouseButton1Down, function() objs.text.ThemeColor = self.risky and 'Risky Text Enabled' or 'Option Text 2'; objs.background.ThemeColor = 'Accent'; objs.background.ThemeColorOffset = -95; task.spawn(function() -- this is ugly and i do not care :) if button.confirm then if clicked then clicked = false counting = false objs.text.Text = button.text button.callback() else clicked = true counting = true for i = 3,1,-1 do if not counting then break end objs.text.Text = 'Confirm '..button.text..'? '..tostring(i) wait(1) end clicked = false counting = false objs.text.Text = button.text end else button.callback() end end) end) end ---------------------- function button:SetText(str) if typeof(str) == 'string' then self.text = str; self.objects.text.Text = str; end end tooltip(button); button:SetText(button.text); self:UpdateOptions(); return button end ---------------------- function button:UpdateOptions() -- this so dumb XD local buttons = 1 + #self.subbuttons; local buttonSize = (1 / buttons) - .005; self.objects.background.Size = newUDim2(buttonSize,-4,0,14); for i,v in next, self.subbuttons do v.objects.holder.Size = newUDim2(buttonSize,0,1,0); v.objects.holder.Position = newUDim2(i * buttonSize + .01, 0, 0, 0) end end function button:SetText(str) if typeof(str) == 'string' then self.text = str; self.objects.text.Text = str; end end tooltip(button); button:SetText(button.text); self:UpdateOptions(); return button end -- // Separator function section:AddSeparator(data) local separator = { class = 'separator'; flag = data.flag; text = ''; order = #self.options+1; enabled = true; objects = {}; }; local blacklist = {'objects', 'dragging'}; for i,v in next, data do if not table.find(blacklist, i) and (separator[i] ~= nil and typeof(separator[i]) == typeof(v)) then separator[i] = v; end end table.insert(self.options, separator) --- Create Objects --- do local objs = separator.objects; local z = library.zindexOrder.window+25; objs.holder = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,0,0,18); Transparency = 0; ZIndex = z; Parent = section.objects.optionholder; }) objs.line1 = utility:Draw('Square', { Position = newUDim2(0,0,0,1); ThemeColor = 'Option Background'; ZIndex = z+1; Parent = objs.holder; }) objs.line2 = utility:Draw('Square', { Position = newUDim2(0,0,0,1); ThemeColor = 'Option Background'; ZIndex = z+1; Parent = objs.holder; }) objs.border1 = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,2); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,-1); ThemeColor = 'Option Border 2'; ZIndex = z; Parent = objs.line1; }) objs.border2 = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,2); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,-1); ThemeColor = 'Option Border 2'; ZIndex = z; Parent = objs.line2; }) objs.text = utility:Draw('Text', { Position = newUDim2(.5,0,0,1); ThemeColor = 'Option Text 2'; Size = 13; Font = 2; ZIndex = z; Outline = true; Center = true; Parent = objs.holder; }) end ---------------------- function separator:SetText(str) if typeof(str) == 'string' then self.text = str; self.objects.text.Text = str; local xScale = ( 1- utility:ConvertNumberRange(self.objects.text.TextBounds.X, 0, self.objects.holder.Object.Size.X, 0, 1)) / 2 - (str == '' and 0 or .04) self.objects.line1.Size = newUDim2(xScale, 0, 0, 1) self.objects.line2.Size = newUDim2(xScale, 0, 0, 1) self.objects.line1.Position = newUDim2(0,1,.5,-1) self.objects.line2.Position = newUDim2(1 - self.objects.line2.Size.X.Scale,-1,.5,-1) end end separator:SetText(separator.text); self:UpdateOptions(); return separator end -- // Color Picker function section:AddColor(data) local color = { class = 'color'; flag = data.flag; text = ''; tooltip = ''; order = #self.options+1; callback = function() end; color = Color3.new(1,1,1); trans = 0; open = false; enabled = true; risky = false; objects = {}; }; local blacklist = {'objects'}; for i,v in next, data do if not table.find(blacklist, i) and color[i] ~= nil then color[i] = v end end table.insert(self.options, color) if color.flag then library.flags[color.flag] = color.color; library.options[color.flag] = color; end --- Create Objects --- do local objs = color.objects; local z = library.zindexOrder.window+25; objs.holder = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,0,0,19); Transparency = 0; ZIndex = z+5; Parent = section.objects.optionholder; }) objs.background = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(0,15,0,8); Position = newUDim2(1,-16,0,5); ZIndex = z+3; Parent = objs.holder; }) objs.gradient = utility:Draw('Image', { Size = newUDim2(1,0,1,0); Data = library.images.gradientp45; Transparency = .25; ZIndex = z+4; Parent = objs.background; }) objs.border1 = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,2); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,-1); ThemeColor = 'Option Border 1'; ZIndex = z+2; Parent = objs.background; }) objs.border2 = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,2); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,-1); ThemeColor = 'Option Border 2'; ZIndex = z+1; Parent = objs.border1; }) objs.text = utility:Draw('Text', { Position = newUDim2(0,2,0,2); ThemeColor = color.risky and 'Risky Text Enabled' or 'Option Text 3'; Size = 13; Font = 2; ZIndex = z+1; Outline = true; Parent = objs.holder; }) utility:Connection(objs.holder.MouseEnter, function() objs.border1.ThemeColor = 'Accent'; end) utility:Connection(objs.holder.MouseLeave, function() objs.border1.ThemeColor = color.state and 'Accent' or 'Option Border 1'; end) utility:Connection(objs.holder.MouseButton1Down, function() color:SetOpen(not color.open); end) end ---------------------- function color:SetText(str) if typeof(str) == 'string' then self.text = str; self.objects.text.Text = str; end end function color:SetColor(c3, nocallback) if typeof(c3) == 'Color3' then local h,s,v = c3:ToHSV(); c3 = fromhsv(h, clamp(s,.005,.995), clamp(v,.005,.995)); self.color = c3; self.objects.background.Color = c3; if not nocallback then self.callback(c3, self.trans); end if self.open then window.colorpicker:Visualize(self.color, self.trans); end if self.flag then library.flags[self.flag] = c3; end end end function color:SetTrans(trans, nocallback) if typeof(trans) == 'number' then self.trans = trans; if not nocallback then self.callback(self.color, trans); end if self.open then window.colorpicker:Visualize(self.color, self.trans); end end end function color:SetOpen(bool) if typeof(bool) == 'boolean' then self.open = bool if bool then if window.colorpicker.selected then window.colorpicker.selected.open = false; end window.colorpicker.selected = color window.colorpicker.objects.background.Parent = self.objects.background; window.colorpicker.objects.background.Visible = true; window.colorpicker:Visualize(color.color, color.trans) elseif window.colorpicker.selected == color then window.colorpicker.selected = nil; window.colorpicker.objects.background.Parent = window.objects.background; window.colorpicker.objects.background.Visible = false; end end end tooltip(color); color:SetText(color.text); color:SetColor(color.color, true); color:SetTrans(color.trans, true); self:UpdateOptions(); return color end -- // Text Box function section:AddBox(data) local box = { class = 'box'; flag = data.flag; text = ''; input = ''; order = #self.options+1; callback = function() end; enabled = true; focused = false; risky = false; objects = {}; }; local blacklist = {'objects', 'dragging'}; for i,v in next, data do if not table.find(blacklist, i) and box[i] ~= nil then box[i] = v; end end table.insert(self.options, box) if box.flag then library.flags[box.flag] = box.input; library.options[box.flag] = box; end --- Create Objects --- do local objs = box.objects; local z = library.zindexOrder.window+25; objs.holder = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,0,0,37); Transparency = 0; ZIndex = z+4; Parent = section.objects.optionholder; }) objs.background = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,-4,0,15); Position = newUDim2(0,2,1,-17); ThemeColor = 'Option Background'; ZIndex = z+2; Parent = objs.holder; }) objs.border1 = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,2); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,-1); ThemeColor = 'Option Border 1'; ZIndex = z+1; Parent = objs.background; }) objs.border2 = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,2); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,-1); ThemeColor = 'Option Border 2'; ZIndex = z; Parent = objs.border1; }) objs.gradient = utility:Draw('Image', { Size = newUDim2(1,0,1,0); Data = library.images.gradientp90; Transparency = .65; ZIndex = z+4; Parent = objs.background; }) objs.text = utility:Draw('Text', { Position = newUDim2(0,2,0,2); ThemeColor = box.risky and 'Risky Text Enabled' or 'Option Text 2'; Size = 13; Font = 2; ZIndex = z+1; Outline = true; Parent = objs.holder; }) objs.inputText = utility:Draw('Text', { Position = newUDim2(0,2,0,0); ThemeColor = 'Option Text 2'; Size = 13; Font = 2; ZIndex = z+5; Outline = true; Parent = objs.background; }) utility:Connection(objs.holder.MouseEnter, function() objs.border1.ThemeColor = 'Accent'; end) utility:Connection(objs.holder.MouseLeave, function() objs.border1.ThemeColor = 'Option Border 1'; end) utility:Connection(objs.holder.MouseButton1Down, function() if box.focused then box:ReleaseFocus(); actionservice:UnbindAction('FreezeMovement'); else actionservice:BindAction( 'FreezeMovement', function() return Enum.ContextActionResult.Sink end, false, unpack(Enum.PlayerActions:GetEnumItems()) ) box:CaptureFocus(inputservice:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.LeftControl)); if inputservice:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.LeftControl) then objs.inputText.Text = ''; end end end) end ---------------------- function box:SetText(str) if typeof(str) == 'string' then self.text = str; self.objects.text.Text = str; end end function box:SetInput(str, nocallback) if typeof(str) == 'string' then self.input = str; self.objects.inputText.Text = str; if not nocallback then self.callback(str); end if self.flag then library.flags[self.flag] = str; end end end local c local input = box.input; function box:CaptureFocus(clear) box.focused = true if clear then input = ''; end self.objects.inputText.ThemeColor = 'Option Text 1'; c = utility:Connection(inputservice.InputBegan, function(inp) if inp.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Return or inp.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then box:ReleaseFocus(true); elseif inp.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Escape then input = self.input self.objects.inputText.Text = input; box:ReleaseFocus(); elseif inp.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Backspace then input = input:sub(1,-2); self.objects.inputText.Text = input; elseif #inp.KeyCode.Name == 1 or table.find(whitelistedBoxKeys, inp.KeyCode) or inp.KeyCode.Name == 'Space' or inp.KeyCode.Name == 'Minus' or inp.KeyCode.Name == 'Equals' or inp.KeyCode.Name == 'Backquote' then local wlIdx = table.find(whitelistedBoxKeys, inp.KeyCode) local keyString = inp.KeyCode.Name == 'Space' and ' ' or inp.KeyCode.Name == 'Minus' and '_' or inp.KeyCode.Name == 'Equals' and '+' or inp.KeyCode.Name == 'Backquote' and '~' or wlIdx ~= nil and tostring(wlIdx-1) or inp.KeyCode.Name if not (inputservice:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift) and not inputservice:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.RightShift)) then keyString = keyString:lower(); if inp.KeyCode.Name == 'Minus' then keyString = '-' elseif inp.KeyCode.Name == 'Equals' then keyString = '=' elseif inp.KeyCode.Name == 'Backquote' then keyString = '`' end else if keyString == '1' then keyString = '!' elseif keyString == '2' then keyString = '@' elseif keyString == '3' then keyString = '#' elseif keyString == '4' then keyString = '$' elseif keyString == '5' then keyString = '%' elseif keyString == '6' then keyString = '^' elseif keyString == '7' then keyString = '&' elseif keyString == '8' then keyString = '*' elseif keyString == '9' then keyString = '(' elseif keyString == '0' then keyString = ')' end end input = input..keyString; self.objects.inputText.Text = input; end end) end function box:ReleaseFocus(apply) box.focused = false; self.objects.inputText.ThemeColor = 'Option Text 2'; if apply then box:SetInput(input); end c:Disconnect(); end tooltip(box); box:SetText(box.text); box:SetInput(box.input, true); self:UpdateOptions(); return box end -- // Keybind function section:AddBind(data) local bind = { class = 'bind'; flag = data.flag; text = ''; tooltip = ''; bind = 'none'; mode = 'toggle'; order = #self.options+1; callback = function() end; keycallback = function() end; indicatorValue = library.keyIndicator:AddValue({value = 'value', key = 'key', enabled = false}); noindicator = false; state = false; nomouse = false; enabled = true; binding = false; risky = false; objects = {}; }; local blacklist = {'objects'}; for i,v in next, data do if not table.find(blacklist, i) and bind[i] ~= nil then bind[i] = v end end table.insert(self.options, bind) if bind.flag then library.options[bind.flag] = bind; end --- Create Objects --- do local objs = bind.objects; local z = library.zindexOrder.window+25; objs.holder = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,0,0,19); Transparency = 0; ZIndex = z+5; Parent = section.objects.optionholder; }) objs.text = utility:Draw('Text', { Position = newUDim2(0,2,0,2); ThemeColor = bind.risky and 'Risky Text' or 'Option Text 2'; Size = 13; Font = 2; ZIndex = z+1; Outline = true; Parent = objs.holder; }) objs.keyText = utility:Draw('Text', { ThemeColor = 'Option Text 3'; Size = 13; Font = 2; ZIndex = z+1; Parent = objs.holder; }) utility:Connection(objs.holder.MouseEnter, function() objs.keyText.ThemeColor = 'Accent'; end) utility:Connection(objs.holder.MouseLeave, function() objs.keyText.ThemeColor = bind.binding and 'Accent' or 'Option Text 3'; end) utility:Connection(objs.holder.MouseButton1Down, function() if not bind.binding then bind:SetKeyText('...'); bind.binding = true; end end) end ---------------------- local c function bind:SetText(str) if typeof(str) == 'string' then self.text = str; self.objects.text.Text = str; self.indicatorValue:SetKey(str); end end function bind:SetBind(keybind) if c then c:Disconnect(); if bind.flag then library.flags[bind.flag] = false; end bind.callback(false); end local keyName = 'NONE' self.bind = (keybind and keybind) or keybind or self.bind if self.bind == Enum.KeyCode.Backspace then self.bind = 'none'; else keyName = keyNames[keybind] or keybind.Name or keybind end self.keycallback(self.bind); self:SetKeyText(keyName:upper()); self.indicatorValue:SetKey((self.text == nil or self.text == '') and (self.flag == nil and 'unknown' or self.flag) or self.text); -- this is so dumb self.indicatorValue:SetValue('['..keyName:upper()..']'); self.objects.keyText.ThemeColor = self.objects.holder.Hover and 'Accent' or 'Option Text 3'; end function bind:SetKeyText(str) str = tostring(str); self.objects.keyText.Text = '['..str..']'; self.objects.keyText.Position = newUDim2(1,-self.objects.keyText.TextBounds.X, 0, 2); end utility:Connection(inputservice.InputBegan, function(inp) if inputservice:GetFocusedTextBox() then return elseif bind.binding then local key = (table.find({Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1, Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2, Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton3}, inp.UserInputType) and not bind.nomouse) and inp.UserInputType bind:SetBind(key or (not table.find(blacklistedKeys, inp.KeyCode)) and inp.KeyCode) bind.binding = false elseif not bind.binding and self.bind == 'none' then bind.state = true library.flags[bind.flag] = bind.state elseif (inp.KeyCode == bind.bind or inp.UserInputType == bind.bind) and not bind.binding then if bind.mode == 'toggle' then bind.state = not bind.state if bind.flag then library.flags[bind.flag] = bind.state; end bind.callback(bind.state) bind.indicatorValue:SetEnabled(bind.state and not bind.noindicator); elseif bind.mode == 'hold' then if bind.flag then library.flags[bind.flag] = true; end bind.indicatorValue:SetEnabled(true and not bind.noindicator); c = utility:Connection(runservice.RenderStepped, function() bind.callback(true); end) end end end) utility:Connection(inputservice.InputEnded, function(inp) if bind.bind ~= 'none' then if inp.KeyCode == bind.bind or inp.UserInputType == bind.key then if c then c:Disconnect(); if bind.flag then library.flags[bind.flag] = false; end bind.callback(false); bind.indicatorValue:SetEnabled(false); end end end end) tooltip(bind); bind:SetBind(bind.bind); bind:SetText(bind.text); self:UpdateOptions(); return bind end -- // Dropdown function section:AddList(data) local list = { class = 'list'; flag = data.flag; text = ''; selected = ''; tooltip = ''; order = #self.options+1; callback = function() end; enabled = true; multi = false; open = false; risky = false; values = {}; objects = {}; } table.insert(self.options, list); local blacklist = {'objects'}; for i,v in next, data do if not table.find(blacklist, i) ~= list[i] ~= nil then list[i] = v end end if list.flag then library.flags[list.flag] = list.selected; library.options[list.flag] = list; end -- Create Objects -- do local objs = list.objects; local z = library.zindexOrder.window+25; objs.holder = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,0,0,40); Transparency = 0; ZIndex = z+4; Parent = section.objects.optionholder; }) objs.background = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,-4,0,15); Position = newUDim2(0,2,1,-19); ThemeColor = 'Option Background'; ZIndex = z+2; Parent = objs.holder; }) objs.border1 = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,2); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,-1); ThemeColor = 'Option Border 1'; ZIndex = z+1; Parent = objs.background; }) objs.border2 = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,2); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,-1); ThemeColor = 'Option Border 2'; ZIndex = z; Parent = objs.border1; }) objs.gradient = utility:Draw('Image', { Size = newUDim2(1,0,1,0); Data = library.images.gradientp90; Transparency = .65; ZIndex = z+4; Parent = objs.background; }) objs.text = utility:Draw('Text', { Position = newUDim2(0,2,0,2); ThemeColor = list.risky and 'Risky Text Enabled' or 'Option Text 2'; Size = 13; Font = 2; ZIndex = z+1; Outline = true; Parent = objs.holder; }) objs.inputText = utility:Draw('Text', { Position = newUDim2(0,4,0,0); ThemeColor = 'Option Text 2'; Text = 'none', Size = 13; Font = 2; ZIndex = z+5; Outline = true; Parent = objs.background; }) objs.openText = utility:Draw('Text', { Position = newUDim2(1,-10,0,0); ThemeColor = 'Option Text 3'; Text = '+'; Size = 13; Font = 2; ZIndex = z+5; Outline = true; Parent = objs.background; }) utility:Connection(objs.holder.MouseEnter, function() objs.border1.ThemeColor = 'Accent'; end) utility:Connection(objs.holder.MouseLeave, function() objs.border1.ThemeColor = 'Option Border 1'; end) utility:Connection(objs.holder.MouseButton1Down, function() if list.open then list.open = false; objs.openText.Text = '+'; if window.dropdown.selected == list then window.dropdown.selected = nil; window.dropdown.objects.background.Visible = false; end else if window.dropdown.selected ~= nil then window.dropdown.selected.open = false end list.open = true; objs.openText.Text = '-'; window.dropdown.selected = list; window.dropdown.objects.background.Visible = true; window.dropdown.objects.background.Parent = objs.holder; window.dropdown:Refresh(); end end) end -------------------- function list:SetText(str) if typeof(str) == 'string' then self.text = str; self.objects.text.Text = str; end end function list:Select(option, nocallback) option = typeof(option) == 'table' and (self.multi == true and option or (#option == 0 and nil or option[1])) or self.multi == true and {option} or option; if option ~= nil then self.selected = option; local text = typeof(option) == 'table' and (#option == 0 and "none" or table.concat(option, ', ')) or tostring(option); local label = self.objects.inputText label.Text = text; if label.TextBounds.X > self.objects.background.Object.Size.X - 10 then local split = text:split(''); for i = 1,#split do label.Text = table.concat(split, '', 1, i) if label.TextBounds.X > self.objects.background.Object.Size.X - 10 then label.Text = label.Text:sub(1,-6)..'...'; break end end end if self.flag then library.flags[self.flag] = self.selected end if not nocallback then self.callback(self.selected); end end end function list:AddValue(value) table.insert(list.values, tostring(value)); if window.dropdown.selected == list then window.dropdown:Refresh() end end function list:RemoveValue(value) if table.find(list.values, value) then table.remove(list.values, table.find(list.values, value)); if window.dropdown.selected == list then window.dropdown:Refresh() end end end function list:ClearValues() table.clear(list.values); if window.dropdown.selected == list then window.dropdown:Refresh() end end tooltip(list); list:Select((data.value or data.selected) or (list.multi and 'none' or list.values[1]), true); list:SetText(list.text); self:UpdateOptions(); return list end -- Text function section:AddText(data) local text = { class = 'text'; flag = data.flag; text = ''; tooltip = ''; order = #self.options+1; enabled = true; risky = false; objects = {}; }; local blacklist = {'objects'}; for i,v in next, data do if not table.find(blacklist, i) and text[i] ~= nil then text[i] = v end end if data.flag then library.options[data.flag] = text; end table.insert(self.options, text) --- Create Objects --- do local objs = text.objects; local z = library.zindexOrder.window+25; objs.holder = utility:Draw('Square', { Transparency = 0; ZIndex = z+5; Parent = section.objects.optionholder; }) objs.text = utility:Draw('Text', { Position = newUDim2(0,2,0,2); ThemeColor = text.risky and 'Risky Text Enabled' or 'Option Text 2'; Size = 13; Font = 2; ZIndex = z+1; Outline = true; Parent = objs.holder; }) end ---------------------- function