{"title":"Rules ","description":"**1. Don't Be Aggressive or Toxic to others.** \n:Spin: We're all here to get along right (:\n**2. Don't Offend Others.** \n:Spin: Even if you intend something as a joke, there may be others who do not see it as such.\n**3. No Discrimination, bullying, etc.** \n:Spin: No need to be mean to others \n**4. No NSFW or Adult Content.** \n:Spin: We're a non NSFW server, meaning no adult content is allowed here **nor** in DMs of any member (including staff)\n**5. Don't send files or links please (unless you have been given permission by a staff member)**\n:Spin: Photos are allowed as long as they abide the rules, no GIFs please (except in memes ofc)\n:**6. Don't advertise anything here please**\n:Spin: Even friend codes count as ads, no DM advertising either\n**7. Please don't ping anyone without a reason**\n:Spin: If there is a situation where staff is needed you can and should ping us. Don't ping the owner (kub_moz) though\n**8. Don't beg for ranks please**\n:Spin: We choose suitable members from the community if we are in need of staff\n**9. Don't beg for anything else either**\n:Spin: dont be that beggar pls (asking for free stuff also counts :pepeNoticed:)\n**10. Please use channels for what they are meant for**\n:Spin: For example use bot commands only in the specified channel(s)\n**11. No swearing please**\n:Spin: We have chat filters in place, but if u bypass them in any way (pfp, status, spoilers, username, etc.) you will receive a warn.\n**12. You are Not Allowed to Start Mass Drama.**\n:Spin: If you do still decide to then you're :ba::nn::ed:","author":{"name":"Bitcoin Miner Rules","url":"","icon_url":"https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/777109587261128705/819675582979768340/NewAvatar.png"},"color":16767744}