const Discord = require('discord.js'); const { prefix, token } = require('./config.json'); const client = new Discord.Client(); const fs = require('fs') const sqlite3 = require('sqlite3').verbose(); const sourceChannel="749435709097639946" //cisum buff channel const COMMANDS = new Set(["rend", "ony", "nef", "hakkar", "bvsf", "dmt"]); const DATABASE_FILE_NAME = "bt.db"; function getDatabase() { return new sqlite3.Database(DATABASE_FILE_NAME, (err) => { if (err) { console.error(err.message); } console.log('Connected to the bt database.'); }); } process.on('unhandledRejection', (reason, promise) => { //send all unhandled rejections to the database for analysis console.log('Unhandled Rejection at - 🛑 - ', promise, 'reason:', reason); logError(reason.path, reason); if (reason.message === 'Cannot edit a message authored by another user') { cid = reason.path.split('/')[4] removeChannel(cid, 'Cannot edit a message authored by another user'); console.log("reason message is :" + reason.message) console.log("reason errno is :" + reason.errno) console.log("reason code is :" + reason.code) } else if (reason.message === 'Missing Permissions') { console.log("reason message is :" + reason.message) console.log("reason errno is :" + reason.errno) console.log("reason code is :" + reason.code) } else if (reason.message === 'Missing Access') { cid = reason.path.split('/')[4] removeChannel(cid, 'Missing Access'); console.log("reason message is :" + reason.message) console.log("reason errno is :" + reason.errno) console.log("reason code is :" + reason.code) } else if (reason.message === "Cannot read property 'fetchMessages' of undefined" //|| reason.message === "Cannot read property 'edit' of undefined" || reason.errno === 'EAI_AGAIN' || reason.code === 'ECONNRESET' || reason.errno === 'ENETUNREACH' || reason.path === '/api/v7/channels/644061609240690699/messages?limit=1' ){ console.log("reason message is :" + reason.message) console.log("reason errno is :" + reason.errno) console.log("reason code is :" + reason.code) setTimeout(checkTimers, 20 * 1000); } else{ console.log("undefined exception") console.log("reason message is :" + reason.message) console.log("reason errno is :" + reason.errno) console.log("reason code is :" + reason.code) } }); client.once('ready', () => { console.log('running version: 8_29_2020'); checkTimers(); }); client.on('message', message => { if (!message.content.startsWith(prefix) || return; var args = message.content.slice(prefix.length).split(/ +/); const command = args.shift().toLowerCase(); if (command === 'wb') { let channel = client.channels.cache.get(sourceChannel); //set this var to source channel 644061609240690699 -skeram disc channel.messages.fetch({ limit: 1 }).then(messages => { //pull the latest message from source channel let lastMessage = messages.first(); if (! {} //ignore messages from bots message.reply(lastMessage.content) var timestamp = new Date(); var timestampDateFormatted = timestamp.toUTCString(); let db = new sqlite3.Database('bt.db', (err) => { if (err) { logError(error, "wb - db connect") console.error(err.message); } console.log('Connected to the bt database.'); });`INSERT INTO wb(time) VALUES(?)`, [timestampDateFormatted], function (err) { if (err) { logError(error, "wb - insert") return console.log(err.message); } // get the last insert id console.log(`A wb request row has been inserted with rowid ${this.lastID}`); }); // close the database connection db.close(); }) } if (command === 'subs' ) { let db4 = new sqlite3.Database('bt.db'); //check to see if this user already has a notification sub for this location let sql = `select user,location from notifications where user = ? and type = ?