{"title":"Angel","description":"Angels are beings with apparently metallic halos that project human forms. They got that name after helping the different races around Masoria. In gratitude, the races baptized them like this. The presence of an angel isn’t something to be praised, in fact, it is treated by the Masorians as an omen of judgment.\nSecretly, angels are totally opposed to the union of all races, they faithfully believe that the world should be divided into two poles, creatures of light and creatures of darkness, so that the primordial balance is established. That said, it is easy to tell that angels hate all creatures of darkness, being the main killers of races such as demons, vampires and other beings. They are apathetic, kill without mercy in an extremely way, whether you are a good being or not your species will define your destiny.The sighting of angels has often frozen battlefields, making a completely noisy place become a silent valley of souls about to be judged. Generally, when an angel appears, the conflict is already decided for one side while the angel's interest is mostly to reap and purify as many impure souls as possible, regardless of which side he is on, his desire is the peace in their own way.\nThey are nobody’s allies, just as they are not enemies of any, other than the creatures of darkness. Angels will attack both sides in battle if they both have races of darkness.\n\nTraits:\n👼 `Four wings and a giant halo above their heads. Their bodies cannot be harmed; attacks must be made directly against the halos. Few know this.`\n👼 `Mandatorily apathetic, always cold with an irritated or serious face. Angels do not have *** with low beings and if they do, they will lose their halo and be converted into a low being.`\n👼 `They are feared by everyone, enemies and devotees alike.`\n👼 `Reproduction happens strictly with other angels via the fusion of their projected bodies and their halos, like wedding rings.`\n👼 `They are rare and are the only ones that can create fire swords.`","thumbnail":{"url":"https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/818242343026425909/818452374774743070/1f607.png"},"image":{"url":"https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/818242343026425909/818452431686860800/unknown.png?width=443&height=669"},"author":{"name":"Masoria Races","icon_url":"https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/818242343026425909/818249685658894376/masoria_logo_1.png"},"color":8453888,"footer":{"text":"⭐ Here in Masoria, your fun is our priority."}}