Thanks Rob. I hope I can live up to that enormous introduction. I feel like it's a lot of pressure. How is everybody doing? It's been a rough week. [inaudible] people watching the trial? Yeah? OK. So it's gonna be touch points on a couple of things before we get started. This is probably gonna...everyone talks about the work on race, like what is the work on race? And there's also a lot of talking, but the real work is actually emotional. And in the department of psychiatry I think that we already know that if you can process negative feelings or if you have access to your aggression, you're actually psychologically healthier. And at the same time I want us to begin to think of racism as action. So I'm gonna say a lot of things and it will probably provoke a lot of responses and I want you to just maybe observe them in your thoughts. Are you having moral responses to what I'm saying? Is it a thought? Is it a feeling? Is it an action? How does this related [to you?]? So that's it. Let's get started. First prayers to [...] who's in the hospital right now. So let's show a prayer for him. And also [...] responsive player which is [?] that means "in this world there's no position equivalent to knowledge'. So if racism exists in all aspects of our world, it also exists within our collective psychology. Everyone talks about systemic racism, but what does it mean? It means that it sits in our collective psychology. Which means that culture is essentially white. It reflects a white mind. There is a psychological dynamic that is on PTSD repeat every time people of color attempt to directly talk to white people about race. The double bind of even bothering to talk at all. An eerie feeling of familiar of intense rage and futility. We spend our time patiently explaining their attacks and they deny. We are calm , we are giving, too giving, and then when we get angry they use our responses as confirmation that we're crazy or have emotional problems. It always ends that way. It happens every time like a god damn timer. [..] kind of down. White people's expectation is that we will take their attacks with gratitude and apologize for our anger and that we're overly sensitive and crazy. Our rage is the real problem. Except nothing makes me angrier than a white person who tells me to not be angry because they have not seen real anger yet. I did this for years in psychoanalysis where every time I got angry about race this white bitch called me psychotic. She told me that the problem was that I was quote "too smart" and that I either had to be psychic or psychotic. Her classifications had nothing to do with me. Psychoanalysis was used as a weapon on me to ... of my mind ... a projection .... She attacked me for racist interpretations and then made my anger quote "the problem". I spent years unpacking her racism to her while she charged me cash money for years. And then she attempted to "teach me" because she had concern about my anger. I couldn't get her to shut the **** up. This is the cost of talking to white people at all. The cost of your own life as they suck you dry. There are no good apples out there. White people make my blood boil. Around five years ago I took some action. I systematically white-ghosted most of my white friends and I got rid of the couple white BIPOCs that snuck in my crew too. I stopped watching the news. Once I started, I couldn't stop. I have less than one percent left. It was also a public service. I had fantasies of unloading a revolver into the head of any white person that got in my way, burying their body, and wiping my bloody hands as I walked away relatively guiltless with a bounce in my step. Like I did the world a ******* favor. I also walked away from institutions ... in New York. I did want to teach there. I couldn't be a part of it. Their ... training systems ... become ... The Ivy's are super ... I needed to cut out everything white. Well ...super immature for a psychiatrist. My ... a moment of reckoning with myself. I did let myself see that I've been having these conversations for years. It was too painful for me to acknowledge that I was angry. To see the relationships for what they really were. Attack. Entitlement. Holding down ... I released them into the ... I was sparking mother ******* joy. In my private practice however I had the opposite feeling with my white patients. I felt unbearable pair sitting with them and feeling what they were going through. White suffering is desperately painful. Even if white people don't know that the origin of their suffering is racism, they never learned another way. I've been able to take in a few breaths now and I want to put into words why conversation was never possible. To communicate to you what I thought was impossible. My ... was more about my own futility. Of not doing what I needed to do. A meditation on the real murder. I didn't want to look into my own darkness, mixed my blood and tears with my finger and smear across my forehead ... I was scared of my own power and thrilled of invoking terror. I ...In Indian culture Mahishasura is a demon that changes form. Any time ... taking a new shape and form. Manishasura can only be destroyed when you see it for what it is. It can no longer take another form. Racism is