`; subs=[] db4.all(sql, [, 'sub'], (err, rows) => { rows.forEach((row, index) => { subs.push(row.location) }) if (subs.length === 0){ message.reply("You have no active subscriptions at this time.") } else{ const flashReport = new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setColor('#66ffff') .setTitle("BRB - Sub Check") //.setDescription(newUpdated) .addFields( {"name": "Active Subscriptions", "value": subs} ) .setTimestamp() //.setFooter('To unsubscribe from th message type !' + locationName + 'sub') message.reply(flashReport) } }) //insertNotification(,"","subs") insertNotificationLog(, "", "", "subs") //insertNotificationLog(user, command, type, "insert") db4.close(); } if (commands.has()) if (command === 'ony' || command === 'nef' || command === 'rend' || command === 'hakkar' || command === 'bvsf' || command === 'dmt' ) { //message.reply("notification logic") //console.log(message) let db4 = new sqlite3.Database('bt.db'); //check to see if this user already has a notification sub for this location let sql = `select user,location,type from notifications where user = ? and location = ?`; db4.get(sql, [, command] , (err, row) => { if (err) { return console.error(err.message); } //if there is no previous notification sub for this user+location then insert it if(!row){ insertNotification(,command,"single") message.reply("You will be notified with the latest on " + command) } else if(row.type === 'sub'){ message.reply("You already have an active subscription for updates on " + command + ". This command was ignored. If you'd like to cancel the subscription and allow for one time updates, type !" + command + "sub") } else if(row.type === 'single'){ message.reply("You already have a request pending for the latest update on " + command + ". This command was ignored.") } }); db4.close(); } if (command === 'onysub' || command === 'nefsub' || command === 'rendsub' || command === 'hakkarsub' || command === 'bvsfsub' || command === 'dmtsub' ) { //message.reply("notification logic") //console.log(message) commandStr = command.substring(0, command.length - 3); let db4 = new sqlite3.Database('bt.db'); //check to see if this user already has a notification sub for this location let sql = `select user,location,type from notifications where user = ? and location = ?`; db4.get(sql, [, commandStr] , (err, row) => { if (err) { return console.error(err.message); } //if there is no previous notification sub for this user+location then insert it if(!row){ insertNotification(,commandStr,"sub") message.reply("You will receive a message with every update to " + commandStr + ". To unsubscribe from further updates, retype !" + command) } //if there is a previous notification sub for this location+user, unsub the user else if(row.type === 'sub'){ notificationRemoval(commandStr,, row.type) message.reply("You have unsubscribed to updated on " + commandStr + ". To resubscribe to updates type !" + command ) } //if there is a single notification already for this location+user, overwrite with sub. else if(row.type === 'single'){ notificationRemoval(commandStr,, row.type) message.reply("You have a one-time request for updates on ! " + command + " that was overwritten by this subscription. \n" + "You will receive a message with every update to " + commandStr + ". To unsubscribe from further updates, retype !" + command) insertNotification(,commandStr,"sub") } }); db4.close(); } if (command === 'repost') { //pull server ID and channel ID from message details var serverId =; var channelId =; //pull the latest timers and reply to the !repost let db4 = new sqlite3.Database('bt.db'); let sql = `select bufftimers from bufftimers`; db4.get(sql, (err, row) => { if (err) { return console.error(err.message); } message.reply(row.buffTimers) }); db4.close(); //pull the latest message from the bot and add it to the repost database if (client.user.lastMessage == null) { const collector = new Discord.MessageCollector(, m => ===, { time: 10000 }); collector.on('collect', message => { collector.stop("Got my message"); let db = new sqlite3.Database('bt.db', (err) => { if (err) { logError(error, "repost - db connect") console.error(err.message); } console.log('Connected to the bt database.'); });`INSERT OR REPLACE INTO repostLocations VALUES(?, ?, ?)