/** * Helper for distributing deff troops * Created by: Hermitowski * Modified on: 30/03/2018 - version 2.0 - initial release * Modified on: 25/10/2018 - version 2.1 - added strategy for selecting villages * Modified on: 27/10/2018 - version 2.2 - added time range filter * Modified on: 12/08/2019 - version 2.2 - refactor + integration with new map files api * Modified on: 18/08/2019 - version 2.3 - added open commands in new tabs * Modified on: 19/08/2019 - version 2.4 - split units option * Modified on: 26/08/2019 - version 2.5 - more date formats, ratio of value 0 handling * Modified on: 28/11/2019 - version 2.6 - notification of violation no_other_support constraint * Modified on: 27/11/2020 - version 2.7 - mass support sending */ (async function (TribalWars) { const start = Date.now(); const namespace = 'Hermitowski.Guard'; const i18n = { SETTINGS_SAVED: 'Zapisano pomy\u{15B}lnie', SETTINGS_RESETED: 'Przywr\u{F3}cono domy\u{15B}lne ustawienia', CURRENTLY_SELECTED_GROUP: 'Obecnie wybrana grupa', ERROR_MESSAGE: 'Komunikat o b\u{142}\u{119}dzie: ', FORUM_THREAD: 'Link do w\u{105}tku na forum', FORUM_THREAD_HREF: 'https://forum.plemiona.pl/index.php?threads/hermitowska-obstawa.124587/', STRATEGY: { TROOP_ASC: 'Ilo\u{15B}\u{107} wojsk rosn\u{105}co', TROOP_DESC: 'Ilo\u{15B}\u{107} wojsk malej\u{105}co', DIST_ASC: 'Odleg\u{142}o\u{15B}\u{107} rosn\u{105}co', DIST_DESC: 'Odleg\u{142}o\u{15B}\u{107} malej\u{105}co', RANDOM: 'Losowo' }, ERROR: { BLANK: 'Pole __1__ jest puste', NAN: 'Pole __1__ nie reprezentuje liczby', NEGATIVE_NUMBER: 'Pole __1__ jest ujemne', BAD_FORMAT: 'Pole __1__ ma z\u{142}y format', PAST_DATE: 'Podany punkt w czasie nale\u{17C}y do przesz\u{142}o\u{15B}ci', MOBILE: 'Wersja mobilna nie jest wspierana', NEW_WINDOW_BLOCKED: 'Wygl\u0105da na to, \u017Ce preferencje u\u017Cytkownika w przegl\u0105darce nie pozwalaj\u0105 otworzy\u0107 wi\u0119kszej ilo\u015Bci kart', EMPTY_DEFF_SELECTION: 'Nie uda\u{142}o si\u0119 wybra\u0107 jednostek defensywnych', INVALID_VILLAGE_INFO: 'Wydaje si\u0119, \u017Ce wioska docelowa nie istnieje', NO_OTHER_SUPPORT_CONFLICT: 'Ustawienia \u{15B}wiata nie pozwalaj\u0105 na wysy\u{142}anie wspar\u{107} do graczy innych plemion', EMPTY_GROUP: 'Wybrana grupa nie posiada wiosek' }, UNITS: { spear: 'Pikinier', sword: 'Miecznik', archer: '\u{141}ucznik', spy: 'Zwiadowca', heavy: 'Ci\u{119}\u{17C}ka kawaleria', }, FIELDSET: { input: 'Domy\u{15B}lne warto\u{15B}ci', ratio: 'Przeliczniki', safeguard: 'Rezerwa', }, LABELS: { target: 'Cel', group: 'Grupa', deff_count: 'Ilo\u{15B}\u{107} deffa', spy_count: 'Ilo\u{15B}\u{107} zwiadu', village_count: 'Ilo\u{15B}\u{107} wiosek', minimal_deff_count: 'Minimalna ilo\u{15B}\u{107} deffa', strategy: 'Strategia wybierania', arrival_date: 'Data dotarcia przed', arrival_date_start: 'Data dotarcia po', split_units: 'Rozdziel jednostki', generate: 'Generuj', command: 'Rozkaz', execute: 'Wykonaj', save_settings: 'Zapisz', reset_settings: 'Przywr\u{F3}\u{107} domy\u{15B}lne', } }; const Helper = { beautify_number: function (number) { let prefix = ['', 'K', 'M', 'G']; for (let i = 0; i < prefix.length; i++) { if (number >= 1000) { number /= 1000; } else { if (i === 0) return number.toFixed(); let fraction = 2; if (number >= 10) fraction = 1; if (number >= 100) fraction = 0; return `${number.toFixed(fraction)}${prefix[i]}`; } } return `${number.toFixed(0)}T`; }, parse_date: function (date_string, replacement) { let time_offset = 0; const date_matches = date_string.match(/jutro|dzisiaj|\d+\.\d+(?:\.\d+)?/g); if (date_matches) { time_offset = date_string.indexOf(date_matches[0]) + date_matches[0].length; } const time_matches = date_string.slice(time_offset).match(/\d+(?::\d+)*/g); if (!time_matches || time_matches.length > 1 || (date_matches && date_matches.length > 1)) { throw i18n.ERROR.BAD_FORMAT.replace('__1__', replacement); } const today = new Date(); const time_parts = time_matches[0].split(':').map(x => Number(x)); const parts = { year: today.getFullYear(), month: today.getMonth(), date: today.getDate(), hours: time_parts[0], minutes: time_parts[1] || 0, seconds: time_parts[2] || 0, }; if (date_matches) { const date_match = date_matches[0]; switch (date_match) { case "jutro": parts.date = today.getDate() + 1; break; case "dzisiaj": break; default: const date_parts = date_match.split('.').map(x => Number(x)); if (date_parts.length === 3) { if (date_parts[2] < 100) { date_parts[2] += 2000; } parts.year = date_parts[2]; } parts.month = date_parts[1] - 1; parts.date = date_parts[0]; break; } } const user_date = new Date(parts.year, parts.month, parts.date, parts.hours, parts.minutes, parts.seconds); if (!date_matches && user_date.getTime() < Date.now()) { user_date.setDate(user_date.getDate() + 1); } return user_date; }, assert_non_negative_number: function (input, replacement) { const empty_regex = new RegExp(/^\s*$/); const value = input.value; if (empty_regex.test(value)) { input.focus(); throw i18n.ERROR.BLANK.replace('__1__', replacement); } const numeric_value = Number(value); if (isNaN(numeric_value)) { input.focus(); throw i18n.ERROR.NAN.replace('__1__', replacement); } if (numeric_value < 0) { input.focus(); throw i18n.ERROR.NEGATIVE_NUMBER.replace('__1__', replacement); } }, get_id: function (control_name) { return control_name ? `${namespace}.${control_name}` : namespace; }, get_control: function (control_name) { const escaped_id = Helper.get_id(control_name).replace(/\./g, '\\.'); return document.querySelector(`#${escaped_id}`); }, handle_error: function (error) { if (typeof (error) === 'string') { UI.ErrorMessage(error); return; } const gui = `

WTF - What a Terrible Failure



`; Dialog.show(namespace, gui); } }; const Guard = { add_command: function (troops_info, user_input, target_info, group_name) { for (let i = 0; i < troops_info.villages.length; i++) { const row = document.createElement('tr'); row.dataset['group'] = group_name; if (i == troops_info.villages.length - 1) { row.style.borderBottom = 'black solid 1px'; } const village_cell = document.createElement('td'); const village_anchor = document.createElement('a'); village_anchor.href = TribalWars.buildURL('GET', 'info_village', { id: troops_info.villages[i].id }); village_anchor.innerText = troops_info.villages[i].name; village_cell.append(village_anchor); row.append(village_cell); for (const unit of Guard.deff_units) { const unit_cell = document.createElement('td'); unit_cell.textContent = troops_info.villages[i].units[unit]; if (troops_info.villages[i].units[unit] === 0) { unit_cell.classList.add('hidden'); } row.append(unit_cell); } if (i == 0) { const payload = { x: user_input.target[0], y: user_input.target[1], target: target_info[Guard._village_info.VILLAGE_ID], call: {}, h: game_data.csrf, }; for (const village of troops_info.villages) { payload['call'][village.id] = {}; for (const unit of Guard.deff_units) { if (village.units[unit] != 0) { payload['call'][village.id][unit] = village.units[unit]; } } } const place_cell = document.createElement('td'); place_cell.rowSpan = troops_info.villages.length; place_cell.style.verticalAlign = 'top'; const place_button = document.createElement('button'); place_button.innerText = i18n.LABELS.execute; place_button.dataset['payload'] = JSON.stringify(payload); place_button.classList.add('btn'); place_button.style.margin = '2px'; place_button.addEventListener('click', (e) => { const payload = JSON.parse(e.target.dataset['payload']); let payload_formdata = `x=${payload.x}&y=${payload.y}&target=${payload.target}&h=${game_data.csrf}`; for (const village_id in payload.call) { const village_troops = payload.call[village_id]; for (const unit_name in village_troops) { payload_formdata += `&call[${village_id}][${unit_name}]=${village_troops[unit_name]}`; } } fetch(TribalWars.buildURL('GET', 'place', { mode: 'call', action: 'call' }), { body: encodeURI(payload_formdata), method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8' } }); Guard.group_id2villages.delete(user_input.group_id); const group_rows = Helper.get_control('output').querySelectorAll(`tr[data-group="${group_name}"]`); for (let i = group_rows.