F4M] Little Miss Scare All [forced orgasms][restrained][ritualistic][summoning][possession][succubus][demon][rape][Happy Spooktober][contest19] Traveling home on a stormy night, her car brakes down on a forest road miles away from civilization. Walking up the road, she finds a drive way. Does someone really live all the way out here in the woods? Maybe they have a phone she can use. What's the harm in asking? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Thunder and rain sounds] (Exasperated to self) Dammit, dammit. Oh, please be let somebody be home. [Knock knock knock] (Calling out) Hello? Is someone there? My car broke down, and I was wondering if I can use your phone. [Door creaks open] Hi, I'm sorry to bother you, but my car broke down a little up the road, and my phone doesn't have any reception here for some reason. I was hoping I could use your phone to call a tow truck or something. Please. It's raining, and I... I didn't know what else to do. (Relieved) Thank you. You don't know how greatful I am that you were home. [Door closing, thunder and rain lower/muted, sound of fireplace cracking] A towel? Thanks. That would be great. I don't know where this rain came from. I'm just soaked. (Groan) Even my socks are wet. I guess sneekers aren't the best for rain huh? To be honest, I was surprised when I saw your drive way. I didn't think anybody lived all the way out here. Your hunting lodge? (Shakily) Huh. Lucky for me you were out here then. Wait, then do you even have a phone up here? Shit. Well, at least I'm out of the rain. You what? You could take me to the service station? (Sigh) That would be amazing. Thank you. In the morning? Ok. (Shiver) Mind if I warm up by the fire here? (Exasperated sigh) It feels good to get these wet shoes off. God, my socks are so wet. Wine? That actually sounds amazing right now. (Light hearted laugh) Thanks. For everything really. This has definitely been a weird night. Well, I'm headed back from a wedding upstate. I haven't really been through this area all that much before. Never thought people actually stayed in this area. From the road it just looks like mountains and trees and stuff. Yeah, I guess that makes sense. It would be a good place to get away. Ooh, yes. (Sips wine) Mmmmm. (Sigh) Much better. What? What about my clothes? Dryer? You have a dryer here, but you don't have a phone? No, no. I'm not complaining. I just... yes, that would be nice actually. Thank you. Um... do you think you have something that I could change into? Great. (Short pause, sipping wine) Oh, thank you. Wait, is... is this a dress? No, it's lovely. It's just... you know what, nevermind. Uh... I'll just change in here real quick. Is this the bathroom? Great. [Door closes] (Low to self) What the ****... what am I getting myself into? [Dialing tones] (Low) Come on... please work. (Low/fraustrated) ****... (Low to self) It's ok... it's okay. It's just a dress right, and... and it's just for tonight because he's gonna drive us to the station in the morning as soon as it's open. (To self while getting dressed) Alright. At least we don't have to sleep in wet clothes. This will be fine. Wear a cute dress, have some wine, maybe flirt a little. It's the least we can do. (Groan) What the **** am I saying? This is so weird. (Low to self) Okay. Breath. (Exhale) [Door opens] You know. I really can't thank you enough already. I really think it might be a lucky day for me all things considered. I mean, if you weren't here I'd still be walking out there in the road hoping for someone to coming driving by in the storm. What do you mean there wouldn't have been? What's that supposed to mean? A logging road? Huh. So people don't normally drive this way? Then again, now that I think about it I didn't really see any other cars. Blame GoogleMaps I guess. Oh yeah, sure. Thanks. (Sips wine) Mmmmm. And thanks for the dress. Black's not usually my color, but it's nice. Fits nice I mean. Uh, yeah... right. Almost like it was made for me. Sure. You know what? If you'll excuse, think I need you use the ladies room real quick. Wine is always so good, but it does have some effects. (Giggle) I'll be right back. [Door closes] (Low) Come on girl. Get it together. (Heavy exhale) Oh God, I can't do this. This is just too weird. Okay... okay. Just say you're feeling tired and, and... **** I can't even think straight. What's wrong with me? Everything feels so... fuzzy... (voice drops out) [Thump from falling to floor] [Pause] (Soft groan) Oh, my head. Wha... what happpened? [Clattering of chains/ continued clutter while struggling during dialog] Wait... what the ****? What the **** is this? Hey. What are you doing? Get these off of me. What is this place? My altar? Is this some kind of sick ******* joke? What? What do you mean I was sent to you? What the **** are you talking about? This is insane. Wait, where are you going? Let me out of these dammit. Let me out! (Struggling again restraints) **** ****... ****! (Exasperated sigh/groan) (Meekly) Are you... are you going to kill me? Then what? What is this about? What is that? Oh god, is that... is that blood? No no, don't... wait... what are you doing? No, stop. Eww! What are you writing on me? What the ****. Please. Please, just let me go. I won't tell anyone about this I swear. Please. Wait, what is that? It looks like... is that a hitachi wand? What are the straps for? Wait, wait... what are you doing? No, no, get away from me. (Struggling in frustration) Oow. Why are you strapping it to me? No. (Groan) Why are you doing this? Chosen? Chosen for what? What preparations? Born of pleasure? What is that supposed to mean? Awakening? I don't know what you're talking about? Please. I just want to go home. Do I still like the dress? You know what... **** you. What the **** is wrong with you? (Struggling in fraustration) This isn't happening. This can't be happening. What is it that you want? What? Who's coming? Please, just stop this. Please. No, get your hands off me. Don't ******* touch me. Wai... wait, no... [Sound of hitachi vibrating] (Gasp) You... you turned it on. You turned the... oh... (Groan) No no no... No. Mmmmm... please turn it off. (Sigh in pleasure) No, I don't want to. Not like this. I won't. Ooooh... (Softly) ****, ****, ****... (Groan) (Heavily breathing) Please, please just turn it off. Please. (Improv restrained moaning for a few seconds) No, no. I don't wanna to cum. I don't wanna. I don't... Ohhh ffuuuuck... (Improv restrained moans building to drawn out orgasm) (Exasperated) (Sigh) Please... please stop. Please. What... what is that? What are you saying? What? (Improv restrained moans during dialog) No, I won't say that. I won't say it. (Fearfully) Okay. Alright, alright. (Hesitent) I... welcome thee... I welcome thee... as... as your vessel... your... your chalice... eternal. [Sound of hitachi vibrating increases] (Gasp of surprise/pleasure) (Improv failing restrained moaning during dialog) (Cry) Oh god... you bastard! You... you turned it up. Oh... it's so intense. Mmmmmm... (Griting teeth) ****! (Heavy exhale) (Breathing ragged) I can't. No... I don't want... I don't... I... I... (Gasp) Oh God... what's happening? I... I can feel it. There's something inside me. (Groan in pleasure) No, this can't be happening. This can't be real. (Improv moans of pleasure building to vocal orgasm) (Breathing slowing and softening to mute) [Sound of hitachi stops] (Sigh as if waking/stretching) (Voice shifted into a sultrous tone) Ahhh... what a rush. (Giggle) Well, are you just gonna stare, or are you gonna let me out of these? I mean, I know I look good, but... Yeah? Is that right? Oh, so since you brought me here, I'm supposed to do what you say now? Is that how this works? (Giggle) (Pouting) I think someone's been watching too many movies. (Giggle) Oh well. I think I'll just let myself out. [Breaking of chains] Mmmmm... so much better. What? Not what you expected? You really should have read the fine print. (Giggle) Now... first thing's first. I don't know when this girl last ate something, but I... am just famished. And you... (Giggle) You look good enough to eat. (Raving laughter) Awww... are you scared? (Coldly) You should be... (Sinister laughter) (Fade out)