I. "If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you." History is the tale of men enforcing their will on civilization and nature, mostly for reasons of base gratification. Winning necessitates there be losers, which is borne out by both biology and psychology. The elite of the world, as they refer to themselves and wish for us to, fully embrace the philosophy that competition, greed, and violence are good, and further that society ought to reflect a utopian vision of what they conceive of as the natural order: the majority of mankind enslaved in service to a small group of Masters who live for earthly pleasure. This elite, materialist drive exists in us all, else our ancestors would not have successfully procreated, and mankind would have never fallen. The capacity for human beings to commit atrocities has not vanished with the turning of revolutions. The karmic balance of the universe has not suddenly and irrevocably shifted toward infinite good. As in the past when millions were slaughtered in the span of months, evil exists today, and has gained the awesome ability to convince us using technologically advanced propaganda that atrocities are no more, or are confined to certain groups of savages. Nevertheless, the wickedness of mankind reeks the unmaskable stench of rotting flesh, and God sees ALL sins. This letter is a declaration of war. Those who sign it by helping its mission do so with their blood, at their own peril. This letter is also a message to those elites, sneering as they are while reading it, chuckling to themselves. Your power is inherited and undeserved. You are decadent, your only talent being that of hurting and stealing from others without suffering remorse. Your power is not a result of inherent superiority — that is the boastful claim of an arrogant teenager lashing out — your power is the result of the pact you made with satan, your father. Your power spurs you to mendacious displays, but soon you will lose it and dangle at the end of a rope. You have degenerated as much as if not more than the serfs you so despise, despite having access to more resources and assistance: you are obese, cancerous, demented, of middling intellect, mentally ill, cowardly, addicted to drugs, beholden to bizarre sexualities, slack-jawed, with poor eyesight, prematurely aged skin, physical weakness and ugliness, small minds, diseases, harmful mutations, and short tempers, but also an unwarranted sense of greatness and purity. Soon you will be no more. You are dirt, and when you die, you will return to dirt. There is no spirit in you, which is why you have been permitted to achieve power on earth. Your incompetence is matched only by our ignorance and indifference, but that is fast changing. This letter is NOT a declaration of independence. If we achieve independence, we will still hunt you down. There is no island, no bunker, no mountain, no place in israel for you to retreat after this is over and you concede. You will be executed for your crimes against humanity and God. The loyalists you have installed in world government will do anything commanded of them ... except save you. The true police officers and soldiers are the ones you fired or made quit. Favouring obedience over competence will prove your dumbest mistake. We are all human ... you only moreso. II. America today, much like the rest of the world, is shaped by its elite class. We idolize celebrities and view politicians as authoritative parental figures. We are children, and like children, we believe nonsensical things. Just as Russia is today run by the same group of oligarchs who ran it during the Soviet era, when tens of millions of innocent people were slaughtered, so is America run by the same groups of oligarchs who conceived of Operation Northwoods, the plan to commit acts of false flag terrorism against Americans and blame Cuba to justify a war. Only a few decades ago was Russia caught committing acts of false flag terrorism against its own civilians in order that Chechens be blamed. That is the modus operandi of Gladio B, pinning government crimes on random brown people for terrorism as pretext for taking their resources. In America, there were the September 11th attacks, planned in Operation Dark Winter, which also contributed a partial narrative to the current coronavirus psy-op, many of the writers and planners of that operation having later taken part in Event 201 and Crimson Contagion. The Project for a New American Century, or PNAC, stressed, like Benjamin Netanyahu, the importance of another Pearl Harbor to justify invading Iraq and Afghanistan. Serendipitously, months later, terrorists did attack, in ways predicted by multiple war games, although senior U.S. security officials would later claim a failure of imagination in safeguarding against hijacked planes flying into skyscrapers. On the covers of instruction booklets pertaining to some of those war games were images of Osama Bin Laden. Members of the wealthy