#!/usr/bin/env bash # screenFetch - a CLI Bash script to show system/theme info in screenshots # Copyright (c) 2010-2019 Brett Bohnenkamper # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # Yes, I do realize some of this is horribly ugly coding. Any ideas/suggestions would be # appreciated by emailing me or by stopping by http://github.com/KittyKatt/screenFetch. You # could also drop in on the IRC channel at irc://irc.rizon.net/screenFetch. # to put forth suggestions/ideas. Thank you. # Requires: bash 4.0+ # Optional dependencies: xorg-xdpyinfo (resoluton detection) # scrot (screenshot taking) # curl (screenshot uploading) #LANG=C #LANGUAGE=C #LC_ALL=C scriptVersion="3.9.1" ###################### # Settings for fetcher ###################### # This setting controls what ASCII logo is displayed. # distro="Linux" # This sets the information to be displayed. Available: distro, Kernel, DE, WM, Win_theme, Theme, Icons, Font, Background, ASCII. # To get just the information, and not a text-art logo, you would take "ASCII" out of the below variable. valid_display=( 'distro' 'host' 'kernel' 'uptime' 'pkgs' 'shell' 'res' 'de' 'wm' 'wmtheme' 'gtk' 'disk' 'cpu' 'gpu' 'mem' ) display=( 'distro' 'host' 'kernel' 'uptime' 'pkgs' 'shell' 'res' 'de' 'wm' 'wmtheme' 'gtk' 'cpu' 'disk' 'gpu' 'mem' ) # Display Type: ASCII or Text display_type="ASCII" # Plain logo display_logo="no" # Colors to use for the information found. These are set below according to distribution. # If you would like to set your OWN color scheme for these, uncomment the lines below and edit them to your heart's content. # textcolor="\e[0m" # labelcolor="\e[1;34m" # Array: WM Process Names # Order matters! # Removed WM's: compiz wmnames=( 'fluxbox' 'openbox' 'blackbox' 'xfwm4' 'metacity' 'kwin' 'twin' 'icewm' 'pekwm' 'flwm' 'flwm_topside' 'fvwm' 'dwm' 'awesome' 'wmaker' 'stumpwm' 'musca' 'xmonad.*' 'i3' 'ratpoison' 'scrotwm' 'spectrwm' 'wmfs' 'wmii' 'beryl' 'subtle' 'e16' 'enlightenment' 'sawfish' 'emerald' 'monsterwm' 'dminiwm' 'compiz' 'Finder' 'herbstluftwm' 'howm' 'notion' 'bspwm' 'cinnamon' '2bwm' 'echinus' 'swm' 'budgie-wm' 'dtwm' '9wm' 'chromeos-wm' 'deepin-wm' 'sway' 'mwm' ) # Array with full Ubuntu release codenames, used so that the script will display # i.e. "Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver)" instead of "Ubuntu 18.04 bionic" ubuntu_codenames=( '(Warty Warthog)' # 4.10 '(Hoary Hedgehog)' # 5.04 '(Breezy Badger)' # 5.10 'LTS (Dapper Drake)' # 6.06 '(Edgy Eft)' # 6.10 '(Feisty Fawn)' # 7.04 '(Gutsy Gibbon)' # 7.10 'LTS (Hardy Heron)' # 8.04 '(Intrepid Ibex)' # 8.10 '(Jaunty Jackalope)' # 9.04 '(Karmic Koala)' # 9.10 'LTS (Lucid Lynx)' # 10.04 '(Maverick Meerkat)' # 10.10 '(Natty Narwhal)' # 11.04 '(Oneiric Ocelot)' # 11.10 'LTS (Precise Pangolin)'# 12.04 '(Quantal Quetzal)' # 12.10 '(Raring Ringtail)' # 13.04 '(Saucy Salamander)' # 13.10 'LTS (Trusty Tahr)' # 14.04 '(Utopic Unicorn)' # 14.10 '(Vivid Vervet)' # 15.04 '(Wily Werewolf)' # 15.10 'LTS (Xenial Xerus)' # 16.04 '(Yakkety Yak)' # 16.10 '(Zesty Zapus)' # 17.04 '(Artful Aardvark)' # 17.10 'LTS (Bionic Beaver)' # 18.04 '(Cosmic Cuttlefish)' # 18.10 '(Disco Dingo)' # 19.04 '(Eoan Ermine)' # 19.10 ) # Screenshot Settings # This setting lets the script know if you want to take a screenshot or not. 1=Yes 0=No screenshot= # This setting lets the script know if you want to upload the screenshot to a filehost. 1=Yes 0=No upload= # This setting lets the script know where you would like to upload the file to. # Valid hosts are: teknik, mediacrush, imgur, hmp, and a configurable local. uploadLoc= # You can specify a custom screenshot command here. Just uncomment and edit. # Otherwise, we'll be using the default command: scrot -cd3. # screenCommand="scrot -cd5" shotfile=$(printf "screenFetch-%s.png" "$(date +'%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S')") # Verbose Setting - Set to 1 for verbose output. verbosity= # The below function will allow you to add custom lines of text to the screenfetch output. # It will automatically be executed at the right moment if use_customlines is set to 1. use_customlines= customlines () { # The following line can serve as an example. # feel free to let the computer generate the output: e. g. using $(cat /etc/motd) or $(upower -d | grep THISORTHAT) # In the example custom0 line replace and with options specified by you. # Also make sure the $custom0 variable in out_array=... matches the one at the beginning of the line # custom0=$(echo -e "$labelcolor YOUR LABEL:$textcolor your text"); out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$custom0" ); ((display_index++)); # Battery percentage and time to full/empty: # (uncomment lines below to use) # #custom1=$(echo -e "$labelcolor Battery:$textcolor $(upower -d | grep percentage | head -n1 | cut -d ' ' -f 15-)"); out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$custom1" ); ((display_index++)); #if [ "$(upower -d | grep time)" ]; then # battery_time="$(upower -d | grep time | head -n1 | cut -d ' ' -f 14-) $(upower -d | grep time | head -n1 | cut -d ' ' -f 6-7 | cut -d ':' -f1)" #else # battery_time="power supply plugged in" #fi #custom2=$(echo -e "$labelcolor $(echo ' `->')$textcolor $battery_time"); out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$custom2" ); ((display_index++)); # Display public IP: #custom3=$(echo -e "$labelcolor Public IP:$textcolor $(curl -s ipinfo.io/ip)"); out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$custom3" ); ((display_index++)); ########################################### ## MY CUSTOM LINES ########################################### #custom4=... } ############################################# #### CODE No need to edit past here CODE #### ############################################# # https://github.com/KittyKatt/screenFetch/issues/549 if [[ "${OSTYPE}" =~ "linux" || "${OSTYPE}" == "gnu" ]]; then # issue seems to affect Ubuntu; add LSB directories if it appears on other distros too export GIO_EXTRA_MODULES="/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gio/modules:/usr/lib/i686-linux-gnu/gio/modules:$GIO_EXTRA_MODULES" fi ######################################### # Static Variables and Common Functions # ######################################### c0=$'\033[0m' # Reset Text bold=$'\033[1m' # Bold Text underline=$'\033[4m' # Underline Text display_index=0 # User options gtk_2line="no" # Static Color Definitions colorize () { printf $'\033[0m\033[38;5;%sm' "$1" } getColor () { local tmp_color="" if [[ -n "$1" ]]; then if [[ ${BASH_VERSINFO[0]} -ge 4 ]]; then if [[ ${BASH_VERSINFO[0]} -eq 4 && ${BASH_VERSINFO[1]} -gt 1 ]] || [[ ${BASH_VERSINFO[0]} -gt 4 ]]; then tmp_color=${1,,} else tmp_color="$(tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' <<< "${1}")" fi else tmp_color="$(tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' <<< "${1}")" fi case "${tmp_color}" in # Standards 'black') color_ret='\033[0m\033[30m';; 'red') color_ret='\033[0m\033[31m';; 'green') color_ret='\033[0m\033[32m';; 'brown') color_ret='\033[0m\033[33m';; 'blue') color_ret='\033[0m\033[34m';; 'purple') color_ret='\033[0m\033[35m';; 'cyan') color_ret='\033[0m\033[36m';; 'yellow') color_ret='\033[0m\033[1;33m';; 'white') color_ret='\033[0m\033[1;37m';; # Bolds 'dark grey'|'dark gray') color_ret='\033[0m\033[1;30m';; 'light red') color_ret='\033[0m\033[1;31m';; 'light green') color_ret='\033[0m\033[1;32m';; 'light blue') color_ret='\033[0m\033[1;34m';; 'light purple') color_ret='\033[0m\033[1;35m';; 'light cyan') color_ret='\033[0m\033[1;36m';; 'light grey'|'light gray') color_ret='\033[0m\033[37m';; # Some 256 colors 'orange') color_ret="$(colorize '202')";; #DarkOrange 'light orange') color_ret="$(colorize '214')";; #Orange1 # HaikuOS 'black_haiku') color_ret="$(colorize '7')";; #ROSA color 'rosa_blue') color_ret='\033[01;38;05;25m';; # ArcoLinux 'arco_blue') color_ret='\033[1;38;05;111m';; esac [[ -n "${color_ret}" ]] && echo "${color_ret}" fi } verboseOut () { if [[ "$verbosity" -eq "1" ]]; then printf '\033[1;31m:: \033[0m%s\n' "$1" fi } errorOut () { printf '\033[1;37m[[ \033[1;31m! \033[1;37m]] \033[0m%s\n' "$1" } stderrOut () { while IFS='' read -r line; do printf '\033[1;37m[[ \033[1;31m! \033[1;37m]] \033[0m%s\n' "$line" done } #################### # Color Defines #################### colorNumberToCode () { local number="$1" if [[ "${number}" == "na" ]]; then unset code elif [[ $(tput colors) -eq "256" ]]; then code=$(colorize "${number}") else case "$number" in 0|00) code=$(getColor 'black');; 1|01) code=$(getColor 'red');; 2|02) code=$(getColor 'green');; 3|03) code=$(getColor 'brown');; 4|04) code=$(getColor 'blue');; 5|05) code=$(getColor 'purple');; 6|06) code=$(getColor 'cyan');; 7|07) code=$(getColor 'light grey');; 8|08) code=$(getColor 'dark grey');; 9|09) code=$(getColor 'light red');; 10) code=$(getColor 'light green');; 11) code=$(getColor 'yellow');; 12) code=$(getColor 'light blue');; 13) code=$(getColor 'light purple');; 14) code=$(getColor 'light cyan');; 15) code=$(getColor 'white');; *) unset code;; esac fi echo -n "${code}" } detectColors () { my_colors=$(sed 's/^,/na,/;s/,$/,na/;s/,/ /' <<< "${OPTARG}") my_lcolor=$(awk -F' ' '{print $1}' <<< "${my_colors}") my_lcolor=$(colorNumberToCode "${my_lcolor}") my_hcolor=$(awk -F' ' '{print $2}' <<< "${my_colors}") my_hcolor=$(colorNumberToCode "${my_hcolor}") } supported_distros="ALDOS, Alpine Linux, Amazon Linux, Antergos, Arch Linux (Old and Current Logos), ArcoLinux, Artix Linux, \ blackPanther OS, BLAG, BunsenLabs, CentOS, Chakra, Chapeau, Chrome OS, Chromium OS, CrunchBang, CRUX, \ Debian, Deepin, DesaOS,Devuan, Dragora, elementary OS, EuroLinux, Evolve OS, Sulin, Exherbo, Fedora, Frugalware, Fuduntu, Funtoo, \ Fux, Gentoo, gNewSense, Guix System, Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre, januslinux, Jiyuu Linux, Kali Linux, KaOS, KDE neon, Kogaion, Korora, \ LinuxDeepin, Linux Mint, LMDE, Logos, Mageia, Mandriva/Mandrake, Manjaro, Mer, Netrunner, NixOS, OBRevenge, openSUSE, \ OS Elbrus, Oracle Linux, Parabola GNU/Linux-libre, Pardus, Parrot Security, PCLinuxOS, PeppermintOS, Proxmox VE, PureOS, Qubes OS, \ Raspbian, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, ROSA, Sabayon, SailfishOS, Scientific Linux, Siduction, Slackware, Solus, Source Mage GNU/Linux, \ SparkyLinux, SteamOS, SUSE Linux Enterprise, SwagArch, TinyCore, Trisquel, Ubuntu, Viperr, Void and Zorin OS and EndeavourOS" supported_other="Dragonfly/Free/Open/Net BSD, Haiku, Mac OS X, Windows+Cygwin and Windows+MSYS2." supported_dms="KDE, GNOME, Unity, Xfce, LXDE, Cinnamon, MATE, Deepin, CDE, RazorQt and Trinity." supported_wms="2bwm, 9wm, Awesome, Beryl, Blackbox, Cinnamon, chromeos-wm, Compiz, deepin-wm, \ dminiwm, dwm, dtwm, E16, E17, echinus, Emerald, FluxBox, FLWM, FVWM, herbstluftwm, howm, IceWM, KWin, \ Metacity, monsterwm, Musca, Gala, Mutter, Muffin, Notion, OpenBox, PekWM, Ratpoison, Sawfish, ScrotWM, SpectrWM, \ StumpWM, subtle, sway, TWin, WindowMaker, WMFS, wmii, Xfwm4, XMonad and i3." displayHelp () { echo "${underline}Usage${c0}:" echo " ${0} [OPTIONAL FLAGS]" echo echo "screenFetch - a CLI Bash script to show system/theme info in screenshots." echo echo "${underline}Supported GNU/Linux Distributions${c0}:" echo "${supported_distros}" | fold -s | sed 's/^/\t/g' echo echo "${underline}Other Supported Systems${c0}:" echo "${supported_other}" | fold -s | sed 's/^/\t/g' echo echo "${underline}Supported Desktop Managers${c0}:" echo "${supported_dms}" | fold -s | sed 's/^/\t/g' echo echo "${underline}Supported Window Managers${c0}:" echo "${supported_wms}" | fold -s | sed 's/^/\t/g' echo echo "${underline}Supported Information Displays${c0}:" echo "${valid_display[@]}" | fold -s | sed 's/^/\t/g' echo echo "${underline}Options${c0}:" echo " ${bold}-v${c0} Verbose output." echo " ${bold}-o 'OPTIONS'${c0} Allows for setting script variables on the" echo " command line. Must be in the following format..." echo " 'OPTION1=\"OPTIONARG1\";OPTION2=\"OPTIONARG2\"'" echo " ${bold}-d '+var;-var;var'${c0} Allows for setting what information is displayed" echo " on the command line. You can add displays with +var,var. You" echo " can delete displays with -var,var. Setting without + or - will" echo " set display to that explicit combination. Add and delete statements" echo " may be used in conjunction by placing a ; between them as so:" echo " +var,var,var;-var,var. See above to find supported display names." echo " ${bold}-n${c0} Do not display ASCII distribution logo." echo " ${bold}-L${c0} Display ASCII distribution logo only." echo " ${bold}-N${c0} Strip all color from output." echo " ${bold}-w${c0} Wrap long lines." echo " ${bold}-t${c0} Truncate output based on terminal width (Experimental!)." echo " ${bold}-p${c0} Portrait output." echo " ${bold}-s [-u IMGHOST]${c0} Using this flag tells the script that you want it" echo " to take a screenshot. Use the -u flag if you would like" echo " to upload the screenshots to one of the pre-configured" echo " locations. These include: teknik, imgur, mediacrush and hmp." echo " ${bold}-c string${c0} You may change the outputted colors with -c. The format is" echo " as follows: [0-9][0-9],[0-9][0-9]. The first argument controls the" echo " ASCII logo colors and the label colors. The second argument" echo " controls the colors of the information found. One argument may be" echo " used without the other. For terminals supporting 256 colors argument" echo " may also contain other terminal control codes for bold, underline etc." echo " separated by semicolon. For example -c \"4;1,1;2\" will produce bold" echo " blue and dim red." echo " ${bold}-a 'PATH'${c0} You can specify a custom ASCII art by passing the path" echo " to a Bash script, defining \`startline\` and \`fulloutput\`" echo " variables, and optionally \`labelcolor\` and \`textcolor\`." echo " See the \`asciiText\` function in the source code for more" echo " information on the variables format." echo " ${bold}-S 'COMMAND'${c0} Here you can specify a custom screenshot command for" echo " the script to execute. Surrounding quotes are required." echo " ${bold}-D 'DISTRO'${c0} Here you can specify your distribution for the script" echo " to use. Surrounding quotes are required." echo " ${bold}-A 'DISTRO'${c0} Here you can specify the distribution art that you want" echo " displayed. This is for when you want your distro" echo " detected but want to display a different logo." echo " ${bold}-E${c0} Suppress output of errors." echo " ${bold}-V, --version${c0} Display current script version." echo " ${bold}-h, --help${c0} Display this help." } displayVersion () { echo "${underline}screenFetch${c0} - Version ${scriptVersion}" echo "Created by and licensed to Brett Bohnenkamper " echo "OS X porting done almost solely by shrx (https://github.com/shrx) and John D. Duncan, III (https://github.com/JohnDDuncanIII)." echo echo "This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE." } ##################### # Begin Flags Phase ##################### case $1 in --help) displayHelp; exit 0;; --version) displayVersion; exit 0;; esac while getopts ":hsu:evVEnLNtlS:A:D:o:c:d:pa:w" flags; do case $flags in h) displayHelp; exit 0 ;; s) screenshot='1' ;; S) screenCommand="${OPTARG}" ;; u) upload='1'; uploadLoc="${OPTARG}" ;; v) verbosity=1 ;; V) displayVersion; exit 0 ;; E) errorSuppress='1' ;; D) distro="${OPTARG}" ;; A) asc_distro="${OPTARG}" ;; t) truncateSet='Yes' ;; n) display_type='Text' ;; L) display_type='ASCII'; display_logo='Yes' ;; o) overrideOpts="${OPTARG}" ;; c) detectColors "${OPTARGS}" ;; d) overrideDisplay="${OPTARG}" ;; N) no_color='1' ;; p) portraitSet='Yes' ;; a) art="${OPTARG}" ;; w) lineWrap='Yes' ;; :) errorOut "Error: You're missing an argument somewhere. Exiting."; exit 1 ;; ?) errorOut "Error: Invalid flag somewhere. Exiting."; exit 1 ;; *) errorOut "Error"; exit 1 ;; esac done ################### # End Flags Phase ################### ############################ # Override Options/Display ############################ if [[ "$overrideOpts" ]]; then verboseOut "Found 'o' flag in syntax. Overriding some script variables..." eval "${overrideOpts}" fi ######################### # Begin Detection Phase ######################### # Distro Detection - Begin detectdistro () { local distro_detect="" if [[ -z "${distro}" ]]; then distro="Unknown" # LSB Release or MCST Version Check if [[ -e "/etc/mcst_version" ]]; then distro="OS Elbrus" distro_release="$(tail -n 1 /etc/mcst_version)" if [[ -n ${distro_release} ]]; then distro_more="$distro_release" fi elif type -p lsb_release >/dev/null 2>&1; then # read distro_detect distro_release distro_codename <<< $(lsb_release -sirc) #OLD_IFS=$IFS #IFS=" " #read -r -a distro_detect <<< "$(lsb_release -sirc)" #IFS=$OLD_IFS #if [[ ${#distro_detect[@]} -eq 3 ]]; then # distro_codename=${distro_detect[2]} # distro_release=${distro_detect[1]} # distro_detect=${distro_detect[0]} #else # for i in "${!distro_detect[@]}"; do # if [[ ${distro_detect[$i]} =~ ^[[:digit:]]+((.[[:digit:]]+|[[:digit:]]+|)+)$ ]]; then # distro_release=${distro_detect[$i]} # distro_codename=${distro_detect[*]:$((i+1))} # distro_detect=${distro_detect[*]:0:${i}} # break 1 # elif [[ ${distro_detect[$i]} =~ [Nn]/[Aa] || ${distro_detect[$i]} == "rolling" ]]; then # distro_release=${distro_detect[$i]} # distro_codename=${distro_detect[*]:$((i+1))} # distro_detect=${distro_detect[*]:0:${i}} # break 1 # fi # done #fi distro_detect="$(lsb_release -si)" distro_release="$(lsb_release -sr)" distro_codename="$(lsb_release -sc)" case "${distro_detect}" in "archlinux"|"Arch Linux"|"arch"|"Arch"|"archarm") distro="Arch Linux" distro_release="n/a" if [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then os_release="/etc/os-release"; elif [ -f /usr/lib/os-release ]; then os_release="/usr/lib/os-release"; fi if [[ -n ${os_release} ]]; then if grep -q 'antergos' /etc/os-release; then distro="Antergos" distro_release="n/a" fi if grep -q -i 'logos' /etc/os-release; then distro="Logos" distro_release="n/a" fi if grep -q -i 'swagarch' /etc/os-release; then distro="SwagArch" distro_release="n/a" fi if grep -q -i 'obrevenge' /etc/os-release; then distro="OBRevenge" distro_release="n/a" fi fi ;; "ALDOS"|"Aldos") distro="ALDOS" ;; "ArcoLinux") distro="ArcoLinux" distro_release="n/a" ;; "artixlinux"|"Artix Linux"|"artix"|"Artix"|"Artix release") distro="Artix" ;; "blackPantherOS"|"blackPanther"|"blackpanther"|"blackpantheros") distro=$(source /etc/lsb-release; echo "$DISTRIB_ID") distro_release=$(source /etc/lsb-release; echo "$DISTRIB_RELEASE") distro_codename=$(source /etc/lsb-release; echo "$DISTRIB_CODENAME") ;; "BLAG") distro="BLAG" distro_more="$(head -n1 /etc/fedora-release)" ;; "Chakra") distro="Chakra" distro_release="" ;; "BunsenLabs") distro=$(source /etc/lsb-release; echo "$DISTRIB_ID") distro_release=$(source /etc/lsb-release; echo "$DISTRIB_RELEASE") distro_codename=$(source /etc/lsb-release; echo "$DISTRIB_CODENAME") ;; "Debian") if [[ -f /etc/crunchbang-lsb-release || -f /etc/lsb-release-crunchbang ]]; then distro="CrunchBang" distro_release=$(awk -F'=' '/^DISTRIB_RELEASE=/ {print $2}' /etc/lsb-release-crunchbang) distro_codename=$(awk -F'=' '/^DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION=/ {print $2}' /etc/lsb-release-crunchbang) elif [[ -f /etc/siduction-version ]]; then distro="Siduction" distro_release="(Debian Sid)" distro_codename="" elif [[ -f /usr/bin/pveversion ]]; then distro="Proxmox VE" distro_more="$(/usr/bin/pveversion | grep -oP 'pve-manager\/\K\d+\.