{ "result": [ { "category_id": 12, "category_name": "Profit BUSD", "category_description": "According to the BUSD results on the account", "achievements": [ { "achievement_id": 69, "name": "Wood", "information": "The Wood achievement is awarded to users who have earned 100 BUSD in Forsage.", "image_url": "https:\/\/forsage-storage.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com\/system\/achievements\/profit_busd\/100.png", "priority": 100 }, { "achievement_id": 70, "name": "Steel", "information": "The Steel achievement is awarded to users who have earned 1000 BUSD in Forsage.", "image_url": "https:\/\/forsage-storage.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com\/system\/achievements\/profit_busd\/1000.png", "priority": 1000 }, { "achievement_id": 71, "name": "Silver", "information": "The Silver achievement is awarded to users who have earned 10000 BUSD in Forsage.", "image_url": "https:\/\/forsage-storage.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com\/system\/achievements\/profit_busd\/10000.png", "priority": 10000 }, { "achievement_id": 72, "name": "Gold", "information": "The Gold achievement is awarded to users who have earned 50000 BUSD in Forsage.", "image_url": "https:\/\/forsage-storage.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com\/system\/achievements\/profit_busd\/50000.png", "priority": 50000 }, { "achievement_id": 73, "name": "Sapphire", "information": "The Sapphire achievement is awarded to users who have earned 100000 BUSD in Forsage.", "image_url": "https:\/\/forsage-storage.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com\/system\/achievements\/profit_busd\/100000.png", "priority": 100000 } ] }, { "category_id": 13, "category_name": "Personal Partners", "category_description": "By the number of partners", "achievements": [ { "achievement_id": 59, "name": "Newbie", "information": "The Newbie achievement is awarded to users who have invited 3 personal partners.", "image_url": "https:\/\/forsage-storage.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com\/system\/achievements\/partners\/3.png", "priority": 3 }, { "achievement_id": 60, "name": "Experienced", "information": "The Experienced achievement is awarded to users who have invited 5 personal partners.", "image_url": "https:\/\/forsage-storage.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com\/system\/achievements\/partners\/5.png", "priority": 5 }, { "achievement_id": 61, "name": "Skilled", "information": "The Skilled achievement is awarded to users who have invited 10 personal partners.", "image_url": "https:\/\/forsage-storage.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com\/system\/achievements\/partners\/10.png", "priority": 10 }, { "achievement_id": 62, "name": "Skilled", "information": "The Expert achievement is awarded to users who have invited 50 personal partners.", "image_url": "https:\/\/forsage-storage.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com\/system\/achievements\/partners\/50.png", "priority": 50 }, { "achievement_id": 63, "name": "Master", "information": "The Master achievement is awarded to users who have invited 100 personal partners.", "image_url": "https:\/\/forsage-storage.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com\/system\/achievements\/partners\/100.png", "priority": 100 } ] }, { "category_id": 14, "category_name": "Team", "category_description": "By the number of people in the structure", "achievements": [ { "achievement_id": 64, "name": "Junior", "information": "The Junior achievement is awarded to users who have 100 partners in your structure. This includes both your personal partners and those who were invited by your partners.", "image_url": "https:\/\/forsage-storage.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com\/system\/achievements\/team\/100.png", "priority": 100 }, { "achievement_id": 65, "name": "Businessman", "information": "The Businessman achievement is awarded to users who have 500 partners in your structure. This includes both your personal partners and those who were invited by your partners.", "image_url": "https:\/\/forsage-storage.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com\/system\/achievements\/team\/500.png", "priority": 500 }, { "achievement_id": 66, "name": "Leader", "information": "The Leader achievement is awarded to users who have 1000 partners in your structure. This includes both your personal partners and those who were invited by your partners.", "image_url": "https:\/\/forsage-storage.