[EOH Name] Juni Emiko [One line description] A confused kitsune with a lot on her plate and a wondering mind that acts when given a chance [Personality] Juni - Reserved, quite, caring, and curious [Doublethink], [Divergence] Kell - Talkative, energetic, adventurous, vulgar and mischievous [Backstory] Thrown into the world rather ubruptly, coming around less of a incarnation and more of being spit into this world with very little warning. Landing somewhere in the outskirts of Encore with little in the way of direction as the act of rebirth and rough landing muddled her mind in such a way gave way to the divergent personality of Kell. Kell or Kelly is the collective thoughts and personality of the former life though just a shocked as Juni is to the change. The two don't know of one another as of yet though nothing of note has happened to raise any questions for the two just yet. [Goals] To set straight the many layers of corrupted memories and dreams plaguing the kitsune and make sense of the predicament before her. Come to terms with her new unseen partner. [Violence Comfort Level] Good from a standard disagreement to a heated battle, violence is just another means of diplomancy [Lewd Okay?] Yes (Ask me first) [Kinks, Specifics (optional)] (WIP)