scenario where the gerudo have captured link for trespassing or something, and chained him up in prison where they plan to use him to mate with all of them and breed them all against his will lots of talk about how their brown cunts were made for white ****, how they're going to drain him dry endlessly until to constantly knock themselves up and fill their brown bellies with white babies talk about worshipping sweaty balls - based on the picture i'm imagining they keep forcing him to get hard by using their mouths on his ****/balls/asshole before they impale themselves on his dick and stretch themselves out, so describing and talking about the smell/taste of his sweaty balls or asshole or about tasting the previous gerudos ***** on his dick, talking about leaving lipstick marks specifically on his puckered asshole and balls, something like idk they all have to leave one big clear smooch mark each time they use him seeing as you like the size difference stuff can talk about how they're much larger than he is and how small he is, except when it comes to genitals reverse it and talk about how their tiny cunts get ruined/demolished/stretched out by his giant dick, how it slams against their cervix and spews gallons of seed directly into their womb lots of references to their colours when talking about themselves, brown pussies, white dick, dark cunts, pale throbbing member, whatever kinda thing. could even talk about how they're so much better than zeldas white cunt, how it's probably looser, or how she's probably not as willing to do the things to make you feel good that they are