============================================================== Guild: Direct Messages ============================================================== [20-Sep-21 07:44 PM] Screamsh#4525 mmm [20-Sep-21 07:45 PM] Screamsh#4525 I have an anger problem [20-Sep-21 07:45 PM] Screamsh#4525 do you really want to provoke me? [20-Sep-21 07:47 PM] Screamsh#4525 waiting to hear what you have to say [20-Sep-21 07:47 PM] Screamsh#4525 and whether you want to find out what levels of rage i got. [20-Sep-21 07:48 PM] Screamsh#4525 You have 60 seconds to respond coherently before I block you. [20-Sep-21 07:48 PM] no-geofence#4409 What is the problem with it, if it is community made? [20-Sep-21 07:48 PM] no-geofence#4409 Genuinly curious [20-Sep-21 07:49 PM] Screamsh#4525 You don't have our UX [20-Sep-21 07:49 PM] Screamsh#4525 and also don't have our back end [20-Sep-21 07:49 PM] no-geofence#4409 But it wouldn't be a copy [20-Sep-21 07:49 PM] no-geofence#4409 I'm not trying to copy lol [20-Sep-21 07:49 PM] Screamsh#4525 then why are you calling it scream? [20-Sep-21 07:49 PM] Screamsh#4525 you can just make your own platform [20-Sep-21 07:49 PM] no-geofence#4409 no, it will use the scream contracts but provied the users in the US with a UI they can use without a VPN [20-Sep-21 07:49 PM] Screamsh#4525 why all the anti-scream branding. [20-Sep-21 07:49 PM] Screamsh#4525 If you want to take that risk that you're own problem. [20-Sep-21 07:49 PM] no-geofence#4409 how is it anti-scream [20-Sep-21 07:49 PM] Screamsh#4525 SCREAM is ours. [20-Sep-21 07:49 PM] no-geofence#4409 didnt say it wasnt [20-Sep-21 07:49 PM] Screamsh#4525 if you take the contract it will be Compound's [20-Sep-21 07:50 PM] no-geofence#4409 no im not taking anything, dont you get it [20-Sep-21 07:50 PM] Screamsh#4525 we haven't made our UX open source. [20-Sep-21 07:50 PM] no-geofence#4409 i know [20-Sep-21 07:50 PM] Screamsh#4525 {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/889582894480228423/889584265380122634/Screenshot_2021-09-20_at_19.50.14.png [20-Sep-21 07:50 PM] Screamsh#4525 our contracts are compound's [20-Sep-21 07:50 PM] no-geofence#4409 yes, it will use YOUR CONTRACT ADDRESSES [20-Sep-21 07:50 PM] no-geofence#4409 but provide a UI without a geofence [20-Sep-21 07:50 PM] no-geofence#4409 called decentralisation bro [20-Sep-21 07:50 PM] Screamsh#4525 i mean, if you have the resources go for it [20-Sep-21 07:51 PM] no-geofence#4409 i have a question for you though [20-Sep-21 07:51 PM] no-geofence#4409 how can you call yourselves decentralized if you block US citizens, i get you want to protect yourselves of course. but one can go to ftmscan, surely? [20-Sep-21 07:52 PM] Screamsh#4525 our contracts are not geofenced. [20-Sep-21 07:52 PM] no-geofence#4409 yes thats what im saying [20-Sep-21 07:52 PM] Screamsh#4525 and most users will probably use a VPN to access anyway. [20-Sep-21 07:52 PM] Screamsh#4525 we are taking reasonable efforts to ensure that we don't fall under regulatory scrutiny. [20-Sep-21 07:52 PM] no-geofence#4409 right, so whats wrong with the community making a different ui (not influenced by yours at all) that isnt geofenced? users are still depositing into scream, no different bro [20-Sep-21 07:53 PM] Screamsh#4525 you will be making a new project [20-Sep-21 07:53 PM] Screamsh#4525 with a new token [20-Sep-21 07:53 PM] no-geofence#4409 no ofc not [20-Sep-21 07:53 PM] no-geofence#4409 lmao [20-Sep-21 07:53 PM] no-geofence#4409 its not for