Right, so... that was a lot of persecution, where did all that come from? 1) Adolf Hitler (peace) vs Nazism The only politician I've seen with worldwide praise is Barack Obama (living!!), he is so easy to love to bits. So imagine a Barack Obama who just got basically 100% of the vote, *and* gets cracking on making the country run like a well-tuned machine. The überobama!! I'm talking about how wild the public is for this icon. What is easier to believe, after doing all this only positive stuff, Hitler/Nazis say: Everyone start hating jews now, we're going to do really inhumane things, and they're all like "Woo!! Okay!!"... or wouldn't that crack this whole unprecedented but visible political perfection? I think the people went nuts, including a few key officers who had enough swathe over the newly-minted actually-effective infrastructure to hijack the masterplan-so-far into one of the saddest stories ever lived through. Soooo much importance is placed on it being Adolf Hitler's fault (peace) mainly, but that is cult of personality from many of the same people who enjoyed his cult of personality in the positive light before. You could see how you'd be really hurt if twice-as-popular Obama then went straight-faced evil. Crucially, if it is Adolf Hitler leading genocide or plotting genocide (and other persecutory stuff), persecution is NASDAP succeeding. I see the opposite, I see persecution spiralling out of control from the street level (I'll explain why), then some ministers getting caught up in it and hijacking bits of the newly-minted infrastructure to totally usurp the good effective ideals with the sanguine-motivated utter doom of the party. To tell the story I see a lot of sense in and insight from, it's not important that Adolf Hitler was never invested in a plan to "eradicate the jewish race", although this is manifestly absent of explicit evidence. The clearest statement of anti-jewishness from Adolf Hitler is this frightfully uncomfortable passage from Mein Kampf: https://www.yadvashem.org/docs/extracts-from-mein-kampf.html - it is notably from a period where the young and devoted revolutionist was imprisoned, punished financially, and nearly a decade away from being the man who can claim a Reichstag at his own playground on a whim, at his own stated reluctance. I see a two-volume work in an autobiographical manifesto with a page mentioning jews in a negative light, where he lists lots of problems with this huge "jew" entity, but from the criticisms he raises it seems his target is more the Marxist ideology. Marxists do ridicule religion and Jews do not, and religion is ridiculed until his target is eradicated, he says. Religion is the last point here, he mentions lots of points... it really seems to me that when "Marxist Jewry" means "Marxist", he's got these very precise and articulate, independent, passionate arguments and when it means "Jewish person" it's much more vague, a de facto statement about pure blood and "religion is ridiculed" whilst we know he didn't care very much for religion at all. Soo... if I may, this bit (which is a massive bit of our explicit evidence of antisemitism in Adolf Hitler; it is manifestly sparse), it seems to me a transparent and ostensibly uncharacteristic attempt to do some demogoguery and weave an existing malice toward jews with his more sophisticated and politically motivated agenda to exterminate marxism which he says as an existential threat, which reduces virtues to quantities, which Judaism does not but the thing he decries and fears and wishes gone does (Marxism). I can find you heaps to confirm that Hitler didn't like Marxism, but this is the finest bit of Adolf Hitler anti-jew speaking. The stage is set. NASDAP conquers a power vacuum, from the beginning, it had an uncontested leader who had a vision, the people adore him, there is no peep of a NASDAP programme or plan to harm the jewish people or any other kind of people in any way as shall develop. In 1933, AFTER the ravishing victory Adolf Hitler (peace) has accomplished, the überobama in popularity, well of course, the eight-year old Mein Kampf goes from relative obscurity to being a best-seller. I think he meant to be ambiguous in the little bit I linked; I think it's objective that he's playing with rhetoric... he wanted me to be able to go "well he hasn't said kill the jewish people, he's said eradicate marxism" but he also wants to cash in full appeal to those who want "jews" gone. He's also, by performing an outrigh miracle 8 years later accidentally, flooded this Germany which didn't like jews in Weimar times now with these mortifying statements about extermination, and the orphan statement about racial purity which is the only thing which needs to be interpreted as "jews" not "Marxists"... The Hitler who wanted power and who wanted to appeal to the latent anti-semitism would have probably had an even more frenzied reception. He *needed* power, he had no