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { group_rows[i].remove(); } return false; }); place_cell.append(place_button); row.append(place_cell); } Helper.get_control('output').append(row); } }, create_main_panel: function () { const options = [ { name: 'target', controls: [{ type: 'input', attributes: { id: 'target', size: 10 } }] }, { name: 'group', controls: [{ type: 'select', attributes: { id: 'group' } }] }, { name: 'deff_count', controls: [{ type: 'input', attributes: { id: 'deff_count', size: 10 } }] }, { name: 'spy_count', controls: [{ type: 'input', attributes: { id: 'spy_count', size: 10 } }] }, { name: 'village_count', controls: [{ type: 'input', attributes: { id: 'village_count', size: 10 } }] }, { name: 'minimal_deff_count', controls: [{ type: 'input', attributes: { id: 'minimal_deff_count', size: 10 } }] }, { name: 'strategy', controls: [{ type: 'select', attributes: { id: 'strategy' } }] }, { name: 'arrival_date_start', for: 'is_arrival_date_start_enabled', controls: [{ type: 'input', attributes: { id: 'is_arrival_date_start_enabled', type: 'checkbox' } }, { type: 'input', attributes: { id: 'arrival_date_start', size: 12 } }] }, { name: 'arrival_date', for: 'is_arrival_date_enabled', controls: [{ type: 'input', attributes: { id: 'is_arrival_date_enabled', type: 'checkbox' } }, { type: 'input', attributes: { id: 'arrival_date', size: 12 } }] }, //{ name: 'split_units', controls: [{ type: 'input', attributes: { id: 'split_units', type: 'checkbox' } }] }, ]; const create_option_label = function (option) { const option_cell = document.createElement('th'); const option_label = document.createElement('label'); option_label.classList.add('center'); option_label.setAttribute('for', Helper.get_id(option.hasOwnProperty('for') ? option.for : option.name)); option_label.textContent = i18n.LABELS[option.name]; option_cell.append(option_label) return option_cell; } const create_option_input = function (option) { const option_cell = document.createElement('td'); const option_span = document.createElement('span'); option_span.style.display = 'flex'; for (const control_definition of option.controls) { const option_control = document.createElement(control_definition.type); const attributes = control_definition.attributes; for (const attribute_name in attributes) { const attribute_value = attribute_name === 'id' ? Helper.get_id(attributes.id) : attributes[attribute_name]; option_control.setAttribute(attribute_name, attribute_value); } if (attributes.type === 'checkbox') { option_control.style.display = 'block'; option_control.style.margin = 'auto'; } option_control.disabled = true; option_span.append(option_control); } option_cell.append(option_span); return option_cell; } const option_labels_row = document.createElement('tr'); const option_inputs_row = document.createElement('tr'); for (const option of options) { option_labels_row.append(create_option_label(option)); option_inputs_row.append(create_option_input(option)); } const settings_cell = document.createElement('th'); const settings_image = document.createElement('img'); settings_image.setAttribute('id', Helper.get_id('settings')); settings_image.setAttribute('src', `${image_base}icons/settings.png`); settings_image.setAttribute('alt', 'settings'); settings_image.style.margin = 'auto'; settings_image.style.display = 'block'; settings_cell.append(settings_image); option_labels_row.append(settings_cell); const generate_cell = document.createElement('td'); const generate_button = document.createElement('button'); generate_button.setAttribute('id', Helper.get_id('generate')); generate_button.textContent = i18n.LABELS.generate; generate_button.style.marginTop = '2px'; generate_button.classList.add('btn'); generate_button.disabled = true; generate_cell.append(generate_button); option_inputs_row.append(generate_cell); const panel = document.createElement('div'); const table = document.createElement('table'); panel.classList.add('vis', 'vis_item'); panel.style.margin = '5px'; panel.append(table); table.style.width = '100%'; table.append(option_labels_row); table.append(option_inputs_row); return panel; }, create_output_panel: function () { const header = document.createElement('thead'); const create_unit_counter_cell = function (unit_name) { const cell = document.createElement('th'); if (game_data.units.includes(unit_name)) { const unit_image = document.createElement('img'); unit_image.setAttribute('src', `${image_base}unit/unit_${unit_name}.png`); unit_image.setAttribute('alt', unit_name); cell.append(unit_image); } const selected_counter = document.createElement('span'); selected_counter.setAttribute('id', Helper.get_id(`${unit_name}.selected`)); selected_counter.textContent = 0; const all_counter = document.createElement('span'); all_counter.setAttribute('id', Helper.get_id(`${unit_name}.all`)); all_counter.textContent = 0; cell.append(document.createTextNode('(')); cell.append(selected_counter); cell.append(document.createTextNode('/')); cell.append(all_counter); cell.append(document.createTextNode(')')); return cell; } const deff_cell = create_unit_counter_cell('deff'); const deff_image = document.createElement('img'); deff_image.setAttribute('src', `${image_base}face.png`); deff_image.setAttribute('alt', 'face.png'); deff_cell.prepend(deff_image); header.append(deff_cell); for (const unit_name of Guard.deff_units) { header.append(create_unit_counter_cell(unit_name)); } const command_cell = document.createElement('th'); command_cell.append(document.createTextNode(i18n.LABELS.command)); header.append(command_cell); const body = document.createElement('tbody'); body.setAttribute('id', Helper.get_id('output')); const table = document.createElement('table'); table.style.width = '100%'; table.append(header); table.append(body); const panel = document.createElement('div'); panel.classList.add('vis', 'vis_item'); panel.style.overflowY = 'auto'; panel.style.height = '200px'; panel.style.margin = '5px'; panel.append(table); return panel; }, create_signature_span: function () { const span = document.createElement('span'); span.style.display = 'flex'; span.style.float = 'left'; span.style.marginTop = '10px'; const a = document.createElement('a'); a.setAttribute('href', i18n.FORUM_THREAD_HREF); a.textContent = i18n.FORUM_THREAD; span.append(a); return span; }, create_bottom_panel: function () { const panel = document.createElement('div'); panel.classList.add('vis_item'); panel.style.margin = '5px'; const panel_table = document.createElement('table'); panel_table.style.width = '100%'; const panel_tr = document.createElement('tr'); const panel_td = document.createElement('td'); panel_table.append(panel_tr); panel_tr.append(panel_td); panel_td.append(Guard.create_signature_span()); panel.append(panel_table) return panel; }, create_gui: function () { const div = document.createElement('div'); div.style.padding = '0px'; div.style.margin = '0px 0px 5px 0px'; div.setAttribute('id', namespace); div.classList.add('vis', 'vis_item'); div.append(Guard.create_main_panel()); div.append(Guard.create_output_panel()); div.append(Guard.create_bottom_panel()); document.querySelector('#contentContainer').prepend(div); }, init_gui: async function () { const url_params = new URLSearchParams(location.search); const target = Helper.get_control('target'); target.value = url_params.get('target') || (game_data.screen === 'info_village' ? `${TWMap.pos[0]}|${TWMap.pos[1]}` : `${game_data.village.x}|${game_data.village.y}`); target.disabled = false; const strategy = Helper.get_control('strategy'); for (const key in Guard.strategies) { const option = document.createElement('option'); option.setAttribute('value', key); option.text = Guard.strategies[key]; strategy.append(option); } strategy.value = Guard.settings.input.strategy; strategy.disabled = false; for (const option_name of ['deff_count', 'spy_count', 'minimal_deff_count', 'village_count']) { const control = Helper.get_control(option_name); control.value = url_params.get(option_name) || Guard.settings.input[option_name]; control.disabled = false; } //const split_units = Helper.get_control('split_units'); //split_units.checked = Guard.settings.input.split_units; //split_units.disabled = false; const groups_info = await Guard.get_groups_info(); const group = Helper.get_control('group'); for (const group_info of groups_info.result) { const option = document.createElement('option'); option.setAttribute('value', group_info.group_id); option.text = group_info.name; group.append(option); } group.value = Guard.settings.input.group === '-1' ? groups_info.group_id : Guard.settings.input.group; group.disabled = false; await Guard.get_world_info(); let default_date = new Date(); if (Guard.world_info.config.night.active) { let end_hour = Number(Guard.world_info.config.night.end_hour); if (default_date.getHours() >= end_hour) { default_date.setDate(default_date.getDate() + 1); } default_date.setHours(end_hour); } const arrival_date = Helper.get_control('arrival_date'); const arrival_date_start = Helper.get_control('arrival_date_start'); arrival_date.value = url_params.get('arrival_date') || `${default_date.getDate()}.