using static System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles.VisualStyleElement.Header; namespace math_quiz { public partial class Form1 : Form { public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); } private void startButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { StartTheQuiz(); startButton.Enabled = false; } private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (CheckTheAnswer()) { // If CheckTheAnswer() returns true, then the user // got the answer right. Stop the timer // and show a MessageBox. timer1.Stop(); MessageBox.Show("You got all the answers right!", "Congratulations!"); startButton.Enabled = true; } else if (timeLeft > 0) { // If CheckTheAnswer() returns false, keep counting // down. Decrease the time left by one second and // display the new time left by updating the // Time Left label. timeLeft = timeLeft - 1; timeLabel.Text = timeLeft + " seconds"; } else { // If the user ran out of time, stop the timer, show // a MessageBox, and fill in the answers. timer1.Stop(); timeLabel.Text = "Time's up!"; MessageBox.Show("You didn't finish in time.", "Sorry!"); sum.Value = addend1 + addend2; difference.Value = minuend - subtrahend; product.Value = multiplicand * multiplier; quotient.Value = dividend / divisor; startButton.Enabled = true; } } // Create a Random object called randomizer // to generate random numbers. Random randomizer = new Random(); // These integer variables store the numbers // for the addition problem. int addend1; int addend2; int minuend; int subtrahend; // These integer variables store the numbers // for the multiplication problem. int multiplicand; int multiplier; // These integer variables store the numbers // for the division problem. int dividend; int divisor; int timeLeft; /// /// Start the quiz by filling in all of the problem /// values and starting the timer. /// public void StartTheQuiz() { // Fill in the addition problem. // Generate two random numbers to add. // Store the values in the variables 'addend1' and 'addend2'. addend1 = randomizer.Next(51); addend2 = randomizer.Next(51); // Convert the two randomly generated numbers // into strings so that they can be displayed // in the label controls. plusLeftLabel.Text = addend1.ToString(); plusRightLabel.Text = addend2.ToString(); // 'sum' is the name of the NumericUpDown control. // This step makes sure its value is zero before // adding any values to it. sum.Value = 0; // Fill in the subtraction problem. minuend = randomizer.Next(1, 101); subtrahend = randomizer.Next(1, minuend); minusLeftLabel.Text = minuend.ToString(); minusRightLabel.Text = subtrahend.ToString(); difference.Value = 0; // Fill in the multiplication problem. multiplicand = randomizer.Next(2, 11); multiplier = randomizer.Next(2, 11); timesLeftLabel.Text = multiplicand.ToString(); timesRightLabel.Text = multiplier.ToString(); product.Value = 0; // Fill in the division problem. divisor = randomizer.Next(2, 11); int temporaryQuotient = randomizer.Next(2, 11); dividend = divisor * temporaryQuotient; dividedLeftLabel.Text = dividend.ToString(); dividedRightLabel.Text = divisor.ToString(); quotient.Value = 0; // Start the timer. timeLeft = 30; timeLabel.Text = "30 seconds"; timer1.Start(); } /// /// Check the answers to see if the user got everything right. /// /// True if the answer's correct, false otherwise. private bool CheckTheAnswer() { if ((addend1 + addend2 == sum.Value) && (minuend - subtrahend == difference.Value) && (multiplicand * multiplier == product.Value) && (dividend / divisor == quotient.Value)) return true; else return false; } private void answear_Enter(object sender, EventArgs e) { NumericUpDown answerBox = sender as NumericUpDown; if (answerBox != null) { int lengthOfAnswer = answerBox.Value.ToString().Length; answerBox.Select(0, lengthOfAnswer); } } private void answer_Enter(object sender, EventArgs e) { } } }