other course, he needed to bring about the good change things which he said and got voted in for; but he *could* have tapped that pool of anti-jewish sentiment for all it was worth, he surely knew it was there... he understood the people and there was enough of it to be ubiquitous with no push at all. I think given his certain faith in his vision, he *would* have tapped that anti-jewish sentiment on any other condition than that he was actually opposed to it. He's a staunch nationalist talking about Jews (in the link) but he dismisses Zionism as a mere distraction, his targets just want a base of their operations... he says their operations are sinister but doesn't mention what it is... he again means Marxism, which he sees as a concerted effort to destruct culture (and which would eradicate Judaism along with all other religions as has been enforced in several Marxist states). 2) 1933 Mein Kampf goes viral, there's no putting those quotes back in the bag. They are a relatively tiny piece of Mein Kampf and had been no part of the platform to be voted as the only party. I think the Nazi ministers at this stage would have all been aware of that one, so-far once-used rhetorical trick where you talk to the educated saying "we hate marxism" and you talk to the uneducated saying "we hate the jewish boogeyman". If my assertions are fair that the quoted excerpts are somewhat transparently doublespeak, then it would have been much more evident to the people closest to Adolf Hitler (peace) at the time. I see a Nazi party who begin in power as as close to unhateful as you can get; their platform was a good plan for the country which quickly put up (short lived) spectacular results. *Then* the other big tragedy. "Future of the Jews" mentions hopeful promises made to the Jews when the Nazis came into power. The plan was mutual independence without (in that essayist's opinion) any hint of animosity... Later there's the decision that people would wear badges and that was a mistake on the order of putting saucy "we've got to eradicate 'jewry'" ideas in an obscure book which then pings of its own accord to becoming the bible of a newly unified people... whilst you specifically hadn't developed on that idea when you actually took power. I'm going to blame everything on the badges. Badges. There's a Trojan Horse explanation, that NASDAP were secretly hiding their anti-jewish hatred until after they were in power, to then get their *real* wish, to make things difficult for jewish people. This doesn't make sense given the society was so recently so hostile to Jews (Weimar saw mass jewish immigration from Germany), it's also pretty extreme to think that a government can do that. I can believe they can build roads, armies, but not make them inhumane at command. I believe the real plan was to do the good things they did very well, and the genocide was a giant catastrophe. Badges. When you're miraculously scooping up all the power secretly intending to eradicate a race of people, then you get into power and things are going pretty well and you have fanatical support of your masses do you a) eradicate a race of people, b) not do anything like that for ages, but after some time decide lots of groups should wear badges to start genociding them nearly a decade later? What are the big scandals of NASDAP Germany before the war? They are so famous: Night of the Long Knives, which is entirely an internal purge, nothing to do with Jews, and Krystallnacht much later in 1938. Between then: From March 1933 there were prison camps, and in 1933 they were exclusively for the Communist Party of Germany. Hitler and NASDAP make very clear who their enemy and target is. At the end of 1933, 241 former Weimar Reichstag ministers in total were imprisoned in a hasty, not-thought-through prison plan, in response to arson on the NASDAP Reichstag, where most of those were let free that Christmas. At this point, whatever's going on, there's a lot of explaining to do. How the hell did whatever happened happen? We're trying to get any picture of the context, but the more facts I apply the further away the standard narrative becomes. Even Wikipedia cites a historian Whittaker (alive!!) who argues NASDAP had no plan for concentration camps before gaining power. If that is the case, there was no plan for genocide. (Where wikipedia is mentioned as a representative for the most common narrative, but even then... this claim adds far more to my case than the opposite) (Wikipedia also counts the first, purely political, repurposed, quite tiny and one would suppose comfortable prisons as "Concentration Camps" to say that "Concentration Camps began in 1933", which seems crass given the context.) Badges. It is genius!! Jews have made it all the way through history suviving, being disproportionately blessed in lots of ways, and living everywhere without provoking anyone, all quite by sticking to themselves for marriage and socialising but