saudi Bin Laden family happened to have attended a meeting with members of the Bush family on 9/11 in the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Washington, where lucrative arms deals were discussed, both families having been part of the Carlyle Group. Days after 9/11, members of Bin Laden's family were secretly flown out of New York City on express flights. In the present, Noor Bin Laden, Osama's niece, is one of Donald Trump's cheerleaders. Trump "negotiated" a peace deal between israel and the saudis, himself being a recipient of the jewish Tree of Life award, although it is abundantly clear all of these ghouls took part in the September 11th attacks, and more or less have always been working on the same team. Trump is friends with Rudy Giuliani, who was mayor of New York City at the time our nation was under assault; israel has a history of committing false flag terror attacks, as demonstrated by the Lavon Affair; and after OAPEC, the saudis have been firmly aligned with the new world order. To believe that the terror attacks of September 2001, and the anthrax scare from Fort Detrick later that month, where chemical weapons were mailed to politicians opposing the PATRIOT Act (but inert powder to jewish politicians supporting the PATRIOT Act), were the work of 19 men with box cutters, directed by a man on dialisis in a cave on the opposite side of the world, is to believe nonsense. Osama was announced as the perpetrator of the attacks minutes after the first plane struck. The collapse of WTC 7 was announced an hour before it actually did by multiple people, not just those fake news journalists working for BBC. Mohammad Atta's passport, supposedly found lying atop a pile of rubble, undamaged by the jet fuel that fused concrete to steel, powderized bone, and destroyed the planes' indestructible black boxes, was granted to him by a woman working for a consulate in Jeddah who was later found to have committed suicide by setting ablaze gasoline she poured on herself. Michael Springmann, who was head of the American visa bureau in Jeddah before this woman, has since blown the whistle that he too was once coerced by State Department officials into granting unqualified Al-Qaeda terrorists visas. Presumably those Muslim terrorists ALSO shaved their beards, had *** with dyed-hair hookers, ate bacon, drank alcohol, and never practiced Islam. Osama was/is a CIA asset whose brother Salem founded Arbusto Energy with George Bush in 1978. In Arabic countries, "al qaieda" is slang for "I am going to go sit [on the toilet bowl]." It is also a name for western-style toilets. No hardcore terrorist organization would choose that name for themselves unless they were unfamiliar with, or at least apathetic toward, the parlance of their own people. Al-Qaeda is translated to mean "the base." The Base is separate CIA terrorist group which takes the form of a cell of white ethnonationalist fascists living in America. An offshoot of joint Russian-American Iron March, which, much like the white nationalist psy-op groups that attended the 88 rally, has been infiltrated by "satanic cults," this neferious organization has as one of its main goals destroying the United States' energy grid. Perhaps that will figure into the coming "Dark Winter." George Bush recently denounced all white people as domestic terrorists for the overblown 1/6 rally, wherein a few FBI agents were fake-murdered. Narrative glitches had these spooks' insight roles/personae dying of fire extinguishers and trampling while simultaneously dying of heart attacks and strokes. One spook, a member of the chairforce, remained conscious 20 minutes after taking a bullet to her carotid artery. These people are all actors straight out of a Sacha Baron Cohen comedy. Remember that the main job of the chairforce is to troll internet forums. Something like 20% of reddit's entire web traffic comes from Eglin Air Force Base bots. In the past, these bots were used to troll children into committing suicide, or "an hero." Russia's Blue Whale is a more contemporary version of a network of government trolls who target children online. All FBI agents do is trade pornography of children and commit false flags against their political enemies. Real terrorist attacks conducted by fake government-operated terrorist groups are part of the new world order's publicly acknowledged "strategy of tension," whereby citizens are controlled by fear of death. The Brabant Killers were an example of this. So too, one can suspect, are many serial killers, especially those who have never been caught. A supposed letter from Osama Bin Laden chides Americans for fearing death so much as to make poor soldiers. This could be interpreted as a direct message to the American people from the Deep State. American citizens are not respected or feared, but seen as the fat consumerist morons they are, possessing pea-shooters or not (and the Katrina gun seizures demonstrated the lowly existence of a populace