Name: Utena Stats: Cooking:3 Bardism:4 Strategy:5 Strength:1 Endurance:3 Agility:3 Durability:1 Combat:1 Illusion:3 Alchemy:4 Race: Reaper (+Servant, +Bio-Immortal) Chuuni Overdose (+15) ***: Female Free Fate Points (+30) Body: Face: Girly (-4) Height: Average (0) Bust: Medium (-4) Butt: Feminine (-2) Hips: Feminine (-2) Fitness: Fit (-8) Skin: Fair Hair: White Eyes: Blue **** My Shit Up: Everwet (+15) Love Nectar (+5) Patches (+25) Free Fate Points (+30) Global Race Mods: Caustic Blood (+20) Blood Overdrive (-10) Claws (-10) Under The Table: Contortionist (-8) Spawn Point: LOST Player Count: 10000 People (0) Afterlife: Mastema (+HUD, +Status, +Riftgate License, +Hammerspace Inventory) Respawn Timer: 1 Month (0) Death and Deity Modifiers: Chosen (+10, +10 Proficiency) Class Proficiency: Free Proficiency Points (+10) Cooking to **** III (-3 PP) Bardism to **** III (-3 PP) Strategy to **** III (-3 PP) Endurance to **** III (-3 PP) Agility to **** III (-1 PP) Durability to **** I (-1 PP) Illusion to **** III (-3 PP) Alchemy to **** III (-3 PP) Banes: Fate Dynamo (+15) Chuuni Deluxe (+20) The Adoring Fan (+25) Exhibitionist (+15) Femininity (+10) Zetsubou (+25) Ahegao (+15) Dere Dere (+20) Masochist (+15) LOST (+5) Boons: Permanence (-5) Sensory Overdose (-5) Destiny Drive (-25) Hammerspace Inventory (Free Mastema) HUD (Free Mastema) Status (Free Mastema) Unbreakable Mind (-40) Bio-Immortal (Free Celestial) Pain Zero (-15) Hero (-35, Strategy to **** IV) Hero (-35, Alchemy to **** IV) Hero (-35, Bardism to **** IV) Demon Lord (-45, Strategy to **** V) Items: Survival Guide (-2) Servant (Free Reaper) Soulbound (-15) Dungeon Dowser (-10) Riftgate License (Free Mastema) ----------------- Servant Name: Kali Stats: Smithing:4 Strength:1 Agility:4 Combat:3 Spatial:5 Light:3 Race: Kotengu Pump-A-Rum (+15) Free Fate Points (+30) Body: Face: Girly (-4) Height: Average (0) Bust: Medium (-4) Butt: Feminine (-2) Hips: Feminine (-2) Fitness: Fit (-8) Skin: Pale Hair: Black Eyes: Green **** My Shit Up: Everwet (+15) Eggnancy (+15) Eggz (+20) Love Nectar (+5) Free Fate Points (+30) Global Race Mods: Caustic Blood (+20) Wings (Free Kotengu) Claws (-10) Birb (+15) Under The Table: Perfect ***** (-4) Contortionist (-8) Tamed Shark (-4) Mr Clean (-4) Class Proficiency: Free Proficiency Points (+10) Smithing to **** III (-3 PP) Combat to **** III (-2 PP) Agility to **** III (-1 PP) Spatial to **** III (-1 PP) Light to **** III (-3 PP) Banes: Exhibitionist (+15) Femininity (+10) Dere Dere (+20) LOST (+5) Boons: Sensory Overdose (-5) Bio-Immortal (-10) Hero (-35, Smithing to **** IV) Hero (-35, Spacial to **** IV) Hero (-35, Agility to **** IV) Demon Lord (-45, Spatial to **** V) ----------------- "My Lord Mastema, you are the only Arbiter worth worshipping upon this accursed plane. What good are the games of the others to me when millions of sentient beings are enslaved? What good are their gifts when the so-called "monster" races are murdered en masse by the nations that consider themselves "civilized"? The other Arbiters are a mockery, abominations in the eyes of all moral people. My Lord, upon my honor I do swear- from the floating islands of Aria to the eternal darkness of Nocturne, I shall establish a realm that follows your ideals, safe from the depredations of the true monsters who sully this world. I shall establish not a negative peace where those of morality are afraid to act, but a positive peace where every being of every kind can blossom and prosper. I refuse to accept the dirty status quo of this world, my Lord. It needs a revolution, and with your blessing, I shall bring it. -Utena, upon meeting Mastema for the first time "Arc you goddamn bastard why the **** do you keep doing shit like this to me?" -Mastema at the annual Arbiter meet-up "I love Utena a ton, but I really wish she would shut the hell up about the revolution every once in a while, y'know? Obviously she's gotta talk about it, yeah, but do you have any idea how hard it is to get off when she discusses it in middle of ***?" -Kali, confiding in a member of the rebellion "...Alright, fine. I guess I'll just... go and bomb Sforzando again or something... I hate my life." -Utena, upon her third suicide attempt of the year [This character is me wondering what would happen if a militant idealist became so disgusted by what she heard about Harahel that she decided to try to burn it to the ground. Mastema is her chosen arbiter, because he seems to be the most chill, but even with that, it's doubtful that he'll be thrilled about someone trying to overthrow his little amusement park, so Utena may not get exactly what she bargained for. Strategy V and Bardism IV were taken because of the obvious advantages they offer to any kind of political leader, Illusion III, Agility III, Kali's Agility IV, and Kali's Spatial V are for sneaking around to mess up stuff in the cities, and Alchemy IV and Kali's Smithing IV were taken in order to make extremely advanced bombs, as well as augmentations for any followers Utena may gather (but mostly for the bombs). Oh, and I took Zetsubou because the idea of a constantly depressed revolutionary who has to constantly put on a bold face for 'the cause' is really funny to me.]