1. Manufacturing ERP: Business Scenario: A manufacturing company, ABC Manufacturing, needs an ERP system to streamline production processes, manage inventory, and coordinate supply chain activities. Entities: Product: Attributes: ProductID (Primary Key), ProductName, Description, UnitPrice. Production Order: Attributes: OrderID (Primary Key), ProductID (Foreign Key), Quantity, OrderDate, DueDate. Inventory: Attributes: InventoryID (Primary Key), ProductID (Foreign Key), QuantityInStock, ReorderPoint. Supplier: Attributes: SupplierID (Primary Key), SupplierName, ContactPerson, ContactNumber, Email. Purchase Order: Attributes: PurchaseOrderID (Primary Key), SupplierID (Foreign Key), ProductID (Foreign Key), Quantity, OrderDate, DeliveryDate. Relationships: Product - Production Order (One-to-Many): A product can be associated with multiple production orders, but each production order is for one product. Product - Inventory (One-to-One): Each product has one corresponding inventory entry. Supplier - Purchase Order (One-to-Many): A supplier can have multiple purchase orders, but each purchase order is from one supplier. 2. Financial ERP: Business Scenario: A financial institution, XYZ Bank, is implementing an ERP solution to integrate financial processes, including accounting, budgeting, and financial reporting. Entities: Account: Attributes: AccountID (Primary Key), AccountType, Balance, InterestRate. Transaction: Attributes: TransactionID (Primary Key), AccountID (Foreign Key), TransactionType, Amount, TransactionDate. Budget: Attributes: BudgetID (Primary Key), Department, Allocation, Year. Employee: Attributes: EmployeeID (Primary Key), FirstName, LastName, Position, Department. Financial Report: Attributes: ReportID (Primary Key), Department, Year, ReportType, Summary. Relationships: Account - Transaction (One-to-Many): An account can have multiple transactions, but each transaction is associated with one account. Department - Budget (One-to-Many): A department can have multiple budget entries, but each budget entry is for one department. 3. Human Resources ERP: Business Scenario: A large corporation, MegaCorp, is implementing an ERP system to centralize HR functions, including employee records, payroll, and performance management. Entities: Employee: Attributes: EmployeeID (Primary Key), FirstName, LastName, DateOfBirth, Position, Department. Payroll: Attributes: PayrollID (Primary Key), EmployeeID (Foreign Key), Salary, Deductions, NetPay. Performance Review: Attributes: ReviewID (Primary Key), EmployeeID (Foreign Key), ReviewDate, Rating, Comments. Training Program: Attributes: ProgramID (Primary Key), ProgramName, Department, Trainer, Date, Duration. Job Vacancy: Attributes: VacancyID (Primary Key), Department, Position, RequiredSkills, OpenDate, CloseDate. Relationships: Employee - Payroll (One-to-One): Each employee has one payroll entry. Employee - Performance Review (One-to-Many): An employee can have multiple performance reviews, but each review is for one employee. 4. Supply Chain ERP: Business Scenario: A global logistics company, GlobalLogistics, needs an ERP system to optimize supply chain operations, from procurement to distribution, and enhance overall efficiency. Entities: Supplier: Attributes: SupplierID (Primary Key), SupplierName, ContactPerson, ContactNumber, Email. Purchase Order: Attributes: PurchaseOrderID (Primary Key), SupplierID (Foreign Key), ProductID (Foreign Key), Quantity, OrderDate, DeliveryDate. Warehouse: Attributes: WarehouseID (Primary Key), Location, Capacity, Supervisor. Shipment: Attributes: ShipmentID (Primary Key), WarehouseID (Foreign Key), Destination, DepartureDate, ArrivalDate. Customer: Attributes: CustomerID (Primary Key), CustomerName, ContactPerson, ContactNumber, Email. Relationships: Supplier - Purchase Order (One-to-Many): A supplier can have multiple purchase orders, but each purchase order is from one supplier. Warehouse - Shipment (One-to-Many): A warehouse can have multiple shipments, but each shipment is associated with one warehouse. 5. CRM ERP: Business Scenario: A sales-focused organization, SalesPro Inc., wants an ERP system that integrates seamlessly with CRM to enhance customer interactions, sales tracking, and lead management. Entities: Customer: Attributes: CustomerID (Primary Key), CustomerName, ContactPerson, ContactNumber, Email. Opportunity: Attributes: OpportunityID (Primary Key), CustomerID (Foreign Key), SalespersonID (Foreign Key), ProductID (Foreign Key), OpportunityValue, CloseDate. Salesperson: Attributes: SalespersonID (Primary Key), FirstName, LastName, ContactNumber, Email. Product: Attributes: ProductID (Primary Key), ProductName, Description, UnitPrice. Lead: Attributes: LeadID (Primary Key), CustomerID (Foreign Key), Source, Status, CreatedDate. Relationships: Customer - Opportunity (One-to-Many): A customer can have multiple opportunities, but each opportunity is associated with one customer. Salesperson - Opportunity (One-to-Many): A salesperson can have multiple opportunities, but each opportunity is associated with one salesperson.