@angelum.dei Friend, I hope you read this because this is important. In Isaiah 11 it is prophesied that the messiah will gather together the exiled Jews. The Catholic teaching on this is that Jesus is that messiah, and He established a new Israel, the Church, and one day the exiled Jews that rejected the messiah will be gathered together in this Church. In Romans 11:16-23 Paul expounds on this, teaching by metaphor that the Jews are holy branches broken off from the tree, representing the new Israel, the church. However, he says that these branches can be grafted (attached) back to the tree! “And they also, if they abide not still in unbelief, shall be grafted in: for God is able to graft them in again.” (Romans 11:23) From this we see that the exile of the Jews is primarily a spiritual one, and that the Messiah can and will end it by grafting the broken branches back on to the tree. The state of Israel is founded on the idea of Zionism, which proposes that the Jewish exile should be forced to end without a messiah. Zionism comes from a secular understanding of Judaism which is a heresy. It goes against Catholicism AND against Judaism which believes that the exile will be ended by a messiah yet to come. Furthermore, while Catholics should not support Islam, the Zionist State being forced onto the Holy Land has caused terrible violence between Jews and Palestinians. As a fellow Catholic I ask you to reconsider your support for Zionism.