***Script Starts Here [Sound of phone ringing] Hello? [A slight pause] Hey, Mom, what’s up? [A slight pause] Merry Christmas Eve to you too! But that isn’t why you called, is it? [A slight pause] (laughs) Come on, Mom, I know you! I am your son, after all. You think I don’t know when you’re calling me for something to nag me about? [A slight pause] She’s in the bathroom getting ready for dinner. [A slight pause] (sighs) Yes, Mom, I know this restaurant is expensive, but it’s a special night, you know. It’s our 4th Christmas Eve since we've been dating. That’s a milestone in my book. [A slight pause] (chuckles) I know you love her, Mom. She loves you too. You know, she was a wreck when I introduced her to the family during our first Thanksgiving together. But I think she fit in just well with everyone. And…hopefully…she’ll fit in even more… [A slight pause] *nervously* Am I ready? Mom, that’s like asking if I can fly. No, I’m not ready! I’m about to ask the woman I love, whom I’ve been with for 4 years, to marry me. It’s ******* nerve wracking. Sorry, Mom…I know you don’t like swearing. [A slight pause] Well, a proposal is different. It’s not like asking someone to be your girlfriend or whatever. This is marriage! I’m asking this woman to be mine for the rest of my life. This has got me freaking out worse than when I asked her to move in with me. [A slight pause] (sighs) You’re right…things wouldn’t be entirely different. We already live in an apartment together. It’s going great, Mom, as it has been for the past 4 years. But this is only us dating. Marriage is a big step. I mean, I’m asking this woman to be my wife. *freaked* Crap…what if she says no? You know it’s a possibility, Mom! What if she’s not ready and I’m rushing her? [A slight pause] No, we’ve discussed marriage before. I mean…kinda. We’ve joked about it like how things would be if we tied the knot and if we’d buy a house. [A slight pause] Yes…yes, I love her like I’ve never loved anyone else in this world. She’s everything. No, I know…just wait until I’m ready. [A slight pause] Yeah, I have the ring. The plan is to wait until tonight at dinner to propose. I’m gonna put the ring in her champagne glass. Corny, yes, but it’s romantic, right? [A slight pause] Shit! She’s coming! I’ll call you back after tonight, alright? [A slight pause] Yes, and I’ll work on giving you grandchildren if we get there. Love you too. [You hang up] (clears throat) Hey, you. You finally ready? It only took you a whole hour to do your hair. [A slight pause] (laughs) Okay, yes, twenty minutes and I’m just being an asshole. But can you argue with me, baby? You’re wearing braids! You told me before that it’s one of the easiest hairstyles to do for your hair. [A slight pause] Alright, alright, fine. I won’t argue with you when it comes to black women’s hairstyles even though I was the one who helped you part your shit, condition it AND plat it. [A slight pause] Yes, you taught me how to plat it, but I still aced that shit, didn’t I? [A slight pause] I know I’m a dumbass, but that’s why you love me. You look gorgeous though. I love when you put your braids back so I can see your pretty face. *aroused* And that dress…****, you look good in all colors, but it’s something about you wearing bright colors like that that make me… [A slight pause] No, no, I’m fine. Just trying not to picture myself jumping your bones across the dinner table. [A slight pause] (groans softly) You ******* tease. Don’t say shit like that if you don’t want it to happen. [A slight pause] Well, since you asked so nicely, my plans for when we get back home involve some very wholesome Christmas movie marathon watching, sitting under the tree and…guess. [A slight pause] (gasps) Baby! Naughty, naughty girl. What, did me telling you I wanna jump you in the restaurant really turn you on that much? [A slight pause] Ohhh, so me in a suit has got you hot, hm? I forgot how much you love when I clean up. Maybe when we get home and after finishing all of the wholesome plans I have in store for us tonight, maybe I’ll turn you out and keep the suit on while I do it. (laughs) Yes, AFTER the wholesome plans, baby. Pout all you want, naughty girl. I had meant we’re baking Christmas cookies. It’s Christmas Eve! Of course, we’re baking Christmas cookies. Remember you said you wanted to try your hand at ‘em? Well, I bought some dough and the ingredients for sugar cookies. Hmm…you’ve still got that little pout. Well, you’re just gonna have to wait for the main event, aren’t you? Because not only is it Christmas Eve. It’s a SPECIAL Christmas Eve. This the 4th Christmas Eve we've spent together. We’ve been together for 4 ******* years! Can you believe it? Act all nonchalant all you want but wouldn’t have taken so much time in