Some notes that I would right that are just general league tips that I think are correct that isnt really ab ur laning or macro I go blue trinket if i'm behind ( usually the enemy team has vision prio and you can't face check bushes or you dont have wards, having a long range ward helps with knowing where the enemy is at when they're all MIA so you can guess or find out where they're at without risking a facecheck. I go red trinket (sweepers) when i'm ahead or I have to get vision control, or like If i am flanking or deathbushing someone, I want to make sure the path I'm going or the bush i'm at has no wards, if you see that its warded you know that the flank or deathbush won't work and you wont get caught out, if you do know theres no wards you get a possibly vital kill. It's also good for vision control, league is an information game, taking out their wards is VITAL and gives them less info Buy more control wards, if you see them ward and you or your team don't have sweepers up, place the control ward down. Depending on the situtation you may not need to kill the ward ( but rather deny the vision ), hitting wards grant the enemy team vision. So if theres a control ward on a ward and you're trying to deathbush or be sneaky, don't hit the ward, it will give the enemy team vision. VISION IS REALLY IMPORTANT, u need to learn how to play around vision (like hugging walls and shit like that, idk how to explain u kinda just know how to) u need to buy pinks and just remove the enemy team of all vision. They will have to face check or give up shit if they lose vision control. 1:50 idk why ur trying to push out the lane and aa the minions, u need to know ur powerspikes vs matchups, urgot shits on riven and it gets EASIER (still urgot favored imo) at lvl 3+. This guy is letting the wave shove to u. Just play passive and collect the minions. He crashes the 2nd wave which is the worst thing u can do. When u shove 2nd wave to tower u can't buy anything, u cant help ur jg contest scuttle. If this was higher elo, the urgot zones u from cs and slowpushes it into ur tower and u wont have scuttle prio(which is fine, but u need to tell ur jg that u wont have prio ahead of time if he was going for top scuttle). Your jg starts topside though so u dont need to worry about top prio. You know the enemy jg is gonna be top when ur jg is gonna be bot, u can play passive, u dont rlly have kill pressure unless the urgot is retarded(which he is). 1:54 ur 3rd q here was really risky, an urgot main knows his wincon, which is landing his e, if he was good he would be looking for that mistake and would e you when you 3rd q'd and you would have to burn flash or lose a lot of hp. He sucks tho so u dont even get punished 1:58 ur so overextended ( u need to play around cooldowns ) and he starts trading with u, he is really fking bad so he misses his e. You are playing so far up when you have no q and he has his e up. Its good that you went in since he missed/wasted his e, but normal players wont be this bad. 2:10 good trade, let the wave crash, lvl 2 is one full wave and 3 melee minions, he has a huge wave, u trading won't do anything and its going to shove to your tower, just back off. Your jg is topside, master yi didnt gank (which is good) but if ur jg trys to gank this SPAM PING THEM OFF 2:16 he hit lvl 2 and u didnt respect him at all. He has a minion wave shoving to u, why r u even risking anything at all, he lands an E and you're dead. Or you can just wait under tower and collect the minion waves. One level equates to about 532.91 gold worth of stats. 2:18 u keep walking back into his auto range and getting hit for no reason, MAYBE if you had e and you blocked his aa with your e (to get the minions to aggro onto him thus shoving your lane), but he has way more minions than u, he's gonna 2 wave shove, which fks him up regardless. You lose so much hp here for nothing. 2:39 ur 3rd q here was risky, he can E you and you wont have any spells, might have to burn flash or lose even more hp, even if you were going to 3rd q him you HAVE to e right after you land your 3rd q. It blocks any aa he might hit on you and gets you away from his potential E. 2:45 He's brainlessly shoving into u, as soon as he hit lvl 3, i wouldve played 10x more passive 2:58 good trade 3:05 u dont need to e here to catch up on him tbh, ur wasting ur shield, I would wait for your q and w to be up and then use your q to gap close and the trade wouldn't be this close. Good kill but honestly it shouldn't have been close. His E really cucks you that hard, you need to really respect it. That's why you can't waste your e shield becuz he is similar to renek, he if he lands his key ability (e) even if you have a hp advantage it will still be close. 