1 2 7 8 9 11 12 15 Q1. What made you choose this project? A. I think projects during academics shall be in such a way that it suits your interests and related to current technology trends. In this project we tried to combine a real world problem with latest advances in technologies like machine learning. Every year millions of children die due to this pneumonia disease due to lack of proper screen methods. We tried to solve this using machine learning and the popularity and increased accessesibility of mobile devices. Q2.What difficulties came to your project? A. Q7. You are curretly in a project of 4 people team and you want to put across your idea and if you are the leader and you want your idea to be selected, how will you do that? A.As a team leader my goal will be to facilitate discussion and participation of every member. If I wanted my idea to be selected I will prepare a comprehensive list of benefits which we can get by applying my idea but I will also take inputs from my teammates and try to come up with the plan with everyones input on it. Q8. suppose you have a project assigned to you will be due date and you are given two new people who doesn't know anything. how how will you train them and manage to finish your work within deadline? A. I would pair them with experieced members on my team and told them to la=earn from them and I will assign small easier task to them and then then give them more complex task progressively. ofcourse managing the 1 week deadline would be difficult but with hardworking team members I can finish the work within timeline. q11.How to accept others peoples idea and convince them to accept your ideas. A. As a member of the team its not about making people accept your idea or vice versa. It can be done in a way where we openely discuss about the issue and tell them to come up with the merits and demerits of their idea and then we can choose the best idea or even better we can combine the ideas to get a better solution than any indivisual can come up with. q12. Toughest subject and why? Ans. Understanding human beings was a tough subject for me as the wording was very abstact in its essense. I was mixing up answers of different questions, but thanks to the subject teachers and his teaching skill I was able to get a better understanding of the subject and passed with good marks. q19. What do you expect from us? as. My expectations for the company would be to provide a work environment in which I can contribute to the team, I receive appreciation for my contributions, I have job stability and the ability to grow with the company. q23. what did you do durig your lockdown period? ans. this lockdow was very hard on me as I lost one of my grandparents and was Emotionally distressed. But I accepted it and tried to move on and I was able to concentrate on my academics eventually. q32. drawacks of your project. ans: Drawbacks of my project, I would say It needs and smartphone in order to do the diagnosis, which although is a very common commodity but might stll be hard to get by a large portion of population and will have to rely on others to carry out the diagnostic. q33. if we asked you to do some particular changes into a particular Project how you will be going to hadle the situation? Ans. I would take the recommendation and examine them on how they will affect my project and then apply the changes accordingly. q35. how do you handle team conflicts ? explain both situation where you handle it proprly and decision was in your favour and when it wasnt. ans: I actively readjust my attitude during a conflict situation. This means that I strive to listen to the other person’s point of view without becoming defensive. I also attempt to move the confrontation to a private space to avoid further complications... q36. do you work as a team leader or a teamplayer in any group project? ans: I believe that I have a lot to contribute to a team environment, and am comfortable in both leadership and contributor roles. I'm outgoing, friendly, and have strong communication skills. q38: why have you rated youself 6 or 7 and not 8-9? ans: I rated myself 6 or 7 as there is so much to learn in python. in basic things I can rate myself higher but I have still to learn really advance stuff thats why I rataed myself 6 or 7. q41: final output of your project and what is the technical use of it? ans: the final output of our project will be a fully functional app that takes frontal chest xray images and predicts if they have pnuemonia or not, also we are planning to add a covid detection in app after finish the app. Q.tell me aout your mini project? ans: The software project is an web based address book that stores the person's info like names, corresponding contact info and related data with ability to search and retriev. word counter: A word counter application facilitates its user to get information about the number of words, setences, letters and top keywords in a give body of text. In this web development project, I made a word counter application using languages such as HTML, CSS, and Javascript.