work in collaboration with the other people. NASDAP want to unite Germany on this romantic sexy (also practical) "Germany" after so much hardship and bullying had fallen on Germany. That doesn't apply to the jews. NASDAP wanted Jews to stick to themselves and work in collaboration with the state. Cool. But how do you have two groups of people living side by side who are mutually not destined to overlap? Badges. At the end of 1937, the total prison population of NASDAP Germany is 7,750. The industry has nothing in common with the wider programme which takes Germany from Great Depression Germany to uncontested European Superpower in seven years. Heinrich Himmler (peace) who is clearly not endorsible runs them, but even with his limitless hold command over police, SS, and the particularly nasty SS camps... by 1937 with all this remit, he hasn't picked on Jews, and there has still been no systematic attack on Jews. These camps (a relatively tiny prison population compared to today, albeit the camps were designed to be hellish) were filled with people chosen on political charges from diverse backgrounds, and their (tiny) numbers were substantially made from people who had committed petty crimes and therefore been called undesirables. By 1938 there is no peep of an anti-jewish campaign of hatred. You had to be found guilty of a crime to be taken to an SS camp until 1938 when that changes. Jews are one of the categories you can be called asocial for if you're suspected of being part of the "organised antisocial element", but it's one of many brands making up 7,750 prisoners across 6 SS camps. In 1938 there's a huge push in detention centres; all at once in June 1938 there is a horrid and detestible "Aktion Arbeitsschei Reich" where 10,000 people are taken away to captive misery: "homeless, unemployed, and mentally ill". Still no jews. The Nazis have made a HUGE push, more than doubling the prison population in one go, and yet they don't persecute the jews particularly here either. There's a new clear target, but not Jews. It's all very much in Himmler's (peace) umbrella of command as he worked hard and wrangled to get his position (leading the SS and the police)... but *Himmler* when making this big push doesn't think to persecute Jews and nobody's getting genocided yet (but thoroughly abused). Are they still waiting for the time to be right to strike with their secret anti-jew and genocide plans? I think not, and that there's not a whiff of that in the first five years of NASDAP Germany which cannot be explained by "Jewry=Marxists a bit mythologised", and what makes up that category is even very small compared to the "Nazi Germany" we all love to hate. Badges. For all Adolf Hitler's (peace) evident political skill, which at this point is not disreputed by my chronology in any way except that the legal system is led by someone whose personal power rivals the Führer's. In fact. Intrigue... Hitler would have had every reason to want to stamp Himmler down a bit, and if he is a good politician this should be obvious. His state works miraculously because he can say good plans and there's no comittee fussing in the way. But he will never step foot on a concentration camp grounds, nor leave any trace of endorsing them, nor gives us much of a sign he would have approved in any way, but from about Night of the Long Knives, a clever Hitler may also have seen that Himmler could kill him if Hitler tried to assert his authority over precisely the guy who's in charge of the SS. To even raise that question would be a giant dink in the supremacy of the Führer which is the central intersection of the entire state and framework. Notably less than four months after the "Aktion Arbeitsschei Reichstag" (notably the very clear beginning of nasty NASDAP, which is also NEVER mentioned and has nothing to do with Jews or gays or colour people or trans or all the categories we are divided by in today's modern states who are oppressed by today's modern states, whose own state-enforced categories are about one-for-one identical with the really famous "who went to concentration camps" categories everyone can name)... Krystalnacht comes and who ordered it? In 1933, Adolf Hitler (peace) signed a law saying Jews can't work for the civil service of the third Reich. It's not equal opportunities, but it's not hate - there's a clear plan that Germans are gonna be Germans and Jews, Jews in the same space. That can be a terrible premise, there can be substantial Jewish-Germanity and vice versa, but given "Jews'" unshameful isolationism, (which can easily look like conspiracy, especially when they're successful)... it feels like part of that mutually beneficial side-by-side plan to (misguidedly in hindsight) exclude self-identifying "Jews" from having places within the exquisitely theatrical machinery of the early Nazi design. In 1935, the Nuremburg Laws: jews can't marry germans, and jews aren't "Germans" as in members