>For once I feel things are looking up for me >I've been shit outta luck piled with credit card debt from shit I couldn't help for the longest of time >One medical bill, One car repair bill, one lost job after another >But now? >Things are looking up for me and couldn't be better >Took the world going to shit to change this shit buuuuuut >All that shit thats happening out on the streets couldn't phase me if I cared to let it >I was out on a ******* bike ride no less >Guitar and AR15 slung on my back accompanied by my camping gear >Decked out in woodland cammies, shit was quiet all around the city. >It was odd, as if the world stopped moving. >People weren't going about their business along the streets. >Reminded me of the early days of the Covid scare >But I was riding my bike out of the city defiantly >I was in a total "I dont give a **** I lost my Job again" type of mood and I was near the national park anyway, had to get through some suburbs and get out of the town but still a karen or some uppity ******* nigger could've seen my ass and called the cops. >I honestly didn't give a rats ass, I had my CCL and I was well within my rights as a red blooded virile floridaman to do what I was doing >Going out there I felt that odd sense that somethings shouldn't be >But I didn't care, I was gonna go out to the woods and play my guitar. >Might've killed a squirrel or a raccoon to eat >But fate? That rapist bitch had other plans for this small university town. >Twilight hours, 6:30pm, The pastel shades of the sky showing us another painting that God made for Florida. >I always called it that, Gods goodnight painting to our Godforsaken hellhole state. >Still, a blessing to be sure and a beautiful one. >Im getting off track. >During the dark and being transfixed to the beautiful pastel sky purple wisps of light flashed in and out, some strobing on for minutes at at a time. >Others only lasting a couple of seconds. >What brought forth was the weirdest ******* shit I could've ever imagined. >Straight from some damn anime **** shit honestly. >Skinwalkers, Bus sized dragons and goblins out the ass >I didn't realize it at the time, but I was too busy thinking I had drunk alittle too much Becherovka before I left on the camping trip >Or even forgot to replace my liquor camelbak with the sober camelbak >Why yes, I do have a drinking problem >The thing was odd honestly, didn't even let the purple light shit fazed me. >Could've biked back to my "Home on wheels" Chevy Astro van I converted into a ghetto mobile home. >But I didn't >I had trailed off the road since then, concealing my bike a good ten minute walk away from the road. >Cutting into the bark along the tree I placed it to clue me into where I placed it. >I had set up camp around it while I had alittle bit of light >Didn't need to set up much, honestly I just had to pitch my hammock and clutch my rifle while I slept. >So I did so. >All throughout the night I heard the weirdest of animal cries >Almost like an elk cry >Would've sent shivers up my spine had I not known what an elk sounded like >I placed my earplugs in after scrounging around for them in my sleeping attire >I didn't think about it at the time, the alcohols influenced had dulled my mind >There are no elk in Florida >That wasn't an elk >That was something that I learned to fear, more than the dragons or the goblins. >Hellish creatures, half man half beast, with the intellect and cunning of each. >That was a skinwalker. >And it had left me alone. >Walking closer and closer to the forest I notice a stark silence along the road >Sure, the meeting with the skinwalker was creepy >But this was worse >I dont know why, it was mundane as can be >But damn, I knew that it should not be >Usually one or two cars pass by through here, Bubba in his beat to death pickup truck or a family taking their volvo through scenic area to and from the beach its usually one or the other >But silence >Not the cawing of crows >Or the chitter chatter of squirrels >Naught even the blue jays chirping throughout the trees >Dead silence >Throughout the forest >Dead silence >You can usually hear something, anything really >Now I just cant stop thinking about this >The only sound I heard for hours was when I shifted off the palm frond cover off of my motorized bicylce >I unlock the padlock tyingn its wheels to the tree >I kept looking over my shoulder >I remember that ritalin causes anxiety >Somehow I keep forgetting thats the case >I stuff the padlock and chain into the front pouch of my backpack and drag the bike to the road >Its a mountain bike sure >But I like to start off on the road, Its much easier >Looking left and right its just the same old long stretch of road, cut off by a turn to the left and to the right on each side >I wonder which direction skinny bro went? >I dunno >I dont care >Nor do I want to find out >I start the engine, I feel like cruising on out of here, check the oil pressure and look in the gas can >"Half a tank..." >I should've filled it up when I left >Its more than enough to get into town >I strap my bag onto the backrack, sling my rifle on my back and sit on my bikes bucket seat >Rigged it up myself, sits comfortably enough and doesnt wobble >I pull out my Ipod classic I keep in my left pocket >Put in my ear buds and play whatevers first in the playlist >In a house, In a heartbeat >.... >Ominous >Very ominous >But I have no time for this, I got a job to do >I want to hunt that skinwalker >I want to wear its hide >Along the winding road I see roadkill >Too much of it >Thats not roadkill >Chunks of flesh tossed aside, possums, deer >The remains of a headless gator too >That aint good >Pumas couldnt've done that, pumas get eaten by alligators >That skinwalker must've done this >Im not too sure why I feel the desire to kill him >Looking at him he was cordial enough, shoot downright friendly too >Its a drive I guess, I haven't felt this in so long >A focus >A goal >I want to be the hunter of beasts greater than men >A Hunter, a skinwalker as well I reckon >I dunno >I guess its like those ******* monkeys in the jungle book >"I wanna be like you, walk like you, talk like youuuu....!" >I find myself humming that shit along >God am I a retard >Well anyway I guess Its something to work towards >I'll go through town, I wont kill those ******* karens today >Not when I have something to hunt >I have a purpose now, I want to be the man that shows the world whats in those woods >And there it is >I turn the corner and theres sign of human life >a full parking lot, not a person in sight >My white Astro vans is there, sitting in the shade >Still, not a man or woman in sight >I take out the earbuds with my left hand, maintaining control of my bike as I coast it towards my Van >Dead silence >I stop along its side door, Before I store the damn shitbike I take a look around >Nobodies talking in those stripmall shops >Nobodies in those stripmall shops >Nobodies coming out of the supermarket and nobodies in the cars too >On little dog, with fluffy fur white as a sheet is sitting calmly in the Chevy Tahoe right next to my Asto van >Just that little spitzer dog is all thats alive in this entire parking lot >No traffic along the roads either >Not a car or truck going by >I dont like it >I dont like it one bit >I quickly scan from left to right >Where the **** is everybody? >Well, at least I can open carry without a ******* issue >I open up my Van door and slide my Bike into its rack, taking down the front tire to make things more compact >And **** I got mud on my linen sheets again >Damn it, ******* damn it >Well >Shit thats another trip to the laundromat >I ******* hate being in the presence of niggers >... >If all the people disappeared all the niggers would be gone too >Thinking positively hasn't even been a strength of mine >But this is indeed a positive >Going to have to find out what the **** happened to all the people. >I look out of the van staring at the supermarket entrance and set my guitar inbetween the passenger seat upfront >Never averting my gaze as I do so as I pick up my Dissipator >"Well this ought to be a good place to look." >Gripping it tightly I walk towards the publix entrance, I put in my earbuds and play the "Fight music" playlist on random. >RE2:Looming dread >Ominous! Very Ominous! >I haven't played that shit game since I was 12! >I never remember adding this remix.... >(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2H20YWRavY&ab_channel=FalKKonE) >I make my way to the automatic sliding doors, It opens promptly and then I smell that stench >Burnt flesh, corpses and the stench of blood and shit >Guts are strewn along the checkout stations and thick chunks of flesh paint the walls of the store as if they were flung there by a cannon >Now I dont like the looks of this >But Im feeling up to the challenge >Chalk it up to the music or my newfound determination >But I want to ******* kill whatever did this >Not because I want to save anyone, I was going to kill these ******* people when I woke up this morning >But, Fate interceded >Walking along the back, minding the doors I check the aisles one by one, looking down the sights of my AR, I have a beta mag full of greentips >Whatever ******* did this will wish it bought level 4 plates >God knows I wish I could >And there it is, on aisle four along the end next to the beef stock >Its hunched over, overlooking someone it killed. >Crunch, drip, munch >The pudgy woman of a arm is clutched with black taloned arms >Barbed tail, spines portruding out of its thin black tail >Cleft hooven, covered in thick coal black fur >Bright red skin >Sheep horns curled >Folded black wings covering its back, attached right to hits hips >Is that a....? >A demon? >My gaze focuses clenching my teeth in fear steeling myself for a fight I do not know how to fight. >What the **** is going on... >something growls in the unchecked aisle to my right. >I avert my gaze to check what it is >Zombies >******* zombies >They aren't quick, but they are stumbling and stuck to one another side by side trying to burst out of that aisle >The demon hasn't noticed me yet >It summoned those things here.... >Im used to crazy shit, but nothing like this. >They are stuck for now, Im feeling nervous and I got the jitters but I gotta relax >I have that demon in my sights >And Its aiming down the barrel of my gun >I take aim around its chest >And I fire my shots >I send eight or so rounds down range, Must've not hit its lungs because it howls in the most bloodcurdling scream >It stares at me, The devil must play basketball because he stands in at least eight feet >It has the face and **** of a woman >And its bleeding profusely >It flees with haste to the left. >If it gets outside it might ambush me when I get out of the mall. >I run along the aisles, shooting at it as soon as I can see it >shooting more soup cans, pickle jars and flour as I do so >the thing is quick >It stretches out its hand muttering some words as I pepper it with lead >My focus is honed, Clear as crystal I see that I've shot it nine more times >But then a weird red hexagram symbol glows out of its outstreched palm >Shit that doesn't look good >I back pedal, falling on my ass as I do so >And on the next aisle a gout of flam scordches the area I would've walked too is razed >The devil has escaped, I hear the emergency exit door slam open. >**** >**** **** **** **** >I hear my teetch crack and feel the sides of my cheecks bleed >That thing is powerful and I thought I could end it here and there! >Now its escaped, whats more it can shoot fire out of its hands like some damn wizard! >Ill fuckin kill it, ill fuckin kill it >Ill send that bitch to hell, I hate these magical things they are stepping on my dick! >I was supposed to kill them! >I stare to the right, the zombies haven't freed themselves >It must've created these things >I look at my beta mag >I must've wasted at least twenty, thirty rounds shooting at it >Didn't even kill the ******* thing >I calmly walk over to the zombies in that aisle >Its like shooting fish in a barrel >And I start shooting >Shit >This is pretty fun >I feel like motherfucking doomguy >Seeing their bones snap out as I cut their legs and arms off with bullets >I just keep shooting >And shooting and shooting and shooting >They are stuck there in that one spot, scrunched up gore flying out of the aisle and blood sepping out to the cashier stations >I stop firing for a moment >Nothing else is moving down in that aisle >I've killed them all >Shit >What is this that I feel? >Achievement >**** yeah, this feels great! >Im ******* PUMPED! >Im king NIGGER OF THIS ******* CITY >I go down the aisles, nothing else is making sounds of life and I snatch a Bang off the shelf >Miami cola >Crack that open, lift up my balaclava and chug it >**** its hot out in the swamp >But at least I got my fix >Looking around I realize something >Shit >Shit I can have whatever I want here >Hm >Yes >Yes I will be taking some things >First order of business, shopping cart >Time to do some ******* shoppinng! >Forget about that Devil bitch >I pumped her so full of lead she wont **** with me any further >And if she tries shit I might have to pump her full of something else >I struck fear into the devil and slaughtered zombies from hell >Im king nigger of this ******* city >And I deserve some beer >I take my shopping cart down to the beer section, still refrigerated and cool to the touch >**** I'll need something that doesn't need a refridgerator >I take an entire shelfs worth of fosters beer in >twenty cans in total >Set them carefully in the shopping cart >Ok next order of business >I want some beef jerky, shits pricey but nothing beats it for long drives >Make my way to the back of the aisle, Its usually there anyway >The devilwoman left quite a trail of blood >She might be dead from the blood loss >Hm >Might've gotten off on the wrong foot >I've never been good at dates >We might've made a good couple who the **** knows >Thats probably the desperation talking >Definitely the desperation talking >Alright >I almost slipped on the pools of blood making my way here but I've made it too the beef jerky aisle >And I just grab shit off of the shelf >All the beef jerky >**** I love this stuff >This is my favorite snack in the whole world >Glance behind me as I stuff the entire thing in my cart >Thats the sushi section >Look in I see the veggie rolls >**** it, gotta have a balance diet >I pick one of those up too >I walk out of the store and make my way to the van, Finger on the trigger and eyes darting around for any signs of trouble >Nothing of note >I stuff a fosters can in an empty mag pouch >Might need it soon enough >Opening the sliding van door I stuff the beef jerky into my empty laundry basket, the only place I could fit it. >then I put the beer in a cooler I had hooked up to a battery bank >I've filled it to the ******* brim >I pull out a bag of chili lime jerky, tear of the seal and start munching on it >I take a beer out of the fridge >And I take massive gulps of gold booze >A cool lager and beef jerky is just what you need after lighting up a demon bitch and slaughtering zombies >I hear a scream that sounds awfully like the devilwomans scream >And a guttural howl >Is that the skinwalker...? >The howl sent shivers down my spine >Things like that always shook me up >When I was a kid I was bitten by a pitbull at night >Strong stout kid that I was I beat with my fists >Left my left hand scarred but I beat its jaw open >Scampered off after that... >**** that hurt >Dogs chew your flesh when they bite you >Its not piercing its chewing >I ******* hate big dogs >Spitzs? Circus type dogs? >Well mannered for dogs, they can do what they are told and dont patrol the streets looking for a fight >I've gotten better since then, haven't let that incident color my opinion >But that thing isn't a pitbull, thats a big werewolf man. >Intelligent as a man, Stronger and more able than him. >Makes me envious to be honest >Fear is a powerful friend when you wield it >But its a terrible opponent >Read that somewhere, im sure >I cant let the past hold me back, I gotta love >.... >If this shit didn't happen I would've let my anger get the best of me >I live to fight the world, kill the world and win against the world >I want to triumph over it, despite my failings and flaws >I want my own triumph >And now? >Now this worlds easier, I can throw of my mask and get to it >This shit? Im good at this shit >I've always been good at reacting and doing shit >Im getting off track >I found myself looking into the car next to me >That well mannered pooch >Fur white as a cloud >Its staring at me >As if it knows what happened >As if it knows I can help it >.... >I've never had a dog. >Well...ok >I walk up to the cars window and smash it >The car alarm blares. >Shit >I grab the dog >Its barking and yet it stops barking when its in my arms >I hear another howl >SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! >Pooch in hand I run towards the drivers side, I open the door set the dog down in the passenger seat foot well and leave the rifle in between the seat and the center console >I start the van >And I hear it >The pitter patter of feet outside >It comes >And its fast >I reverse out of my parking spot in haste, I see it in my rear view mirror >Its the skinwalker from before with singed fur >its left side flesh and fur mottled >Its left eye glassy >And its running towards me >Like a blur on fours >I shift into drive and speed up >Damn! DAMN! DAMN! >MOVE YOU FAT BITCH >Its at 25 mph now, I squeel past the corner and am on the main road now >Its still chasing me! >And its close! >Im going 40 mph now! >And its by the drivers side! >A blur of burnt fur and flesh, tongue agape breathing heaviling ramming air in and out >It gives me a look >And smiles at me >"H..Hh....HIiiiiIIIII!!!!!!" >It screaches out with that crackling tone >I cant find my pistol. >But I still have my beer >I roll down the window, looking at the road and the skinwalker >I grab the beer out of my chest rig >"Chill the **** out fur nigger!" >And chuck that shit into its mouth >It stops dead in its tracks >and sits >Im looking at it in the rearview mirror looking back at the road occaisonally >Its drinking the beer >Thank **** >Thank **** for beer >Alright uh.... >Now where the **** am I off too? >Fuckin half the town got raptured or zombified I guess >.... >Oh shit I know! >I know what I gotta do. >I gotta go shopping! >For guns! >Theres a Military surplus store that I gotta go see! >Lotsa good shit will be there and I certainly need the ammo >Hm....Might have to clear the place out >I settle down for a cool 35mph pace and play Home - Resonance >I know where I am going and I haven't seen any trouble, skinwalker or devilbitch aint anywhere to be found >Im staring at that wellmannered pooch >Poor guy knows he lost his master that day >I can see it in his eyes >Should've picked up some dogfood for him back there >Hm >I got something better though >Beef jerky >I break another sealed bag >Teriyaki flavor >This sweet little dog deserves it >I toss him a BIG piece >The glee in his eyes as he hastily catches it and struggles to fit it in his gullet >What a cute pooch >Hm >What should I call him? >Is it a him? >Shit I dont want to give him some gender neutral shit >Im not a ******* queer faggot >Honestly I shot devil bitch because I was reminded about Tranny story hour shit >Idk that and she was a demon >Shit >SHIT SHIT SHIT >Im getting distracted >Wait >What was that gaynigger tohou