3:24 greedy recall location, i wouldve went back farther, you know he has tp and he's most likely going to tp back, ur not going to recall in time, waste of time and u probably miss minions because of it or you stay and he has item and hp prio over you He can easily make the wave slowpush and force u to get a bad recall. He doesn't insta tp and doesnt even bother to stop ur recall, but yeah that was really greedy, better players auto tp when they spawn and ur fked. 3:45 stop using ur e for mobility, in rare cases u can use it (aka u know u can kill without the shield and u need the extra mobility to catch them off guard and to get onto them) but here, u got everything to lose, urgot just sucks When I see a minion low or when I know theyre going to auto a minion, i space accordingly, I walk up preemptively and if they commit to that minion I q in, w them and maybe auto attack and get out with e. 3:59 good trade, thats the type of trade u need to do 90% of the time 4:20 risky 3rd q, but this guy sucks so he misses his e, u dont need to risk this much just to trade, just one mistake and ur lane is over. Ur relying on them to fk up, in higher elo its harder to solokill and its just a lot of people shoving waves and playing for team, whoever has better wave mangament and rotations wins. At the level most of the time people know the matchup and their champion. I'm not saying play safe, but limit your risk and abuse their mispositioning or shitty wave management, trust me the kills will come to you, there's a lot of mistakes people make and if you know the wincon of your lane, you will notice when they fk up and you should capitilize on that. 4:28 good solokill 4:49 you should already know that nidalee was bot (because she just ganked them, ur wasting ur time and ur ward, u need to insta recall into the river bush. 5:01 no point in staying, u have a lot of gold and the wave is going to push into you, urgot just came back after dying so he has homeguards, waste of time and makes you have a bad recall. 5:33 it's really good u tryed to roam, even if it didnt work out, but if it did that wouldve been game changing, u dont lose anything too since wave is slow pushing to you, but still you should've already recalled. 6:21 I would run to drake and tell ur team to try to setup for drake, u tp'd around the same time as urgot so u know his tp is down, u need to push ur advantage 6:30 you stay, why? u have nothing to gain, everything to lose, ur not extending ur lead ur risking ur bounty, and if u die u miss all the exp and cs and ur entire lead that u built up. 7:06 u finally recall, way too late tbh, ur slowly wasting ur lead doing nothing but shoving lanes. If you recalled after that kill you wouldve caught ur wave and then probably slowpush/shove and then roam but u stay top for too long. Urgot's dumb so he basically helped u collect all the cs. 8:12 u notice how urgot is playing really safe now? u need to slowpush/shove waves and roam, ur never going to kill him without risking a lot. You won't be creating pressure by trying to kill him 24/7 rather ur going to opening ur self to ganks. Ward Nid's jg or something create pressure somewhere other than top. Get your team info, buy control wards and put them in river. League is an information game, that's why having good wards is good. 8:31 good u crashed ur wave and now ur rotating, this is kinda advanced but u know that her blue is up and that she only has redbuff, that means she didnt take her blue yet. That most likely means her topside is up, just something to keep in mind. 8:45 nice kills on nid and yone 9:27 these are trades i would do actually, urgot is VERY squishy and ur 2 lvls up with redbuff and r, ur allowed to play greedy and u would probably beat him if he fought u. You know he has flash though since you flashed at the same time, so you should keep that in mind. 9:50 honestly i would recall after shoving, u know nid is top (she hit the blue vision orb thing) shes gonna catch the wave, ur not gonna get a plate, which is fine, SHE gets the wave which means urgot isnt getting the cs and xp. You greed and u die for it. Nid gets your shut down and you're dead for 30s. Nidalee is dumb here for not helping her laner shove, but urgot shouldve gotten free plates here and wave slow pushes back to him. But again this is low elo so you arent punished THAT hard, but the wouldve set you back really bad, more than you are atm. 11:00 idk if its the spectator bug or something but u should ping A LOT, like ive been saying, league is an information game, while you were getting ur wave, u should auto ping urgot is mia. You know your team is walking into fog of war into river, u should notice that and ping mia around the river to make them know that there is a potentional person there. Good thing you had a ward, but if you didnt, and you didnt ping, master yi and tf mightve died and you wouldve gotten flamed. USE YOUR PINGS. When i play it looks like i spam mia 24/7 but idc if i spam it, as long as my team gets relevant info, it doesnt matter. 11:48 yeah almost impossible to kill him here, u shouldve kept in mind his e and how he can kite you easily. Imo I would've shoved the wave and if he overextends u kill him, but I wouldn't be looking for a kill, but rather to keep him off the cs and exp. 12:00 now u have no kill prio and ur as low as yone. Yone actually has kill pressure on you now. 12:24 good recall 14:34 good rotation 14:40 i wouldn't have walked out of bush here, if they had vision of you (which they did) they wouldve prepared to collaspe on you when you overexetended, but they're dumb, I would just hover around to create pressure, but if I don't see them anymore I wouldve gotten out of there to prevent dying, you very easily wouldve died there. Your team is really far and if morg was a good player and setup a q for you, you potentially died there or gotten really low. 15:24 it's good that you're taking tower, keep in mind that you can fast q onto the tower ( just use it with caution since you are using one of your mobility spells. I didn't notice it yet but you bought ninja tabi, honestly I wouldve went for lucidity boots. 