==== Player Build v0.6.4 ==== Name: Iris (Nightfall) Race: [Reaper] ***: [Female] Hair: [Black] Eyes: [Crimson] Skin: [Pale] Face: [Feminine] Bust: [Medium] Height: [Average] Hips: [Feminine] Butt: [Feminine] Fitness: [Fit] F.M.S.U.: [Everwet], [Milky], [Patches], [Resting Smug Face], [Love Nectar], [Curse of A Thousand Maidens], [Localized Regen] G.R.M.: [Bio-Immortal], [Tasty Fate], [Regeneration], [Kyuu], [Tireless], [Wings], [Pain Zero], [Dhampir], [Mushi] U.T.T.: [Tamed Shark] Boons: [Hush Money], [Darkvision], [HUD], [Hammerspace Inventory], [Status], [Tasty Prof], [Max Charisma], [Hero], [VooDoo], [Unbreakable Mind], [Relative Realism], [Talk To Me] Banes: [Chūni Deluxe], [Fate Dynamo], [Femininity], [The Fool], [Vulgar], [Attention Whore], [Sadist], [Chūni Overdose] Items: [Servant], [Riftgate Licence], [Soulbound], [Infinity Bag] Aferlife: [Mastema - Arbiter of Sanctuary] Afterlife Timer: [1 Month] Death Mods: [Corrupted Vision] Player Count: [10,000 People] Start Location: [Nocturne] Ending Fate: 0 Ending Prof: 0 PROFICIENCY Strength 3 Agility 4 Endurance 3 Durability 2 Combat 4 Charisma 4 Description: A close-combat specialist who mainly uses a scythe. Combined with her inhuman agility, she's capable of cutting through several foes in the blink of an eye. She tackles most combat situations head-on, preferring to end it in a grandiose and graceful fashion with [Relative Realism]. Flavor Text: She sees herself as the main character of this world, treating everyone like forgettable extras, though her charisma usually lets her get away with it. However, she is very caring and considerate to the ones she considers her friends and family. Particularly to Evelyn, who she considers her own daughter, despite them frequently getting into arguments. Appearance: http://cdn.wallpaperhi.com/1600x1200/20130415/boots%20pants%20touhou%20uniforms%20military%20scythe%20weapons%20eyepatch%20jackets%20shinigami%20red%20eyes%20short%20hair%20t_www.wallpaperhi.com_2.jpg ==== Servant Build ==== Name: Evelyn Race: [Mazoku], [Tenshi] ***: [Female] Hair: [White] Skin: [Pale] Face: [Feminine] Bust: [Medium] Height: [Average] Hips: [Thicc] Butt: [Feminine] Fitness: [Fit] F.M.S.U.: [Everwet], [Milky], [Love Nectar], [Localized Regen], [Curse of A Thousand Maidens] G.R.M.: [Bio-Immortal], [Demon Core], [Horns], [Monster Mash x1], [Tasty Fate], [Doublethink], [Mushi], [Tireless], [Pain Zero], [Kyuu], [Unusual Eyes] U.T.T.: [Tamed Shark] Boons: [Hush Money], [Tasty Prof], [Hero], [Wisdom Incarnate], [HUD], [Status], [Talk To Me], [Darkvision] Banes: [Daitenshi], [Femininity] Start Location: [Nocturne] Ending Fate: 0 Ending Prof: 0 PROFICIENCY Strength 1 Agility 1 Endurance 1 Durability 1 Strategy 3 Arcane 1 Light 4 Dark 4 Description: A support mage that also acts as a strategist. She can heal and buff allies, debuff foes, and create undead hordes to serve as either cannon fodder or crowd-control. With [Doublethink] and [Wisdom Incarnate], she's capable of rapidly creating and adapting plans on the fly. Flavor Text: Iris ****** up somewhere along the way, or maybe it was just Arc ******* with her, either way, Evelyn didn't turn out quite how she envisioned her to be. Rather than blindly following her master, she acts as something of a guardian for her instead. She's completely unaffected by her charisma, so she always calls her out on her bullshit and reigns in her chuuni tendencies when they go a bit too far. In fact, her name was originally "The Divinity of Black and White" while Iris was "Nightfall", but after giving her master a particularly harsh scolding, she changed it to more normal names instead, though Iris still uses Nightfall as a nickname. Despite it all, she still loves her master dearly, not unlike how a daughter would see their mother. Appearance: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/Br2nl reaper//female//hairBlack//eyesCrimson//skinPale//faceFeminine//bustMedium//heightAverage//hipsFeminine//buttFeminine//fitnessFit//everwet//milky//patches//restingSmugFace//LoveNectar//maidenCurse//localizedRegen//bioImmortal//grmFateBoost//regeneration//kyuu//tireless//wings//painZero//dhampir//mushi//tamedShark//bodyHushMoney//Darkvision//HUD//HammerspaceInventory//Status//tastyProf//MaxCharisma//hero_combat_agility//VooDoo//UnbreakableMind//RelativeRealism//TalkToMe//ChūniDeluxe//FateDynamo//Femininity//TheFool//Vulgar//AttentionWhore//Sadist//chuniOverdose//Servant//RiftgateLicence//Soulbound//InfinityBag//afterlifeMastema//1Month//corruptedVision//10k//startLocalNocturne//strength_1//endurance_3//agility_1//combat_3//durability_2//||mazoku//tenshi//female//hairWhite//skinPale//faceFeminine//bustMedium//heightAverage//hipsThicc//buttFeminine//fitnessFit//everwet//milky//LoveNectar//localizedRegen//maidenCurse//bioImmortal//DemonCore//horns//monsterMash_1//grmFateBoost//Doublethink//mushi//tireless//painZero//kyuu//eyesUnusual//tamedShark//bodyHushMoney//tastyProf//hero_dark_light//WisdomIncarnate//HUD//Status//TalkToMe//Darkvision//daitenshi//Femininity//startLocalNocturne//strategy_3//dark_2//light_3//endurance_1//durability_1//