waifu called? >Never really invested time into it >Should've though >Seemed cute enough >Momji >MOMJI! >"Thats your name >"Momji" >I cant say it enough >"Momji!!!" >It gives me this **** off look like "Who tf do you think you are?" >Hm >It'll have to get used to it >**** it thats your name >Shoot missed the turn >Theres not a whole lot of people around >People just vanished into thin air I guess >With skinwalkers and devil BDSM ladies around anything goes >Still gotta stay on my toes >Who knows whats out here now >I park along the side of the road >**** it, whos going to stop me? >I turn to the dog >"Sit tight Momji" >It looks at me funny >It still doesn't trust me >I wouldn't trust me >Its right to I guess >Oh well it'll build up if I dont **** it up >I grab my rifle and hop out of the car >I check my chestrig >Just four forty rounders and an empty pouch where the beer was >Shit >I threw my beer at the skinwalker >Well I hope it liked it >It was friendly enough in the woods >Im sure it was just having one of its moods after getting scorched by devilbitch >Ah oh well >Sounds like no ones inside the store >Looks all closed up too >Barred windows and doors >I shoot the lock and the doors hinges for good measure >I kick it once, it budges >I kick it twice and it falls down >Glass shatters and I walk into the store and grip my rifle >The lights are out >I check the store hours on the broken glass >Open 11-5 >Hardly gotta work when running the only surplus store in town >I think of all the stuff I ever wanted from this shop >Now I can have it >First I start with the counter >I smash the glass and get the benchmade OTF knife I always wanted, grab a can opener >Next I go for the revolvers >I haven't gave this much thought >But I go for that nice looking S&W .357 with the six inch **** off barrel >move my way to the pistol section >They've got three things I've wanted >A FN five seven, a Deagle and a Beretta 96 >I break the glass and grab all three >I lay them on the countertop and make my way to the bags >Seeing a duffle bag range bad I rip that off the shelf go to the counter and stuff 'em in >Gonna have a whole lot more in the bag soon enough >I look at the rifle rack >G3, Underfolder Yugo, and a 14.5 AR pistol >All go in the bag >**** it >Im taking that UKM59 too >Bags getting quit full >Shit im going to need two bags >Gotta get ammo >.... >Maybe three bags >I go over to the bag, swipe a nice camelback backpack and another duffle bag >I put five 556 ammo cans of greentip federal lake in the duffle bag >And I put a spam can of 7.62 and set a ammo can of .308 ontop of it. >It barely zips up on all three, I heft each one in one go all the way to the car >**** taking two trips im strong enough for one >I then get an idea >No way this store doesn't have NFA Items >I open the sliding door and put the loot down >I gotta go back for the pistol ammo anyway >I check around the store, gripping my previously holstered rifle and looking around the street >Dead silence, nothing going on >People just fuckin vanished >Raptured >or shit idk eaten >might be the later >Devils make their rounds and are as fast as a lightning bolt >Devil bitch must've been working overtime clearing out this town >**** 'em, these people gave me nothing but scorn and shit >She did a damn good thing if you ask me >Might have to give her a beer too >Oh shit I forgot about my ipod gotta listen to something niggerish for this moment >Wait.... >I never had an ipod >I never brought an ipod with my to my hike >This isn't mind >Why did I have an ipod in that mall? >Where did it come from? >Shit gonna have to figure out that one >Im looking at it now >its aluminum back glows and ethereal purple >like those flashes of light that night >How many were there? >Nine >Nine portals >I guess I have seen three of the things brought over >Skinwalker chad >Devil bitch >And the prescient ipod >Thats it! >It plays the right music for the future! >I was going to fight zombies >And it played looming dread! >It practically tells me the future! >OOooooh >Oh man this is good >I grin with a devilish gleam >My cheecks are seperate I bare my teeth in happiness and wonder >This is ******* good >Ok back to the real world >I stuff it in my pocket >And I go back into the store >Crunch crunch crunch >The glass crackles underneath my jungle boots >I look through the shelves >Im going to pick up a new pair of cammies >Abu Tigerstripe, I got an idea for this one >I pick out a Pasgt and a gas mask >Never know when Ill need one >I grab another backpack, a ww2 soviet type of deal and unstring its top >Go over to the counter and stuff 5.7, .50AE and tons of .357 in it >Its chockful of ammo now >I check behind the store shelf in a little room >And there it is, I ignore all other shit >A Cobray M10, Dummy thick silencer with an AR stock and five massive stick mags >All the rest is bullshit compared to this >**** this is my excalibur, I've always wanted one of these Detroit typewriters >I grab it too, quite a handful and get a plastic bag to stuff it in along with several .45 boxes of ammo >I make my way to the Van, open the sliding door and stuff it in as well. >And I stand there, Look over my shoulder still wearing my sweaty balaclava and start to think >I wanna listen to something >I plug in the headphones and I turn it on >I look at the three playlist choices >Love, fight and rest >Hm. >**** it imma choose love >And it plays >Overlord LLL >That song is interesting, I used to watch that on my shitty beat to hell thinkpad >Its still in the van somewhere, I'll probably go on it tonight to see if the internet is kill >Hopefully not, I dont have anywhere near enough anime saved >Shit....I take a seat on the opened slide doors floor >Start tapping my chin looking up to the clear cerulean sky listening to this weeb trash >I dont have enough inforgraphics saved. >I should've saved some of those >Pickings are good now, they might not always be >I have an uneasy feeling that the worst is yet to come >Right off the bat, first encounter I had was with a massive skinwalker. >Second one, a Devilman looking bitch with boobs that could summon zombies and spout infernos from her hands with magic >She had quite a nice pair of boobs >... >I had to think about them for abit >I think I was trying to think that this is no where near the worst that I can encounter now. >Im going to have to lay low somewhere >Driving around is going to cause too much attention >Its loud >Its fast and easily seen >Gotta lay low and hunker down somewhere I can see people way before they see me >I have no idea where that could be, The University downtown has a tall as can be watch tower but theres so many buildings around >Wait thats it >Theres a firetower I sometimes pass by going south along at the edge of sparse woods overlooking cattle fields. >....No that wont do >The cattle are fine now, but they are high value low risk targets and they are prime pickings for skinwalker chan >Or devilwoman chan >hm... >Why am I calling them chan? >I guess its the inner weeb in me trying to sexualize danger >Coronachan, ebolachan, winterchan >That type of stuff >Hm.... >Im still thinking about where to go >Aha! >The lake lodge! >They have this lake where a lot of college kids go to get bitten to no end by horseflies >Massive lodge, plenty of food and remote, The lodge is right in the middle of the a field. >With that I start to pack up, I load up all five magazines I have for the M10 >It takes awhile >I look around every now and then. >Nothing >Creepiest shit there is theres nothing >Not the bark of a dog >Not the sound of car >Momji barks once and It spooks me >"Hey Momji whats going on doggie" >I say, looking in the general direction of the white spitz >It pops its head out then looks at the front of the Van. >Haven't looked there yet >I look out there, cocking the bolt of the M10 and grip it in my right hand holding it by my side >Its probably some stupid shit >Its the Devil bitch >Hm >Shit Im all out in the open >If I shoot this bitch Im ****** >Shit shit >Oh wait why didn't she do that? >...Ok well thats her mistake but gives me the opportunity to try... >Diplomacy? >Well here goes nothing >Shes just standing there with her arm on her hand stanced to one side giving me a peeved look >Why has she not killed me yet >Shoot Im a good shot I landed all my hits center mass right on her massive left ****** >Not bad for shooting in and out of shopping aisles >She looks down at me with green serpentine eyes she has a menacing look with a sharp toothed grin and tensed up expression. >She is not happy I pumped her full of lead >"Theres two things I expect out of men, not to look at my chest while im talking and two not to try and kill me." >.. >What the **** is this bitch doing and why is she being stupid? >"Well, first off those things are massive and are just out for the whole world to see and two bitch you stole my kill I wanted to kill those people." I tell her, raising my left finger at her and death gripping my Mac10 >Shit I dont hope that I have to use this >If she casts her fireball crap she'll torch momji >I like that sassy white doggo >She covers her arms, concealing her nipples from my eyes and looks to her side >"Well....You aren't wrong and I guess I am sorry about that..." >What? >Why is she doing this >She might be trying to get information out of me >"Well I mean go get a shirt or something, I dont know what size you wear but I'd try and XL." I say, pointing to the gunstore with the barrel of my M10 >Ok so I figure this is what she is doing >She got her ass kicked by me and is buttering me up with her feminine looks to get information out of me about this world >Im going by stereotypes here but I've never been wrong for not heeding them >This is purely to get information out of me. >"And yeah no harm no foul its not like you could've known" >She looks at me with a slight glance >"Alright...So we're good then.." >Do not get distracted by those massive ******* and ass. >Shes quite cute, lithe and gracile face. >A fox face? >.... >You retard your unstable ass is going to get us into trouble stay one minded for once. >This is a highly lethal fire blasting zombie summoning Devil woman. >"Yeah do you need help getting clothes."I ask, shes walked over and ducks to get into the surplus store. >She pokes her head out of the door looking innocent enough >"Nah Im good thanks for asking though dude." >I give this some thought >"How are you talking with me now, How'd you learn to speak english so quickly." >I hear grunting as she throws around stuff in the store >"I learned how to glean info from eating the brains of my enemies, its a spell my mother taught me a hundred years ago while I was a kid" She says yelling through the commotion shes causing >... >Ok so this isn't about getting info or whatever. >Wait >So why is she doing this. >That ******* Ipod >Are you kidding me???? >....She likes me? >Why????? >Out of all the people. >Nobodies around >The commotion is quite loud, she yells out that she found the right pair of pants and laughs triumphantly >Shes not my type. >Too tall >And leather bat winged >And fiery red >Though she looks paler >"Hey whys your skin red?" >"HUH?" >The commotion stops >"Yeah my skin changes color depending on my mood and surroundings, usually its red cuz I guess thats just me" >"Interesting." >"Yeah I guess it is for you mortals" >The commotion begins again >I grab the thick suppressor of my Machine pistol and stamp my feet around on the ground >Its been fifteen minutes >The commotion hasn't ended >Is she shopping for clothes? >Why am I waiting around? >"Alright Im just going to go if thats alright with you." >"WAIT HUMAN!" She shouts, the commotion ends >"Alright Im done." >Is she lying? >Clairvoyant Ipod suggests shes in love with me >Or I am with her? >Pfffffh >Nah >"Alright what did you get." >"Black pants, Black hoodie and some of those rothco shirts." >"BUT THESE THINGS DONT FUCKIN FIT" >She walks out, the regular sized and extra large waist pants barely fit >I avert my eyes >This is just obscene >"...I dont look good?" >She sounds legitimately hurt >"No Im sure you do you just aren't my type." >...**** **** **** **** this is bad what am I doing >Dont do this you moron she is one emotional outburst away from torching you and Momji >Do it for Momji >"Whats a type and why am I not your type?" >Bullshit.exe activate! Save my ass! >"Its something that takes time to explain, Its a human thing" >"Oh ok" >Smooth enough >"...Hey whats your name human? We had a nice fight there, you are quite the warrior I've never been injured like that!" >She says that with gusto and elation, does she like me because of that or something else? >...Shit >This is a new world, might as well go with a new name right? >Besides, if I can take on and seduce a demon lady I need to have a cool name >"My name is Psycho" >She leans down and looks at me close to my face "Psycho? Huh. Mortal dont worry if I find your parents I'll kill them for naming you that." >She has beautiful emerald green eyes >Dark crimson hair >I look into them stone coldly unflinching >Dont talk like that bitch I dont care if you got the butterflies for me Ill kill you if you talk about my parents like that. >She darts her gaze to the lower and upper parts of my face and smiles >"Dont worry, I wouldn't do that to ya." >Devil lady leans back up and looks to the right >"Besides it kind of fits you, even though thats not your real name. You're not like other humans thats for sure." >She looks down shining green predator eyes glaring down upon me >"Psychoman" >The deathgrip on my Mac just keeps getting tighter and tighter and tighter >Is this bitch insulting me for my badass name that I came up with on the spot...? >Ok >Its not badass at all, kind cringey >But thats besides the point >Gotta change the subject >"Whats your name Devil lady?" >She struggles to hold back her laughter but eventually bursts into a chuckle >"My name is Sylva, I worked under the Devil smith making armor but that..." >She trails off >"...It gets boring after a century, I had to do something else." >"Kinda got teleported by accident though along with our entire shop so...." >She shrugs and looks at me >"I dunno Im taking it in stride I guess? A vacation is just what I wished for anyway and this place is awesome!" >"Yeah....it sure is...." >Central Florida has nothing but meth, gators and crippling poverty. >Shes in the right area though, all shes gott go is towards the coast. >"Well Sylva its been nice talking with you but I gotta go." I say, turning and closing the sliding door to my van >Momji shat himself in the van >That piece of crap little dog >"NOT so fast!" >She tosses me a black stone >I catch it like a dumbass >Its hot to the touch >But not too hot for me to drop it >Her backs turned to me and shes stretching out her wings >"Just say my name and think of me and Ill be able to talk with ya, I wanna see you around one of these days." >Bitch I might kill you >"Yeah that sounds great, I'll think about it." >"DO IT" She growls, and then tries to pass it off >A very tense silence erupts between then, everything pauses >"Well Im off I got people to eat and a lair to make, Give me a ring when you can." >She stretches out her wings, flaps three times and takes off into the air >"What am I supposed to think about this..." >.... >I gotta clean up the dog crap off my van floormat >At least Momji had the courtesy to poop on that instead of the carpet >A good doggo even when he is a piece of crap >Im not giving him any beef jerky tonight. >Im never feeding momji beef jerky again >That was the foulest dog turd I have ever smelled >Terrible, terrible, terrible foul poops from this dog >Its looking at me with those expecting yet defiant eyes >I've scrapped the turd off with some clothes that Sylva left behind >She tore up that place for clothes that could fit >All the size options and pants in the world >Only the largest could fit her monsterous bottom >I've only fapped to such massive rears >But when I was confronted with them in real life It lost its luster >Well... >Idk about that >why am I thinking about Slyvas ass while wiping dog poop off of my floor mats >..... >How can I think at all at this point? I've been off of my meds for days now >Shits about to get REAL ****** >Lost my job last time that happened. >Took all my willpower not to strangle that dumb bitch in front of the counter >I told her the manager wasn't in and that bitch coped an attitude >Should've knocked her lights out >But Im glad I didn't, each of those opportunities was a time to gain strength enough to control my strength >Triumph of the will or some shit >I let Momji out of the van and he-she is peeing on the torn to shreds extra large rothco shirts >Momji knows where to do his business >It looks at me knowing that he knows I know it knows where to do his business >The dog is reassureing me that this wont happen as long as his needs are met. >It knows what it did and knows it couldn't do its business where it should have >So it has foisted the blame entirely on me >What a intelligent little pooch >"If only you could talk Momji, Im sure you would call me a nigger" >I rub its head and it sticks its tongue out trying to lick my hand >What a cute dog >Alright >time to get a move on >I've reinstalled the floormats and we've set off after loading all the magazines and belts for the looted guns >Time to find a place to shelter in for the night >I see an alley that looks good enough >Still, not a soul in sight >Thats the thing that terrifies me more than anything I've seen so far >Skinwalker and Devil lady didn't do this >What did? >Something with more power than both of them >Cleared the streets >Without a trace >Not their clothes >like they never existed >I enjoy the silence but fear it >Its unfamiliar, Its not meant to be. >I've left myself to my thoughts as I work on getting things ready for tonight, I open the sliding door facing the wall. >Its not enough for me or anything but Momji to get out of and go do his business. >I've taken off my balaclava, sweat clinging to my face >I look into the little camp mirror to shave >My long straight dirty blonde hair thick with sweat >My green eyes seem to glow >Odd >They dont usually do that >I take out the safety razor >Im quite good at shaving now >I've finished my task >A nice, clean shave >Gotta be presentable for the ladies >.... >Now more than ever I guess >Women are giving you more than the time of day now they are giving you their itenerary >Devil bitches love a psychonigga >Well. >Time to go to bed >I take off my clothes and wrap up in the mud speckled sheets >Ill have to clean those up tomorrow >I pull out the laptop, it was underneath the sheets >I open it and I look at my background image >Its.. >Its my parents and my brother >We were so.... >So close... >Why did we have to go so distant? >Why did my brother die? >So young? So young? >Because some bitch couldnt put down her cellphone >Im getting heated >This is why I try and keep this laptop hidden >I cant bear myself to change the background image >Calm >Calm down Calm down >Well >They are gone and so is the person that did it >Gotta thank Devil lady for that one of these days >Shes the real MVP, I guess making her into a zombie would've been better than what I could have done. >I pull out the black stone >Its.... >Its a tamagachi.... >Its a demonic tamagachi with devil ladys face sleeping like a chibi emote >Its kinda cute >I guess this says what shes doing atm? >Well Im not going to disturb