`, [serverId, channelId,], function (err) { if (err) { logError(err.message, "repost - insert statement") return console.log(err.message); } // get the last insert id console.log(`A repost location row has been inserted with rowid ${this.lastID}`); console.log("sid: " + serverId); console.log("cid: " + channelId); console.log("mid: " +; }); // close the database connection db.close(); }) } } if (command === 'brb' || command === 'buffreposterbot') { help = "```!wb " + "\nReports the latest world buff times. " + "\n" + "\n!repost " + "\nMake a post that will automatically update with the latest buff times. " + "\nOne !repost is allowed per server. Only the latest !repost will be recognized by the bot. " + "\n" + "\n!ony !nef !rend !bvsf !hakkar !dmt"+ "\nRequest a one time notification for updates." + "\nFor example, to get a one time update for ony buff, message !ony" + "\n" + "\n!onysub !nefsub !rendsub !bvsfsub !hakkarsub !dmtsub"+ "\nRequest notifications for every update until unsubscribed." + "\nFor example, to get every update for ony buff, message !onysub" + "\nTo unsubscribe, simply message the original command again, in this example !onysub" + "\n" + "\n!subs" + "\nCheck on currently active subscriptions." + "\n" + "\n!brb or !buffreposterbot"+ "\nRequest this help information. " + "\n" + "\nIf you find Buff Reposter Bot useful, consider donating to the developer:" + "\nQuestions/Comments:```"; } }); client.login(token); function insertNotification(user,command, type){ let db = new sqlite3.Database('bt.db', (err) => { if (err) { logError(error, "n - db connect") console.error(err.message); } console.log('Connected to the bt database.'); });`INSERT OR REPLACE INTO notifications VALUES(?, ?, ?)`, [user, command, type], function (err) { if (err) { logError(err.message, "n - insert statement") return console.log(err.message); } // get the last insert id console.log(`A notification row has been inserted with rowid ${this.lastID}`); console.log("user: " + user + " notification: " + command); //console.log(); }); // close the database connection db.close(); insertNotificationLog(user, command, type, "insert") } function insertNotificationLog(user,location,type,status){ var timestamp = new Date(); var timestampDateFormatted = timestamp.toUTCString(); let db = new sqlite3.Database('bt.db', (err) => { if (err) { logError(error, "n - db connect") console.error(err.message); } console.log('Connected to the bt database.'); });`INSERT INTO notificationLog VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)`, [timestampDateFormatted, user, location, type, status], function (err) { if (err) { logError(err.message, "n - insert statement") return console.log(err.message); } // get the last insert id console.log(`A notificationLog row has been inserted with rowid ${this.lastID}`); //console.log("user: " + user + " notification: " + command); //console.log(); }); // close the database connection db.close(); } function checkTimers() { channel3 = client.channels.cache.get(sourceChannel); //needs to be set to skeram disc if (!channel3){ console.log("error at check timers - get channel"); logError("error at check timers - get channel", "check timers"); setTimeout(checkTimers, 20 * 1000); }; channel3.messages.fetch({ limit: 1 }).then(messages => { var lastMessage3 = messages.first(); //select statement needed here let db4 = new sqlite3.Database('bt.db'); let sql = `select bufftimers from bufftimers`; db4.get(sql, (err, row) => { if (err) { return console.error(err.message); } //if the new timers match the old timers, do not continue timers = lastMessage3.content; if (lastMessage3.content === row.buffTimers) { //exit this function var timestamp = new Date(); var timestampDateFormatted = timestamp.toUTCString(); console.log("current buff timers match ✅" + timestampDateFormatted); setTimeout(checkTimers, 5000); return; } else { console.log("Calling update timer"); updateTimers(lastMessage3.content); remindMe(lastMessage3.content, row.buffTimers); } return row }); db4.close(); }); }; function remindMe(newTimers, oldTimers){ //console.log(oldTimers.split(/\r?\n/) ) //console.log("inside remindme") oldTimersArr = oldTimers.split(/\r?\n/) newTimersArr = newTimers.split(/\r?