${default_date.getMonth() + 1} ${default_date.getHours()}:00:00`; arrival_date_start.value = url_params.get('arrival_date') || `${default_date.getDate()}.${default_date.getMonth() + 1} 01:00:00`; Helper.get_control('generate').addEventListener('click', async () => { try { await Guard.generate_commands(); } catch (ex) { Helper.handle_error(ex); } }); Helper.get_control('settings').addEventListener('click', () => { try { Guard.edit_settings(); } catch (ex) { Helper.handle_error(ex); } }); const enable_arrival_date = Helper.get_control('is_arrival_date_enabled'); enable_arrival_date.addEventListener('change', event => { Helper.get_control('arrival_date').disabled = !event.target.checked; }); const enable_arrival_start_date = Helper.get_control('is_arrival_date_start_enabled'); enable_arrival_start_date.addEventListener('change', event => { Helper.get_control('arrival_date_start').disabled = !event.target.checked; }); enable_arrival_date.disabled = false; enable_arrival_start_date.disabled = false; Helper.get_control('generate').disabled = false; if (url_params.has('arrival_date')) { enable_arrival_date.checked = true; enable_arrival_start_date.checked = true; arrival_date.disabled = false; arrival_date_start.disabled = false; } }, get_groups_info: async function () { let url = TribalWars.buildURL('GET', 'groups', { mode: 'overview', ajax: 'load_group_menu' }); const response = await fetch(url, { credentials: 'include' }); const text = await response.text(); const payload = JSON.parse(text); payload.result = payload.result.filter(group => group.type !== 'separator'); payload.result.forEach(group => { Guard.group_id2group_name[group.group_id] = group.name; }); return payload; }, get_world_info: async function () { Guard.world_info = await get_world_info({ configs: ['config', 'unit_info'] }); }, fetch_map_chunk: async function (x_chunk, y_chunk) { const map_key = `${x_chunk}_${y_chunk}`; if (!Guard.coords2map_chunk.has(map_key)) { const url_params = new URLSearchParams({ locale: game_data.locale, v: 2, [map_key]: 1 }); const response = await fetch(`map.php?${url_params}`); const map_info = await response.json(); Guard.coords2map_chunk.set(map_key, map_info); } return Guard.coords2map_chunk.get(map_key); }, fetch_village_info: async function (coords) { const x_chunk = coords[0] - coords[0] % 20; const y_chunk = coords[1] - coords[1] % 20; const map_info = await Guard.fetch_map_chunk(x_chunk, y_chunk); const village_info = (map_info[0].data.villages[coords[0] - x_chunk] || [])[coords[1] - y_chunk]; return village_info; }, generate_commands: async function () { let get_user_input = function () { const user_input = {}; const numeric_fields = ['deff_count', 'spy_count', 'village_count', 'minimal_deff_count']; for (const numeric_field of numeric_fields) { const input = Helper.get_control(numeric_field); Helper.assert_non_negative_number(input, i18n.LABELS[numeric_field]); user_input[numeric_field] = Number(input.value); } const coords_regex = new RegExp(/^\s*\d{1,3}\|\d{1,3}\s*$/); const target = Helper.get_control('target'); if (!coords_regex.test(target.value)) { target.focus(); throw i18n.ERROR.BAD_FORMAT.replace('__1__', i18n.LABELS.target); } user_input.target = target.value.trim().split('|').map(x => Number(x)); user_input.strategy = Helper.get_control('strategy').value; user_input.group_id = Helper.get_control('group').value; //user_input.split_units = Helper.get_control('split_units').checked; user_input.travel_time = NaN; user_input.travel_time_start = NaN; if (Helper.get_control('is_arrival_date_enabled').checked) { let arrival_date = Helper.parse_date(Helper.get_control('arrival_date').value, i18n.LABELS.arrival_date); if (arrival_date.getTime() <= Date.now()) { Helper.get_control('arrival_date').focus(); throw i18n.ERROR.PAST_DATE; } user_input.travel_time = (arrival_date.getTime() - Date.now()) / 60 / 1000; } if (Helper.get_control('is_arrival_date_start_enabled').checked) { let arrival_date_start = Helper.parse_date(Helper.get_control('arrival_date_start').value, i18n.LABELS.arrival_date_start); if (arrival_date_start.getTime() <= Date.now()) { Helper.get_control('arrival_date_start').focus(); throw i18n.ERROR.PAST_DATE; } user_input.travel_time_start = (arrival_date_start.getTime() - Date.now()) / 60 / 1000; } return user_input; }; let sort_by_deff_asc = function (lhs, rhs) { return lhs.deff !