her sleep >I gotta curl up and go to bed myself >I've got a long day ahead and I want to be well rested for it >I watch some Record of Lodoss war >Shit why couldn't I have had something more like that happen to me? >Adventuring with a sweet elf woman in ancient ruins? >Sounds like the life to me >Instead im on Gay earth trying to avoid nine foot tall demon women, skinwalkers and whatever caused the people to disappear >I pop four melatonins and take a swig of vodka >Ok >Nap time >I dream as I usually do, in a torrential rain >Raining and raining down upon me >Relaxing, soothing >My only calm >The neverending dream of rain. >Waking up I take a few moments to sprawl out as much as I can, taking in the deep mist air of the morning >Its still dark out, the fog hangs low to the ground >The moist air clings to the skin of my face >Grumbling I rise from my groggy state and reach underneath >Ah.... >A Orange dreamsicle energy drink >Just what I need to start my day >"Where are you Momji...." >My eyes widen >"Where is Momji" >She/he isn't in the van >I gotta get out of bed and look for that dog >I went to bed in my sweat drenched tigerstripe BDUs >Awh gross. >Im going to have to find some place to do laundry >For my clothes and my bedsheets >They are absolutely filthy >Didn't even clean off my bike too >Things were just moving so fast I forgot to clean my stuff off >What a rotten start to my morning >I check my wristwatch >4:03 AM >Exhilirating >Im going to have to look for a little white dog before dawn while watching out for a skinwalker that wants my beer and a devil lady who wants my sperm >Just... >I slap my face repeatedly >Lets do it for Momji >I get up, put on my socks and lace up my jungle boots >Grabbing the Mac10 I left beside my bed I run my fingers along the grip >Man....This thing is trash but I love it. >With its mammoth sized silencer and wack wooden uzi stock its just great >I grab the magazines for it >I dont have a good solution to carry the mags that I have so I just stick them in a backpack for now >Should've got a chest rig that could've fit them while I was at the Military surplus store >...Might carry along the Dissipator anyway >Yeah thats what Ill do >something moves in front of the van and it catches my attention immediately >A green flash across the front window >Couldn'tve been more than three foot tall >I keep looking and there are more green things running around >.....Goblins? >They're carrying something with them >The white head of a dog >......Momji...... >They got Momji..... >My blood begins to boil >Those little gobbo niggers took my cute little dog >I didn't have it for more than a day and a pack of green midget niggers took my dog >Im seeing red >I rush out of the van through the driver seat, pulling back the charging handle as I exit and walk towards them >They are flailing about chanting in their green nigger tongue >Laughing it up at the parts of Momji they butchered to put in their nigger stew >These niggers are going to fuckin get it >"YOU GREEN NIGGER ***** ****** UP!" >I aim down the sights and shoot out the knee caps of the one carrying Momjis blood drenched head >Both of its squat lower legs are deleted, flying off of it >The other two cry out for reinforcements >I shoot both of them in the chest, they dont move after that >The one is trying to crawl into the sewer crate >Trying to escape...? >I bolt over it, shoot back my left leg and punt kick that green shit into the concrete wall >Splat >Green reveals red >Like a bug on a semis grill >I turn over to the other two dead ones and I just start stomping their corpses >First the faces then the chests and then their hands and legs >I dont stop until their mush >Even then I dont stop >Thwack >Thwack >Thwack >Thwack thwack thwack >Eventually I grow tired >I start to look at Momjis head >Yeah >Yeah thats Momji >That cute little dog that I wanted to call my own >My own dumbass fault I guess >Shouldn't have let her out of the van >Should've gone to a place outside of the city >Could've should've would've >It doesn't change that this happened >Not even sure why I am so broken up about it >That cute little dog didn't deserve it >I hear more of them approaching >Seven of them are running towards me in the same direction >Easy pickings, they wont make it anywhere near me in time >I aim down my sights and shoot them down >One....CRACK! >Two....CRACK! >Three.....CRACK! >Four...CRACK! >Five....CRACK! >Six.....CRACK! >Seven....CRACK! >All gone. >I breath heavily >Just looking at that poor little dogs head >Bloody tongue hanging out >"Awh man....My little dog Momji..." >I should've given it beef jerky just one last time.... >Well... >....... >We can't do this right now >I've attracted alot of attention, I gotta get out of here >I run towards the van, grab my keys from my pocket and get in. >It takes awhile to get her started but eventually I do >And I begin to drive >No real particular destination in mind right now >North? South? >Im sure im heading south. >I get a burning sensation in my left rear pocket >Sylva is calling me >Not fifteen minutes after Momji died I get a call from this...Difficult...person??? >Do I call her a person...? >I'll ignore it >I gotta figure out where to go take a break, gotta take my mind off of this. >Can't go to the lake, its too early for that >Can't go to the publix that place is torched >Good Lord knows I shouldn't go to the university >.... >I might take a trip to the library actually >I should pick up some reading material >Some survival manuals or something >Something like that, I always liked reading >Hm.. >Idk I think I should just get laundry duty out of the way >Does the city water even work? >.....Yeah >Yeah I need to take a trip to the lake >I should get used to living like a old days nomad >Doing laundry in the natural bodies of the water >Making bread over a campfire, playing his guitar into the veiled mist of the bayou >"Waltzing matilda, waltzing matilda..." >I sing, not even sure of how that song goes >Yeah I guess I'll go waltzing matilda >So thats where I head off too >I ignore the demon womans calls >She'll just have to deal with it >Call during normal people hours >.... >I guess that doesn't apply to me anyway >Oh well, sorry Sylva you are just gonna have to wait. >I drive off to the beach lake, listening to sabaton as I do >"Osowiec then and again.." >"Attack of the dead, hundred men.." >"Facing the lead once again..." >"Hundred men..." >I stop singing along, I was pounding the steering wheel of my van while doing it >Very...Very autistic >Oh well, its not like theres anyone around to see so who cares? >I roll into the camping site along the lake >Nobodies around >No wait.. >Off in the distance is a beat to death winnebago >Its moldy, the paints stripped and its wood panelling is entirely bleached white >Nobody sane would live in that >Im not sure I would even live in that >Might be nice on the inside though >My attention is directed to the lake >The morning light has started to shine on it >just a glimmer >A sliver of light causes it to slowly shine >What a beautiful sight >The midnight critters chirping, a chorous of natural beauty >God created this land for us Floridians >What a beautiful swamp for us >However >I hear something in the lodge >...Is that. >Caramelldansen....? >My eyes squint >Im not having it >Weebs ruined my wonderful morning with their unsolicited music playing. >Weebs...? >Here....? >Alive...? >The entire city is dead >Why play caramelldansen at 7am in the morning? >Their life license is about to be revoked if it gets louder >It gets louder >Ok here we go >I sling my rifle onto my back and draw out the FN 57 >Sometimes you gotta execute a weeb with a pistol >I make my way to the door, carefully making sure they haven't spot me >I look in the room >They are fat and pudgey neckbeards >They are just laughing and yupping it all up >End of the world, nobodies around and whaddya gotta do? >Clearly, the answer they came up with is to have a extremely homosexual weeb meetup in a picteresque camping site >Looks like they are having fun though, Might just leave them alone and.. >That girl has a penis.. >Theres a visible bulge through that sailor moon costume >Thats not a girl. >... >Ok well now I have to kill all of you now >I kick the wooden door off of its hinges, Looking them dead in their shocked little eyes >"GOD!" >"HATES!" >"FAAAAAAAAAAGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" >I just shoot at them >I dont even aim I just fire in their general direction >The fat one drops down, screeching for his momma >The tranny in the sailor costume drops next, wailing and wailing on the ground rolling >Cant shoot the pistol anymore >I unsling the rifle after hearing their dying sobs and continue to fire into them >Then the scrawny carl the cuck drops, he was crying out in shock of the events happening around them >Then the crying and wailing stops.. >A long pause follows after I have done what I've done >The blood splattered CRT tv just continues to play caramelldansen >I just stare into its blood splashed screen >I chuckle abit nervously >I shoot it last >Sparks fly out and now I can enjoy the silence >Could I just have asked them to turn it down? >...I could've I guess. >... >Shoot I shouldnt have done that >Yeah it was a funny meme thing >But three people are dead in a pile of their blood because of me >What the **** is wrong with me >I notice the mini fridge thats near them >Yes >They better have Dr.Pepper in that fridge >It takes me awhile to get over to where the fridge is >It was at least thirty feet away, the lodges huge central room is thirty feet by seventy feet >It was large enough for weddings and other social gatherings >The university used to rent it out for stuff like that >Well now its the grave for three very autistic people >And I guess my central base for now >I open the fridge >Mt.Dew >They drank the last of the Dr.Pepper >Well >Im not picky >I grab a can and open it >I lift it up and chug the entire thing >Throw the can in their general direction >Lands nearby them >"Sorry about that..." >I really shouldn't have done that... >Well... >Cant get too beaten up about it >Its a rough world and if you mess with a mans morning rise you're liable to... >Die? >Why am I rationalizing this >Didn't even know them but decided to shoot them down >Well >Now I get to do my laundry >The suns shining out, bright as can be >I check my watch >8 am >Better get started with my chores >It takes two trips, moving my clothes and bedding to thelake >I submerge it in water and prepare a dunking station full of laundry detergent I comped from the lodge >I hope this doesn't stain or shrink my BDUs >It does, just a tad but not too much >I see something glisten along the middle of the lake >Like a bright white angelic figure along the surface of the lake >I look to my left and right, grumble abit and then mutter under my breath >"Angels and devils are around these days it seems" >I shout out at it, hopefully it'll get the message >"Im sorry for what I've done!" >I see it turn towards me slowly and disappears >Might've just been a mirage >I splay out my laundry onto the sun chairs >It'll be awhile till they are dry >Just sitting out in my undies for awhile >I take a snooze, I've been fighting and driving for four hours now I deserve some sleep >It takes me back to that never ending dream of rain >Its abit brighter than normal though >I hope thats a good sign >I wake up, the barrel of a gun in my face >A squat old man with a baseball caps grinning at me >"Heya partner dont move or nothin now but are ya human?" >I squint my eyes in discontent >Maybe he is blind >"Yeah Im human alright" >"Were ye the one that took out those damn commie cuckos out in that lodge there?" >Theres abit of a pause >Might as welll answer truthfully >"Yes in a matter of a fact that was me, thats my handiwork." >The oldtimers breathes a sigh of relief >"Those little shits have been playin that music all night for weeks now, no matter how much yellin I did they'd just turn it up louder and louder." >Hes clearly not happy that it ended up this way >"Doesn't give me a right to do what I did pops." >he looks around at the ground, hunched over clearly thinking about that >"No I suppose it doesn't." >He moves the barrel out of my face, still lost in thought. >"Dont suppose you are a coffee drinker? I got a brew goin your welcome to join me for breakfast." >Turns out the winnebago is his >In contrast to the exterior, the interior was very well kept >Old timey fashion, the sort of stuff you see if you visit your old folks >Hes got a desk with all sorts of papers and.... >Pinned bugs? >This guy is a entomologist, hes got a ton of pinned Florida bugs on the walls along the desk >One of my neighbors as a kid was one of them >Quirky guy >I sniff the air and I smell it >That beautiful scent of Cuban coffee >The oldmans still hunched over, hes got a bad back in his old age >Licks his lips everynow and then >Shoot.... >"Hey sir, where do you mind if I sit?" >Gotta be all proper like, I tend to mind my manners around the elderly >He licks his lips once again, looking around >"Right there on that sofa will be fine enough youngen." >I walk over and take a seat, resting the rifle along the back of the passengers seat. >"So...You've got alot of bugs pinned up, I reckon thats all the bugs that you've caught in your years." >He faintly smiles and chuckles briefly >"Not even close feller, I used to have quite the collection" >I see his eyes sulk back from their moment of glee >He goes back to making sandwiches >Roast beef and swiss on white bread >"I forget to ask if ye wanted a sandwich, I dont suppose you'd say no?" >"I would love one, thank you sir." >He begins to poor the coffee into two mugs and sets them on platters >First he carries over mine and I take it from him after quite the wait >He goes to grab his platter >And then I hear him say something that shook me to the core >"I know what took those people out in the streets youngin, thats what I want to talk with you about." >Shivers go down my spine >What? >... >"Are you for certain?" >His entire look changes, the loose skin on his face tightens and his face goes rigid >"Without a doubt." >Hes taken a seat opposite to me, on a leather recliner >"But first lets say grace." >After awhile of clasping my hands and trying to play along He takes the first bite and I follow shortly >I take a sip of the coffee >Its.. >Incredible >And incredible brew of cuban coffee >So rich >I take a bite of the sandwich, its bland in contrast but Im not complaining >Might want to ask about that bombshell he dropped on me >He knows what took the people out in the streets >"Old timer...You were saying something about knowing what took the people off of the streets a moment ago" >I caught him in the middle of taking a sip of coffee >His eyes light up and he quickly puts the mug down >"Righto...." >He moves the platter off of his lap and gets up with as much haste as he can >He moves over to his desk with the pinned bugs and motions me to come over and take a look >"Somethings happened to the love bugs here, they've changed into something different.." >I look over and he has a set of magnifying glasses set over a normal one and another pinned lovebug >he takes out a metal pointer and starts to point to the mandibles and starts spouting out science crap I have a hard time following >"I didn't catch any of that sir, whats goin on with the love bugs?" >"They've evolved overnight youngin." >He tries to snap his fingers but fails in doing so >"I picked this sample up after a massive swarm of them took a couple that started to get frisky on the beach" >Theres a certain shock in his eyes >"Took their flesh right off of their body, they were gorging themselves until their thoraxes burst but there were so many of em they just ripped the flesh right off of them." >Theres a certain stillness in his eyes as he pauses to recount the details. >"Took almost half an hour, I've never seen anything like that, that ain't natural, the Alaskan mosquitoes do that too moose sometimes but they'll take hours to ensanguinate their host" >He looks around the desk. >"We'll need to put a stop to them before they can become entrenched, they'll have a new wave out in four days, they breed fast and only the cold or molds kill'em." >He opens a drawer and pulls out a vial >"Beauveria bassiana" >"Beavera bassinna?" I ask >He shakes his head >"This parasitic fungus will knock them dead, this is what cuts back their numbers and prevents them from swamping the state entirely in a black cloud." >He trails off, pondering in thought >"If we can crop dust the entire area with bassinna we'll have cut down these upstart killerbugs enough for the time being. We'll have to do this for several months until the native bug populations totally destroyed just to be sure." >I give this some more thought >Those things cleared out the entire town! >What did all the people that I've seen have in common? >They were inside or not people at all >Skinwalker bro might be in trouble. >I'll have to tell Sylva >"From what I know about mushrooms you'll need to propagate them somehow, you are talking about spraying the area with hundreds of pounds of spores for months." >He waves his hands... >"Might've been abit hyperbolic, two or three passes should be fine enough." >He goes back to his seat on the lazyboy and slumps back down...taking a moment to take a sip of his coffee and starts talking again. >"You'd have to be the one to do it youngin, I reckon the world out theres changed for the worse." >"What would I have to do Oldtimer?" >"Get to the Mycologists section in the university, use all the agar that they have and grow a culture of bassinna, scrape off the mycelium until you have enough to spray every part of this city." >I give this some thought >Sounds like it'll take too much time >"Alright Oldtimer, whats in it for me...." >He gives me a look >"Hm......" >Hes losing himself in thought again and then.. >theres a spark in his eyes >"Theres a hoard of collections at the university, I know where they are and I know they've got some valuable stuff hidden away." >My right eyebrow raises >"Like....?" >"Native Gold, Mayan injun gold that shouldn't be here and a map of the places we've yet to dig in." >"One of my archaeologists friends was talking about it awhile back." >For some reason, this is enough to motivate me >Im not so much interested in going on a indiana jones adventure for that type of stuff but Gold is good enough of a reason for me >And maybe theres some other cool shit in the universities collection >"Sounds good enough for me old timer." >I warf down my sandwich and chug the coffee. >Better waste no time if theres a new wave every four days >"Here...Catch." >He throws a spray bottle at me >I dont catch it and it lands on my finished plate >"What the shit old man?" >"Its DEET, ol' fashioned bug juice, good ol' max strength stuff. That stuff will ward them off..." >Should've just handed it to me like a normal person old man. >"Alright well I best be on my way, I got a swarm of super locusts to kill." >This triggers the autism of the old bug nerd >"They aren't locusts, they're march flies, totally different thing" >Hes getting really annoying really fast. >Alright >Well >Think of the treasure >And think of more stellar cuban coffee >"Well alright, I best be off I got Super lovebugs to kill." >"Thats the spirit youngin! Do it for America!" >He raises his fist in support >I sling my rifle, pick up my