of the third reich. This is all we'll see until 1938 where there's a shocking twist. It is separationism, but not explicitly malicious... a party with unlimited political power and a Himmler who is interested in designing perfect terror-camps but with no clear populace to fill them with... they don't go after the Jews at all even when passing the Nuremburg Laws, 1935. SOMETHING IS STRANGE!! Fast forward three years then, for the next bit of anti-jewish NASDAP-related history: Krystalnacht. Until now there are scraps of official anti-jewish propaganda, or any of the programme this party is so famous for. Wikipedia has just one sentence that "Bolshevism is the declaration of war by Jewish-led international subhumans against culture itself"... which again looks to target Bolshevism by calling upon the Jew hate. But 250,000 identified as jews have fled Germany before the Evian conference in July 1938. Fled... not being able to marry, not having full citizenship, one anti-bolshevist line at a rally, and not being able to work for the NASDAP civil service. "Fled", "250,000". Krystallnacht was a frenzied pogrom, led by lower-ranking officers of the paramilitary SA who wanted jewish property. I'm saying the one thing Hitler (peace) didn't have power over was the police system, and it would have been a huge embarassment to him and the state for him to acknowledge this, letalone potentially dangerous if Himmler (peace) had control over his remit. The people least likely to find Hitler (peace) magic were those right by him. But Himmler, prison-camp designer didn't order Krystallnacht, there was no order for any such thing from the Nazi party... the Allies say this is when the Nazis finally get off their laurels and move in on their prey, but it is more like a coup. Leading up to the Pogrom, Poland said they'd revoke Polish Jews' right to return at the end of that October. In effect, here Poland begins a wave of deportation of "jews" - they're going to leave them stateless, Hitler (peace) doesn't want any of this, he signs to deport 12,000 Polish Jews back to Poland before their right to return is revoked. It's not nice to deport people in any case (last year UK deported 7,400 people, the lowest on record, albeit the population of UK is larger which skews the comparison)... but this clearly isn't an act of aggression, it is the most obvious way to respond to the quick threat of what would be an imminent crisis. Give the unwanted baggage of the jews whom Poland wishes to exile back to Poland and don't end up with non-German non-Germans in your state about how Germans and Jews can live alongside each other sensibly. Next big thing, in a short time leading up to Krystalnacht, one of the Polish Jews who was taken to the border, dumped, and refused access to Poland (also, what is Poland doing?! Why did they just expel all their Jews and strand them in the Germany where hundreds of thousands of jews have fled from (despite there being nothing particularly fleeful from NASDAP government actions up to this point))... sent his son in Paris a postcard from the refugee border camp (Poland refused to accept 8,000 Jewish Polish, which is manifestly worse than what Germany has done to Jews so far, so weird compared to the story we all know)... The son in Paris who'd recently slept with a German ambassador Hans Vom Rath goes and shoots Hand vom Rath 5 times and we have the nightmare of a jewish jew, not particularly a business-Marxist jew, now assassinating a NASDAP official on political grounds, then making no attempt to hide it, saying: "It is a protest, I have to show the world my protest". In the midst of a crisis instigated by some awful Jew-policy on behalf of Poland, a jewish immigrant homosexual becomes the first person to stick up to the Nazis, killing an ambassador he'd slept with in an embassy in Paris. The perfect storm!! I see Adolf Hitler (peace) as generally brilliant; and even ahead of the crowd by a lot, ostensibly, on anti-semitism. He could have always garnered points that way and never did, we see too much Third Reich with too little anti-jew stuff to think him not a bit enlightened. Getting "jew/bolsheviks" out of civil service when you take the reins is obvious if you think there's a jewish/bolshevik plot... but it is entirely civic for a long time. Nuremburg laws 1935 are unnecessary and a bit cruel, but I think Adolf Hitler is genuinely trying to make a state where Germans and Jews may live autonomously at a bit of distance, all still contributing to the same state. Not as equals, no, and that's much too much for our modern tastes, but the public are about to show their gnashing hatred en masse. We *know* that the Jews are having a massively hard time in Germany, on account of the German populace. So far we've seen nothing to flee from from NASDAP's side, and we're at November '38, almost exactly halfway through the very short Third Reich. That makes sense of this next bit... when