Ithuriel Santan - Harahel's Greatest (and possibly only) Psychologist ==== Player Build v0.6.5 ==== Race: [Tenshi] ***: [Female] Hair: [White] Eyes: [Amber] Skin: [Fair] Face: [Androgynous] Bust: [Small] Height: [Short] Hips: [Feminine] Butt: [Smol] Fitness: [Unfit] F.M.S.U.: [Everwet], [Megane], [Eggz], [Curse of A Thousand Maidens] G.R.M.: [Bio-Immortal], [Unusual Eyes], [Tasty Fate], [Kyuu], [Birb], [Doublethink], [Wings] U.T.T.: [Perfect *****], [Mr Clean], [Tamed Shark], [World Clean], [Contortionist], [**** Physics] Boons: [Hush Money], [Darkvision], [HUD], [Hammerspace Inventory], [Status], [Tasty Prof], [The Apprentice x8], [Aesthetic], [Max Charisma], [Demon Lord], [Sensory Overdose], [Talk To Me], [Inconspicuous], [Unbreakable Will] Banes: [Glass Cannon], [Medal Of Honor] Items: [Riftgate Licence], [A Home], [Tab Leet], [Solar Charger], [Entertainment], [Knowledge x2], [A Manor], [Service], [Shekels] Aferlife: [Mastema - Arbiter of Sanctuary] Afterlife Timer: [6 Months] Death Mods: [Chosen], [Corrupted Vision], [Remuneration] Player Count: [10,000 People] Start Location: [Encore] Ending Fate: 0 Ending Prof: 0 PROFICIENCY Strength 1 Agility 1 Durability 1 Cooking 3 Artistry 1 Charisma 5 Illusion 2 Alchemical 2 Light 3 ---[DESC]--- {Will probably update this more later} The only thing Ithuriel charges in return for her services is a trophy, in accordance with [Medal of Honor] -she can easily get money by selling potions and stuff. The Tenshi has an entire trophy vault back at her mansion with records of former and current clients. Main thing going on is the Charisma 5, everything else supports that. Illusion 2 and the [Tab-Leet] are to create room-scale illusions to help patients (Now has art, due to redisribuiting points.) Alchemical 2 and Cooking 3 are for medicine. Cooking 3 also helps with making very good food - which can be helpful! Two books of [Knowledge] from earth relating to psychological theory. Might be able to get more by cheesing [Entertainment]? Not sure. [Manor] is a combination home and office, while [Riftgate Liscence] provides travel abroad. She's a [Chosen] of Mastema because it fits thematically, and I figured probably would get quests to help people. [Corrupted Vision] and [Remuneration] support that. [HUD] and [Status] provide patient statistics [Unbreakable Will] helps with her own problems. Everything else is essentially fluff. ---[Trophies]--- A shard of crystalized Fire Arka from Domitian, in return for advice about Idrileth's recent Chunni Singularity.