== rhs.deff ? lhs.deff > rhs.deff ? 1 : -1 : 0; }; let sort_by_deff_desc = function (lhs, rhs) { return lhs.deff !== rhs.deff ? lhs.deff > rhs.deff ? -1 : 1 : 0; }; let sort_by_spy_desc = function (lhs, rhs) { return lhs.units.spy !== rhs.units.spy ? lhs.units.spy > rhs.units.spy ? -1 : 1 : 0; }; let sort_by_spy_asc = function (lhs, rhs) { return lhs.units.spy !== rhs.units.spy ? lhs.units.spy > rhs.units.spy ? 1 : -1 : 0; }; let sort_by_distance_desc = function (lhs, rhs) { return lhs.distance !== rhs.distance ? lhs.distance > rhs.distance ? -1 : 1 : 0; }; let sort_by_distance_asc = function (lhs, rhs) { return lhs.distance !== rhs.distance ? lhs.distance > rhs.distance ? 1 : -1 : 0; }; let random_sort = function (villages) { for (let i = villages.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { let j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1)); let x = villages[i]; villages[i] = villages[j]; villages[j] = x; } return villages; }; let get_troops_info = function (villages, user_input) { const troops_info = { villages: [], all: { deff: 0 }, selected: { deff: 0 } }; for (const unit_name of Guard.deff_units) { troops_info.all[unit_name] = 0; troops_info.selected[unit_name] = 0; } for (const village of villages) { const village_troop_info = { deff: 0, name: village.name, id: village.id, coords: village.coords, distance: Math.hypot(user_input.target[0] - village.coords[0], user_input.target[1] - village.coords[1]), units: {} }; if (village_troop_info.distance === 0) { continue; } for (const unit_name of Guard.deff_units) { const ratio = Guard.settings.ratio[unit_name] === undefined ? 0 : Number(Guard.settings.ratio[unit_name]); village_troop_info.units[unit_name] = village.units[unit_name] === undefined ? 0 : Math.max(village.units[unit_name] - Number(Guard.settings.safeguard[unit_name]), 0); if (Guard.world_info.unit_info.hasOwnProperty(unit_name)) { if (!isNaN(user_input.travel_time) || !isNaN(user_input.travel_time_start)) { if (Number(Guard.world_info.unit_info[unit_name].speed) * village_troop_info.distance > user_input.travel_time) { village_troop_info.units[unit_name] = 0; } } if (!isNaN(user_input.travel_time_start)) { if (Number(Guard.world_info.unit_info[unit_name].speed) * village_troop_info.distance < user_input.travel_time_start) { village_troop_info.units[unit_name] = 0; } } } if (unit_name !== 'spy' && ratio === 0) { village_troop_info.units[unit_name] = 0; } village_troop_info.deff += Number(village_troop_info.units[unit_name]) * ratio; troops_info.all[unit_name] += village_troop_info.units[unit_name]; } troops_info.all.deff += village_troop_info.deff; troops_info.villages.push(village_troop_info); } return troops_info; } const preprocess = function (troops_info, user_input) { troops_info.villages = troops_info.villages.filter(village => village.deff >= user_input.minimal_deff_count); switch (user_input.strategy) { case 'DIST_ASC': troops_info.villages.sort(sort_by_distance_asc); break; case 'DIST_DESC': troops_info.villages.sort(sort_by_distance_desc); break; case 'TROOP_ASC': troops_info.villages.sort(user_input.deff_count ? sort_by_deff_asc : sort_by_spy_asc); break; case 'TROOP_DESC': troops_info.villages.sort(user_input.deff_count ? sort_by_deff_desc : sort_by_spy_desc); break; default: random_sort(troops_info.villages); break; } troops_info.villages = troops_info.villages.slice(0, user_input.village_count); } let select_troops = function (troops_info, user_input) { troops_info.villages.sort(sort_by_deff_desc); for (let i = troops_info.villages.length; i > 0; i--) { const village = troops_info.villages[i - 1]; const threshold = (user_input.deff_count - troops_info.selected.deff) / i; const ratio = threshold < village.deff ? threshold / village.deff : 1.0; for (const unit_name in Guard.default_settings.ratio) { if (Guard.deff_units.includes(unit_name)) { const selected_count = Math.min(Math.round(ratio * village.units[unit_name]), village.units[unit_name]); troops_info.selected[unit_name] += selected_count; troops_info.selected.deff += selected_count * Number(Guard.settings.ratio[unit_name]); village.units[unit_name] = selected_count; } } } troops_info.villages.sort(sort_by_spy_desc); for (let i = troops_info.villages.length; i > 0; i--) { const village = troops_info.villages[i - 1]; const threshold = (user_input.spy_count - troops_info.selected.spy) / i; const ratio = threshold < village.units.spy ? threshold / village.units.spy : 1.0; const selected_count = Math.min(Math.round(ratio * village.units.spy), village.units.spy); troops_info.selected.spy += selected_count; village.units.spy = selected_count; } for (const unit_name in troops_info.all) { Helper.get_control(`${unit_name}.all`).textContent = Helper.beautify_number(troops_info.all[unit_name]) Helper.get_control(`${unit_name}.selected`).textContent = Helper.beautify_number(troops_info.selected[unit_name]); } }; const user_input = get_user_input(); const target_info = await Guard.fetch_village_info(user_input.target); const villages = await Guard.get_villages(user_input.group_id); if (!target_info) { throw i18n.ERROR.INVALID_VILLAGE_INFO; } if (villages == null) { throw i18n.ERROR.EMPTY_GROUP; } const current_commands = [...Helper.get_control('output').children]; for (let i = current_commands.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { current_commands[i].remove(); } const generate_button = Helper.get_control('generate'); try { generate_button.disabled = true; const troops_info = get_troops_info(villages, user_input); preprocess(troops_info, user_input); select_troops(troops_info, user_input); if (user_input.deff_count && !user_input.spy_count && !troops_info.selected.deff) { throw i18n.ERROR.EMPTY_DEFF_SELECTION; } if (user_input.split_units) { for (const speed_group of Guard.speed_groups) { const snapshot = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(troops_info)); let total = 0; for (const unit_name of Guard.deff_units) { snapshot.selected[unit_name] = 0; for (const village of snapshot.villages) { if (!speed_group.includes(unit_name)) { village.units[unit_name] = 0; } else { snapshot.selected[unit_name] += village.units[unit_name]; } } total += snapshot.selected[unit_name]; } if (total) { Guard.add_command(snapshot, user_input, target_info, speed_group[0]); } } } else { Guard.add_command(troops_info, user_input, target_info, 'all'); } } finally { generate_button.disabled = false; } }, get_villages: async function (group_id) { if (Guard.group_id2villages.has(group_id)) { return Guard.group_id2villages.get(group_id); } let url = TribalWars.buildURL('GET', 'overview_villages', { mode: 'units', type: 'own_home', group: group_id, page: -1, }); const request = await fetch(url, { credentials: 'same-origin' }); const response = await request.text(); const requested_body = document.createElement('body'); requested_body.innerHTML = response; const units_table = requested_body.querySelector('#units_table'); if (!units_table) { return null; } const villages = []; for (let i = 1; i < units_table.rows.length; i++) { let row = units_table.rows[i]; let units = {}; const offset = 2; for (let j = 0; j < game_data.units.length; j++) { let unit_name = game_data.units[j]; units[unit_name] = Number(row.cells[offset + j].textContent); } let main_cell = row.cells[0]; let name = main_cell.textContent.trim(); let villagei18n = { name: name, coords: name.match(/\d+\|\d+/).pop().split('|').map(x => Number(x)), id: main_cell.children[0].getAttribute('data-id'), units: units }; villages.push(villagei18n); } Guard.group_id2villages.set(group_id, villages); return villages; }, edit_settings: function () { const default_settings = Guard.get_default_settings(); let add_unit_fieldset = function (branch) { let fieldset = `
${i18n.FIELDSET[branch]}`; for (const unit_name in default_settings[branch]) { if (Guard.deff_units.includes(unit_name)) { const id = Helper.get_id(`${branch}.${unit_name}`); const value = default_settings[branch][unit_name]; const title = `${i18n.FIELDSET[branch]} - ${i18n.UNITS[unit_name]}` fieldset += ''; fieldset += ``; fieldset += ``; fieldset += ''; } } fieldset += '
'; return fieldset; }; let add_setttings_input = function (id, value) { return ``; }; let add_settings_select = function (id, options) { let html = `'; return html; }; let add_settings_checkbox = function (id, checked) { return ``; }; let add_input_fieldset = function () { let fieldset = `