\d+')" elif [[ -f /etc/os-release ]]; then if grep -q -i 'Raspbian' /etc/os-release ; then distro="Raspbian" distro_release=$(awk -F'=' '/^PRETTY_NAME=/ {print $2}' /etc/os-release) elif grep -q -i 'BlankOn' /etc/os-release ; then distro='BlankOn' distro_release=$(awk -F'=' '/^PRETTY_NAME=/ {print $2}' /etc/os-release) else distro="Debian" fi else distro="Debian" fi ;; "elementary"|"elementary OS") distro="elementary OS" ;; "EvolveOS") distro="Evolve OS" ;; "Sulin") distro="Sulin" distro_release=$(awk -F'=' '/^ID_LIKE=/ {print $2}' /etc/os-release) distro_codename="Roolling donkey" # this is not wrong :D ;; "KaOS"|"kaos") distro="KaOS" ;; "frugalware") distro="Frugalware" distro_codename=null distro_release=null ;; "Fuduntu") distro="Fuduntu" distro_codename=null ;; "Fux") distro="Fux" distro_codename=null ;; "Gentoo") if [[ "$(lsb_release -sd)" =~ "Funtoo" ]]; then distro="Funtoo" else distro="Gentoo" fi #detecting release stable/testing/experimental if [[ -f /etc/portage/make.conf ]]; then source /etc/portage/make.conf elif [[ -d /etc/portage/make.conf ]]; then source /etc/portage/make.conf/* fi case $ACCEPT_KEYWORDS in [a-z]*) distro_release=stable ;; ~*) distro_release=testing ;; '**') distro_release=experimental ;; #experimental usually includes git-versions. esac ;; "Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre"|"Hyperbola") distro="Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre" distro_codename="n/a" distro_release="n/a" ;; "januslinux"|"janus") distro="januslinux" ;; "LinuxDeepin") distro="LinuxDeepin" distro_codename=null ;; "Kali"|"Debian Kali Linux") distro="Kali Linux" if [[ "${distro_codename}" =~ "kali-rolling" ]]; then distro_codename="n/a" distro_release="n/a" fi ;; "Lunar Linux"|"lunar") distro="Lunar Linux" ;; "MandrivaLinux") distro="Mandriva" case "${distro_codename}" in "turtle"|"Henry_Farman"|"Farman"|"Adelie"|"pauillac") distro="Mandriva-${distro_release}" distro_codename=null ;; esac ;; "ManjaroLinux") distro="Manjaro" ;; "Mer") distro="Mer" if [[ -f /etc/os-release ]]; then if grep -q 'SailfishOS' /etc/os-release; then distro="SailfishOS" distro_codename="$(grep 'VERSION=' /etc/os-release | cut -d '(' -f2 | cut -d ')' -f1)" distro_release="$(awk -F'=' '/^VERSION=/ {print $2}' /etc/os-release)" fi fi ;; "neon"|"KDE neon") distro="KDE neon" distro_codename="n/a" distro_release="n/a" if [[ -f /etc/issue ]]; then if grep -q '^KDE neon' /etc/issue ; then distro_release="$(grep '^KDE neon' /etc/issue | cut -d ' ' -f3)" fi fi ;; "Ol"|"ol"|"Oracle Linux") distro="Oracle Linux" [ -f /etc/oracle-release ] && distro_release="$(sed 's/Oracle Linux //' /etc/oracle-release)" ;; "LinuxMint") distro="Mint" if [[ "${distro_codename}" == "debian" ]]; then distro="LMDE" distro_codename="n/a" distro_release="n/a" #adding support for LMDE 3 elif [[ "$(lsb_release -sd)" =~ "LMDE" ]]; then distro="LMDE" fi ;; "openSUSE"|"openSUSE project"|"SUSE LINUX" | "SUSE") distro="openSUSE" if [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then if grep -q -i 'SUSE Linux Enterprise' /etc/os-release ; then distro="SUSE Linux Enterprise" distro_codename="n/a" distro_release=$(awk -F'=' '/^VERSION_ID=/ {print $2}' /etc/os-release | tr -d '"') fi fi if [[ "${distro_codename}" == "Tumbleweed" ]]; then distro_release="n/a" fi ;; "Parabola GNU/Linux-libre"|"Parabola") distro="Parabola GNU/Linux-libre" distro_codename="n/a" distro_release="n/a" ;; "Parrot"|"Parrot Security") distro="Parrot Security" ;; "PCLinuxOS") distro="PCLinuxOS" distro_codename="n/a" distro_release="n/a" ;; "Peppermint") distro="Peppermint" distro_codename=null ;; "rhel") distro="Red Hat Enterprise Linux" ;; "RosaDesktopFresh") distro="ROSA" distro_release=$(grep 'VERSION=' /etc/os-release | cut -d ' ' -f3 | cut -d "\"" -f1) distro_codename=$(grep 'PRETTY_NAME=' /etc/os-release | cut -d ' ' -f4,4) ;; "SailfishOS") distro="SailfishOS" if [[ -f /etc/os-release ]]; then distro_codename="$(grep 'VERSION=' /etc/os-release | cut -d '(' -f2 | cut -d ')' -f1)" distro_release="$(awk -F'=' '/^VERSION=/ {print $2}' /etc/os-release)" fi ;; "Sparky"|"SparkyLinux") distro="SparkyLinux" ;; "Ubuntu") for each in "${ubuntu_codenames[@]}"; do if [[ "${each,,}" =~ "${distro_codename,,}" ]]; then distro_codename="$each" fi done ;; "Viperr") distro="Viperr" distro_codename=null ;; "Void"|"VoidLinux") distro="Void Linux" distro_codename="" distro_release="" ;; "Zorin") distro="Zorin OS" distro_codename="" ;; *) if [ "x$(printf "${distro_detect}" | od -t x1 | sed -e 's/^\w*\ *//' | tr '\n' ' ' | grep 'eb b6 89 ec 9d 80 eb b3 84 ')" != "x" ]; then distro="Red Star OS" distro_codename="n/a" distro_release=$(printf "${distro_release}" | grep -o '[0-9.]' | tr -d '\n') else distro="${distro_detect}" fi ;; esac if [[ "${distro_detect}" =~ "RedHatEnterprise" ]]; then distro="Red Hat Enterprise Linux" fi if [[ "${distro_detect}" =~ "SUSELinuxEnterprise" ]]; then distro="SUSE Linux Enterprise" fi if [[ -n ${distro_release} && ${distro_release} != "n/a" ]]; then distro_more="$distro_release" fi if [[ -n ${distro_codename} && ${distro_codename} != "n/a" ]]; then distro_more="$distro_more $distro_codename" fi fi # Existing File Check if [ "$distro" == "Unknown" ]; then if [ "$(uname -o 2>/dev/null)" ]; then os="$(uname -o)" case "$os" in "Cygwin"|"FreeBSD"|"OpenBSD"|"NetBSD") distro="$os" fake_distro="${distro}" ;; "DragonFly") distro="DragonFlyBSD" fake_distro="${distro}" ;; "EndeavourOS") distro="EndeavourOS" fake_distro="${distro}" ;; "Msys") distro="Msys" fake_distro="${distro}" distro_more="${distro} $(uname -r | head -c 1)" ;; "Haiku") distro="Haiku" distro_more="$(uname -v | awk '/^hrev/ {print $1}')" ;; "GNU/Linux") if type -p crux >/dev/null 2>&1; then distro="CRUX" distro_more="$(crux | awk '{print $3}')" fi if type -p nixos-version >/dev/null 2>&1; then distro="NixOS" distro_more="$(nixos-version)" fi if type -p sorcery >/dev/null 2>&1; then distro="SMGL" fi if (type -p guix && type -p herd) >/dev/null 2>&1; then distro="Guix System" fi ;; esac fi if [[ "${distro}" == "Cygwin" || "${distro}" == "Msys" ]]; then # https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms724832%28VS.85%29.aspx if wmic os get version | grep -q '^\(6\.[23]\|10\)'; then fake_distro="Windows - Modern" fi fi if [[ "${distro}" == "Unknown" ]]; then if [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then os_release="/etc/os-release"; elif [ -f /usr/lib/os-release ]; then os_release="/usr/lib/os-release"; fi if [[ -n ${os_release} ]]; then distrib_id=$(<${os_release}); for l in $distrib_id; do if [[ ${l} =~ ^ID= ]]; then distrib_id=${l//*=} distrib_id=${distrib_id//\"/} break 1 fi done if [[ -n ${distrib_id} ]]; then if [[ ${BASH_VERSINFO[0]} -ge 4 ]]; then distrib_id=$(for i in ${distrib_id}; do echo -n "${i^} "; done) distro=${distrib_id% } unset distrib_id else distrib_id=$(for i in ${distrib_id}; do FIRST_LETTER=$(echo -n "${i:0:1}" | tr "[:lower:]" "[:upper:]"); echo -n "${FIRST_LETTER}${i:1} "; done) distro=${distrib_id% } unset distrib_id fi fi # Hotfixes [[ "${distro}" == "Opensuse-tumbleweed" ]] && distro="openSUSE" && distro_more="Tumbleweed" [[ "${distro}" == "Opensuse-leap" ]] && distro="openSUSE" [[ "${distro}" == "void" ]] && distro="Void Linux" [[ "${distro}" == "evolveos" ]] && distro="Evolve OS" [[ "${distro}" == "Sulin" ]] && distro="Sulin" [[ "${distro}" == "antergos" ]] && distro="Antergos" [[ "${distro}" == "logos" ]] && distro="Logos" [[ "${distro}" == "Arch" || "${distro}" == "Archarm" || "${distro}" == "archarm" ]] && distro="Arch Linux" [[ "${distro}" == "elementary" ]] && distro="elementary OS" [[ "${distro}" == "Fedora" && -d /etc/qubes-rpc ]] && distro="qubes" # Inner VM [[ "${distro}" == "Ol" || "${distro}" == "ol" ]] && distro="Oracle Linux" if [[ "${distro}" == "Oracle Linux" && -f /etc/oracle-release ]]; then distro_more="$(sed 's/Oracle Linux //' /etc/oracle-release)" fi # Upstream problem, SL and so EL is using rhel ID in os-release if [[ "${distro}" == "rhel" ]] || [[ "${distro}" == "Rhel" ]]; then distro="Red Hat Enterprise Linux" if grep -q 'Scientific' /etc/os-release; then distro="Scientific Linux" elif grep -q 'EuroLinux' /etc/os-release; then distro="EuroLinux" fi fi [[ "${distro}" == "Neon" ]] && distro="KDE neon" [[ "${distro}" == "SLED" || "${distro}" == "sled" || "${distro}" == "SLES" || "${distro}" == "sles" ]] && distro="SUSE Linux Enterprise" if [[ "${distro}" == "SUSE Linux Enterprise" && -f /etc/os-release ]]; then distro_more="$(awk -F'=' '/^VERSION_ID=/ {print $2}' /etc/os-release | tr -d '"')" fi if [[ "${distro}" == "Debian" && -f /usr/bin/pveversion ]]; then distro="Proxmox VE" distro_more="$(/usr/bin/pveversion | grep -oP 'pve-manager\/\K\d+\.\d+')" fi fi fi if [[ "${distro}" == "Unknown" && "${OSTYPE}" =~ "linux" && -f /etc/lsb-release ]]; then LSB_RELEASE=$(/dev/null; then distro="Mac OS X" elif [[ -f /var/run/dmesg.boot ]]; then distro=$(awk 'BEGIN { distro = "Unknown" } { if ($0 ~ /DragonFly/) { distro = "DragonFlyBSD" exit } else if ($0 ~ /FreeBSD/) { distro = "FreeBSD" exit } else if ($0 ~ /NetBSD/) { distro = "NetBSD" exit } else if ($0 ~ /OpenBSD/) { distro = "OpenBSD" exit } } END { print distro }' /var/run/dmesg.boot) fi fi fi if [[ "${distro}" == "Unknown" ]] && [[ "${OSTYPE}" =~ "linux" || "${OSTYPE}" == "gnu" ]]; then if [[ -f /etc/issue ]]; then distro=$(awk 'BEGIN { distro = "Unknown" } { if ($0 ~ /"Hyperbola GNU\/Linux-libre"/) { distro = "Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre" exit } else if ($0 ~ /"LinuxDeepin"/) { distro = "LinuxDeepin" exit } else if ($0 ~ /"Obarun"/) { distro = "Obarun" exit } else if ($0 ~ /"Parabola GNU\/Linux-libre"/) { distro = "Parabola GNU/Linux-libre" exit } else if ($0 ~ /"Solus"/) { distro = "Solus" exit } else if ($0 ~ /"ALDOS"/) { distro = "ALDOS" exit } } END { print distro }' /etc/issue) fi fi if [[ "${distro}" == "Unknown" ]] && [[ "${OSTYPE}" =~ "linux" || "${OSTYPE}" == "gnu" ]]; then if [[ -f /etc/system-release ]]; then if grep -q -i 'Scientific Linux' /etc/system-release; then distro="Scientific Linux" elif grep -q -i 'Oracle Linux' /etc/system-release; then distro="Oracle Linux" fi elif [[ -f /etc/lsb-release ]]; then if grep -q -i 'CHROMEOS_RELEASE_NAME' /etc/lsb-release; then distro="$(awk -F'=' '/^CHROMEOS_RELEASE_NAME=/ {print $2}' /etc/lsb-release)" distro_more="$(awk -F'=' '/^CHROMEOS_RELEASE_VERSION=/ {print $2}' /etc/lsb-release)" fi fi fi fi fi if [[ -n ${distro_more} ]]; then distro_more="${distro} ${distro_more}" fi if [[ "${distro}" != "Haiku" ]]; then if [[ ${BASH_VERSINFO[0]} -ge 4 ]]; then if [[ ${BASH_VERSINFO[0]} -eq 4 && ${BASH_VERSINFO[1]} -gt 1 ]] || [[ ${BASH_VERSINFO[0]} -gt 4 ]]; then distro=${distro,,} else distro="$(tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' <<< "${distro}")" fi else distro="$(tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' <<< "${distro}")" fi fi case $distro in aldos) distro="ALDOS";; alpine) distro="Alpine Linux" ;; amzn|amazon|amazon*linux) distro="Amazon Linux" ;; antergos) distro="Antergos" ;; arch*linux*old) distro="Arch Linux - Old" ;; arch|arch*linux) distro="Arch Linux" ;; arcolinux|arcolinux*) distro="ArcoLinux" ;; artix|artix*linux) distro="Artix Linux" ;; blackpantheros|black*panther*) distro="blackPanther OS" ;; blag) distro="BLAG" ;; bunsenlabs) distro="BunsenLabs" ;; centos) distro="CentOS" ;; chakra) distro="Chakra" ;; chapeau) distro="Chapeau" ;; chrome*|chromium*) distro="Chrome OS" ;; crunchbang) distro="CrunchBang" ;; crux) distro="CRUX" ;; cygwin) distro="Cygwin" ;; debian) distro="Debian" ;; devuan) distro="Devuan" ;; deepin) distro="Deepin" ;; desaos) distro="DesaOS" ;; dragonflybsd) distro="DragonFlyBSD" ;; dragora) distro="Dragora" ;; elementary|'elementary os') distro="elementary OS";; eurolinux) distro="EuroLinux" ;; evolveos) distro="Evolve OS" ;; sulin) distro="Sulin" ;; exherbo|exherbo*linux) distro="Exherbo" ;; fedora) distro="Fedora" ;; freebsd) distro="FreeBSD" ;; freebsd*old) distro="FreeBSD - Old" ;; frugalware) distro="Frugalware" ;; fuduntu) distro="Fuduntu" ;; funtoo) distro="Funtoo" ;; fux) distro="Fux" ;; gentoo) distro="Gentoo" ;; gnewsense) distro="gNewSense" ;; guix*system) distro="Guix System" ;; haiku) distro="Haiku" ;; hyperbolagnu|hyperbolagnu/linux-libre|'hyperbola gnu/linux-libre'|hyperbola) distro="Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre" ;; januslinux) distro="januslinux" ;; kali*linux) distro="Kali Linux" ;; kaos) distro="KaOS";; kde*neon|neon) distro="KDE neon" ;; kogaion) distro="Kogaion" ;; korora) distro="Korora" ;; linuxdeepin) distro="LinuxDeepin" ;; lmde) distro="LMDE" ;; logos) distro="Logos" ;; lunar|lunar*linux) distro="Lunar Linux";; mac*os*x|os*x) distro="Mac OS X" ;; manjaro) distro="Manjaro" ;; mageia) distro="Mageia" ;; mandrake) distro="Mandrake" ;; mandriva) distro="Mandriva" ;; mer) distro="Mer" ;; mint|linux*mint) distro="Mint" ;; msys|msys2) distro="Msys" ;; netbsd) distro="NetBSD" ;; netrunner) distro="Netrunner" ;; nix|nix*os) distro="NixOS" ;; obarun) distro="Obarun" ;; obrevenge) distro="OBRevenge" ;; ol|oracle*linux) distro="Oracle Linux" ;; openbsd) distro="OpenBSD" ;; opensuse) distro="openSUSE" ;; os*elbrus) distro="OS Elbrus" ;; parabolagnu|parabolagnu/linux-libre|'parabola gnu/linux-libre'|parabola) distro="Parabola GNU/Linux-libre" ;; pardus) distro="Pardus" ;; parrot|parrot*security) distro="Parrot Security" ;; pclinuxos|pclos) distro="PCLinuxOS" ;; peppermint) distro="Peppermint" ;; proxmox|proxmox*ve) distro="Proxmox VE" ;; pureos) distro="PureOS" ;; qubes) distro="Qubes OS" ;; raspbian) distro="Raspbian" ;; red*hat*|rhel) distro="Red Hat Enterprise Linux" ;; rosa) distro="ROSA" ;; red*star|red*star*os) distro="Red Star OS" ;; sabayon) distro="Sabayon" ;; sailfish|sailfish*os) distro="SailfishOS" ;; scientific*) distro="Scientific Linux" ;; siduction) distro="Siduction" ;; slackware) distro="Slackware" ;; smgl|source*mage|source*mage*gnu*linux) distro="Source Mage GNU/Linux" ;; solus) distro="Solus" ;; sparky|sparky*linux) distro="SparkyLinux" ;; steam|steam*os) distro="SteamOS" ;; suse*linux*enterprise) distro="SUSE Linux Enterprise" ;; swagarch) distro="SwagArch" ;; tinycore|tinycore*linux) distro="TinyCore" ;; trisquel) distro="Trisquel";; grombyangos) distro="GrombyangOS" ;; ubuntu) distro="Ubuntu";; viperr) distro="Viperr" ;; void*linux) distro="Void Linux" ;; zorin*) distro="Zorin OS" ;; endeavour*) distro="EndeavourOS" ;; esac if grep -q -i 'Microsoft' /proc/version 2>/dev/null || \ grep -q -i 'Microsoft' /proc/sys/kernel/osrelease 2>/dev/null then wsl="(on the Windows Subsystem for Linux)" fi verboseOut "Finding distro...found as '${distro} ${distro_release}'" } # Distro Detection - End # Host and User detection - Begin detecthost () { myUser=${USER} myHost=${HOSTNAME} if [[ -z "$USER" ]]; then myUser=$(whoami) fi if [[ "${distro}" == "Mac OS X" ]]; then myHost=${myHost/.local} fi verboseOut "Finding hostname and user...found as '${myUser}@${myHost}'" } # Find Number of Running Processes # processnum="$(( $( ps aux | wc -l ) - 1 ))" # Kernel Version Detection - Begin detectkernel () { if [[ "$distro" == "OpenBSD" ]]; then kernel=$(uname -a | cut -f 3- -d ' ') else # compatibility for older versions of OS X: kernel=$(uname -m && uname -sr) kernel=${kernel//$'\n'/ } #kernel=( $(uname -srm) ) #kernel="${kernel[${#kernel[@]}-1]} ${kernel[@]:0:${#kernel[@]}-1}" verboseOut "Finding kernel version...found as '${kernel}'" fi } # Kernel Version Detection - End # Uptime Detection - Begin detectuptime () { unset uptime if [[ "${distro}" == "Mac OS X" || "${distro}" == "FreeBSD" || "${distro}" == "DragonFlyBSD" ]]; then boot=$(sysctl -n kern.boottime | cut -d "=" -f 2 | cut -d "," -f 1) now=$(date +%s) uptime=$((now-boot)) elif [[ "${distro}" == "OpenBSD" ]]; then boot=$(sysctl -n kern.boottime) now=$(date +%s) uptime=$((now - boot)) elif [[ "${distro}" == "Haiku" ]]; then uptime=$(uptime | awk -F', up ' '{gsub(/ *hours?,/, "h"); gsub(/ *minutes?/, "m"); print $2;}') else if [[ -f /proc/uptime ]]; then uptime=$(/dev/null 2>&1; then port_pkgs=$(port installed 2>/dev/null | wc -l) pkgs=$((pkgs + (port_pkgs - offset))) fi if type -p brew >/dev/null 2>&1; then brew_pkgs=$(brew list -1 2>/dev/null | wc -l) pkgs=$((pkgs + brew_pkgs)) fi if type -p pkgin >/dev/null 2>&1; then pkgsrc_pkgs=$(pkgin list 2>/dev/null | wc -l) pkgs=$((pkgs + pkgsrc_pkgs)) fi ;; 'DragonFlyBSD') if TMPDIR=/dev/null ASSUME_ALWAYS_YES=1 PACKAGESITE=file:///nonexistent pkg info pkg >/dev/null 2>&1; then pkgs=$(pkg info | grep -c .) else pkgs=$(pkg_info | grep -c .) fi ;; 'OpenBSD'|'NetBSD') pkgs=$(pkg_info | grep -c .) ;; 'FreeBSD') pkgs=$(pkg info | grep -c .) ;; 'Cygwin') offset=2 pkgs=$(($(cygcheck -cd | wc -l) - offset)) if [ -d "/cygdrive/c/ProgramData/chocolatey/lib" ]; then chocopkgs=$(ls -1 /cygdrive/c/ProgramData/chocolatey/lib | wc -l) pkgs=$((pkgs + chocopkgs)) fi ;; 'Msys') pkgs=$(pacman -Qq | wc -l) if [ -d "/c/ProgramData/chocolatey/lib" ]; then chocopkgs=$(ls -1 /c/ProgramData/chocolatey/lib | wc -l) pkgs=$((pkgs + chocopkgs)) fi ;; 'Haiku') haikualpharelease="no" if [ -d /boot/system/package-links ]; then pkgs=$(ls /boot/system/package-links | wc -l) elif type -p installoptionalpackage >/dev/null 2>&1; then haikualpharelease="yes" pkgs=$(installoptionalpackage -l | sed -n '3p' | wc -w) fi ;; esac if [[ "${OSTYPE}" =~ "linux" && -z "${wsl}" ]] && snap list >/dev/null 2>&1; then offset=1 snappkgs=$(($(snap list 2>/dev/null | wc -l) - offset)) if [ $snappkgs -lt 0 ]; then snappkgs=0 fi pkgs=$((pkgs + snappkgs)) fi verboseOut "Finding current package count...found as '$pkgs'" } # CPU Detection - Begin detectcpu () { local REGEXP="-r" if [ "$distro" == "Mac OS X" ]; then cpu=$(machine) if [[ $cpu == "ppc750" ]]; then cpu="IBM PowerPC G3" elif [[ $cpu == "ppc7400" || $cpu == "ppc7450" ]]; then cpu="IBM PowerPC G4" elif [[ $cpu == "ppc970" ]]; then cpu="IBM PowerPC G5" else cpu=$(sysctl -n machdep.cpu.brand_string) fi REGEXP="-E" elif [ "$OSTYPE" == "gnu" ]; then # no /proc/cpuinfo on GNU/Hurd if uname -m | grep -q 'i.86'; then cpu="Unknown x86" else cpu="Unknown" fi elif [ "$distro" == "FreeBSD" ]; then cpu=$(dmesg | awk -F': ' '/^CPU/ {gsub(/ +/," "); gsub(/\([^\(\)]*\)|CPU /,"", $2); print $2; exit}') elif [ "$distro" == "DragonFlyBSD" ]; then cpu=$(sysctl -n hw.model) elif [ "$distro" == "OpenBSD" ]; then cpu=$(sysctl -n hw.model | sed 's/@.*//') elif [ "$distro" == "Haiku" ]; then cpu=$(sysinfo -cpu | awk -F': ' '/^CPU #0/ {gsub(/ +/," "); gsub(/\([^\(\)]*\)|CPU /,"", $2); print $2; exit}') else cpu=$(awk -F':' '/^model name/ {split($2, A, " @"); print A[1]; exit}' /proc/cpuinfo) cpun=$(grep -c '^processor' /proc/cpuinfo) if [ -z "$cpu" ]; then cpu=$(awk 'BEGIN{FS=":"} /Hardware/ { print $2; exit }' /proc/cpuinfo) fi if [ -z "$cpu" ]; then cpu=$(awk 'BEGIN{FS=":"} /^cpu/ { gsub(/ +/," ",$2); print $2; exit}' /proc/cpuinfo | sed 's/, altivec supported//;s/^ //') if [[ $cpu =~ ^(PPC)*9.+ ]]; then model="IBM PowerPC G5 " elif [[ $cpu =~ 740/750 ]]; then model="IBM PowerPC G3 " elif [[ $cpu =~ ^74.+ ]]; then model="Motorola PowerPC G4 " elif [[ $cpu =~ ^POWER.* ]]; then model="IBM POWER " elif grep -q -i 'BCM2708' /proc/cpuinfo ; then model="Broadcom BCM2835 ARM1176JZF-S" else arch=$(uname -m) if [[ "$arch" == "s390x" || "$arch" == "s390" ]]; then cpu="" args=$(grep 'machine' /proc/cpuinfo | sed 's/^.*://g; s/ //g; s/,/\n/g' | grep '^machine=.*') eval "$args" case "$machine" in # information taken from https://github.com/SUSE/s390-tools/blob/master/cputype 2064) model="IBM eServer zSeries 900" ;; 2066) model="IBM eServer zSeries 800" ;; 2084) model="IBM eServer zSeries 990" ;; 2086) model="IBM eServer zSeries 890" ;; 2094) model="IBM System z9 Enterprise Class" ;; 2096) model="IBM System z9 Business Class" ;; 2097) model="IBM System z10 Enterprise Class" ;; 2098) model="IBM System z10 Business Class" ;; 2817) model="IBM zEnterprise 196" ;; 2818) model="IBM zEnterprise 114" ;; 2827) model="IBM zEnterprise EC12" ;; 2828) model="IBM zEnterprise BC12" ;; 2964) model="IBM z13" ;; *) model="IBM S/390 machine type $machine" ;; esac else model="Unknown" fi fi cpu="${model}${cpu}" fi loc="/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq" bl="${loc}/bios_limit" smf="${loc}/scaling_max_freq" if [ -f "$bl" ] && [ -r "$bl" ]; then cpu_mhz=$(awk '{print $1/1000}' "$bl") elif [ -f "$smf" ] && [ -r "$smf" ]; then cpu_mhz=$(awk '{print $1/1000}' "$smf") else cpu_mhz=$(awk -F':' '/cpu MHz/{ print int($2+.5) }' /proc/cpuinfo | head -n 1) fi if [ -n "$cpu_mhz" ]; then if [ "${cpu_mhz%.*}" -ge 1000 ]; then cpu_ghz=$(awk '{print $1/1000}' <<< "${cpu_mhz}") cpufreq="${cpu_ghz}GHz" else cpufreq="${cpu_mhz}MHz" fi fi fi if [[ "${cpun}" -gt "1" ]]; then cpun="${cpun}x " else cpun="" fi if [ -z "$cpufreq" ]; then cpu="${cpun}${cpu}" else cpu="$cpu @ ${cpun}${cpufreq}" fi if [ -d '/sys/class/hwmon/' ]; then for dir in /sys/class/hwmon/* ; do hwmonfile="" [ -e "$dir/name" ] && hwmonfile=$dir/name [ -e "$dir/device/name" ] && hwmonfile=$dir/device/name [ -n "$hwmonfile" ] && if grep -q 'coretemp' "$hwmonfile"; then thermal="$dir/temp1_input" break fi done if [ -e "$thermal" ] && [ "${thermal:+isSetToNonNull}" = 'isSetToNonNull' ]; then temperature=$(bc <<< "scale=1; $(cat "$thermal")/1000") fi fi if [ -n "$temperature" ]; then cpu="$cpu [${temperature}°C]" fi cpu=$(sed $REGEXP 's/\([tT][mM]\)|\([Rr]\)|[pP]rocessor|CPU//g' <<< "${cpu}" | xargs) verboseOut "Finding current CPU...found as '$cpu'" } # CPU Detection - End # GPU Detection - Begin (EXPERIMENTAL!) detectgpu () { if [[ "${distro}" == "FreeBSD" || "${distro}" == "DragonFlyBSD" ]]; then nvisettexist=$(which nvidia-settings) if [ -x "$nvisettexist" ]; then gpu="$(nvidia-settings -t -q gpus | grep \( | sed 's/.*(\(.*\))/\1/')" else gpu_info=$(pciconf -lv 2> /dev/null | grep -B 4 VGA) gpu_info=$(grep -E 'device.*=.*' <<< "${gpu_info}") gpu="${gpu_info##*device*= }" gpu="${gpu//\'}" # gpu=$(sed 's/.*device.*= //' <<< "${gpu_info}" | sed "s/'//g") fi elif [[ "${distro}" == "OpenBSD" ]]; then gpu=$(glxinfo 2> /dev/null | awk '/OpenGL renderer string/ { sub(/OpenGL renderer string: /,""); print }') elif [[ "${distro}" == "Mac OS X" ]]; then gpu=$(system_profiler SPDisplaysDataType | awk -F': ' '/^ *Chipset Model:/ {print $2}' | awk '{ printf "%s / ", $0 }' | sed -e 's/\/ $//g') elif [[ "${distro}" == "Cygwin" || "${distro}" == "Msys" ]]; then gpu=$(wmic path Win32_VideoController get caption | sed -n '2p') elif [[ "${distro}" == "Haiku" ]]; then gpu="$(listdev | grep -A2 -e 'device Display controller' | awk -F': ' '/^ +device/ {print $2}')" else if [[ -n "$(PATH="/opt/bin:$PATH" type -p nvidia-smi)" ]]; then gpu=$($(PATH="/opt/bin:$PATH" type -p nvidia-smi | cut -f1) -q | awk -F':' '/Product Name/ {gsub(/: /,":"); print $2}' | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/, /g') elif [[ -n "$(PATH="/usr/sbin:$PATH" type -p glxinfo)" && -z "${gpu}" ]]; then gpu_info=$($(PATH="/usr/sbin:$PATH" type -p glxinfo | cut -f1) 2>/dev/null) gpu=$(grep "OpenGL renderer string" <<< "${gpu_info}" | cut -d ':' -f2 | sed -n -e '1h;2,$H;${g;s/\n/, /g' -e 'p' -e '}') gpu="${gpu:1}" gpu_info=$(grep "OpenGL vendor string" <<< "${gpu_info}") elif [[ -n "$(PATH="/usr/sbin:$PATH" type -p lspci)" && -z "$gpu" ]]; then gpu_info=$($(PATH="/usr/bin:$PATH" type -p lspci | cut -f1) 2> /dev/null | grep VGA) gpu=$(grep -oE '\[.