dishes and put them in his sink >And go out of that mobile home into this new world with a mission >Wait >hold on >Its like one of those stupid RPG games >I started a quest >Quest: Attack of the Hatebugs started >Yes...YES YES YES YES >I got it all figured out in the back of my head >Yes....This is gonna be alright with me >I like this, I got a drive a focus a mission >Yeah. >IMMA ADVENTURER! IM THE MC IN THIS ANIME! >My thoughts are racing and I feel ecstatic with this revelation >Shit...Its one of those timed quests >Gotta complete it as soon as possible to get the good reward >Hm....Might be time to call the demon woman. >Shes a tech nerd, she'll be great to have for help >... >Shes more and more not my type >Wait.... >What type? Why do I say that shes not my type? >Just accept that a nine foot tall demon woman loves you >I stand there on the gravel campground parking lot, thinking about that >I hear the old man humming along in his hermits camper >Doing the dishes, giddy as can be >Must think in that hoarse voice of his "Golly jee, I've found a friend in that youngin!" >I chuckle alittle >Yeah >Yeah I like that old man hes my friend, Hes not wrong to think that >I dunno about that >Past aphrensions come flooding back >I keep thinking, I've never had such a friend >Its unfamiliar to me, closest thing was my brother >Cant think about him, Ill do my best not >Ill break down and cry, like I always do >Time, time to go do something else >Set my mind at peace and give it some rest >I know. >Ill check up on my laundry >Im wearing my spare clothes >Sun bleached denim jeans, ragged along the boot cut trim and splatter with oil stains and paint >My matching hoodie >Its my construction job clothes >One of the three pairs of clothing I own >Three? >Yeah... >I just own three pairs of clothes >I better go check on my more useful pair of clothes >The vietnam tiger stripe cammies and my bed shee... >No.... >No I own four pairs of clothes >I nicked off those ABU tigerstripe cammies from that surplus store >If I wanted to now I can own as many pairs of clothes as I can stuff in the van >..... >I could be as rich as I want to too, I could loot a bank right now and pilfer the cash >as much good as that'll do me its nice to think about at least >Well I've kept myself thinking my thoughts all this time >I've long since treaded that smooth forest grass, padded by pine needles >I walk along the smooth lake sand bank, I prod the clothes to see if they are done >Good enough I reckon >Only slightly damp to the touch >The bedsheets and cammies are clean enough >No stench, no stains on the cammies >The sheets have been slightly stained by the tannin rich lake >Rivers and lakes of sweet tea >In a land of Fantasy and wonder >Gone, the Florida of Poverty and strife >Hello, the New brave Florida of Sweet tea lakes >Of course >The lake is not made of sweet tea, only the appereance of it is that of sweet tea >.....Such as it is with this new world >The lake stays the same >The world hasn't changed, its just been added to >I've been thinking about that as I pack my van and put on the sheets of my bed >Lookin around the van I see some white hairs of my short lived pet >That cute little dog.... >What could have been >Im going to have to let it go man >Can't keep adding onto stuff to link to you brother >I gotta realize that its not all about him >Still >Still I will think its all about him >Why cant I let it go? >Its been years now since hes gone >Maybe Sylva will know what to do >Maybe the Ipod will give me a sign, that it'll all be better soon >Maybe that angel I saw on the lake, shining and shimmering will take it all away >Maybe I can do it >Finally live my own life >Is that selfish? >I'm all ready now, Im sitting in the front seat with the keys on the ignition. >Long since dressed up in my new tigerstripe BDUs, my Mac10 rested inbetween the seat and the door >I've just been sitting here, looking out the front windowscreen >Lookin at nothin but my own thoughts, >I pilfer through my left pocket and touch the Tamogachi >Maybe a woman can help me heal >A nine foot tall demon womans gotta have a couple of solutions for this problem >You know I just say that she is a woman >Real devils ain't like her, they dont got anything good about them >.... >Im starting to warm up to her as time goes on and I think about her >Well I'll give her a ring >I look at the screen >Her little eight bit render is dressed in a maid outfit dusting furniture >I Squint my eyes and lurch my face closert to the screen of the darn thing trying to figure this out >Does this mean shes decorating her lair? >Does this mean shes cleaning up her house? >Could mean all sorts of stuff >Might not want to disturb her if she is doing chores. >Idk I've never been a courteous fellow >Except around the elderly >Gotta be >I clutch it and start pressing the only button on the thing rapidly >The Eight bit figure looks shocked and actually jumps and then I hear Sylva speak through the lavastone tamagachi >"Oh heeey Psychoman, hows it goin? Finally decided to give me a ring..?" >"Its only been like fourteen hours if that Sylva..." >She gasps "You remembered my name tooo?" Im not sure if this is teasing or happiness >Could be both, I dont really know her >But I'll give it the benefit of the doubt >I could use somebody to talk too >"Yes Im not too good with remembering peoples names, count yourself lucky I guess." >She snickers and laughs cackling >"Well Im most certainly honored Psychoman!" She puts emphasis on the a in man, as if to emphasize that I am human. >Is that mocking or flattering? >"Well hey, I'd like to come over sometime. I figured I'd like to see what type of interior decoarting you devils do in Hell." >... >"....I've read up on your mythologies Psycho, If you think I am one of those things you call Devils you're mistaken." >Is she hurt because of what I said? >"I was under the assumption you were, thats why I lit you up in walgreens." >She goes back to her playful tone of speech >"Yeah you shot pretty good back there." >Nervous >Shes nervous but she wants to see me anyway >Why, she knows what type of person I am. >She knows that but wants to see me anyway, risking her life to see me? >I gotta be on my best behaviour, Sylva the devil lady is quite devout for.... >She said she isn't one of those biblical devils, I'll have to figure that one out >Not good to believe things that look like Devils at their word >..... >Can I say that I am better then one of them? >Compared to her, she killed people in a shopping center for what must've been some necessary reason >To set herself up I guess In an unfamiliar world >Where as I? >I gun down what I want on my own whims >For fun, sport and cheap laughs >And I probably will continue doing so >Whos the devil here? >"Hey Psychooooo?" >"Whaaa yeah what?" >I catch myself in the middle of zoning out, gotta stop doing that >"Were you zoing out...?" She asks with confusion in her voice >"Yeah I do that sometimes." >She sighs, disgruntled and apparently peeved at hearing that >"You are talking with an eight foot eleven smoking hot winged girl and your minds on something besides her?" >"Yeah I was thinking about anime, trying to think about something like you." >Not sure why I lied there, shouldnt've done that >"Whats anime, is that a human thing that I should know about..." >I pause again, I feel my eyes bulge slightly out of their sockets >She doesn't know what anime is? >Yeah I guess I gotta go on a date with a giant demon woman and show her the wonders of anime >Perfect, master plan with no room for error. >I think I got just the anime in mind too >"Yeah tell me where to go Im heading over right now." >Her voice cracks "R....Right NOW?" >I answer back yes with gusto and vigor, turning the keys to my van >The engine roars to life as I shift it into gear, before rolling off the road I take a look at the screen >I see a frantically moving Maid sylva rapidly dusting counter tops and a fire side mantle >This tall red skinned woman loves you, you psycho man you. >A wide grin covers my face >things are pretty cool in this new world >I drive out of the lake campground, Sylva frantically shouting a description of the area around her... >It takes awhile but I make out the directions of where to go and how >Shes set up shop at the closest thing to a castle nowadays >Shes carved herself up a lair in the school for the blind, that place is built like a fortress >Long narrow winding road in, surrounded by chain link fences and a moat >It must've been made for the blind children of wealthy people >Place is a brick walled fortress >"Alright give it two or three hours thats a ways off" I say, thirty minutes into my pilgrimage to the comfort of a red skinned vixen >"PERFECT!" she yells through the tamagachi. >Im rolling out of the city and onto the empty freeway >The desolace >The terrible terrible empty desolace >Naught a soul around >Naught a sign of life >oh wait >A coyote just crossed the highway >I've parked along the highway exit >looking left >looking right >What is this world that we live in now >I dont see a thing, where is everyone? >Maybe things are better down south >Maybe there are people around south >I see the culprits looming off into the distance yonder >Hatebugs flashing bright red like laser boresights >They are feasting on the carcass of a deer >Stripping it to the bone >The yotes tail is tucked between its legs >Does it know its about to die? >Thinking about the yote leads me to think about the skinwalker >How is he or she doing? >Whats that tall lanky furfag up to? >Did he get taken by the swarms of them? >He seemed well mannered enough >Despite giving me chase he did calm down after I gave 'em a beer >And that was right after skinbro getting torched by Sylva >I hope that friendly skinnies doing alright >I wonder how hes doing? >I should really get back into the van >I remember what that old hermit said >Those things are no better than lovebugs as long as you are in the car >I should get in the Van >Nah >Not quite yet, I remember that I have a pack of camels in my pocket >Turkish Silver, Smooth as can be >I pull one out and place it inbetween my lips through the balaclava >I light with my zippo and take a long drag of it >Looking at the Hatebugs make minced meat of the deer >Seems they've spotted the yote >The yotes yapping, apparently they've caught up to him >Hes bleeding alittle but runs like the wind into the rough bush along the side of the road >I see his ears pop out along the empty farm land scurrying along >Theres dead cows out in those fields >large blood splotches in a otherwise green field >The mutant lovebugs made short work of them >I should follow through with that quest the oldman gave me >Those things are apocalyptic >I squint my eyes and look off into the distance >Just as I thought there are cars backed up along the road >All lanes backed up with cars >The trip would've taken an hour and thirty minutes at max >But Ill be travelling on the median >And who knows what else I might have to deal with while out there on the road >The Hatebugs are the chief of my worries >But thats just one thing, thats staying local for now >Who knows whats out there >First Im going to have to get through this living minefield >They shouldn't be too bad as long as they stay on the outside >What I am worried about is something coming along and compromising the windshield >Or getting a flat >Or busting an axle >Im going to have to go about this calmly >This is gonna suck **** >I make my way to the van enter it and slam the door >I start her up and pull out the Ipod >Hm.... >Lets see what the orcale has to say about this situation >I turn it on and it has one album open >"Slow and steady" >Well, I didn't need your help anyway I knew thats what would be best. >It plays that terrible, terrible boomer song that I have come to dread >Slow ride by Foghat >how revolting >I shift into drive and I take it at an easy pace of 40mph >Fine >******* fine >I wanted to blitz on over and get this stretch of road done with >I am still tempted to ignore myself and the ipod and just bolt through >At least until the backed up traffic along the highway >I hit a swarm of Hatebugs with the front of my Van >It coats my windshield with specks of blood and their black carcasses >I turn on the windshield and just continue on driving >The music keeps playing >I thump the steering wheel, trying to bear through it >Eventually I just chuck the ipod into the passenger seat floor >**** that boomer shit, I pull out my phone and put on some stalker tunes I ripped from youtube >(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Atm0GwWs6lw&t=63s&ab_channel=kingofratkings) >And then, I see it >Skinwalker bro, bloody and tired looking >Shit he is hurt bad >Hes aways off and looking off into the distance >I honk my horn to get his attention >He lurches his head toward the sound of the noise >And collapses onto the pavement >Tries to get his footing >And fails >Im almost their skinwalker bro I am two minutes away >I pull over right by him and park my van >Getting out of the car the smell hits me almost immediately >.... >I just did my laundry too >**** it, this guy was friendly enough >Maybe we can be friends after this...? >Having a skinwalker friend couldn't hurt >Or he could eat me >... >Nah >"Not doing so hot huh....?" I question him, rushing over to open the back hatch and gesturing him to get in >Hes looking at me and chuckling >"Tttthaaaaaanks!!!" He says in that drawn out cackling tongue >"Im sure you would've done the same." I roll my eyes as I blurt that out >I look around left and right >No bugs insight >No telling how long that'll last >They already got to him once >And he reeks of blood and unwashed skinnie odor >An absolutely terrible stench, like a thousand skunk anal glands thrown into a blender >"You are going to have to take a shower when we get to where we're heading." >He can't lift himself up, So I do my best to drag him by his right arm to the back of the van >From there he tries to climb in and I push him further and further into the van >His blood is going to stain my new ABU cammies >And more than likely it'll stain everything in the van >I finish stuffing in his left leg and struggle to close the back van doors on him >Bloods everywhere >He might die anyway >Why am I doing this? >I guess I dont have a reason >**** it I gotta get back into the van >I rush over getting into the van and slam the door behind me and drive onward to our destination >"Hey bro what music do you like to listen to?" >Does he even know what music is...? >He is huffing and puffing >And stinking up the van >I turn on the AC >And before I start off I look through my phone to play something >Forces, Susumu Hirasawa >Perfect >As I set off and near the backed up vehicles I look over my shoulder >He clearly enjoys the music >His yellow eyes look at ease >"Hey you like beer dont you? Underneath the bed some more of that beer I chucked your way just the other day" >His eyes light up, and he moves his hand over, rooting through my stuff with it before finally finding the beer can >He pulls the tab and starts fountaining the entire thing into his mouth. >What have I done.... >I'll have a drunk, dying skinwalker thats going to stain my entire van red with his blood >Im pretty sure my other clothes were right next to the beer as well >I hope Sylva has a laundromat in her fortress >Speaking of which..... >I should give her a call >I pull out the tamagachi and press the button >Awh shoot I should've checked the screen first >She's sleeping... >At 11am...? >Pathetic >Shes not answering >I try it again >**** I need something to take my mind off of the stink ass skinwalker right next to me >"HEY SYLVA ANSWER YOUR FUCKIN PHONE*" I yell >The 8bit rendition of her launches out of her >I think it hits the cieling? >She has a endearing look on her face though >Not at all angry, more surprised >I guess she doesn't expect me to be too chatty >"He...Hey Psycho hows it going? You caught me sleeping, whats up?" >I look through my rearview mirror and see the chest of the skinwalker moving up and down as it exhales and inhales >"Im bringing over a friend who uh.....Is quite....Furry?" >Sylva pauses for a moment >"It better not be who I think it is." >.... >Maybe? >"Yeah I saw this huge wolfman thing bleeding on the highway and I decided to help him out" >Sylva is clearly not happy about this >She is fuming >Grinding her teeth if I am hearing things right >"...Would it be too much to ask to drop him off on the side of the road poodle woodle bear?" >Bitch I dont even know you, Dont poodle woodle bear me >"Look he just needs some beefjerky and to rest up for awhile you dont even need to see him" >Sylva sighs >"Fiiine" >I think I hear her say "The things I do for love" under her muted breath but im not too sure about that >"Thank uuuuuuu" >A pause lasts for a couple of minutes >I move over to the side of the road and slow down to 30mph >The backed up cars are just sitting their >Their engines are still going, but theres no people inside >Nor any bloody splotches where people would be >Just.... >Just a bunch of cars idling together with no master >Weird >I drive past the first cluster slowly >Still on the median >"Hey I know I said that it'll be about two to three hours but it might be abit longer as theres abit of traffic." >The Devil woman behind the tamagachi sighs again >"...How much longer do you think it'll take..?" >I give this some thought, I run over a large mule deer that was on the side of the road >Babump >The skinwalker jolts up and down >He wails in pain for a few seconds >"What was that?" Sylva asks >"That was the skinwalker..." >"Oh..." >Another pause of silence, Forces is still playing in the background >"uh......So how long is it going to be Psycho?" >"Give it an extra thirty minutes, I'll see if I can't speed things up." >"Okey dokey! Hey...uh...What human food do you like?" >Human food? As opposed to...? >"Hm....I could use a burger or five I haven't eaten a solid meal in a couple of days" >Well thats a lie, I ate a meal with the old timer >But I really need to eat more, Im starving >The beefjerky isn't going to last >The skinwalker found it and hes just tearing off the packages and dumping the contents into his mouth >Hes almost drunk all the beer too >What a animal >I should've left his ass on the road >I hear Sylva squee in the background >"Oh thats one of the few human foods I think I can make!" >I hope she hasn't been killing and eating anymore peoples brains >.... >What a woman >I am really starting to warm up to her >"Well you have plenty of time to figure it out, I'll be there when I be there." >"Alrighty roooo! Talk to you then psychooooman!" >Sylva said that with the utmost glee in her voice before she hanged up >I think this might be just another case of a foreigner coming over to a new land and hooking up with the first man she sees >I dont see how she could form such a desire for me in this short of time >I'll have to think about this alittle more some other time. >I look over to the left, into the interiors of the cars backed up bumper to bumper >Somethings not right about this >I slow down to a halt >And look into the interior of the car right next to me >Theres a thin wisp inside the vehicle >floating in the drivers seat >I look right at it >Is that a ghost? >I see its eyes >They look back at me >They are full of fright >And then, they just look forward again >That must've been the driver of the vehicle >Is it trapped in that