that bathroom if you weren’t excited too. You cannot make me feel bad about wanting to make this night perfect for you, baby. I’ve got some big plans for you. [A slight pause] Oh, you got jokes tonight, I see. We’ll see how you feel when I ace these ******* cookies and you don’t get any. Now let’s go. We’re due for are reservation in fifteen minutes. *****(At the restaurant) [In the men’s bathroom] (sighs) Hey, man. Look, I’m sorry to call you right now, but I’m flipping my shit right now. I’m pretty sure I’m having a breakdown. [A slight pause] Yeah, I’m at the restaurant, but I’m in the bathroom. I’ve been in here for the last 10 minutes shitting bricks. No, she’s sitting at the table. We just finished dinner and we’re waiting for dessert. My plan was to slip the ring in her champagne glass before the dessert comes. [A slight pause] Yeah, I’ve got the ring in my pocket. But… (exhales in a shudder) ****, I don’t know what I’m doing. I don’t know what I SHOULD do. I barely even ate dinner because my stomach keeps rolling. [A slight pause] Well…no, we never talked about marriage. It’s just a big step, you know? (groans) God, you sound just like my mom. Living with your boyfriend is one thing, but marrying him is something entirely different. *scared* What if she says no? I’ll look like a fool! [A slight pause] (scoffs) I can’t know unless I try? Really? That’s all the advice you have for me? [A slight pause] (sighs) Yeah…you’re right. I was just as nervous about asking her to move in with me and now here we are. It’s kind of weird, but a good weird living with her. One moment, I’m asking her to pass the broccoli at the dinner table and then the next, I’m bending her over it with my dick inside her. (laughs) Sorry, sorry! I got sidetracked. Yes, I do love her. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. I’ve been in love before, but this? This is something different. She makes me feel so safe, like everything I tell her and show her won’t go exposed. [A slight pause] Yes, fine! I’ll…I’ll do it. But if she says no, I’m blaming you for telling me to do it. I’ll call you back later with the details. I’ve gotta go now before she thinks I died or something. We’ll talk later. [You hang up] [Sound of classical music & restaurant ambience] Hey. Sorry about that. My friend called me. Did you enjoy your dinner though? You look like you did. And those two glasses of champagne. You’re probably bouncing off the walls right now. [A slight pause] Hm? Me? Of course, I enjoyed my food. Why? Does it look otherwise? [A slight pause] For the record, I did to touch my food. It was just a lot, you know? Besides, I wanted to save room for the dessert and the cookies later. Oh, look! Here’s our dessert right here! Perfect timing! You wanted crème brulee, right? And I got us two more glasses of champagne. Just sit tight while I pop this bottle open and pour you a glass. [A slight pause] You’re damn right I’m doing this. I’m always gonna be the gentlemen regardless if we’re together for 50 more years…that is, if I’m lucky to have you for that long. I’m lucky to even have you for 4. [Sound of a popping cork] There we go! Now here’s my glass…and here’s yours. Cheers to our 4th Christmas Eve and hopefully, another 4. [Sound of clinking glasses] [An awkward silence] Did I do okay with the restaurant? (laughs softly) Classy, right? Well, it is a special night. Figured you’d like the complementary champagne special they have for Christmas Eve. [Another awkward silence] Hm? Oh, yeah, my dessert! Yeah, it’s good…it’s really good. [A slight pause] Huh? Yeah, I’m fine, babe. Don’t worry about me. It’s just really hot in here is all. It’s probably the alcohol. No, you enjoy yourself! Don’t worry though. You know I can be weird at times. (chuckles) That’s why you love me, huh? Well, thanks for putting up with my weird self. [A slight pause] Baby? What’s wrong? [A slight pause] There’s something in your drink? Like what? [A slight pause] Well, you’ll have to drink the rest of the champagne to find out, right? [A slight pause] Good…you found the ring. Now I can finally do this right. [Sound of a chair squeaking] [A slight pause] What am I doing? I’m getting on one knee, of course. I want to do this right. We’ve been together for 4 years. 