*\]' <<< "${gpu_info}" | sed 's/\[//;s/\]//' | sed -n -e '1h;2,$H;${g;s/\n/, /g' -e 'p' -e '}') fi fi if [ -n "$gpu" ];then if grep -q -i 'nvidia' <<< "${gpu_info}"; then gpu_info="NVidia " elif grep -q -i 'intel' <<< "${gpu_info}"; then gpu_info="Intel " elif grep -q -i 'amd' <<< "${gpu_info}"; then gpu_info="AMD " elif grep -q -i 'ati' <<< "${gpu_info}" || grep -q -i 'radeon' <<< "${gpu_info}"; then gpu_info="ATI " else gpu_info=$(cut -d ':' -f2 <<< "${gpu_info}") gpu_info="${gpu_info:1} " fi gpu="${gpu}" else gpu="Not Found" fi verboseOut "Finding current GPU...found as '$gpu'" } # GPU Detection - End # Detect Intel GPU #works in dash # Run it only on Intel Processors if GPU is unknown DetectIntelGPU() { if [ -r /proc/fb ]; then gpu=$(awk 'BEGIN {ORS = " &"} {$1="";print}' /proc/fb | sed -r s/'^\s+|\s*&$'//g) fi case $gpu in *mfb) gpu=$(lspci | grep -i vga | awk -F ": " '{print $2}') ;; *intel*) gpu="intel" ;; *) gpu="Not Found" ;; esac if [[ "$gpu" = "intel" ]]; then #Detect CPU local CPU=$(uname -p | awk '{print $3}') CPU=${CPU#*'-'}; #Detect CPU number #Detect Intel GPU case $CPU in [3-6][3-9][0-5]|[3-6][3-9][0-5][K-Y]) gpu='Intel HD Graphics' ;; #1st 2[1-5][0-3][0-2]*|2390T|2600S) gpu='Intel HD Graphics 2000' ;; #2nd 2[1-5][1-7][0-8]*|2105|2500K) gpu='Intel HD Graphics 3000' ;; #2nd 32[1-5]0*|3[4-5][5-7]0*|33[3-4]0*) gpu='Intel HD Graphics 2500' ;; #3rd 3570K|3427U) gpu='Intel HD Graphics 4000' ;; #3rd 4[3-7][0-9][0-5]*) gpu='Intel HD Graphics 4600' ;; #4th Haswell 5[5-6]75[C-R]|5350H) gpu='Intel Iris Pro Graphics 6200' ;; #5th Broadwell #6th Skylake #7th Kabylake #8th Cannonlake *) gpu='Unknown' ;; #Unknown GPU model esac fi } # Disk Usage Detection - Begin detectdisk () { diskusage="Unknown" if type -p df >/dev/null 2>&1; then if [[ "${distro}" =~ (Free|Net|DragonFly)BSD ]]; then totaldisk=$(df -h -c 2>/dev/null | tail -1) elif [[ "${distro}" == "OpenBSD" ]]; then totaldisk=$(df -Pk 2> /dev/null | awk ' /^\// {total+=$2; used+=$3; avail+=$4} END{printf("total %.1fG %.1fG %.1fG %d%%\n", total/1048576, used/1048576, avail/1048576, used*100/total)}') elif [[ "${distro}" == "Mac OS X" ]]; then totaldisk=$(df -H / 2>/dev/null | tail -1) else totaldisk=$(df -h -x aufs -x tmpfs -x overlay --total 2>/dev/null | tail -1) fi disktotal=$(awk '{print $2}' <<< "${totaldisk}") diskused=$(awk '{print $3}' <<< "${totaldisk}") diskusedper=$(awk '{print $5}' <<< "${totaldisk}") diskusage="${diskused} / ${disktotal} (${diskusedper})" diskusage_verbose=$(sed 's/%/%%/' <<< "$diskusage") fi verboseOut "Finding current disk usage...found as '$diskusage_verbose'" } # Disk Usage Detection - End # Memory Detection - Begin detectmem () { if [ "$distro" == "Mac OS X" ]; then totalmem=$(echo "$(sysctl -n hw.memsize)" / 1024^2 | bc) wiredmem=$(vm_stat | grep wired | awk '{ print $4 }' | sed 's/\.//') activemem=$(vm_stat | grep ' active' | awk '{ print $3 }' | sed 's/\.//') compressedmem=$(vm_stat | grep occupied | awk '{ print $5 }' | sed 's/\.//') if [[ ! -z "$compressedmem | tr -d" ]]; then # FIXME: is this line correct? compressedmem=0 fi usedmem=$(((wiredmem + activemem + compressedmem) * 4 / 1024)) elif [[ "${distro}" == "Cygwin" || "${distro}" == "Msys" ]]; then total_mem=$(awk '/MemTotal/ { print $2 }' /proc/meminfo) totalmem=$((total_mem / 1024)) free_mem=$(awk '/MemFree/ { print $2 }' /proc/meminfo) used_mem=$((total_mem - free_mem)) usedmem=$((used_mem / 1024)) elif [[ "$distro" == "FreeBSD" || "$distro" == "DragonFlyBSD" ]]; then phys_mem=$(sysctl -n hw.physmem) size_mem=$phys_mem size_chip=1 guess_chip=$(echo "$size_mem / 8 - 1" | bc) while [ "$guess_chip" != 0 ]; do guess_chip=$(echo "$guess_chip / 2" | bc) size_chip=$(echo "$size_chip * 2" | bc) done round_mem=$(echo "( $size_mem / $size_chip + 1 ) * $size_chip " | bc) totalmem=$((round_mem / 1024 / 1024)) pagesize=$(sysctl -n hw.pagesize) inactive_count=$(sysctl -n vm.stats.vm.v_inactive_count) inactive_mem=$((inactive_count * pagesize)) cache_count=$(sysctl -n vm.stats.vm.v_cache_count) cache_mem=$((cache_count * pagesize)) free_count=$(sysctl -n vm.stats.vm.v_free_count) free_mem=$((free_count * pagesize)) avail_mem=$((inactive_mem + cache_mem + free_mem)) used_mem=$((round_mem - avail_mem)) usedmem=$((used_mem / 1024 / 1024)) elif [ "$distro" == "OpenBSD" ]; then totalmem=$(($(sysctl -n hw.physmem) / 1024 / 1024)) usedmem=$(vmstat | awk '!/[a-z]/{gsub("M",""); print $3}') elif [ "$distro" == "NetBSD" ]; then phys_mem=$(awk '/MemTotal/ { print $2 }' /proc/meminfo) totalmem=$((phys_mem / 1024)) if grep -q 'Cached' /proc/meminfo; then cache=$(awk '/Cached/ {print $2}' /proc/meminfo) usedmem=$((cache / 1024)) else free_mem=$(awk '/MemFree/ { print $2 }' /proc/meminfo) used_mem=$((phys_mem - free_mem)) usedmem=$((used_mem / 1024)) fi elif [ "$distro" == "Haiku" ]; then totalmem=$(sysinfo -mem | awk 'NR == 1 {gsub(/[\(\)\/]/, ""); printf("%d", $6/1024**2)}') usedmem=$(sysinfo -mem | awk 'NR == 1 {gsub(/[\(\)\/]/, ""); printf("%d", $5/1024**2)}') else # MemUsed = Memtotal + Shmem - MemFree - Buffers - Cached - SReclaimable # Source: https://github.com/dylanaraps/neofetch/pull/391/files#diff-e863270127ca6116fd30e708cdc582fc #mem_info=$(&1 | grep -q -i 'busybox'; then shell_type="BusyBox" else if [[ "${OSTYPE}" =~ "linux" ]]; then shell_type=$(tr '\0' '\n' 1 {print $1}') fi shell_type=${shell_type/-} shell_type=${shell_type//*\/} fi fi case $shell_type in bash) shell_version_data=$( detectshell_ver "$shell_type" "^GNU.bash,.version" "4" ) ;; BusyBox) shell_version_data=$( busybox | head -n1 | cut -d ' ' -f2 ) ;; csh) shell_version_data=$( detectshell_ver "$shell_type" "$shell_type" "3" ) ;; dash) shell_version_data=$( detectshell_ver "$shell_type" "$shell_type" "3" ) ;; ksh) shell_version_data=$( detectshell_ver "$shell_type" "version" "5" ) ;; tcsh) shell_version_data=$( detectshell_ver "$shell_type" "^tcsh" "2" ) ;; zsh) shell_version_data=$( detectshell_ver "$shell_type" "^zsh" "2" ) ;; fish) shell_version_data=$( fish --version | awk '{print $3}' ) ;; esac if [[ -n $shell_version_data ]];then shell_type="$shell_type $shell_version_data" fi myShell=${shell_type} verboseOut "Finding current shell...found as '$myShell'" } # Shell Detection - End # Resolution Detection - Begin detectres () { xResolution="No X Server" if [[ ${distro} == "Mac OS X" ]]; then xResolution=$(system_profiler SPDisplaysDataType | awk '/Resolution:/ {print $2"x"$4" "}') if [[ "$(echo "$xResolution" | wc -l)" -ge 1 ]]; then xResolution=$(echo "$xResolution" | tr "\\n" "," | sed 's/\(.*\),/\1/') fi elif [[ "${distro}" == "Cygwin" || "${distro}" == "Msys" ]]; then xResolution=$(wmic path Win32_VideoController get CurrentHorizontalResolution,CurrentVerticalResolution | awk 'NR==2 {print $1"x"$2}') elif [[ "${distro}" == "Haiku" ]]; then xResolution="$(screenmode | grep Resolution | awk '{gsub(/,/,""); print $2"x"$3}')" elif [[ -n ${DISPLAY} ]]; then if type -p xdpyinfo >/dev/null 2>&1; then xResolution=$(xdpyinfo | awk '/^ +dimensions/ {print $2}') fi fi verboseOut "Finding current resolution(s)...found as '$xResolution'" } # Resolution Detection - End # DE Detection - Begin detectde () { DE="Not Present" if [[ "${distro}" == "Mac OS X" ]]; then if ps -U "${USER}" | grep -q -i 'finder'; then DE="Aqua" fi elif [[ "${distro}" == "Cygwin" || "${distro}" == "Msys" ]]; then # https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms724832%28VS.85%29.aspx if wmic os get version | grep -q '^\(6\.[01]\)'; then DE="Aero" elif wmic os get version | grep -q '^\(6\.[23]\|10\)'; then DE="Modern UI/Metro" else DE="Luna" fi elif [[ -n ${DISPLAY} ]]; then if type -p xprop >/dev/null 2>&1;then xprop_root="$(xprop -root 2>/dev/null)" if [[ -n ${xprop_root} ]]; then DE=$(echo "${xprop_root}" | awk 'BEGIN { de = "Not Present" } { if ($1 ~ /^_DT_SAVE_MODE/) { de = $NF gsub(/"/,"",de) de = toupper(de) exit } else if ($1 ~/^KDE_SESSION_VERSION/) { de = "KDE"$NF exit } else if ($1 ~ /^_MUFFIN/) { de = "Cinnamon" exit } else if ($1 ~ /^TDE_FULL_SESSION/) { de = "Trinity" exit } else if ($0 ~ /"xfce4"/) { de = "Xfce4" exit } else if ($0 ~ /"xfce5"/) { de = "Xfce5" exit } } END { print de }') fi fi if [[ ${DE} == "Not Present" ]]; then # Let's use xdg-open code for GNOME/Enlightment/KDE/LXDE/MATE/Xfce detection # http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/xdg-utils/master/view/head:/scripts/xdg-utils-common.in#L251 if [ -n "${XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP}" ]; then case "${XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP,,}" in 'enlightenment') DE="Enlightenment" ;; 'gnome') DE="GNOME" ;; 'kde') DE="KDE" ;; 'lumina') DE="Lumina" ;; 'lxde') DE="LXDE" ;; 'mate') DE="MATE" ;; 'xfce') DE="Xfce" ;; 'x-cinnamon') DE="Cinnamon" ;; 'unity') DE="Unity" ;; 'lxqt') DE="LXQt" ;; esac fi if [ -n "$DE" ]; then # classic fallbacks if [ -n "$KDE_FULL_SESSION" ]; then DE="KDE" elif [ -n "$TDE_FULL_SESSION" ]; then DE="Trinity" elif [ -n "$GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID" ]; then DE="GNOME" elif [ -n "$MATE_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID" ]; then DE="MATE" elif dbus-send --print-reply --dest=org.freedesktop.DBus /org/freedesktop/DBus \ org.freedesktop.DBus.GetNameOwner string:org.gnome.SessionManager >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then DE="GNOME" elif xprop -root _DT_SAVE_MODE 2> /dev/null | grep -q -i ' = \"xfce4\"$'; then DE="Xfce" elif xprop -root 2> /dev/null | grep -q -i '^xfce_desktop_window'; then DE="Xfce" elif echo "$DESKTOP" | grep -q -i '^Enlightenment'; then DE="Enlightenment" fi fi if [[ -z "$DE" || "$DE" = "Not Present" ]]; then # fallback to checking $DESKTOP_SESSION case "${DESKTOP_SESSION,,}" in 'gnome'*) DE="GNOME" ;; 'deepin') DE="Deepin" ;; 'lumina') DE="Lumina" ;; 'lxde'|'lubuntu') DE="LXDE" ;; 'mate') DE="MATE" ;; 'xfce'*) DE="Xfce" ;; 'budgie-desktop') DE="Budgie" ;; 'cinnamon') DE="Cinnamon" ;; 'trinity') DE="Trinity" ;; esac fi if [ -n "$DE" ]; then # fallback to checking $GDMSESSION case "${GDMSESSION,,}" in 'lumina'*) DE="Lumina" ;; 'mate') DE="MATE" ;; esac fi if [[ ${DE} == "GNOME" ]]; then if type -p xprop >/dev/null 2>&1; then if xprop -name "unity-launcher" >/dev/null 2>&1; then DE="Unity" elif xprop -name "launcher" >/dev/null 2>&1 && xprop -name "panel" >/dev/null 2>&1; then DE="Unity" fi fi fi if [[ ${DE} == "KDE" ]]; then if [[ -n ${KDE_SESSION_VERSION} ]]; then if [[ ${KDE_SESSION_VERSION} == '5' ]]; then DE="KDE5" elif [[ ${KDE_SESSION_VERSION} == '4' ]]; then DE="KDE4" fi elif [[ ${KDE_FULL_SESSION} == 'true' ]]; then DE="KDE" DEver_data=$(kded --version 2>/dev/null) DEver=$(grep -si '^KDE:' <<< "$DEver_data" | awk '{print $2}') fi fi fi if [[ ${DE} != "Not Present" ]]; then if [[ ${DE} == "Cinnamon" ]]; then if type -p >/dev/null 2>&1; then DEver=$(cinnamon --version) DE="${DE} ${DEver//* }" fi elif [[ ${DE} == "GNOME" ]]; then if type -p gnome-control-center>/dev/null 2>&1; then DEver=$(gnome-control-center --version 2> /dev/null) DE="${DE} ${DEver//* }" elif type -p gnome-session-properties >/dev/null 2>&1; then DEver=$(gnome-session-properties --version 2> /dev/null) DE="${DE} ${DEver//* }" elif type -p gnome-session >/dev/null 2>&1; then DEver=$(gnome-session --version 2> /dev/null) DE="${DE} ${DEver//* }" fi elif [[ ${DE} == "KDE4" || ${DE} == "KDE5" ]]; then if type -p kded${DE#KDE} >/dev/null 2>&1; then DEver=$(kded${DE#KDE} --version) if [[ $(( $(echo "$DEver" | wc -w) )) -eq 2 ]] && [[ "$(echo "$DEver" | cut -d ' ' -f1)" == "kded${DE#KDE}" ]]; then DEver=$(echo "$DEver" | cut -d ' ' -f2) DE="KDE ${DEver}" else for l in $(echo "${DEver// /_}"); do if [[ ${l//:*} == "KDE_Development_Platform" ]]; then DEver=${l//*:_} DE="KDE ${DEver//_*}" fi done fi if pgrep -U ${UID} plasmashell >/dev/null 2>&1; then DEver=$(plasmashell --version | cut -d ' ' -f2) DE="$DE / Plasma $DEver" fi fi elif [[ ${DE} == "Lumina" ]]; then if type -p Lumina-DE.real >/dev/null 2>&1; then lumina="$(type -p Lumina-DE.real)" elif type -p Lumina-DE >/dev/null 2>&1; then lumina="$(type -p Lumina-DE)" fi if [ -n "$lumina" ]; then if grep -q '--version' "$lumina"; then DEver=$("$lumina" --version 2>&1 | tr -d \") DE="${DE} ${DEver}" fi fi elif [[ ${DE} == "LXQt" ]]; then if type -p lxqt-about >/dev/null 2>&1; then DEver=$(lxqt-about --version | awk '/^liblxqt/ {print $2}') DE="${DE} ${DEver}" fi elif [[ ${DE} == "MATE" ]]; then if type -p mate-session >/dev/null 2>&1; then DEver=$(mate-session --version) DE="${DE} ${DEver//* }" fi elif [[ ${DE} == "Unity" ]]; then if type -p unity >/dev/null 2>&1; then DEver=$(unity --version) DE="${DE} ${DEver//* }" fi elif [[ ${DE} == "Deepin" ]]; then if [[ -f /etc/deepin-version ]]; then DEver="$(awk -F '=' '/Version/ {print $2}' /etc/deepin-version)" DE="${DE} ${DEver//* }" fi elif [[ ${DE} == "Trinity" ]]; then if type -p tde-config >/dev/null 2>&1; then DEver="$(tde-config --version | awk -F ' ' '/TDE:/ {print $2}')" DE="${DE} ${DEver//* }" fi fi fi if [[ "${DE}" == "Not Present" ]]; then if pgrep -U ${UID} lxsession >/dev/null 2>&1; then DE="LXDE" if type -p lxpanel >/dev/null 2>&1; then DEver=$(lxpanel -v) DE="${DE} $DEver" fi elif pgrep -U ${UID} lxqt-session >/dev/null 2>&1; then DE="LXQt" elif pgrep -U ${UID} razor-session >/dev/null 2>&1; then DE="RazorQt" elif pgrep -U ${UID} dtsession >/dev/null 2>&1; then DE="CDE" fi fi fi verboseOut "Finding desktop environment...found as '$DE'" } ### DE Detection - End # WM Detection - Begin detectwm () { WM="Not Found" if [[ ${distro} == "Mac OS X" ]]; then if ps -U "${USER}" | grep -q -i 'finder'; then WM="Quartz Compositor" fi elif [[ "${distro}" == "Cygwin" || "${distro}" == "Msys" ]]; then if [ "$(tasklist | grep -o 'bugn' | tr -d '\r \n')" = "bugn" ]; then WM="bug.n" elif [ "$(tasklist | grep -o 'Windawesome' | tr -d '\r \n')" = "Windawesome" ]; then WM="Windawesome" elif [ "$(tasklist | grep -o 'blackbox' | tr -d '\r \n')" = "blackbox" ]; then WM="Blackbox" else WM="DWM/Explorer" fi elif [[ -n ${DISPLAY} ]]; then if [[ "${distro}" == "FreeBSD" ]]; then pgrep_flags="-aU" else pgrep_flags="-U" fi for each in "${wmnames[@]}"; do PID="$(pgrep ${pgrep_flags} ${UID} "^$each$")" if [ "$PID" ]; then case $each in '2bwm') WM="2bwm";; '9wm') WM="9wm";; 'awesome') WM="Awesome";; 'beryl') WM="Beryl";; 'blackbox') WM="BlackBox";; 'bspwm') WM="bspwm";; 'budgie-wm') WM="BudgieWM";; 'chromeos-wm') WM="chromeos-wm";; 'cinnamon') WM="Muffin";; 'compiz') WM="Compiz";; 'deepin-wm') WM="deepin-wm";; 'dminiwm') WM="dminiwm";; 'dtwm') WM="dtwm";; 'dwm') WM="dwm";; 'e16') WM="E16";; 'emerald') WM="Emerald";; 'enlightenment') WM="E17";; 'fluxbox') WM="FluxBox";; 'flwm'|'flwm_topside') WM="FLWM";; 'fvwm') WM="FVWM";; 'herbstluftwm') WM="herbstluftwm";; 'howm') WM="howm";; 'i3') WM="i3";; 'icewm') WM="IceWM";; 'kwin') WM="KWin";; 'metacity') WM="Metacity";; 'monsterwm') WM="monsterwm";; 'musca') WM="Musca";; 'mwm') WM="MWM";; 'notion') WM="Notion";; 'openbox') WM="OpenBox";; 'pekwm') WM="PekWM";; 'ratpoison') WM="Ratpoison";; 'sawfish') WM="Sawfish";; 'scrotwm') WM="ScrotWM";; 'spectrwm') WM="SpectrWM";; 'stumpwm') WM="StumpWM";; 'subtle') WM="subtle";; 'sway') WM="sway";; 'swm') WM="swm";; 'twin') WM="TWin";; 'wmaker') WM="WindowMaker";; 'wmfs') WM="WMFS";; 'wmii') WM="wmii";; 'xfwm4') WM="Xfwm4";; 'xmonad.*') WM="XMonad";; esac fi if [[ ${WM} != "Not Found" ]]; then break 1 fi done if [[ ${WM} == "Not Found" ]]; then if type -p xprop >/dev/null 2>&1; then WM=$(xprop -root _NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK) if [[ "$WM" =~ 'not found' ]]; then WM="Not Found" elif [[ "$WM" =~ 'Not found' ]]; then WM="Not Found" elif [[ "$WM" =~ '[Ii]nvalid window id format' ]]; then WM="Not Found" elif [[ "$WM" =~ "no such" ]]; then WM="Not Found" else WM=${WM//* } WM=$(xprop -id "${WM}" 8s _NET_WM_NAME) WM=$(echo "$(WM=${WM//*= }; echo "${WM//\"}")") fi fi fi # Proper format WM names that need it. if [[ ${BASH_VERSINFO[0]} -ge 4 ]]; then if [[ ${BASH_VERSINFO[0]} -eq 4 && ${BASH_VERSINFO[1]} -gt 1 ]] || [[ ${BASH_VERSINFO[0]} -gt 4 ]]; then WM_lower=${WM,,} else WM_lower="$(tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' <<< "${WM}")" fi else WM_lower="$(tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' <<< "${WM}")" fi case ${WM_lower} in *'gala'*) WM="Gala";; '2bwm') WM="2bwm";; 'awesome') WM="Awesome";; 'beryl') WM="Beryl";; 'blackbox') WM="BlackBox";; 'budgiewm') WM="BudgieWM";; 'chromeos-wm') WM="chromeos-wm";; 'cinnamon') WM="Cinnamon";; 'compiz') WM="Compiz";; 'deepin-wm') WM="Deepin WM";; 'dminiwm') WM="dminiwm";; 'dwm') WM="dwm";; 'e16') WM="E16";; 'echinus') WM="echinus";; 'emerald') WM="Emerald";; 'enlightenment') WM="E17";; 'fluxbox') WM="FluxBox";; 'flwm'|'flwm_topside') WM="FLWM";; 'fvwm') WM="FVWM";; 'gnome shell'*) WM="Mutter";; 'herbstluftwm') WM="herbstluftwm";; 'howm') WM="howm";; 'i3') WM="i3";; 'icewm') WM="IceWM";; 'kwin') WM="KWin";; 'metacity') WM="Metacity";; 'monsterwm') WM="monsterwm";; 'muffin') WM="Muffin";; 'musca') WM="Musca";; 'mutter'*) WM="Mutter";; 'mwm') WM="MWM";; 'notion') WM="Notion";; 'openbox') WM="OpenBox";; 'pekwm') WM="PekWM";; 'ratpoison') WM="Ratpoison";; 'sawfish') WM="Sawfish";; 'scrotwm') WM="ScrotWM";; 'spectrwm') WM="SpectrWM";; 'stumpwm') WM="StumpWM";; 'subtle') WM="subtle";; 'sway') WM="sway";; 'swm') WM="swm";; 'twin') WM="TWin";; 'wmaker') WM="WindowMaker";; 'wmfs') WM="WMFS";; 'wmii') WM="wmii";; 'xfwm4') WM="Xfwm4";; 'xmonad') WM="XMonad";; esac fi verboseOut "Finding window manager...found as '$WM'" } # WM Detection - End # WM Theme Detection - BEGIN detectwmtheme () { Win_theme="Not Found" if [[ "${distro}" == "Mac OS X" ]]; then themeNumber="$(defaults read NSGlobalDomain AppleAquaColorVariant 2>/dev/null)" accentColorNumber="$(defaults read NSGlobalDomain AppleAccentColor 2>/dev/null)" interfaceStyle="$(defaults read NSGlobalDomain AppleInterfaceStyle 2>/dev/null)" if [ "${themeNumber}" == "1" ] || [ "${themeNumber}x" == "x" ]; then case "${accentColorNumber}" in "5") Win_theme="Purple" ;; "6") Win_theme="Pink" ;; "0") Win_theme="Red" ;; "1") Win_theme="Orange" ;; "2") Win_theme="Yellow" ;; "3") Win_theme="Green" ;; *) Win_theme="Blue" ;; esac else Win_theme="Graphite" fi if [ "${interfaceStyle}" == "Dark" ]; then Win_theme="${Win_theme} (Dark)" fi elif [[ "${distro}" == "Cygwin" || "${distro}" == "Msys" ]]; then if [ "${WM}" == "Blackbox" ]; then if [ "${distro}" == "Msys" ]; then Blackbox_loc=$(reg query 'HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon' //v 'Shell') else Blackbox_loc=$(reg query 'HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon' /v 'Shell') fi Blackbox_loc="$(echo "${Blackbox_loc}" | sed 's/.*REG_SZ//' | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//' | sed 's/.\{4\}$//')" Win_theme=$(grep 'session.styleFile' "${Blackbox_loc}.rc" | sed 's/ //g' | sed 's/session\.styleFile://g' | sed 's/.*\\//g') else if [[ "${distro}" == "Msys" ]]; then themeFile="$(reg query 'HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Themes' //v 'CurrentTheme')" else themeFile="$(reg query 'HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Themes' /v 'CurrentTheme')" fi Win_theme=$(echo "$themeFile" | awk -F"\\" '{print $NF}' | sed 's|\.theme$||') fi else case $WM in '2bwm'|'9wm'|'Beryl'|'bspwm'|'dminiwm'|'dwm'|'echinus'|'FVWM'|'howm'|'i3'|'monsterwm'|'Musca'|\ 'Notion'|'Ratpoison'|'ScrotWM'|'SpectrWM'|'swm'|'subtle'|'WindowMaker'|'WMFS'|'wmii'|'XMonad') Win_theme="Not Applicable" ;; 'Awesome') if [ -f "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-${HOME}/.config}/awesome/rc.lua" ]; then Win_theme="$(grep '^[^-].*\(theme\|beautiful\).*lua' "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-${HOME}/.config}/awesome/rc.lua" | grep '[^/]\+/[^/]\+.lua' -o | cut -d'/' -f1 | head -1)" fi ;; 'BlackBox') if [ -f "$HOME/.blackboxrc" ]; then Win_theme="$(awk -F"/" '/styleFile/ {print $NF}' "$HOME/.blackboxrc")" fi ;; 'BudgieWM') Win_theme="$(gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences theme)" Win_theme="${Win_theme//\'}" ;; 'Cinnamon'|'Muffin') de_theme="$(gsettings get org.cinnamon.theme name)" de_theme=${de_theme//"'"} win_theme="$(gsettings get org.cinnamon.desktop.wm.preferences theme)" win_theme=${win_theme//"'"} Win_theme="${de_theme} (${win_theme})" ;; 'Compiz'|'Mutter'*|'GNOME Shell'|'Gala') if type -p gsettings >/dev/null 2>&1; then Win_theme="$(gsettings get org.gnome.shell.extensions.user-theme name 2>/dev/null)" if [[ -z "$Win_theme" ]]; then Win_theme="$(gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences theme)" fi Win_theme=${Win_theme//"'"} elif type -p gconftool-2 >/dev/null 2>&1; then Win_theme=$(gconftool-2 -g /apps/metacity/general/theme) fi ;; 'Deepin WM') if type -p gsettings >/dev/null 2>&1; then Win_theme="$(gsettings get com.deepin.wrap.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences theme)" Win_theme=${Win_theme//"'"} fi ;; 'E16') Win_theme="$(awk -F"= " '/theme.name/ {print $2}' "$HOME/.e16/e_config--0.0.cfg")" ;; 'E17'|'Enlightenment') if [ "$(which eet 2>/dev/null)" ]; then econfig="$(eet -d "$HOME/.e/e/config/standard/e.cfg" config | awk '/value \"file\" string.*.edj/{ print $4 }')" econfigend="${econfig##*/}" Win_theme=${econfigend%.*} elif [ -n "${E_CONF_PROFILE}" ]; then #E17 doesn't store cfg files in text format so for now get the profile as opposed to theme. atyoung #TODO: Find a way to extract and read E17 .cfg files ( google seems to have nothing ). atyoung Win_theme="${E_CONF_PROFILE}" fi ;; 'Emerald') if [ -f "$HOME/.emerald/theme/theme.ini" ]; then Win_theme="$(for a in /usr/share/emerald/themes/* $HOME/.emerald/themes/*; do *** "$HOME/.emerald/theme/theme.ini" "$a/theme.ini" &>/dev/null && basename "$a"; done)" fi ;; 'FluxBox'|'Fluxbox') if [ -f "$HOME/.fluxbox/init" ]; then Win_theme="$(awk -F"/" '/styleFile/ {print $NF}' "$HOME/.fluxbox/init")" fi ;; 'IceWM') if [ -f "$HOME/.icewm/theme" ]; then Win_theme="$(awk -F"[\",/]" '!