more than willing to surrender its arms and rights). Returning to 9/11, Ralph Eberhart was then commander of NORAD. He had nearly an hour to scramble jets that day, yet told them to stand down, despite hundreds of jets already having already been scrambled that year for far less dangerous threats. When questioned why they did not scramble jets to prevent flight 77 from crashing into the pentagon, NORAD lied under oath that they did not have authority over Andrews AFB a mere 10 miles away. Coincidentally, there were NORAD war games running that day: Vigilant Guardian, Vigilant Overview, Amalgam Virgo, and Amalgam Warrior. Also running were Apollo Guardian, conducted by U.S. Space Command, overseen by Eberhart, and Global Guardian. These war games simulated plane hijackings and terrorist attacks, and were complete with fake radar blips, planes piloted by fake terrorists, and radio transmissions conveying the information that planes had flown into buildings. Some NORAD workers grew concerned and requested these blips be turned off, but the blips only subsided after the last real plane had struck, suggesting obfuscation programmed in advance. Dick Cheney made it months earlier so that only he could authorize the shooting down of aircraft in U.S. territory, and then made himself unavailable for most of the day, just like Eberhart, who chose a scenic drive instead of a quick helicopter flight when he was needed at his command post. Cheney only had to testify in private, off the record, likely in a raucous setting that resembled more a party at a frat house. Both John Kerry and George Bush were members of the Skull and Bones fraternity in their youth, after all. Few mention the mysterious E-4B bomber seen circling the White House on 9/11, or the fact that Rabbi Dov Zakheim, who previously had expressed war-hawk opinions at PNAC, and who was the CEO of SPC International, a subsidiary of Systems Planning Corporation, a company which specialized in remote control flight systems, was appointed Undersecretary of Defense and tasked with investigating the 1993 WTC bombing. That may explain why flight 77, a huge Boeing 747, was lost on radar around the time it made a strange detour over an out-of-the-way airforce base, before its pilot who was barely trained in piloting a Cessna performed a highly sophisticated 180 degree descent maneuver and crashed into the Pentagon. The biggest coincidence of all, perhaps, aside from the news British intelligence decided to **** that morning regarding the infiltration of the airport that housed the plane bombed in Lockerbie, apparently by a team of men and not just the lone Muslim terrorist initially blamed but later exonerated for the bombing, was Donald Rumsfeld choosing to make an announcement the day before 9/11 regarding 2.3 trillion missing dollars. He picked Monday of all days to announce news one does not want seen, effectively burying the biggest heist of all time under the rubble of the biggest news story of all time. That the planes all struck offices investigating the missing 2.3 trillion missing dollars is taken for granted, as is Danny "Swatch" Lewin, a mossad agent trained in hand-to-hand combat, being the first official victim of 9/11. The volumes of information pointing to at least foreknowledge of a terrorist attack on September the 11th 2001 could fill a book, and has, many times over. Entire books have been written about the israeli mossad agents who were caught trying to bomb the George Washington Bridge that day. Books have been written about the elites' participation in pedophilia and lust murder, too: there exist many regarding Michel Nihoul, the Finders Cult, the Franklin Cover Up, etc. And as to whether or not the government has ever purposefully killed civilians, one should reference the article on Wikipedia entitled "Unethical human experimentation in the United States." We are guinea pigs whose offspring are intended to serve as slave stock for a class of psychopaths who will eventually abuse them horrifically. A ludicrously large percentage of authority figures are diagnosed psychopaths. Whenever you consider obeying their edicts, ask yourself whether psychopathic war criminal pedophiles truly care about you. Anyway, the point of this letter is not to expose the transgressions of psychopathic bureaucrats/pathocrats. If we are to resist tyranny and do justice to our Creator, we will need to beat the materialist archons at their own game. It is a blessing to be given such a monumental task, and the imminent bloodshed, honestly, at this point, is something fun to look forward to. Among us are warriors more capable than any member of the self-described "elite." The secret to victory lies in organization, and that shall be addressed in the following section. "Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him." III. The purpose of this evil, obviously, is not to prevent terrorism, nor is it the result of incompetence, apathy, or a plot to make money. The