my Manishasura. ... and I'm also like really good with knives. So I'm gonna do what I need to do which is kill Manishasura and enjoy it. I took a minute, I'm ready to come out and let the killing and creation begin. Adi Parishakti is the ...of absolute truth after the destruction of the universe and before its creation. We then have to destroy everything to create a new world. . ..Dave Chapelle ...material ... but I want to return to you to his special 8:46. I had paused in two moments in Chapelle's 8:46, his opening and closing question. "I'm tired of explaining to these people something that is so god damn obvious" and "Are you out of your ******* mind if you can't see that?" I held on to every word Chapelle said. The space between his words felt long. Emotionally long. The nightmare of racism hasn't ended, it's endured... We've never been able to move forward. Why are white people so confused by black rage? More importantly, why do white people have so little empathy towards black rage? In 8:46 Chapelle begged white women to just shut up. White women can't stop talking for longer than 5 minutes because they think they're here to teach us about white privilege. And I saw the same type of thinking in all white people in the institutions that I was in. But now I got some ... I got a road map to the white mind. Are you out of your ******* mind if you can't see that? I actually first psychoanalyst, the aforementioned white bitch. It wasn't ... I knew it wouldn't be. I'm psychic like that. But racism isn't better than... It's normal in our society to attack the minds of black and brown people, to say that we're crazy or that rage is a problem. This perception is authorized by academic psychiatry and psychology because they're part of the collective white mind. ... I've got an answer to both questions in a series of theses through a different angle. I'm using my expertise in forensic psychiatry, critical theory and psychoanalysis to turn the lens on the problem: the white mind. This ... to come which will dig deeper. The series is intended to unpack the hot mess that is the white mind. [interruption by Siri] You white people have a problem with what I'm saying and how I'm saying it. That the way I'm talking about race is "not acceptable" to you. These racist frustrations are ... speaking and writing. You want me to categorize my writing and the style in which I speak in the dynamic of racism. If my using the word bitch was too much for you, what I'm saying will threaten you. You need to believe that white people are the real victim. Your racism is gonna become a lot worse because I'm speaking directly about race and that's uncomfortable. You wanna box me in, to define me so that I'm unacceptable and not the ever shifting forms of racism. My ..aren't as ... through my memoirs as I slowly run a blade across your neck. ...intimate look into my complicated relationship with myself dealing with whitey, my problems with my profession and the world at large. I will lay out how racism pervades all parts of my life as I ... Nothing is more intimate than death. ...and I'm gonna have a little fun. You may have heard words such as "psychopathic bully". Or ... more partial to the more accurate descriptors... None of these words come even close to capturing the ... white people are truly a phenomenon. This means that we need a brand new vocabulary for these concepts to imagine something new. An experiential remix that draws from culture, psychoanalysis and forensics. I created psychological ... guide to the violence that white people commit as part of their identity and their need to feel guilty. To not speak some awful truth. You need a vocabulary of new concepts to help people of color name what they experience to name the violence that's committed on them and to reflect on the parts they may have also internalized. ... racism is embedded in white culture and how it affects the collective white mind. Racism hides behind a distorted white focus on black rage as the problem that black and brown people need to reflect. ... as a projection of their own ... Racism is masked by white effort to help people of color, an identity I will call "white goodness." Because of this dynamic of white people never owning their shit, black and brown people have always had a different room to talk about white people. For white people, my theory is an invitation into the other room to see how we view you and to begin to own your own violence. But ... I wanna make sure that you're like comfortable or at least seated like I'm a good host like that. .. I respect that... integration of ... in school and during that time I have to ... anthropologists to white academics to survive and understand what the **** they're really saying but learned how to decode white. I will be teaching these new concepts to you but my form is just ... what I'm talking about is really emotionally painful. But at the same time sometimes we just need a little laughter. We need a little sugar to ... White people have been out of their minds since western colonialism. It was the worst violence the world has ever seen. White people tell themselves that they're the super heroes of the world. They started this lie to justify their violence. I'm gonna