# Tulpa Chat Rules (updated 19th December 2020) ### Introduction This is the rules document for **Tulpa Chat**. We're a community that has grown for several years now, thanks to the good judgement and common sense of our members. Over time we have adapted and created many more channels to help everybody have a place to talk and do what makes them happy and socialize well, but we've also had to implement rules to keep the peace and improve our server quality. ### General Rules 1. We ask that you please be kind and courteous to your fellow users. Any form of insults, name-calling, harassment, hate speech, personal attacks and the like are prohibited. 2. If a user suggests that the current conversation suits another channel better, please comply if it makes sense. We trust our members to have common sense and enough judgement to make these calls in order to help the channel remain relevant and tidy. 3. Excessive use of disruptive text or styles of text (such as all caps, “corrupted” text, etc.) are prohibited. Light use of these text/style types are allowed in small quantities, assuming it’s not disrupting the channel. 4. Excessive and/or irrelevant images, including “memes”, are prohibited in all channels, excluding the meme channel and voice channels (see specific channel rules below). Light use of images are allowed if relevant to the current conversation, assuming they’re not disrupting the channel. 5. Repeatedly mentioning your feelings on a given topic in a way that does not add to the current topic, especially in a way that is insulting to yourself or someone else, is prohibited. 6. Posting screenshots of conversations in DMs and/or private messages without permission from all participants is strictly prohibited. 7. Roleplaying is not allowed. Simple and brief \*action quotes\* to express tone or reactions are allowed as part of normal discussion, but any exchange that becomes an actual back-and-forth of action is not allowed. 8. A username or nickname must be able to be easily pinged by typing alphanumeric characters. 9. All advertising (including of other Discord servers) is strictly prohibited without prior permission from a moderator/administrator. 10. NSFW (not safe for work) content, ie. any content including nudity, ***, etc., is only allowed in the NSFW channel. Please see further details on that channel below. 11. If your behavior is determined to be disruptive or otherwise toxic to the server by the mod team, even if you’re not technically breaking any specific rules, you can still be given a warning or ban at the discretion of the mod team. 12. Once a moderator or administrator has made a decision, that decision is final. We acknowledge your right to express your opinion about any given decision, but insults and personal attacks will be dealt with according to rule 1. ### System-specific Rules *System* - Collective term for all minds within one body - host, tulpas, alters, etc. 13․ If multiple people in a system use the same account, make it clear who is speaking - use brackets, prefixes, the PluralKit bot, or change your server nickname. 14․ Your system is responsible for every member within it, and moderation will be applied as such. This applies whether systems use multiple accounts or share a single account. 15․ Intra-system conversation is prohibited. This does not prohibit brief interjections, but please come to a consensus before speaking, and do not post multiple back-and-forth messages in the chat. ### Channel-specific Rules #### Voice Chat and Voice Channels V1. All general behavior rules, if relevant, apply to all voice channels as well. V2. Memes are allowed in voice text channels, but all other rules are enforced. NSFW content is not allowed in voice channels. V3. Do not spend excessive time dominating a conversation or “spamming” a voice channel with singing, music, sounds, background noise, etc, without the permission of all other participants in voice chat. Violation of these rules may lead to loss of access to voice chat as well as a warning, suspension or ban. #### Meme Channel (exact name varies) M1. NSFW memes are not allowed in this or any other channel. #### NSFW Channel N1. You must be at least 18 to view the NSFW room. Please follow the Discord policies and age gate. N2. The NSFW channel (and all other channels) do not allow gore, scat, watersports, loli, or shota. N3. Just as with all other channels, images (including NSFW images) must be in small quantities and relevant. Posting your own creations is allowed within this rule. Embeds are disabled - links only. Violations of these rules may lead to loss of access to the NSFW channel as well as a warning, suspension or ban. #### Welcome Channel When you're ready to access the rest of the server, you can type .iamnot Newcomer into the welcome channel. ###Moderation ####Warnings If you receive a warning, the mod team has seen fit to officially let you know that you’re behaving against our guidelines. You will be informed of all formal warnings you receive. Continuing this behavior will lead to bans. ####Suspensions A suspension will be issued if you have repeatedly or flagrantly violated the rules, but the mod team believes you can return with improved behavior. A temporary ban lasts a given amount of time, as determined by the mod team at the time of banning. If you repeat behavior that led to a suspension, you will be permanently banned. ####Permanent bans A permanent ban is issued to users that are not able to learn from their mistakes and/or unable to behave appropriately. A user permanently banned will not be welcomed back into the server. Ban evasion is not allowed. Attempting to circumvent a ban with new or alternate user accounts will result in the alternate account(s) being immediately permanently banned.