Hitler (peace) is told vom Rath has been killed (by a homosexual polish jew in Paris) he was at a nice event, which then became very heated. Wikipedia mentions "intense discussions", "Adolf Hitler (peace) leaves abruptly without making his normal address"... Goebbels (peace) the propaganda fella gives a public statement: "the Führer has decided that... demonstrations should not be prepared or organized by the party, but insofar as they erupt spontaneously, they are not to be hampered" This is another of those few points of fact we have upon which can be used to say Adolf Hitler (peace) was complicit in... whatever happened next as a big lot. So far, he's pretty clean. I can imagine a Hitler (peace) a bit locked in the tower like Rapunzel, "NASDAP" gets its power from him; he sure has some power and some respect, but its notably not total and only crack in an autocracy is killer. I can almost hear behind Goebbel's words a conversation (at least it is plausible and consistent with our case so far:) Goebbels/Someone: "Hey Führer!! Look what happened!! Shall we take it out on Jews?" Hitler: "No." Goebbels/Someone: "?! Uhh... what if they get attacked anyway, whilst this is so clearly rocky... is the German police the Jews' police?" Hitler: *considering a very anti-jewish public, an unstable roguish element of really, really potential harmful and destructive anti-semitism which has nought to do with the good plans, and which Hitler seems very shy about if he harbours it, whilst nobody else around is very shy about it.* "We're not going to get Germans to fight Germans to defend jews no" (the whole, perhaps ideal side-by-side design would be void then) We all *want* Hitler (peace) to say in that moment "defend the jews!!" but I'm not sure he was in any position to do so, here and now. It doesn't look like it. Himmler (peace), prison-nerd agrees, very intriguingly. He says: "I suppose that it is Goebbels's megalomania...and stupidity which is responsible for starting this operation now, in a particularly difficult diplomatic situation." WHAT?!!! What is Goebbels' (peace) apparent megalomania and stupidity? Reporting the decision the Führer had made? No, can't be. Himmler is aware at this moment that Adolf (peace) is not holding all the cards, and that Goebbels' (peace) statement was stupid and megalomanic. The plot is so thick already, and NASDAP has still not committed to anti-jewishness except now this rogue statement from Goebbels' called out by Himmler and several other party members, when Goebbels' relevance was in a bad place, having failed at propaganda for a while and been caught for an affair with a Czech actress. At 1:20am the next day, a high-up SS guy sends an urgent secret telegram to all the low-down police who are about to go nuts and ringlead a public rabble of pogroming, saying "Do not endanger German lives; protect foreigners even if they are jews" (TIL). https://web.archive.org/web/20170807232350/http://motlc.wiesenthal.com/site/pp.asp?c=gvKVLcMVIuG&b=394829 The "ie" paranthesis is totally out of line with the rest of the letter. I can assume it is semi-transparently someone's commentary so that we are to interpret it a certain way. that's not German "ie", and I don't feel like I'm reaching. "Destroy but don't loot" is totally weird... this all reads to me like damage minimisation, and "*Damage*, but don't loot" makes way more sense. If the police see looting, they're supposed to intervene, but not if they see destroying? No sense. Damage makes sense... So, the NASDAP prescriptions for what the police were to allow and not to allow at the time Germany goes vs Jews becomes a thing (after Poland and that one jewish guy had put it in motion which Hitler and NASDAP are now clearly shown not to have been able to control, IMO)... they can damage property but not steal and don't hurt any people - jewish or not. "JEWISH OR NOT". An emergency telegraph goes out the morning before Krystalnacht saying protect the jews from harm, Nazi police, there's gonna be a riot. Krystalnach is one of the saddest things that ever happened, *because* nobody gave an order. Goebbels' (peace) gave a back-handed consent, for sure, which the party then quickly acted to correct that... the SS instructions to protect jewish people and their posessions from looting is contrary to what Goebbels said Führer said, and Himmler (head of SS) called Goebbels stupid for that. It's clear where the party is on this, and where the people are, and that there's always someone in the party willing to grab at the populist jew-hate, notably not Hitler (peace) by 1938 at least. To my eye it starts here, outright NAZI jew-hate, in the called out ostensibly renegade comment from Goebbels when the Polish Extradition crisis ran straight into a JEWISH POLISH IMMIGRANT HOMOSEXUAL SHOOTS A NASDAP AMBASSADOR crisis, amidst a public we're just about to watch chomp horribly... and the NASDAP command that evening is to protect the jews. Modern police anywhere are also often told not to get involved with riots if it's only property damage. Well... I didn't expect I'd like NASDAP *this* much, but that's actually bold. Good guy NASDAP, or at least part of NASDAP which has Hitler and the SS in it. (Wikipedia says, citing the letter I linked "Police were also instructed to seize Jewish archives from synagogues and community offices, and to arrest and detain "healthy male Jews, who are not too old", for eventual transfer to (labor) concentration camps."