profit, its for decentralisation, true decentralisation [20-Sep-21 07:53 PM] no-geofence#4409 i will take any legal troubles, instead of you guys basically [20-Sep-21 07:53 PM] no-geofence#4409 but its all your tokens, all your shit [20-Sep-21 07:54 PM] no-geofence#4409 im not trying to take or steal scream, please understand that [20-Sep-21 07:54 PM] no-geofence#4409 i like your project ok?? but i feel sorry for the US citizens, they need a way to access the site without using a VPN [20-Sep-21 07:54 PM] Screamsh#4525 Who are you? [20-Sep-21 07:54 PM] no-geofence#4409 what does it matter [20-Sep-21 07:55 PM] no-geofence#4409 do you properly understand me? [20-Sep-21 07:55 PM] Screamsh#4525 yeah i do [20-Sep-21 07:55 PM] no-geofence#4409 for example, i could make a UI for uniswap, that will completely use uniswaps contracts, except maybe it looks nicer, or its available in more places etc. [20-Sep-21 07:56 PM] no-geofence#4409 all im saying is surely this would be good for scream, its community made so no ties to the actual team [20-Sep-21 07:56 PM] no-geofence#4409 im not 100% you do, please reread and understand and have a think [20-Sep-21 07:56 PM] Screamsh#4525 I do. [20-Sep-21 07:56 PM] Screamsh#4525 But my concern is that it will be linked back to the team. [20-Sep-21 07:57 PM] no-geofence#4409 how? how can i make it obvious it wont link back to you guys? [20-Sep-21 07:57 PM] Screamsh#4525 And whilst you think you're doing it for the good of decentralisation, you are actually putting the team, its founders and the project entirely on the line. [20-Sep-21 07:57 PM] no-geofence#4409 im for sure not trying to bring you trouble, but make scream truly accessible to all [20-Sep-21 07:57 PM] Screamsh#4525 We would suggest starting a new project. [20-Sep-21 07:57 PM] no-geofence#4409 but surely the same could be said for any project, no? [20-Sep-21 07:57 PM] Screamsh#4525 Yeah, i guess. [20-Sep-21 07:57 PM] Screamsh#4525 Coinbase also caved in today. [20-Sep-21 07:58 PM] no-geofence#4409 what do you mean? [20-Sep-21 07:58 PM] Screamsh#4525 read about coinbase today [20-Sep-21 07:58 PM] Screamsh#4525 they basically didn't go ahead with Coinbase lend [20-Sep-21 07:58 PM] no-geofence#4409 the crypto community understands that the communtiy will make projects [20-Sep-21 07:58 PM] no-geofence#4409 the idea is this UI has no ties to anyone [20-Sep-21 08:00 PM] no-geofence#4409 can i have your thoughts? i am happy to discuss more on this, my intentions are NOT to make the dev team annoyed [20-Sep-21 08:00 PM] no-geofence#4409 i am happy to also talk to the team on the whole. [20-Sep-21 08:01 PM] Screamsh#4525 voice call? [20-Sep-21 08:01 PM] no-geofence#4409 sorry i cant do that [20-Sep-21 08:01 PM] Screamsh#4525 i wonder why lol [20-Sep-21 08:01 PM] no-geofence#4409 ?? [20-Sep-21 08:01 PM] no-geofence#4409 your point? [20-Sep-21 08:02 PM] Screamsh#4525 why are you so interested in scream? [20-Sep-21 08:03 PM] no-geofence#4409 i mean you guys have quite some tvl right, so it has interestes, and im sure a number of those users are from the US [20-Sep-21 08:03 PM] Screamsh#4525 incorrect. [20-Sep-21 08:03 PM] no-geofence#4409 what % would you say are from the US? [20-Sep-21 08:03 PM] Screamsh#4525 that's for you to find out, not for us to disclose. [20-Sep-21 08:04 PM] no-geofence#4409 ?? [20-Sep-21 08:04 PM] Screamsh#4525 We strongly suggest you look elsewhere. If you think Fantom needs another lending product, then please launch