[user] Welcome to cottageinc! Here we promise that you'll have a humble time in my and my cousins Smp! Before you head off please listen to the rules. Rule 1: No greifing, hacking, x-raying or placing and destroying blocks in others property. Rule 2: If you witness any thing said in rule 1 please tell the Owners or a Trusted Mod if on. Rule 3: if you witness a Mod or somebody spamming, bullying or abuse of hatred please contact the owners via tiktok or discord. Rule 4: No innapropriate speech towards staff and people, you will get kicked for this. You may join back if you've learnt a lesson. Rule 5: Overall, building is allowed and if you build with furnished items then you get the rank: 'Trusted Member' Other than that have a lovley day! - Kind Regards Owners. 🤍