Brynhald — Today at 7:09 PM Apparently two of the main guardians in destiny have been announced as being gay and in a relationship. Saint 14 and Osiris. Apparently they are legendary guardian heros from a previous war. And although it was never announced or anything as part of any previous content the lead writer has said they were always gay for eachother we just never made it super obvious in the game. Like no... not only did you never make it obvious it was never written. Part of me thinks that because they were shipped the writers just said **** it why not. anxcrypt — Today at 7:20 PM i know nothing about Destiny so i'm just going to put this here and say i don't really care except it's kind of annoying how people are balking so much at it. Brynhald — Today at 7:25 PM Mmm I mean I dont hate it because I literally pay no attention to the story whatsoever. Do I think that them saying that them risking their lives to save eachother is an indication they have a deep connection has nothing to do with being gay for eachother. Yes. I dunno. Might just be me. My brother was the one who pointed it out to me. And he hates it. He isn't a homophobe by any means. But he doesn't like the direction gaming is taking as a whole. He pays a lot of attention to story in games and he said he thought they might have been brothers or something because of how close they were. But never even considered them being gay. So I dunno. anxcrypt — Today at 7:33 PM i honestly have no investment in Destiny specifically, obvs, but it just pisses me off that, if a developer or writer comes out and says that a character is queer or that two same gender characters are in a relationship, straight people immediately bash their heads against the wall saying that there was NO indication for it or anything and that they were brothers / sister and that there was no reason for them to be queer or anything. It's annoying lmao. Brynhald — Today at 8:01 PM Yea well I mean to most people straight white males are the epitome of evil these days. So I'm not suprised. anxcrypt — Today at 8:10 PM i didn't say anything about straight white males lmao and i don't think that seeing as how i'm dating you lmao it's just annoying how queer people and relationships have to be justified to exist within media. "If it has nothing to do with the story, then there's no need to announce it or do anything or make them gay or whatever" Is something i've seen, even though, if it's not made known, then the default is that "this character is straight". Why do queer characters have to have a reason to be queer when the default is straight? Brynhald — Today at 8:17 PM I am aware you didn't. You did say that straight people immediately bash their heads again the wall about it. And considering the fast majority of gamers are white people it makes sense. I am also one of the straight people who has been attacked and called all kinds of slurs for having similar opinions in the past on certain characters. In a lot of ways I understand both sides of the argument. Queer characters shouldn't need a reason to be queer. I agree. But as someone who has been attacked from the other side for saying that I dont care about the fact a character was gay and was just happy playing the game I understand why some, not saying all, straight people get frustrated. Some just don't like their favorite character being gay. Which is different. Most people i talk to dont care if a character is gay they just care that it gets thrown in their face. For them its like... cool... I just liked playing the character and doing whatever. I didn't care if they were gay or straight. But a lot of people do feel attacked a lot of the time for being straight and white. I've seen entire threads on it. People just don't like being nice. On either side. I could say more but ill probably just end up winding myself up. So I won't. anxcrypt — Today at 8:52 PM Yeah, i don't agree with attacking straight white people, which is why i don't. i do like seeing representation for queers in media of all kinds though. What counts as a characters queerness getting "thrown in their face"? All i ever see when it comes to characters being revealed as queer is the creator/writer saying it in a pretty casual tweet or article or w/e and fellow queers being happy about it and then turning and seeing some straight people (you're right, an important factor to include) getting upset over it and saying they aren't going to play the game anymore and that they personally didn't see it and how forced diversity is ruining games or how it's just pandering for "sjws" and the "pc police" or just posting "gag" memes and whatnot. So some queer folk tell them to **** off. They don't start out saying "haha cishets go shit your pants" or something (most of them anyway, there are some annoying people out there but they are outliers and i don't agree with them lmao). They're just reacting to some straight people being annoying. Also, yeah, straight people have the luxury of not caring if a character is straight or queer and some queer people don't care either, which is fine in my opinion. But it's important for other queer folk to have that representation. Ofc i don't want it shoehorned in as a "here you go, a queer character/couple so y'all will stfu already". That's just gross. i want queer characters who have a good story that involve them being queer without it being the main focus, if that makes sense? Just casually mentioning a same gender partner or having the queer relationship just a natural part of the story or having the characters be more private, like the two from Destiny seem to be, but still having those little bits of lore in the background that point to them being queer. This is the tweet btw - Brynhald — Today at 9:07 PM Yea I had seen the tweet. Some people will be ****** off if their favorite characters got revealed to them to be gay. Some are just straight up homophobic. Thats just how it is and most likely always will be. I could be wrong in all this though of course. As you said it is probably just because I am straight I have the luxury of not really caring about representation of any side. Straight people being attacked can be far worse than what you said though. I wouldn't be able to find specific articles now that I read in the past though most likely but I have heard, seen and been hit with comments such as "You are a cis white man so you could never understand your own toxicity even if it was thrown in your face" "As a straight white male you are literally the worst form of evil on earth right now" and generalized comments like that. Which i think is a bit rude considering how open minded I consider myself to be. But I could be wrong about that. Maybe me being proud of my viking ancestry and my straightness makes me a bigoted racist. Not directing any of this towards you by the way as you arent the one who has said it. anxcrypt — Today at 9:31 PM Yeah. It is true that people who are a part of the oppressor class could never truly understand the oppressed class's experiences, especially since a lot of discrimination is low-key nowadays. Of course if someone is straight up "I ******* hate fags" then they're obviously homophobic lmao but if someone finds themselves scared that a gay man will hit on them because they don't want to be seen as gay, then they're still homophobic. Stuff like that is still homophobia because they're treating being gay as a negative. If a guy is the type to be flattered and be like, "sorry, I'm straight but I wish you luck" then that's awesome. Love those guys. People who see same gender couples holding hands in public or cuddling in public making tutting sounds or thinking "what a waste" as a straight woman because they're both attractive men or think "they're just trying to get attention" if it's two women. That's still homophobia. Ofc, i personally don't believe that all straight white men are the source of evil lmao that's stupid, especially since i adore many of them like you (duh), Sean, Matthew Mercer, etc. However, there are prejudices that need to be dismantled. i would love if everyone just got along and no one needed to care if someone was straight or queer or trans or not, but that's not the world we're in right now. We still need to make things equal. Get more people of color and queers in the game development industry so more games will be made that have authentic poc and queer experiences involved, because the industry is hella white. It's also a fact that a lot of higher ups and hiring managers, since the industry is more white than not, are white and will, subconsciously or purposefully, lean toward hiring more white folk, giving people of color less chance. i hope this all makes sense? Like i said, i just want people to stop being dickheads to each other equally lmao.