1) it's cheaper 2) it gives you less cd on your spells 3) reduced summoner spell cd Going tabi here is VERY safe when the ppl that are fed (twitch and nidalee) are really easy to kill, theyre not even close to able to kill u, they're really squishy. I would sell lucidity boots as the game goes on though since they will eventually do way more damage, but right now? They are free kills. 17:00 good kills 17:26 as soon as I see twitch I would be wary, an adc would NEVER walk by themselves, urgot is up with homeguards and yone is mia. I would most likely leave immediately or shove the wave and leave, no adc plays this cocky without having something in plan ( they know they can kill you ). 17:33 you use all ur mobility spells, at this point u should know u cant 1 shot twitch without ur r, but u risk it with people MIA in the map and u know urgot is spawning so he's going to be running top. Drake is spawning soon and you will be late or dead when it spawns. You won't be there to help get vision control of drake pit. 17:37 honestly u dont need to burn flash here, you were probably safe, yone misplays badly ( look where his e is at ) , you have your spells coming up and he has to go back to his body. But yone couldve played that way better to punish you. You tf ints but i wouldve noticed him rotating to u before that. I wouldve spam pinged him to leave, yes he's retarded for tp'ing like that but u should be aware of the map and know your limits to know that you can get out and ping TF to get the fk out and you can prevent stuff like that 17:46 cant believe u even got a kill LOL, that guy just mispositioned, even though you got a kill, that was not the right play for previously mentioned reasons (17:26) 19:56 wasting ur time just recalling in front of him, recall in a safe spot, u have 1k gold, spend it and go straight back bot. Baron will be up and you can pressure the tower with your tp. 20:20 why r u top, tell ur tf to clear waves top, and u go bot and pressure the bot turret, if they go for u, ur team goes for baron. 21:26 good flank, the enemy team overextended badly 21:47 greedy recall, theyre going to take the mid wave and they will go to river since scuttle is up, if u just recalled safer u wouldnt die here 23:25 i wouldn't have tried to engaged here, your team is kinda split apart and it's hard to catch them, i wouldve went for vision control on drake, it's literally soul point. You force that REALLY hard and ur team is pretty far from u. Going for vision control on drag pit and getting soul shouldve been top priority, if you had sweepers, you can clear out all their vision and either ace them there if they try to contest(they have to face check) or take a free drake. 24:00 no point in going in, they got the drake, you will get collasped on, which u did, and u died, which i'm guessing lead to them getting baron (which they should) 26:00 u see how far up u are? Baron is up and theyve all been MIA, why would they not be topside right now? You are pushing top for no reason, and risking everything, if you die they get baron. 26:30 you guys are just running around completing nothing, you arent pressuring ANYONE to the side lane, you need to be bot to help your team get baron, you grouping up and not splitting bot is making you lose. 27:00 you got a kill now what? Nothing, you gained nothing and they gained time to stall and scale, you really think you win vs twitch yone when you have swain adc and ad tf mid? You have to drag them out to the SIDE LANE go SPLIT you need to pressure. 28:15 you got a kill but why recall? Go flank with your master yi. Still works out but no idea why u recall, if the enemy didnt commit to the inhib as hard as they did and ran, you can cut them off with yi. Imagine if they did leave the inhib, they turn on ur master yi and since you're not there, he dies. 28:30 good call to baron, your team is just dumb though, doing nothing and wasting time. They eventually go but honestly they went pretty slow, good pick onto nid and you got baron. 29:22 good that you were thinking about tping but u hesitated or didnt think fast enough, u were pathing top, i wouldve tp'd to the mid wave as soon as i got baron or i knew it was confirmed and they could take it without me good kill onto twitch but u dont get the drake, i think if u tp'd faster u couldve gotten soul there, but who knows. 31:02 DD is okay here... but I think GA is better, you have to go in to try to kill them, GA gives u armor and a second life. DD isn't that bad though but I wouldve personally went for GA. 32:00 good kill and split, forgot to mention but yeah ur keeping your yellow trinket for way too long. 32:33 think u positioned in the bush a little wrong, u were sitting on the edge of the bush when u should be more in the middle, u know twitch is going to move forward, if u positioned near the middle of the bush i think you wouldve one shot him before he could flash and heal with E+ AUTOATTACK + WQ, but who knows. U kill him anyways so it's okay but the game is going nowhere. 33:52 this far in the game u dont split imo, theres no objectives up and even if there was its not worth it to split. At this stage it is whoever gets a pick onto someone wins, u need to hover ur team and get information/destoy/place wards. If you split and one of your team gets caught out, you can't just tp and help them by then you are at a disadvantage and will probably lose. 34:21 u flank but by the time u come your team is getting pushed back so you run into a 1v5 and they can end since its only pyke and TF