... which just isn't in the letter and there's no other citation or anything specific to that claim. Concentration camps aren't really a thing as we know them yet; we've got (good guy?) SS camps, just four months ago a load of unemployed, homeless, and mentally ill people were put in them. Hitler would have to approve that, at this moment in time, but he has not given his name to the concentration camp at all.) So, the Hitler Youth, the paramilitary SA, and the Gestapo... all coming from a society which has a lot of jew-hate to deal with, go nuts. The second highest rank of the paramilitary seem to be the ones who wanted this to happen and stole property. We went so long without NASDAP being outright persecutory to Jews, all of the top ranks knew "Jew" was a dogwhistle. Lots in Germany had changed under NASDAP, but very little movement against Jews, up until Goebbel's (peace) dirty ambiguity. Directly after the massive leap in extremeness to the unattributed unsourced "round up men for concentration camps" quote, it mentions a Reinhard Muller (peace). If you ask who pulled the Nazi-trigger on the Jews, if Goebbels' countermanded statement of far-exagerrated ambivalence is not itself the commitment of the party to a reign of terror of the jews, cruel contempt but still not hostility (against a background we have shown acted against that ambivalence, to try to mitigate publically-held hostility which also had its advocates within the party, ready to blow)... Reinhard Muller (peace) might be the Hitler we're looking for, and his case is suuuper curious. Until this terrible night Müller (peace) has not had any major role or influence within NASDAP but is one of those "outstanding mediocrities" and a distinctly black sheep. In 1933 when NASDAP deposed the Bavarian People's Party... Müller was a Bavarian People's Party supporter and member who advocated to the leader of the BPP to use force against the Nazis. His wiki page mentions various quotes of Nazis not holding him in high-regard. BPP were by 1933 a "Bavarian Particularist party", the opposite of Anschluss, that old idea that Bavaria was more like its own country because it was traditionally Catholic, but BPP got rid of the Catholic bit and just had Bavarian Nationalism left... the direct opposite of a unified Germany, and five years ago before this night he feels so strongly against the Nazis he wants to use force in response to (very boistrous) politicing. He's noted by NASDAP members and historians not to have been into NASDAP ideology in general, whilst working for them. An internal message from 1937 calls him specifically not a party member but... just someone who works for the SS. Heydrich (peace) the guy who sent the "Protect foreigners - jews or not" telegram, was the one who employed Müller, seeing his lack of ideology as a good thing, as he was devoted to his work, and he had lots of experience and particularly lots of knowledge on Communism. Right, but tonight this Müller (peace) comes out of nowhere and sends a message abrogating Heydrich's (peace) "protect" message with a command to arrest 20,000-30,000 jewish men that night, as his first major thing at all for NASDAP, and the Krystalnacht page but not his page say that he stated ""most extreme measures" were to be taken against the jews". This guy who wasn't really into NASDAP ideology, used to be part of the Bavarian-centric party, asked the leader of that party to use force against NASDAP, and knew heaps about Communist activities (his job for BPP was specifically to keep tabs on the threat of the Left) (NASDAPers wrote amongst themselves he'd have done the same against the Right if so tasked)... the one thing that's really consistent about him is that he worked with extraordinary diligence for at his NASDAP beaurocratic tasks, any time of day and on Saturdays and Sundays, he would then be very pleased to take all the credit for himself. His profile on wikipedia has an apparent contradiction in the readings of him, someone says Müller (peace) believed it was his duty and everyone's duty to serve the regime perfectly and unquestioningly. This is against all I've just said, except for the fact that he worked a lot. I think he's the guy who killed Hitler (peace). I think he's a BPP loyalist who sees his party get ousted from the Reichstag outright, then what do you do in NASDAP Germany... join NASDAP, get trusted, perhaps try to bring