vehicle? >What the **** is going on here? >I look to the front and then to the back >This stretches on for miles >This happened to everyone on the road. >Miles and miles >I look into the interior of all of the vehicles I can >The same..The same..The same.. >The same..The same..The same.. >Its the same all along the stretch of the highway >cars backed up bumper to bumper as far as the eye can see >Ghost drivers along a soulless highway >I am the only soul alive... >Well >Except this idiot beast thats still managing to stink up my Van >I let my foot off the brakes and continue driving along this lonesome stretch of road >Not a man >Not a man >Not a man along this lonesome stretch of road >Well >Let us go along this lonesome road to where our hearts desire lies >Hearts desire? >... >**** >I gotta stop going into poet mode >I get like this whenever this type of shit happens >This continues for awhile >Hours of passing by disembodied spirts trapped in cars >Not a sign of life >The skinwalker farts once and I roll down the windows in desperation an hour back >I might kill him >Eventually, I reach my destination >Good ol' St. Aug >Oldest settlement in North America. >St. Augustine Burns as did Hawthorne and Palatka burned >However the inferno is multitudes greater than those two towns. >A beautiful city torched alight, concealing smog covering >Sometimes, the beautiful cerulean sky pierces through the smoke >Its burning and burning >The Minarets of Flagler college are broken >Theres screaming in the smoke covered air >This is hellish >I dont even know what the fire could be started from >How could it be sustained? >Where is its source? >I see some hints of it, It took me fifteen minutes to drive closer to see the cause of it. >The shell of an oil tanker dropped down from the heavens >Several of them, One in the middle of Flagler College >The other somewhere off into the distance >Near vilano beach? Along the northern coast for sure >Another along Vilano beach >They've been burning for quite awhile >The south is fairly untouched >Anastasia Island is intact >The school for the blind is upwind of the burning oil tanks >I hope those kids are safe >I hope Sylva didn't kill them >I dont think she would, but I dont exactly know her >Oh no >No no >Theres something I have to check on >Its right next to Flagler college >I used to go there as a kid with my brother >I hope its still around! >Maybe later though.... >I have to deal with the skinwalker in the back >"Hey Skinny." >I give him a good thump on the head >he reacts to it snapping his jaws at me >"Thats no way to treat someone who rescued you" >I look around the streets as I hear gunfire erupt in the general area I was heading towards >Pausing for awhile, driving slowly as I look around >I wind my bloodsoaked van through the trashed cars >I look at open windows, broken street vendor windows and alleyways >looking for someone with a gun or some fantasy refugee with something that would ruin my day >"Skinny we're almost there so you are going to have to wake up soon." >He continues his annoying snoring >Snoring, smelly, disgusting and drinks all my beer >Why have I not shot him yet? >"ttthaaaaannkkkzzz dooood" gutturally belched out as he slobbers more on my vans carpet >I am going to have to go car shopping with the demon lady >This Van is totally ruined >Well price wont be any object but we'll have to find something that can fit herself and myself in >... >Am I thinking up fantasies of her and I driving a mobile home? >Was that what I was going for >Oh yeah the skinwalker said something >"Yeah yeah dont mention it." I say waving it off >If I could be honest skinny, you are a colossal pain in my ass >Hopefully he/she makes up for it by being a good cook or helpful around Sylvas compound or something >That might be too much to ask from a seven-eight foot wolf man >The gunfires started back up >I see little green men open a manhold as they dive in >Just evaded those goblins >Goblins.... >I really hate Goblins >Those green bastards >Little dog eating shits >Little green nigger asian ***** >They killed my Momji dog >I'll have to take care of them as soon as Sylva and I get rid off the Hatebugs >Im sure she'll be able to help out >She was a magitech technician or something like that >I swore she said something about that... >No wait... >She was a "armorer" or whatever >Did I waste this trip for help that wasn't ever available? >Do I even want to get rid of the hatebugs? >I'll have to think about that one tonight >I try and keep my mind focuses just on driving Mr.stankwalker to the School for the blind and deaf >Hopefully everyone there is dead or can't smell >The stench could kill those cripple kids >Well thats a risk I am going to have to take >Im pulling into the School parkinglot now. >Its a large compound >Why, sylva decided to setup shop here is a mystery to me. >Maybe this is just a temporary location? >Who knows >I see her red faced bent forward pressed into the glass looking at me as I pull in >How adorable >Almost worth the several hour trip with a stinking bloody massive useless dog >Almost.... >I open the car door and breathe fresh air >I sling my Mac10 and start to slowly wave my hands up in the air >"Sylva I got a dog here just for you!" >The cute face in the window turns to a vicious scowl >Fangs barred and brows scrunched in anger >Oh she is not happy. >I shouldnt've done this she looks really mad >I hope she isn't too mad at me >The door slams open, the glass breaks off the door as it smashes into the window smashing it as well >Oh jeez oh God oh no what have I done. >I run around to the passenger seat and grab my backpack >I check it for my computer >Oh thank God its there >She might torch my Van and thats the only thing I really need in there >Oh no I have like thousands of rounds of Ammo in there... >Oh no oh no oh no >I see her walking towards the van with her fists clenched and wings scrunched up and termbling >Is she wearing a dress? >A sun dress no less? >What would possess her to wear something like that? >"Hey Sylva....So fair warning I just wanted to help him out he was bleeding on the road and being the nice and noble person I was I had to help him" >I smile with the utmost bullshitting I have >I thought about killing him myself but I really want to keep the van >I have all the guns in the van >And all my gear >And a picture of my brother. >Thats not in my backpack >I have to stop her from doing something like that >She still has a snarling scowl on her face >"That thing attacked me when I was weak..." >As opposed to when I attacked you in the supermarket? >What is this bitch on about... >"Well I did shoot you, right through your heart." >The grimace on her face fades for abit >Is that.....Realization....? >"Oh yeah..." >....But she goes back to being angry anyway >"....Only cute boys are allowed to try and kill me..." >Well that is quite the development >She thinks im....Cute >.....Bitch Im handsome! What do you mean Im cute Im.... >Shes waltzed over to the back van doors >I should've not been thinking so much >I can only hope that she doesn't torch the va.... >Shes charging up >Shes charging up her fire blast thing she aimed at me in the supermarket >I gotta think of something or the picture of my brother is scorched >And we all perish in the mass of richocheting bullets in the van >"Dont torch the van! I brought you a gift too!" >She stops her spell casting and looks over me with a look filled with gratitude >"Awh what did you get me???" >Shes doing the thing that little girls do, clutching their two fists together and holding it to their chest >Bullshit.exe activate you infernal program! >"I got a gun for you, I thought it would be kinda of poetic considering I shot you through the heart with mine." >....Is that really the best I got....? >I need to work on my BS that was.... >She fell for it >Shes looking all cutesy eyed at me.. >Im not too sure what to make of this >Shes really eating it up >Its not exactly a lie but.... >Idk >"Ooooh! I cant wait to see what it is!!!" >Shes rubbing her face with her still clenched hands >Very...Very cute... >"Yeah....Its probably underneath the skinwalker so we'll have to get him out of the vehicle and...." >Shes grabbed the skinwalker by the ankles... >What are you planning on doin.... >Oh no shes going to yeet him isn't she? >"Sylva...Please baby dont do that...." >"Do what?" She says with a smug grin >I am powerless to stop it >Shes pulled him out >I stand in awe as she twirls the drunk and bloodied skinwalker around >Shes ruining her sundress, its covered in specks of skinwalker blood >And finally she throws him off into the woods >He lands in a tree >I hope he is alive >I hope in vain >No way he is alive >Im just staring off into the area where the skinwalker should've landed >Hoping for some sign of life >Sylva taps me on the shoulder >"Soo Psychoooooo? Whats my preseeeeent?!?!?!?" she says full of expectation and happiness >What she just did had no effect on her whatsoever >Hm.... >Yeah she can have the UKM >Why not? >I crawl into the bloodied, gorey mess of my van and root around ofr it. >The guns and the UKM were underneath the one spot that wasn't crushed or bloodied >And that was underneath my bed >....Im going to have to shack up with Sylva aren't I? >I grab it and the other sack o' guns out of the van >Looking back into the van it looks like a bleeding wound >The cieling is dripping blood >The entire thing is just.....Done >My bike >My guitar >Crushed by that drunkass skinwalker >Why did I tell him about the beer? >Why did I rescure his ass? >Speaking of which where is he. >I look out in the area that he was yeeted >I see him looking back at me >The drunk turd is just smiling at me >....With his thumbs raised up >I flip him the bird >Sylva is staring into the orange smoke filled sky >With a creepy smile on her face >I pull out the valuables that aren't damaged >The guns, the tigerstripe cammies, My brothers picture, My converse, My jungle boots and that purple glowing oracle ipod >Im going to have to talk with Sylva about that >I look back at her as I unzip the Bag of guns that holds the UKM >Shes still staring into that smoke filled sky smiling >....Does it remind her of home? >I dont know where her kind lives. >Yeah I should ask her about that >"Does it remind you of home Sylva?" I ask >She looks over at me with a glum face >"Im not like those that you call Demons Psycho." >She really does not like me asking about anything that has to deal with what she looks like. >And it really seem it hurts her heart >More than my bullets ever could have done >Does she understand where I am coming from though? >.... >I shouldn't press this issue further >I clench my teeth and **** my head back >Well I better not make the nine foot tall beautiful woman sad >Shes a dear even if she is a winged demon >"Hey Sylvaaaaaaaaa...? Wanna see your gun?" >Her Green eyes light up and a smile erupts on her once morose face >"oooooh I do! I do!" >"Well here it is!" >I uncover the UKM and hoist it towards her >She smacks the sides of her cheeks and looks at it with glee >Her beautiful shining eyes are gazing at it with love and care >"OOooooooh its just my size toooooo!" >She lifts it up to the sky triumphantly by the handguard and stock >"YES YES YES! ITS SO COOL ITS SO COOL!" >"Im going to have to show you how to use it sometime, right now I want to rest up." >She stares at me with a cute pouting expression. >Shes not stopping it >"Look I've just seen some shit that I never thought in my life I would see and I really could use a beer and a couch to crash on." >I shoulder the bag full of guns and the bag full of ammo, they both hit my backpack with the pistols, the dissipator and Mac10 are slung over my neck now >Im a strong man but I can only carry this type of shit for so long >"Sylva show me to your lair." >Her face shoots up electrified shocked, then settles for an absolutely devilish gleam >"Right this way....Psychomaaaan." Theres a certain giddiness in her voice >Oh no this might be one of those devil cultural things that I have NO clue about >Or is this some woman only thing? >...Or maybe its both? >Thoughts for later, I have to concentrate on getting this shit to where im going to crash >Im following her pounding footsteps >And that massive ass >This gives me all the energy I need to follow her to where she is taking me >Hopefully I can just sleep, I would love to get up all in that >But not right now Im too ******* tired >..... >....She shaved her legs >Or burnt off the hair on her legs >She doesn't have hooves she has normal feet now too >...Maybe its something she can change....? >Look I want to sleep then clean my guns >the dissipator and Mac need to be cleaned through and through >And I gotta wipe the blood off of all the guns including the UKM >That stuff can be nasty to clean off and can pit the metal >Not to mention gunk up the internals and stain the wood >....My woods going to be stained tonight >Blood red? >....Gross, thats a gross thought Psychoman >...Im calling myself psychoman now? >Its just Psycho... >"Psychooooo!" Sylva draws out with the utmost cheerfulness, her hands opening the door to a gymnasium as a courtesy >Shes bowing her head to me for some reason >Maybe its a devil thing >I just dont know >I nod my head to her, huffing and puffing and covered in blood >"So this is your lair?" I ask, Looking around dropping the bags of guns and ammo along the walls near the door >"yuuuuuuuuuuup!" Shes skipped around to be infront of me and stretches out her arms as if to display the spectacle >"Taa daaa!!!" >She did a real good job, She must've removed a good amount of the lights in the gymnasium >Its much dimmer than it should be, In the center of the gymnasium are three beds made into a rectangle. >Six queen sized mattresses, Shes made a brick wall around them to keep them from moving apart >I guess she really likes to stretch out >I mean, if you can live like royalty why not right? >Shit >Its been a REAL long time since I slept in a bed >In a proper bed, with fluffy pillows and soft blankets >Shes made the bed on each one of them >Scarlet red sheets like her skin >Lots of white blankets >I count at least thirty massive pillows Arranged along the sides and the back side. >It seems its a work in progress, she has some bricks left around to make it a proper bed with a backrest >Shes also tried to make her own massive blanket, the results of which are in the corner least visible from where we entered. >Its torn to shreds with a sewing machine busted up in the corner >She might have an anger management problem >She definitely has an anger management problem >Shes very nice too me though >She also has a massive 98 inch TV >Some game consoles are there >I guess she wants me to show her how those work sometime soon >Treats me like a king >"Hey Sylva why do like me so much?" I caught her as she slammed into the bed >Her head pops up, her black hair concealing her face >She blow the hair out of the way >"Hmmm......" >"You are like my people, but not. And you took me on." >"So I guess that you are pretty brave..Which I really like..." >"Oh and you have Green eyes like me and bronze hair, I gotta say very dashing for a psyschoman!" >She shrugs >"I dunno other than that, you seem nice enough." >What the **** do you mean by that >Like your people do you mean that I am like... >A demon? >**** >**** **** **** **** >ARE YOU ******* KIDDING ME??? >My face is all clenched up >I aint an evil ma.... >Yes I am >No yeah shes right >... >I shot three people for the fun of it >Sure they were ******* disgusting but that doesn't give me the right to kill em for shits and giggles >I chuckle abit >NO >Yes >Shes right >Shit.... >"Whats wrong Psychoman?"She asks calmly enough, shes getting out of her bed >"NOTHING!" I snap back >"NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING!" >She looks visibly confused >Sad even >My anger fades and my regret sinks in >Why did I do this... >I gotta lie down and rest >"I just gotta rest for abit Sylva.." >"oh...." >"Ok!" >She snaps back to her more than cheerful self >And she flips onto her back >She cuddled her UKM >Shes faking a snore >She slowly burrows herself into the mountain of pillows >Hm >yeah ok well that looks like a good idea >....I gotta shower first >"Hey Sylva wheres the showers in this place?" >Her arm emerges from the mass of pillows pointing to the Gyms locker rooms >Incomphrensible muffled speech comes out of the pillows >I get the message well enough >I root around my backpack for a new change of clothes >My vietnam tigerstripe bdu pants and my hoodie are still clean. >Miraculously >Alright yeah I better shower off >The walk to the locker room is long >Its a ways off, but I trudge through >I look back >I left behind bloody footsteps >I feel this is ominous, foretelling whats to come >Not too sure about that >Im going to do my best to avoid conflict >Minimizes my chances of dying >I have no idea whats crawling in the woods >Stalking the skies or patrolling the streets >Can't be good for my existence, best to bunker down >As I walk in I quickly take off my shoes and start to undress >I want to clean up and not feel the stickiness of that skinwalkers blood >Gross, ******* gross >I was too tired to feel how disgusting it was >Its all flooding back to me >That horrendeous dogs stench >His blood is literal filth >Gunks up my noses and watered my eyes >How did it take this long for me to realize how disgusting it was? >I kept trying to keep it out of my mind >Now at the finish line It seems I quit >I practically launch the clothes off of me >I yeet the jacket to the right, it wraps around the handicap rail >I chucked both shoes and socks in front of my, they hit the bathroom stall doors with a booming thud >I throw off my pants and underweat to the right, They land in the sink >And I still feel dirty >I stare fixing my gaze on the shower heads in front of me >Theres my cleansing salvation from this filth >I briskly walk to the showers >I turn them on full heat ready to soak for hours if I want >Its been more than five days since I last bathed >Theres soap nearby >I grasp it with an iron grip >crushing it >I rub viciously all over my body >Hastily hastily >I want to be clean >Am I overdoing it? >Yeah I guess >But I am fully in the moment, relishing this feeling of happiness >And it brings me truly great joy >I step into the stream of hot water >Look up to the stars my little boy >I always hear that sound when I shower >Its the sound of my mom telling me how to avoid soap in my eyes >I always heed its command and do so >Ahhhhhh >Ahhhh >This is bliss >Sooner or later Im going to have to get out of the bath >It'll be later though >I've fully cleaned off though >I take a seat in the shower >Placing my hand on my head I just listen to the sound of the water shooting out of the showerhead >Now is a perfect time to think >What was that meme? Girls think about boys in the shower and men think about the cosmos and the grand scheme of things in the shower? >It was some stupid wojack comic shit >And so I begun to think about the situation I am in >Nothing like this has ever happened and neither should it happen >This thing thats happening kills the modern world completely >All the athiests in the world are on suicide watch, the proof of God is right there lying on that bed in the form of a Demon >All the myths and fables of ancient man are true, the proof is out in the streets killing people >What happens next? This is a total system shock, Its