# --{ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ItemJoin's Custom Item Configurations, by RockinChaos =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= }-- # See the tutorial page for a more in-depth explanation; https://github.com/RockinChaos/ItemJoin/wiki # Join the discord for easy plugin support; https://discord.gg/D5FnJ7C # # Modifying this will cause this file to break and regenerate. items-Version: 7 items-Delay: 2 items-Overwrite: true items-Spamming: false items-RestrictCount: false items: devine-item: id: COMPASS slot: 4 name: '&bServidores' lore: - '&7Escolha um minigame.' - '&7Para voce jogar' commands: interact: - 'message: &eVoce abriu o menu de servidores!' - 'player: servidores' commands-sound: NOTE_PLING commands-sequence: SEQUENTIAL commands-cooldown: 1 cooldown-message: '&cEspere um pouco para abrir novamente' enchantment: FIRE_ASPECT:3, DAMAGE_ALL:5, DAMAGE_UNDEAD:5, KNOCKBACK:8 itemflags: unbreakable, hide-attributes, self-drops, death-drops triggers: join enabled-worlds: world