call the super hero identity "white goodness". It is the mask of a psychopath. White people don't know they're wearing the mask because usually psychopaths don't know that they're psychopaths. This mask is an essential part of their identity. Every time a white person lies about their violence to or against a person of color they invert reality. The violence becomes exceptional heroism. White people also have the distorted perception of a person of color of being inferior and in need of help to justify violence. And for white people everyone is in need of their help. Which is ... began. So now, white people have violently inverted reality for years to continue to see themselves as the world's"super heroes", it's ... at this point. So white people are out of their minds and they have been for a long time. We're now in a psychological predicament because white people feel that we're bullying them when we bring up race. It's ...we should be thanking them for all that they've done for us. They are confused and so are we. We keep forgetting that directly talking about racism is a waste of our breath. We're asking a demented, violent predator who thinks that they're a saint or a super hero to accept responsibility. It ain't gonna happen. They have five holes in their brain. It's like banging your head against a brick wall. It's just like sort of not a good idea. We need to remember that directly talking about race to white people is useless because we're at the wrong level of conversation. Addressing racism is ... white people can see and process what we're talking about. They can't. That's why they sound demented. They don't even know they have a mask on. White people think it's their actual face. We need to get to know the mask. Black rage has nothing to do with black people and everything to do with white people. Part 2 The white ... The ...white people need our help... behind their back, like it's time. They need some help. They rigged the game but they don't know that they're losing or ... If white people can accept the existence of racism and the nature in which it operates - white privilege - why has there been no psychological formulation on black rage? It's real. We all know it's real. ... feels comfortable saying it. ...People of color are angrier and louder. I know, I'm one of them. BIPOC's are enraged because white people don't own their dirty history, actions or real intentions of racism. Instead white people babble 24/7 needing to teach everyone about race and yet have a complete absence of curiosity about black rage. Why? White people love to talk about race right now. You do not get them to shut the **** up. It makes them feel good. They also happen to make ... true enlightenment. Talking about racism is a form of self congratulatory masturbation. White people exchange pleasentries without really addressing racism. It serves no purpose other than to jerk themselves off. ... posturing at the nation. And yet for all the babbeling and teaching that white people do, the moment you bring up race they just block any suggestion that they're racist with a blabla. ... when they get called being racist. "that's not me. I'm ... I'm not that person. I was raised to be respectful... I honor and salute you." That's not an apology, that was a press statement. What they are saying is "that was a one-off. I had a moment where I lost control, that was not me." It's all of you, America. ..communicating if you are the ones who are off with what you ... contact with their unconscious. White people are dependent on black rage. ... as outside of themselves they need to focus on the intensity of rage or the problem being located in a person of color to establish that rage has nothing to do with them. The problem of race is that we have difficulty with emotional regulation. ... calm the **** down they can actually talk about race. ...they can even help... The most violent racists are the ones who are not aware of their unconscious, not the ones that express their hatred in words. Most racism is unconscious. In fact, not understanding black rage is a psychological requirement for white people to flourish and thrive. It's a cover. To not know their unconscious or who they really are. They're survival depends on it. That's why it needs to be perpetually confusing for white people. Not understanding black rage is why our nation and world hasn't been able to mourn from the level of violence of slavery, colonialism and conversion. Racism is just a continuing legacy, a reminder of what we haven't yet pieced together. Our collective trauma of sorrow, anguish and utter desolation. We're not addressing racism at all until we can understand black rage and we would never be able to collectively mourn the trauma of racism until we can have empathy for black rage. But we can barely tolerate it and we're unsettled as a nation because of it. It's time to... Next section. All lives matter. It's a thing. Are there any psychoanalysts in the room? Yeah, yes? OK. so what we're about to get into is...different form...this is a ... It's impossible to talk about race because we are talking to psychopaths. Psychopaths are psychological bullies because they actually have no self esteem. They're all ... White people ... when