a heart attack for the entirety of mankind. >Nothing will be the same, Everyone is shown to be a fool we all believed total crap. >There was never such thing as the rational, there is no explanation for this >We thought that this was explained away as superstition, mere bastardization and parlor tricks for magic >We thought all things that were out on the streets were just elaborations of explainable things misconstrued throughout the ages >And now? >Nope, Goblins and all that fantasy crap are real >Realer than Ivanka Trumps round ******* thats for sure >What does this mean for me? >I am just a man in this world >I have only my guns.... >I chuckle abit >Damn >Damn that might just be enough >And well no, thats not true thats not all I have >I have Sylva, for now it seems >I have my creative yet psychotic brain >I have my strength >And I certainly have the motivation to see shit through >Hm..... >I need to talk with Sylva about the.... >Shit.... >What happened to the vial of spores... >No matter >I will worry about it in the morning when I am done sleeping >There is a plus side to all this insanity out in the world >I get to sleep with a massive demon woman with a massive rack >I a sly smirk erupts on my face >Heh >Later >Later on, I just dont feel like it right now >Its still entertainng to think about however >My my ima lucky guy >I stand up and turn off the shower >I go and dry off, putting on my tigerstripe pants and hoodie >I leave the bloodstained clothes where they were >But something catches my eyes in the mirror >I walk over and look in the mirror >Nothing too out of the ordin.... >My teeth >Abit more pointy? >.... >I was drenched in skinwalker blood >Is that something that skinwalkers can do? >.... >Shit it looks great >Not too shabby >I was going with the rpg angle when I was with the Oldman >Im on the Nuke the killer lovebugs quest and just now I picked up the.... >The.... >The skinwalker teeth skin....! >I grin and raise my fist to the mirror >only to realize how stupid my approach with my situation is >Shrugging I think about how we all have our own ways of coping through shit >Some smoke Some drink >Some just fantasize about it like they are an rpg character >Its not that bad of a cope now that I think about it >Might be the appropriate response >I look back in the mirror >Shit I gotta shave... >...Tomorrow >I go and meander out of the showers >Im getting more sluggish as the time draws out >I wont even be able to get a beer >...Can't fuckin order pizza in the apocalypse >...Sylva can cook burgers right? >..Sylva SAID she could cook burgers >I've got an idea that theres a big difference in what she says and can actually do >Still >Shes looking at me through the blankets with those devilish slit green cat eyes of hers >I would be terrified if I weren't tired >And or knowing that Sylva has the hots for me >for....her own reasons outside of my own reason >I yawn and meander over to the bed >I am sure she wouldn't mind >I climb into the super bed creation >I crawl for about four feet, roll over onto my back and pass out cold >I continue my continous dream >That never ending dream of rain >Never ending >Never ending >Just rain >I awake to the electronic beeping, covered in pillows >This is not where I fell to sleep >Sylva must've carefully dragged me into her...pillow igloo >Pillow pit? >I hear a massive amount of pillows fly into the air >Sylvas risen from her bed palace >Shit I gotta tell her about the lovebug mutants before I get roped into whatever she wants me to do with her >I....I cant get out of bed.. >Im going to have to do it >I need to slap my face a couple of times to wake up >This usually works in the place of an tactically placed energy drink nearby >Thwack >I pause >Am I sufficiently awake yet..? >No >Thwack >Thwack >Thwack >Ok we're all good now >I lurch my upper torso upright >I launch a single pillow out of the bed >I am near the top of the pillow pit >Im going to have to crawl out >Im still dressed >Sylva did not rape my while I slept >I dont know how she would do that but she didn't do it or failed in her attempt >Thank goodness >Ok crawling around for just a couple seconds I realize where Im at >it takes almost half a minute but I've cleared the pit >.....There must be more pillows here than there were yesterday >infact I am sure of it >There wasn't this many pillows here yesterday >Sylva must've added more on >Speaking of which, what is she doing? >Shes.. >Brushing her teeth? >I guess, visions all blurry >Im sitting along the bed side >Gotta....Gotta get up >"Hey Sylva....Do you have a energy drink or something...?" >I hear her say huh or something >"Yeah there in the cooler behind the TV, I should have some in there" >Im going to have to tell this woman how to properly place human things like a human >Nobody puts a fridge behind a tv >Not even sure what possessed this woman to do this >I walk over and sure enough, Fridge behidn the TV >I stare at it for awhile trying to decipher the logic of this >Fridge....behind TV?!? >Fridge behind tv? >Fridge behind tv >Ok the shock is over I want my caffeine >I open up and theres >Uncovered meats >And on the shelf cans of Bang >Check the flavors >Miami cola...Georgia peach tea.... >Gonna hafta talk about her about that one >And there....Just what I need >Black cherry vanille >I reach for it with haste and pop the tap >I lean back abit drinking all of it as quickly as I possible can >Look a man has a ritual that he must continue each day >This is one such ritual >Gotta have my morning energy drink >Finishing it I crush it and throw it over my head >**** it leave it to the woman >She hasn't noticed >Excellent, just as planned >Oh shoot the whats it whos it >The....The Hatebug thingy yeah! >I gotta do that >I mean the oldman gave me a sandwich >And the coffee? >The coffee was to die for >Hm....My mind still is not caffeinated >I want some more of that coffee >Oh yeah I should ask Sylva about her work too >Might help or it might not >Where is Sylva... >Wait >What time is it? >I go around the TV and.... >Its.... >ITS 3:30am??? >WHY >WHAT TYPE OF DEMONI.... >Oh that explains it >"Hey Sylva thank you for not turning on the li..." >Sylva is right next to the light switches, just about to >"NO DONT!!!!" >Too late >The burning rays of light shine down onto my eyes >I feel like a vampire caught in the rays of the sun >And I screech like such >"OH SORRY!" >She shuts it off >....Did you do this so that I can relive the torture again? >"Arrrh its fine....Its fine Sylva..." >I should talk with her about this...Quest I gotta do. >"Hey yeah Sylva I gotta ask you something..." >I hear her walking over, her loud steps coming my way >Shes near >Leaning over it I guess >Im too tired and decaffeinated to care >I see her gleaming green eyes and smile of glee >But it doesn't register, I need some time to match your energy >"Hey theres something I need your help with..." >That grin of hers grows larger >"With?" >Im getting to that woman give me some time you have awoken me at 3:30am >Around 5? Sure that works >But 3? >Come on >"With destroying mutant bugs that are destroying everything in my home county." >I hope thats well received >she seems unphased, her grin is still frozen looming above me >That sharp toothed grin of hers would be frightening >Terrifying >Mortifying >But for me I dont really register those things >Never have >I die or I dont die >Either or >Shes not gonna be my death >She loves and does not stop >Responding to this prompt she says something >I dont think I understood >Time time >I still need to wake up >Its getting better though >"Im still waking up Sylva, what did you say?" >"Ugh...Sure! Sure I will go on your quest!" >Shes standing upright now looking to her left and then her right >Tapping her foot standing to one side >"...I was hoping to do some stuff with you today..." >Thats what I wanted to preempt >Im getting to know how she works at least >Still.... >Im going to need a new van... >or some other vehicle >something I can live in >or something that I can make into something liveable in >"Hey Sylva, how about this I'll fill you in on the details while we do stuff together." >Her emerald eyes are beginning to light up >"....I need new wheels anyway..." >I gotta think about what I want >I gotta think about what I'll need >Might have to carry her around too >She would have been impossible to fit in the van >Gotta think about what I'd want >We're walking out of the School, shes made a sling for her UKM >I've slung my Dissipator and Mac10 around my neck >I still have that same betamag in my AR >I've stuff two forty rounders in my pants pockets >Im sure this'll be enough for anything we're up against >Im not sure of that at all >Those oil tankers still burn >After I am done getting a Car I have to go do something >Its sunday after all >And theres a cathedral nearby >I look around, my awareness has risen since the caffeine is coarsing through my veins >What is this? >There are some blind kids playing out in the field >"Hey Sylva....What about those kids? What have you been doing for those kids" >Shes looking at them >"I found them here. They can't see right? Thats why they wear those dark glasses night and day." >An astute observation Sylva... >They are happily playing on the morning dew grass laughing and cheering >I fear for them >"Sylva...Are you taking care of them?" >She looks at me with a scowl gritting teeth and stern brow >"Of course I am Psychoman...What do you think I am..." >I look at her >She is tender about that thing that I am wary of >I look at her and then back at the blind children dancing in the grass of the courtyard >"Unlike me you are a good person, of that I am certain...." >I see her gaze soften her scowl turn to a smile >"Even if you did eat a couple of brains..." >The smile to a pouting frown >"Look I did what I had to do alright? Just so you know I HAVENT eaten anymore brains while I've been here! I didn't even mean to..." >Ive tuned out the complaining woman talk and turned around looking to my left and right >Terrible car, Terrible car, Toyota pickup, Terrible car, Terrible car... >"Are you listening to me?" Shes asked, not at all amused that I wasn't paying her attention >"No I was thinking about the car we'll take to the beach." >Bullshit.exe's boottime is getting better and better >Practice makes perfect I reckon >"Oh....So which one are ya thinking?" >Bingo >A GMC Diablo >Jogging to it I call her over with the wave of my hand >"This is it, this has to be it..." >It'll take some work and it'll be a big adjustment from what I was used to >Sylva can ruck it in the back trunk, that has a perfect amount of space for her >I can even sleep in the back with a sleeping bag >Shoot this thing is in perfect condition >Hrm....Gonna hafta find the key to it >I look at Sylva and back to the car door >Maybe >Maybe she can do something about it >Shes watching the children play, shes shouting at them telling them to have fun >They apparently know her >Still they seem to be getting used to her >But they crowd around her all the same >Cute little kids >Hm >I'll need her over here for this >"Hey Sylva! I need your help over here!" >She peeks over my general direction wide eyed >Looking over the children she says something about being right back >"Sure thing Psycho what is it?" >"I need your help with the lock on this car..." >She squats down and looks into the keyhole with her eye... >"Do you have any metal on you....?" >I check my pockets >Nope >I check the back of the Diablo >Theres a bolt >That'll work >I grab it and transfer it to her outstretched hand >She whispers and whispers >The metal contorts into the shape of a key >She inserts it and cranks it >it doesn't work >She pulls it out and whispers more >Trying it again it works like a charm >She pops open the door and holds it open with me >"I hope you like your new car Psychoman! Consider it MY gift from me to you!" >A gift for a gift >Quite the thing we have going on with each other >Heres to hoping it works out >The interior is perfect >A couple of cigars are in the pristine ash tray >The owner didn't smoke in this beautiful machine >"Hey Sylva hop in the back lets go to the beach." >I hear her yell in joy and she sits down into the trunkof the Diablo >The suspension sinks >I really hope her fat ass doesnt make the tires rub on the wheel wells >Would put a damper on this whole thing >I close the door, Adjust the mirrors turn the keys and.... >Some cuban music starts playing ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTYWaeRPi2k&ab_channel=Ernesto%22Chico%22Alvarez-Topic ) >I groan for abit >Then I start to like it >Alright >yeah yeah yeah >I nod for abit and grin into the rearview mirror >My sharp teeth reflect back >"Alright Sylva we're heading to the beach!!!" >I shift into drive and we head on out of the parking lot to her shouts of Joy >Sundays a day for God >Gotta celebrate this day >No BS for now >We'll make it as happy as we can >The world burns but thats no reason to have fun and go to church right? >After the Beach I'll go check out the cathedral >I hope its intact >No gunfire in the streets >Odd >There was before >Somethings out there stopping the gunfire >Still >Both of us need to stay on our toes >The worlds burning for a reason after all >Driving along to Vero Beach I've noticed that people have fled the city >All along the highway there are people looking to drive north through I-95 >I can't warn them >Their fate is sealed >They'll be found by whatever made those ghost cars >They are all dead >I looked into the windows of the houses driving by >Somethings I've noticed >They've left children >They've left animals and the elderly >Not all of them >But enough of them >I've seen the old people crying out in their homes >The babies in their homes doing the same >I'll have to do something about it >or rather tell Sylva to do something about that >God knows I can't do it >I do not have the patience >I hear gunshots off into the distance >A few brave or dumbass people have decided to stay >There are lots of Goblins around >Scurrying around >Beady red eyes looking at us from sewer crates >Can't imagine any of them making it out into the woods >Too slim pickings, they'll make their homes in the abandoned homes of men >At least thats what I think >I feel the nice leather grip of the steering wheel >Ribbed, For my pleasure >.... >Wow thats gay >I hear the concussive muzzle blast of the UKM going off >Damn near popped my ear drums >Sylvas taking pot shots at Goblins while we're driving to Vero beach >Shes got the hang of the UKM without my help >Quite Clever >I still am listening to this cuban mumbo jumbo music >Its actually pretty good >I decide to root through my backpack >Laptop check >Picture check >Chestrig check >AR Mags and... >SHIT! >I Swerve into the middle of the road >Almost ran over a dog >I shouldnt've done that >Should've just ran that fucker over >Checking the rear view mirror its just yapping in the middle of the road >A coal black german shepheard >Visibly frothing from the mouth >I go back to focusing on the road >We're almost there >Its still dark out >Still, theres enough light out from the burning oil tankers to see well enough on the streets >Its a full moon out >Barely hanging in the sky >We've made it to the beach >I decided to throw caution to the wind and drive out directly onto the beach >Nobody alive is on the beach >There are some dead >Shot >Stabbed with spears >Butchered and cleaved >People missing their heads >Their arms and legs >They are spaced out enough that I dont mind >I park the Car, the trunk facing the sea Im looking around through the rear view mirror >Despite the grizzly scene all around the waves along the beach creates a calm >A demanding calm >If it could speak it would say "No matter what! You are going to be at peace!" >Quite nice of the ocean I guess >Getting out of it I decide to take off my shoes >Wonderful sand >Sinking sand >These are the little things that I love >Sylvas staring back at me >Without a word just looking at me >Snake like eyes staring into my soul >I give her this narrow eyed glance as if to say "Whats going on in your head?" >I sling the rifle onto my back and join her in the trunk >Still I know that shes looking at me >"I think you know this area quite well Psycho, call if a hunch but you act differently around here." >Shes staring out into the sea >Shes right on the money >I used to go out to this city during summer break with my family back when we were kids >It was always for some reason >Good behaviour >Good grades >Idk as long as us kids did good thats what we got >We got to go out to St.Augustine and look around >The old Spanish quarter >The Gator farm >The Cathedral where I was baptized >Always loved going there >Not sure if its still around >That oil tanker dropped right onto Flagler college >Its just a three minutes walk from there >Later later >"So.....Was I right?" >"Huh?...Oh yeah you were right on the money Sylva." >"HAH!" >We both look out into the moonlit oceans >I see some scales flicker in the waves >No matter >It takes minutes but I finally tell her why I brought her here >"This was something that my family used to do during summer. We'd sit along the shores and drink soda" >I look from my right to my left tracing the horizon with my outstreched hand >"All of this was what I would only see with my family, You're my only friend in this world so I thought I'd share it with you too" >She has a smile on her face so wide she has to close her eyes >Grinning with those pearly whites >It doesn't take a whole lot to make her happy >My eyes snap back to the waves, I caught a glimpse of another faint shimmer >...It must be the moonlight >"...I wonder how this happened" She asks looking directly into the moonlight >Theres abit of a tingle along my spine >How...? >How indeed >These things should not be happening >Madness has spilled out into the streets and onto the world >Our reality has never been reality >I, the madman, am the wiseman in this world >"Should you wonder how this happened? Can you hope to find an answer?" >She gives that some thought, tapping her nails on the side of the car. >"No..I guess not..." >"Tell me Psycho... What are Humans?" >Oh boy >How can I answer this? >I give this some thought, looking into the moon as well >"We're everything we can possibly try to be." >I hope thats good enough >I should ask her something similiar in kind >"What are Devils Sylva?" >A twitch spasm near her eye >"I'll prephase this with telling you we are not what you think we are." >".....But we are at the same time..." >"We're governed by passions and a strive to achieve excellence in all that we do, Building great monuments and cities where others would consider impossible just to say that it can be done but not by them." She stretches out her hand, her fingers clutching the moon. >I give this some thought, looking to her hand to her face >Grinning wide as can be staring into the moon >"So you are human?" I say >I continue "This land was considered an impossibility hundreds of years ago. Then the spanish, a powerful empire of man, rode across the shores and made a fort here..." >I point to the moon >"And several hundred years after that...." >"We shot ourselves to that moon without magic and spells all to plant a flag and say "This is ours"..." >"Im sorry Sylva but that moon can't be yours as it is my nations." I tense up at that last word. >"And I guess that is what we are, Magic less demons...." I point to my chest >Then I point to her chest "...And you are Magical humans..." >There is a long pause, Sylvas trying to make sense of what I just said. >Her eyes dart back and forth thinking about that. >I better change the subject, this was too esoteric for a beach date. >Beach date? >.... >Well ok alright yeah it is >"So uh.....Tell me about yourself!" >"Oh....Uh..." >"Well I....work as a "armorer" and an "artificer" under the Great Artificer, We tried to replicate and enchance 'lost creations' like...." >"Thats our word for human technology...Somehow it comes over here and we fawn over it like idiots..." >"Theres actually a cult around human technology, the second creationers, they think that you and all your technology are the creations of a long dead advanced demon civilization." >"....Its kinda laughable that they are right in a way, with what you just told me hahaha!" Now thats a nervous laughter >"So we would take your technology and magically enchance it, A car like this would be loaded with all the best enchantments we could force into every ounce of steel on it and make a...." >"...Well it would depend on what the request is but we'd make it into a battle wagon or something like that." >This all reminds me of something >"Hey Sylva, care to tell me what this is?" >I pull the ipod classic out of my pocket and hand it to her >She gingerly takes it out of my hand >Closely looking at it a mere four inches away from her face >flipping it around >Looking at the ports one by one >And then the back plate gives her pause >"....I've only heard about these things...." >"This is naturally created 'magitech", Who knows what this thing can or can't do they are all over the place." >"The Great Artificer only has five of these types of things, he went to war with the high elves twice on the rumor that they had some" >....This Great Artificer seems obsessed >"Hes quite focused on his craft...." >She shoots me a glance >"You have no idea...." >"He razed entire cities to get lost creations, He killed off an entire civilization of elves a thousand years ago to get his second and third magitech." >...There are elves....? >Wait this guy wiped out an entire civilization for two fuckin ipods? >God help us if he comes over here >"How was it working for him? Did it pay well?" >"Pay? Oh no we dont do that like that, we get what we want when we want it based on our position in society" >".....So you guys just get to say "thats mine" and its yours?" >She gives this some thought >"Yeah kinda" >"So....So yeah thats what I did as a job, pretty good gig for someone as young as I am."Shes scratching the back of her head chuckling >"Oh and Psycho..." She looks at the Ipod in her hand >"Yes Sylva?" >"Throw this thing in the ocean, if the Great Artificer ever finds out about this thing he'll flay you for a hundred years asking you every single question he can think of relating to this thing" >I give this some thought, But I take hold of it right from her hand >"This thing is mine and your boss is a world away....I'll keep it around for now." >She sighs, her head drooping down as I stuff it in my back pocket >"You are psycho you know that right?" >Bitch I live it >Or rather....I did >Hm...I need to get back to that.... >Maybe? >There it is again >That shimmer along the waves >It caught my eyes >I got a better look at it then >That looked like a fish with arms and legs >They're in a school along the waves >I look along the beach and notice those spear riddled corpses >Of in the distance I notice a mass of hunch backed fishmen >They waddled onto the shores just then >They must've been attacking the people that were on the shores >It can't be.... >"Fuckin murlocs?" >"Huh?" Sylvas eyes perk up >"Damn fishmen are on the shores!" >".....What?" >"Look over there!" >I point to the shores >They've seen us and are bolting our direction >Sylvas shouldered her UKM >BOOM BOOM BOOM >Shes just shooting wildly at them >AAAAAARGH >Warn me when you shoot that thing! >I climb out of the trunk and rush over to get to the drivers seat >BOOM BOOM >WHY DID I GIVE THAT TO HER **** >I start the engine and shift it into reverse and.... >Oh wow thats a big fish >Thats not a fish >Thatsa whale >Its flippers have formed into claws >its trying to crawl its way onto the beach >Trudging along >Its too fat still to live on land >But theres alot of murlocs on its back >They are flinging speers >I wheel out of our parking spot and then shift to drive >Speeding too much >the cars swerving and the tractions slipping >We're almost to the asphalt and we've cleared the beach >We've cleared them they are still shouting in their guttural tongue, lamenting their lost catch I imagine >Theres blood flowing on the rear windshield >Oh shit thats.... >Thats... >Thats Sylvas blood >Shes tapping on the glass >"Hey Psycho....Can we stop the car for abit?" >Oh thank God shes alive >....I better stop the care >I crawl to a slow stop >Opening up the car door and >Sylvas got a spear through her shoulder >......**** that must hurt >Shes survived worse though >I shot her through the heart >She'll live from this >"...So is there something that you need me to do or..?" >She gives me the look >"Yeah pull the fuckin spear out of me asshole" >heh >Giggity >I lower the trunk >Looking back occaisonally to mind the murlocs >they are aways off >Ok uh.... >its right through >didn't nick the paint or glass of the Car >Thank God I like this car >.... >Wrong set of priorities! >"Uh....So how do you want me to go about doing this?" >"Just pull the ******* thing out... Just pull it out" >Shes grinning trying to grip the shaft of it and pull it out herself >If she can't do it I'll really need to put my back into this >I put my left foot on her forearm >"Psycho what are you doing." >I grip the spear with both hands >"Please dont do that honey" >And I pull it out with care >I stopped myself from doing it with force >Kinda ****** up >Shes screaming regardless >I take a kitkat bar out of my hoodie pocket and throw it into her lap >She looks at it and punches me out of the trunk of the car >**** >I land on the asphalt >Tucked my head into my chest >Didn't hit my head on the road >Thank God >I still have scrapes on my back and forearms >I fuckin slid! >And now Im ******* bleeding! >OH **** THAT HURTS! >"AAAAAAAAAAH" >"AAAAAAAAAAH" >We're both screaming >Oil tankers burning in the background >Murlocs are garggling along the shore >I get up >"Look you told me to do it" >"You didn't have to be an ass about it!" >"How was I an ass about that?" >"A fuckin candy bar? Really?!?!?!?" >"I THOUGHT YOU MIGHT LIKE IT" >Looking over I see that shes unwrapping it >She sinks her teeth into it, her shoulder is being healed by some aura. >"Huh" >"Yeah this shit is great thanks Psychoman" >"**** ME THOUGH RIGHT?" >...Wait she can heal I forgot about that. >"HEY UH HOW ABOUT HEALING ME?" >"Huh? Oh yeah sure" She stretches her hand out and a green wave flows from it >Oh shit im feeling real good >I get off my ass and dust myself off >Shit I feel better than ever >I look at her and shake my head >"Please dont punt me again" >".....I'll consider it" >"Dont punt me again" >Her shoulders slump over and her gaze shifts downward >"Sorry psychoooo...." >I walk over and slap the top of her knee >"Apology accepted Sylva" >"Now lets go find some ice cream" >"Whats that?" >..... >"Its something delicious" >"Oh...YAY!"" >She stretches out her hands as I turn the keys and shift into drive >Fuckin 6 am and its already helluva day >Suns starting to come up >I pull out one of the cigarettes from my pocket and light it >**** I'll be out of a pack if this type of shit keeps up >Shit >I need to get new gear for Sylva and I >And I need some ice cream >I need a ton of ice cream. >And I still need to tell her about the Hatebugs. >Knowing her skill set as a "Artificer" im sure she'll come in handy >Best do it over ice cream >The light has begun to touch the beach sands >Still the oil tankers burn, still their smoke and light shines forth in the morning sky >But the light begins to pierce through bringing light to the once smoke wreathed white sands >I look along the shore with a pair of bird watching binoculars I found underneath the passenger seat >I just look at them >Snaggled tooth, malformed and mismatched parts >the bodies of men and the dead fishmen Sylva shot are in the process of being chopped and quartered by the fishmen >Large misbegotten sharks with three claws and one toed foot shaped like a knights spiked sabaton >There are many of these smaller ones, half the size of the sharkmen they standing at four feet or so >Varied shapes and fins, diverse as all the fish in the sea, mutated and malformed into even greater variation >Stocky and webbed along their shoulders and claws, they are ripping their webbed skin to pile bodies into the seemingly beached whale man >They are hastily created beings it seems, perhaps whatever spawned Sylva and those purple lights had an unintended reaction when fish came into contact with it >From what Sylva said about Magitech and its power maybe something like a can of nuclear waste dropped into the sea, doing what scifi writers only dream of it doing >The whaleman possesses only two webbed arms, using it to scoop humans and stray fishmen into its gullet, Occasionally pushing itself into a better position >The thing is collapsing on its own weight, but wants to eat humans and pushes itself up occaisonally for relief >You can hear the audible crunch of the macerated flesh being ground by this grotesque beast >It reminds me of that one recent godzilla movie made by the japanese >Shin Godzilla, a malformed being not meant to be >thats what they all are >I hand the Binoculars to Sylva, taking them into her hands and looking along the coast shores >"Well there goes the neighborhood" >Tell me about it >What are we going to do with the blind kids? >"Im not sure what to make of those things, they dont look natural to me" >She puts the binoculars aside to look at me >"Of course they aren't, I've never heard of anything like those things even existing." >She wipes some of the blood off of her freshly healed shoulder in vain >"gah...Im going to have to take a shower..." >I shoot my gaze at the empty road looking left and right and then back at the beach >I am totally unprepared for this >How can I be prepared for this? >I look at the sides of my rifle >My Bushmaster XM15 >I have my rifle and more guns than I ever could dream of having >This'll be more than enough >I look back at the beach to see the raised gullet of the whaleman >Those small beady eyes look full of glee as it tries to warf down the shredded meat of man and fish >I hear the concussive slam of it plopping back down onto the ground >These things are dangerous >They are coordinated >They can ambush anywhere bordering water >They seem intelligent, or intelligent enough >My mind jumps to Sylvas lair >Its right along the canal >"Are you going to move out from here? These things could swim right up to it at any moment" >Putting her fingers to her mouth she looks up, giving it some thought >"Theres only like twelve kids that I found there....It wouldn't be too hard to move all twelve of them..." >I make my way to the car and toss the rifle into the passenger seat footwell >"Well lets head on back there, We should try and be one step ahead of these things" >I have no idea what to think about this shit, Im winging it as I go along >I get in the car and start it >Well lets get on the road >Ice cream trips cancelled, Operation Evac the kiddies hath commenced >**** I wanted to look at the alligators and visit the.... >The church... >No no no... >I have to visit that church still >I plug in the aux cable into the ipod and turn it on >One song shows >Titled.. >Destiny >I play it >(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbomkF8Haco&ab_channel=JasonDeyin) >I get a shiver down my spine >What >What does this mean? >I look back at Sylva through the rear view mirror >She told me these things are legendary in her world >It seems quite mundane, it just plays songs that are the best for the moments that are to come >I shift into drive >Well... >It sure can play catchy songs alright >The drive back is uneventful, occasionally I look at the goblins peeking at us in the windows and sewer crates >Something has the goblins spooked >They were alot more daring during the night, giving us passing glances with their read beady eyes >Now something has them shook >None of them are darting along the streets >Is it the murlocs? >No, No I have a feeling that those things have just begun their foray into this world >No matter >If they are anything like goblins are in fantasy its probably something stupid >Maybe a passing airplane or... >I dunno >I weave in and out of the now burnt out vehicles >There were less voices crying out of the homes >Less of the elderly and still the children cry out >Should I do something about that? >Can I do something about that? >No >Sylva could but >I shouldn't ask her to do that >I shelve the thought of those trapped in their houses >Maybe the goblins will help >Now thats wishful thinking >We've arrived to the school >I've parked right next to the school entrance doors because why the **** would I not? >There are now twelve blind kids playing in the field, or trying to play >They've got a ball and are trying to throw based on sight >Having a jolly good time of it >Now that is a blessing to be sure >They've got no idea whats wrong in the world >Shit do they even know about Sylva? >I strap on my backpack and sling my rifle after I exited >Sylvas gotten out of the trunk of the Diablo >The thing practically breathes a sigh of relief as she gets off >Bouncing right back to its normal shape >"Hey Sylva...Do the children know about you?" I ask her, pointing at them >"Huh? Oh yeah Im their "substiute teacher"" >hm >The grass is still moist from the morning fog, Occasionally you see it glisten as one of the blind kids runs along the grass >"Do you plan on taking care of all twelve of them?" >With a uncharacteristic softness to her voice she says "yes...." >And then... >"I think all twelve will make fine henchmen when they are older! Best start young!" Cluthing her fist with gusto as she exclaiming it to the world with a sharp toothed smile >Im sure the kids heard that >How....Stereotypical >Im starting to think thats an act >But maybe not >Who knows? >"Well...We best move on out, I think we should go back to where we met. You know, My hometown?" >"That...That does make a whole lot of sense, you know the area and theres alot less competition." She says that with her finger on her mouth Looking up into the sky >Shit >I can't fit all the kids in my Diablo >And I am the only that can drive >Sylva can't fit in drivers seat >Shit Im going to have to leave behind the Diablo >.... >Do I really have to bring these kids along? >Do I really want to continue this relationship with... >What the **** do I mean by relationship? >Shit this Ipod really works wonders doesn't it? >Im pretty sure I would've killed her by now >For punting my ass off the car >For insulting me with that drawn out way she calls me Psychomaaan >But I haven't >Why? >I sure as shit would have >Snap to it >Snap snap snap >Look at this as an opportunity >That Diablo would've been cramped to camp in >Sure, it looks cool but its not big enough for... >Wait a second >This is a school >There are school buses at schools >Yes >Yes indeed thats what I think I will do >I can get one of those, drive the kids to my hometown >And convert that schoolbus into a mobile home >Flawless >Flawless S rank nigger plan >I look around the parking lot >Sure enough, theres a... >Short bus >A fuckin shortbus is the only bus in the parking lot >Well....Ok... >"Hey Sylva, lets get the kids onto that bus over there and get the **** outta here" >I grab all of my shit out of the Diablo and place it in the short bus >I look at Sylva smiling at the children as she tells them to get their things for a "Field trip" >She might've eaten one of their actual teachers brains to know the ins and outs of school teacher lingo >Maybe more than one >Shit she probably knows all about our human history >That ability she has is potent stuff now that I think about it >Walking to the liar I see her getting the kids supplies all lined up bossing them around >They seem to take it well >Not a frown on their faces >They like her quite abit it seems >very very well mannered children >I foist the last bag containing the Surplus store loot >I keep to my thoughts >Theres still something that I want to do here >I need to go to church, Its Sunday after all >Despite my....Difficulties... >Thats the one thing I try to do >I've never made a good confession >Dont really know how to >Never did anything that I should've done >Ah well >**** it why not do it for old times sake? >I put the bag of loot in the front seat behind the drivers seat >Sylva is waving with her arms to come towards her and the huddled children around her >Shes changed out of her sundress into the black BDU pants and Black rothco shirts, The UKM is slung on her back >If only those blind kids could see... >Well actually no thank God they are blind >This spectacle is all mine >I start up the bus >Wow this... >This'll get some getting used to >The braking? >The speed and momentum is not what I am used to >I am gonna take it slow for now >I plug in the Ipod to the radio >Its not in its usual state >Theres nothing to suggest anything important >Hm... >Ok well lets just play shuffle and see what comes up. >(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFBOtWq7dsE&ab_channel=Windows96_ ) >Shoot this is...Very relaxing... >Probably will need it to >I pull the lever to open the door for the kids >Their screeching and hollering is annoying >My grip tightens on the buses steering wheel >But that damn relaxing music keeps it going >Sylva looks at the agitation on my face and barks at the kids to be quiet >"Yes Ma'aaaam!" they all shout in unison >"Hey Mister..." >One of the snot nosed shits is tugging on the hood on my hoodie >be kind....be kind..... >"You've got good taste in music mister..." >Where there was a grimace now theres a smirk >heh >"Well thank you kid, Nothing but the best music from me." >Its not really from me... >Its all the magical ipods doing >Hm.... >I still gotta go to church >I'll bring these tykes along too why not >"Alright everybody! We're going on a field trip but first we're going to church." >Theres a mixture of boos and yays in the crowd >Sylvas got a concerned look on her face >"Really Psychoman?" >I give this some thought >Yes >Yes really we're going to church >"Yes indeed Sylva, You can stay out of the church though as I am sure you'd burst into flaaaames upon entering" >She puts on this cute furious face as she shouts at the top of her lungs >"YOU ASS!!!" >"Now now! Not in front of the children Misses Sylva!" >The children are babbling in joy >They are having the time of their lives >She crosses her arms and pouts. >They....They know their parents left them and are more than likely dead right? >Nah >Nah lets leave that alone for another date >We're going to the Church >I start off out of the church >Barely going 30mph >**** this is going to take some getting used to >Still >Still nothing on the streets >The goblins are more active on this side of town now >They are less cautious, some actually getting out of their houses to chuck a spear at us >It doesn't even land anywhere near us >I dont see a reason to waste ammo shooting down such a pathetic green faggot >And I mean >I dont want to do such things around the children >They need their ears thats all they got. >Gonna hafta get twelve sets of earpros for the blind kids... >Well I mean... >Idk Im not going to be with them all the time >We've made it to the church >And this is odd >Despite is close proximity to the still burning oil tanker there isn't any damage to it >Not a stain of soot on the walls >Nothing >The grass still is green >Totally undisturbed >Totally untouched >I look back through the throng of clamoring children >Theres a glimmer of happiness in her eyes staring at the church >Huh >I wasn't expecting that >Not at all >"Well kids, You can come if you want but if you want to stay here with Sylva thats fine by me.." >I see two kids, A short mexican kid and a pasty redheaded step out of the cluster around Sylva >.. >"I take it you two want to follow me?" >They both nod >The Mexican kid speaks up >"I usually go with my family but..." >Awh ****.... >The redhead blurts out "Why haven't I seen my family yet? I want to be with my Mom.." >Awh **** **** **** **** >I stand their paused >Shit I don't know what to do in this situation >"I'll tell you guys about it after the field trip..." >I'll need to work up my courage >Shit man... >I open the doors and nod to Sylva >She nod back solemnly >I take the two kids by the hand >"Mister why do you have a gun?" >The mexican kid had it bump into him as we exited the bus >Shit.... >Might as well come cleanish >"Things aren't going to be like they were before..." >Shit thats all I could say? >They've quieted down their questioning after I said that >I dont think they knew what to make of that >They both still hold onto my hand, We're at the doors to the cathedral >They are...Locked... >I tell the kids to step back >I clutch the door >I grunt and huff >And the lock cracks >And we're in the cathedral >Its such a vast empty space, The worn wood and marble floor clean as can be >I wipe off my sandy and bloody converse vigorously >I feel this odd need to clean them off not to stain the floor >The myrrh and frankincense incense still lingers in air >Its....Mystical >I see a flicker of light near the tabernacle >And nothing more after that >Must've been a trick of the eyes >We've made our way to the pews >The two kids kneel and pray together >its heart warming >I dont >I look around watchful >What is up with this place? >No priest is here >Nothing >A mouse could fart and we would hear it >The sound from the knee rests clasping down onto the ground was like a crack of lighting >I think I even heard the mexican kid say sorry under his breath after doing that >"There wont be service anytime soon, So do what you think is good enough for him and we'll be on our way >I clutch the foregrip of my rifle >I dont feel uneasy >But I feel somethings here >Its calming and destressing >But thats what I dont like about it >Its not natural, It ain't right I dont feel like that all the time >Its got me spooked more than any of those damn fishmen >What is that >Why is it happening here of all places? >I see that shimmer of light again near the cross >Its a... >A little winged thing of light >And then its gone >I just saw an angel >Wow >I look left and right >Back at the kids and then to the entrance >And then back at the base of the cross >Couldn't have been >Well I guess somebody has got to keep care of the church with the priest gone >The irish kid tugs on the sling of my rifle >"Emanuel and I are done..." >"Can we go now? Im starving" >I bet you are you pudgy little wetback >I chuckle >"Ok ok" >I lightbulb goes off in the back of my mind >I know! >"We'll we are going to go an all you can eat Ice cream festival this morning...Its part of the field trip..." >Total bullshit >I made that up on the fly >Thought it would get the kids spirits up >Shit...Now I have to execute it >They get out of the pews and are ahead of me, Just near the door to the cathedral >I look back at the cross >And I give a thumbs up to christ on the cross >"Let me look after them and do well by them God" >I see the eyes of Christ >Seemingly right at me >I hear nothing from him >But I get the feeling he is watching >And thats all I need to know >Now >Now I have to do a good job >I need to do a good job by God >Hes watching me >Can't be found lacking now can I? >I make my way to the cathedral doors and grab the two kids hands >I look back >The trail of blood on my shoes only lasted to the pews >The trail of blood stopped from when I turned back >In my last glimps before church doors close I dont see blood on the floors >What is that.... >I keep thinking about that >I have chills down my spine as the two children climb into the bus >I take a seat trying to process all that I just saw >I look back in the rear view mirror >Those two sit in their seats with glum faces hanging over them >I think those two know that their parents are dead >A single tear goes down my left eye >And I turn the keys to the ignition >Well lets get these kids ice cream >Hm...There better still be electricity flowing in Publix >I drive along the way to the highway entrance as I know theres a public right before the turnoff >I look in the parking lot >Theres a stanced crown vic in the parking lot >Just that vehicle >Parked in a handicapped parking spot no less >I dont like this one bit >Theres niggers in that store >I park out of view, along the side of the strip mall >Standing out of the seat I see the kids climbing all around Sylva >I think shes trying to tell them something about the history of her homeworld or whatever >The kids are ignoring it and just playing with her black hair and grabbing at her >Shits cute as can be >I better help her out though >"Alright kids....Im going out to get Icecream and when I am back I better not see you kids climbing on Miss Sylva, she works very hard as a teacher and you need to mind your manners." >Some of them stop >One of them says "Yes Mister Bus driver sir!" >Not sure if that was mocking or..... >Yeah that was mocking >They've stopped climbing all over her though >She has some frayed hairs from that her hairs all messed up >She looks at me with a deep look of gratitude and a small smile on her face >Emanuel and the redhead kid are still sitting glum >I step over to their seat kneel down and look them in their eyes... >Wait they can't see me why am I doing this >too late, already committed >"Hey what flavors do you want? >Emanuel is the first to respond because....Of course >"I want rocky road with some rainbow sprinkles please!" >Of course you do you fat spic >Shouldn't think like that about him >Kids just found out hes lost his parents >The redhead pipes up >"Ooooh! Id love some mint chocolate chip ice cream!" >Hm >good taste kid >"Alright I'll get you those flavors just for you two!" >I boop them on the nose >They really didn't like that >They recoiled from that as soon as I did that >I cringe as I realized at the thought of what I've just done >Shit do my fingers smell bad? >Nope just....Just... >Just bloody >Well shit >God I have no idea why you want me to help these kids but... >I will >I pilfer through my bag of loot >Ah there it is >My chest rig with my AR mags still loaded up from the day I went camping >I've had a lot of time to grow since then >I strap it on >And I get ready to rock >I open up the doors to the bus and Step out onto the concrete walk way of the strip mall >I look through the glass >Nothing >Nothing >Rolexes >Nothing >I keep darting back to the entrance of the publix >I hear louder and louder trap music playing from the publix >I need to get that ice cream >God told me to get these kids ice cream >I will get these kids ice cream >I look around the corner with caution >They are there huddled around a broken down cash register >They are taking the cash out of the machine for.....Some reason >Not sure what you are going to do with that.... >But you are going to die with green back so its not like it matters what you thought anyway >I raise my rifle >I smile >And I start to shoot at them >I picked out my first target >The one standing behind me has the only visible gun in his hands >A Draco pistol no less >I will be taking that >BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG >I shoot him in the chest >Center mass right near the heart >He drops >The others look shocked >Ones bolting down the aisles >I shoot at the slow ones next >BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG >Another drops dead >And another >Didn't do so good of a job on the fourth >He ran abit of a ways off but I got him before he could get away >Fuckers crawling >Shit well >ok better go do what I wanted to do in the first place >Get ice cream >I walk into publix, pick up a shopping cart as I do so >Hmmmm hmmm hmmm hmmm hmmmmmmmm >I hum along as I pat the sides of the cart >Walking past my handiwork >I grin at that pile of shit and blood I left on the floor of publix >The one crawling down the aisles is leaving a streak of blood as he tries to crawl away >Shit well I could care less about that >Why waste a bullet? >With those wounds he wont last an hour >I pass by the aisles >Finally, reaching the last aisle >Oh shoot! Im going to have to pick up bowls and spoons as well >And rainbow sprinkles for Emanuel >Later later >I look down at the ice cream >Shit well >I give the aisle a couple of passes before I decide on what I want >I guess I'll get ten things of Neapolitan >Two things of rocky road for Emanuel >And three things of Mint chocolate chip ice cream >two for the ginger and one for myself >Mint choccy is best choccy hands down >I keep up my humming as I load the ice cream into the shopping cart >I also pick up three or so ice cream scoopers out as well >I make my way down the next aisle >I throw in eight things of utensils and four forty eight packs of paper bowls >**** it why not >And I make my way out of the store >But... >I turn around with a devilish gleam in my eye >Ah.... >I know just what I will do >I go to the main reception desk and pick up the intercom >good.. >Good its working >"Attention shoppers...." >I giggle abit >"**** Niggers, **** mods and **** jannies" >I giggle hysterically as I rush out of the store with the ice cream >And I bolt down the concrete sidewalk with the cart of Icecream >The children are going ******* nuts >Sylva, Unwisely, told the children what I was doing for them >Emanuel and the ginger already knew >But twelve blind kids are crowding around me demanding ice cream >I burst open the bowl packaging >Shit Im not taking this well >I think I swat away a kids hands too harshly >He takes it well enough >I start scooping and handing out bowls of ice cream >Sylva pushes in and starts to take over for me >I go walk off, exhaling and inhaling rapidly as I do >**** **** **** >**** I hate being surrounded by kids >Why do they like me so much? >I take a seat on the bus seat as I see the ice cream being dolled out >Sylvas doing a good job of it >Shes smiling at them even though she knows that she can see >That devil bitch has quite the heart >Especially considering the fact shes demonic and I shot it with my rifle >I pull out a cigarette chuckle and.... >I throw the pack to the ground and stamp on it. >Nah >Nah I shouldn't be smoking anyhow >I just keep staring at Sylva dolling out the ice cream >Emanuel and the ginger get extra servings >She occaisonally looks back at me with her sharp toothed beautiful smile. >What a beautiful woman >My crimson, blood red edelweiss >I take a long time taking in this scene >Time goes by and things die down after awhile >The kids are all laying in the shaded areas of the concrete walkway >Their bellys are distended and full of icecream >I hear Emanuel groan >He looks twice as wide >Sylva has a couple of them in her monstrous lap >She pats them on the head, Stroking their hair all the while smiling as she does so >What a wonderful woman >Yeah >Yeah that'll be my wife >Thank you magic Ipod >Thank you God for all of this >I take a deep breathe and sigh >Alright >Time to head out >Packing the kids into the short bus was a chore >They moped about tired and sluggish >Sylva carried the young little shits into the van >I shouldn't think of them like that >They're ok for little tykes >And they have been placed under both of our charges >Shes packed up the tykes >All of them are placed in their seats >Their seat belts all fastened on >What a cute little family we have >I wonder what God would think of Sylva >.... >Those thoughts are above my position >He wouldn't want me to worry about something above my position >Still >Theres plenty to worry about thats above my position >Skinwalkers >Goblins >Murlocs >Oh me oh my >Still... >I think all I need to know is how to kill it >And that'll be enough for me >I have quite alot of equipment >The .357 revolver >I think it was a S&W If I recall correctly >The FN57, The Deagle, The Beretta 96 >Shoot, I might have all the 5.7 ammo in my hometown right in that bag behind me >I dont have any .40 for the Beretta 96 >I have some magazines for that Yugo >Before I set off I get up and root in the bag for the FN57 >I find it and the four magazines I have for it >I loaded them all the night Momji died... >**** I hope that doggo is in heaven >... >Well no need to get all mopey about that now >can't... >Just can't... >I stuff it in my hoodies front pocket along with the four loaded magazines >I have a feeling I'll need it on the drive >Probably not >Probably >Definitely >"Ok kiiiiiiiiids time to go back on the roooad!" >I try to imitate Sylvas trilling voice >poorly >Very poorly >And its not well received with groans erupting in the bus >**** they are in for a drive >I'll play something from the mystical ipod >"Hey Ipod, I need something relaxing for the kiddies" >It doesn't respond >Its a ******* ipod classic >Really? >Am I going back to talking to inanimate objects like they know what I am talking about? >Im a hopeless basket case >I hit the side of my head with the palm of my hand >The long straight hair cushions it somewhat >Shit I need to get a haircut >Maybe Sylva would be willing >I look at her in the rearview mirror >Yeah she would be willing >I press play >(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJK_12I9HJ4&ab_channel=WarriorofChrist) >And we head on down the road >We exit the parking lot and head on down the highway >I think I see something glisten in the sky >A shimmer >A glimmer >Like a dragonflies wing >I dont think its nothing >Thats something alright >And It's flying in the sky >Its a ways off >Its not my problem right now, I'll keep an eye on it >I pull onto the highway >Clear as can be >The ghost cars have cleared up >I look in my side mirrors down the road >Looks like they crashed some ways off >burnt out mess of a wreck >**** >They drove straight off the road >All of them >Did... >DId the commit suicide? >I should pray for them when I stop driving >I see it again >That shimmer >Thats not >Thats not a flash of light or anything >That was a huge dragonfly >With a Crystal clear body >Faster than a lightning bolt >Its spotted us >I speed up to the maximum speed >Fuckin 75mph >Shit SHIT SHIT >"Sylva stay on your toes, theirs something flying really fast in the air" >She looks at me then starts to chant >Chanting in that chittering harsh grating demon tongue of hers >And then she presses her hand on the bus >"This spell should make us invisi....." >Something Bumps our rear >its one of those invisible giantflies >that massive gaping maw of his spouts a whispy tendril. >I keep my eyes on the road >Sylva shoots out a fire bolt at it >It turns to a crisp >I hear the crackling of its burnt flesh from here >"PSYCHO I KNOW WHAT THESE THINGS ARE!" >Thank God for that at least >"IF YOU CAN GO TWICE AS FAST WE CAN MAKE IT OUT ALIVE BEFORE MORE OF THEM SWARM US" >DAMN IT >We're so screwed >The gas pedals already pressed to the floor >I look to the left and the right >I see more of those shimmers of light coming towards us >The kids are panicking, scrambling around and huddling around each other >I see terror in their blind eyes >Pure terror in their unseeing eyes >I look back to Sylva >"CANT YOU DO SOMETHING?" >Sylva is looking out of the rear door of the bus, looking around for more >"I might have overreacted..." >.... >You bitch >You fuckin bitch >You had me worried >"Pull over to a stop" >.... >WHAT >WHAT THE EVERLIVING FU... >She has a plan >Hopefully it doesn't involve sacrificing the children >Wouldn't be opp... >yes I would be opposed to it >Eyes on the road >Theres nothing in front >Shit shit shit shit shit shit >"What the **** is your plan?" >The kids are screaming louder and louder >My bloods boiling >Shit I feel the blood pounding in my skull >Im losing my patience >FINE >"FINE FINE FINE IM PULLING OVER" >I start to slow down the bus >It'll take awhile >I shoot my glance to my left and right >******* bug creatures >I see them flickering in the sky >You can hardly see 'em in the sky >I've slown to a crawl and a full stop >I hear one of those giant see through bugs zoom past us >The wind almost lifted the bus off of the ground >Shit they are big >Wingspan must be the size of this bus >I get out of my seat, and pull the charging handle back on my Mac10 >I move to the back of the bus and nod at Sylva >She nods back >"These things are used to chasing their prey....I figured if we just stay still and invisible then these things will move along after that in search of souls to steal." >Steal souls..? >"What are these things Sylva?" >Sylvas shifts her glance away from me and back to the giantfly burning in the distance >"They come from a land renown for its magical beasts" >I take a seat near to my guns, Sylva looks around as the children huddle around her >Shes hugging several of them, comforting them and telling them it will be alright >They've been squealing and hollering for half an hour now >Its a wonder that I haven't killed them >I would've had it not been for Sylva >Something in me has stopped >Or changed rather >Emanuel and the Redhead kid are tucked in front of the seat besides me >Clever kids those two >They were right next to the guns, Right next to me and farthest away from where the giantfly attacked >I look at both at them and nod >I guess to acknowledge them >They both nod back and sit back in their seats >Smart kids >I tilt my head back to Sylva >"Tell me more Sylva. Tell me about these things." >Sylvas nurturing trance has been broken, she looks at me with a darkened expression on her face >"Its a land far to the east of the mountains where the Devils make their home, A forest guarded by powerful clans and societies that hunt the beasts of this forest" >She stretches out her hand with fingers clawed, clutching the air. >"The ringed forest..." >She looks around through the bus windows, Im stuck fascinated by this tale of that new world >"Its a land of mythical beasts and dragons, as they were during the beginning of time. A forest made for Gods or beings strong as them, I've read about that accursed forest. We traded with the hunters there. They called them sky...." She trails off. >Shes forgotten the name? >"Yeah....I've somehow forgotten their name...They would sell us hides, shells, bones, herbs and spices, rare and legendary things you couldn't get anywhere else." >She shakes her head, I see that she was drooling >Disgusting woman >"So....What about those flying plane bugs outside? What are they?" >"Oh right." >Woman >"They are called the Crystal fliers, the invisible hordes without number, eating everything in their path in the air." >Wow, Fuckin metal