NASDAP down from outside. His first big action comes in the middle of the night at what seems clearly against the will of Adolf Hitler (peace) and even his direct boss and best advocate, Reinhard Heydrich (peace), who had sent the "protect non-Germans, even jews" message a few hours earlier. This looks like a well timed strike, probably just reading the chaos and trying to exacerbate the chaos. He knows that Goebbels' (peace) subtext is extremely dangerous, that there is a lot of support across the public for a NASDAP weaponised against the Jews, and also that a dangling splinter in the party would much prefer an anti-semitic Hitler (peace) than the revolutionary who hass passed two laws for mutual Jewish-German side-by-sideness (Jews were going to their own schools and had their own autonomous courts and judges throughout all this time. Active persecution was done onto Bolsheviks long before now, straight away, albeit sort of half-heartedly and not on the scale my current UK locks up immigrants, whilst "immigrants" have barely come up as a bother in Germany by 1938. It's the public and public-like officers. NASDAP had something good, but this massive weakness and a lot of enemies wanting to split it. (The Islaamic State idea, from day one, is that Jews, Christians, and Muslims all live under their own laws with their own courts and judges, sharing space, trading, all protected by one army. Jews and Christians paid a smaller tax than muslims, and couldn't be in the army, but the muslims' army was their army and from day one the muslims state was their state to be self-governing. It worked really well until the moment we were forcibly segregated by the West, and it'll work again once we revoke the West, for 1,300 years we had a really quite blissful polynormativity. Part of how that worked is that you could easily tell if someone was Christian or Muslim or Jew by their clothing... nobody ever needed to be marked, thankfully, and so there was never anything the muslims had to impose except collecting taxes to shared civic stuff. Dhimmi didn't mean second class, and I read Hitler's (peace) vision like that... he so could have moved toward subjugating the Jews but it looks to me more like he's trying to hold it back and then it breaks all at once. Muslims and Jews have had squabbles but we ultimately had to be ripped apart, and we'll flop straight back together when the ongoing international violent meddling is quite finished. We're one wall away and I pray for it with all I have.) Krystalnacht happens seemingly on the strength of this Müller's (peace) sudden interjection, seemingly in defiance of both his boss Heydrich (peace) and the Führer (peace). There's enough of a section of NASDAP who really want to be anti-jew as opposed to parallelist that now it is clearer in 1938 than in 2020 that this means war. Heydrich's (peace) quote so certainly acknowledges Goebbels' (peace) has crossed a line, and Müller (peace) so certainly annexes whatever's across the line by his message (if what's attributed to him is true... not my job on earth to judge but to raise myself), AFTER it looked liked Heydrich (peace) sorted it out in his emergency message at 1:20am saying "protect non-Germans even jews". So what then? Wikipedia says 20,000-30,000 jewish identified people were detained in one night and that whilst Müller's (peace) message was sent out to SS and SA, it was SA (paramilitary, less educated) and Hitler Youth who went out on the spree. SS have stayed loyal to Heydrich's (peace) message, by what it says. 7,500 jewish stores and businesses also had there windows broken, and "Although violence against Jews had not been explicitly condoned by the authorities, there were cases of Jews being beaten or assaulted". 267 synagogues were destroyed, over 1,400 synagogues and prayer rooms and jewish cemetaries were damaged, (astaughfirullah). (Always remember). The day after it looks like Hitler (peace) and the head of the SS (peace) are clearly not in charge or able to claim control of the party. The jew-bashing segment finally gets its excuse to go, and there's no putting it back in the bag. There's now an active jew-hating offshoot of NASDAP with no leader except maybe Müller by default. Before the Polish thing everything had seemed fine at the political level, but now the super duper phenomenal überobama sensation of NASDAP is thwacked into two messy bits by a sprung-loaded "Nazi" wing who love it. I can think of several reasons Müller (peace) may have had: He might have been diligently working as a puppet for someone else, although in the middle of the night at short notice this is maybe less feasible. He might have wanted to hurt NASDAP (we know he did at one point and his behaviour now being a person who believes everyone should give their all to the regime despite being variously acknowledged as not subscribing to the ideals at all, then on the most critical night, where there has