we directly bring up race because they feel threatened. They're grasping at that last shred of imagined self esteem. Our ...observation threatens to expose them. ... defences... that's why they blame us and go full throttle victim. I cannot even begin a conversation about racism without getting a silly ice cold warning from a whitey that I be respectful and not generalize to all people because "that's racist". In a single moment white people reverse the conversation, tell me that I'm racist to even dare to bring it up. They say this with a perfect combination of condescension and concerned white ... to offer me just enough hope of salvation. If it's a white woman I usually get a little extra support through teaching. But I digress. It's a command to shut up. I am the problem now. We are the problem now. How the hell did this happen? And why does this happen instantly all the damn time? White people live with a feeling of unfairness "it's not fair for me to think about my racism". That's why they literally bring up everything other than what just happened when you bring up race. What about ... I am kind, but I'm gay. What about ... people who like... I only eat the outside of Oreo. ... gay people, trans people, fat people. ... That's why I think we have this all lives matter moment when we bring up race. White people feel like everything is unfair for them, especially self examination. They have a singular mission. To cling unto their most sacred feeling: unfairness. So that they can feel like this conversation is unfair to them. That's why all white people ... we're victimizing them. White people destroy all meaning of racism by destroying the meaning of inequality and racism. This is the attack someone ... They need to reach a conclusion of sameness to safeguard their feelings of unfairness. And how do they do that? White people use the language of equality or sameness to protect their entitled lives so they never have to do the work of equity. They need to believe that what they have is rightfully earned. So instead of .... or false equivalence around harm, and this is gonna get very specific, they destroy the truth and self righteously defend its destruction. It's an abuse of language to destroy the difference between words, to make all words the same, to make them meaningless. They flash flood us with words to obliterate the purpose of language, to communicate accurately. And if there is no difference, there can't be empathy. ... There lies ... nonsense... that racism does not exist and ... real oppressor because ... Bringing up that racism or white privilege exists seems racist to a white person. Having to even consider their own racism is the same to them as actual racism. I kind of gotta hand it to white people ...brilliant anti-logic I ever heard, but like see if you can hear this thought ... we are the real racists ... conversation with them. White people will now invert the conversation to prove that we're the real racists. ... white person, the thing ... following form and usually through shrieking: "We can have empathy for you, but you need to have empathy for us. It's the same!" ... Let's slow it down. ... what words are being ... empathy for. Let's ... of what empathy really means. "You can have empathy for you and the history of racism but you need to have empathy for us feeling bad or guilty". Whiteys occasionally ... the second ... is problematic and almost never built in because white people ain't really requesting empathy. They want sympathy. It's a desperate pleading state towards white guilt or feeling bad. Also, white people are now speaking to us in the past tense... They are no longer addressing what we just said. They're racists. So they're talking about the history of racism. They changed time on us, y'all. So it's all in the past. So at this point we're so lost by white logic that we no longer know what racism means. So this is meaningful. Let's put this back together. If feeling bad or guilty about the harm that white people have caused is the same as actual racism against us then they're saying that these are equivalent states of harm. So feeling guilty about committing systemic violence is being harmed as much as the violence of racism. ... thing there's not really anything to talk about here ... or put differently, racism does not exist. But remember that white people need guilt to hold the ... us together. Because it makes no sense. And it's not, there's no harm to them and they actually have to face their own racism. So white people have a situation. They're saying "You need to have pity on my feeling bad. Facing my own violence is a violent attack for me. Stop talking or I will feel violently attacked." So let's ... That's how threatened they feel. They have to deliver an ultimatum and that's why feeling guilty is a psychological necessity for them. As long as they feel guilty, they don't actually have to face reality. And it's not that white people won't speak to us about the racism that took place. It's actually that they can't. It's a psychological limitation of their mind. They're struggling emotionally with the content of what we just said. They just can't go there with us and we have to actually accept that distinction. And we can because