_G.SkipPets = {"Sunlord","Sunshine","Mythic Sunshine","Cartoon Eggy","Mythic Cartoon Eggy","Eggsplosion","Mythic Eggsplosion","Easter Bunny","Mythic Easter Bunny","Egg Carton","Mythic Egg Carton","Masked Rabbit","Mythic Masked Rabbit","Egg Split","Mythic Egg Split","Emerald Golem","Inferno Dragon","Unicorn","Flying Pig","Lunar Serpent","Electra","Dark Phoenix","Neon Elemental","Inferno Cube","Magenta Cube","Virus","Green Hydra","Demonic Hydra","Hexarium","Rainbow Shock","Sparky Domino","Flaming Headphones","Radioactive Bear","Mutant Bear","Rainbow Marshmallow","Rainbow Winged Hydra","Jelly Dualcorn","Jelly Overlord","Sparkle Time Valkyrie","Sparkle Top Hat","Frost Horns","Fire Horns","Fire Wings","Godly Wings","Frost Wings","Frost Dominus","Dominus Hydra","Brick Dominus","Brick Stack","Ducky","Penguin","Golden Headphones","Workclock Ultimate","Adurite Antlers","Adurite Top Hat","Blue Ducky","Pink Ducky","Honey Comb Bee","Queen Bee","Blue Circlet","Sircfenner","Yellow Top Hat","Red Crown","Beach Elemental","Beach Hydra","Balloon Dragon","Balloon Phoenix","Crab","Octopus","Angler Fish","Jelly Fish","Hermit Crab","King Crab","Sea Devil","Ocean Hydra","Sea Cube","Sea Phoenix","Dark Elemental","Dark Jellyfish","Ancient Elemental","Ancient Hydra","Cerberus","Sea Devil","Ocean Hydra","Atlantis Tiara","Poseidon","Triton Crown","Sea King","Wyvern","Winged Horse","Rainbow Serpent","Pixie","Fancy Serpent","Fancy Winged Hydra","Fire Hydra","Fire Elemental","Evil Phoenix","Devil","Obsidian Serpent","Crystal Hippogriff","Fire King","Gloom Shock","Night Dweller","Essence Dragon","Fox Mutant","Wraith","Prisma","Spore Serpent","Demilord","Demon Snake","Pastel Phoenix","Abyss","Pastel Hexarium"} _G.SkipRarities = {"Common", "Unique", "Rare", "Epic"} _G.optionalContent = "" -- local username = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Name local userid = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.UserId local function inventoryAlert(itemname, rarity, shiny, color, petimage, eggs, chance) if string.find(petimage, "rbxassetid://") then petimage = string.sub(petimage, 14, #petimage) end if string.find(petimage, "http://") then petimage = string.sub(petimage, 33, #petimage) end petimage = "http://www.roblox.com/asset-thumbnail/image?assetId=" .. petimage .. "&width=420&height=420&format=png" local OSTime = os.time(); local Time = os.date('!*t', OSTime); --local icon = "https://www.roblox.com/headshot-thumbnail/image?userId="..userid.."&width=420&height=420&format=png"; local Content = _G.optionalContent local DiscordUsername = _G.optionalDiscordUsername local Embed = { color = '3454955'; timestamp = string.format('%d-%d-%dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ', Time.year, Time.month, Time.day, Time.hour, Time.min, Time.sec); title = 'Hatched a '..rarity..' '..itemname; --timestamp = string.format('%d-%d-%dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ', Time.year, Time.month, Time.day, Time.hour, Time.min, Time.sec); --footer = { text = 'Egg #'..eggs }; author = { name = DiscordUsername; --url = 'https://www.roblox.com/games/2512643572/SILVER-LUCK-Bubble-Gum-Simulator?refPageId=51a580e2-e5b9-4171-b016-db97b0e8cb0d'; --icon_url = icon; }; thumbnail = {url = petimage}; }; if shiny then Embed.title = 'Hatched a SHINY '..rarity..' '..itemname; end if rarity == "SECRET" then Embed.color = 0xFF0000; elseif string.find(itemname, "Mythic") then Embed.color = 0xFF00FF; elseif shiny then Embed.color = 0xFFFF00; elseif color == "blue" then Embed.color = 0x34B7EB; elseif color == "green" then Embed.color = 0x00FF00; end if chance ~= nil and shiny then chance = chance / 100; Embed.title = 'Hatched a SHINY '..rarity..' '..itemname..'** ('..chance..'%)**'; elseif chance ~= nil then Embed.title = 'Hatched a '..rarity..' '..itemname..'** ('..chance..'