/#/ {print $2}' "$HOME/.icewm/theme")" fi ;; 'KWin'*) if [[ -z $KDE_CONFIG_DIR ]]; then if type -p kde5-config >/dev/null 2>&1; then KDE_CONFIG_DIR=$(kde5-config --localprefix) elif type -p kde4-config >/dev/null 2>&1; then KDE_CONFIG_DIR=$(kde4-config --localprefix) elif type -p kde-config >/dev/null 2>&1; then KDE_CONFIG_DIR=$(kde-config --localprefix) fi fi if [[ -n $KDE_CONFIG_DIR ]]; then Win_theme="Not Applicable" KDE_CONFIG_DIR=${KDE_CONFIG_DIR%/} if [[ -f $KDE_CONFIG_DIR/share/config/kwinrc ]]; then Win_theme="$(awk '/PluginLib=kwin3_/{gsub(/PluginLib=kwin3_/,"",$0); print $0; exit}' "$KDE_CONFIG_DIR/share/config/kwinrc")" if [[ -z "$Win_theme" ]]; then Win_theme="Not Applicable" fi fi if [[ "$Win_theme" == "Not Applicable" ]]; then if [[ -f $KDE_CONFIG_DIR/share/config/kdebugrc ]]; then Win_theme="$(awk '/(decoration)/ {gsub(/\[/,"",$1); print $1; exit}' "$KDE_CONFIG_DIR/share/config/kdebugrc")" if [[ -z "$Win_theme" ]]; then Win_theme="Not Applicable" fi fi fi if [[ "$Win_theme" == "Not Applicable" ]]; then if [[ -f $KDE_CONFIG_DIR/share/config/kdeglobals ]]; then Win_theme="$(awk '/\[General\]/ {flag=1;next} /^$/{flag=0} flag {print}' "$KDE_CONFIG_DIR/share/config/kdeglobals" | grep -oP 'Name=\K.*')" if [[ -z "$Win_theme" ]]; then Win_theme="Not Applicable" fi fi fi if [[ "$Win_theme" != "Not Applicable" ]]; then if [[ ${BASH_VERSINFO[0]} -ge 4 ]]; then if [[ ${BASH_VERSINFO[0]} -eq 4 && ${BASH_VERSINFO[1]} -gt 1 ]] || [[ ${BASH_VERSINFO[0]} -gt 4 ]]; then Win_theme="${Win_theme^}" else Win_theme="$(tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' <<< "${Win_theme:0:1}")${Win_theme:1}" fi else Win_theme="$(tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' <<< "${Win_theme:0:1}")${Win_theme:1}" fi fi fi ;; 'Marco'|'Metacity (Marco)') Win_theme="$(gsettings get org.mate.Marco.general theme)" Win_theme=${Win_theme//"'"} ;; 'Metacity') if [ "$(gconftool-2 -g /apps/metacity/general/theme)" ]; then Win_theme="$(gconftool-2 -g /apps/metacity/general/theme)" fi ;; 'OpenBox'|'Openbox') if [ -f "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-${HOME}/.config}/openbox/rc.xml" ]; then Win_theme="$(awk -F"[<,>]" '/]" '//dev/null 2>&1; then TDE_CONFIG_DIR=$(tde-config --localprefix) fi fi if [[ -n $TDE_CONFIG_DIR ]]; then TDE_CONFIG_DIR=${TDE_CONFIG_DIR%/} if [[ -f $TDE_CONFIG_DIR/share/config/kcmthememanagerrc ]]; then Win_theme=$(awk '/CurrentTheme=/ {gsub(/CurrentTheme=/,"",$0); print $0; exit}' "$TDE_CONFIG_DIR/share/config/kcmthememanagerrc") fi if [[ -z $Win_theme ]]; then Win_theme="Not Applicable" fi fi ;; 'Xfwm4') if [ -f "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-${HOME}/.config}/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfwm4.xml" ]; then Win_theme="$(xfconf-query -c xfwm4 -p /general/theme)" fi ;; esac fi verboseOut "Finding window manager theme...found as '$Win_theme'" } # WM Theme Detection - END # GTK Theme\Icon\Font Detection - BEGIN detectgtk () { gtk2Theme="Not Found" gtk3Theme="Not Found" gtkIcons="Not Found" gtkFont="Not Found" # Font detection (OS X) if [[ ${distro} == "Mac OS X" ]]; then gtk2Theme="Not Applicable" gtk3Theme="Not Applicable" gtkIcons="Not Applicable" if ps -U "${USER}" | grep -q -i 'finder'; then if [[ ${TERM_PROGRAM} == "iTerm.app" ]] && [ -f ~/Library/Preferences/com.googlecode.iterm2.plist ]; then # iTerm2 iterm2_theme_uuid=$(defaults read com.googlecode.iTerm2 "Default Bookmark Guid") OLD_IFS=$IFS IFS=$'\n' iterm2_theme_info=($(defaults read com.googlecode.iTerm2 "New Bookmarks" | grep -e 'Guid' -e 'Normal Font')) IFS=$OLD_IFS for i in $(seq 0 $((${#iterm2_theme_info[*]}/2-1))); do found_uuid=$(str1=${iterm2_theme_info[$i*2]};echo "${str1:16:${#str1}-16-2}") if [[ $found_uuid == $iterm2_theme_uuid ]]; then gtkFont=$(str2=${iterm2_theme_info[$i*2+1]};echo ${str2:25:${#str2}-25-2}) break fi done else # Terminal.app termapp_theme_name=$(defaults read com.apple.Terminal "Default Window Settings") OLD_IFS=$IFS IFS=$'\n' termapp_theme_info=($(defaults read com.apple.Terminal "Window Settings" | grep -e 'name = ' -e 'Font = ')) IFS=$OLD_IFS for i in $(seq 0 $((${#termapp_theme_info[*]}/2-1))); do found_name=$(str1=${termapp_theme_info[$i*2+1]};echo "${str1:15:${#str1}-15-1}") if [[ $found_name == $termapp_theme_name ]]; then gtkFont=$(str2=${termapp_theme_info[$i*2]};echo "${str2:288:${#str2}-288}") gtkFont=$(echo "${gtkFont%%[dD]2*;}" | xxd -r -p) gtkFont=$(echo "${gtkFont:21:288}") break fi done fi fi else case $DE in 'KDE'*) # Desktop Environment found as "KDE" if type - p kde4-config >/dev/null 2>&1; then KDE_CONFIG_DIR=$(kde4-config --localprefix) if [[ -d ${KDE_CONFIG_DIR} ]]; then if [[ -f "${KDE_CONFIG_DIR}/share/config/kdeglobals" ]]; then KDE_CONFIG_FILE="${KDE_CONFIG_DIR}/share/config/kdeglobals" fi fi elif type -p kde5-config >/dev/null 2>&1; then KDE_CONFIG_DIR=$(kde5-config --localprefix) if [[ -d ${KDE_CONFIG_DIR} ]]; then if [[ -f "${KDE_CONFIG_DIR}/share/config/kdeglobals" ]]; then KDE_CONFIG_FILE="${KDE_CONFIG_DIR}/share/config/kdeglobals" fi fi elif type -p kde-config >/dev/null 2>&1; then KDE_CONFIG_DIR=$(kde-config --localprefix) if [[ -d ${KDE_CONFIG_DIR} ]]; then if [[ -f "${KDE_CONFIG_DIR}/share/config/kdeglobals" ]]; then KDE_CONFIG_FILE="${KDE_CONFIG_DIR}/share/config/kdeglobals" fi fi fi if [[ -n ${KDE_CONFIG_FILE} ]]; then if grep -q 'widgetStyle=' "${KDE_CONFIG_FILE}"; then gtk2Theme=$(awk -F"=" '/widgetStyle=/ {print $2}' "${KDE_CONFIG_FILE}") elif grep -q 'colorScheme=' "${KDE_CONFIG_FILE}"; then gtk2Theme=$(awk -F"=" '/colorScheme=/ {print $2}' "${KDE_CONFIG_FILE}") fi if grep -q 'Theme=' "${KDE_CONFIG_FILE}"; then gtkIcons=$(awk -F"=" '/Theme=/ {print $2}' "${KDE_CONFIG_FILE}") fi if grep -q 'Font=' "${KDE_CONFIG_FILE}"; then gtkFont=$(awk -F"=" '/font=/ {print $2}' "${KDE_CONFIG_FILE}") fi fi if [[ -f $HOME/.gtkrc-2.0 ]]; then gtk2Theme=$(grep '^gtk-theme-name' "$HOME"/.gtkrc-2.0 | awk -F'=' '{print $2}') gtk2Theme=${gtk2Theme//\"/} gtkIcons=$(grep '^gtk-icon-theme-name' "$HOME"/.gtkrc-2.0 | awk -F'=' '{print $2}') gtkIcons=${gtkIcons//\"/} gtkFont=$(grep 'font_name' "$HOME"/.gtkrc-2.0 | awk -F'=' '{print $2}') gtkFont=${gtkFont//\"/} fi if [[ -f $HOME/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini ]]; then gtk3Theme=$(grep '^gtk-theme-name=' "$HOME"/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini | awk -F'=' '{print $2}') fi ;; 'Cinnamon'*) # Desktop Environment found as "Cinnamon" if type -p gsettings >/dev/null 2>&1; then gtk3Theme=$(gsettings get org.cinnamon.desktop.interface gtk-theme) gtk3Theme=${gtk3Theme//"'"} gtk2Theme=${gtk3Theme} gtkIcons=$(gsettings get org.cinnamon.desktop.interface icon-theme) gtkIcons=${gtkIcons//"'"} gtkFont=$(gsettings get org.cinnamon.desktop.interface font-name) gtkFont=${gtkFont//"'"} if [ "$background_detect" == "1" ]; then gtkBackground=$(gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri); fi fi ;; 'GNOME'*|'Unity'*|'Budgie') # Desktop Environment found as "GNOME" if type -p gsettings >/dev/null 2>&1; then gtk3Theme=$(gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme) gtk3Theme=${gtk3Theme//"'"} gtk2Theme=${gtk3Theme} gtkIcons=$(gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface icon-theme) gtkIcons=${gtkIcons//"'"} gtkFont=$(gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface font-name) gtkFont=${gtkFont//"'"} if [ "$background_detect" == "1" ]; then gtkBackground=$(gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri); fi elif type -p gconftool-2 >/dev/null 2>&1; then gtk2Theme=$(gconftool-2 -g /desktop/gnome/interface/gtk_theme) gtkIcons=$(gconftool-2 -g /desktop/gnome/interface/icon_theme) gtkFont=$(gconftool-2 -g /desktop/gnome/interface/font_name) if [ "$background_detect" == "1" ]; then gtkBackgroundFull=$(gconftool-2 -g /desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename) gtkBackground=$(echo "$gtkBackgroundFull" | awk -F"/" '{print $NF}') fi fi ;; 'MATE'*) # MATE desktop environment if type -p gsettings >/dev/null 2>&1; then gtk3Theme=$(gsettings get org.mate.interface gtk-theme) gtk3Theme=${gtk3Theme//"'"} gtk2Theme=${gtk3Theme} gtkIcons=$(gsettings get org.mate.interface icon-theme) gtkIcons=${gtkIcons//"'"} gtkFont=$(gsettings get org.mate.interface font-name) gtkFont=${gtkFont//"'"} fi ;; 'Xfce'*) # Desktop Environment found as "Xfce" if [ "$distro" == "BunsenLabs" ] ; then gtk2Theme=$(awk -F'"' '/^gtk-theme/ {print $2}' "$HOME"/.gtkrc-2.0) gtk3Theme=$(awk -F'=' '/^gtk-theme-name/ {print $2}' "$HOME"/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini) gtkIcons=$(awk -F'"' '/^gtk-icon-theme/ {print $2}' "$HOME"/.gtkrc-2.0) gtkFont=$(awk -F'"' '/^gtk-font-name/ {print $2}' "$HOME"/.gtkrc-2.0) else if type -p xfconf-query >/dev/null 2>&1; then gtk2Theme=$(xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Net/ThemeName 2>/dev/null) [ -z "$gtk2Theme" ] && gtk2Theme="Not Found" fi if type -p xfconf-query >/dev/null 2>&1; then gtkIcons=$(xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Net/IconThemeName 2>/dev/null) [ -z "$gtkIcons" ] && gtkIcons="Not Found" fi if type -p xfconf-query >/dev/null 2>&1; then gtkFont=$(xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Gtk/FontName 2>/dev/null) [ -z "$gtkFont" ] && gtkFont="Not Identified" fi fi ;; 'LXDE'*) config_home="${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-${HOME}/.config}" if [ -f "$config_home/lxde/config" ]; then lxdeconf="/lxde/config" elif [ "$distro" == "Trisquel" ] || [ "$distro" == "FreeBSD" ]; then lxdeconf="" elif [ -f "$config_home/lxsession/Lubuntu/desktop.conf" ]; then lxdeconf="/lxsession/Lubuntu/desktop.conf" else lxdeconf="/lxsession/LXDE/desktop.conf" fi if grep -q 'sNet\/ThemeName' "${config_home}${lxdeconf}" 2>/dev/null; then gtk2Theme=$(awk -F'=' '/sNet\/ThemeName/ {print $2}' "${config_home}${lxdeconf}") fi if grep -q 'IconThemeName' "${config_home}${lxdeconf}" 2>/dev/null; then gtkIcons=$(awk -F'=' '/sNet\/IconThemeName/ {print $2}' "${config_home}${lxdeconf}") fi if grep -q 'FontName' "${config_home}${lxdeconf}" 2>/dev/null; then gtkFont=$(awk -F'=' '/sGtk\/FontName/ {print $2}' "${config_home}${lxdeconf}") fi ;; # /home/me/.config/rox.sourceforge.net/ROX-Session/Settings.xml *) # Lightweight or No DE Found if [ -f "$HOME/.gtkrc-2.0" ]; then if grep -q 'gtk-theme' "$HOME/.gtkrc-2.0"; then gtk2Theme=$(awk -F'"' '/^gtk-theme/ {print $2}' "$HOME/.gtkrc-2.0") fi if grep -q 'icon-theme' "$HOME/.gtkrc-2.0"; then gtkIcons=$(awk -F'"' '/^gtk-icon-theme/ {print $2}' "$HOME/.gtkrc-2.0") fi if grep -q 'font' "$HOME/.gtkrc-2.0"; then gtkFont=$(awk -F'"' '/^gtk-font-name/ {print $2}' "$HOME/.gtkrc-2.0") fi fi # $HOME/.gtkrc.mine theme detect only if [[ -f "$HOME/.gtkrc.mine" ]]; then minegtkrc="$HOME/.gtkrc.mine" elif [[ -f "$HOME/.gtkrc-2.0.mine" ]]; then minegtkrc="$HOME/.gtkrc-2.0.mine" fi if [ -f "$minegtkrc" ]; then if grep -q '^include' "$minegtkrc"; then gtk2Theme=$(grep '^include.*gtkrc' "$minegtkrc" | awk -F "/" '{ print $5 }') fi if grep -q '^gtk-icon-theme-name' "$minegtkrc"; then gtkIcons=$(grep '^gtk-icon-theme-name' "$minegtkrc" | awk -F '"' '{print $2}') fi fi # /etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc compatibility if [[ -f /etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc && ! -f "$HOME/.gtkrc-2.0" && ! -f "$HOME/.gtkrc.mine" && ! -f "$HOME/.gtkrc-2.0.mine" ]]; then if grep -q 'gtk-theme-name' /etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc; then gtk2Theme=$(awk -F'"' '/^gtk-theme-name/ {print $2}' /etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc) fi if grep -q 'gtk-fallback-theme-name' /etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc && ! [ "x$gtk2Theme" = "x" ]; then gtk2Theme=$(awk -F'"' '/^gtk-fallback-theme-name/ {print $2}' /etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc) fi if grep -q 'icon-theme' /etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc; then gtkIcons=$(awk -F'"' '/^icon-theme/ {print $2}' /etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc) fi if grep -q 'gtk-fallback-icon-theme' /etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc && ! [ "x$gtkIcons" = "x" ]; then gtkIcons=$(awk -F'"' '/^gtk-fallback-icon-theme/ {print $2}' /etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc) fi if grep -q 'font' /etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc; then gtkFont=$(awk -F'"' '/^gtk-font-name/ {print $2}' /etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc) fi fi # EXPERIMENTAL gtk3 Theme detection if [[ "$gtk3Theme" = "Not Found" && -f "$HOME/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini" ]]; then if grep -q 'gtk-theme-name' "$HOME/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini"; then gtk3Theme=$(awk -F'=' '/^gtk-theme-name/ {print $2}' "$HOME/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini") fi fi # Proper gtk3 Theme detection if type -p gsettings >/dev/null 2>&1; then if [[ -z "$gtk3Theme" || "$gtk3Theme" = "Not Found" ]]; then gtk3Theme=$(gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme 2>/dev/null) gtk3Theme=${gtk3Theme//"'"} fi fi # ROX-Filer icon detect only if [ -a "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-${HOME}/.config}/rox.sourceforge.net/ROX-Filer/Options" ]; then gtkIcons=$(awk -F'[>,<]' '/icon_theme/ {print $3}' "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-${HOME}/.config}/rox.sourceforge.net/ROX-Filer/Options") fi # E17 detection if [ "$E_ICON_THEME" ]; then gtkIcons=${E_ICON_THEME} gtk2Theme="Not available." gtkFont="Not available." fi # Background Detection (feh, nitrogen) if [ "$background_detect" == "1" ]; then if [ -a "$HOME/.fehbg" ]; then gtkBackgroundFull=$(awk -F"'" '/feh --bg/{print $2}' "$HOME/.fehbg" 2>/dev/null) gtkBackground=$(echo "$gtkBackgroundFull" | awk -F"/" '{print $NF}') elif [ -a "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-${HOME}/.config}/nitrogen/bg-saved.cfg" ]; then gtkBackground=$(awk -F"/" '/file=/ {print $NF}' "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-${HOME}/.config}/nitrogen/bg-saved.cfg") fi fi if [[ "$distro" == "Cygwin" || "$distro" == "Msys" ]]; then if [ "$gtkFont" == "Not Found" ]; then if [ -f "$HOME/.minttyrc" ]; then gtkFont="$(grep '^Font=.*' "$HOME/.minttyrc" | grep -o '[0-9A-z ]*$')" fi fi fi ;; esac fi verboseOut "Finding GTK2 theme...found as '$gtk2Theme'" verboseOut "Finding GTK3 theme...found as '$gtk3Theme'" verboseOut "Finding icon theme...found as '$gtkIcons'" verboseOut "Finding user font...found as '$gtkFont'" if [[ -n "$gtkBackground" ]]; then verboseOut "Finding background...found as '$gtkBackground'" fi } # GTK Theme\Icon\Font Detection - END # Android-specific detections detectdroid () { distro_ver=$(getprop ro.build.version.release) hostname=$(getprop net.hostname) device="$(getprop ro.product.model) ($(getprop ro.product.device))" if [[ $(getprop ro.build.host) == "cyanogenmod" ]]; then rom=$(getprop ro.cm.version) else rom=$(getprop ro.build.display.id) fi baseband=$(getprop ro.baseband) cpu=$(awk -F': ' '/^Processor/ {P=$2} /^Hardware/ {H=$2} END {print H != "" ? H : P}' /proc/cpuinfo) } ####################### # End Detection Phase ####################### takeShot () { if [[ -n "$screenCommand" ]]; then $screenCommand else shotfiles[1]=${shotfile} if [ "$distro" == "Mac OS X" ]; then displays="$(system_profiler SPDisplaysDataType | grep -c 'Resolution:' | tr -d ' ')" for (( **2; i<=displays; i++)) do shotfiles[$i]="$(echo ${shotfile} | sed "s/\(.*\)\./\1_${i}./")" done printf "Taking shot in 3.. "; sleep 1 printf "2.. "; sleep 1 printf "1.. "; sleep 1 printf "0.\n" screencapture -x ${shotfiles[@]} &> /dev/null else if type -p scrot >/dev/null 2>&1; then scrot -cd3 "${shotfile}" else errorOut "Cannot take screenshot! \`scrot' not in \$PATH" fi fi if [ -f "${shotfile}" ]; then verboseOut "Screenshot saved at '${shotfiles[*]}'" if [[ "${upload}" == "1" ]]; then if type -p curl >/dev/null 2>&1; then printf "${bold}==>${c0} Uploading your screenshot now..." case "${uploadLoc}" in 'teknik') baseurl='https://u.teknik.io' uploadurl='https://api.teknik.io/upload/post' ret=$(curl -sf -F file="@${shotfiles[*]}" ${uploadurl}) desturl="${ret##*url\":\"}" desturl="${desturl%%\"*}" desturl="${desturl//\\}" ;; 'mediacrush') baseurl='https://mediacru.sh' uploadurl='https://mediacru.sh/api/upload/file' ret=$(curl -sf -F file="@${shotfiles[*]};type=image/png" ${uploadurl}) filehash=$(echo "${ret}" | grep 'hash' | cut -d '"' -f4) desturl="${baseurl}/${filehash}" ;; 'imgur') baseurl='http://imgur.com' uploadurl='http://imgur.com/upload' ret=$(curl -sf -F file="@${shotfiles[*]}" ${uploadurl}) filehash="${ret##*hash\":\"}" filehash="${filehash%%\"*}" desturl="${baseurl}/${filehash}" ;; 'hmp') baseurl='http://i.hmp.me/m' uploadurl='http://hmp.me/ap/?uf=1' ret=$(curl -sf -F a="@${shotfiles[*]};type=image/png" ${uploadurl}) desturl="${ret##*img_path\":\"}" desturl="${desturl%%\"*}" desturl="${desturl//\\}" ;; 'local-example') baseurl="http://www.example.com" serveraddr="www.example.com" scptimeout="20" serverdir="/path/to/directory" scp -qo ConnectTimeout="${scptimeout}" "${shotfiles[*]}" "${serveraddr}:${serverdir}" desturl="${baseurl}/${shotfile}" ;; esac printf "your screenshot can be viewed at ${desturl}\n" else errorOut "Cannot upload screenshot! \`curl' not in \$PATH" fi fi else if type -p scrot >/dev/null 2>&1; then errorOut "ERROR: Problem saving screenshot to ${shotfiles[*]}" fi fi fi } asciiText () { # Distro logos and ASCII outputs if [[ "$asc_distro" ]]; then myascii="${asc_distro}" elif [[ "$art" ]]; then myascii="custom" elif [[ "$fake_distro" ]]; then myascii="${fake_distro}" else myascii="${distro}" fi case ${myascii} in "custom") source "$art" ;; "ALDOS") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'light grey') # light grey fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="27" fulloutput=( "${c1} %s" "${c1} # ## # %s" "${c1} # ######## # %s" "${c1} # ### ######## # %s" "${c1} # #### ######### # %s" "${c1} # #### # # # # #### # %s" "${c1} # ##### # ##### # %s" "${c1} # ###### ##### #### # %s" "${c1} # ############### # %s" "${c1} %s" "${c2} _ ___ ___ ___ %s" "${c2} __ _| | \ / _ \/ __| %s" "${c2} / _' | | |) | (_) \__ \ %s" "${c2} \__,_|_|___/ \___/|___/ %s" "${c1} %s" "${c1} %s") ;; "Alpine Linux") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'light blue') # Light c2=$(getColor 'blue') # Dark fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="34" fulloutput=( "${c1} ................ %s" "${c1} ∴::::::::::::::::∴ %s" "${c1} ∴::::::::::::::::::∴ %s" "${c1} ∴::::::::::::::::::::∴ %s" "${c1} ∴:::::::. :::::':::::::∴ %s" "${c1} ∴:::::::. ;::; ::::::::∴ %s" "${c1} ∴::::::; ∵ :::::::∴ %s" "${c1} ∴:::::. . .::::::∴ %s" "${c1} :::::: :::. . :::::: %s" "${c1} ∵:::: ::::::. ::. ::::∵ %s" "${c1} ∵:.. .:;::::::: :::. :::∵ %s" "${c1} ∵::::::::::::::::::::::::∵ %s" "${c1} ∵::::::::::::::::::::::∵ %s" "${c1} ∵::::::::::::::::::::∵ %s" "${c1} :::::::::::::::::::: %s" "${c1} ∵::::::::::::::::∵ %s") ;; "Arch Linux - Old") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'white') # White c2=$(getColor 'light blue') # Light Blue fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="37" fulloutput=( "${c1} __ %s" "${c1} _=(SDGJT=_ %s" "${c1} _GTDJHGGFCVS) %s" "${c1} ,GTDJGGDTDFBGX0 %s" "${c1} JDJDIJHRORVFSBSVL${c2}-=+=,_ %s" "${c1} IJFDUFHJNXIXCDXDSV,${c2} \"DEBL %s" "${c1} [LKDSDJTDU=OUSCSBFLD.${c2} '?ZWX, %s" "${c1} ,LMDSDSWH' \`DCBOSI${c2} DRDS], %s" "${c1} SDDFDFH' !YEWD,${c2} )HDROD %s" "${c1} !KMDOCG &GSU|${c2}\_GFHRGO\' %s" "${c1} HKLSGP'${c2} __${c1}\TKM0${c2}\GHRBV)' %s" "${c1} JSNRVW'${c2} __+MNAEC${c1}\IOI,${c2}\BN' %s" "${c1} HELK['${c2} __,=OFFXCBGHC${c1}\FD) %s" "${c1} ?KGHE ${c2}\_-#DASDFLSV='${c1} 'EF %s" "${c1} 'EHTI !H %s" "${c1} \`0F' '! %s" "${c1} %s" "${c1} %s") ;; "Arch Linux") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'light cyan') # Light c2=$(getColor 'cyan') # Dark fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="1" logowidth="38" fulloutput=( "${c1} -\` " "${c1} .o+\` %s" "${c1} \`ooo/ %s" "${c1} \`+oooo: %s" "${c1} \`+oooooo: %s" "${c1} -+oooooo+: %s" "${c1} \`/:-:++oooo+: %s" "${c1} \`/++++/+++++++: %s" "${c1} \`/++++++++++++++: %s" "${c1} \`/+++o${c2}oooooooo${c1}oooo/\` %s" "${c2} ${c1}./${c2}ooosssso++osssssso${c1}+\` %s" "${c2} .oossssso-\`\`\`\`/ossssss+\` %s" "${c2} -osssssso. :ssssssso. %s" "${c2} :osssssss/ osssso+++. %s" "${c2} /ossssssss/ +ssssooo/- %s" "${c2} \`/ossssso+/:- -:/+osssso+- %s" "${c2} \`+sso+:-\` \`.-/+oso: %s" "${c2} \`++:. \`-/+/%s" "${c2} .\` \`/%s") ;; "Artix Linux") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'cyan') c2=$(getColor 'blue') c3=$(getColor 'green') c4=$(getColor 'dark gray') fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}" c2="${my_lcolor}" c3="${my_lcolor}" c4="${my_lcolor}" fi startline="1" logowidth="38" fulloutput=("" "${c1} d${c2}c. %s" "${c1} x${c2}dc. %s" "${c1} '.${c4}.${c1} d${c2}dlc. %s" "${c1} c${c2}0d:${c1}o${c2}xllc; %s" "${c1} :${c2}0ddlolc,lc, %s" "${c1} :${c1}ko${c4}.${c1}:${c2}0ddollc..dlc. %s" "${c1} ;${c1}K${c2}kxoOddollc' cllc. %s" "${c1} ,${c1}K${c2}kkkxdddllc, ${c4}.