ELFbot-v.1488, [27.05.21 09:38] [In reply to BASED ANON] Hitler isnt the hero youre looking for, he is far from a hero Милан Недић, [27.05.21 13:07] [In reply to Troy E] [ GIF ] Paladin 175, [28.05.21 06:40] [In reply to ELFbot-v.1488] Yes he is Andrei Wotansson, [28.05.21 08:04] [In reply to ELFbot-v.1488] Psyop kike ELFbot-v.1488, [28.05.21 10:12] [In reply to Andrei Wotansson] iam not .. I used to be as much liking it all as prob others.. i just read a lot more. not once he was there to safe the germanics.. but youre blinded by the idea of it. what i get bec i also want my people to prevail.. not trough lies tho Andrei Wotansson, [28.05.21 10:13] [In reply to ELFbot-v.1488] Anyone telling Aryans to deny their own heroes is a kike ELFbot-v.1488, [28.05.21 10:13] [In reply to BASED ANON] the thing is that he isnt a hero. but i cant make you see. ill just push you more towards it ELFbot-v.1488, [28.05.21 10:14] [In reply to BASED ANON] and no i dont like the jews either ELFbot-v.1488, [28.05.21 10:15] [In reply to BASED ANON] i quite hoenstly despise anyone and anythign that wants to destroy our lands and our people ELFbot-v.1488, [28.05.21 10:15] [In reply to BASED ANON] honestly * Andrei Wotansson, [28.05.21 10:19] [In reply to ELFbot-v.1488] Hitler didn't want to destroy any Aryans and the behavior reflected that. When staufenberg and the others launched their attempted coup. To punish the families Hitler wrote a mean letter telling them that because father/husband was a traitor they wouldn't be able to collect the pension. Stalin would have had everyone who ever knew them executed. You believe in Jewish fairy tale propoganda ELFbot-v.1488, [28.05.21 10:23] [In reply to Andrei Wotansson] Accusing me of believing in kike propoganda while you deny to do more research and knowing more.. iam not here to hold your hand. accuse me of whatever you want ELFbot-v.1488, [28.05.21 10:24] [In reply to BASED ANON] ill give you just 1 , he stole ancient texts all over the world. now no one not 1 person can see those. we will not know what they contain. why ? why is that good for aryans Andrei Wotansson, [28.05.21 10:25] [In reply to ELFbot-v.1488] "Yes Q will reveal the truth, follow the hidden signs ! The Only regime to ever stand up for White people is actually Jews!!!" What ? Andrei Wotansson, [28.05.21 10:25] [In reply to ELFbot-v.1488] Prove it ELFbot-v.1488, [28.05.21 10:32] [In reply to Andrei Wotansson] sorry how did Q the retard shit get involved ? i dont like politics and idk about Q much bec its retarded. ill give you something to research yourself because again iam not gonna hold your hand. '' multi volumed buddhist kang shur '' Andrei Wotansson, [28.05.21 10:37] [In reply to ELFbot-v.1488] [ ✡️ Sticker ] ELFbot-v.1488, [28.05.21 10:42] [In reply to BASED ANON] ok act like this makes you seem very intelligent. why ask if all you want to do is be silly ELFbot-v.1488, [28.05.21 10:42] [In reply to BASED ANON] the jews really did a good job blinding you if you think am the jew ELFbot-v.1488, [28.05.21 10:42] [In reply to BASED ANON] have fun being a dumbass Andrei Wotansson, [28.05.21 10:43] [In reply to ELFbot-v.1488] I've asked you twice for proof. You don't have any so you just say more nonsense because the Jews taught you to hate Lord Hitler ELFbot-v.1488, [28.05.21 10:46] [In reply to BASED ANON] wrong .. i gave you something to research. iam not here to hold your hand Andrei Wotansson, [28.05.21 10:49] [In reply to ELFbot-v.1488] You didn't you made a claim with no backing and suggested I should do "research" What authors ? What time period ? There's 10s of thousands of books on Nazi Germany, half of them completely made up like Ravencroft and the spear of destiny shit. I guess I should spend the rest of my life ordering books on Amazon until I learn as much as you wise master ELFbot-v.1488, [28.05.21 10:50] [In reply to BASED ANON] i did give you a title ... did you just not read what i said ? Andrei Wotansson, [28.05.21 10:50] [In reply to ELFbot-v.1488] You did not give me a title ELFbot-v.1488, [28.05.21 10:50] [In reply to BASED ANON] or read some books of '' joseph farrell ELFbot-v.1488, [28.05.21 10:50] [In reply to BASED ANON] i did ELFbot-v.1488, [28.05.21 10:51] [In reply to BASED ANON] I will make it a bit easier for you maybe you cant keep up with what you have read not even 10 min ago ELFbot-v.1488, [28.05.21 10:51] [In reply to BASED ANON] I stated , hitler stole a lot of ancient texts.. with knowledge we prob all like to know. about Atlantis and what not. this book '''' multi volumed buddhist kang shur '' is what hitler stole from ALL OF US. bec none of us can see it now Andrei Wotansson, [28.05.21 10:51] [In reply to ELFbot-v.1488] No I want you to forward to me what message you gave a title in ELFbot-v.1488, [28.05.21 10:52] [In reply to BASED ANON] that book holds old ancient knowledge of atlantica ELFbot-v.1488, [28.05.21 10:52] [In reply to BASED ANON] ok i will forward it ELFbot-v.1488, [28.05.21 10:52] [In reply to BASED ANON] https://t.me/based_anon/8086?comment=79438 Andrei Wotansson, [28.05.21 10:53] [In