%)**'; end (syn and syn.request or http_request) { Url = _G.webhookUrl; Method = 'POST'; Headers = { ['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'; }; Body = game:GetService'HttpService':JSONEncode( { content = Content; embeds = { Embed } } ); }; end local f = debug.getupvalues(require(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.ClientScript.Modules.InputService).UpdateClickDelay)[1] repeat wait(.1) f = debug.getupvalues(require(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.ClientScript.Modules.InputService).UpdateClickDelay)[1] until f ~= nil local cccc = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Assets.Modules.EggService) repeat wait() cccc = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Assets.Modules.EggService) until cccc ~= nil local Module = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Assets.Modules.ImageService local pets = debug.getupvalues(require(Module))[1] local petlist = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Assets.Modules.ItemDataService.PetModule) local hatlist = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Assets.Modules.ItemDataService.HatModule) local Eggs = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Assets.Modules.ItemDataService.EggModule) local Crates = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Assets.Modules.ItemDataService.CrateModule) local EasyLeg = {} local BlueLeg = {} local GreenLeg = {} local HEasyLeg = {} local HBlueLeg = {} local HGreenLeg = {} _G.itemInv = {} local function GetRarity(name) local entry = petlist[name] if entry ~= nil then return petlist[name]['Rarity'] else return hatlist[name]['Rarity'] end end local function GetChance(name) local mythic = false if string.find(name, "Mythic") then name = string.sub(name, 8, #name) mythic = true end for i,v in pairs(Eggs) do for x,y in pairs(v.Rarities) do if y[1] == name and mythic then return y[2] / 200 elseif y[1] == name then return y[2] end end end for i,v in pairs(Crates) do for x,y in pairs(v.Rarities) do if y[1] == name and mythic then return y[2] / 200 elseif y[1] == name then return y[2] end end end end for i , v in pairs(Eggs) do for i , v in pairs(v.Rarities) do if GetRarity(v[1]) == 'Legendary' and v[2] >= 0.04 then table.insert(EasyLeg,v[1]) end if GetRarity(v[1]) == 'Legendary' and v[2] >= 0.005 and v[2] <= 1.0 then table.insert(BlueLeg,v[1]) elseif GetRarity(v[1]) == 'Legendary' and v[2] >= 0.0005 and v[2] <= 0.004 then table.insert(GreenLeg,v[1]) end end end for i , v in pairs(Crates) do for i , v in pairs(v.Rarities) do if GetRarity(v[1]) == 'Legendary' and v[2] >= 0.04 then table.insert(HEasyLeg,v[1]) end if GetRarity(v[1]) == 'Legendary' and v[2] >= 0.005 and v[2] <= 1.0 then table.insert(HBlueLeg,v[1]) elseif GetRarity(v[1]) == 'Legendary' and v[2] >= 0.0005 and v[2] <= 0.004 then table.insert(HGreenLeg,v[1]) end end end cccc.HatchEgg = function(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9) local name = a3 local eggsOpenedindex = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Assets.Modules.Library.index)["EGGS_OPENED"] local e = f:InvokeServer("GetPlayerData") local eggsFormatted = e[eggsOpenedindex] local rarity = GetRarity(name) local isShiny = a7 local petimage local skipAlert = false for x,y in pairs(pets) do if x == name then petimage = y end end local chance = GetChance(name) local legendColor = "" for i , v in pairs(GreenLeg) do if v == name then legendColor = "green" end end for i , v in pairs(BlueLeg) do if v == name then legendColor = "blue" end end for i , v in pairs(HGreenLeg) do if v == name then legendColor = "green" end end for i , v in pairs(HBlueLeg) do if v == name then legendColor = "blue" end end if a6 ~= nil then eggsFormatted = eggsFormatted - 3 + a6 end while true do eggsFormatted, k = string.gsub(eggsFormatted, "^(-?%d+)(%d%d%d)", '%1,%2') if (k==0) then break end end for i,v in pairs(_G.SkipRarities) do if rarity == v then skipAlert = true end end if _G.SkipPets ~= nil then for i,v in pairs(_G.SkipPets) do if v == name then skipAlert = true end end end if cccc:IsSecretItem(name) then rarity = "SECRET" end if not skipAlert then inventoryAlert(name, rarity, isShiny, legendColor, petimage, eggsFormatted, chance) --print(name, rarity, isShiny, legendColor, petimage, eggsFormatted, chance) end end