one. [20-Sep-21 08:04 PM] Screamsh#4525 Our team are quite united on this. [20-Sep-21 08:04 PM] no-geofence#4409 you clearly dont understand [20-Sep-21 08:04 PM] no-geofence#4409 do you speak another language [20-Sep-21 08:05 PM] Screamsh#4525 you're incredibly pushy, did you have a bad day today? [20-Sep-21 08:05 PM] no-geofence#4409 not really, but what would stop me just launching the UI anyway [20-Sep-21 08:05 PM] no-geofence#4409 surely no difference [20-Sep-21 08:05 PM] no-geofence#4409 all ive done now is have a chat with you about it [20-Sep-21 08:05 PM] Screamsh#4525 true, you could, but we wouldn't endorse it and people would snub it. [20-Sep-21 08:06 PM] Screamsh#4525 people would just prefer to use a VPN [20-Sep-21 08:06 PM] no-geofence#4409 right so surely you should appreciate this conversation a bit more [20-Sep-21 08:06 PM] no-geofence#4409 i get that, i do [20-Sep-21 08:06 PM] Screamsh#4525 more than you think [20-Sep-21 08:06 PM] no-geofence#4409 im not here to steal IP [20-Sep-21 08:06 PM] Screamsh#4525 our IP is stolen [20-Sep-21 08:06 PM] no-geofence#4409 or cross any copyright stuff [20-Sep-21 08:06 PM] Screamsh#4525 0 ***** [20-Sep-21 08:06 PM] no-geofence#4409 by who? [20-Sep-21 08:06 PM] Screamsh#4525 SCREAM = SCREAM THE MOVIE [20-Sep-21 08:06 PM] Screamsh#4525 also [20-Sep-21 08:06 PM] Screamsh#4525 GHOSTFACE [20-Sep-21 08:06 PM] Screamsh#4525 that's all IP [20-Sep-21 08:06 PM] no-geofence#4409 right ok [20-Sep-21 08:07 PM] Screamsh#4525 we are reducing our basket of liability by ensuring that US residents don't access the site. [20-Sep-21 08:07 PM] Screamsh#4525 and you deciding to build one still puts us at risk. [20-Sep-21 08:07 PM] no-geofence#4409 so surely youre crossing a boundary here, so youre happy to go down for stealing that IP, but youre scared about legal implications of having your site available in the US? [20-Sep-21 08:08 PM] no-geofence#4409 ** [20-Sep-21 08:08 PM] Screamsh#4525 i'm not happy about it. [20-Sep-21 08:08 PM] Screamsh#4525 but i'm deciding to focus on the meat first. [20-Sep-21 08:08 PM] no-geofence#4409 so why are you unhappy about it being available to US users, but happy to steal IP? [20-Sep-21 08:08 PM] Screamsh#4525 worry about potatoes later. [20-Sep-21 08:09 PM] Screamsh#4525 there are more legal defences to suggest we aren't. [20-Sep-21 08:09 PM] no-geofence#4409 there is a bunch of law around IP and copyright stuff, yet not so much regulations around crypto [20-Sep-21 08:09 PM] Screamsh#4525 breaching securities laws is a completely different type of action. [20-Sep-21 08:09 PM] Screamsh#4525 That's us against a Government. [20-Sep-21 08:09 PM] Screamsh#4525 And defences. [20-Sep-21 08:11 PM] Screamsh#4525 Ok. [20-Sep-21 08:11 PM] Screamsh#4525 So where are we with this conversation? [20-Sep-21 08:12 PM] no-geofence#4409 Well so far I understand you aren't so happy with this idea. [20-Sep-21 08:12 PM] no-geofence#4409 But let's imagine it were to go forwards... [20-Sep-21 08:12 PM] no-geofence#4409 What would you like to be done to dis-associate it from the team? [20-Sep-21 08:12 PM] no-geofence#4409 Surely if we mention it is a community project, most will understand. [20-Sep-21 08:13 PM] no-geofence#4409 If anything it is just a wrapper for Fantom Opera. [20-Sep-21 08:13 PM] Screamsh#4525 Harry? [20-Sep-21 08:13 PM] Screamsh#4525 cut the shit [20-Sep-21 08:13 PM] Screamsh#4525 we know its you [20-Sep-21 08:13 PM] no-geofence#4409 I'm sorry? [20-Sep-21 