our minds are different. They're also saying to us: "You need to understand me. You've misunderstood me!" This "me" part feels threatened. So in order for America to heal we need to understand what white people will undergo if they allow themselves to really know that it's not the same. White people will be terrified. That's why they cling onto a feeling of guilt. We also need to gracefully accept for now that white people truly are confused by black rage, which they are. White people don't want to become of their true intention, of who they really are and what they've done. Each conversation of race sounds completely new to them. That's why they all sound demented. They are terrified of their own racism, they just don't know that. They're hurting their own mind. They want us to ... around their guilt. To not face the force of what they do to other people and also the horrors of what they've done to themselves. Next section: The law of what was already gone I would like to ****** all people of color in ... but here we are, to empathize with the enormity at stake when white people face their guilt. The emotional rift of being vulnerable enough to begin to know what they've done to other people and themselves. The inconsolable losses that they've already gone through but did not now as of yet. Beginning to know what they never have. White people have to face the largest psychological task America has yet to face. They need to face their own psychopathy. They need to face their own violent history which they needed to see as external to themselves. To no longer see white privilege as "not me" but a violent part of themselves as they face their past and continuous level of criminal violence. White people actively hide all of this from themselves. They just put everything outside. Literally. If you can't see it, it never happened. It's part of their unexamined world view. You can keep it where it belong, unconscious forever. Otherwise what the whitey's do ... staring them in the face and that would be rude. If you can't ...the defining symptom of white privilege is the ability to chose not to see. If you can't see prison overflowing wit black and latino men you say "great.". You didn't do it. Prisons vanish. Incarceration is magic. White people need to control who's in and who's out. If we look at what ... not find a damn thing .They keep their air tight CIA-level operation of white privilege hidden from us. We can't wiretap an operation that has no location. you don't want anyone to ... about a meeting outside home and behind the scenes strategically placed phone calls. You want it to work and work for you. White people are hiding from themselves. Fatally shooting a 17 year old boy as he returned from the candy store ... neighborhood watch... Treyvon was in a hoody and up to no good. Slaying a black runner from a pickup truck was self defense. White people put Eric Garner in a choke hold while he suffocated and his ... but it's not violent. It's a gentle neck massage. When Brianna Taylor the cops got charged for ... endangerment. White people could have been hurt. There was no indictment because of what white people saw. Protection of themselves. The cops got charged for the bullet that nicked her black body, not the eight bullets that they unloaded into her. Translation: The bullets that count are the ones that protect the real issue, the right to kill black people. Brionna Taylor's black body was just collateral damage. How white people view themselves has to change. They each have to undergo a complete collapse of identity as a good, helping and teaching person. History will have to be rewritten and they're not prepared. They will be undone and we can see this right now. white people are disintegrating into a rage with just the dawning threat that an ounce of white privilege may crumble. We need to hold them up as this happens. They're terrified of really leveling the playing field. Because it's the first time that white people had ever really had to compete and they don't know if they can. White people have never earned shit a day in their life. They've had centuries of rigging the game. You know that Shakespeare was a decent rhymer in some circles but if he ... snoop dog or ... he would lose and in a big way. ... makes Shakespeare look like he's trying too hard. He would just be alright. He would never entered a page of history. He would be unknown. Instead we would know... I like Biggy, I like Snoop. I just figure that like when America is like really ready I'll address the east coast west coast rap divide, which is not yet, so ... The game is rigged, y'all. White privilege was meant to ... it's location is ... always been. And yet white people set themselves up to lose, they just didn't know it. They rigged the game to control the cannon because they could never really compete on the world stage. And it's graffiti sprayed all over the cultural unconscious in large block letters. White people can't dance. White men can't jump. White people can't really well like feel the deal up, you know what I mean. They know they've been missing something. That's why they had to colonize India, Africa, South America and the whole world ... later. Some of them try to run, though they can't run