reply to ELFbot-v.1488] Atlantica ? Mfw actual retard Completely made up occult shit = Hitler bad. As I said you are Qanon Andrei Wotansson, [28.05.21 10:54] [In reply to ELFbot-v.1488] Also. Just googled it. It's not even a book by that title at all ELFbot-v.1488, [28.05.21 10:54] [In reply to BASED ANON] I dont follow Qanon so you can call me that bec you associate it with that... hitler himself believed it was real. why would he go to tibet to steal it ? and take it and hide it in his library. do you even know of his personal library ? do you know anything outside of the romanticized story for aryans to hold on to ? ELFbot-v.1488, [28.05.21 10:55] [In reply to BASED ANON] it is a book ... ELFbot-v.1488, [28.05.21 10:55] [In reply to BASED ANON] i really dont like holding peopels hands in their research ELFbot-v.1488, [28.05.21 10:55] [In reply to BASED ANON] youre not even trying... weak pathetic Andrei Wotansson, [28.05.21 13:51] [In reply to ELFbot-v.1488] Hitler. Personally on an adventure in tibet. Lol Qanon Troy E, [28.05.21 14:35] [In reply to Милан Недић] It's for real haha. ELFbot-v.1488, [28.05.21 16:05] [In reply to BASED ANON] you really are blindly following everything you see what is only shown you without looking into things ... why would HP be hitlers mentor ? or that is also all made up ? ELFbot-v.1488, [28.05.21 16:06] [In reply to BASED ANON] [ Photo ] ELFbot-v.1488, [28.05.21 16:07] [In reply to BASED ANON] and if you look at my avatar, not so long ago i believed everything just as blindly .. ELFbot-v.1488, [28.05.21 16:10] [In reply to BASED ANON] but let me stop, bec your paranoia and refusing to wanting to find more truths instead of idolizing someone bec you have the idea he would have saved the white race. OR EUROPE BEC HE WOULD HAVE NOT.open your eyes for once and stop attacking every single person who doesnt think exacly like you, just like hitler did. bec he also killed christians ... germanic people who refused to listen ELFbot-v.1488, [28.05.21 16:10] [In reply to BASED ANON] but he was so good for our race ELFbot-v.1488, [28.05.21 16:20] [In reply to BASED ANON] and also , when or where do Qretards talk about this ? since i dont follow that bullshit and dont use jewish tactics on people like you do aka callling people a nazi or a racist or a KIKE when iam clearly not. but i do relate to you .. and anyone who wants to call me a jew or kike for trying to make you look further than you do now. in no way or form am i trying to push my idea of closer to the truth on you. i want you to do it yourself. i was once there and got mad at people mentioning anything bad about nazis or hitler. so maybe in time you will find the energy to do more research yourself. have a great day Andrei Wotansson, [28.05.21 16:51] [In reply to ELFbot-v.1488] Anyone who says "do the research" is Qanon "Investigate this secret book.... Even if google says it doesn't exist, I swear it's like Tablets of power shit. Hitler the evil bad guy, literally flew to Tibet, stole the book, and using African Kung Fu, defeated the Dalai Lama in single combat and stole the secrets of Atlantis forever !!!" You are a Qretard ELFbot-v.1488, [28.05.21 16:54] [In reply to BASED ANON] If you think the multi volumed buddhist kang shur is a non existing book... idk what to tell you. good luck ELFbot-v.1488, [28.05.21 16:55] [In reply to BASED ANON] maybe keep your american lingo for your self and your politics obsessed blinded country. bec we dont have that dumb shit here Andrei Wotansson, [28.05.21 16:55] [In reply to ELFbot-v.1488] Yes. The mysterious book no one has ever read Andrei Wotansson, [28.05.21 16:56] [In reply to ELFbot-v.1488] Belarus faggot. Not American ELFbot-v.1488, [28.05.21 16:56] [In reply to BASED ANON] people have seen parts of it yes. you just refuse to look .. you googled it but found nothing ? or did you see things you didnt want to see Andrei Wotansson, [28.05.21 16:56] [In reply to ELFbot-v.1488] Woooo so mysterious.... Obviously Hitler and the African kung fu nazis have secretly hidden the rest of it ELFbot-v.1488, [28.05.21 16:57] [In reply to BASED ANON] well then you are among too many people who do the same jew stuff you hate... ELFbot-v.1488, [28.05.21 16:57] [In reply to BASED ANON] ok youre clearly having a spasm over me having a different idea than you, i tried to give you some points to research for yourself. should always do that never blindly follow people. but you do you i honestly could care less ELFbot-v.1488, [28.05.21 16:58] [In reply to BASED ANON] are people in belarus considered slavs ? Andrei Wotansson, [28.05.21 16:58] [In reply to ELFbot-v.1488] Of course ELFbot-v.1488, [28.05.21 16:58] [In reply to BASED ANON] then iam seriously wondering how dumbed down you are by following a man who would have killed your people Andrei Wotansson, [28.05.21 16:58] [In reply to ELFbot-v.1488] The name means White Rus' ELFbot-v.1488, [28.05.21 16:59] [In reply to BASED ANON] iam done here honestly iam wasting my time Andrei Wotansson, [28.05.21 16:59] [In reply to ELFbot-v.1488] Because you lost and are a retardo