1: Settlement Hits - Two solo or one rally only per settlement per alliance. No ZEROing players - Hitting an enemy settlement more than 3 times in 24 hours or attacking using more than 1 rally per settlment in 24 hours. Your alliance must stop attacking after 3 hits or 1 rally. There is a 24 hour cooldown period before attacking again. *Consequence: If you zero a player, the R5 of their alliance gets to choose who will rally the person that attacked them. The rule breaking player must not have reinforcements, if they put on a shield, they have 24 hours to break the shield and allow the disciplinary rally. If not, their R5 will have to kick them and burn them. (Provide SS of troops losses and attacks in state discord. Need 4+ alliances to vote for approval and retaliation. Must be r5 or state discord diplomat for vote to apply. 2: Resource tiles - An alliance has the right to forcibly remove you from a resource tile if this falls within their territory. DO NOT attack players that are gathering in neutral ground. *Consequence: If you hit in no man's land or on the other parties land, then it's resolved between those alliances if there is no troop loss. If there is loss, the party who was attacked can rally the other alliance. (Party meaning alliance who was hit). Please provide the proof of loss prior to taking action as well as a screenshot with the coordinates of the listed for review to confirm the retaliation is valid. 3: No base hitting during specific events, including settlements, towers, hqs, etc. Do not attack anyone in an alliance that is undertaking Influencer Trap, Fortress Fights, ACs, or Horde. This also applies during kill stage. *Consequence: If a player gets hit during an event (horde, trap, fortress fights or ac fights) the R5 of their alliance gets to choose who will rally the person that attacked them. The rule breaking player must not have reinforcements, if they put on a shield, they have 24 hours to break the shield and allow the disciplinary rally. If not, their R5 will have to kick them and burn them. 4: Alliance Buildings - Attacks on an Alliance construct, valid/invalid, is not permitted unless agreed on unanimously with proof that the alliance is dead. If an alliance blocks passage to an analysis center or resource spot- message the "dead" alliance R5/R4's and wait 24 hours. If no response, post a ss of your attempt to make contact to obtain approval for demolition of specific constructs in Discord State Server. (If an alliance completely encircles an analysis center and deliberately denies access, you may advocate, with proof, for immediate removal of a tower.) Agreement must be unanimous in the final decision prior to any action taking place. *Consequence: You have the right to destroy the number of buildings (including Headquarters if Hq was destroyed) the opposing alliance destroyed with permission from Mods. Provide all interactions & documentation for faster deliberation. Do not retaliate without permission. All alliances must agree to go ahead. 5: Be respectful in both game & discord! Do not get personal with insults. Taunting is fine, but do not become aggressive with anyone. Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated. Sexual Harassment is 100% unacceptable. Threats to real life is 100% unacceptable. If you are asked to stop speaking in a manner considered hostile or abusive by someone and do not listen you will be considered a harrasser and can be punished as one. More than 2 recons before an attack has occurred is also defined as harassment. If you’re feeling harassed in a manner not relating to sexual harassment or threats to life please follow the following steps: 1) ask the player you feel harassment from to stop 2) message both your R5 and the other players R5 to let them know what’s going on and that the behavior has been asked to stop If it continues then bring ss of both the behavior, the player being asked to stop, and continued behavior to state discord *Consequence: sexual harassment and threats to real life will result in being zeroed and reported to SOS. On all other forms of harassment you will be punished in a manner no less than a rally of the person being harrassed choice and possibly zeroed depending on severity. Bring screenshots of what was said and (if applicable) that offender was asked to stop to state discord for approval by all alliances. 6. KILL EVENT- It is forbidden to attack another alliances HQ and towers. It is forbidden to attack a settlement more than two times or rally more than once. Only hit dead settlements and survivors who no longer play to get the points, we need the state to grow and smaller alliances have a chance. Rule 2. regarding no hits on tiles still applies to KE.