like that. If you colonize the whole world and own everything you push your own idea of what counts as literature, food art and music and set it up as the standard. You put your highest value on your stuff and when you set up your personal playlist as neutral, that's whiteness. You get to own the cannon as if it's a real thing and not made up. And when ... and hide the power differential at the same time. Poof, poof. What would happen if tacos were paid what they're truly worth. Is this why ... is expensive and well, bad? And tacos are cheap as ****. no one has any question that tacos are like the ... and that's the real reason we need to ... up with Mexico. ... I got you Puerto Rico ... behind the ... ...because nothing is more threatening for white people than facing reality. They've never faced reality and as long as they ... they never have to. so let's change that. ... let's talk about Reality. Let's do a quick recap here. Is feeling guilty about their violence in the violence inflicted on white people they're also saying I'm feeling attacked for having to consider my own violent actions. Any conversation about race gets turned back on us for one single consistent reason. "we are not getting to say who we are." Why? Like, who are you guys? So let's meet white people where they're at by understanding how threatened they feel by looking at who they really are. You have to help them open their eyes and begin to see and hear for the first time. And bla bla, bla bla bla bla. Next section: Out of sight, out of mind. The hidden white world view. White people do not see their violence. Literally, they do not see it. And they give a special name to their blind spot. Objectivity. White people have structured their entire world view around not seeing their violence and entitlement. Objectivity is the organizing methodology of white people. SO when you hear the words "objective", "neutral", "impartial" - think white. And yes, I'm talking to you, psychoanalysts. White people have given another name to their violence: bias. "You're biased. That's your point of view." It's a point of view that they can't see because we are pointing at them not seeing their violence. White people set up a power differential in relation to us where they're objective and we're emotional. And the .. everything on those terms because we're so...emotional. Let's assume ... history lesson ... it uses power to assert eurocentric and western dominance and justifies control over resources and people by legitimatizing violence. Colonialism is psychopathy. White people have physically structured academics around their objectivity. They put colonized narratives into departments of history. ... History is basically like fan fiction for white people to marvel about how amazing they are. You get the sense that when you talk to white people that they're sort of stuck in like a marvel comic. Just count the number of times they use the word "super"! "I'm living in the freest country in the world. ...super power ... super free... " They learn this in history class. They live out their violence. White people put their violence physically outside of history departments. ... different names. These are called latin american studies, bolivian studies, east asian studies, it goes on. ... and just to give you a one sentence summary like telling you what I learned by taking part in these classes I'd summarize it: white people are the cause of everything we have. Our land, culture, history and person hood. Right there. That's it. You've taken all of their classes. They different departments far away from each other because we all say the same thing. White people have destroyed everything we have and they don't want black people to know. They're threaten the communities of color so black people feel isolated rather than know that they have a world of community. White people also ... coercive comments of privilege. "You too can become white one day if you participate in anti-blackness." If you accept the white trap, you're actually accepting your own inferiority. It is designed to fragment all black and brown people, so it's a win-win for the whitey. ... make sure that all the ... can like never leave. He knows that if they ever got together they would burn his motherfucking ass to the ground. and that ...would be lit. Racism is a hidden continuation of colonialism. White people systematically ... their entitlement ... violent and hatred out of sight. White people ... they now oppress us through an invisible power differential of unearned assets. White people continue to confer advantage based on races itself and for them a disadvantage to non-white groups. Except now that shit is ...cleaner and better sanitized since the violence is no longer direct. These two different kinds of history actually reflects to different kinds of ... around the perception of violence. White people set up their world view to avoid seeing their violence. They're objective and we're emotional, so we can't see straight. Except that psychopaths are unemotional because they project all their violence outside of themselves and never process their own emotions about violence. They're cold and calculating because they never own their own shit. ... have no negative