4 amazing years. You are the most brilliant, beautiful, wonderful person that I know and I am honored that you chose me to… [A slight pause] *whispers* What does it matter if people are watching? Babe, this is about you and me. I want to spend my life with you. Having us live together as a couple just doesn’t seem to be enough for me. I need you all day, every day. I need to see you every day I wake up and every night when I lay my head to rest. I… [A slight pause] *irritated* Would you stop talking about people staring? I’m trying to get this proposal out before I lose my nerve! [A slight pause] Fine. I’ll just speed it up them. Here, give me your hand. My beloved…my one and only…will you marry me? [A beat of silence] Babe? *nervously* Babe. I need an answer. [A slight pause] *confused* You…you what? You want to leave? But…but you didn’t even finish the dessert yet. You didn’t– Hey, wait. Let me just pay the tab and we’ll go. [A slight pause] Where are you going? Baby, wait! Don’t run out! [You leave the restaurant] Baby! Baby, wait! Stop, and talk to me! Why’d you leave me like that? You didn’t even give me an answer! [A slight pause] No! No, that’s not what I care about! I care about you, but, of course, you hurt my feelings when you cared way more about other people watching us then you did me putting my heart on the line for you. [A slight pause] What do you mean I didn’t care about you? [A slight pause] Embarrassed you? What are you talking about? [A slight pause] Wait, wait, baby, I didn’t… It wasn’t my intention to embarrass you. I just wanted to do something special for you. I didn’t want to wait until we got home! I just wanted to… [A slight pause] *angrily* Hold up. You are NOT about to pin some bullshit like that on me. No, we never had a serious talk about marriage, and yes it’s a big step, but would it truly be any different than where we are now? We already live together and support each other with our jobs, we split the bills, and we… [A slight pause] (scoffs) Cheating? Why the **** are you bringing that up? No, you’re not saying that to make me think about us getting married and the repercussions that could come with that. You’re saying that as an excuse to not marry me. Why are you even talking about repercussions? There shouldn’t be any when the person you supposedly love wants to get married to you! (scoffs angrily) Oh, so now you’re ignoring me? You know what…I’m not doing this out here. It’s way too cold and we’re in the middle of the street. We can talk about this at home. ***Scene Cut (back at the crib) *softly* Hey…sorry to bother you. Just got out of the shower. [A slight pause] Yeah, it was…fine. That Christmas sweater looks good on you. It’s hideous, but you look cute in it. [A slight pause] (clears throat) Um…so you already started on the cookies? Didn’t think to wait for me? I wasn’t gonna be that long in the shower, you know. I would’ve helped you. Well…can I at least stick ‘em in the oven? [A slight pause] Cool. [You stick the cookies in] Alright, they’re in. They should be ready in about twenty-five to thirty minutes. Look…are you gonna be like this all night? [A slight pause] You know what I mean. You’re quiet. Reserved. You didn’t even wait for me to start making the cookies. (sighs) Can we please just talk? I don’t want us to be like this. Not on Christmas Eve. [A slight pause] (scoffs) The hell there isn’t anything to talk about! So you’re just gonna act like we didn’t fight in the parking lot of a restaurant? Really? I’m sorry about what happened at the restaurant. Maybe it wasn’t the right time to propose or maybe you’re not ready…but you running out like that really hurt my feelings. [A slight pause] Wait…are you crying? Baby, no. Please don’t cry. [A slight pause] Am I angry at you? No, baby! I mean, yes, I was earlier, but I’m just confused. I want to know why you ran out like that. Did you not want me to propose right now? I know we never talked about marriage, but I figured since we’ve been together for so long… [A slight pause] Oh…so that’s why you ran out. Sweetie…it was never my intention to embarrass you in there. I just wanted it tonight to be special for us. But if you think that the proposal should’ve been private, then I have to respect that. I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable. (groans) ****…now I feel like an ass. [A slight pause] You don’t have to try and butter me up, babe. I’m sorry I got so mad at you. [A slight pause] Why…why do I wanna marry you? You’re being serious? Baby…it’s not because we’ve been together for 4 years. Couples have been together for 10 years and still haven’t gotten married. The length of our relationship has nothing do with that. I want to marry you because you’re a beautiful person that I want in my life for as long as you want me. You are the love of my life. I want you in the morning, at night, on my best days and on my worst. And it doesn’t matter how long we’ve been together. I’m always going to feel that same tingle in my stomach as if we’ve met for the first time. You’ll always give me butterflies. And I’m lucky that you’re still here. [A slight pause] Ask you again? Ask you what again? [A slight pause] Oh…really? But the ring is upstairs. I should go and get it. [A slight pause] No? But…I wanted