08:15 PM] Screamsh#4525 get on a voice call [20-Sep-21 08:15 PM] Screamsh#4525 Started a call that lasted 0 minutes. [20-Sep-21 08:15 PM] no-geofence#4409 give me a second [20-Sep-21 08:15 PM] no-geofence#4409 Started a call that lasted 1 minutes. [20-Sep-21 08:16 PM] no-geofence#4409 can you hear me [20-Sep-21 08:16 PM] Screamsh#4525 you're on mute [20-Sep-21 08:16 PM] Screamsh#4525 you're still on mute. [20-Sep-21 08:16 PM] no-geofence#4409 does it work now [20-Sep-21 08:16 PM] no-geofence#4409 hello [20-Sep-21 08:16 PM] Screamsh#4525 i can't hear you [20-Sep-21 08:16 PM] no-geofence#4409 i cant hear anything either [20-Sep-21 08:16 PM] no-geofence#4409 i dont really use discord sorry lol [20-Sep-21 08:16 PM] no-geofence#4409 Started a call that lasted 3 minutes. [20-Sep-21 08:17 PM] Screamsh#4525 {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/889582894480228423/889591004359954453/Screenshot_2021-09-20_at_20.17.01.png [20-Sep-21 08:17 PM] no-geofence#4409 it says RTC connecting [20-Sep-21 08:17 PM] Screamsh#4525 {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/889582894480228423/889591056654532608/Screenshot_2021-09-20_at_20.17.11.png [20-Sep-21 08:17 PM] Screamsh#4525 {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/889582894480228423/889591158651650118/Screenshot_2021-09-20_at_20.17.33.png [20-Sep-21 08:17 PM] Screamsh#4525 You need to select the right input and output [20-Sep-21 08:17 PM] no-geofence#4409 yes it is setup to my microphone [20-Sep-21 08:18 PM] no-geofence#4409 it doesnt connect, i tried reloading [20-Sep-21 08:18 PM] no-geofence#4409 hello can you hear me now [20-Sep-21 08:18 PM] Screamsh#4525 same thing? [20-Sep-21 08:18 PM] no-geofence#4409 i restarted this thing and it doesnt connect [20-Sep-21 08:19 PM] no-geofence#4409 it just says "rtc connecting" [20-Sep-21 08:19 PM] no-geofence#4409 i can hear some notification noise [20-Sep-21 08:20 PM] no-geofence#4409 do you know whats wrong [20-Sep-21 08:20 PM] Screamsh#4525 https://www.auslogics.com/en/articles/fix-discord-stuck-on-rtc-connecting/ {Embed} Tobenna Nnabeze https://www.auslogics.com/en/articles/fix-discord-stuck-on-rtc-connecting/ How to fix Discord Stuck on ‘RTC Connecting’ Here are some ideas you can apply when it comes to fixing your RTC Connecting issues on Discord. Let's start. https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/WFm9eDphxY3mOWO8cQbu-qLDXzz8QHOhqJKwBuaFalM/https/www.auslogics.com/en/articles/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/fix-discord-stuck-on-rtc-connecting.jpg [20-Sep-21 08:21 PM] Screamsh#4525 Check your internet connection Restart your devices Check your VPN Set a different server region on Discord Disable QoS (Quality of Service) on Discord Change the audio subsystem in Discord Temporarily disable your antivirus program or the Windows firewall Update your network driver Try a different browser Change your DNS server Flush your DNS cache and reset your IP settings Consult with your network admin Do the RTC connecting test [20-Sep-21 08:21 PM] Screamsh#4525 Started a call that lasted 0 minutes. [20-Sep-21 08:21 PM] no-geofence#4409 im not on windows [20-Sep-21 08:21 PM] Screamsh#4525 {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/889582894480228423/889592105108914226/Screenshot_2021-09-20_at_20.21.23.png [20-Sep-21 08:21 PM] Screamsh#4525 you can change your server location here [20-Sep-21 08:21 PM] Screamsh#4525 top right hand corner [20-Sep-21 08:21 