\n/) //extract key values from old timers and new timers arrays for (let i = 0; i < oldTimersArr.length; i++) { if (oldTimersArr[i].includes("🐛")) { console.log("skipping bug emoji") } else{ if (oldTimersArr[i].includes("Updated as of")) { oldUpdated=oldTimersArr[i] } if (oldTimersArr[i].includes("👹")) { oldRend=oldTimersArr[i] } if (oldTimersArr[i].includes("🐉")) { oldOny=oldTimersArr[i] } if (oldTimersArr[i].includes("🐲")) { oldNef=oldTimersArr[i] } if (oldTimersArr[i].includes("💗")) { oldHakkar=oldTimersArr[i] } if (oldTimersArr[i].includes("🥀")) { oldBVSF=oldTimersArr[i] } if (oldTimersArr[i].includes("👑")) { oldDMT=oldTimersArr[i] } } } for (let i = 0; i < newTimersArr.length; i++) { if (newTimersArr[i].includes("🐛")) { console.log("skipping bug emoji") } else{ if (newTimersArr[i].includes("Updated as of")) { newUpdated=newTimersArr[i] } if (newTimersArr[i].includes("👹")) { newRend=newTimersArr[i] } if (newTimersArr[i].includes("🐉")) { newOny=newTimersArr[i] } if (newTimersArr[i].includes("🐲")) { newNef=newTimersArr[i] } if (newTimersArr[i].includes("💗")) { newHakkar=newTimersArr[i] } if (newTimersArr[i].includes("🥀")) { newBVSF=newTimersArr[i] } if (newTimersArr[i].includes("👑")) { newDMT=newTimersArr[i] } } } //query the existing notification requests let db5 = new sqlite3.Database('bt.db'); let sql = `select user,location,type from notifications`; locations = []; db5.all(sql, [], (err, rows) => { if (err) { logError(error, "updateTimers - query") return console.log(err.message); } if (!rows.length) { console.log("No rows in notifications db. "); return; } rows.forEach((row, index) => { //push all notification requests into an array locations.push({"location": row.location, "user": row.user, "type": row.type}) return row }); //if any of the buff timers are not matching, update the notification requests that match the buffs that changed if (oldRend != newRend){ console.log(oldRend) console.log(newRend) sendNotifications(oldRend, newRend, locations, "rend") } if (oldOny != newOny){ console.log(oldOny) console.log(newOny) sendNotifications(oldOny, newOny, locations, "ony") } if (oldNef != newNef){ console.log(oldNef) console.log(newNef) sendNotifications(oldNef, newNef, locations, "nef") } if (oldHakkar != newHakkar){ console.log(oldHakkar) console.log(newHakkar) sendNotifications(oldHakkar, newHakkar, locations, "hakkar") } if (oldBVSF != newBVSF){ console.log(oldBVSF) console.log(newBVSF) sendNotifications(oldBVSF, newBVSF, locations, "bvsf") } if (oldDMT != newDMT){ console.log(oldDMT) console.log(newDMT) sendNotifications(oldDMT, newDMT, locations, "dmt") } }); db5.close(); //console.log(locations) } function sendNotifications (oldTimer, newTimer, locations, locationName){ for (let i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) { if(locations[i].location === locationName && locations[i].type === 'single'){ const user = client.users.cache.get(locations[i].user); //user.send(newUpdated + " Old Timer: " + oldRend + " -- > New Timer: " + newRend); const flashReport = new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setColor('#66ffff') .setTitle("Buff Timer Update") .setDescription(newUpdated) .addFields( { name: 'Old Timer', value: oldTimer, inline: false }, //{ name: '\u200B', value: '\u200B' }, { name: 'New Timer', value: newTimer, inline: false }, ) .setTimestamp() user.send(flashReport) notificationRemoval(locations[i].location,locations[i].user,locations[i].type) }else if(locations[i].location === locationName && locations[i].type === 'sub'){ if(locations[i].location === locationName){ const user = client.users.cache.get(locations[i].user); //user.send(newUpdated + " Old Timer: " + oldRend + " -- > New Timer: " + newRend); const flashReport = new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setColor('#66ffff') .setTitle("Buff Timer Update") .setDescription(newUpdated) .addFields( { name: 'Old Timer', value: oldTimer, inline: false }, //{ name: '\u200B', value: '\u200B' }, { name: 'New Timer', value: newTimer, inline: false }, ) .setTimestamp() .setFooter('To unsubscribe from this message type !' + locationName + 'sub') user.send(flashReport) insertNotificationLog(locations[i].user, locationName, locations[i].type, "sent notification") } } } } function notificationRemoval (location, user, type){ let db6 = new sqlite3.Database('bt.db', (err) => { if (err) { console.error(err.message); } }); //console.log(user) //console.log(user.toString()) //console.log(user.Number())`DELETE FROM notifications WHERE user=? and location=? and type=?