this to be perfect. [A slight pause] It’s perfect already? *happy* You really know how to make me feel better. Here, give me your hand. Now…let’s try this again. (exhales) Will you, my love…my best friend…marry me? [She kisses you] Mmph! I guess that answered my question. [Kissing between lines] ****…I love you so much. Thank you for choosing me. I’m so sorry I’m such a dumbass. I…You’re right. I should shut up. I’ve got so many more things I could be doing with my mouth right now. Here, jump up. Wrap those legs around me. Let’s get you on the counter. Lift up your sweater. Let me see those titties. [A slight pause] (chuckles) No bra, huh? I wonder if it’s the same down below too. But I can find that out later. Pass me the whipped cream. I originally bought this for the hot chocolate, but I think it’ll taste way better on those hard nipples of yours. [You apply the whipped cream] There we go. Now let me get a taste. [Suckling, wet sounds] Ah-ah, no moving, baby. It’ll drip all over you if you move. [Spank!] I said don’t move. I’ll spank you again if you have to. (groans, aroused) That little giggle of yours…you like when I do this to you, don’t you? I’m so lucky to have this whenever I want now. You want me to taste you again? Your wish is my command, baby. like that? (you moan as you wetly kiss & flick your tongue across her nipples) God, your nipples taste so good. I could cum just looking at them. [A slight pause] (laughs) You could cum too, huh? They’re that sensitive? Mmm, I wonder what other parts of you are sensitive tonight. Lay down and spread your legs for me. [A slight pause] Yes, on the counter. I wanna show you how much I appreciate you saying yes. (you moan in appreciation) Goddamn, look at that *****. And no panties either! Naughty girl. [Slap!] Yeah, you like those little slaps I give your clit? [Slap!] So…can I show your kitty cat the petting it deserves? [you pause & moan in appreciation] Thank you. [Cunnlingus sounds] God, you taste so ******* good. Wrap your legs around my head. [Wet, flicking sounds] Fuuuck, your *****…[Tongue flicking sounds] It tastes so ******* good. (you grunt) And your mouth! Let me play with that needy little clit. (you moan, licking at her clit) (chuckles) Does my tongue feel good? Yeah? (you moan loudly) Look at me, baby. Stare into my eyes while I go down on you. Don’t look away from me. [More wet, tongue flicks & moaning] God, you’re dripping on my face. Yes, baby, grind against me. Grind against your ***** on my face while I (you grunt) fingerfuck you and flick my tongue against your clit. [Your tongue flicks become faster & more urgent) I can feel your walls clenching around my tongue and my fingers. Are you gonna cum, babe? Just grind against my face a little more. Grind against my tongue like it’s my ****. [You begin to coach her between licks & wet sounds] Ohhhh, ****, you're such a good girl! I want you to cum in my mouth, honey. Come on, let me lick you faster. (you moan as you lick faster) Oooh, that's it, baby girl. You’re gonna cum for me, aren’t you? Mmm, ****! That's it, baby! Cum on my face! Cum on my tongue! [Your moans & coaching words are muffled as you flick faster & harder until she finally cums] [Improv as she climaxes] (softly sighs) Wow…. (laughs) You came so much on my face, baby. Oh, don’t worry about it. I’m a grown ass man. I’ll just...mmm...lick it all up. You taste so good on my lips. [A slight pause] What’s that? You wanna take me into my mouth? (chuckles) How can I say no to having those lips wrapped around me? [Sound of rustling clothes] And there it is: my hard, throbbing ****. All right here for you. (laughs at her expression) Mmmm, but that hunger in your eyes...****, I can’t take this. I need to feel your hand around me. (sharply inhales) Yeah, I’m kind of sensitive too. Just do it slowly. Yes, just like that, baby. Stroke me. [Improv as she strokes you w/ soft moaning] Oh! Using the whipped cream on me, huh? You’d better eat up all of it then. And don’t you dare let it drip on the floor. Well, you’ll have to do it to find out what happens, won’t you? ****! (a shuddering laugh) Y-You can’t just take me into your mouth like that, babe! I could cum on the spot that way. [a slight pause] You want me to? (laughs) Oh, you’re being real bad tonight. If you’re gonna be like that then maybe I should (grunts) grip that hair. Yeah, you like this? You want it harder? [Grunting as you facefuck her] Make it sloppier. Come on, spit on it. (chuckles) That’s it. Hold still while I **** your pretty face a little. Good girl. [Improv as you facefuck her gently] Uh-uh-uh, baby. You don’t get to make cum until I’m inside of you. You were really working that mouth though. I guess you were waiting to do that, weren’t you? (chuckles) That twinkle in