${c2}lll: %s" "${c1} ,${c1}X${c2}kkkddddlll;${c3}...';${c1}d${c2}llll${c3}dxk: %s" "${c1} ,${c1}X${c2}kkkddddllll${c3}oxxxddo${c2}lll${c3}oooo, %s" "${c3} xxk${c1}0${c2}kkkdddd${c1}o${c2}lll${c1}o${c3}ooooooolooooc;${c1}. %s" "${c3} ddd${c2}kkk${c1}d${c2}ddd${c1}ol${c2}lc:${c3}:;,'.${c3}... .${c2}lll; %s" "${c1} .${c3}xd${c1}x${c2}kk${c1}xd${c2}dl${c1}'cl:${c4}. ${c2}.llc, %s" "${c1} .${c1}0${c2}kkkxddl${c4}. ${c2};'${c4}. ${c2};llc. %s" "${c1} .${c1}K${c2}Okdcddl${c4}. ${c2}cllc${c4}. %s" "${c1} 0${c2}Okd''dc. .cll; %s" "${c1} k${c2}Okd' .llc, %s" "${c1} d${c2}Od, 'lc. %s" "${c1} :,${c4}. ${c2}... %s" " %s") ;; "blackPanther OS") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'yellow') # Light Yellow c2=$(getColor 'white') # Bold Red c3=$(getColor 'light red') # Light Red c4=$(getColor 'dark grey') fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}" c2="${my_lcolor}" c3="${my_lcolor}" c4="${my_lcolor}" fi startline="0" logowidth="38" fulloutput=( "${c4} oxoo %s" "${c4} ooooooxxxxxxxx %s" "${c4} oooooxxxxxxxxxx${c3}O${c1}o.${c4}xx %s" "${c4} oo# ###xxxxxxxxxxx###*** %s" "${c4} oo .oooooxxxxxxxxx## #oxx %s" "${c4} o ##xxxxxxxxx###x## .o### %s" "${c4} .oxxxxxxxx### ox . %s" "${c4} ooxxxx#xxxxxx o## %s" "${c4}.oxx# #oxxxxx# %s" "${c4}ox# ooxxxxxx# o %s" "${c4}x# ooxxxxxxxx ox ox%s" "${c4}x# .oxxxxxxxxxxx o# oox%s" "${c4}# oxxxxx##xxxxxxooooooo# o# %s" "${c4} .oxxxxxooxxxxxx###### ox# %s" "${c4} oxxxxxo oxxxxxxxx oox## %s" "${c4} oxxxxxx oxxxxxxxxxo oooox## %s" "${c4} o#xxxxx oxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx## %s" "${c4} ##xxxxx o#xxxxxxxxxxxxx## %s" "${c4} ##xxxx o#xxxxxxxxx## %s" "${c4} ###xo. o##***### %s" "${c4} %s") ;; "ArcoLinux") if [[ "$no_color" != "0" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'arco_blue') # dark c2=$(getColor 'white') # light fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="1" logowidth="41" fulloutput=( "${c1} /- " "${c1} ooo: %s" "${c1} yoooo/ %s" "${c1} yooooooo %s" "${c1} yooooooooo %s" "${c1} yooooooooooo %s" "${c1} .yooooooooooooo %s" "${c1} .oooooooooooooooo %s" "${c1} .oooooooarcoooooooo %s" "${c1} .ooooooooo-oooooooooo %s" "${c1} .ooooooooo- oooooooooo %s" "${c1} :ooooooooo. :ooooooooo %s" "${c1} :ooooooooo. :ooooooooo %s" "${c1} :oooarcooo .oooarcooo %s" "${c1} :ooooooooy .ooooooooo %s" "${c1} :ooooooooo ${c2}/ooooooooooooooooooo${c1} %s" "${c1} :ooooooooo ${c2}.-ooooooooooooooooo.${c1} %s" "${c1} ooooooooo- ${c2}-ooooooooooooo.${c1} %s" "${c1} ooooooooo- ${c2}.-oooooooooo.${c1}%s" "${c1}ooooooooo. ${c2}-ooooooooo${c1}%s") ;; "Mint") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'white') # White c2=$(getColor 'light green') # Bold Green fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="38" fulloutput=( "${c2} %s" "${c2} MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmds+. %s" "${c2} MMm----::-://////////////oymNMd+\` %s" "${c2} MMd ${c1}/++ ${c2}-sNMd: %s" "${c2} MMNso/\` ${c1}dMM \`.::-. .-::.\` ${c2}.hMN: %s" "${c2} ddddMMh ${c1}dMM :hNMNMNhNMNMNh: ${c2}\`NMm %s" "${c2} NMm ${c1}dMM .NMN/-+MMM+-/NMN\` ${c2}dMM %s" "${c2} NMm ${c1}dMM -MMm \`MMM dMM. ${c2}dMM %s" "${c2} NMm ${c1}dMM -MMm \`MMM dMM. ${c2}dMM %s" "${c2} NMm ${c1}dMM .mmd \`mmm yMM. ${c2}dMM %s" "${c2} NMm ${c1}dMM\` ..\` ... ydm. ${c2}dMM %s" "${c2} hMM- ${c1}+MMd/-------...-:sdds ${c2}dMM %s" "${c2} -NMm- ${c1}:hNMNNNmdddddddddy/\` ${c2}dMM %s" "${c2} -dMNs-${c1}\`\`-::::-------.\`\` ${c2}dMM %s" "${c2} \`/dMNmy+/:-------------:/yMMM %s" "${c2} ./ydNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM %s" "${c2} \.MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM %s" "${c2} %s") ;; "LMDE") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'white') # White c2=$(getColor 'light green') # Bold Green fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="31" fulloutput=( "${c1} \`.-::---.. %s" "${c2} .:++++ooooosssoo:. %s" "${c2} .+o++::. \`.:oos+. %s" "${c2} :oo:.\` -+oo${c1}: %s" "${c2} ${c1}\`${c2}+o/\` .${c1}::::::${c2}-. .++-${c1}\` %s" "${c2} ${c1}\`${c2}/s/ .yyyyyyyyyyo: +o-${c1}\` %s" "${c2} ${c1}\`${c2}so .ss ohyo\` :s-${c1}: %s" "${c2} ${c1}\`${c2}s/ .ss h m myy/ /s\`${c1}\` %s" "${c2} \`s: \`oo s m Myy+-o:\` %s" "${c2} \`oo :+sdoohyoydyso/. %s" "${c2} :o. .:////////++: %s" "${c2} \`/++ ${c1}-:::::- %s" "${c2} ${c1}\`${c2}++- %s" "${c2} ${c1}\`${c2}/+- %s" "${c2} ${c1}.${c2}+/. %s" "${c2} ${c1}.${c2}:+-. %s" "${c2} \`--.\`\` %s" "${c2} %s") ;; "Ubuntu") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'white') # White c2=$(getColor 'light red') # Light Red c3=$(getColor 'yellow') # Bold Yellow fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; c3="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="38" fulloutput=( "${c2} ./+o+- %s" "${c1} yyyyy- ${c2}-yyyyyy+ %s" "${c1} ${c1}://+//////${c2}-yyyyyyo %s" "${c3} .++ ${c1}.:/++++++/-${c2}.+sss/\` %s" "${c3} .:++o: ${c1}/++++++++/:--:/- %s" "${c3} o:+o+:++.${c1}\`..\`\`\`.-/oo+++++/ %s" "${c3} .:+o:+o/.${c1} \`+sssoo+/ %s" "${c1} .++/+:${c3}+oo+o:\`${c1} /sssooo. %s" "${c1} /+++//+:${c3}\`oo+o${c1} /::--:. %s" "${c1} \+/+o+++${c3}\`o++o${c2} ++////. %s" "${c1} .++.o+${c3}++oo+:\`${c2} /dddhhh. %s" "${c3} .+.o+oo:.${c2} \`oddhhhh+ %s" "${c3} \+.++o+o\`${c2}\`-\`\`\`\`.:ohdhhhhh+ %s" "${c3} \`:o+++ ${c2}\`ohhhhhhhhyo++os: %s" "${c3} .o:${c2}\`.syhhhhhhh/${c3}.oo++o\` %s" "${c2} /osyyyyyyo${c3}++ooo+++/ %s" "${c2} \`\`\`\`\` ${c3}+oo+++o\: %s" "${c3} \`oo++. %s") ;; "KDE neon") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'light green') # Bold Green fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="43" fulloutput=( "${c1} \`..---+/---..\` %s" "${c1} \`---.\`\` \`\` \`.---.\` %s" "${c1} .--.\` \`\` \`-:-. %s" "${c1} \`:/: \`.----//----.\` :/- %s" "${c1} .:. \`---\` \`--.\` .:\` %s" "${c1} .:\` \`--\` .:- \`:. %s" "${c1} \`/ \`:. \`.-::-.\` -:\` \`/\` %s" "${c1} /. /. \`:++++++++:\` .: .: %s" "${c1} \`/ .: \`+++++++++++/ /\` \`+\` %s" "${c1} /+\` -- .++++++++++++\` :. .+: %s" "${c1} \`/ .: \`+++++++++++/ /\` \`+\` %s" "${c1} /\` /. \`:++++++++:\` .: .: %s" "${c1} ./ \`:. \`.:::-.\` -:\` \`/\` %s" "${c1} .:\` \`--\` .:- \`:. %s" "${c1} .:. \`---\` \`--.\` .:\` %s" "${c1} \`:/: \`.----//----.\` :/- %s" "${c1} .-:.\` \`\` \`-:-. %s" "${c1} \`---.\`\` \`\` \`.---.\` %s" "${c1} \`..---+/---..\` %s") ;; "Debian") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'white') # White c2=$(getColor 'light red') # Light Red fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="32" fulloutput=( "${c1} _,met\$\$\$\$\$gg. %s" "${c1} ,g\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$P. %s" "${c1} ,g\$\$P\"\" \"\"\"Y\$\$.\". %s" "${c1} ,\$\$P' \`\$\$\$. %s" "${c1} ',\$\$P ,ggs. \`\$\$b: %s" "${c1} \`d\$\$' ,\$P\"\' ${c2}.${c1} \$\$\$ %s" "${c1} \$\$P d\$\' ${c2},${c1} \$\$P %s" "${c1} \$\$: \$\$. ${c2}-${c1} ,d\$\$' %s" "${c1} \$\$\; Y\$b._ _,d\$P' %s" "${c1} Y\$\$. ${c2}\`.${c1}\`\"Y\$\$\$\$P\"' %s" "${c1} \`\$\$b ${c2}\"-.__ %s" "${c1} \`Y\$\$ %s" "${c1} \`Y\$\$. %s" "${c1} \`\$\$b. %s" "${c1} \`Y\$\$b. %s" "${c1} \`\"Y\$b._ %s" "${c1} \`\"\"\"\" %s" "${c1} %s") ;; "Proxmox VE") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'white') c2=$(getColor 'orange') fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="48" fulloutput=( "${c1} .://:\` \`://:. %s" "${c1} \`hMMMMMMd/ /dMMMMMMh\` %s" "${c1} \`sMMMMMMMd: :mMMMMMMMs\` %s" "${c2} \`-/+oo+/:${c1}\`.yMMMMMMMh- -hMMMMMMMy.\`${c2}:/+oo+/-\` %s" "${c2} \`:oooooooo/${c1}\`-hMMMMMMMyyMMMMMMMh-\`${c2}/oooooooo:\` %s" "${c2} \`/oooooooo:${c1}\`:mMMMMMMMMMMMMm:\`${c2}:oooooooo/\` %s" "${c2} ./ooooooo+-${c1} +NMMMMMMMMN+ ${c2}-+ooooooo/. %s" "${c2} .+ooooooo+-${c1}\`oNMMMMNo\`${c2}-+ooooooo+. %s" "${c2} -+ooooooo/.${c1}\`sMMs\`${c2}./ooooooo+- %s" "${c2} :oooooooo/${c1}\`..\`${c2}/oooooooo: %s" "${c2} :oooooooo/\`${c1}..${c2}\`/oooooooo: %s" "${c2} -+ooooooo/.${c1}\`sMMs${c2}\`./ooooooo+- %s" "${c2} .+ooooooo+-\`${c1}oNMMMMNo${c2}\`-+ooooooo+. %s" "${c2} ./ooooooo+-${c1} +NMMMMMMMMN+ ${c2}-+ooooooo/. %s" "${c2} \`/oooooooo:\`${c1}:mMMMMMMMMMMMMm:${c2}\`:oooooooo/\` %s" "${c2} \`:oooooooo/\`${c1}-hMMMMMMMyyMMMMMMMh-${c2}\`/oooooooo:\` %s" "${c2} \`-/+oo+/:\`${c1}.yMMMMMMMh- -hMMMMMMMy.${c2}\`:/+oo+/-\` %s" "${c1} \`sMMMMMMMm: :dMMMMMMMs %s" "${c1} \`hMMMMMMd/ /dMMMMMMh %s" "${c1} \`://:\` \`://:\` %s") ;; "Siduction") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'light blue') # Light Blue c2=$(getColor 'light blue') # Light Blue fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="35" fulloutput=( "${c1} _ass,, %s" "${c1} jmk dm. %s" "${c1} 3##qwm#\` %s" "${c1} . \"9XZ?\` _aas, %s" "${c1} ap!!n, _dW(--\$a %s" "${c1} )#hc_m# ]mmwaam#\` %s" "${c1} ?##WZ^ -4#####! _as,. %s" "${c1} _ais, - _au11a. -\"\"\" %s" "${c1} -Y#m#! 4###m#r -\$##mBm#Z\` %s" "${c1} - _as,. \"???~ _aawa,.!S##Z?\` %s" "${c1} ym= 3h. <##' -Wo %s" "${c1} \$#mm#D\` ]B#qww## %s" "${c1} \"?!\"\` _s,.-?#m##T' %s" "${c1} _dZ\"\"4a -- %s" "${c1} 3Wmaam#; %s" "${c1} -9###Z! %s") ;; "Devuan") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'light purple') # Light purple fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="36" fulloutput=( "${c1} %s" "${c1} ..,,;;;::;,.. %s" "${c1} \`':ddd;:,. %s" "${c1} \`'dPPd:,. %s" "${c1} \`:b\$\$b\`. %s" "${c1} 'P\$\$\$d\` %s" "${c1} .\$\$\$\$\$\` %s" "${c1} ;\$\$\$\$\$P %s" "${c1} .:P\$\$\$\$\$\$\` %s" "${c1} .,:b\$\$\$\$\$\$\$;' %s" "${c1} .,:dP\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$b:' %s" "${c1} .,:;db\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$Pd'\` %s" "${c1} ,db\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$b:'\` %s" "${c1} :\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$b:'\` %s" "${c1} \`\$\$\$\$\$bd:''\` %s" "${c1} \`'''\` %s" "${c1} %s") ;; "Raspbian") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'light green') # Light Green c2=$(getColor 'light red') # Light Red fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="32" fulloutput=( "${c1} .',;:cc;,'. .,;::c:,,. %s" "${c1} ,ooolcloooo: 'oooooccloo: %s" "${c1} .looooc;;:ol :oc;;:ooooo' %s" "${c1} ;oooooo: ,ooooooc. %s" "${c1} .,:;'. .;:;'. %s" "${c2} .dQ. .d0Q0Q0. '0Q. %s" "${c2} .0Q0' 'Q0Q0Q' 'Q0Q. %s" "${c2} '' .odo. .odo. '' %s" "${c2} . .0Q0Q0Q' .0Q0Q0Q. . %s" "${c2} ,0Q .0Q0Q0Q0Q 'Q0Q0Q0b. 0Q. %s" "${c2} :Q0 Q0Q0Q0Q 'Q0Q0Q0 Q0' %s" "${c2} '0 '0Q0' .0Q0. '0' 'Q' %s" "${c2} .oo. .0Q0Q0. .oo. %s" "${c2} 'Q0Q0. '0Q0Q0Q0. .Q0Q0b %s" "${c2} 'Q0Q0. '0Q0Q0' .d0Q0Q' %s" "${c2} 'Q0Q' .. '0Q.' %s" "${c2} .0Q0Q0Q. %s" "${c2} '0Q0Q' %s") ;; "CrunchBang") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'white') # White fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="38" fulloutput=( "${c1} %s" "${c1} ███ ███ ███ %s" "${c1} ███ ███ ███ %s" "${c1} ███ ███ ███ %s" "${c1} ███ ███ ███ %s" "${c1} ████████████████████████████ ███ %s" "${c1} ████████████████████████████ ███ %s" "${c1} ███ ███ ███ %s" "${c1} ███ ███ ███ %s" "${c1} ███ ███ ███ %s" "${c1} ███ ███ ███ %s" "${c1} ████████████████████████████ ███ %s" "${c1} ████████████████████████████ ███ %s" "${c1} ███ ███ %s" "${c1} ███ ███ %s" "${c1} ███ ███ ███ %s" "${c1} ███ ███ ███ %s" "${c1} %s") ;; "CRUX") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'light cyan') c2=$(getColor 'yellow') c3=$(getColor 'white') fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; c3="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="1" logowidth="27" fulloutput=("" "${c1} odddd " "${c1} oddxkkkxxdoo %s" "${c1} ddcoddxxxdoool %s" "${c1} xdclodod olol %s" "${c1} xoc xdd olol %s" "${c1} xdc ${c2}k00${c1}Okdlol %s" "${c1} xxd${c2}kOKKKOkd${c1}ldd %s" "${c1} xdco${c2}xOkdlo${c1}dldd %s" "${c1} ddc:cl${c2}lll${c1}oooodo %s" "${c1} odxxdd${c3}xkO000kx${c1}ooxdo %s" "${c1} oxdd${c3}x0NMMMMMMWW0od${c1}kkxo %s" "${c1} oooxd${c3}0WMMMMMMMMMW0o${c1}dxkx %s" "${c1} docldkXW${c3}MMMMMMMWWN${c1}Odolco %s" "${c1} xx${c2}dx${c1}kxxOKN${c3}WMMWN${c1}0xdoxo::c %s" "${c2} xOkkO${c1}0oo${c3}odOW${c2}WW${c1}XkdodOxc:l %s" "${c2} dkkkxkkk${c3}OKX${c2}NNNX0Oxx${c1}xc:cd %s" "${c2} odxxdx${c3}xllod${c2}ddooxx${c1}dc:ldo %s" "${c2} lodd${c1}dolccc${c2}ccox${c1}xoloo %s" "${c1} %s") ;; "Chrome OS") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'green') # Green c2=$(getColor 'light red') # Light Red c3=$(getColor 'yellow') # Bold Yellow c4=$(getColor 'light blue') # Light Blue c5=$(getColor 'white') # White fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}" c2="${my_lcolor}" c3="${my_lcolor}" c4="${my_lcolor}" c5="${my_lcolor}" fi startline="0" logowidth="38" fulloutput=( "${c2} .,:loool:,. %s" "${c2} .,coooooooooooooc,. %s" "${c2} .,lllllllllllllllllllll,. %s" "${c2} ;ccccccccccccccccccccccccc; %s" "${c1} '${c2}ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc. %s" "${c1} ,oo${c2}c::::::::okO${c5}000${c3}0OOkkkkkkkkkkk: %s" "${c1} .ooool${c2};;;;:x${c5}K0${c4}kxxxxxk${c5}0X${c3}K0000000000. %s" "${c1} :oooool${c2};,;O${c5}K${c4}ddddddddddd${c5}KX${c3}000000000d %s" "${c1} lllllool${c2};l${c5}N${c4}dllllllllllld${c5}N${c3}K000000000 %s" "${c1} lllllllll${c2}o${c5}M${c4}dccccccccccco${c5}W${c3}K000000000 %s" "${c1} ;cllllllllX${c5}X${c4}c:::::::::c${c5}0X${c3}000000000d %s" "${c1} .ccccllllllO${c5}Nk${c4}c;,,,;cx${c5}KK${c3}0000000000. %s" "${c1} .cccccclllllxOO${c5}OOO${c1}Okx${c3}O0000000000; %s" "${c1} .:ccccccccllllllllo${c3}O0000000OOO, %s" "${c1} ,:ccccccccclllcd${c3}0000OOOOOOl. %s" "${c1} '::ccccccccc${c3}dOOOOOOOkx:. %s" "${c1} ..,::cccc${c3}xOOOkkko;. %s" "${c1} ..,:${c3}dOkxl:. %s") ;; "DesaOS") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'light green') #Hijau fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="33" fulloutput=( "${c1} ███████████████████████ %s" "${c1} ███████████████████████ %s" "${c1} ███████████████████████ %s" "${c1} ███████████████████████ %s" "${c1} ████████ ███████ %s" "${c1} ████████ ███████ %s" "${c1} ████████ ███████ %s" "${c1} ████████ ███████ %s" "${c1} ████████ ███████ %s" "${c1} ████████ ███████ %s" "${c1} ████████ ███████ %s" "${c1} ██████████████████████████████ %s" "${c1} ██████████████████████████████ %s" "${c1} ████████████████████████ %s" "${c1} ████████████████████████ %s" "${c1} ████████████████████████ %s" " %s") ;; "Gentoo") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'white') # White c2=$(getColor 'light purple') # Light Purple fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="37" fulloutput=( "${c2} -/oyddmdhs+:. %s" "${c2} -o${c1}dNMMMMMMMMNNmhy+${c2}-\` %s" "${c2} -y${c1}NMMMMMMMMMMMNNNmmdhy${c2}+- %s" "${c2} \`o${c1}mMMMMMMMMMMMMNmdmmmmddhhy${c2}/\` %s" "${c2} om${c1}MMMMMMMMMMMN${c2}hhyyyo${c1}hmdddhhhd${c2}o\` %s" "${c2}.y${c1}dMMMMMMMMMMd${c2}hs++so/s${c1}mdddhhhhdm${c2}+\` %s" "${c2} oy${c1}hdmNMMMMMMMN${c2}dyooy${c1}dmddddhhhhyhN${c2}d. %s" "${c2} :o${c1}yhhdNNMMMMMMMNNNmmdddhhhhhyym${c2}Mh %s" "${c2} .:${c1}+sydNMMMMMNNNmmmdddhhhhhhmM${c2}my %s" "${c2} /m${c1}MMMMMMNNNmmmdddhhhhhmMNh${c2}s: %s" "${c2} \`o${c1}NMMMMMMMNNNmmmddddhhdmMNhs${c2}+\` %s" "${c2} \`s${c1}NMMMMMMMMNNNmmmdddddmNMmhs${c2}/. %s" "${c2} /N${c1}MMMMMMMMNNNNmmmdddmNMNdso${c2}:\` %s" "${c2}+M${c1}MMMMMMNNNNNmmmmdmNMNdso${c2}/- %s" "${c2}yM${c1}MNNNNNNNmmmmmNNMmhs+/${c2}-\` %s" "${c2}/h${c1}MMNNNNNNNNMNdhs++/${c2}-\` %s" "${c2}\`/${c1}ohdmmddhys+++/:${c2}.\` %s" "${c2} \`-//////:--. %s") ;; "Funtoo") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'white') # White c2=$(getColor 'light purple') # Light Purple fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="52" fulloutput=( "${c1} %s" "${c1} %s" "${c1} %s" "${c1} %s" "${c1} _______ ____ %s" "${c1} /MMMMMMM/ /MMMM| _____ _____ %s" "${c1} __/M${c2}.MMM.${c1}M/_____________|M${c2}.M${c1}MM|/MMMMM\/MMMMM\ %s" "${c1}|MMMM${c2}MM'${c1}MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM${c2}MM${c1}MMMM${c2}.MMMM..MMMM.${c1}MM\ %s" "${c1}|MM${c2}MMMMMMM${c1}/m${c2}MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM${c1}MMMM${c2}MM${c1}MMMM${c2}MM${c1}MM| %s" "${c1}|MMMM${c2}MM${c1}MMM${c2}MM${c1}MM${c2}MM${c1}MM${c2}MM${c1}MMMMM${c2}\MMM${c1}MMM${c2}MM${c1}MMMM${c2}MM${c1}MMMM${c2}MM${c1}MM| %s" "${c1} |MM${c2}MM${c1}MMM${c2}MM${c1}MM${c2}MM${c1}MM${c2}MM${c1}MM${c2}MM${c1}MM${c2}MMM${c1}MMMM${c2}'MMMM''MMMM'${c1}MM/ %s" "${c1} |MM${c2}MM${c1}MMM${c2}MM${c1}MM${c2}MM${c1}MM${c2}MM${c1}MM${c2}MM${c1}MM${c2}MMM${c1}MMM\MMMMM/\MMMMM/ %s" "${c1} |MM${c2}MM${c1}MMM${c2}MM${c1}MMMMMM${c2}MM${c1}MM${c2}MM${c1}MM${c2}MMMMM'${c1}M| %s" "${c1} |MM${c2}MM${c1}MMM${c2}MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MM'${c1}M/ %s" "${c1} |MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM/ %s" "${c1} %s" "${c1} %s" "${c1} %s") ;; "Kogaion") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'light blue') # Light Blue fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="41" fulloutput=( "${c1} ;; ,; %s" "${c1} ;;; ,;; %s" "${c1} ,;;;; ;;;; %s" "${c1} ,;;;;;;;; ;;;; %s" "${c1} ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;; %s" "${c1} ,;;;;;;;;;;;; ';;;;;, %s" "${c1} ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, ';;;;;;; %s" "${c1} ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, ';;;;; %s" "${c1} ; ';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, ;;; %s" "${c1} ;;;, ';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;; %s" "${c1} ;;;;;, ';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, %s" "${c1} ;;;;;;;;, ';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, %s" "${c1} ;;;;;;;;;;;;, ';;;;;;;;;;;;;; %s" "${c1} ';;;;;;;;;;;;; ';;;;;;;;;;;;; %s" "${c1} ';;;;;;;;;;;;;, ';;;;;;;;;;; %s" "${c1} ';;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;; %s" "${c1} ';;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;; %s" "${c1} ';;;;;;;; ;;;;;; %s" "${c1} ';;;;; ;;;; %s" "${c1} ';;; ;; %s") ;; "Fedora") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'white') # White c2=$(getColor 'light blue') # Light Blue fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="37" fulloutput=( "${c2} /:-------------:\ %s" "${c2} :-------------------:: %s" "${c2} :-----------${c1}/shhOHbmp${c2}---:\\ %s" "${c2} /-----------${c1}omMMMNNNMMD ${c2}---: %s" "${c2} :-----------${c1}sMMMMNMNMP${c2}. ---: %s" "${c2} :-----------${c1}:MMMdP${c2}------- ---\ %s" "${c2} ,------------${c1}:MMMd${c2}-------- ---: %s" "${c2} :------------${c1}:MMMd${c2}------- .---: %s" "${c2} :---- ${c1}oNMMMMMMMMMNho${c2} .----: %s" "${c2} :-- .${c1}+shhhMMMmhhy++${c2} .------/ %s" "${c2} :- -------${c1}:MMMd${c2}--------------: %s" "${c2} :- --------${c1}/MMMd${c2}-------------; %s" "${c2} :- ------${c1}/hMMMy${c2}------------: %s" "${c2} :--${c1} :dMNdhhdNMMNo${c2}------------; %s" "${c2} :---${c1}:sdNMMMMNds:${c2}------------: %s" "${c2} :------${c1}:://:${c2}-------------:: %s" "${c2} :---------------------:// %s" "${c2} %s") ;; "Fux") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'white') # White c2=$(getColor 'light blue') # Light Blue fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" fulloutput=( "${c2} --/+osssso+/-- %s" "${c2} -/oshhhhhhhhhhhhso/- %s" "${c2} :oyhhhhhso+//+oshhhhhso: %s" "${c2} -+yhhhh+. ss+/ .+hhhhs+- %s" "${c2} :/hhhh/ shhhy/ /hhhh/: %s" "${c2} ./hhhh- .++:..dhhb..:++. -hhhh/. %s" "${c2} +ohhh: -hoyhohhoohhohyoh- :hhho+ %s" "${c2} /hhhh shhy-ohyyho-yhhs hhhh/ %s" "${c2} /hhhh shy\+hhhh+/yhs hhhh/ %s" "${c2} +ohhh: .:d. +:ys:+ .b:. :hhho+ %s" "${c2} ./hhhh- do / oo \ ob -hhhh/. %s" "${c2} :/hhhh/ - ss - /hhhh/: %s" "${c2} -+shhhh+. // .+hhhhs+- %s" "${c2} :oshhhhhso+//+oshhhhhso: %s" "${c2} -/oshhhhhhhhhhhhso/- %s" "${c2} --/+osssso+/-- %s") ;; "Chapeau") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'white') # White c2=$(getColor 'light green') # Light Green fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="35" fulloutput=( "${c2} .-/-. %s" "${c2} ////////. %s" "${c2} ////////${c1}y+${c2}//. %s" "${c2} ////////${c1}mMN${c2}/////. %s" "${c2} ////////${c1}mMN+${c2}////////. %s" "${c2} ////////////////////////. %s" "${c2} /////////+${c1}shhddhyo${c2}+////////. %s" "${c2} ////////${c1}ymMNmdhhdmNNdo${c2}///////. %s" "${c2} ///////+${c1}mMms${c2}////////${c1}hNMh${c2}///////. %s" "${c2} ///////${c1}NMm+${c2}//////////${c1}sMMh${c2}/////// %s" "${c2} //////${c1}oMMNmmmmmmmmmmmmMMm${c2}/////// %s" "${c2} //////${c1}+MMmssssssssssssss+${c2}/////// %s" "${c2} \`//////${c1}yMMy${c2}//////////////////// %s" "${c2} \`//////${c1}smMNhso++oydNm${c2}//////// %s" "${c2} \`///////${c1}ohmNMMMNNdy+${c2}/////// %s" "${c2} \`//////////${c1}++${c2}////////// %s" "${c2} \`////////////////. %s" "${c2} -////////- %s" "${c2} %s") ;; "Korora") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'white') c2=$(getColor 'light blue') fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="32" fulloutput=( "${c1} ____________ %s" "${c1} _add55555555554${c2}: %s" "${c1} _w?'${c2}\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`'${c1})k${c2}: %s" "${c1} _Z'${c2}\`${c1} ]k${c2}: %s" "${c1} m(${c2}\`${c1} )k${c2}: %s" "${c1} _.ss${c2}\`${c1}m[${c2}\`${c1}, ]e${c2}: %s" "${c1} .uY\"^\`${c2}\`${c1}Xc${c2}\`${c1}?Ss. d(${c2}\` %s" "${c1} jF'${c2}\`${c1} \`@. ${c2}\`${c1}Sc .jr${c2}\` %s" "${c1} jr${c2}\`${c1} \`?n_ ${c2}\`${c1}$; _a2\"${c2}\` %s" "${c1} .m${c2}:${c1} \`~M${c2}\`${c1}1k${c2}\`${c1}5?!\`${c2}\` %s" "${c1} :#${c2}:${c1} ${c2}\`${c1})e${c2}\`\`\` %s" "${c1} :m${c2}:${c1} ,#'${c2}\` %s" "${c1} :#${c2}:${c1} .s2'${c2}\` %s" "${c1} :m,________.aa7^${c2}\` %s" "${c1} :#baaaaaaas!J'${c2}\` %s" "${c2} \`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\` %s") ;; "gNewSense") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'light blue') # Light Blue fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="52" fulloutput=( "${c1} ..,,,,.. %s" "${c1} .oocchhhhhhhhhhccoo. %s" "${c1} .ochhlllllllc hhhhhh ollllllhhco. %s" "${c1} ochlllllllllll hhhllllllhhh lllllllllllhco %s" "${c1} .cllllllllllllll hlllllo +hllh llllllllllllllc. %s" "${c1} ollllllllllhco\'\' hlllllo +hllh \`\`ochllllllllllo %s" "${c1} hllllllllc\' hllllllllllllh \`cllllllllh %s" "${c1} ollllllh +llllllllllll+ hllllllo %s" "${c1} \`cllllh. ohllllllho .hllllc\' %s" "${c1} ochllc. ++++ .cllhco %s" "${c1} \`+occooo+. .