`, [user, location, type], function (err) { if (err) { return console.error(err.message); } console.log(`Row(s) deleted ${this.changes}`); }); // close the database connection db6.close((err) => { if (err) { return console.error(err.message); } }); insertNotificationLog(user, location, type, "removal") } function updateTimers(timers) { let db = getDatabase();`UPDATE buffTimers SET buffTimers = (?)`, [timers], function (err) { if (err) { return console.log(err.message); } // console.log(`buffTimers Updated`); }); db.all("SELECT sid, cid, mid FROM repostLocations", [], (err, rows) => { if (err) { logError(error, "updateTimers - query") return console.log(err.message); } if (!rows.length) { console.log("No rows in db. Calling checkTimers."); checkTimers(); return; } //ID SOURCE CHANNEL - this will need to be updated to skeram disc once approved let channel = client.channels.cache.get(sourceChannel); channel.messages.fetch({ limit: 1 }).then(messages => { let lastMessage = messages.first(); //get the latest message from the channel to use as a source of information if (! { // The author of the last message wasn't a bot // TODO: do something if it's not a bot? } let channel2 = client.channels.cache.get(row.cid) //get information about the message to be updated if (!channel2) { removeChannel(row.cid, "Channel is undefined"); }; //console.log("channel ID -" +; channel2.messages.fetch({ around: row.mid, limit: 1 }) .then(msg => { console.log("editting message - 🔄 -" + row.mid + " - " + index) const fetchedMsg = msg.first(); if (!fetchedMsg) { removeChannel(row.cid, "message is undefined"); } fetchedMsg.edit(timers); //update the message pulled from the database //console.log("after edit") // if this is the last row then wait 20 seconds and call checkTimers if (rows.length == index + 1) { console.log("Calling checkTimers in 20 seconds"); setTimeout(checkTimers, 20000); } }); }); // get the last insert id rows.forEach((row, index) => { //iterate over all of the post locations channel.messages.fetch({ limit: 1 }).then(messages => { let lastMessage = messages.first(); //get the latest message from the channel to use as a source of information if (! { // The author of the last message wasn't a bot // TODO: do something if it's not a bot? } let channel2 = client.channels.cache.get(row.cid) //get information about the message to be updated if (!channel2) { removeChannel(row.cid, "Channel is undefined"); }; //console.log("channel ID -" +; channel2.messages.fetch({ around: row.mid, limit: 1 }) .then(msg => { console.log("editting message - 🔄 -" + row.mid + " - " + index) const fetchedMsg = msg.first(); if (!fetchedMsg) { removeChannel(row.cid, "message is undefined"); } fetchedMsg.edit(timers); //update the message pulled from the database //console.log("after edit") // if this is the last row then wait 20 seconds and call checkTimers if (rows.length == index + 1) { console.log("Calling checkTimers in 20 seconds"); setTimeout(checkTimers, 20000); } }); }); }); }); // close the database connection db.close(); }; function removeChannel(cid, error) { let db = getDatabase();`DELETE FROM repostLocations WHERE cid=?`, cid, function (err) { if (err) { return console.error(err.message); } console.log(`Row(s) deleted ${this.changes}`); }); // close the database connection db.close((err) => { if (err) { return console.error(err.message); } }); logError(error, "channel removal from handled exception"); }; function logError(error, programLocation) { console.log("************************") console.log(error) var timestamp = new Date(); var timestampDateFormatted = timestamp.toUTCString(); let db = getDatabase(); // TODO: need to double check the correct values are being passed to the database`INSERT INTO errors VALUES(?, ?, ?)`, [error, timestampDateFormatted, programLocation], function (err) { if (err) { return console.log(err.message); } // get the last insert id console.log(`An error row has been inserted with rowid ${this.lastID}`); }); // close the database connection db.close(); }