been this tiny but clear emergency (Goebbels (peace) statement and then Heyrdrich's( peace) it is all really suspect). Müller (peace) may simply have wished to hurt Jews, and effectively give the go-ahead to the pogrom by a big state endorsement of a sudden retaliation for the isolated assassination of an ambassador (peace). I'm not going to judge on this, because it is verified by things he later did (he's one of the more clearly holocausty people) - he *could* be using this moment to leap out of nowhere and get the political position within NASDAP as "king of the jew-haters", by just grabbing all this relevance and outright starting the anti-Hitler (peace) coup. That could give him a reaallly horrible job later, and you'd have a person who would be in the position to make really awful awful decisions, absolutely unable to back-down as head of the jew-hating offshoot, surrounded by lunatics you've explicitly normalised lunacy for... nobody else has a motive to do such things, but this crazy perhaps even impulsive scenario could lead to exactly the situation where you can't please the jew-haters with enough jew-hating ever, and you're gonna be the weedy turncoat penpusher who they turn to hate unless you escalate indefinitely, become detached, write violence-inciting words like he's now famous for twice already in two actions we've mentioned one for BPP: "use violence on NASDAP and break protocol", and one for NASDAP: "use violence on jews and break protocol". It's way more feasible than the repeated, insisted-upon, weak claim that NASDAP got into power on a platform of hatred... they were beloved by the masses but enacted no Reichstag-led hatred until I say Goebbels' (peace) foul and Müller's (peace) instigating of the pogrom, two sides of the midnight 10 November 1938, almost precisely the middate of the Third Reich. Now I'm going to fork into two possibilities, which both follow on from this one timeline, therefore neither can come around and implicate Adolf Hitler (peace) much. Everyone depends on him "looking" powerful, but the reality of this matters not at all outside public address. Within the party you'd know the jew-haters from the high-minded, culturally motivated Hitlerists. I go this far to say that if you wanted jews killed, you weren't on Hitler's (peace) side. From what I've described. The two ways to go are both partly the truth... you get to choose how much blame you put on the "Nazi" wing and how much you put on the Allies side. They both clearly committed atrocities and lies, or maybe just one did, but it's mutually like that. Insha'allah I'll work on that when I get home. I didn't sleep last night, writing this, after a whole day writing!! I've got something waaaay more interesting than this to publish soon insha'allah, but this has been really interesting for me, I hope it was for you - it's completely not where I expected to end up but way more specific. Stuff I've thought about in the past (and badges) is all what comes next. 7,500 business with smashed windows and a vague indication there were violent acts at all on that night... it's kiiiiind of mild, compared to "holocaust", and I say it's the sum of state-endorsed anti-jewish behaviour from NASDAP until November 1938. Things got waaaay worse after that, and it's either this turning point massively normalised anti-jewish behaviour (seems really likely) and then things escalated either from a bolder public or a bolder "Nazi" branch of NASDAP. AND/OR, for whatever reason, there's a war, and their political enemies go ham on propaganda like never before, now war is screened each day in the cinema to great effect (seems really likely). I can certainly describe scenarios where either the allies or the whole of NASDAP did nothing wrong... it can be an unimaginably huge lie or an unimaginably huge horror... all without denying anyone's experiences today. If NASDAP did no holocausting then the Allies did something very wrong. We'll look at numbers too. Fewer people of any kind were killed in the holocaust than the number of muslim civillians killed by the allied conquests since 2001 - it's a longer time frame but that doesn't make it more fun. I haven't seen anything trustworthy from the Allies really, so... I know I don't know what happened but I also know some stuff is fishy, vague, and even disingenous. (Jews are just as good as muslims to me, individually and as a culture, like nobody else is. They're the most similar group, we read from the same books, the history of the muslims has always been sat right beside jews doing their longer history, and it will always be. I looooove Jewish culture, pray in hebrew sometimes, read Torah, am semite, as are all native arabic speakers, we are from Shem (saws) son of Nuh (saws) and historically have had our home in Shams where war will end, it extends from Syria to Palestine and is our home together. My great grandfather as it happens was a Nazi). *blush* peace!!