those brown eyes say everything. Do you wanna be a good girl for me? [A slight pause] Then bend over the counter for me. Such perfect posture too. Let me make sure you’re wet as can be down there though. [Wet, licking sounds] Yes, grind back into me. Push your ass into my face. Okay…you ready for me, baby? [A slight pause] (groans) ****, that “yes, daddy” is gonna make me cum before I’m even inside you! Keep that talk for when I’m ******* you against the counter. (moans loudly as you slide into her) ****, you’re tight! And so ******* wet. Arch your back for me. Good girl. Let me just go slow for a bit. [You slowly **** her] (chuckles) I know I’m torturing you, baby, but seeing your ass bounce against my dick is torture to me too. If I’m not careful, I’ll cum and I want this to last. (grunts) Pushing into me, huh? You want it hard and fast? Fine. I’ll give it to you just like that. [You begin to **** her faster & harder] Let me get those braids around my hand. Yeah, you like me jerking your head back? Come on, get loud for me. Show me that you’re mine. [Improv w/ moaning & dirty talk] Whose ***** is this? [You pause, spanking her] *in a demanding tone* Louder. Tell me whose ***** this is. [You pause, growling] Guess I’ll have to make you answer me. [You thrust harder, speaking with each thrust] Tell. Me. Whose. *****. Is. This. (you groan in appreciation) Yeah, it’s mine. It’s all mine, baby girl. And this is your **** whenever and however you want it. You like me hitting it from behind like this, don’t you? (chuckles) Oh, you’re gonna cum, huh? You gonna cum all over this ****? [You stop) No…not yet. Turn around and hop on the counter. Now let’s get these legs over my shoulders. I want to be as deep as possible. Now take me into your hand, baby. Put me where I belong. [You slide into her again] Oh, **** yes! You’re so ******* tight! I’m not gonna last long. You too? Let’s get you closer then. Let me rub that clit…and put my hand on that throat. No squeezing though. I’ll just leave it there because I love to tease you. (moans) I love seeing you like this. Watching your titties bounce with those beautiful, brown nipples in my face. Seeing you arch your back and those eyes roll back and those lips part as you moan… [Panting between lines] I can’t believe I’ll get this view forever now. I get to have you every day and every night for the rest of my life…hopefully. You’re nodding. You want that too? You want this dick for the rest of your life? (groans in ecstasy) ****, baby! That’s gonna make me explode! I can’t believe I get to cum inside of you as my fiancé. And soon, as my wife. [Panting & moaning between lines] You’re tightening around me! You gonna cum! ****...****, baby girl! I’m gonna cum too! So fuckin’ hard! Let me pull out... No? But, baby... [A pause] *shocked* You want me to cum inside of you? Really? (laughs breathlessly) Yes, yes, of course! I’ll do anything you want. Absolutely anything. ****, I love you so much! You’re gonna take all of my cum, aren’t you? You want me to fill that ***** up? *breathlessly* ****, I can’t believe this. Look at me. Look at me. I promise right here, right now, I will be the best husband that you could possibly have. I need you to know that I will be there for you through your worst as well as at your best. You are everything to me. [You get closer & closer to climax] ****, I’m cumming! This is what you’ve been waiting for…so take it. Fuckin’ take it! Take all of me and cum with me, baby! I’ve got you! [Improv as you finally climax deep inside of her] That's it, baby! Take my cum! Let me **** it into you a little more... [Grunting softly as you **** into her] **** all of that cum into that *****. [Panting] ****, my legs feel so weak. I’ve gotta stop or I’m gonna pass out. (softly sighs) Well…does that prove how sorry I am? (chuckles) Good. Mmm, that big ass smile on your face makes me wanna **** you even longer… [Sound of a ding] Oh, shit, the cookies! I forgot about them! No, no, you just go into the living room and get on the couch. I’ll be right there. ***Scene Cut (to the living room] Managed to save them. You did a good job on ‘em considering in your first time baking. We can have them and some hot chocolate later. Right now, I just feeling like cuddling. (chuckles) Well, thank you for the ****** into your little blanket hut. And thank you for saying yes. I know that I’m going to make you so happy. But are you truly sure you wanna spend your years with a dumbass like me? [Soft kissing sounds] Yes, that answers my question. Don’t take this the wrong way, but **** all of the other Christmas gifts you got me. This one right here is the best one yet. Now why don’t we eat these cookies, make up some hot cocoa and see if this ring fits you or not? ***Script Ends Here