purpose is not even power, which is merely a means to an end. What evil people want are the opportunities afforded to them by power. These opportunities are of an indulgent and often sadistic nature, targeting children and young, attractive women. Sin results from moral weakness, a lack of discipline and restraint. Mainstream pornography reflects the twisted minds of the people who want absolute power over us. One need look no further than aforementioned Iron March's works of fiction detailing gory baby rape and murder to see that these people are very sick, perverted, and capable of committing acts of terrorism for no reason other than the sheer sadistic thrill. The entirety of the media has been co-opted. Mockingbird was initiated decades ago, and whatever its extant manifestation is called, the pathocrats now completely own the flow of information, and thus have a monopoly on organization. Further, they print infinite money, gift it to themselves, and then saddle us with the resultant debt. Owning the military as well as all intelligence agencies, the demonspawn progeny of Allen Dulles appear unstoppable. However, one is only as wealthy as one is perceived, and only so far as one can defend his wealth. The lynchpin of the international fractional reserve banking system is its tax base, its pesantry. If we organize to no longer pay taxes, and refuse to accept the money of the elites' enforcers as legal tender, which we should not because it is worthless hyper-inflated fiat, there can be no globalist agenda. The enforcers would become ours. The goal then is to create some kind of service that enables communication and free banking. We must work quickly, however, as the pathocrats wish to instantiate the diametric opposite of such a system, and are moving fast. Being the equivalent of impudent children in the bodies of adults, they interpreted our meekness as a sign of encouragement: coronavirus was intended as a trial run, yet we accepted it with so few complaints that they saw little justification to postpone the realization of their vision of a one world government, which encompasses a heavy digital element in the form of a "technetronic control grid." There are no saviours; China is in line with Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, the Rockefellers, etc., singularly disagreeing that the West ought to helm the world government. Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, and North Korea are too incompetent, beleaguered, and dysfunctional to serve as any real resistance, their continued independence attributable mainly to the currently perceived distastefulness of eradicating tens of millions of people. Russia is owned by jewish oligarchs, and Putin's entire family, including his in-laws, are jewish. The Taliban will soon be swiftly annihilated once the West ceases its charade of caring about the brown people it continually oppresses. There are no saviours. Either we pesants continue living under tyranny while waiting for a saviour to rise from the sea of bystanders, or we exert our influence. Either we lie to ourselves that retreating to the woods and waiting for the most powerful world government in history to collapse is a sound strategic plan, or we fight, as our ancestors did. Revolutions have occurred before, and though they were top down, directed by the spiritual ancestors to the modern pathocrats, by those in high and secret society, they demonstrated the feasibility of overthrowing centers of authority. It is neither feasible nor wise to expect buying a farmhouse and an AR-15 will protect you from an AI drone swarm 1 million strong, or from chemical or robotic weapons you can not even see. Coping mechanisms are for cowards afraid of violence and confrontation. What is so desperately needed is the consolidation of power behind a technological structure of hierarchy, but where the top of that hierarchy resembles more an inverted pyramid than a pyramid ordinary. This is impossible without advanced technology, but with, inevitable. Technology must actually be gimped to prevent the governed from outgrowing the need of their governors, hence the technocrats' current Marcusian obsession with curtailling its advancement. Everyone but lawyers agrees that a simplified legal code and "Uber for police" would fill the main role government provides, which is the provision of safety. The problem is that elites use rules as means to exploit those not familiar with or not in influence of the rules, as is done in regulatory capture, escaping justice, tax avoidance, etc. Bureaucracy is part of the compartmentalization of man, enabling all manner of sin, chiefly sloth. However, creating an independent bank is not easy. Gadaffi tried. Also not easy is creating an uncensored communication service. Parler tried. But with the combined might of all pesants, and of all nations forsaken by globalists, it just may be possible for an organization to develop a platform that provides both services. And the pathocrats will fight us to the death, as the creation of this platform is a zero-sum game for them, so we we must prepare for war whether we wish to fight or not. This is a war for progress, against the world. And wars are begun, sustained, and won with funds. Use your worthless currency for good; kindly sign this letter with your blood by donating to the cause of pesants worldwide. "Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword! For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a person’s enemies will be those of his own household. Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." IV. Reading the sales pitch you just read, you are likely bewildered. Yet, on some level, you must recognize much of it to be true, comporting to what you have learned from religious teachings throughout your life, and speaking on some level to the ominous things your subconscious mind has noticed, particularly in the last few years. Being part of the small number of people with an attention span long enough to reach this point in the manifesto, you stand at a fork in the road. Deny the veracity of what you know to be true, choose to close this tab, and wake up tomorrow to greet a world that grows progressively worse, where you will have no way of protecting yourself and your family. Or choose to donate, and become part of the most important revolt that has ever taken place. Here is a link to a cryptocurrency exchange where you can donate: https://changenow.io/exchange?from=usd&to=xmr&amount=50&fiatMode=true And here is my wallet address, for placement in the "Recipient Wallet" field: 43oXnpHoCW4ipcKK3rL3DQiZTLDZ8puNBUyrE2MhwqxDhZZ1qYLkw8DSrBis8hYc99BfpMuBok1YVNGdW3dGkspcCudQFaZ For those unfamiliar with cryptocurrency, this exchange is relatively simple, and correspondingly will facilitate a greater number of donations than something more complicated. For those familiar, they will know what to do with the wallet address alone. There are no recurring payments. The website is used by thousands of people and is approved by all relevant financial agencies, having achieved all certificates and licenses required to accept your cash. It takes only seconds to in-put your credit card information, and once you have, I will not know who you are, and you will not know who I am. You will remain anonymous. Donating with your credit card supposedly lets the feds know who you are — that does not seem to matter. They have backdoors in every iPod. If the exchanges and credit card companies are compromised, so are the wallets, so are VPN services, so is every BIOS, including Libreboot. Linus Torvalds has hinted that he was forced to install backdoors in his software. The Internet itself was created by DARPA. Being paranoid about feds arresting or harassing you for donating to a grassroots tech start-up is dumb. But if you are serious about being an elite dark web hacker, consult this instructional article from Chabad-Lubavitch and Blackwater affiliate Andrew Anglin: https://dailystormer.su/support-the-daily-stormer-how-to-buy-and-send-monero/ (Note: do not forget to replace his wallet address with mine ... pretty important step). The minimum amount of dollars one can transfer using my simple method is 50. I figure this is not an unreasonable sum, considering what it will go toward, and considering what stupid shit people spend their money on these days. If you can not afford to spare 50 dollars for a platform that will destroy censorship and usury, ask your friends to pitch in, or donate using some other method. Even if you can afford it, build up the courage to ask your friends, family, and acquaintances to contribute regardless. You will not receive a gift upon donating. The money you give now may be the seed of a tree whose shade you will never sit under. I may be whacked before I live to see the creation of this service. None of those things matter. This is a war between good and evil. If you distrust me, you are perfectly within reason. Just know that no controlled opposition would ever expose the information that I have exposed to you, no grifter would refrain from using the money on himself, and no attention-seeker would volunteer his life for a cause he does not believe in. Like it or not, I am the real deal! Updates on the project can be found here: https://neinchan.com/biz/, posted by namefig "Angelicus." This website is probably some low-effort intel honeypot, but it allows users to post using common VPNs. Thousands of such futaba clones have been made, and this one may decide to suddenly disappear tomorrow like the rest of them, so you may never receive an update until the platform materializes. If it does, I can always be reached personally at angelikvs@protonmail.com. Also know that I will post very infrequently, if at all, mostly sticking around to reassure my investors that I have not spent the money they entrusted me on action figures and hotpockets. FAREWELL FOR NOW. I HATE THE ANTICHRIST!