text:SetText(str) if typeof(str) == 'string' then self.text = str; self.objects.text.Text = str; self.objects.holder.Size = newUDim2(1,0,0,self.objects.text.TextBounds.Y + 6); section:UpdateOptions(); end end text:SetText(text.text); self:UpdateOptions(); return text end ----------------------- section:UpdateOptions(); section:SetText(section.text); self:UpdateSections(); return section; end function tab:UpdateSections() table.sort(self.sections, function(a,b) return a.order < b.order end) local last1,last2; local padding = 15; for _,section in next, self.sections do if section.objects.background.Visible ~= (section.enabled and tab.selected) then section.objects.background.Visible = section.enabled and tab.selected section:UpdateOptions(); end if section.enabled then if section.side == 1 then if last1 then section.objects.background.Position = last1.objects.background.Position + newUDim2(0,0,0,last1.objects.background.Object.Size.Y + padding); end last1 = section; elseif section.side == 2 then if last2 then section.objects.background.Position = last2.objects.background.Position + newUDim2(0,0,0,last2.objects.background.Object.Size.Y + padding); end last2 = section; end end section:SetText(section.text) end end function tab:SetText(str) if typeof(str) == 'string' then self.text = str; self.objects.text.Text = str; window:UpdateTabs(); end end function tab:Select() window.selectedTab = tab; window:UpdateTabs(); for i,v in next, window.tabs do if v.callback then v.callback(v == tab) end end end if window.selectedTab == nil then tab:Select(); end tab:SetText(tab.text); window:UpdateTabs(); return tab; end function window:UpdateTabs() table.sort(self.tabs, function(a,b) return a.order < b.order end) local pos = 0; for i,v in next, self.tabs do local objs = v.objects; v.selected = v == self.selectedTab; objs.background.ThemeColor = v.selected and 'Selected Tab Background' or 'Unselected Tab Background'; objs.background.Size = newUDim2(0, objs.text.TextBounds.X + 14, 1, v.selected and 1 or 0); objs.background.Position = newUDim2(0, pos, 0, 0) objs.text.ThemeColor = v.selected and 'Selected Tab Text' or 'Unselected Tab Text'; objs.text.Position = newUDim2(.5, 0, 0, 3); objs.topBorder.ThemeColor = v.selected and 'Accent' or 'Unselected Tab Background'; pos += objs.background.Size.X.Offset + 1 v:UpdateSections(); end end window:SetOpen(true); return window; end -- Tooltip do local z = library.zindexOrder.window + 2000; tooltipObjects.background = utility:Draw('Square', { ThemeColor = 'Group Background'; ZIndex = z; Visible = false; }) tooltipObjects.border1 = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = UDim2.new(1,2,1,2); Position = UDim2.new(0,-1,0,-1); ThemeColor = 'Border 1'; ZIndex = z-1; Parent = tooltipObjects.background; }) tooltipObjects.border2 = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = UDim2.new(1,4,1,4); Position = UDim2.new(0,-2,0,-2); ThemeColor = 'Border 3'; ZIndex = z-2; Parent = tooltipObjects.background; }) tooltipObjects.text = utility:Draw('Text', { Position = UDim2.new(0,3,0,0); ThemeColor = 'Primary Text'; Size = 13; Font = 2; ZIndex = z+1; Outline = true; Parent = tooltipObjects.background; }) tooltipObjects.riskytext = utility:Draw('Text', { Position = UDim2.new(0,3,0,0); ThemeColor = 'Risky Text Enabled'; Text = '[RISKY]'; Size = 13; Font = 2; ZIndex = z+1; Outline = true; Parent = tooltipObjects.background; }) end -- Watermark do if not IonHub_User then getgenv().IonHub_User = { UID = 0, User = "admin" } end self.watermark = { objects = {}; text = { {self.cheatname, true}, {("%s (uid %s)"):format(IonHub_User.User, tostring(IonHub_User.UID)), true}, {self.gamename, true}, {'0 fps', true}, {'0ms', true}, {'00:00:00', true}, {'M, D, Y', true}, }; lock = 'custom'; position = newUDim2(0,0,0,0); refreshrate = 25; } function self.watermark:Update() self.objects.background.Visible = library.flags.watermark_enabled if library.flags.watermark_enabled then local date = {os.date('%b',os.time()), os.date('%d',os.time()), os.date('%Y',os.time())} local daySuffix = math.floor(date[2]%10) date[2] = date[2]..