${i18n.FIELDSET.input}`; for (const key in default_settings.input) { const id = Helper.get_id(`input.${key}`); const value = default_settings.input[key]; fieldset += ''; fieldset += ``; switch (key) { case 'strategy': fieldset += add_settings_select(id, Guard.strategies); break; case 'group': fieldset += add_settings_select(id, Guard.group_id2group_name); break; case 'split_units': fieldset += add_settings_checkbox(id, value); break; default: fieldset += add_setttings_input(id, value); break; } fieldset += ''; } fieldset += '
'; return fieldset; }; let save_settings = function () { const settings = { ratio: {}, safeguard: {}, input: {} }; try { for (const branch of ['ratio', 'safeguard']) { for (const unit_name in default_settings[branch]) { if (Guard.deff_units.includes(unit_name)) { const user_input = Helper.get_control(`${branch}.${unit_name}`); Helper.assert_non_negative_number(user_input, `${i18n.FIELDSET[branch]} - ${i18n.UNITS[unit_name]}`); settings[branch][unit_name] = Number(user_input.value); Guard.settings[branch][unit_name] = Number(user_input.value); } } } for (const key in default_settings.input) { const user_input = Helper.get_control(`input.${key}`); if (['strategy', 'group'].includes(key)) { settings.input[key] = user_input.value; } else if (key === 'split_units') { settings.input[key] = user_input.checked; } else { Helper.assert_non_negative_number(user_input, i18n.LABELS[key]); settings.input[key] = Number(user_input.value); } } localStorage.setItem(namespace, JSON.stringify(settings)); UI.SuccessMessage(i18n.SETTINGS_SAVED); document.querySelector('.popup_box_close').click(); } catch (ex) { Helper.handle_error(ex); } }; let reset_settings = function () { Guard.settings = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(Guard.default_settings)); localStorage.removeItem(namespace); UI.SuccessMessage(i18n.SETTINGS_RESETED); document.querySelector('.popup_box_close').click(); }; let gui = '
'; gui += add_unit_fieldset('ratio'); gui += add_unit_fieldset('safeguard'); gui += add_input_fieldset(); const reset_settings_id = Helper.get_id('reset_settings'); const save_settings_id = Helper.get_id('save_settings'); gui += ``; gui += `
`; Dialog.show(Helper.get_id('settings_editor'), gui); setTimeout(() => { Helper.get_control('input.group').value = default_settings.input.group; Helper.get_control('input.strategy').value = default_settings.input.strategy; const reset_settings_button = Helper.get_control('reset_settings'); reset_settings_button.addEventListener('click', reset_settings); reset_settings_button.disabled = false; const save_settings_button = Helper.get_control('save_settings'); save_settings_button.addEventListener('click', save_settings); save_settings_button.disabled = false; }); }, _village_info: { ALLY_ID: 11, VILLAGE_ID: 0 }, coords2map_chunk: new Map(), group_id2villages: new Map(), group_id2group_name: { '-1': i18n.CURRENTLY_SELECTED_GROUP }, strategies: { 'TROOP_DESC': i18n.STRATEGY.TROOP_DESC, 'TROOP_ASC': i18n.STRATEGY.TROOP_ASC, 'DIST_DESC': i18n.STRATEGY.DIST_DESC, 'DIST_ASC': i18n.STRATEGY.DIST_ASC, 'RANDOM': i18n.STRATEGY.RANDOM }, default_settings: { ratio: { spear: 1, sword: 1, archer: 1, heavy: 6 }, safeguard: { spear: 0, sword: 0, archer: 0, spy: 0, heavy: 0 }, input: { deff_count: 0, spy_count: 0, village_count: 12, minimal_deff_count: 0, strategy: 'TROOP_DESC', group: '-1', split_units: false, }, }, deff_units: [], speed_groups: [['spear', 'archer'], ['sword'], ['spy', 'heavy']], settings: {}, get_default_settings: function () { let stored_settings = localStorage.getItem(namespace); return stored_settings ? JSON.parse(stored_settings) : JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(Guard.default_settings)); }, init_settings: function () { Guard.settings = Guard.get_default_settings(); Guard.deff_units = Object.keys(Guard.default_settings.safeguard) .filter(unit_name => game_data.units.includes(unit_name)); }, main: async function () { if (mobile) { throw i18n.ERROR.MOBILE; } let instance = Helper.get_control(); if (instance) { instance.remove(); return; } Guard.init_settings(); Guard.create_gui(); $.ajax({ url: 'https://media.innogamescdn.com/com_DS_PL/skrypty/HermitowskiePlikiMapy.js?_=' + ~~(Date.now() / 9e6), dataType: 'script', cache: true }).then(() => { Guard.init_gui().catch(Helper.handle_error); }); } }; try { await Guard.main(); } catch (ex) { Helper.handle_error(ex); } console.log(`${namespace} | Elapsed time: ${Date.now() - start} [ms]`); })(TribalWars);