PM] no-geofence#4409 it says "connecting, connected, rtc connecting" [20-Sep-21 08:21 PM] Screamsh#4525 change region and call me [20-Sep-21 08:21 PM] no-geofence#4409 yes ok im on europe now [20-Sep-21 08:21 PM] no-geofence#4409 Started a call that lasted 6 minutes. [20-Sep-21 08:22 PM] no-geofence#4409 it says "connecting" now, no rtc this time [20-Sep-21 08:22 PM] no-geofence#4409 i apologise i dont use discord very much [20-Sep-21 08:23 PM] Screamsh#4525 can you hear me? [20-Sep-21 08:23 PM] no-geofence#4409 no [20-Sep-21 08:23 PM] Screamsh#4525 what do you use? [20-Sep-21 08:23 PM] no-geofence#4409 i only hear notification noises [20-Sep-21 08:23 PM] no-geofence#4409 for what? [20-Sep-21 08:23 PM] Screamsh#4525 talking [20-Sep-21 08:23 PM] no-geofence#4409 a microphone? [20-Sep-21 08:23 PM] Screamsh#4525 app. [20-Sep-21 08:23 PM] Screamsh#4525 ... [20-Sep-21 08:23 PM] no-geofence#4409 what do you mean [20-Sep-21 08:24 PM] Screamsh#4525 what alternative to discord do you use? [20-Sep-21 08:24 PM] no-geofence#4409 IRC [20-Sep-21 08:24 PM] Screamsh#4525 that allows you to have voice calls. [20-Sep-21 08:24 PM] Screamsh#4525 if you send me the link to something i can talk with you there that would be good. [20-Sep-21 08:24 PM] no-geofence#4409 i dont ever need to use voice calls so i dont know where, i just use a phone [20-Sep-21 08:25 PM] Screamsh#4525 ugh [20-Sep-21 08:25 PM] no-geofence#4409 i use matrix but have no voice server [20-Sep-21 08:26 PM] no-geofence#4409 it still says rtc connecting, i have enabled voice and sound in my browser [20-Sep-21 08:26 PM] Screamsh#4525 howabout this [20-Sep-21 08:26 PM] Screamsh#4525 wait a second [20-Sep-21 08:27 PM] Screamsh#4525 https://zoom.us/j/99008576589?pwd=VUVaVjFWbjd4M1haN1VsL1NwdGllUT09 {Embed} https://zoom.us/j/99008576589?pwd=VUVaVjFWbjd4M1haN1VsL1NwdGllUT09 Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution used around the world in board, conference, huddle, and training rooms, as well as ex... [20-Sep-21 08:27 PM] Screamsh#4525 join here [20-Sep-21 08:27 PM] no-geofence#4409 i dont have zoom [20-Sep-21 08:28 PM] Screamsh#4525 you don't need it [20-Sep-21 08:29 PM] no-geofence#4409 `This site can’t be reached` doesnt want to load, is the link valid? [20-Sep-21 08:29 PM] Screamsh#4525 Scream Scream is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: My Meeting Time: Sep 20, 2021 08:30 PM London Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/99008576589?pwd=VUVaVjFWbjd4M1haN1VsL1NwdGllUT09 Meeting ID: 990 0857 6589 Passcode: W3gjts {Embed} https://zoom.us/j/99008576589?pwd=VUVaVjFWbjd4M1haN1VsL1NwdGllUT09 Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution used around the world in board, conference, huddle, and training rooms, as well as ex... [20-Sep-21 08:30 PM] Screamsh#4525 whatever [20-Sep-21 08:30 PM] Screamsh#4525 i give up [20-Sep-21 08:30 PM] Screamsh#4525 this is too painful [20-Sep-21 08:30 PM] no-geofence#4409 it got blocked by brave [20-Sep-21 08:30 PM] no-geofence#4409 is blockedThis page has been blocked by Brave ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT [20-Sep-21 08:30 PM] no-geofence#4409 any ideas, i dont use this stuff [20-Sep-21 08:31 PM] Screamsh#4525 if you can't get your head around basic technology, it doesn't fill me with confidence that you'll be able to deliver what you are setting out to do. [20-Sep-21 08:31 PM] Screamsh#4525 no offence. ==============================================================