+ooocco+\' %s" "${c1} \`+oo++++ ++++oo+\' %s" "${c1} %s") ;; "BLAG") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'light purple') fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="36" fulloutput=( "${c1} d %s" "${c1} ,MK: %s" "${c1} xMMMX: %s" "${c1} .NMMMMMX; %s" "${c1} lMMMMMMMM0clodkO0KXWW: %s" "${c1} KMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMX' %s" "${c1} .;d0NMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMK. %s" "${c1} .;dONMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMx %s" "${c1} 'dKMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMl %s" "${c1} .:xKWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM0. %s" "${c1} .:xNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMK. %s" "${c1} lMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMK. %s" "${c1} ,MMMMMMMMWkOXWMMMMMM0 %s" "${c1} .NMMMMMNd. \`':ldko %s" "${c1} OMMMK: %s" "${c1} oWk, %s" "${c1} ;: %s") ;; "FreeBSD") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'white') # white c2=$(getColor 'light red') # Light Red fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="37" fulloutput=( "${c1} %s" "${c1} \`\`\` ${c2}\` %s" "${c1} \` \`.....---...${c2}....--.\`\`\` -/ %s" "${c1} +o .--\` ${c2}/y:\` +. %s" "${c1} yo\`:. ${c2}:o \`+- %s" "${c1} y/ ${c2}-/\` -o/ %s" "${c1} .- ${c2}::/sy+:. %s" "${c1} / ${c2}\`-- / %s" "${c1} \`: ${c2}:\` %s" "${c1} \`: ${c2}:\` %s" "${c1} / ${c2}/ %s" "${c1} .- ${c2}-. %s" "${c1} -- ${c2}-. %s" "${c1} \`:\` ${c2}\`:\` %s" "${c2} .-- \`--. %s" "${c2} .---.....----. %s" "${c2} %s" "${c2} %s") ;; "FreeBSD - Old") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'white') # white c2=$(getColor 'light red') # Light Red fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="34" fulloutput=( "${c2} , , %s" "${c2} /( )\` %s" "${c2} \ \___ / | %s" "${c2} /- ${c1}_${c2} \`-/ ' %s" "${c2} (${c1}/\/ \ ${c2}\ /\\ %s" "${c1} / / |${c2} \` \\ %s" "${c1} O O )${c2} / | %s" "${c1} \`-^--'\`${c2}< ' %s" "${c2} (_.) _ ) / %s" "${c2} \`.___/\` / %s" "${c2} \`-----' / %s" "${c1} <----. ${c2}__/ __ \\ %s" "${c1} <----|====${c2}O}}}${c1}==${c2}} \} \/${c1}==== %s" "${c1} <----' ${c2}\`--' \`.__,' \\ %s" "${c2} | | %s" "${c2} \ / /\\ %s" "${c2} ______( (_ / \______/ %s" "${c2} ,' ,-----' | %s" "${c2} \`--{__________) %s" "${c2} %s") ;; "OpenBSD") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'yellow') # Light Yellow c2=$(getColor 'brown') # Bold Yellow c3=$(getColor 'light cyan') # Light Cyan c4=$(getColor 'light red') # Light Red c5=$(getColor 'dark grey') fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}" c2="${my_lcolor}" c3="${my_lcolor}" c4="${my_lcolor}" c5="${my_lcolor}" fi startline="3" logowidth="44" fulloutput=( "${c3} _ " "${c3} (_) " "${c1} | . " "${c1} . |L /| . ${c3} _ %s" "${c1} _ . |\ _| \--+._/| . ${c3}(_) %s" "${c1} / ||\| Y J ) / |/| ./ %s" "${c1} J |)'( | \` F\`.'/ ${c3} _ %s" "${c1} -<| F __ .-< ${c3}(_) %s" "${c1} | / .-'${c3}. ${c1}\`. /${c3}-. ${c1}L___ %s" "${c1} J \ < ${c3}\ ${c1} | | ${c5}O${c3}\\\\${c1}|.-' ${c3} _ %s" "${c1} _J \ .- \\\\${c3}/ ${c5}O ${c3}| ${c1}| \ |${c1}F ${c3}(_) %s" "${c1} '-F -<_. \ .-' \`-' L__ %s" "${c1}__J _ _. >-' ${c2})${c4}._. ${c1}|-' %s" "${c1} \`-|.' /_. ${c4}\_| ${c1} F %s" "${c1} /.- . _.< %s" "${c1} /' /.' .' \`\ %s" "${c1} /L /' |/ _.-'-\ %s" "${c1} /'J ___.---'\| %s" "${c1} |\ .--' V | \`. \` %s" "${c1} |/\`. \`-. \`._) %s" "${c1} / .-.\ %s" "${c1} \ ( \`\ %s" "${c1} \`.\ %s") ;; "DragonFlyBSD") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'light red') # Red c2=$(getColor 'white') # White c3=$(getColor 'yellow') c4=$(getColor 'light red') fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; c3="${my_lcolor}"; c4="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="43" fulloutput=( "${c1} | %s" "${c1} .-. %s" "${c3} ()${c1}I${c3}() %s" "${c1} \"==.__:-:__.==\" %s" "${c1} \"==.__/~|~\__.==\" %s" "${c1} \"==._( Y )_.==\" %s" "${c2} .-'~~\"\"~=--...,__${c1}\/|\/${c2}__,...--=~\"\"~~'-. %s" "${c2} ( ..=${c1}\\\\=${c1}/${c2}=.. )%s" "${c2} \`'-. ,.-\"\`;${c1}/=\\\\${c2} ;\"-.,_ .-'\`%s" "${c2} \`~\"-=-~\` .-~\` ${c1}|=|${c2} \`~-. \`~-=-\"~\` %s" "${c2} .-~\` /${c1}|=|${c2}\ \`~-. %s" "${c2} .~\` / ${c1}|=|${c2} \ \`~. %s" "${c2} .-~\` .' ${c1}|=|${c2} \\\\\`. \`~-. %s" "${c2} (\` _,.-=\"\` ${c1}|=|${c2} \`\"=-.,_ \`) %s" "${c2} \`~\"~\"\` ${c1}|=|${c2} \`\"~\"~\` %s" "${c1} /=\ %s" "${c1} \=/ %s" "${c1} ^ %s") ;; "NetBSD") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'orange') # Orange c2=$(getColor 'white') # White fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="60" fulloutput=( "${c1} __,gnnnOCCCCCOObaau,_ %s" "${c2} _._ ${c1}__,gnnCCCCCCCCOPF\"'' %s" "${c2} (N\\\\\\\\${c1}XCbngg,._____.,gnnndCCCCCCCCCCCCF\"___,,,,___ %s" "${c2} \\\\N\\\\\\\\${c1}XCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCOOOOPYvv. %s" "${c2} \\\\N\\\\\\\\${c1}XCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCPF\"'' %s" "${c2} \\\\N\\\\\\\\${c1}XCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCOF\"' %s" "${c2} \\\\N\\\\\\\\${c1}XCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCOF\"' %s" "${c2} \\\\N\\\\\\\\${c1}XCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCPF\"' %s" "${c2} \\\\N\\\\\\\\${c1}\"PCOCCCOCCFP\"\" %s" "${c2} \\\\N\ %s" "${c2} \\\\N\ %s" "${c2} \\\\N\ %s" "${c2} \\\\NN\ %s" "${c2} \\\\NN\ %s" "${c2} \\\\NNA. %s" "${c2} \\\\NNA, %s" "${c2} \\\\NNN, %s" "${c2} \\\\NNN\ %s" "${c2} \\\\NNN\ %s" "${c2} \\\\NNNA %s") ;; "Mandriva"|"Mandrake") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'light blue') # Light Blue c2=$(getColor 'yellow') # Bold Yellow fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="41" fulloutput=( "${c2} %s" "${c2} \`\` %s" "${c2} \`-. %s" "${c1} \` ${c2}.--- %s" "${c1} -/ ${c2}-::--\` %s" "${c1} \`++ ${c2}\`----...\`\`\`-:::::. %s" "${c1} \`os. ${c2}.::::::::::::::-\`\`\` \` \` %s" "${c1} +s+ ${c2}.::::::::::::::::---...--\` %s" "${c1} -ss: ${c2}\`-::::::::::::::::-.\`\`.\`\` %s" "${c1} /ss- ${c2}.::::::::::::-.\`\` \` %s" "${c1} +ss: ${c2}.::::::::::::- %s" "${c1} /sso ${c2}.::::::-::::::- %s" "${c1} .sss/ ${c2}-:::-.\` .::::: %s" "${c1} /sss+. ${c2}..\`${c1} \`--\` ${c2}.::: %s" "${c1} -ossso+/:://+/-\` ${c2}.:\` %s" "${c1} -/+ooo+/-. ${c2}\` %s" "${c1} %s" "${c1} %s") ;; "openSUSE"|"SUSE Linux Enterprise") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'light green') # Bold Green c2=$c0$bold fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="44" fulloutput=( "${c2} .;ldkO0000Okdl;. %s" "${c2} .;d00xl:^''''''^:ok00d;. %s" "${c2} .d00l' 'o00d. %s" "${c2} .d0K^'${c1} Okxoc;:,. ${c2}^O0d. %s" "${c2} .OVV${c1}AK0kOKKKKKKKKKKOxo:, ${c2}lKO. %s" "${c2} ,0VV${c1}AKKKKKKKKKKKKK0P^${c2},,,${c1}^dx:${c2} ;00, %s" "${c2} .OVV${c1}AKKKKKKKKKKKKKk'${c2}.oOPPb.${c1}'0k.${c2} cKO. %s" "${c2} :KV${c1}AKKKKKKKKKKKKKK: ${c2}kKx..dd ${c1}lKd${c2} 'OK: %s" "${c2} lKl${c1}KKKKKKKKKOx0KKKd ${c2}^0KKKO' ${c1}kKKc${c2} lKl %s" "${c2} lKl${c1}KKKKKKKKKK;.;oOKx,..${c2}^${c1}..;kKKK0.${c2} lKl %s" "${c2} :KA${c1}lKKKKKKKKK0o;...^cdxxOK0O/^^' ${c2}.0K: %s" "${c2} kKA${c1}VKKKKKKKKKKKK0x;,,......,;od ${c2}lKP %s" "${c2} '0KA${c1}VKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK00KKOo^ ${c2}c00' %s" "${c2} 'kKA${c1}VOxddxkOO00000Okxoc;'' ${c2}.dKV' %s" "${c2} l0Ko. .c00l' %s" "${c2} 'l0Kk:. .;xK0l' %s" "${c2} 'lkK0xc;:,,,,:;odO0kl' %s" "${c2} '^:ldxkkkkxdl:^' %s") ;; "Slackware") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'light blue') # Light Blue c2=$(getColor 'white') # Bold White fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="1" logowidth="46" fulloutput=( "${c1} ::::::: " "${c1} ::::::::::::::::::: %s" "${c1} ::::::::::::::::::::::::: %s" "${c1} ::::::::${c2}cllcccccllllllll${c1}:::::: %s" "${c1} :::::::::${c2}lc dc${c1}::::::: %s" "${c1} ::::::::${c2}cl clllccllll oc${c1}::::::::: %s" "${c1} :::::::::${c2}o lc${c1}::::::::${c2}co oc${c1}:::::::::: %s" "${c1} ::::::::::${c2}o cccclc${c1}:::::${c2}clcc${c1}:::::::::::: %s" "${c1} :::::::::::${c2}lc cclccclc${c1}::::::::::::: %s" "${c1} ::::::::::::::${c2}lcclcc lc${c1}:::::::::::: %s" "${c1} ::::::::::${c2}cclcc${c1}:::::${c2}lccclc oc${c1}::::::::::: %s" "${c1} ::::::::::${c2}o l${c1}::::::::::${c2}l lc${c1}::::::::::: %s" "${c1} :::::${c2}cll${c1}:${c2}o clcllcccll o${c1}::::::::::: %s" "${c1} :::::${c2}occ${c1}:${c2}o clc${c1}::::::::::: %s" "${c1} ::::${c2}ocl${c1}:${c2}ccslclccclclccclclc${c1}::::::::::::: %s" "${c1} :::${c2}oclcccccccccccccllllllllllllll${c1}::::: %s" "${c1} ::${c2}lcc1lcccccccccccccccccccccccco${c1}:::: %s" "${c1} :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: %s" "${c1} :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: %s" "${c1} :::::::::::::::::::::: %s" "${c1} :::::::::::: %s") ;; "ROSA") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'rosa_blue') # special blue color from ROSA fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="3" logowidth="41" fulloutput=( "${c1} ROSAROSAROSAROSAR " "${c1} ROSA AROS " "${c1} ROS SAROSAROSAROSAR AROS " "${c1} RO ROSAROSAROSAROSAROSAR RO %s" "${c1} ARO AROSAROSAROSARO AROS ROS %s" "${c1} ARO ROSAROS OSAR ROSA ROS %s" "${c1} RO AROSA ROSAROSAROSA ROSAR RO %s" "${c1} RO ROSAR ROSAROSAROSAR R ROSARO RO %s" "${c1} RO ROSA AROSAROSAROSA AR ROSARO AR %s" "${c1} RO AROS ROSAROSAROSA ROS AROSARO AR %s" "${c1} RO AROS ROSAROSARO ROSARO ROSARO AR %s" "${c1} RO ROS AROSAROS ROSAROSA AROSAR AR %s" "${c1} RO ROSA ROS ROSAROSAR ROSARO RO %s" "${c1} RO ROS AROSAROSAROSA ROSARO AR %s" "${c1} ARO ROSA ROSAROSAROS AROSAR ARO %s" "${c1} ARO OROSA R ROSAROS ROS %s" "${c1} RO AROSAROS AROSAROSAR RO %s" "${c1} AROS AROSAROSAROSARO AROS %s" "${c1} ROSA SARO %s" "${c1} ROSAROSAROSAROSAR %s") ;; "Red Hat Enterprise Linux") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'light red') # Light Red fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="42" fulloutput=( "${c1} .MMM..:MMMMMMM %s" "${c1} MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM %s" "${c1} MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. %s" "${c1} MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM %s" "${c1} ,MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM: %s" "${c1} MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM %s" "${c1} .MMMM' MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM %s" "${c1} MMMMMM \`MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. %s" "${c1} MMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM . %s" "${c1} MMMMMMMMM. \`MMMMMMMMMMMMM' MM. %s" "${c1} MMMMMMMMMMM. MMMM %s" "${c1} \`MMMMMMMMMMMMM. ,MMMMM. %s" "${c1} \`MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. ,MMMMMMMM. %s" "${c1} MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM %s" "${c1} MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM: %s" "${c1} MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM %s" "${c1} \`MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM: %s" "${c1} \`\`MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM' %s") ;; "Frugalware") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'white') # White c2=$(getColor 'light blue') # Light Blue fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="3" logowidth="50" fulloutput=( "${c2} \`++/::-.\` " "${c2} /o+++++++++/::-.\` " "${c2} \`o+++++++++++++++o++/::-.\` " "${c2} /+++++++++++++++++++++++oo++/:-.\`\` %s" "${c2} .o+ooooooooooooooooooosssssssso++oo++/:-\` %s" "${c2} ++osoooooooooooosssssssssssssyyo+++++++o: %s" "${c2} -o+ssoooooooooooosssssssssssssyyo+++++++s\` %s" "${c2} o++ssoooooo++++++++++++++sssyyyyo++++++o: %s" "${c2} :o++ssoooooo${c1}/-------------${c2}+syyyyyo+++++oo %s" "${c2} \`o+++ssoooooo${c1}/-----${c2}+++++ooosyyyyyyo++++os: %s" "${c2} /o+++ssoooooo${c1}/-----${c2}ooooooosyyyyyyyo+oooss %s" "${c2} .o++++ssooooos${c1}/------------${c2}syyyyyyhsosssy- %s" "${c2} ++++++ssooooss${c1}/-----${c2}+++++ooyyhhhhhdssssso %s" "${c2} -s+++++syssssss${c1}/-----${c2}yyhhhhhhhhhhhddssssy. %s" "${c2} sooooooyhyyyyyh${c1}/-----${c2}hhhhhhhhhhhddddyssy+ %s" "${c2} :yooooooyhyyyhhhyyyyyyhhhhhhhhhhdddddyssy\` %s" "${c2} yoooooooyhyyhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhddddddysy/ %s" "${c2}-ysooooooydhhhhhhhhhhhddddddddddddddddssy %s" "${c2} .-:/+osssyyyysyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyssy: %s" "${c2} \`\`.-/+oosysssssssssssssssssssssss %s" "${c2} \`\`.:/+osyysssssssssssssh. %s" "${c2} \`-:/+osyyssssyo %s" "${c2} .-:+++\` %s") ;; "Peppermint") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'white') # White c2=$(getColor 'light red') # Light Red fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="3" logowidth="40" fulloutput=( "${c2} PPPPPPPPPPPPPP " "${c2} PPPP${c1}MMMMMMM${c2}PPPPPPPPPPP " "${c2} PPPP${c1}MMMMMMMMMM${c2}PPPPPPPP${c1}MM${c2}PP " "${c2} PPPPPPPP${c1}MMMMMMM${c2}PPPPPPPP${c1}MMMMM${c2}PP %s" "${c2} PPPPPPPPPPPP${c1}MMMMMM${c2}PPPPPPP${c1}MMMMMMM${c2}PP %s" "${c2} PPPPPPPPPPPP${c1}MMMMMMM${c2}PPPP${c1}M${c2}P${c1}MMMMMMMMM${c2}PP %s" "${c2} PP${c1}MMMM${c2}PPPPPPPPPP${c1}MMM${c2}PPPPP${c1}MMMMMMM${c2}P${c1}MM${c2}PPPP %s" "${c2} P${c1}MMMMMMMMMM${c2}PPPPPP${c1}MM${c2}PPPPP${c1}MMMMMM${c2}PPPPPPPP %s" "${c2}P${c1}MMMMMMMMMMMM${c2}PPPPP${c1}MM${c2}PP${c1}M${c2}P${c1}MM${c2}P${c1}MM${c2}PPPPPPPPPPP%s" "${c2}P${c1}MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM${c2}PP${c1}M${c2}P${c1}MMM${c2}PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP%s" "${c2}P${c1}MMM${c2}PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP${c1}MMMMM${c2}P%s" "${c2}PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP${c1}MMM${c2}P${c1}M${c2}P${c1}MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM${c2}PP%s" "${c2}PPPPPPPPPPP${c1}MM${c2}P${c1}MM${c2}PPPP${c1}MM${c2}PPPPP${c1}MMMMMMMMMMM${c2}PP%s" "${c2} PPPPPPPP${c1}MMMMMM${c2}PPPPP${c1}MM${c2}PPPPPP${c1}MMMMMMMMM${c2}PP %s" "${c2} PPPP${c1}MM${c2}P${c1}MMMMMMM${c2}PPPPPP${c1}MM${c2}PPPPPPPPPP${c1}MMMM${c2}PP %s" "${c2} PP${c1}MMMMMMMMM${c2}P${c1}M${c2}PPPP${c1}MMMMMM${c2}PPPPPPPPPPPPP %s" "${c2} PP${c1}MMMMMMM${c2}PPPPPPP${c1}MMMMMM${c2}PPPPPPPPPPPP %s" "${c2} PP${c1}MMMM${c2}PPPPPPPPP${c1}MMMMMMM${c2}PPPPPPPP %s" "${c2} PP${c1}MM${c2}PPPPPPPP${c1}MMMMMMMMMM${c2}PPPP %s" "${c2} PPPPPPPPPP${c1}MMMMMMMM${c2}PPPP %s" "${c2} PPPPPPPPPPPPPP %s") ;; "Grombyang"|"GrombyangOS") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'light blue') c2=$(getColor 'light green') c3=$(getColor 'light red') fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" fulloutput=( "${c1} eeeeeeeeeeee %s" "${c1} eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee %s" "${c1} eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee %s" "${c1} eeeee ${c2}.o+ ${c1}eeee %s" "${c1} eeee ${c2}\`ooo/ ${c1}eeee %s" "${c1} eeee ${c2}\`+oooo: ${c1}eeee %s" "${c1} eee ${c2}\`+oooooo: ${c1}eee %s" "${c1} eee ${c2}-+oooooo+: ${c1}eee %s" "${c1} ee ${c2}\`/:oooooooo+: ${c1}ee %s" "${c1} ee ${c2}\`/+ +++ +: ${c1}ee %s" "${c1} ee ${c2}+o+\ ${c1}ee %s" "${c1} eee ${c2}+o+\ ${c1}eee %s" "${c1} eee ${c2}// \\ooo/ \\\ ${c1}eee %s" "${c1} eee ${c2}//++++oooo++++\\\ ${c1}eee %s" "${c1} eeee ${c2}::::++oooo+::::: ${c1}eeee %s" "${c1} eeeee ${c3}Grombyang OS ${c1} eeee %s" "${c1} eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee %s" "${c1} eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee %s" " %s" " %s") ;; "Solus") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'white') # White c2=$(getColor 'blue') # Blue c3=$(getColor 'black') # Black fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="36" fulloutput=( "${c3} ...... %s" "${c3} .'${c1}D${c3}lddddddddddd'. %s" "${c3} .'ddd${c1}XM${c3}xdddddddddddddd. %s" "${c3} .dddddx${c1}MMM0${c3};dddddddddddddd. %s" "${c3} 'dddddl${c1}MMMMMN${c3}cddddddddddddddd. %s" "${c3} ddddddc${c1}WMMMMMMW${c3}lddddddddddddddd. %s" "${c3} ddddddc${c1}WMMMMMMMMO${c3}ddoddddddddddddd. %s" "${c3}.ddddd:${c1}NMMMMMMMMMK${c3}dd${c1}NX${c3}od;c${c1}lxl${c3}dddddd %s" "${c3}dddddc${c1}WMMMMMMMMMMNN${c3}dd${c1}MMXl${c3};d${c1}00xl;${c3}ddd.%s" "${c3}ddddl${c1}WMMMMMMMMMMMMM${c3}d;${c1}MMMM0${c3}:dl${c1}XMMXk:${c3}'%s" "${c3}dddo${c1}WMMMMMMMMMMMMMM${c3}dd${c1}MMMMMW${c3}od${c3};${c1}XMMMOd%s" "${c3}.dd${c1}MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM${c3}d:${c1}MMMMMMM${c3}kd${c1}lMKll %s" "${c3}.;dk0${c1}KXNWWMMMMMMMMM${c3}dx${c1}MMMMMMM${c3}Xl;lxK; %s" "${c3} 'dddddddd;:cclodcddxddolloxO0O${c1}d' %s" "${c1} ckkxxxddddddddxxkOOO000Okdool. %s" "${c2} .lddddxxxxxxddddooooooooood %s" "${c2} .:oooooooooooooooooooc' %s" "${c2} .,:looooooooooc;. %s") ;; "Mageia") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'white') # White c2=$(getColor 'light cyan') # Light Cyan fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="33" fulloutput=( "${c2} .°°. %s" "${c2} °° .°°. %s" "${c2} .°°°. °° %s" "${c2} . . %s" "${c2} °°° .°°°. %s" "${c2} .°°°. '___' %s" "${c1} .${c2}'___' ${c1} . %s" "${c1} :dkxc;'. ..,cxkd; %s" "${c1} .dkk. kkkkkkkkkk .kkd. %s" "${c1} .dkk. ';cloolc;. .kkd %s" "${c1} ckk. .kk; %s" "${c1} xO: cOd %s" "${c1} xO: lOd %s" "${c1} lOO. .OO: %s" "${c1} .k00. .00x %s" "${c1} .k00; ;00O. %s" "${c1} .lO0Kc;,,,,,,;c0KOc. %s" "${c1} ;d00KKKKKK00d; %s" "${c1} .,KKKK,. %s") ;; "Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'light grey') # light grey fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="25" fulloutput=( "${c1} %s" "${c1} .. , %s" "${c1} a; ._# %s" "${c1} )## _au#? %s" "${c1} ]##s,.__a_w##e^ %s" "${c1} :###########( %s" "${c1} ^!#####?!^ %s" "${c1} ._ %s" "${c1} _au######a, %s" "${c1} sa###########, %s" "${c1} _a##############o %s" "${c1} .a#####?!^^^^^-####_ %s" "${c1} j####^ ~##i %s" "${c1} _de!^ -#i %s" "${c1} _#e^ ]+ %s" "${c1} ^ ^ %s" "${c1} %s") ;; "Parabola GNU/Linux-libre") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'purple') # Purple fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="33" fulloutput=( "${c1} %s" "${c1} _,, _ %s" "${c1} _, ,##' ,##; %s" "${c1} _, ,##' ,##' ,#####; %s" "${c1} _,;#',##' ,##' ,#######' %s" "${c1} _,#**^' \` ,######### %s" "${c1} .-^\` \`######### %s" "${c1} ######## %s" "${c1} ;###### %s" "${c1} ;####* %s" "${c1} ####' %s" "${c1} ;### %s" "${c1} ,##' %s" "${c1} ## %s" "${c1} #' %s" "${c1} / %s" "${c1} ' %s" "${c1} %s") ;; "Viperr") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'white') # White c2=$(getColor 'dark grey') # Dark Gray fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="31" fulloutput=( "${c1} wwzapd dlzazw %s" "${c1} an${c2}#${c1}zncmqzepweeirzpas${c2}#${c1}xz %s" "${c1} apez${c2}##${c1}qzdkawweemvmzdm${c2}##${c1}dcmv %s" "${c1}zwepd${c2}####${c1}qzdweewksza${c2}####${c1}ezqpa %s" "${c1}ezqpdkapeifjeeazezqpdkazdkwqz %s" "${c1} ezqpdksz${c2}##${c1}wepuizp${c2}##${c1}wzeiapdk %s" "${c1} zqpakdpa${c2}#${c1}azwewep${c2}#${c1}zqpdkqze %s" "${c1} apqxalqpewenwazqmzazq %s" "${c1} mn${c2}##${c1}==${c2}#######${c1}==${c2}##${c1}qp %s" "${c1} qw${c2}##${c1}=${c2}#######${c1}=${c2}##${c1}zl %s" "${c1} z0${c2}######${c1}=${c2}######${c1}0a %s" "${c1} qp${c2}#####${c1}=${c2}#####${c1}mq %s" "${c1} az${c2}####${c1}===${c2}####${c1}mn %s" "${c1} ap${c2}#########${c1}qz %s" "${c1} 9qlzskwdewz %s" "${c1} zqwpakaiw %s" "${c1} qoqpe %s" "${c1} %s") ;; "LinuxDeepin") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'light green') # Bold Green fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="33" fulloutput=( "${c1} eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee %s" "${c1} eee eeeeeee eeeeeeee %s" "${c1}ee eeeeeeeee eeeeeeeee ee %s" "${c1}e eeeeeeeee eeeeeeeee e %s" "${c1}e eeeeeee eeeeeeeeee e %s" "${c1}e eeeeee eeeee e %s" "${c1}e eeeee eee eee e %s" "${c1}e eeeee ee eeeeee e %s" "${c1}e eeeee eee eee e %s" "${c1}e eeeeeeeeee eeee e %s" "${c1}e eeeee eeee e %s" "${c1}e eeeeee e %s" "${c1}e eeeeeee e %s" "${c1}e eee eeeeeeee e %s" "${c1}eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee e %s" "${c1}eeeeeeeeeeeee ee %s" "${c1} eeeeeeeeeee eee %s" "${c1} eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee %s" "${c1} %s") ;; "Deepin") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'cyan') # Bold Green fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="41" fulloutput=( "${c1} ............ %s" "${c1} .';;;;;. .,;,. %s" "${c1} .,;;;;;;;. ';;;;;;;. %s" "${c1} .;::::::::' .,::;;,''''',. %s" "${c1} ,'.:::::::: .;;'. '; %s" "${c1} ;' 'cccccc, ,' :: '.. .: %s" "${c1} ,, :ccccc. ;: .c, '' :. ,; %s" "${c1} .l. cllll' ., .lc :; .l' l. %s" "${c1} .c :lllc ;cl: .l' .ll. :' %s" "${c1} .l 'looc. . ,o: 'oo' c, %s" "${c1} .o. .:ool::coc' .ooo' o. %s" "${c1} :: ..... .;dddo ;c %s" "${c1} l:... .';lddddo. ,o %s" "${c1} lxxxxxdoolllodxxxxxxxxxc :l %s" "${c1} ,dxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxl. 'o, %s" "${c1} ,dkkkkkkkkkkkkko;. .;o; %s" "${c1} .;okkkkkdl;. .,cl:. %s" "${c1} .,:cccccccc:,. %s") ;; "Chakra") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'light blue') # Light Blue fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="38" fulloutput=( "${c1} _ _ _ \"kkkkkkkk. %s" "${c1} ,kkkkkkkk., \'kkkkkkkkk, %s" "${c1} ,kkkkkkkkkkkk., \'kkkkkkkkk. %s" "${c1} ,kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk,\'kkkkkkkk, %s" "${c1} ,kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk\'kkkkkkk. %s" "${c1} \"\'\'\"\'\'\',;::,,\"\'\'kkk\'\'kkkkk; __ %s" "${c1} ,kkkkkkkkkk, \"k\'\'kkkkk\' ,kkkk %s" "${c1} ,kkkkkkk\' ., \' .: \'kkkk\',kkkkkk %s" "${c1} ,kkkkkkkk\'.k\' , ,kkkk;kkkkkkkkk %s" "${c1} ,kkkkkkkk\';kk \'k \"\'k\',kkkkkkkkkkkk %s" "${c1} .kkkkkkkkk.kkkk.