I wouldn't see any problem with anti pandemic measures per se. I have following problems that lead me to following tl;dr: Either politicians and big tech industry around the globe are ******* stupid, like literally mentally challenged, or they want something other then what they claim to. It's pretty self evident that in these fields you won't make it far with being retarded. If you really are somewhat interested in the topic read along, else have fun feeling like a good person because mainstream media tells you what to do. Tobe frank I expect you tobethat domesticated to just report without reading. Why are the numberrs "that high"? First of all: Have you heard of a method called "baseline study"? It's basically the first thing you should start doing with a new pathogen around. In short: you test a representative cut of the population on a regular basis, no matter the symptoms, so you can have an ACTUAL idea of how fast it spreads. We only test people with symptoms or at higher risk of infection, instantly leading to way off numbers. Next thing, the PCR test. It is in fact a realiable method for comparing genetic similarities. If you **** it up though, the plot you get just looks like a Rohrschach images. I have done these tests myself (not for covid but same principle) and people need to be fully aware that - especially inexperienced laboratorry workers or student assistants will **** some of those up. Yes, they can be redone, but now imagine laboratories all over the world being basically over their test capacity and tell me there won't be black sheep like "kfuck it he's got the 'rona, false positive will still do less damage" Also the PCR test for genetic material, in this case RNA since it's a virus. Oh damn, all the vaccines are based on RNA, the PCR can yield positive results because of vaccination There are many benefits given to families with a Covid-death and I know several people myself where their doctor just wrote "SarsCov 19" as cause of death so the family can afford the burial ceremony. Also there is rarely a difference made - at least in media - between "died of Corona" and "died with Corona", in fact most people who have severe to deadly disease progression have several other medical problems. Last but not least they aren't even that high, you can look at (recent) history and compare for yourself. "But there are soooo manycomperative studies that say it's high numbers and dangerous" Not every paper is reliable. In fact there are whole institutes in many fields in private hands writing papers in private interest. In the mean time the single most important study in case of a pademic hasn't been done yet. Then why are the hospitals in trouble? Because the medical system of many countries around the world got ruined by politicians for a quick buck. Simple as that. Our medical technology may have progressed, but payment for personell and funding for equipment have declined, (intense) care stations or even whole hospitals were closed because they are "too expensive". What are the orders? Stay at home except for work, don't talk to people (there's posters everywhere in my region telling people to not talk to each other), use a tracking app, don't critizise any of these measures or you are a conspiracy theorist and want to kill people. Cover half of your face at all times and probably soon "get vaccinated or get out of society" Why should that be bad? Not because "hurr durr vaccine bad", but because the medical trialperiodhas been shortened while the demand for companies has risen. Private companies are rushing to shit a vaccine on the market, this is soblatantly obvious not a good Idea, especially since there are known examples (like a rabies vaccine) of companies delivering adulterated vaccines because they ran out of time/material. Also the list of side-effects already pretty often have a long list of side effects only noticed after the clinical trial period. All that sounds pretty bad, but it is what it is, if we follow along it will soon be over. Besides it being easy to imagine many Germany in the 1930s or many Russians in the 1920s stating or thinking similar things, it wont. Because all these arguments and discussions are useless tbh. At the core of all this is a deep mistake in the axioms human - environment interaction. It's basically the message of Faust: Your rationality messing around in these big processes