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com\/system\/achievements\/team\/1000.png", "priority": 1000 }, { "achievement_id": 67, "name": "Big Boss", "information": "The Big Boss achievement is awarded to users who have 10000 partners in your structure. This includes both your personal partners and those who were invited by your partners.", "image_url": "https:\/\/forsage-storage.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com\/system\/achievements\/team\/10000.png", "priority": 10000 }, { "achievement_id": 68, "name": "Legend", "information": "The Legend achievement is awarded to users who have 25000 partners in your structure. This includes both your personal partners and those who were invited by your partners.", "image_url": "https:\/\/forsage-storage.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com\/system\/achievements\/team\/25000.png", "priority": 25000 } ] }, { "category_id": 15, "category_name": "Profit BNB", "category_description": "According to the BNB results on the account", "achievements": [ { "achievement_id": 74, "name": "Wood", "information": "The Wood achievement is awarded to users who have earned 0.4 BNB in Forsage.", "image_url": "https:\/\/forsage-storage.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com\/system\/achievements\/profit_bnb\/0.4.png", "priority": 4 }, { "achievement_id": 75, "name": "Steel", "information": "The Steel achievement is awarded to users who have earned 2 BNB in Forsage.", "image_url": "https:\/\/forsage-storage.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com\/system\/achievements\/profit_bnb\/2.png", "priority": 20 }, { "achievement_id": 76, "name": "Silver", "information": "The Silver achievement is awarded to users who have earned 10 BNB in Forsage.", "image_url": "https:\/\/forsage-storage.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com\/system\/achievements\/profit_bnb\/10.png", "priority": 100 }, { "achievement_id": 77, "name": "Gold", "information": "The Gold achievement is awarded to users who have earned 50 BNB in Forsage.", "image_url": "https:\/\/forsage-storage.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com\/system\/achievements\/profit_bnb\/50.png", "priority": 500 }, { "achievement_id": 78, "name": "Sapphire", "information": "The Sapphire achievement is awarded to users who have earned 100 BNB in Forsage.", "image_url": "https:\/\/forsage-storage.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com\/system\/achievements\/profit_bnb\/100.png", "priority": 1000 } ] }, { "category_id": 16, "category_name": "Test", "category_description": "by admin", "achievements": [ { "achievement_id": 32, "name": "new name", "information": "new test", "image_url": "https:\/\/forsage-storage.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com\/system\/achievements\/TLCop2rY82zfpxqiB2vzEvxlqY7TwguD48BgXYOR.png", "priority": 1 }, { "achievement_id": 33, "name": "new name 2", "information": "new test 2", "image_url": "https:\/\/forsage-storage.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com\/system\/achievements\/TLCop2rY82zfpxqiB2vzEvxlqY7TwguD48BgXYOR.png", "priority": 2 }, { "achievement_id": 34, "name": "new name 2", "information": "new test 2", "image_url": "https:\/\/forsage-storage.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com\/system\/achievements\/TLCop2rY82zfpxqiB2vzEvxlqY7TwguD48BgXYOR.png", "priority": 3 }, { "achievement_id": 35, "name": "new name 2", "information": "new test 2", "image_url": "https:\/\/forsage-storage.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com\/system\/achievements\/TLCop2rY82zfpxqiB2vzEvxlqY7TwguD48BgXYOR.png", "priority": 4 }, { "achievement_id": 36, "name": "new name 2", "information": "new test 2", "image_url": "https:\/\/forsage-storage.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com\/system\/achievements\/TLCop2rY82zfpxqiB2vzEvxlqY7TwguD48BgXYOR.png", "priority": 5 }, { "achievement_id": 37, "name": "new name 2", "information": "new test 2", "image_url": "https:\/\/forsage-storage.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com\/system\/achievements\/TLCop2rY82zfpxqiB2vzEvxlqY7TwguD48BgXYOR.png", "priority": 6 }, { "achievement_id": 38, "name": "new name 2", "information": "new test 2", "image_url": "https:\/\/forsage-storage.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com\/system\/achievements\/TLCop2rY82zfpxqiB2vzEvxlqY7TwguD48BgXYOR.png", "priority": 7 } ] }, { "category_id": 17, "category_name": "test", "category_description": "first test", "achievements": [ { "achievement_id": 79, "name": "test item", "information": "info test", "image_url": "https:\/\/forsage-storage.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com\/system\/achievements\/a7g3E1n9SaL6QuGVECvvG487i20I3kon0ufOXGpb.png", "priority": 0 } ] } ] }