(daySuffix == 1 and 'st' or daySuffix == 2 and 'nd' or daySuffix == 3 and 'rd' or 'th') self.text[4][1] = library.stats.fps..' fps' self.text[5][1] = floor(library.stats.ping)..'ms' self.text[6][1] = os.date('%X', os.time()) self.text[7][1] = table.concat(date, ', ') local text = {}; for _,v in next, self.text do if v[2] then table.insert(text, v[1]); end end self.objects.text.Text = table.concat(text,' | ') self.objects.background.Size = newUDim2(0, self.objects.text.TextBounds.X + 10, 0, 17) local size = self.objects.background.Object.Size; local screensize = workspace.CurrentCamera.ViewportSize; self.position = ( self.lock == 'Top Right' and newUDim2(0, screensize.X - size.X - 15, 0, 15) or self.lock == 'Top Left' and newUDim2(0, 15, 0, 15) or self.lock == 'Bottom Right' and newUDim2(0, screensize.X - size.X - 15, 0, screensize.Y - size.Y - 15) or self.lock == 'Bottom Left' and newUDim2(0, 15, 0, screensize.Y - size.Y - 15) or self.lock == 'Top' and newUDim2(0, screensize.X / 2 - size.X / 2, 0, 15) or newUDim2(library.flags.watermark_x / 100, 0, library.flags.watermark_y / 100, 0) ) self.objects.background.Position = self.position end end do local objs = self.watermark.objects; local z = self.zindexOrder.watermark; objs.background = utility:Draw('Square', { Visible = false; Size = newUDim2(0, 200, 0, 17); Position = newUDim2(0,800,0,100); ThemeColor = 'Background'; ZIndex = z; }) objs.border1 = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,2); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,-1); ThemeColor = 'Border 2'; Parent = objs.background; ZIndex = z-1; }) objs.border2 = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,2,1,2); Position = newUDim2(0,-1,0,-1); ThemeColor = 'Border 3'; Parent = objs.border1; ZIndex = z-2; }) objs.topbar = utility:Draw('Square', { Size = newUDim2(1,0,0,1); ThemeColor = 'Accent'; ZIndex = z+1; Parent = objs.background; }) objs.text = utility:Draw('Text', { Position = newUDim2(.5,0,0,2); ThemeColor = 'Primary Text'; Text = 'Watermark Text'; Size = 13; Font = 2; ZIndex = z+1; Outline = true; Center = true; Parent = objs.background; }) end end local lasttick = tick(); utility:Connection(runservice.RenderStepped, function(step) library.stats.fps = floor(1/step) library.stats.ping = stats.Network.ServerStatsItem["Data Ping"]:GetValue() library.stats.sendkbps = stats.DataSendKbps library.stats.receivekbps = stats.DataReceiveKbps if (tick()-lasttick)*1000 > library.watermark.refreshrate then lasttick = tick() library.watermark:Update() end end) self.keyIndicator = self.NewIndicator({title = 'Keybinds', pos = newUDim2(0,15,0,325), enabled = false}); self.targetIndicator = self.NewIndicator({title = 'Target Info', pos = newUDim2(0,15,0,350), enabled = false}); self.targetName = self.targetIndicator:AddValue({key = 'Name :', value = 'nil'}) self.targetDisplay = self.targetIndicator:AddValue({key = 'DName :', value = 'nil'}) self.targetHealth = self.targetIndicator:AddValue({key = 'Health :', value = '0'}) self.targetDistance = self.targetIndicator:AddValue({key = 'Distance :', value = '0m'}) self.targetTool = self.targetIndicator:AddValue({key = 'Weapon :', value = 'nil'}) self:SetTheme(library.theme); self:SetOpen(true); self.hasInit = true end function library:CreateSettingsTab(menu) local settingsTab = menu:AddTab('Settings', 999); local configSection = settingsTab:AddSection('Config', 2); local mainSection = settingsTab:AddSection('Main', 1); configSection:AddBox({text = 'Config Name', flag = 'configinput'}) configSection:AddList({text = 'Config', flag = 'selectedconfig'}) local function refreshConfigs() library.options.selectedconfig:ClearValues(); for _,v in next, listfiles(self.cheatname..'/'..self.gamename..'/configs') do local ext = '.'..v:split('.')[#v:split('.')]; if ext == self.fileext then library.options.selectedconfig:AddValue(v:split('\\')[#v:split('\\')]:sub(1,-#ext-1)) end end end configSection:AddButton({text = 'Load', confirm = true, callback = function() library:LoadConfig(library.flags.selectedconfig); end}):AddButton({text = 'Save', confirm = true, callback = function() library:SaveConfig(library.flags.selectedconfig); end}) configSection:AddButton({text = 'Create', confirm = true, callback = function() if library:GetConfig(library.flags.configinput) then library:SendNotification('Config \''..library.flags.configinput..'\' already exists.', 5, c3new(1,0,0)); return end writefile(self.cheatname..'/'..self.gamename..'/configs/'..library.flags.configinput.. self.fileext, http:JSONEncode({})); refreshConfigs() end}):AddButton({text = 'Delete', confirm = true, callback = function() if library:GetConfig(library.flags.selectedconfig) then delfile(self.cheatname..'/'..self.gamename..'