Name: [Rio Stardust] Race: [Xadera], [Tenshi], [Elf] ***: [Male] Hair: [Blonde] Eyes: [Crimson] Skin: [Ghostly] Face: [Boyish] Bust: [Flat] Height: [Average] Hips: [Plain] Butt: [Masculine] Fitness: [Buff] F.M.S.U.: [Buckets Of Cum], [Fluid Druid], [Arka Tanks x1], [Arka Fountains], [Love Nectar], [Ranma], [Curse of A Thousand Maidens], [Resting Smug Face], [Indestructible Ahoge] G.R.M.: [Horns], [Caustic Blood], [Mushi], [Sleigh Beggy], [Monster Mash x2], [Bio-Immortal], [Wings], [Seraph x2], [Tasty Fate], [Kyuu], [Dhampir], [Gorgon], [Chimera Ant x1], [Auxiliary Systems], [Tireless], [Demon Core], [Claws], [Arithmomania], [Ubermensch] U.T.T.: [Excalibur], [Contortionist], [Mr Clean], [World Clean] Boons: [Hush Money], [Communism], [Nuru Nuru~], [Warm Welcome], [Popular], [Tasty Prof], [Permanence], [Max Charisma], [Destiny Drive], [Man Portions], [HUD], [Status], [Hammerspace Inventory], [Sensory Overdose], [Lucky], [Unbreakable Mind], [Unbreakable Will], [Darkvision], [Hero], [Demon Lord], [Divine Intervention], [Wisdom Incarnate], [Frens] Banes: [Absolute Conquest], [Daitenshi], [Duel With The Devil], [Fate Dynamo], [No Metagaming], [Just Passin’ Through], [Damsel], [Lamia Curse], [Water To Wine], [Masculinity], [Dankest Dungeons], [Full Party Required], [Reap What You Sow], [Potionholic], [Off With A Bang], [Mark Of Failure], [Knife Ear], [Attention Whore] Items: [Senketsu], [Shabetta], [Starting Bonus], [Solar Charger], [Virtual Sunshine], [Runman], [Dungeon Dowser], [Riftgate Licence], [Switch], [Survival Guide] Aferlife: [Onoskelis - Arbiter of Perversion], [Procel - Arbiter of Secrets] Afterlife Timer: [1 Year] Death Mods: [Chosen], [Corrupted Vision], [Remuneration], [Reincarnation], [Orphan], [A Most Terrible Fate], [Afterlife Tourist], [Dual Citizen] Player Count: [10,000 People] Start Location: [LOST] Ending Fate: 0 Ending Prof: 0 PROFICIENCY: **** II: Dark, Endurance, Strength **** III: Arcane, Agility, Combat, Durability, Strategy **** IV: Charisma, Elemental, Illusion, Light, Luck, *** **** V: Bardism Changelog: Removed Lightweight, removed Hymen Hunter, added reincarnation, added dual citizen, added a most terrible fate, added frens, added indestructible ahoge, added elf, added knife ears, added divine intervention, added arithomania Background: Now how is someone born a 1/3 Elf, 1/3 Xadera, and 1/3 Tenshi? Well, probably something with Onoskelis. I was created or born by a puzzle/trap in a dungeon unfortunately touched by Onoskelis. The adventurers had to...contribute a piece of themselves to pass and after a good amount of time, I emerged into a high level dungeon after having been created by the puzzle. Thankfully, Onoskelis and Procel did not forget about me and sent a guardian angel to whisk me away. Because I was born by both arbiters' influence (Procel the dungeon, Onoskelis the lewdness), I am a Chosen of both. I intend to find my "parents" if only to get shelter for the next decade or so while I mature. It'll be fun finding out which one is the vampire. Appearance: I'm six feet tall, with six pairs of cricket like wings that buzz often. I have a wide vulpine grin, with my fangs very prominent. Instead of normal hair, I've got golden snake hair. All of which happen to be rattlesnakes. Two demonic looking horns rise out of my hair. I've got pointed ears and crimson eyes. Overall, very attractive once you look past the more wild parts. Build Commentary: I'm focused on bardism and magic. Elementalism + Light Magic + Illusion Magic also work well. Elementalism gives me the ability to manipulate sound, I don't have to worry about duels if my opponent cannot even be heard. Light Magic means my songs have the effects of healing and buffing. Illusion Magic means I can communicate more across my songs. Dueling with the Devil isn't so bad since I can just challenge people to musical duels, which I'll win. A lot of the more Lewd drawbacks are things that I think Onoskelis will force me to do anyways (Full Party Required, Lamia Curse). Not too worried about either of those. I think I can travel fast enough with Riftgate + Seraph for Lamia Curse. Playstyle: Bardism V means I'm likely a pretty crazy emotion manipulator. Singing songs that make people commit suicide for example. With Elementalism IV, I may be able to shout people to death. And I've got a lot of things to play music with; my voice one of them, my instrument another, and my wings a third. But in the event of that somehow failing to play music or being deprived at magic, I've got Combat III. Dual citizen is nice-although it may be a bit demanding, I can probably grow faster than other EoHs with it. I don't know what gifts exactly they'll give (hope it's not like warhammer fantasy where the "gifts" sometimes involve your penis becoming sentient and wandering off to the Chaos Wastes), but the proficiency is worth it alone. I'm assuming getting to **** VI or **** VII is exceptionally rare, so having two arbiters enhancing me is worth it enough. I'll travel the lands, have my adventures, and ideally hear about the adventures everyone is getting up to. I'm glad to ally to explore dungeons or kill a powerful monsters, although you'll have to duel me first. Frens: I think with frens I can act like a gatekeeper. I'd like everyone to take reincarnation + remuneration. I want the playing field to be level and I'd like there to be actual consequences to being a dick. If you take minotaur and vampire lord, you must take everflaccid, smoll peen, and permadeath. If it does turn out you are a decent person despite having a munchkin-y build, I don’t want to kill you immediately. That being said-permadeath should give you the incentive to not be a dick to other people. Imouto Armageddon is banned. The imouto version of SCP-871 is still a Keter Class threat. **** VI Alchemist builds, I would want you to take convenient backstory as well. There’s less of a chance of you slaughtering everyone as compared to the vampire lords, but on the other hand I don’t want to end up like the protagonist in I Have No Mouth But I Must Scream. Ideally with the right background you could be a good member of Harahel Society.