\'kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk\' %s" "${c1} ;kkkkkkkk\'\'kkkkkk;\'kkkkkkkkkkkkk\'\' %s" "${c1} \'kkkkkkk; \'kkkkkkkk.,\"\"\'\'\"\'\'\"\" %s" "${c1} \'\'kkkk; \'kkkkkkkkkk., %s" "${c1} \';\' \'kkkkkkkkkkkk., %s" "${c1} ';kkkkkkkkkk\' %s" "${c1} ';kkkkkk\' %s" "${c1} \"\'\'\" %s") ;; "Fuduntu") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'dark grey') # Dark Gray c2=$(getColor 'yellow') # Bold Yellow c3=$(getColor 'light red') # Light Red c4=$(getColor 'white') # White fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; c3="${my_lcolor}"; c4="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="1" logowidth="49" fulloutput=( "${c1} \`dwoapfjsod\`${c2} \`dwoapfjsod\` " "${c1} \`xdwdsfasdfjaapz\`${c2} \`dwdsfasdfjaapzx\` %s" "${c1} \`wadladfladlafsozmm\`${c2} \`wadladfladlafsozmm\` %s" "${c1} \`aodowpwafjwodisosoaas\`${c2} \`odowpwafjwodisosoaaso\` %s" "${c1} \`adowofaowiefawodpmmxs\`${c2} \`dowofaowiefawodpmmxso\` %s" "${c1} \`asdjafoweiafdoafojffw\`${c2} \`sdjafoweiafdoafojffwq\` %s" "${c1} \`dasdfjalsdfjasdlfjdd\`${c2} \`asdfjalsdfjasdlfjdda\` %s" "${c1} \`dddwdsfasdfjaapzxaw\`${c2} \`ddwdsfasdfjaapzxawo\` %s" "${c1} \`dddwoapfjsowzocmw\`${c2} \`ddwoapfjsowzocmwp\` %s" "${c1} \`ddasowjfowiejao\`${c2} \`dasowjfowiejaow\` %s" "${c1} %s" "${c3} \`ddasowjfowiejao\`${c4} \`dasowjfowiejaow\` %s" "${c3} \`dddwoapfjsowzocmw\`${c4} \`ddwoapfjsowzocmwp\` %s" "${c3} \`dddwdsfasdfjaapzxaw\`${c4} \`ddwdsfasdfjaapzxawo\` %s" "${c3} \`dasdfjalsdfjasdlfjdd\`${c4} \`asdfjalsdfjasdlfjdda\` %s" "${c3} \`asdjafoweiafdoafojffw\`${c4} \`sdjafoweiafdoafojffwq\` %s" "${c3} \`adowofaowiefawodpmmxs\`${c4} \`dowofaowiefawodpmmxso\` %s" "${c3} \`aodowpwafjwodisosoaas\`${c4} \`odowpwafjwodisosoaaso\` %s" "${c3} \`wadladfladlafsozmm\`${c4} \`wadladfladlafsozmm\` %s" "${c3} \`dwdsfasdfjaapzx\`${c4} \`dwdsfasdfjaapzx\` %s" "${c3} \`woapfjsod\`${c4} \`woapfjsod\` %s") ;; "Zorin OS") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'light blue') # Light Blue fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" fulloutput=( "${c1} ................... %s" "${c1} :ooooooooooooooooooo/ %s" "${c1} /ooooooooooooooooooooo+ %s" "${c1} '''''''''''''''''''''''' %s" "${c1} %s" "${c1} .++++++++++++++++++/. :++- %s" "${c1} -oooooooooooooooo/- :+ooooo: %s" "${c1} :oooooooooooooo/- :+ooooooooo: %s" "${c1} .oooooooooooo+- :+ooooooooooooo- %s" "${c1} -oooooooo/- -+ooooooooooooooo: %s" "${c1} .oooo+- -+ooooooooooooooooo- %s" "${c1} .-- .-------------------. %s" "${c1} %s" "${c1} .//////////////////////- %s" "${c1} :oooooooooooooooooooo/ %s" "${c1} :oooooooooooooooooo: %s" "${c1} '''''''''''''''''' %s") ;; "Mac OS X") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'green') # Green c2=$(getColor 'brown') # Yellow c3=$(getColor 'light red') # Orange c4=$(getColor 'red') # Red c5=$(getColor 'purple') # Purple c6=$(getColor 'blue') # Blue fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}" c2="${my_lcolor}" c3="${my_lcolor}" c4="${my_lcolor}" c5="${my_lcolor}" c6="${my_lcolor}" fi startline="1" logowidth="31" fulloutput=( "${c1} " "${c1} -/+:. %s" "${c1} :++++. %s" "${c1} /+++/. %s" "${c1} .:-::- .+/:-\`\`.::- %s" "${c1} .:/++++++/::::/++++++/:\` %s" "${c2} .:///////////////////////:\` %s" "${c2} ////////////////////////\` %s" "${c3} -+++++++++++++++++++++++\` %s" "${c3} /++++++++++++++++++++++/ %s" "${c4} /sssssssssssssssssssssss. %s" "${c4} :ssssssssssssssssssssssss- %s" "${c5} osssssssssssssssssssssssso/\` %s" "${c5} \`syyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy+\` %s" "${c6} \`ossssssssssssssssssssss/ %s" "${c6} :ooooooooooooooooooo+. %s" "${c6} \`:+oo+/:-..-:/+o+/- %s" "${c6} %s") ;; "Mac OS X - Classic") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'blue') # Blue c2=$(getColor 'light blue') # Light blue c3=$(getColor 'light grey') # Gray c4=$(getColor 'dark grey') # Dark Ggray fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; c3="${my_lcolor}"; c4="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="1" logowidth="39" fulloutput=( "${c3} " "${c3} .. %s" "${c3} dWc %s" "${c3} ,X0' %s" "${c1} ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;${c3}0Mk${c2}::::::::::::::: %s" "${c1} ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;${c3}KWo${c2}:::::::::::::::: %s" "${c1} ;;;;;;;;;${c4}NN${c1};;;;;${c3}KWo${c2}:::::${c3}NN${c2}:::::::::: %s" "${c1} ;;;;;;;;;${c4}NN${c1};;;;${c3}0Md${c2}::::::${c3}NN${c2}:::::::::: %s" "${c1} ;;;;;;;;;${c4}NN${c1};;;${c3}xW0${c2}:::::::${c3}NN${c2}:::::::::: %s" "${c1} ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;${c3}KMc${c2}::::::::::::::::::: %s" "${c1} ;;;;;;;;;;;;;${c3}lWX${c2}:::::::::::::::::::: %s" "${c1} ;;;;;;;;;;;;;${c3}xWWXXXXNN7${c2}::::::::::::: %s" "${c1} ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;${c3}WK${c2}:::::::::::::: %s" "${c1} ;;;;;${c4}TKX0ko.${c1};;;;;;;${c3}kMx${c2}:::${c3}.cOKNF${c2}::::: %s" "${c1} ;;;;;;;;${c4}\`kO0KKKKKKK${c3}NMNXK0OP*${c2}:::::::: %s" "${c1} ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;${c3}kMx${c2}:::::::::::::: %s" "${c1} ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;${c3}WX${c2}:::::::::::::: %s" "${c3} lMc %s" "${c3} kN. %s" "${c3} o' %s" "${c3} %s") ;; "Windows"|"Cygwin"|"Msys") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'light red') # Red c2=$(getColor 'light green') # Green c3=$(getColor 'light blue') # Blue c4=$(getColor 'yellow') # Yellow fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; c3="${my_lcolor}"; c4="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="37" fulloutput=( "${c1} ,.=:!!t3Z3z., %s" "${c1} :tt:::tt333EE3 %s" "${c1} Et:::ztt33EEEL${c2} @Ee., .., %s" "${c1} ;tt:::tt333EE7${c2} ;EEEEEEttttt33# %s" "${c1} :Et:::zt333EEQ.${c2} \$EEEEEttttt33QL %s" "${c1} it::::tt333EEF${c2} @EEEEEEttttt33F %s" "${c1} ;3=*^\`\`\`\"*4EEV${c2} :EEEEEEttttt33@. %s" "${c3} ,.=::::!t=., ${c1}\`${c2} @EEEEEEtttz33QF %s" "${c3} ;::::::::zt33)${c2} \"4EEEtttji3P* %s" "${c3} :t::::::::tt33.${c4}:Z3z..${c2} \`\`${c4} ,..g. %s" "${c3} i::::::::zt33F${c4} AEEEtttt::::ztF %s" "${c3} ;:::::::::t33V${c4} ;EEEttttt::::t3 %s" "${c3} E::::::::zt33L${c4} @EEEtttt::::z3F %s" "${c3}{3=*^\`\`\`\"*4E3)${c4} ;EEEtttt:::::tZ\` %s" "${c3} \`${c4} :EEEEtttt::::z7 %s" "${c4} \"VEzjt:;;z>*\` %s") ;; "Windows - Modern") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'light blue') # Blue fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="38" fulloutput=( "${c1} .., %s" "${c1} ....,,:;+ccllll %s" "${c1} ...,,+:; cllllllllllllllllll %s" "${c1} ,cclllllllllll lllllllllllllllllll %s" "${c1} llllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllll %s" "${c1} llllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllll %s" "${c1} llllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllll %s" "${c1} llllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllll %s" "${c1} llllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllll %s" "${c1} %s" "${c1} llllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllll %s" "${c1} llllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllll %s" "${c1} llllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllll %s" "${c1} llllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllll %s" "${c1} llllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllll %s" "${c1} \`'ccllllllllll lllllllllllllllllll %s" "${c1} \`'\"\"*:: :ccllllllllllllllll %s" "${c1} \`\`\`\`''\"*::cll %s" "${c1} \`\` %s") ;; "Haiku") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then if [ "$haikualpharelease" == "yes" ]; then c1=$(getColor 'black_haiku') # Black c2=$(getColor 'light grey') # Light Gray else c1=$(getColor 'black') # Black c2=${c1} fi c3=$(getColor 'green') # Green fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; c3="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="36" fulloutput=( "${c1} :dc' %s" "${c1} 'l:;'${c2},${c1}'ck. .;dc:. %s" "${c1} co ${c2}..${c1}k. .;; ':o. %s" "${c1} co ${c2}..${c1}k. ol ${c2}.${c1}0. %s" "${c1} co ${c2}..${c1}k. oc ${c2}..${c1}0. %s" "${c1} co ${c2}..${c1}k. oc ${c2}..${c1}0. %s" "${c1}.Ol,. co ${c2}...''${c1}Oc;kkodxOdddOoc,. %s" "${c1} ';lxxlxOdxkxk0kd${c3}oooll${c1}dl${c3}ccc:${c1}clxd; %s" "${c1} ..${c3}oOolllllccccccc:::::${c1}od; %s" "${c1} cx:ooc${c3}:::::::;${c1}cooolcX. %s" "${c1} cd${c2}.${c1}''cloxdoollc' ${c2}...${c1}0. %s" "${c1} cd${c2}......${c1}k;${c2}.${c1}xl${c2}.... .${c1}0. %s" "${c1} .::c${c2};..${c1}cx;${c2}.${c1}xo${c2}..... .${c1}0. %s" "${c1} '::c'${c2}...${c1}do${c2}..... .${c1}K, %s" "${c1} cd,.${c2}....:${c1}O,${c2}...... %s" "${c1} ':clod:'${c2}...... %s" "${c1} ${c2}. %s") ;; "Trisquel") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'light blue') # Light Blue c2=$(getColor 'light cyan') # Blue fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="38" fulloutput=( "${c1} ▄▄▄▄▄▄ %s" "${c1} ▄█████████▄ %s" "${c1} ▄▄▄▄▄▄ ████▀ ▀████ %s" "${c1} ▄██████████▄ ████▀ ▄▄ ▀███ %s" "${c1} ▄███▀▀ ▀▀████ ███▄ ▄█ ███ %s" "${c1} ▄███ ▄▄▄ ████▄ ▀██████ ▄███ %s" "${c1} ███ █▀▀██▄ █████▄ ▀▀ ▄████ %s" "${c1} ▀███ ███ ███████▄▄ ▄▄██████ %s" "${c1} ▀███▄ ▄███ █████████████${c2}████▀ %s" "${c1} ▀█████████ ███████${c2}███▀▀▀ %s" "${c1} ▀▀███▀▀ ██${c2}████▀▀ %s" "${c2} ██████▀ ▄▄▄▄ %s" "${c2} █████▀ ████████ %s" "${c2} █████ ███▀ ▀███ %s" "${c2} ████▄ ██▄▄▄ ███ %s" "${c2} █████▄ ▀▀ ▄██ %s" "${c2} ██████▄▄▄████ %s" "${c2} █████▀▀ %s") ;; "Manjaro") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'light green') # Green fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="1" logowidth="33" fulloutput=("" "${c1} ██████████████████ ████████ %s" "${c1} ██████████████████ ████████ %s" "${c1} ██████████████████ ████████ %s" "${c1} ██████████████████ ████████ %s" "${c1} ████████ ████████ %s" "${c1} ████████ ████████ ████████ %s" "${c1} ████████ ████████ ████████ %s" "${c1} ████████ ████████ ████████ %s" "${c1} ████████ ████████ ████████ %s" "${c1} ████████ ████████ ████████ %s" "${c1} ████████ ████████ ████████ %s" "${c1} ████████ ████████ ████████ %s" "${c1} ████████ ████████ ████████ %s" "${c1} ████████ ████████ ████████ %s" " %s") ;; "Netrunner") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'light blue') # Blue fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="43" fulloutput=( "${c1} nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn %s" "${c1} nnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnn %s" "${c1} nnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnn %s" "${c1} nnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnn %s" "${c1} nnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnn %s" "${c1} nnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnn %s" "${c1} nn nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnn nn %s" "${c1} n nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnn n %s" "${c1} n nnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnn n %s" "${c1} n nnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnn n %s" "${c1} n nnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnn n %s" "${c1} n nnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnn n %s" "${c1} n nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnn n %s" "${c1} n nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnn n %s" "${c1} n nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnn n %s" "${c1} nn nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnn nn %s" "${c1} nnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnn nnn %s" "${c1} nnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnn nnnnn %s" "${c1} nnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnn %s" "${c1} nnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnn %s" "${c1} nnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnn %s" "${c1} nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn %s" "${c1} %s") ;; "Logos") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'green') # Green fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="25" fulloutput=( "${c1} ..:.:. %s" "${c1} ..:.:.:.:. %s" "${c1} ..:.:.:.:.:.:. %s" "${c1} ..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. %s" "${c1} .:.::;.::::..:.:.:. %s" "${c1} .:.:.::.::.::.;;/ %s" "${c1} .:.::.:::///// %s" "${c1} ..;;/////// %s" "${c1} /////////// %s" "${c1} ////////////// %s" "${c1} ///////////////// %s" "${c1} /////////////////// %s" "${c1} ////////////////// %s" "${c1} ////////////// %s" "${c1} ////////// %s" "${c1} ////// %s" "${c1} // %s") ;; "Manjaro-tree") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1="\e[1;32m" # Green c2="\e[1;33m" # Yellow fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="33" fulloutput=( "${c1} ### %s" "${c1} ### #### %s" "${c1} ### #### %s" "${c1} ##### ##### %s" "${c1} ################# %s" "${c1} ### ##### #### %s" "${c1} ## ${c2}OOO ${c1}### %s" "${c1} # ${c2}WW ${c1}## %s" "${c1} ${c2}WW ${c1}# %s" "${c2} WW %s" "${c2} WW %s" "${c2} WW %s" "${c2} WW %s" "${c2} WW %s" "${c2} WW %s" "${c2} WW %s" "${c2} WW %s" "${c2} %s") ;; "elementary OS"|"elementary os") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'white') # White fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="36" fulloutput=( "${c1} %s" "${c1} eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee %s" "${c1} eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee %s" "${c1} eeeee eeeeeeeeeeee eeeee %s" "${c1} eeee eeeee eee eeee %s" "${c1} eeee eeee eee eeee %s" "${c1}eee eee eee eee %s" "${c1}eee eee eee eee %s" "${c1}ee eee eeee eeee %s" "${c1}ee eee eeeee eeeeee %s" "${c1}ee eee eeeee eeeee ee %s" "${c1}eee eeee eeeeee eeeee eee %s" "${c1}eee eeeeeeeeee eeeeee eee %s" "${c1} eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeee %s" "${c1} eeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeee eeee %s" "${c1} eeeee eeeee %s" "${c1} eeeeeee eeeeeee %s" "${c1} eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee %s") ;; "Android") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'light green') # Bold Green fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="2" logowidth="24" fulloutput=( "${c1} ╲ ▁▂▂▂▁ ╱ " "${c1} ▄███████▄ " "${c1} ▄██ ███ ██▄ %s" "${c1} ▄███████████▄ %s" "${c1} ▄█ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ █▄ %s" "${c1} ██ █████████████ ██ %s" "${c1} ██ █████████████ ██ %s" "${c1} ██ █████████████ ██ %s" "${c1} ██ █████████████ ██ %s" "${c1} █████████████ %s" "${c1} ███████████ %s" "${c1} ██ ██ %s" "${c1} ██ ██ %s") ;; "Scientific Linux") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'light blue') c2=$(getColor 'light red') c3=$(getColor 'white') fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; c3="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="1" logowidth="44" fulloutput=( "${c1} =/;;/- " "${c1} +: // %s" "${c1} /; /; %s" "${c1} -X H. %s" "${c1} .//;;;:;;-, X= :+ .-;:=;:;#;. %s" "${c1} M- ,=;;;#:, ,:#;;:=, ,@ %s" "${c1} :# :#.=/++++/=.$= #= %s" "${c1} ,#; #/:+/;,,/++:+/ ;+. %s" "${c1} ,+/. ,;@+, ,#H;, ,/+, %s" "${c1} ;+;;/= @. ${c2}.H${c3}#${c2}#X ${c1}-X :///+; %s" "${c1} ;+=;;;.@, ${c3}.X${c2}M${c3}@$. ${c1}=X.//;=#/. %s" "${c1} ,;: :@#= =\$H: .+#- %s" "${c1} ,#= #;-///==///-// =#, %s" "${c1} ;+ :#-;;;:;;;;-X- +: %s" "${c1} @- .-;;;;M- =M/;;;-. -X %s" "${c1} :;;::;;-. #- :+ ,-;;-;:== %s" "${c1} ,X H. %s" "${c1} ;/ #= %s" "${c1} // +; %s" "${c1} '////' %s") ;; "BackTrack Linux") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'white') # White c2=$(getColor 'light red') # Light Red fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="1" logowidth="48" fulloutput=( "${c1}.............. " "${c1} ..,;:ccc,. %s" "${c1} ......''';lxO. %s" "${c1}.....''''..........,:ld; %s" "${c1} .';;;:::;,,.x, %s" "${c1} ..'''. 0Xxoc:,. ... %s" "${c1} .... ,ONkc;,;cokOdc',. %s" "${c1} . OMo ':${c2}dd${c1}o. %s" "${c1} dMc :OO; %s" "${c1} 0M. .:o. %s" "${c1} ;Wd %s" "${c1} ;XO, %s" "${c1} ,d0Odlc;,.. %s" "${c1} ..',;:cdOOd::,. %s" "${c1} .:d;.':;. %s" "${c1} 'd, .' %s" "${c1} ;l ..%s" "${c1} .o %s" "${c1} c %s" "${c1} .' %s" "${c1} . %s") ;; "Kali Linux") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'light blue') # White c2=$(getColor 'black') # Light Red fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="1" logowidth="48" fulloutput=( "${c1}.............. " "${c1} ..,;:ccc,. %s" "${c1} ......''';lxO. %s" "${c1}.....''''..........,:ld; %s" "${c1} .';;;:::;,,.x, %s" "${c1} ..'''. 0Xxoc:,. ... %s" "${c1} .... ,ONkc;,;cokOdc',. %s" "${c1} . OMo ':${c2}dd${c1}o. %s" "${c1} dMc :OO; %s" "${c1} 0M. .:o. %s" "${c1} ;Wd %s" "${c1} ;XO, %s" "${c1} ,d0Odlc;,.. %s" "${c1} ..',;:cdOOd::,. %s" "${c1} .:d;.':;. %s" "${c1} 'd, .' %s" "${c1} ;l ..%s" "${c1} .o %s" "${c1} c %s" "${c1} .' %s" "${c1} . %s") ;; "Sabayon") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'white') # White c2=$(getColor 'light blue') # Blue fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="38" fulloutput=( "${c2} ........... %s" "${c2} .. .. %s" "${c2} .. .. %s" "${c2} .. ${c1}o ${c2}.. %s" "${c2} .. ${c1}:W' ${c2}.. %s" "${c2} .. ${c1}.d. ${c2}.. %s" "${c2}:. ${c1}.KNO ${c2}.: %s" "${c2}:. ${c1}cNNN. ${c2}.: %s" "${c2}: ${c1}dXXX, ${c2}: %s" "${c2}: ${c1}. dXXX, .cd, ${c2}: %s" "${c2}: ${c1}'kc .. dKKK. ,ll;:' ${c2}: %s" "${c2}: ${c1}.xkkxc;..dkkkc',cxkkl ${c2}: %s" "${c2}:. ${c1}.,cdddddddddddddo:. ${c2}.: %s" "${c2} .. ${c1}:lllllll: ${c2}.. %s" "${c2} .. ${c1}',,,,, ${c2}.. %s" "${c2} .. .. %s" "${c2} .. .. %s" "${c2} ............... %s") ;; "KaOS") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'light blue') fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="35" fulloutput=( "${c1} .. %s" "${c1} ..... ..OSSAAAAAAA.. %s" "${c1} .KKKKSS. .SSAAAAAAAAAAA. %s" "${c1}.KKKKKSO. .SAAAAAAAAAA... %s" "${c1}KKKKKKS. .OAAAAAAAA. %s" "${c1}KKKKKKS. .OAAAAAA. %s" "${c1}KKKKKKS. .SSAA.. %s" "${c1}.KKKKKS..OAAAAAAAAAAAA........ %s" "${c1} DKKKKO.=AA=========A===AASSSO.. %s" "${c1} AKKKS.==========AASSSSAAAAAASS. %s" "${c1} .=KKO..========ASS.....SSSSASSSS.%s" "${c1} .KK. .ASS..O.. =SSSSAOSS:%s" "${c1} .OK. .ASSSSSSSO...=A.SSA.%s" "${c1} .K ..SSSASSSS.. ..SSA. %s" "${c1} .SSS.AAKAKSSKA. %s" "${c1} .SSS....S.. %s") ;; "CentOS") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'yellow') c2=$(getColor 'light green') c3=$(getColor 'light blue') c4=$(getColor 'light purple') fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; c3="${my_lcolor}"; c4="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="40" fulloutput=( "${c1} .. %s" "${c1} .PLTJ. %s" "${c1} <><><><> %s" "${c2} KKSSV' 4KKK ${c1}LJ${c4} KKKL.'VSSKK %s" "${c2} KKV' 4KKKKK ${c1}LJ${c4} KKKKAL 'VKK %s" "${c2} V' ' 'VKKKK ${c1}LJ${c4} KKKKV' ' 'V %s" "${c2} .4MA.' 'VKK ${c1}LJ${c4} KKV' '.4Mb. %s" "${c4} . ${c2}KKKKKA.' 'V ${c1}LJ${c4} V' '.4KKKKK ${c3}. %s" "${c4} .4D ${c2}KKKKKKKA.'' ${c1}LJ${c4} ''.4KKKKKKK ${c3}FA. %s" "${c4} %s" "${c4} 'VD ${c3}KKKKKKKK'.. ${c2}LJ ${c1}..'KKKKKKKK ${c3}FV %s" "${c4} ' ${c3}VKKKKK'. .4 ${c2}LJ ${c1}K. .'KKKKKV ${c3}' %s" "${c3} 'VK'. .4KK ${c2}LJ ${c1}KKA. .'KV' %s" "${c3} A. . .4KKKK ${c2}LJ ${c1}KKKKA. . .4 %s" "${c3} KKA. 'KKKKK ${c2}LJ ${c1}KKKKK' .4KK %s" "${c3} KKSSA. VKKK ${c2}LJ ${c1}KKKV .4SSKK %s" "${c2} <><><><> %s" "${c2} 'MKKM' %s" "${c2} '' %s") ;; "Jiyuu Linux") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'light blue') # Light Blue fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="31" fulloutput=( "${c1}+++++++++++++++++++++++. %s" "${c1}ss:-......-+so/:----.os- %s" "${c1}ss +s/ os- %s" "${c1}ss :s+ os- %s" "${c1}ss os. os- %s" "${c1}ss .so os- %s" "${c1}ss :s+ os- %s" "${c1}ss /s/ os- %s" "${c1}ss /s: os- %s" "${c1}ss +s- os- %s" "${c1}ss-.....os:..........os- %s" "${c1}++++++++os+++++++++oooo. %s" "${c1} os. ./oo/. %s" "${c1} os. ./oo: %s" "${c1} os. ./oo: %s" "${c1} os oo+- %s" "${c1} os+- %s" "${c1} /. %s") ;; "Antergos") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'blue') # Light Blue c2=$(getColor 'light blue') # Light Blue fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="1" logowidth="41" fulloutput=( "${c1} \`.-/::/-\`\` " "${c1} .-/osssssssso/. %s" "${c1} :osyysssssssyyys+- %s" "${c1} \`.+yyyysssssssssyyyyy+. %s" "${c1} \`/syyyyyssssssssssyyyyys-\` %s" "${c1} \`/yhyyyyysss${c2}++${c1}ssosyyyyhhy/\` %s" "${c1} .ohhhyyyys${c2}o++/+o${c1}so${c2}+${c1}syy${c2}+${c1}shhhho. %s" "${c1} .shhhhys${c2}oo++//+${c1}sss${c2}+++${c1}yyy${c2}+s${c1}hhhhs. %s" "${c1} -yhhhhs${c2}+++++++o${c1}ssso${c2}+++${c1}yyy${c2}s+o${c1}hhddy: %s" "${c1} -yddhhy${c2}o+++++o${c1}syyss${c2}++++${c1}yyy${c2}yooy${c1}hdddy- %s" "${c1} .yddddhs${c2}o++o${c1}syyyyys${c2}+++++${c1}yyhh${c2}sos${c1}hddddy\` %s" "${c1}\`odddddhyosyhyyyyyy${c2}++++++${c1}yhhhyosddddddo %s" "${c1}.dmdddddhhhhhhhyyyo${c2}+++++${c1}shhhhhohddddmmh. %s" "${c1}ddmmdddddhhhhhhhso${c2}++++++${c1}yhhhhhhdddddmmdy %s" "${c1}dmmmdddddddhhhyso${c2}++++++${c1}shhhhhddddddmmmmh %s" "${c1}-dmmmdddddddhhys${c2}o++++o${c1}shhhhdddddddmmmmd- %s" "${c1} .smmmmddddddddhhhhhhhhhdddddddddmmmms. %s" "${c1} \`+ydmmmdddddddddddddddddddmmmmdy/. %s" "${c1} \`.:+ooyyddddddddddddyyso+:.\` %s") ;; "Void Linux") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'green') # Dark Green c2=$(getColor 'light green') # Light Green c3=$(getColor 'dark grey') # Black fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; c3="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="47" fulloutput=( "${c2} __.;=====;.