/configs/'..library.flags.selectedconfig.. self.fileext); refreshConfigs() end end}) refreshConfigs() mainSection:AddBind({text = 'Open / Close', flag = 'togglebind', nomouse = true, noindicator = true, bind = Enum.KeyCode.End, callback = function() library:SetOpen(not library.open) end}); mainSection:AddToggle({text = 'Disable Movement If Open', flag = 'disablemenumovement', callback = function(bool) if bool and library.open then actionservice:BindAction( 'FreezeMovement', function() return Enum.ContextActionResult.Sink end, false, unpack(Enum.PlayerActions:GetEnumItems()) ) else actionservice:UnbindAction('FreezeMovement'); end end}) mainSection:AddButton({text = 'Join Discord', flag = 'joindiscord', confirm = true, callback = function() local res = syn.request({ Url = '', Method = 'POST', Headers = { ['Content-Type'] = 'application/json', Origin = 'https://discord.com' }, Body = game:GetService('HttpService'):JSONEncode({ cmd = 'INVITE_BROWSER', nonce = game:GetService('HttpService'):GenerateGUID(false), args = {code = 'seU6gab'} }) }) if res.Success then library:SendNotification(library.cheatname..' | joined discord', 3); end end}) mainSection:AddButton({text = 'Copy Discord', flag = 'copydiscord', callback = function() setclipboard('discord.gg/seU6gab') end}) mainSection:AddButton({text = 'Rejoin Server', confirm = true, callback = function() game:GetService("TeleportService"):TeleportToPlaceInstance(game.PlaceId, game.JobId); end}) mainSection:AddButton({text = 'Rejoin Game', confirm = true, callback = function() game:GetService("TeleportService"):Teleport(game.PlaceId); end}) mainSection:AddButton({text = 'Copy Join Script', callback = function() setclipboard(([[game:GetService("TeleportService"):TeleportToPlaceInstance(%s, "%s")]]):format(game.PlaceId, game.JobId)) end}) mainSection:AddButton({text = 'Copy Game ******', callback = function() setclipboard(([[Roblox.GameLauncher.joinGameInstance(%s, "%s"))]]):format(game.PlaceId, game.JobId)) end}) mainSection:AddButton({text = 'Unload', confirm = true, callback = function() library:Unload(); end}) mainSection:AddSeparator({text = 'Keybinds'}); mainSection:AddToggle({text = 'Keybind Indicator', flag = 'keybind_indicator', callback = function(bool) library.keyIndicator:SetEnabled(bool); end}) mainSection:AddSlider({text = 'Position X', flag = 'keybind_indicator_x', min = 0, max = 100, increment = .1, value = .5, callback = function() library.keyIndicator:SetPosition(newUDim2(library.flags.keybind_indicator_x / 100, 0, library.flags.keybind_indicator_y / 100, 0)); end}); mainSection:AddSlider({text = 'Position Y', flag = 'keybind_indicator_y', min = 0, max = 100, increment = .1, value = 35, callback = function() library.keyIndicator:SetPosition(newUDim2(library.flags.keybind_indicator_x / 100, 0, library.flags.keybind_indicator_y / 100, 0)); end}); mainSection:AddSeparator({text = 'Watermark'}) mainSection:AddToggle({text = 'Enabled', flag = 'watermark_enabled'}); mainSection:AddList({text = 'Position', flag = 'watermark_pos', selected = 'Custom', values = {'Top', 'Top Left', 'Top Right', 'Bottom Left', 'Bottom Right', 'Custom'}, callback = function(val) library.watermark.lock = val; end}) mainSection:AddSlider({text = 'Custom X', flag = 'watermark_x', suffix = '%', min = 0, max = 100, increment = .1}); mainSection:AddSlider({text = 'Custom Y', flag = 'watermark_y', suffix = '%', min = 0, max = 100, increment = .1}); local themeStrings = {"Custom"}; for _,v in next, library.themes do table.insert(themeStrings, v.name) end local themeTab = menu:AddTab('Theme', 990); local themeSection = themeTab:AddSection('Theme', 1); local setByPreset = false themeSection:AddList({text = 'Presets', flag = 'preset_theme', values = themeStrings, callback = function(newTheme) if newTheme == "Custom" then return end setByPreset = true for _,v in next, library.themes do if v.name == newTheme then for x, d in pairs(library.options) do if v.theme[tostring(x)] ~= nil then d:SetColor(v.theme[tostring(x)]) end end library:SetTheme(v.theme) break end end setByPreset = false end}):Select('Default'); for i, v in pairs(library.theme) do themeSection:AddColor({text = i, flag = i, color = library.theme[i], callback = function(c3) library.theme[i] = c3 library:SetTheme(library.theme) if not setByPreset and not setByConfig then library.options.preset_theme:Select('Custom') end end}); end return settingsTab; end getgenv().library = library return library