emotions. Which is why all white people are chillingly objective. Next section: the mask of a psychopath - white goodness. Black and brown people have a sort of like weird shared cultural moment watching white people watching trump getting elected then. And then watching white people react to his chronic lying. White people are suddenly like "oh my god, he makes no sense" and black people ... really see the humor ... because alternative facts are only really used for white people. We know that white people have really never made any sense. ... racism and white privilege is something all white people want to deny. ... believing that if they're not consciously racist, then they must not be racist. Even as they participate in violence. And yet every white person also truly believes that they're the special and unique exception to privilege... so much so that they ... true liberators of the third world. It's their calling. The chose one. And ... having a moment right now where they believe that they are the anointed teaching sages of privilege and whiteness. And you cannot even laugh. Because ... not ironic to them. When did the identity of rampant exceptionalism both become believable and the norm for white people? Language ... how white people constantly view themselves. Whitespeak is the language of opposites. The difference between what you say and what you do. It gives us an access point into the white mind. Since white people don't consciously experience themselves as violent, ... name how they do see themselves. White people have created a systematic methodology to experience violence as "not me". So I'm going to use language accurately as we begin to understand the white mind. I'm going to rename and create our own lexicon and like ... shit. White people gotta ... to keep the image of themselves .... narrative that others need you and you're graciously ... them you can basically justify all violence. It's a psychological goal. White goodness is an identity to consciously experience violence as "not me". And it's not just an organizing identity, it's also a performance. And not just any performance. It's the ... of all shows. The ... of ... White goodness is a particular genre of ... that focuses on the optics of caring. Every public moment in the world signals their innate virtuosity and nobility. The unrivaled expression of cheers, moral indignation and outrage over all the world's atrocities are part of the careful cultivation of how white people ... It's ... you know when it's happening because you sort of like sit back, get some popcorn and like watch the show of emotion. It's gonna be epic. And long, so grab a beer and make sure it's cold. You gotta ask a question why white people have the highest level of sanctimonious outrage for things that have never happened to them while also ...rejecting all racist actions they commit. White outrage is a moral badge of honor. ...really going on. How much better they are than us. Black rage is a communication about pain. White rage is an intentional shifting away from the real content to divert attention back to the real stars - white people. Moral superiority, they got that badge. White people can now save us all from an otherwise wretched existence. ... White people ...often ...that they "help". Selfie, #... documentary film makers that "give voice" to other communities, international adoption, click, click. All of this ... who is in the center of the shot ... white... story in the press is really about. Oof, white magic. This is why all those people love injustices. It's their chance to shine and take center stage. And the little voice inside of them ... gently question "why the **** are you so outraged?" None of this happened to you. ... another dazzling surge of white affrontedness. and you would be an asshole for ... white goodness. White women elevated this to an art. You can see this in their ... reclaimed use of the n-word. ...white call to arms. They're more offended and feel like they're better blacks than black people because they "get it". They get the real black experience. They can now teach black people how to be better black ... on a clinic day in residency when the 2008 terror attacks on Mumbai happened. Two directors of the clinic positioned themselves in the room to give voice to themselves and perform their goodness. One of them had traveled to India and used the moment to wax lyrical about his romanticized notion of India and bemoan his imagined, abstract loss. What a beautiful country. The colors, the ... the people, such a beautiful country. We went to... it was a tale of his travel and apparently his designer ... too. The other one ...heavy despair. His voice shook with white emotion as he took center stage. It was truly spectacular. After they took up the stage with authorities as themselves they were done. There were two people of Indian descent in the room. What they did do was ask if ... or even if they were alive or dead...we were an afterthought. I was an afterthought. It was a story about them and a spectacular one it was. Inside the white mind, every day is opposite day. Is this the right time?... Let me know if you want me to stop or keep going... [verifying time left with moderator, she's out of time].