Business Requirement 1: A prominent logistics company has decided to organize information about its shipments and drivers in a database. The company has chosen to bring you on board as a database designer. Develop an E-R diagram for this company according to the following description: The company employs a diverse group of drivers, each having a unique DriverID, Birth Date, Gender, and Name represented as FirstName and LastName. The company has multiple warehouses, each identified by WarehouseID (unique) and having attributes such as WarehouseName and Location. Drivers are assigned to various shipments; each shipment is uniquely identified by ShipmentID and includes information about ShipmentName, ShipmentDate, and Destination. Each driver may have a set of assistants; each assistant has a unique AssistantName, Gender, and Birth Date. If a driver leaves the company, there is no need to store information about their assistants. For each warehouse, there is always one driver assigned to manage that warehouse, and each manager has a HiringDate. A warehouse may have multiple drivers, but each driver is assigned to only one warehouse. Each warehouse may have a set of shipments, and each shipment must be assigned to one warehouse. Drivers work on various shipments, and each shipment has multiple drivers. Each driver reports the number of hours worked on each shipment. Each driver has a supervisor. Business Requirement 2: A technology firm has decided to centralize information about its software development projects and engineers in a database. The company has chosen you as the database designer. Construct an E-R diagram for this company based on the following description: The company employs a team of software engineers, each having a unique EngineerID, Birth Date, Gender, and Name represented as FirstName and LastName. The company has several departments, each identified by DepartmentID (unique) and having attributes such as DepartmentName and Location. Engineers contribute to various projects; each project is uniquely identified by ProjectID and includes information about ProjectName, ProjectNumber, and Location. Each engineer may have a set of collaborators; each collaborator has a unique CollaboratorName, Gender, and Birth Date. If an engineer leaves the company, there is no need to store information about their collaborators. For each department, there is always one engineer assigned to manage that department, and each manager has a HiringDate. A department may have multiple engineers, but each engineer works in only one department. Each department may have a set of projects, and each project must be assigned to one department. Engineers contribute to various projects, and each project involves multiple engineers. Each engineer reports the number of hours worked on each project. Each engineer has a supervisor. Business Requirement 3: A healthcare organization has decided to manage information about its medical staff and patients in a database. The organization has selected you as the database designer. Create an E-R diagram for this organization based on the following description: The organization employs a team of medical professionals, each having a unique StaffID, Birth Date, Gender, and Name represented as FirstName and LastName. The organization has different departments, each identified by DepartmentID (unique) and having attributes such as DepartmentName and Location. Medical professionals are involved in various medical cases; each case is uniquely identified by CaseID and includes information about CaseName, CaseNumber, and Location. Each medical professional may have a set of assistants; each assistant has a unique AssistantName, Gender, and Birth Date. If a medical professional leaves the organization, there is no need to store information about their assistants. For each department, there is always one medical professional assigned to manage that department, and each manager has a HiringDate. A department may have multiple medical professionals, but each medical professional works in only one department. Each department may have a set of medical cases, and each medical case must be assigned to one department. Medical professionals are involved in various medical cases, and each case involves multiple medical professionals. Each medical professional reports the number of hours worked on each case. Each medical professional has a supervisor. Business Requirement 4: A retail company has decided to organize information about its sales representatives and customers in a database. The company has enlisted you as the database designer. Develop an E-R diagram for this company based on the following description: The company employs a team of sales representatives, each having a unique RepresentativeID, Birth Date, Gender, and Name represented as FirstName and LastName. The company has different branches, each identified by BranchID (unique) and having attributes such as BranchName and Location. Sales representatives handle various sales deals; each deal is uniquely identified by DealID and includes information about DealName, DealNumber, and Location. Each sales representative may have a set of assistants; each assistant has a unique AssistantName, Gender, and Birth Date. If a sales representative leaves the company, there is no need to store information about their assistants. For each branch, there is always one sales representative assigned to manage that branch, and each manager has a HiringDate. A branch may have multiple sales representatives, but each sales representative works in only one branch. Each branch may have a set of deals, and each deal must be assigned to one branch. Sales representatives work on various deals, and each deal involves multiple sales representatives. Each sales representative reports the number of hours worked on each deal. Each sales representative has a supervisor. Business Requirement 5: An education institution has decided to manage information about its teaching staff and students in a database. The institution has selected you as the database designer. Construct an E-R diagram for this institution based on the following description: The institution employs a team of teachers, each having a unique TeacherID, Birth Date, Gender, and Name represented as FirstName and LastName. The institution has different departments, each identified by DepartmentID (unique) and having attributes such as DepartmentName and Location. Teachers conduct various courses; each course is uniquely identified by CourseID and includes information about CourseName, CourseNumber, and Location. Each teacher may have a set of teaching assistants; each teaching assistant has a unique AssistantName, Gender, and Birth Date. If a teacher leaves the institution, there is no need to store information about their teaching assistants. For each department, there is always one teacher assigned to manage that department, and each manager has a HiringDate. A department may have multiple teachers, but each teacher works in only one department. Each department may have a set of courses, and each course must be assigned to one department. Teachers conduct various courses, and each course involves multiple teachers. Each teacher reports the number of hours spent on each course. Each teacher has a supervisor.