__ %s" "${c2} _.=+==++=++=+=+===;. %s" "${c2} -=+++=+===+=+=+++++=_ %s" "${c1} . ${c2}-=:\`\` \`--==+=++==. %s" "${c1} _vi, ${c2}\` --+=++++: %s" "${c1} .uvnvi. ${c2}_._ -==+==+. %s" "${c1} .vvnvnI\` ${c2}.;==|==;. :|=||=|. %s" "${c3} +QmQQm${c1}pvvnv; ${c3}_yYsyQQWUUQQQm #QmQ#${c2}:${c3}QQQWUV\$QQmL %s" "${c3} -QQWQW${c1}pvvo${c3}wZ?.wQQQE${c2}==<${c3}QWWQ/QWQW.QQWW${c2}(: ${c3}jQWQE %s" "${c3} -\$QQQQmmU' jQQQ@${c2}+=<${c3}QWQQ)mQQQ.mQQQC${c2}+;${c3}jWQQ@' %s" "${c3} -\$WQ8Y${c1}nI: ${c3}QWQQwgQQWV${c2}\`${c3}mWQQ.jQWQQgyyWW@! %s" "${c1} -1vvnvv. ${c2}\`~+++\` ++|+++ %s" "${c1} +vnvnnv, ${c2}\`-|=== %s" "${c1} +vnvnvns. . ${c2}:=- %s" "${c1} -Invnvvnsi..___..=sv=. ${c2}\` %s" "${c1} +Invnvnvnnnnnnnnvvnn;. %s" "${c1} ~|Invnvnvvnvvvnnv}+\` %s" "${c1} -~\"|{*l}*|\"\"~ %s") ;; "NixOS") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'blue') c2=$(getColor 'light blue') fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="45" fulloutput=( "${c1} ::::. ${c2}'::::: ::::' %s" "${c1} '::::: ${c2}':::::. ::::' %s" "${c1} ::::: ${c2}'::::.::::: %s" "${c1} .......:::::..... ${c2}:::::::: %s" "${c1} ::::::::::::::::::. ${c2}:::::: ${c1}::::. %s" "${c1} ::::::::::::::::::::: ${c2}:::::. ${c1}.::::' %s" "${c2} ..... ::::' ${c1}:::::' %s" "${c2} ::::: '::' ${c1}:::::' %s" "${c2} ........::::: ' ${c1}:::::::::::. %s" "${c2}::::::::::::: ${c1}::::::::::::: %s" "${c2} ::::::::::: ${c1}.. ::::: %s" "${c2} .::::: ${c1}.::: ::::: %s" "${c2} .::::: ${c1}::::: ''''' ${c2}..... %s" "${c2} ::::: ${c1}':::::. ${c2}......:::::::::::::' %s" "${c2} ::: ${c1}::::::. ${c2}':::::::::::::::::' %s" "${c1} .:::::::: ${c2}':::::::::: %s" "${c1} .::::''::::. ${c2}'::::. %s" "${c1} .::::' ::::. ${c2}'::::. %s" "${c1} .:::: :::: ${c2}'::::. %s") ;; "Guix System") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'orange') c2=$(getColor 'light orange') fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="40" fulloutput=( "${c1} + ? %s" "${c1} ?? ?I %s" "${c1} ??I? I??N ${c2}??? ${c1}???? %s" "${c1} ?III7${c2}??????? ??????${c1}7III?Z %s" "${c1} OI77\$${c2}????? ?????${c1}$77IIII %s" "${c1} ????? ${c2}???? %s" "${c1} ???ID ${c2}???? %s" "${c1} IIII ${c2}+???? %s" "${c1} IIIII ${c2}???? %s" "${c1} IIII ${c2}????? %s" "${c1} IIIII ${c2}???? %s" "${c1} II77 ${c2}????$ %s" "${c1} 7777+${c2}???? %s" "${c1} 77++?${c2}??$ %s" "${c1} N?+???${c2}? %s") ;; "BunsenLabs") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'blue') fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="5" logowidth="25" fulloutput=( "${c1} HC] " "${c1} H]]]] " "${c1} H]]]]]]4 " "${c1} @C]]]]]]]]* " "${c1} @]]]]]]]]]]xd " "${c1} @]]]]]]]]]]]]]d %s" "${c1} 0]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] %s" "${c1} kx]]]]]]x]]x]]]]]%% %s" "${c1} #x]]]]]]]]]]]]]x]]]d %s" "${c1} #]]]]]]qW x]]x]]]]]4 %s" "${c1} k]x]]xg %%x]]]]]]%% %s" "${c1} Wx]]]W x]]]]]]] %s" "${c1} #]]]4 xx]]x]] %s" "${c1} px] ]]]]]x %s" "${c1} Wx] x]]x]] %s" "${c1} &x x]]]] %s" "${c1} m x]]]] %s" "${c1} x]x] %s" "${c1} x]]] %s" "${c1} ]]]] %s" "${c1} x]x %s" "${c1} x]q %s" "${c1} ]g %s" "${c1} q %s") ;; "SteamOS") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'grey') # Gray c2=$(getColor 'purple') # Dark Purple c3=$(getColor 'light purple') # Light Purple fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; c3="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="37" fulloutput=( "${c2} .,,,,. %s" "${c2} .,'onNMMMMMNNnn',. %s" "${c2} .'oNM${c3}ANK${c2}MMMMMMMMMMMNNn'. %s" "${c3} .'ANMMMMMMMXK${c2}NNWWWPFFWNNMNn. %s" "${c3} ;NNMMMMMMMMMMNWW'' ${c2},.., 'WMMM, %s" "${c3} ;NMMMMV+##+VNWWW' ${c3}.+;'':+, 'WM${c2}W, %s" "${c3} ,VNNWP+${c1}######${c3}+WW, ${c1}+: ${c3}:+, +MMM, %s" "${c3} '${c1}+#############, +. ,+' ${c3}+NMMM %s" "${c1} '*#########*' '*,,*' ${c3}.+NMMMM. %s" "${c1} \`'*###*' ,.,;###${c3}+WNM, %s" "${c1} .,;;, .;##########${c3}+W %s" "${c1} ,',. '; ,+##############' %s" "${c1} '###+. :,. .,; ,###############' %s" "${c1} '####.. \`'' .,###############' %s" "${c1} '#####+++################' %s" "${c1} '*##################*' %s" "${c1} ''*##########*'' %s" "${c1} '''''' %s") ;; "SailfishOS") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'dark grey') # Grey fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="32" fulloutput=( "${c1} _a@b %s" "${c1} _#b (b %s" "${c1} _@@ @_ _, %s" "${c1} _#^@ _#*^^*gg,aa@^^ %s" "${c1} #- @@^ _a@^^ %s" "${c1} @_ *g#b %s" "${c1} ^@_ ^@_ %s" "${c1} ^@_ @ %s" "${c1} @(b (b %s" "${c1} #b(b#^ %s" "${c1} _@_#@^ %s" "${c1} _a@a*^ %s" "${c1} ,a@*^ %s") ;; "Qubes OS") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'cyan') c2=$(getColor 'blue') c3=$(getColor 'light blue') fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; c3="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="47" fulloutput=( "${c3} #### %s" "${c3} ######## %s" "${c3} ############ %s" "${c3} ####### ####### %s" "${c1} #${c3}###### ######${c2}# %s" "${c1} ####${c3}### ###${c2}#### %s" "${c1} ###### ${c2} ###### %s" "${c1} ###### ${c2} ###### %s" "${c1} ###### ${c2} ###### %s" "${c1} ###### ${c2} ###### %s" "${c1} ###### ${c2} ###### %s" "${c1} ####### ${c2} ####### %s" "${c1} ####### ${c2} ######### %s" "${c1} ####### ${c2} ############## %s" "${c1} ######${c2}###### ###### %s" "${c1} ####${c2}#### ### %s" "${c1} ##${c2}## %s" "${c1} %s") ;; "PCLinuxOS") if [[ "$no_color" != "1" ]]; then c1=$(getColor 'blue') # Blue c2=$(getColor 'light grey') # White fi if [ -n "${my_lcolor}" ]; then c1="${my_lcolor}"; c2="${my_lcolor}"; fi startline="0" logowidth="50" fulloutput=( "${c1} %s" "${c1} %s" "${c1} --. (( %s" "${c1} Aoooooooooooo>--. \\\\\\ %s" "${c1} AooodNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN>--. )) %s" "${c2} (${c1} AoodNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN>-///' %s" "${c2} \\\\\\\\${c1}AodNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNY/ %s" "${c1} AodNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN %s" "${c1} AdNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNA %s" "${c1} (${c2}/)${c1}NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNA %s" "${c2} //${c1}0; a--)); do while (( (rand=RANDOM) >= f_max )); do :; done rand=$(( rand % (a+1) )) tmp=${fulloutput[a]} fulloutput[a]=${fulloutput[rand]} fulloutput[rand]=$tmp done for ((b=o_size-1; b>0; b--)); do rand=$(( rand % (b+1) )) tmp=${out_array[b]} out_array[b]=${out_array[rand]} out_array[rand]=$tmp done ;; esac printf "${fulloutput[i]}$c0\n" "${out_array[0]}" if [[ "$i" -ge "$startline" ]]; then unset 'out_array[0]' out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" ) fi done fi # Done with ASCII output } infoDisplay () { textcolor="\033[0m" [[ "$my_hcolor" ]] && textcolor="${my_hcolor}" #TODO: Centralize colors and use them across the board so we only change them one place. myascii="${distro}" [[ "${asc_distro}" ]] && myascii="${asc_distro}" case ${myascii} in "Alpine Linux"|"Arch Linux - Old"|"ArcoLinux"|"blackPanther OS"|"Fedora"|"Korora"|"Chapeau"|"Mandriva"|"Mandrake"| \ "Chakra"|"ChromeOS"|"Sabayon"|"Slackware"|"Mac OS X"|"Trisquel"|"Kali Linux"|"Jiyuu Linux"|"Antergos"| \ "KaOS"|"Logos"|"gNewSense"|"Netrunner"|"NixOS"|"SailfishOS"|"Qubes OS"|"Kogaion"|"PCLinuxOS"| \ "Obarun"|"Siduction"|"Solus"|"SwagArch"|"Parrot Security"|"Zorin OS") labelcolor=$(getColor 'light blue') ;; "Arch Linux"|"Artix Linux"|"Frugalware"|"Mageia"|"Deepin"|"CRUX"|"OS Elbrus"|"EndeavourOS") labelcolor=$(getColor 'light cyan') ;; "Mint"|"LMDE"|"KDE neon"|"openSUSE"|"SUSE Linux Enterprise"|"LinuxDeepin"|"DragonflyBSD"|"Manjaro"| \ "Manjaro-tree"|"Android"|"Void Linux"|"DesaOS") labelcolor=$(getColor 'light green') ;; "Ubuntu"|"FreeBSD"|"FreeBSD - Old"|"Debian"|"Raspbian"|"BSD"|"Red Hat Enterprise Linux"|"Oracle Linux"| \ "Peppermint"|"Cygwin"|"Msys"|"Fuduntu"|"Scientific Linux"|"DragonFlyBSD"|"BackTrack Linux"|"Red Star OS"| \ "SparkyLinux"|"OBRevenge"|"Source Mage GNU/Linux") labelcolor=$(getColor 'light red') ;; "ROSA"|"januslinux") labelcolor=$(getColor 'white') ;; "CrunchBang"|"Viperr"|"elementary"*) labelcolor=$(getColor 'dark grey') ;; "Gentoo"|"Parabola GNU/Linux-libre"|"Funtoo"|"Funtoo-text"|"BLAG"|"SteamOS"|"Devuan") labelcolor=$(getColor 'light purple') ;; "Haiku") labelcolor=$(getColor 'green') ;; "NetBSD"|"Amazon Linux"|"Proxmox VE") labelcolor=$(getColor 'orange') ;; "CentOS") labelcolor=$(getColor 'yellow') ;; "Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre"|"PureOS"|*) labelcolor=$(getColor 'light grey') ;; esac [[ "$my_lcolor" ]] && labelcolor="${my_lcolor}" if [[ "$art" ]]; then source "$art" fi if [[ "$no_color" == "1" ]]; then labelcolor="" bold="" c0="" textcolor="" fi # Some verbosity stuff [[ "$screenshot" == "1" ]] && verboseOut "Screenshot will be taken after info is displayed." [[ "$upload" == "1" ]] && verboseOut "Screenshot will be transferred/uploaded to specified location." ######################### # Info Variable Setting # ######################### if [[ "${distro}" == "Android" ]]; then myhostname=$(echo -e "${labelcolor} ${hostname}"); out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$myhostname" ) mydistro=$(echo -e "$labelcolor OS:$textcolor $distro $distro_ver"); out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$mydistro" ) mydevice=$(echo -e "$labelcolor Device:$textcolor $device"); out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$mydevice" ) myrom=$(echo -e "$labelcolor ROM:$textcolor $rom"); out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$myrom" ) mybaseband=$(echo -e "$labelcolor Baseband:$textcolor $baseband"); out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$mybaseband" ) mykernel=$(echo -e "$labelcolor Kernel:$textcolor $kernel"); out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$mykernel" ) myuptime=$(echo -e "$labelcolor Uptime:$textcolor $uptime"); out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$myuptime" ) mycpu=$(echo -e "$labelcolor CPU:$textcolor $cpu"); out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$mycpu" ) mygpu=$(echo -e "$labelcolor GPU:$textcolor $cpu"); out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$mygpu" ) mymem=$(echo -e "$labelcolor RAM:$textcolor $mem"); out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$mymem" ) else if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "host" ]]; then myinfo=$(echo -e "${labelcolor} ${myUser}$textcolor${bold}@${c0}${labelcolor}${myHost}") out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$myinfo" ) ((display_index++)) fi if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "distro" ]]; then if [ "$distro" == "Mac OS X" ]; then sysArch="$(getconf LONG_BIT)bit" prodVers=$(sw_vers | grep 'ProductVersion') prodVers=${prodVers:16} buildVers=$(sw_vers |grep 'BuildVersion') buildVers=${buildVers:14} if [ -n "$distro_more" ]; then mydistro=$(echo -e "$labelcolor OS:$textcolor $distro_more $sysArch") else mydistro=$(echo -e "$labelcolor OS:$textcolor $sysArch $distro $prodVers $buildVers") fi elif [[ "$distro" == "Cygwin" || "$distro" == "Msys" ]]; then distro="$(wmic os get caption | sed 's/\r//g; s/[ \t]*$//g; 2!d')" if [[ "$(wmic os get version | grep -o '^10\.')" == "10." ]]; then distro="$distro (v$(wmic os get version | grep '^10\.' | tr -d ' '))" fi sysArch=$(wmic os get OSArchitecture | sed 's/\r//g; s/[ \t]*$//g; 2!d') mydistro=$(echo -e "$labelcolor OS:$textcolor $distro $sysArch") else if [ -n "$distro_more" ]; then mydistro=$(echo -e "$labelcolor OS:$textcolor $distro_more") else mydistro=$(echo -e "$labelcolor OS:$textcolor $distro $sysArch") fi fi out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$mydistro$wsl" ) ((display_index++)) fi if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "kernel" ]]; then mykernel=$(echo -e "$labelcolor Kernel:$textcolor $kernel") out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$mykernel" ) ((display_index++)) fi if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "uptime" ]]; then myuptime=$(echo -e "$labelcolor Uptime:$textcolor $uptime") out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$myuptime" ) ((display_index++)) fi if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "pkgs" ]]; then mypkgs=$(echo -e "$labelcolor Packages:$textcolor $pkgs") out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$mypkgs" ) ((display_index++)) fi if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "shell" ]]; then myshell=$(echo -e "$labelcolor Shell:$textcolor $myShell") out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$myshell" ) ((display_index++)) fi if [[ -n "$DISPLAY" || "$distro" == "Mac OS X" ]]; then if [ -n "${xResolution}" ]; then if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "res" ]]; then myres=$(echo -e "$labelcolor Resolution:${textcolor} $xResolution") out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$myres" ) ((display_index++)) fi fi if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "de" ]]; then if [[ "${DE}" != "Not Present" ]]; then myde=$(echo -e "$labelcolor DE:$textcolor $DE") out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$myde" ) ((display_index++)) fi fi if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "wm" ]]; then mywm=$(echo -e "$labelcolor WM:$textcolor $WM") out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$mywm" ) ((display_index++)) fi if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "wmtheme" ]]; then if [[ "${Win_theme}" != "Not Applicable" && "${Win_theme}" != "Not Found" ]]; then mywmtheme=$(echo -e "$labelcolor WM Theme:$textcolor $Win_theme") out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$mywmtheme" ) ((display_index++)) fi fi if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "gtk" ]]; then if [ "$distro" == "Mac OS X" ]; then if [[ "$gtkFont" != "Not Applicable" && "$gtkFont" != "Not Found" ]]; then if [ -n "$gtkFont" ]; then myfont=$(echo -e "$labelcolor Font:$textcolor $gtkFont") out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$myfont" ) ((display_index++)) fi fi else if [[ "$gtk2Theme" != "Not Applicable" && "$gtk2Theme" != "Not Found" ]]; then if [ -n "$gtk2Theme" ]; then mygtk2="${gtk2Theme} [GTK2]" fi fi if [[ "$gtk3Theme" != "Not Applicable" && "$gtk3Theme" != "Not Found" ]]; then if [ -n "$mygtk2" ]; then mygtk3=", ${gtk3Theme} [GTK3]" else mygtk3="${gtk3Theme} [GTK3]" fi fi if [[ "$gtk_2line" == "yes" ]]; then mygtk2=$(echo -e "$labelcolor GTK2 Theme:$textcolor $gtk2Theme") out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$mygtk2" ) ((display_index++)) mygtk3=$(echo -e "$labelcolor GTK3 Theme:$textcolor $gtk3Theme") out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$mygtk3" ) ((display_index++)) else if [[ "$gtk2Theme" == "$gtk3Theme" ]]; then if [[ "$gtk2Theme" != "Not Applicable" && "$gtk2Theme" != "Not Found" ]]; then mygtk=$(echo -e "$labelcolor GTK Theme:$textcolor ${gtk2Theme} [GTK2/3]") out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$mygtk" ) ((display_index++)) fi else mygtk=$(echo -e "$labelcolor GTK Theme:$textcolor ${mygtk2}${mygtk3}") out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$mygtk" ) ((display_index++)) fi fi if [[ "$gtkIcons" != "Not Applicable" && "$gtkIcons" != "Not Found" ]]; then if [ -n "$gtkIcons" ]; then myicons=$(echo -e "$labelcolor Icon Theme:$textcolor $gtkIcons") out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$myicons" ) ((display_index++)) fi fi if [[ "$gtkFont" != "Not Applicable" && "$gtkFont" != "Not Found" ]]; then if [ -n "$gtkFont" ]; then myfont=$(echo -e "$labelcolor Font:$textcolor $gtkFont") out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$myfont" ) ((display_index++)) fi fi fi fi elif [[ "$fake_distro" == "Cygwin" || "$fake_distro" == "Msys" || "$fake_distro" == "Windows - Modern" ]]; then if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "res" && -n "$xResolution" ]]; then myres=$(echo -e "$labelcolor Resolution:${textcolor} $xResolution") out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$myres" ) ((display_index++)) fi if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "de" ]]; then if [[ "${DE}" != "Not Present" ]]; then myde=$(echo -e "$labelcolor DE:$textcolor $DE") out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$myde" ) ((display_index++)) fi fi if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "wm" ]]; then mywm=$(echo -e "$labelcolor WM:$textcolor $WM") out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$mywm" ) ((display_index++)) fi if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "wmtheme" ]]; then if [[ "${Win_theme}" != "Not Applicable" && "${Win_theme}" != "Not Found" ]]; then mywmtheme=$(echo -e "$labelcolor WM Theme:$textcolor $Win_theme") out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$mywmtheme" ) ((display_index++)) fi fi elif [[ "$distro" == "Haiku" && -n "${xResolution}" && "${display[@]}" =~ "res" ]]; then myres=$(echo -e "$labelcolor Resolution:${textcolor} $xResolution") out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$myres" ) ((display_index++)) fi if [[ "${fake_distro}" != "Cygwin" && "${fake_distro}" != "Msys" && "${fake_distro}" != "Windows - Modern" && "${display[@]}" =~ "disk" ]]; then mydisk=$(echo -e "$labelcolor Disk:$textcolor $diskusage") out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$mydisk" ) ((display_index++)) fi if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "cpu" ]]; then mycpu=$(echo -e "$labelcolor CPU:$textcolor $cpu") out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$mycpu" ) ((display_index++)) fi if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "gpu" ]] && [[ "$gpu" != "Not Found" ]]; then mygpu=$(echo -e "$labelcolor GPU:$textcolor $gpu") out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$mygpu" ) ((display_index++)) fi if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "mem" ]]; then mymem=$(echo -e "$labelcolor RAM:$textcolor $mem") out_array=( "${out_array[@]}" "$mymem" ) ((display_index++)) fi if [[ "$use_customlines" = 1 ]]; then customlines fi fi if [[ "$display_type" == "ASCII" ]]; then asciiText else if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "host" ]]; then echo -e "$myinfo"; fi if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "distro" ]]; then echo -e "$mydistro"; fi if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "kernel" ]]; then echo -e "$mykernel"; fi if [[ "${distro}" == "Android" ]]; then echo -e "$mydevice" echo -e "$myrom" echo -e "$mybaseband" echo -e "$mykernel" echo -e "$myuptime" echo -e "$mycpu" echo -e "$mymem" else if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "uptime" ]]; then echo -e "$myuptime"; fi if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "pkgs" && "$mypkgs" != "Unknown" ]]; then echo -e "$mypkgs"; fi if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "shell" ]]; then echo -e "$myshell"; fi if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "res" ]]; then test -z "$myres" || echo -e "$myres" fi if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "de" ]]; then if [[ "${DE}" != "Not Present" ]]; then echo -e "$myde"; fi fi if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "wm" ]]; then test -z "$mywm" || echo -e "$mywm" if [[ "${Win_theme}" != "Not Applicable" && "${Win_theme}" != "Not Found" ]]; then test -z "$mywmtheme" || echo -e "$mywmtheme" fi fi if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "gtk" ]]; then if [[ "$gtk_2line" == "yes" ]]; then test -z "$mygtk2" || echo -e "$mygtk2" test -z "$mygtk3" || echo -e "$mygtk3" else test -z "$mygtk" || echo -e "$mygtk" fi test -z "$myicons" || echo -e "$myicons" test -z "$myfont" || echo -e "$myfont" fi if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "disk" ]]; then echo -e "$mydisk"; fi if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "cpu" ]]; then echo -e "$mycpu"; fi if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "gpu" ]]; then echo -e "$mygpu"; fi if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "mem" ]]; then echo -e "$mymem"; fi fi fi } ################## # Let's Do This! ################## if [[ -f "$HOME/.screenfetchOR" ]]; then source "$HOME/.screenfetchOR" fi if [[ "$overrideDisplay" ]]; then verboseOut "Found 'd' flag in syntax. Overriding display..." OLDIFS=$IFS IFS=';' for i in ${overrideDisplay}; do modchar="${i:0:1}" if [[ "${modchar}" == "-" ]]; then i=${i/${modchar}} _OLDIFS=IFS IFS=, for n in $i; do if [[ ! "${display[@]}" =~ "$n" ]]; then echo "The var $n is not currently being displayed." else for e in "${!display[@]}"; do if [[ ${display[e]} = "$n" ]]; then unset 'display[e]' fi done fi done IFS=$_OLDIFS elif [[ "${modchar}" == "+" ]]; then i=${i/${modchar}} _OLDIFS=IFS IFS=, for n in $i; do if [[ "${valid_display[@]}" =~ "$n" ]]; then if [[ "${display[@]}" =~ "$n" ]]; then echo "The $n var is already being displayed." else display+=("$n") fi else echo "The var $n is not a valid display var." fi done IFS=$_OLDIFS else IFS=$OLDIFS i="${i//,/ }" display=( "$i" ) fi done IFS=$OLDIFS fi for i in "${display[@]}"; do if [[ -n "$i" ]]; then if [[ $i =~ wm ]]; then test -z "$WM" && detectwm test -z "$Win_theme" && detectwmtheme else if [[ "${display[*]}" =~ "$i" ]]; then if [[ "$errorSuppress" == "1" ]]; then detect"${i}" 2>/dev/null else detect"${i}" fi fi fi fi done # Check for android if [[ -f /system/build.prop && "${distro}" != "SailfishOS" ]]; then distro="Android" detectmem detectuptime detectkernel detectdroid infoDisplay exit 0 fi if [ "$gpu" = 'Not Found' ] ; then DetectIntelGPU fi infoDisplay [ "$screenshot" == "1" ] && takeShot exit 0