When doing a freebie amazon review, a person may ask for your amazon profile link, don't give that out as amazon can see who views your account link. You can give the people in freebees screenshots of your recent amazon reviews if you'd like. I havent personally been asked in this group for my profile link, but some people may ask. Make sure your amazon review profile has your real name and make sure your profile has a picture on it and is not blank. When you want to review a item. Make sure you ask for the keywords for the product you want to review... When you are looking for the product make sure you click on similar items that look like or are similar in price before actually clicking on the item you are trying to review. Spend 5 to 10 minutes looking at similar products When looking at similar items make sure you look at the reviewed pictures and descriptions of those items. Make it look like your actually interested in buying an item similar to the item you are actually going to buy and review. Amazon tracks how much time you spend looking for items and how long you look at a page. Make you shopping look as normal as possible. When reviewing an item make sure you take 5 days to 2 weeks before reviewing an item after you receive it, depending on how long you think it would take for your review to look as real a possible. Don't let these "free reviews" be your only reviews or purchases on your amazon account. Throw in a couple 3 star reviews here and there. You can use the free shit you recieve from the #filtered tab and give them 3 or 4 star reviews. Make your reviews lengthy and make up a story. Like "i got this for my dad and he loved it, he needed it for work, and it helped alot with blah blah blah".... Make it seem real. Try not to do more then 2 amazon reviews a week it looks really sus tbh. Amazon has hired a full team to look over reviews to check if they are real. They will flag your account and delete your reviews if you are marked suspicious. You wont get in trouble for leaving reviews for free but you will just be unable to leave reviews on products if amazon finds out that you are doing this. They also know track your ip. If you ever get banned from leaving reviews, you can always make a new account, just know that amazon may catch on eventually lol. Just follow my rules and you'll be safe.