[Guild] >While things at the guild was going about it's usual business the notice board gets a unique request via a equally flashy mode in which it was delivered. A vacant spot began to trail a outline of a notice slip in cold blue flames. Soon a ice blue notice snapped into place and adhering it's self to the board. >The contents of the of the request scrawled rather professionally in a golden ink "To those whom this may concern; I humbly request a phenomena to be investigate and sorted as further ideal inaction may lead to further incident. The problem in question lay south/south-east of the port of Adanet intersecting with road used for trade. What has formed as now been dubbed the 'Dream Thicket' as those who enter are rarely seen again. How the issue is resolved is complete left to your discretion. The reward is listed below please take this request with due caution, bonus for completing the task with little to no damage to the surrounding area." >The Reward and Bonus are listed below as stated with a blue wax seal of a dragon. >Hey Archivist https://textbin.net/gi6me51eem